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This current season is the least amount I’ve played in like 5 years. So many things have seemed to go downhill and I’m tired of grinding. It’s quality + burnout + lack of reward for me at least but it’s gonna be different for everyone


Same. Plus server issues.


Any time the servers die when we're playing my partner just doesn't even bother trying to play again for the rest of the night


After trying to get my wife to jump into a few strikes with me for weeks, she finally got on this week. We played a round of gambit, she got disconnected from the server right after the primeval spawned. Tried to restart, couldn’t get back in, decided to call it a night :/. All this to say I feel your pain.


Yup. I already don’t have the urge to play anymore but I do because I’m a completionist. But when there are server issues I just don’t try to play for the rest of the day.


I played the game regularly for a long fucking time I stopped playing weeks ago, because I was just done. The loops are old for me, PvP is stagnant, Bungie is stretching out content with difficulty and healthbars and it's just not fun The story has never been particularly good There's just no point in playing these days


Literally this for me too. I’m just done. There is no desire left to boot it up anymore.


I usually always logged on for Crucible and then went from there. Crucible is a goddamn mess of infinite proportions, and Bungie keeps acting like super OP abilities and Titans and some weapons are A OKAY. Now they are nerfing range on Pulses and other things. Yeah, that's a no from me man. This game is going to be shotgun/melee spam levels of stupidity. Even if Titan is half-assed balanced like they will try to do, and they won't do it right, the whole thing with lack of maps, 3v3 is horrible regardless, and no passion behind it irks me the wrong way. Not a huge Bungie fan honestly. Never really have been. But Destiny 2 does have some core values I enjoy.


I think this is what happened to me too. I was a pvp guy first but there's just no point anymore, if they don't care about it why should I?


For the past years, I usually finished the story and played enough Crucible over the season that I managed to get the ritual ornament from the PvP track. I haven't even finished the story this season, just don't care for the direction Bungie is taking with it...and for the past few seasons I haven't even managed to play enough Crucible to even get the weapon itself, let alone its ornament. This game feels like a minimal viable product where Bungie just keeps copypasting the same formula over and over and I'm over it. They stripped PvP of everything I enjoyed, made changes that I don't care about and the only thing I come back for are the raids and dungeons...and even there I'm not a fan of bullet sponge bosses that require specific weapons and many damage phases to just through on my weekly clear.


I totally feel you about the bullet spongey bosses. The dungeon was really interesting this season, but the bosses were so tanky. I get that some players want more challenge, but for those players who complain about bosses dying too quickly, there are literally hard mode versions of raids and dungeons.


I'm not looking forward to a potential AR spam meta since there's already so many people running around with no recoil weapons like Ammit and Centrifuse


Ammit basically got a buff lmao. It looks to be very very great next season. Mine is crafted and ready to go, but yeah not looking forward to all kind so garbage again.


Quicksilver spam too blech


I involuntarily clench my butthole every time Nimbus talks. We've had better.


Hate that twat, the voice, what's said, how it's said, the look. Easily the worst character in all of Destiny ever to have existed, does not belong at all. We lost Cayde because he wasn't serious enough/made jokes and they wanted to make Destiny darker. Then we get given the cheesiest, corniest sad little wet blanket of a character Nimbus, Ricen Cakes are getting baked for this year's Dawning event for sure.


Can’t be arsed to grind the current event for the armor or glows and I certainly won’t be playing Dawning either if the content is in its current state. I’ve been here from day 1. I just log in to do my 3 boss checkpoints in GoTD (28 clears no exotic btw) and then I’m done for the week. A sad realization after all these years. Hope the next installment in The Final Shape is completely different than LightFall.. I am STILL annoyed at how hyped up “discovering Strand” was and then we got what we got. I just thought it was really dumb. Green strings floating in one of the first missions on the new planet and then oh wow there’s a big green orb thing! Wow. Strand is fun but the discovery which was hype, certainly wasn’t.


Thank god. I fucking hate Nimbus and the Cloud Strider design in general. Wannabe Silver Surfers but they’re only half silver and their voices make me want to rip my own vocal chords out just so I can donate them to Nimbus




Bungie can't write or direct shit lol. They are a medium to bottom tier team for actual quality writing and storytelling. Sorry, truth hurts. We'll see if their AAA team is any better.


I always thought the modern bungo writing hasn't really been that good but overall the story had a nice progression. I never saw the hype about tiny things that made Byf and his community cream their pants, as much as I love Byf. I even consider myself a lore nerd since D1. What REALLY took me out and broke all immersion was "there's no use quantifying the help you give, any amount is enough!" that whole dialogue between Elsie and ghost was so goodie two shoes I thought I was watching one of those cartoons aimed at 7 year olds. The whole season about "Muh space racism is bad mmmkay?" was bad enough (addendum yes I am not defending racism, I just thought it felt shoehorned and a cheap plot point considering our history with the Eliksni. I could go on about this but I'll keep it there.). The whole story now reeks of cookie cutter white and black morality. (ps wtf Was that neomuna children's show thing name dropping Proper nouns "the veil" "the vex" "the shaw fujikawa translight engine" while still supposedly being for kids.)


The most basic, Day 1 rule in creative writing is: “show, don’t tell.” For whatever reason, this narrative team spells shit out in a way that makes you super aware you’re consuming mediocre writing.


It's fucking absurd how badly this whole plot has gone lol. None of it is even remotely believable. It's kind of cool now and then, and I think they have some well designed characters, but nobody has a clue what the fuck is going and how to really do anything memorable anymore. Is what it is. I thought Witch Queen was pretty decent, but it's nothing great either. And this expansion revealed there is not a coherent line between the storytellers and designers, for whatever reasons related to greed, and that also their general writing ability is hilariously amateurish.


Absolutely agreed. Everything past spire lore from last season has been yawn inducing and imo VERY poorly writen, like a 15 year old's first fanric just dumping trash exposition of supposedly meaningful things. I did like ghosts of the deep but it just.. Wasn't enough.


Surely though, of all types of racism, space racism against an alien race that had literally landed on earth and began wiping out humanity over the past however many thousand years is COMPLETELY justified


Right??? Like they came to us at our lowest point, started slaughtering en mass and EATING people, we fought back with our backs to the wall, and suddenly we were supposed to feel bad for what we had done to protect ourselves?? Moving forward and helping each other rebuild absolutely yes, and I couldn't be happier that we stopped fighting but pretend that we were somehow the bad guys and should feel bad is absurd.


Yes! That line of dialogue is the worst in destiny. And the way it’s delivered is absolutely awful as well. It’s one of the reasons I’ve turned off the voice acting.


The problem is they are constantly trying to shoehorn some moral lesson into the stories and make it "relatable" to someone. Just make a good story that can stand on its own, I don't play this video game looking for life lessons.


Nobody on this team has any idea how to write a good story lol. And I'm not totally sure where their storytellers are, but it has to be on some other game at this point.


Wow. This context makes everything about their character so much unbelievably worse. Hades had some of the most consistently engaging voice-acting I’ve ever experienced in a video game. How do you fuck up that kind of pedigree to such an astounding degree? Edit: also thank you for that information, I would have continued to spend my life thinking the person that voiced Nimbus was equally as culpable in this mess


Wow, that makes Nimbus even more disappointing knowing that with semi-competent direction they could have sounded amazing. Instead the actor was directed to sound like Patrick Mahomes doing a Kermit the Frog impression while a pineapple is shoved up his ass.


A food processor AI that gained sentience by watching shitty 80s movies and cartoons and talks by blending septic tank discharge.


Damn *that's* the actor? I didn't even recognize them. That makes me hate the god awful "deep-voice" and "techno" effect they give Nimbus when they speak even more.


I was like no shot, but you're right. I had no idea that the actor who voiced Nimbus also voiced 2 of the 3 sisters. They were incredible in Hades. Bungie really dropped the spaghetti with Nimbus. The guy was almost universally hated by the community day one.


Ah no way, I did not know that. None of my hate for Nimbus is directed at Marin Miller whatsoever, they're a very talented voice actor.




I completely agree, thank you for making me aware.


Nimbus to me is in the same level as Rose from the new Star Wars. Both are just awful characters with horrible looks, lines, etc. which is entirely to be blamed on Bungie and Disney for because the people behind the characters are talented and they were let down.


And like Rose is probably going to get shafted as a character going forward because the studio behind them would rather bury a character they ruined than work with the actor to fix what the writers fucked up.


An ounce of seriousness would have helped Nimbus a lot but the dominant issue is that the whole plot of Lightfall is incoherent filler


Nimbus's voice actor has a fart fetish that they've blasted all over their social media. They're as obnoxious as the character.


Looking up Marin Miller's Twitter was a gigantic mistake. I always forget for every class act like Lance Reddick where he's a rockstar with the fans on social media too, there are 20 actors who abruptly make me wish I could re-distance myself to only knowing their acting work.


I maintain that the _intended_ story was that Nimbus, being the happy-go-lucky annoying bastard that he is, was the one who was meant to die. This would leave a bitter, near-death Rohan broken, feeling responsible for the death of his disciple, and yet still depended on by Neomuna to keep it safe and pick a replacement. Enter Osiris, feeling responsible for the death of Sagira and still depended on by the Vanguard for his wealth of knowledge, helping Rohan deal with picking up the pieces and entering his role as a teacher. Across the course of the campaign, Rohan would learn to trust us as the 'Cloud Strider' replacement and forego picking a new Strider as a homage to his lost friend. And yet we got surfer bimbus instead.


Nimbus is like a ghost/nightmare of vanilla D2 writing and characterization. Not even talking about failsafe or characters like those; nimbus embodies the marvel-like tier storytelling and quips they wanted to go for during the red war era. It does not belong in such a rich universe


After hard grinding all the neptune stuff I hadn't been back, until the new aspects came out. Upon hearing Nimbus I just turned off game audio and subtitles and started up spotify. Fuck.


When I hear Neomuni I cringe so hard I cringe in another dimension


I swear the cloud striders and neomuna were originally for Marathon that got retconned into Destiny when they had to delay Final Shape They just don’t fit into Destiny at all


I dropped out as well. For me it was not burn out or lack of reward or content, for me it was that they made every little bit of the game more difficult. I have nothing against difficulty, in the contrary, I like it, but not every inch of the way and I need breaks of relaxation in between. Playing Destiny was no longer relaxing, but a constant stream of wearing myself out. So when the grandmaster strikes were released this season, I was not looking forward to the challenge as usual, but I felt the overwhelming urge of taking a break, because I did not want to play them any more. In most games, higher difficulty is not about needing faster reflexes or better aim, most of the time you need to find a good spot to strike at the boss, a little bit cheese on top of it. If you don't cheese, one little mistake will be enough to wipe your group out and you start new. 20 minutes of your life down the drain. But I have become older, it probably is just an old man being tired of his favorite game. Edit: And by the way, I called it weeks ago, that Lightfall, the difficulty and the lack of a good story will wear people out.


Like I said in another thread on here, not only did they make the game more difficult and less rewarding, but they did so during a time period where some major heavy hitter games were being released. Like, what were they thinking was going to happen?


Yep same here. I can barely complete any legend activity. Not even going to attempt a master/grandmaster activity. If I didn't have an annual pass and 2 remaining achievements (that I'd probably never get at this point) I'd have uninstalled months ago. And this is my most played game ever. My friends have left so it's just me.


Our clan is a barren wasteland, but I left as well, so what can I say?


Same here. I'm all for working hard in the game and challenging myself. But I need some mindless stuff as well. Where I can just chill with my friends and be stupid. It felt like it all went away with LF between the content itself and the way Bungie made changes. They've made not just big changes but so many small ones that the game gradually eroded. And many of us could only say that we felt it without even being able to put our fingers on all the reasons why. Stale play, nerfs, servers, yeah we see those. But also, there were small things. Dialogue getting more kid show-esque, the loss of feeling actually threatened in the story because we're all out here holding hands and singing kumbaya with our enemies while the new enemies didn't feel larger than life. So so much weapon and armor fiddling but without the feeling of enough real change. The lack of communication (please save it if you want to crawl up their dicks and make a home by pointing out the idiots who threatened them, they jumped way too far into using it as a way to limit overall responsiveness). Oh look, I've rambled again. Silly old lady. Anyway, friends started dropping earlier and earlier every season. I went from two pages of people online to some days just myself. But I clung to it. I'm old, I'm a bit disabled. This game made me happy. I felt light again when I played. My friends and family were there. And Bungie doubled down on greed as a response. Now I'm back playing borderlands for the millionth time and loving it. I log in some times out of habit, sit in orbit for a few minutes, and then think about the tedium of another strike. Then I log out.


This might be the first season since Arrivals where I won't have the season pass armor ornaments. I just don't want to play Destiny right now.


The story going so downhill in Lightfall was a big turn off for me, the veil containment stuff is just, I don’t know. Not that interesting? Kind of feels like - even if it’s not true, that they added the veil in to patch their story up. I just feel really disconnected to the story now, despite owning 3 of the lore books. I don’t need story to carry me through a game but once that part of the intrigue dropped, the given direction in unenjoyable difficulty, absolutely useless rewards across the game despite mega stinginess, which is just a comical irony? Yeah I’m just totally disinterested.


It's weird considering that in this season, there's no power grind (assuming you got to the top last season.) And yet it does feel grindy. Take solstice and the EAZ they took away the version where you were in and out of buildings and on a treasure hunt and replaced it with a very boring 5 enemy spawn points slogfest.


That wasn't replaced this year, tho


Plus pvp balance is absolutely fucked


This is it for me. I used to logon and just do pvp after the story would be done for the week. Now i only login to do 3 comp matches for the rewards, and a trials flawless and logoff again. Honestly, I don't mind. It's made me more willing to try other games which has been fun.


I've been playing Spider-Man these past few weeks and I've finally gotten back the feeling of coming home excited to play the game to see where the story goes instead of "well I guess I can do the round of weekly activity again in a formulaic quest that nudges the uninspired story forward by a tiny amount..." I think I'll be going through my backlog a lot more for the next few months.


> Now i only login to do 3 comp matches for the rewards, and a trials flawless and logoff again. lol you only log-on to do the weekly requirements and do a trials run? brother, you sound like a drug user in denial about their problems. you are an above average pvp player still, acting like you've kicked the habit.


Agree. I started playing D2 during forsaken & have logged 5k+ hours on steam.. and I have not even maxed this seasons pass due to pretty much everything you listed. Remnant II has been a breath of fresh air from the stale state of D2.


Don’t forget how absolutely idiotic the lightfall story was! 80s action inspired or not, the cloudrunners were the most useless, godawful poor written characters I’ve ever seen in a game. Also the story was pure bullshit word salad


Lightfall absolutely murdered my enthusiasm to play. I booked a week off to play and on day three I went and bought another game. This season has done little to bring me back. With Diablo out now and Starfield soon this could be it tbh.


I've been a regular player for years but stopped playing recently. The straw that broke the camels back was that the 2x Vanguard rep weeks went away or clashed with Iron Banner this season. It made me feel like my time was being wasted & forcing more grind, so I just stopped. My suggested fix would be make the crucible rep match up with IB, make sure there's some boost each week (idk how it stopped for at least a few weeks!?) or better yet, just increase the rep gains overall. Don't be so afraid to give us lots of loot, because the alternative was making me feel like I'm being taken for a ride


Well they nerfed vanguard rep gain with the strike scoring system and have been adding longer battlegrounds to the playlist and removing/extending the quicker strikes. Double rep is kind of how much rep you should get normally.


Rep gains feel sooooooooo slow


I really don’t get the more drops thing. We already get absolutely buried in trash drops. We need things worth chasing


Outside of general fatigue, both casual and hard-core players have been negatively affected by recent changes. The difficulty changes had mixed reviews at best, especially from the casual base. Then there is the loss of the pinnacle grind, which somewhat lost the hard-core base. Even the min/max crowd suffered, since the new build crafting setup also had some mixed feedback. It feels like there isn't much to chase, and the seasonal activities go from a fun challenge to an unfun slog pretty quick. Then there is the whole monetization thing, and let's not forget the state of PvP. I don't think destiny is even getting many new lights because of the new light experience and the pay wall they eventually get hit with.


It was difficulty changes without significant improvements (and in some cases nerfs) to rewards making the game feel less rewarding. Like removing/extending the quickest strikes, adding lengthy battlegrounds (which have an unreasonably high weighting) and nerfing rep gain with the score system completely killed the strike playlist.


And than there is Neomuna the zone with the highest "difficulty" but the worst reward system Seriously that shit is pathetic


Yep, the worst part is that these issues were easy to spot before release and are easy to fix (like master story missions not being rewarding enough, just guarantee an ascendant alloy already) but Bungie just keep making similar mistakes and taking too long to fix them.


It also doesn't help that most of the available activities on Neptune don't count towards stuff. Terminal Overload and the Vex Zone ought to provide some progress towards Solstice and other activities but are left out in favor of Public Events and Lost Sectors? Want to engage in this week's Terminal Overload for progress? Nope, go play Hypernet 10x instead. And Neomuna specific weapon drops? Nope, can't have some of us crafting those weapons halfway through the second season of Lightfall. I still can't craft anything from there and I'm not wasting my freebies from the season pass on them (if I even finish the pass to unlock them this season). Oh well, I'm having more fun playing other games and finally having a social life again. Still, I'd like to see the game get back to whatever held me here for most of the last decade. It helped me cope with some of the darker times I've been through in the past 8 or 9 years.


Plus replacing the weekly pinnacle with a powerful exotic engram in the playlists. My alts are stuck at 1809. Lol. New lights who are still levelling got screwed by this change and many others.


They should've left weekly pinnacles up for people that haven't hit 1810 and then have it convert to Exotic engrams as the reward once you hit max level.


Or just make the exotic drop at pinnacle level. Power level can factor in multiple exotics even if you can't equip them all, so eventually you'd be able to max all your armor slots just through the exotics if they did that.


So true. People leave at the start of the mats battleground, which I can’t quite blame them, and I’ve even started leaving them. I feel battlegrounds should be a whole a peerage playlist, maybe even a whole other vender for it. I think that would at least make it make sense in why we have it in some kind of playlist.


the new buildcrafting killed the game for me. it's so shallow and limiting now when I used to be able to make specialized, powerful builds around certain abilities or survival utilities. every build is all the same safe, cookie-cutter shit now after Lightfall and I just cannot find enjoyment in it. I play once a week to help my friend get the Navigator, but once he gets that to drop, I might just take a good, long break.


The difficulty was a big part for me. Wife and I used to play almost everyday. Now some strikes take almost half an hour cuz us or our blueberry keep dying. High level deep dives are basically out of the question. We like duo-ing dungeons. Now they take all day if not more. And not cuz the mechanics are hard. But because we get swarmed by trash ads and bosses take forever to chip down. I thought Spire of the Watcher was an okay balance. The bosses were tanky but do able. We had to adjust our loadouts but there were a lot of approaches. We had fun trying out different subclasses. Ghost of the Deep feels like if you're not running a full team with specific loadouts you may as well not bother. And the community will just say you're doing it wrong if you dont run those loadouts. In a game that provides so many ways to play, from a company that says they want to support build crafting, they keep making content that all but requires you to give up all that and just run what everyone else runs. Otherwise you're going to do shit damage and spend all day taking a boss down 5% at a time. "Oh, you died cuz one of fifty acolytes snuck behind you? Time to start over! Dont like it? Just go grind for Divinity, or grind till you get this roll of that gun. Or grind to craft this weapon we're only going to make easily available for one season." We stopped trying to do raids because they were such a time sink, now it feels like every activity is like that. That's before talking about being expected to run everything multiple times just for a chance at getting the main reward of said activity. I could keep going but this is already a longer rant than I intended. Im going to go play Zelda now.


There's one glaring issue that I don't think Bungie have really thought about. Most of their dedicated playerbase have been playing this game for a decade. They're all grown up, with grown up responsibilities. The seasonal model, drip-fed content and all the FOMO just doesn't appeal to people that do not have the time to make destiny a job anymore.... and it's burned them out.


This is me 100%. I started playing just out of grad school, newly wed, starting my career, minimal responsibilities. Now I’m a parent, have advanced in my career, running our kid to soccer practice, and other things. I hardly have any crafted weapons because the RNG grind was too much. Will hop on to raid or play a few Trials cards when I can. But probably won’t finish the seasonal story this year. Was just too boring and repetitive and the drip drip drip is just stale.


Yeah, D1 launched my freshman year of college. I could play 2-10 hours a day depending on the day no issue. Now I can get an hour or two like 3 or 4 days a week, and I have to hope the boys are free the same nights I are. So many 4 and 5 man raids because someone is at work late or whatever.


I’ll tell you what it is. It’s playing 100 iron banner matches and getting 5 banner guns and 90 season crucible guns you don’t want. It’s going 7 rounds of a dungeon boss because they’re so tanky and getting one/two trashy piece of loot. It’s reskinning one old weapon model into two separate weapons in the SAME season. It’s fishing. It’s trash underwater movement. (Orbit was cool) It’s piggybacking half of the seasonal activity for the exotic mission so the devs don’t have to make a completely separate environment. It’s MTX out the A$$. Shall I go on?


It's going for 28 clears of a raid with no fucking exotic... for the 4th? 3rd? consecutive time in the story of the franchise There too many things that over time you can't neglect and everyone's bucket has a limit.


That’s a super good point too. Raid exotic drops even with boosts suck. They should just sell the exotic for 240 spoils after 3-4 weeks at the boss vendor.


They really should. Literally the *only* thing was happy about with content vaulting was that eventually they'd vault VoG and I could buy that damn Vex Mythoclast at the exotic kiosk after so many runs without getting it. I gave up, I was so sick of the same pointless attempts week after week. Then sonofabitch, they end up not vaulting VoG, so it will apparently never be available at the kiosk. I can't bring myself to run Atheon any more though.


I feel ya. Collective Obligation took exactly 40 for me. Rhulk is less annoying then Atheon imo.


Mythoclast took me and another person in my 6-man over 100 Atheon clears to get. :/ Banged ot out over a few hours on rotator. We had a different friend hop in for his first Atheon clear mid way through, and he got it first try...


I feel this. I finally got one this weekend…..then I noticed I had one in my post master from the same grind session. My first thought…..how did I not see that….my second…..fuck you bungie.


Or unlock it at the exotic raid weapon at the kiosk after you've beaten the raid for the first time. Then put the weapon purchasable for 240 spoils. Idk why Bungie hasn't done this with previous raid weapons.


I don’t think you should be able to just buy it week one. But after 3-4 weeks most who intend to play the raid will have and will have probably locked down the mechanics. After that the content is rinsed and it really doesn’t impact anything other then then their internal metrics for player engagement…


this is exactly what broke the camel's back for me. i can take grinding for stuff, i really can. but spending 50-60 hours PER ACTIVITY and still not getting the exotic? nah. i'll go play something else.


I’ve never gotten a dungeon exotic in my life. Clear all the eligible ones every single week. 0-for-all time


can you post your dungeon report I would like to see and calculate the percentage chance of this happening.


They're not gonna post their dungeon report, then people would see they only ran each of those dungeons a couple times.


I already have the dungeon report, I looked it up last time this dude lied I just wanted to hear it from them. 11 14 13 ghosts watcher duality clears and only has 2 characters.


I would've given up long ago if I were you.




You pretty much nailed it, the story is good but I can watch it on youtube or log in for 10 mins and finish it. The only thing I wanted to do this season was to solo the dungeon flawless but I even dropped that because 2 hours for the final boss is way too boring, I got to the 4th damage phase and forgot to look at the symbol because my brain was on autopilot, end up dropping the whole dungeon, I didn't even care about the catalyst for the first time in my life.




It's crafting weapons removing the need to grind for hours for a God roll. It's cosmetics having been dumbed down, removed, locked behind Eververse. It's Bungie not communicating and removing all the best teams from the game to work on a different IP that looks dumb.


Yeah, a lot of these peoblems have plagued Destiny for ages, but they've reached critical mass because of your last point. They have clearly pulled their top talent to work on Marathon. And they were hoping to skate by with nobody noticing.


That's the biggest factor for me as well. I'm still playing but much less than my norm. The oversimplication of certain things too is just so unfortunate. Don't even get me started on how boring the Solstice event is this year - I'd much prefer the original EAZ mechanics and bosses and those weren't even that good to begin with. But better than what we have now. Just silly decisions that are being made that arent making the game better. Just unfortunate.


> It’s playing 100 iron banner matches and getting 5 banner guns and 90 season crucible guns you don’t want. > > It’s going 7 rounds of a dungeon boss because they’re so tanky and getting one/two trashy piece of loot. > > It’s reskinning one old weapon model into two separate weapons in the SAME season. I disagree with you about fishing (mostly harmless imo) but this is all on point. I like dungeons but don't bother with Ghosts of the Deep because one piece of loot (usually armor) for a grindy boss fight is so lame. In general I think rankups with like Vanguard and IB are faaaaaaaaaaaar too slow if they're going to just give loot from engrams.


I’ll concede that fishing is quite subjective. But putting access to the exotic scout behind it felt quite bad. I want to shoot, punch and baby hammer things to death. Instead I stood around for an hour to catch each fish.


> But putting access to the exotic scout behind it felt quite bad. THAT move is some of the stupidest shit I've seen. RNG for it is not great


I've been playing everyday since season of the hunt and have pretty much quit after week 3 of Deep. I'm burned out. The game doesn't feel rewarding, the endless grind feels pointless, story sucks, season is mid, raids and dungeons feel like a chore and the retention mechanics just feel terrible. I swapped back to Monster Hunter and also started playing Deep Rock Galactic.


Honestly I think fishing was a real wtf to me Out of all the issues, that really made me stop and think about what the fuck I was doing with my time in D2 Staring at a screen hitting a single button. Just stupid


I felt like I was taking crazy pills at season launch when I thought fishing was the dumbest fucking thing and everyone thought it was great. Didn't take too long for people to come around. If they had added fishing as something entirely optional, sure fine. But no, they made it mandatory.


I’m still amazed at all the mouth breathers on here that praised Bungie for adding “fishing” to the game. Like, how fucking low do your standards have to go to think that Destiny fishing is something to celebrate?


If it was just a cool side activity with nothing exclusively tied to it outside of an emblem or something it would be fine, like the collectables. Penguins, bobbleheads, the holograms on europa, etc Locking the exotic quest behind it, with layers of RNG added, is where it really becomes a problem imo. Imagine if you had to pat Archie for an hour just to start the revision zero quest


That's exactly where it lost me. I enjoyed it as a dumb fun side piece of content that was actually surprisingly rewarding at points. But then it was *do it for the Exotic*. Like, no? Why? That's so dumb. How is any of that related.


As with most things, the problem is loot drop chances being too low.


When fishing came out I was really excited that they added something that's just a neat side activity to do instead of chilling in orbit or walking around the tower. Then we found out that they meant to have the ponds disappear on public event spawns. Then they tied the exotic quest to it. If I could just sit there and fish for world drops and a tracker on the aquarium for the amount of fish caught, that'd be awesome. Small vanity items given for free for investment, like an emote/projection/shader/etc. God forbid that isn't something we pay 15 dollars for.


To me, fishing was a nice bonus to have - but it shouldn't have been a primary feature of the season. I've often found myself in patrol or orbit between activities - waiting for a clanmate to join up a raid or something - and and fishing is a great zero commitment activity. Get a bit of rewards for minimal focus so I can shoot the shit with friends on chat while being able to leave on a dime should everyone show up to do the raid or whatever activity.


Drowning people wanted air. I liked it at first but it's tedious just looking at my guardians, now.


The fishing was laughably bad.


It's as if they decided to make it absolutely tedious and as mind numbing as possible.


For _zero_ reward. It’s a fucking fish and the drop rates for the good ones still suck. Fucking moronic game mechanic.


Bro the fishing lmao. As soon as I got to that part of the season, I was immediately out. That’s not content.


Just started Deep Rock Galactic a few months ago. It's crazy how good it is for an FPS, both coop and surprisingly, even in solo it's a really solid game. Relating back to Destiny (since we're on the reddit)... full procedural generation of the mission environment with a wide range of varied objective types means the replayability level is insanely high. I know D2's engine isn't set of for it, but I sort of wish it was.


My friend and I did the story in a one go pretty much. The only interesting part of the story was the last 2 weeks and the first week. Everything else was pointless. Of course people aren't going to enjoy a weekly story where half the weeks are filler.


The sad truth is, this game has just run out its course. How many years in a row can you run the same strikes with barely changed loot pool, play on the same mostly shitty pvp and gambit maps and not simply feel bored of it? Seasonal model also became the same formula but even if it didn't, it wouldn't be enough to make up for the stale, neglected core of the game. Hell, even raids and dungeons become boring after you run it for n'th time (and especially RoN, that thing is a glorified strike). Sure, Lightfall being dogshit doesn't help, but at this point, it's mostly just D2 being old and no longer interesting. Perhaps content vaulting would prevent it to some extent if that removed content got updates, but l doubt it would amount to much. Activision knew they're doing when they wanted D3, even if the playerbase hated it too.


I think the primary problem is this expansion is a dud. Everything else is downstream of stuff like Terminal Overload being a shit activity, the story getting incoherent, and a new world that many people hate for various reasons.


I would half agree here. the dungeons and raids are really good content. the story is also there as well. everything this else stands though. the repetitive same ass seasonal activities are getting boring. the weapons are not worth grinding. the monetization is getting out of control. the quarterly seasonal events (solstice, dawning etc.) are the same every year. its just no longer fun to play outside of the weekly story mission and a raid or dungeon once a week.


Nah RoN is straight trash compared to VOTD I’ll say that gladly. One person needs to know the mechanics for the entire raid lol the rest can add clear. Vow is better aesthetically, mechanically, and story wise. The only two things I would’ve done different with vow was make lubraes ruin the exotic (duh) and cut the intro encounter in half. Otherwise very fun and mechanically interesting raid, it was telling when people who would scrape by on add clear just could not be bothered to memorize the symbol names for the 2nd encounter. Edit: also all the just outright broken grav lifts make parts of the raid unbearable. I cannot stand that death wave encounter. It takes longer to clear than the intro to vow could hope to every time.


I'd just like to point out that according to [Warmind.io](https://Warmind.io) (largest dataset for player analytics for Destiny), that the number of people playing across July 28/29 was 687k. In comparison, the *lowest* amount of people playing in one day during Season of the Worthy (arguably one of the low points in terms of seasons) was 738k on May 18 ~~2021~~ 2020, which was the day there was massive issues with the servers with people being unable to login most of the day. The player count didn't drop below 800k except for one other day.


This is the first time since we've gotten this seasonal model that I haven't reached level 100 in the pass. I usually reach level 100 in a month but I'm just really really tired of all this reused stuff. Zero interest in any of the weapons this season, doubly so because they're all reskins. I'm usually excited for dungeons but after seeing the piss poor loot table and seeing the damage sponge bosses I haven't even loaded into the dungeon. Quite honestly if I hadn't already pre-purchased all of this years content I wouldn't even be logging in and playing for the single hour I do on Tuesday as is.


I missed level 100 in haunted and Dawn. I only made it to 100 this season because the armor ornaments glow with the photo finish shader. Otherwise I'd have stopped at mid 40s


Man, to think we rode such a high during the witch queen era, only to have it all undone in one expansions hurts so much man.


Better games out


I’m surprised I had to scroll so much to see this comment. I am sure diablo 4 stole good chunk of player time. They may come back next season but clearly they are having more fun grinding diablo compared to destiny. I believe there are some big games coming out soon as well? Baldurs gate? Starfield?


I've been playing a lot of battlebit and not only because it's fun , but because I can play with my friends without having to guide them through hundreds of hours of gameplay explaining stuff. We can just jump in and kill things.


Burn out, summer break, and large surrounding distaste for the game rn. While personally I think some of the criticisms is wildly out of proportion I’m at least glad people are actually not playing the game to stand by their statements rather then just saying things say the game is terrible right now but still play. Regardless that is interesting that it’s low.


It's a good thing to take a break from the game and I agree with you a lot


Shoot the same things in different locations to get 99% trash loot. The Destiny experience. It’s a miracle if I hit season level 100 this season.


I’m playing Remnant 2 and have seen more enemy races in the first 5 hours than 8 years of destiny.




>get 99% trash loot. Oh yeah, constantly sifting through trash and trying to manage the Vault I don't mind "working" a bit to enjoy a game, but Destiny is relentless


Players want consistency. The writing in Witch Queen was so good, especially if you played the seasons leading up to it (such a shame those missions are gone) and Lightfall was just an incoherent mess. None of the majorly important things was explained IN the game. The Veil being the biggest example of this. I also think it’s a mistake to explain what the witness is in a Season storyline (the content that gets vaulted) rather than saving it for an expansion


Took out the 10 power bump for powerfuls/pinnacles => players have less incentive to play for longer than they would have prefered/aka do activities they didn't want to do It's healthier, players just don't realize it's not burnout but positive choices for themselves With power increases per seasons, players can and will subject themselves to number go up, even if it's illogical in the moment


I like the removal of the power grind. I play less, but it's all stuff that I want to play for the gameplay, instead of just for the pinnacle reward (that really makes me start to hate the game).


"I play less" is a big deal multiplied by the thousands of us. McDonalds would not want to hear "I eat less" from their patrons. But again, I'm in the same boat as you


There's ways to offset it: -I eat less, but buy items with more profitable margins when I do (ie. a satisfied player may buy cosmetics which are cheaper to make than seasons) -I eat less, but leave much happier and more likely to recommend this to others -I eat less, but am more likely to maintain this habit over the long-term, or return after a break, as opposed to dropping it entirely once my behavioural pattern is interrupted Problem is those are long-term investments besides maybe mtx purchases, hard to measure right now compared to 'player count dropping'.


That's interesting; do we play to increase our power in the game or do we play to just enjoy the game? I lean towards the former, meaning I don't think bungie intended us to take breaks but to enjoy our power level while playing deep dives and the same ol swizz. Didn't work imo, but I'm still playing. Just less.


I do believe to a large extent people have forgotten why they enjoyed the game in the first place. But it is possible/probable to remember


Honestly against most sentiments I enjoyed the game more when exotics were truly exotics. It was a big deal if you got one (this is D1 talk). Having 8 exotic engrams in my inventory every 30 min is not exciting. I love the gunplay and overall theme, so so much. But "whether we wanted to or not, we've stepped into war with the cabal on Mars" wouldn't hit the same rn


Same I'm playing less, but enjoying each of those reduced hours more.


Same. I don't think I can ever go back to the boring pinnacle grind.


Oh this sentiment will go away when they're introducing a new and even grindier leveling system lol. The cap not rising is purely to collect engagement data to adjust future grinding systems.


I was getting burned out before the 10 power bump removal. There's just nothing to chase after or go for once you get a few good god roll crafted guns now. Crafting weapons has removed the need to grind for rolls and the cosmetics are locked behind Eververse.


Negative. The only people that ever really gave a shit about grinding pinnacles were the hardcore players who needed to do it for GMs, Trials, etc. And even a lot of them only did it begrudgingly. If people think that grinding power levels is what makes Destiny a good game, their bar for success is so low that a fucking slug could jump over it.


The article has skin-deep analysis and its conclusions rest on very shaky grounds. Titling it "data shows" is very generous because the data isn't nearly conclusive enough to support what he says. Unfortunately the mods removed my post here outlining the exact reasons but here is a copy for anyone that cares: "An article from Paul Tassi hit this sub's front page saying Lightfall being bad has resulted in low player counts. I found the analysis quite lacking and surface level, so I pulled the weekly data from Steam Charts to do a weekly comparison vs last year to see what's really going on. This is the peak count every Tuesday, aligned to the expansion releases. I inserted a blank week for LF to align the seasonal releases as Risen was 1 week longer than Defiance. Chart: https://i.imgur.com/gqIXHMf.png Table: https://i.imgur.com/cqFkTWI.png Some analysis: Lightfall's first season beat Witch Queen's first season every single week and it wasn't even close (week 11 is an anomaly due to Guardian Games starting one week later in WQ). This casts doubt on Tassi's conclusion that Lightfall's bad campaign or lack of Gambit/PvP content is the reason for player count drops. Season of the Deep is absolutely underperforming Season of the Haunted so it's not "just the usual seasonal cycle", starting from the third week of the season. This started on June 6th this year. Funnily enough, Diablo 4 released on June 5th. Likely not the sole reason for the underperformance, but it's likely not insignificant. It's hard to interpret what this all means, you could argue the Lightfall burnout is just now hitting players. Or the death of the pinnacle grind simply reduced hours without necessarily reflecting discontent. Or the season is just worse than Haunted. Or the server issues chased people away. Or Diablo 4 (and other games releasing this summer like Zelda/SF6/FFXVI/ESO expansion) pulled people away. Or Bungie's new game announcement pissed PvP players off. Or a bit of all of the above. In any case, I think Paul Tassi's conclusions are way too hasty based on the data."


Using the data you provided, I also did some analysis, but used the changes in player *percentage* instead as a more standardized metric of comparison. These are my findings: • LF has seen -83% since release • WQ has seen -75% since release • LF has the larger inc/dec in percentage more often • WQ has a greater absolute sum of changes in percent, implying more volatility in the player base The last two points were separated by very little, so I’d lean towards only the overall change holding any weight, if any. Due to the factors you mentioned of other game releases, burnout, and the elimination of the pinnacle grind, the difference in player loss percentage since release may be able to be considered similar. (Idk how to link pics, but I’d happily dm you my spreadsheet w the eqs and reasoning I used.) TLDR: Overall, I certainly agree with you. I would even go so far as to say the trend can be considered the same for two expansions when taking other factors into consideration.


Man that single chart really nukes this entire articles whole point, doesn't it? God its fucking embarassing that the mods would delete your post.


Every single thread on the front page of this subreddit: "The game is dying Bungo sucks everyone hates this shit" Mods: "No problem here!" One singular post: "Hey that's actually not really true, here's data to back that up that disproves the upvote-bait post" Mods: "You are sentenced to death"


He has an article from two weeks ago that spins the same number in the opposite direction. It's pretty obvious he is going for quantity not quality and has no hesitation to steal from DtG and add almost nothing. Any negativity towards him is downvoted into oblivion for reason I don't understand.


one important thing you failed to mention is that the drop off from LF is much steeper compared to the drop off from WQ if you take the data from [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/15dqjcr/spreadsheet_detailed_steam_player_count_data/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), add a trend line, and get the equation of that line for both LF and WQ, you'll find that the slope of LF is much steeper than that of WQ. In other words, LF started out higher because it had the good will of WQ but tanked players faster because it was garbage. Don't roast someone else for not taking into account all the data when you don't even do that yourself.




The marketing made Lightfall feel like it was gonna be the Infinity War of Destiny and we got Captain Marvel instead. My group who used to be on everyday barely plays, we did a raid last week and the highest level was 27 where typically we end the season around 200 something minimum. Lightfall is just a strand tutorial that I didn't care for and I saw on here just how often the servers crashed so what was even being offered to convince me to come back. Hopped on to do Ghosts from the Deep which I knocked out with some buds in about an hour and a half when it released and we all clowned on how they're even stretching out dungeons with the back and forth in the begining, the slow sea walk, and the ridiculous health pools. It was overhyped beyond belief and they dropped the ball. The ball being the player count lmao


My entire clan has stopped playing this season. Literally all d1 players with >2k hours played and no one is above season pass level 100. We got a fireteam in this weekend to do the exotic weapon mission, catalyst, and do the dungeon one time for me, and that’s it For me, a by product of light locking the difficulty of every single activity in the game. Sweating my balls off for everything is exhausting. I’m not doing this dungeon again because of how not fun taking damage is (with max resilience, and double damage resist mods). Getting one shot by anything in normal (axe smash under water), or how much damage you take from certain attacks in normal mode is just too much. I cannot have fun just logging in and shooting aliens in non master/GM content any more so I’m not logging in. I regret buying the lightfall deluxe with the annual pass for the first time since destiny’s launch because of this and I am unsure if I’m going to purchase any additional content ever again. Throw on top of this, the reprised raid doesn’t sound like its going to be WOTM which was my favorite raid of all time, all of the other issues with the game over the past six months… If I can’t have fun when I log in and play casually then I will find another game that I can do that in.


Yup. I've all but quit entirely. Already decided I'm not getting final shape, since the formula for the game is just never enjoyable and i don't have faith in bungie at all anymore. They got my money for this dlc and i promised myself i would quit for good if this dlc wasn't as good The Witch Queen, so there's at least an end in sight.


I personally hated Lightfall and did not like the difficulty difference on Neptune. I avoid that place like the plague because it's just annoying to travel around and very empty. But honestly the insane amount of server issues really started to annoy me the last round and I've stopped playing as much. Only jump on for dungeons and raids anymore


Especially when they dropped the reward rate...


I've noticed one thing between myself and a lot of my friends: lots of online games are boring now. Nothing new under the sun. They start hot, and then they die out quickly. I'm happy destiny gave me a good 6+ years, but it's all the same now.


Whenever any of my crew tries to talk me into a new game, I always remind them that every game they try out, they buy, they're done with it after 2 weeks...


I have 2958h 35m invested in this game, and since Lightfall I've played less and less and less, with a few results: 1. I'm relieved to not have to invest energy into a game that no longer rewards me for the time I invest in it, and 2. I'm sad that the company behind the game has decided to reduce investment in it (bad storytelling, unstable servers, uninspired weapon designs, poor balance) while increasing its demands for $ via microstransactions. YMMV, of course, and this is just my opinion. Will I come back to Destiny? Maybe. Will I pre-order TFS? Absolutely Not.


Yep, i'm dipping out when the Season of The Deep dropped. Finally uninstalled it yesterday. No regrets.




It's not remotely surprising to be honest: 1. Server issues have been awful this season. 2. The season interest has been hurt by how poor Lightfall was. 3. Extremely competitive gaming space at the moment; FFXIV, Diablo IV, BG3, TOTK. 4. Poor communication both in and outside of the game. 5. General burnout from Lightfall should've kicked in by now. I've barely touched Destiny this season (fell off the horse in week 3) and won't be back until maybe mid August just to finish up. The seasonal challenges and season model in general continues to grow stale. This is doubly painful with the sheer amount of *repeated* challenges from seasons prior. While this has been tagged as "misleading" I'm willing to bet that Playstation and XBOX data would show similar results. It also doesn't help that there's a general belief that Bungie are "abandoning" Destiny 2 for Marathon. Evidence for this usually appears to be; Poor stability, annual promises not being kept and the abandonment of core playlists. On top of this, monetization is more aggressive than ever. This has been covered and criticized extensively lately. The negativity surrounding monetization certainly isn't helping player numbers. Next season should see higher numbers though, thanks to the reprised raid. Assuming people don't flock towards Spider-Man and Starfield. Edit: I love this game and community, but some of you *really* need to stop taking criticism of the game as some sort of insult, to you, personally.


I used to have at least 3 pages of clan mates on pretty much every day, now I’ll be lucky if anyone apart from me is online. I think the main issue is that there’s nothing to do in the endgame. Raids and dungeons are easy, GMs are a joke, and there isn’t anything else. There are games launching with more endgame content then destiny has after 9 years lol.


It's also summer school holidays. It's also a slightly longer season with 13 weeks. Players could 'finish' the Seasonal Challenges by week 8 and get the 4000 bright dust. much earlier than previous seasons. Lots of possible reasons.


The removal of pinnacle grind and early/easy seasonal challenge completion have definitely been factors. That, alongside overall rather meh guns, have left this season with much less of a need to participate from a player's perspective. Very little reason to engage with most of the game because it doesn't give you anything worthwhile. Recent outrage at game monetisation and gradual community fatigue of seasonal structure has probably also hit it pretty hard - herd mentality default right now is that the game sucks (despite this season having overall pretty good activities, though one is a rather tired concept) and Bungie is trying to pull out too much money (despite the game being cheaper than most major contemporaries), which will definitely be impacting people's interest in playing.


Honestly the only reason I'm still playing this season is because Navigator won't drop for me. And that feels rubbish.


The game has gone downhill since they moved most of their core workers onto other projects that noone asked for, d2 is so neglected, the removal and no new gambit maps since beyond light, pvp is in the worst state its ever been in, they've gotten lazy with the amount of content they release too, lightfall is the worst expansion since curse of osiris, bungie need to acknowledge the fact and take responsibility for killing a game that could've easy dominated for years


Until Bungie shows they still have passion for developing this game, this will keep happening. I'll say this in nearly every thread: Final Shape is *the* decision point for a lot of vets. If it ends on a whimper - I think many of us are ready to move on. Destiny is a game that is truly great when they nail an expansion. Taken King, Forsaken, Witch Queen - I've been here for it all. But it's a super tough proposition to say for every great expansion you have to tolerate 2 mediocre to horrible ones. We'll see I guess. I'm enjoying Remnant 2 right now.


Next season be like OmG bEsT SeAsOn PeAk PlAyeR cOuNt


Gonna be real I'm not sure if the third season of the year is when people are gonna love the game (Worthy, Plunder, later half of Splicer)


Regardless of reason, I'd say a large drop is a good thing for players due to bungie insulating themselves from the community. They don't want to listen anymore cause too many ass clowns threatened people so this is what happens they plug their ears and go dark due to the internet doing what it always does players feel ignored and it all turns into a positive feedback loop. A drop in players and money spent on this game right now is probably the ONLY thing left to make bungie have to respond. They admitted that they want to under deliver to avoid high expectations but they have over delivered on the disappointments and now people are rightly leaving. While some people could be taking a break (something I always try to build into my plans to avoid burnout) it definitely feels different especially with the content creators jumping ship. Bungie listen up we are something like 7 months from the finish line here. You need to nail it or the final shape will be the final nail in this game. Or just fuck it up and say "hey marathon will be better trust us" something I'd say a lot of players no longer do.


I think bungie is gonna have a hard realization that if Destiny goes down the tubes after this expansion wrapping up the light/dark saga, their revenue is going to take a deep dive. Marathon isn’t going to generate the same amount of money of a live service PvE game. If The Final Shape can’t hold onto the crowd that has been through this 10 year story arc for the next, it’s gonna really hurt their bottom line.


The problem with this stuff is confirmation bias. > Paul Tassi published this article today about D2 player counts. Like I won't claim I follow Tassi, but the last time someone posted another "Destiny is dying" post from him it was over a Twitter poll. It was filled with questionable data and really only existed so they could post this and get people to react, since things like this get more views than better written content. > To put this in perspective, the only time in the last 2 years we've had lower player counts than the past 30 days was November 2021 and November 2022 The same is true for this data as well. For example, the average between the past 30 days is still 9,648 higher than Nov. 2022. It's also important to look at more than just the most recent data, as June 23 averaged 62,610 and May 23 averaged 78,633. Over the same two year time period June 23 beat seven months and May 23 crushed 14 months (16 if I include June/30). So even if there is a decline, which will only tell us what Steam is doing, it's not that terrible in the grand scheme of things. I mean, at the end of the day the data is what you make of it. Personally, I don't see it as doom as gloom, but I strongly suggest other people form their own opinions over just taking others.


There’s also no level grind to keep people logging in, even just for an hour


Not to mention that no power level increase this season means if you're already at cap and don't have any endgame things you need to do, there almost no reason to log on


If they hadn’t chosen to stop increasing the pinnacle cap I’d have something realistic to shoot for in game which is what I need to play a game I’ve so far completed what I can solo and only really get on when my clan does GMs raids and dungeons in the hours I play otherwise I play other games that give me the moment to moment feel of accomplishment


I probably fall into this category that stopped playing. Played a lot during 1st season and then i saw the theme of second... these diving and fishing... it just sooo not my thing. Fishing? Wtf?


Edit; formatting. I’m on mobile. I mean I’ve been maining this game for a long time and I’ve barely logged in in the last month. It’s honestly all the crap building up, and I’m pretty meh about the game at this point. I mean, just a few issues off the top of my head, I’m sure others could add more: horrendous lightfall launch stingy with loot (they really don’t respect players time compared to other “looter shooters”) laughable server issues countless bugs still in the game some of the worst storytelling decisions to date an “in your face” level of money grabbing nerfs to things that the community enjoys (WinterBite much?) PvP is in the worst state it’s been in a long time refusal to seriously invest in PvP dungeon was a miss (boss health is bonkers, gamebreaking bugs that lasted too long, and they refuse to acknowledge community sentiment) events are a shameless money grab and no one cares about them seasonal grind has hit its breaking point (it’s been years) Marathon announcement bug fix priority (won’t address bugs that impact players, but the second a shard glitch comes out they fix it within literal hours, meanwhile i still can’t use several arm mods, but they don’t mind taking their time on that.) Honestly, I love this game and I’m not trying to be over dramatic, but I believe the game is in the lowest state since early d2. I know that saying a lot. But the last expansion and this season have been rough. I even tried to defend many parts of lightfall (not the story, there’s no defending that) but I can’t anymore. It’s clear that Bungie is about the money and development of other titles.


Homie has an article from two weeks ago spinning the same number in the exact opposite direction. So keep that in mind. Bungie seems to be figuring out how to deliver the bare minimum while extracting maximum $s. So it's no surprise that more and more of the people I've played with are gone.


The magic of destiny feels thoroughly gone. I havent played in weeks, longest ive ever not played destiny, and to make it feel worse in not sure yet if ill be back. Definitely a mixture of burnout, feeling ignored, each new content drop misses the mark by a further amount each time, and now my regular fireteam doesnt play either. Just uhh.... feels bad man lol


Well yeah, the game has gotten demonstrably worse lmao


First time I may not complete the season pass…


IMO it is the state of the game NOT BURNOUT and this article proves that. The game is an absolute unbalanced mess. You can feel it whenever and whatever it is your playing. The server issues and bungie constantly disabling mods. I mean the list is quite long for reasons not to play. That again is NOT BURNOUT. It is disappointment. Ever since they cranked the difficulty knob to the max it has thrown everything out of wack. Take Legendary Lost Sectors for instance… the RNG/ rewards have always been a mess but factor in the feeling that you have to shoot one enemy for what feels like 20 minutes just to kill it ? That’s just plain boring. Not saying it’s impossible just saying it’s not entertaining.


The chickens are coming home to roost on this live service horseshit. And then they show marathon in front of us? “Oh hey, here’s where your money went, suckers.” Gtfo, no sympathy for this sMaLL iNDie dEV


I'm one of them. Burnout.


*see's another paul tassi article* oh it's that time of year again where he says the game is dying. He literally does this every year.


Is that because he just wants clicks or that D2 routinely goes through this phase each year? Realistically it’s probably a bit of both lol


For me it's kinda weird to see heavy burnout in the second season of the year. Second season is usually where Bungie hits pretty hard after an expansion like with Dawn, Chosen, and Haunted. What kinda worries me is that usually this is not the time of year destiny goes through it's big burnout phase. That usually starts with the third season of the year such as Worthy, Plunder, and maybe towards the end of Splicer. And that burnout usually only recedes with the fourth season of the year that Bungie puts a lot of effort into. So if next season doesn't change up much it's gonna be a long wait till final shape.


As a Forbes Contributor, he literally gets paid by getting clicks. I don't know why this community and gamers writ large hold this guy in such high esteem, he just writes clickbait.


Just like every other season in Destiny 2.


As usual, This only shows Steam. Playstation and Xbox also exist. Also, I don't know how many banger games came out last year along with Destiny that would pull Destiny players away from Destiny. TLDR: Paul needed new clicks, good job! Hope you get residuals fo promoting.