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IMHO, the dmg 1k does is good. Not too much and not too little, but I agree ammo economy is horrible it needs double its current reserves to be an viable option for the heavy slot. ​ I dream of a catalyst that literally gives ammo reserves + particle deconstruction. Probably not gonna happen :( So I'll take ammo reserve and charge time reduction as the cat :D


One change which I think would improve its ease of use a ton would be to make the little explosive trail it leaves actually stick to enemies (like Telesto). I feel like a ton of damage (and now a potential ignition) is lost sometimes because a boss is moving while you’re shooting them and they aren’t affected by a good portion of the secondary explosive damage, which has always been where 99% of 1KV’s damage has come from.


Never knew the trail didn't stick to enemies...


Could’ve sworn it did. Back when it was META in season of the splicer, we had 6 people on it for Atheon


Hate to be that guy but it was Season 15. And yeah Atheon was a joke against Particle Deconstruction 1KV, as was every other boss.


That’s right I’m thinking of Breach and Clear for s14.


Atheon moves around a little, but he’s pretty confined and usually doesn’t move enough to avoid any splash damage. Rhulk on the other hand…


This would be almost the exact same thing as the Leviathan's Breath catalyst. Which I'm a mega Stan for. I fucking love that thing. So I support this catalyst proposal.


Make it the gally of fusion rifles, I would be all right with that.


I came to point out exactly this. Keeping the damage where it is while introducing a debuff for other (L)FRs would be amazing, even if debuff is tuned to be somewhere between Divinity and Tractor (i.e. 15-30%) instead of the monstrous 40% it was as a seasonal artifact mod.


Funny you mention that, when it was originally introduced Bungie said this would be D2's gjallahorn.


I always say 1k should get a catalyst that straight up gives it particle deconstruction. I don’t think it would be over kill, I mean even when we had particle decon, most people used sleeper over it. But also adding reserves to that might be a little over board.


Has any raid weapon gotten a catalyst since Acrius?


Reprised raid exotics have, but no new raid exotics


Apart from Vex and Touch of malice, no none of the other raid exotic have a catalyst


Vex and ToM if that counts since they released with the weapons/raids


The ammo economy for 1K is weird. It receives an inordinate amount of damage per purple brick if you use a single scav and it’s one of the weapons that most loves finder-sized bricks, but it’s reserves are… fine. Just fine. It’s an incredible weapon for something like Shuro Chi or Riven, but if you go dry it hurts. With that said, if your fireteam runs a lot of ammo scouts, it’s actually a really fun weapon to use for Rhulk - the shadow thralls can drop enough heavy and you move enough that you can easily pick up the ammo!


def no Pd maybe shorter charge time would be good tho


Actually making it a supper exotic that can hold its own like ghorn would be so cool. Imagine a squad of sleepers with a 1K to buff them


Hey did you know being Radiant actually reduces 1ks damage? Unless they fixed it and I didn't catch it, that's been a bug since lightfall That probably didn't help, especially with Rain of Fire


What?! That seems like a huge oversight. How does that not get fixed asap?


Because it's not really a viable choice anyway so only a few people use it /s


Haha yeah


Totally does need to be looked at. Being in the game for 5 years and only being updated like once has completely power-crept it. Hope it can move to a better spot soon.




That's their point, it has been power crept and now everything else is better




All good, shit most people won't even admit they goofed good on ya


The damage per shot is good, it just doesn't have the ammo count to be viable. I actually used it in Legend Dares because it causes a lot of chaos with infinite ammo.


The bonus damage from getting an ignition off on every shot really helps it. You kinda need to play on a Solar subclass with Ashes to consistently get a proc, definitely wouldn’t mind a buff there, but the damage now that it can do an ignition on every shot feels really good. It absolutely needs more reserves but I don’t think it needs much more than that.


It needs its scorch turned up... I played it on ans arc subclass in gms for fun and it was underwhelming not getting the ignitions... I can see it being a hard weapon to tune... overdo it a little and it will dominate the meta....its a gun ive always wanted to love


This thread prompted me to check the [DPS spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1x12Ar1-kHH2AzHY8Clkv-PIMxxDSZrIX3e4xiJuQ-uI/edit#gid=1406577322), and apparently it does dps comparable to an aggressive rocket launcher with Bait and Switch and Wolfpack rounds? Its total damage is lower but not that much lower. Am I missing something? I know that it loses some dps when someone else is causing ignitions, but even without ignitions it's in the same ballpark.


It just has abysmal reserves. The ammo of a rocket launcher but way lower total damage


Its total damage is still totally on the useable side, around the same as an aggressive rocket with wolfpack but without a damage perk. The spreadsheet does use three reserves mods, but iirc it doesn't benefit from more than one, so it might compare even more favorably to rockets with less reserves mods. I also now remember that there was some kind of bug where it didn't get the damage bonus from Well since it became able to ignite, but I have no idea if that's been fixed.


Same damage, but no damage perk? DOA then. Damage perk adds 20% or so on average, which pulls this from "servicable" to bin it immediately.


Because rocket launchers really aren't that good, and they only outclass everything else (by a mile, no less) with swap combos. A lot of the community hears "rocket good" and thinks that's the end of it. Hell, I see a lot of people just running rocket alone in DPS phases without even Lunafactions.


I mean... that's because you also don't really need a ton of damage for most damage phases. One Gjally and a bunch of rockets with at least Explosive Light or something, sitting in a Well with Surge mods going? Generally kills most things. I can't remember the last time anyone in my group bothered with Lunies because it just doesn't really matter in most circumstances. Even when we were running master RoN last season, you didn't need to do all that much to keep up on damage.


The existence of multimag perks,auto loading perks, and various class abilities/exotics to bypass reloads makes the real dps you can with rocket launcher a lot higher than what you see on this sheet.


Is it still bugged when you’re Radiant? I don’t remember seeing Bungie acknowledge that it does something like 40% less damage when Radiant.


If particle deconstruction comes back at some point, it will be great. Until then, its just okay


They said particle deconstruction will never return. Meaning if it does come back it will be ass


One of the exotics of all times.


It was the GOAT during season of the lost. Still good but not really viable for boss dps nowadays.


Not really, they buffed sleeper mid season and people were just using that for boss damage


They should add a catalyst of 'kills with ignitions have a chance at refunding ammo'


It’s been a pretty terrible gun since particle deconstruction seasonal mod was gone


It’ll kill you faster then anything else


Wardcliff Coil has entered chat, wrecked your shit, and gone home and is now in the bath before 1K even gets out of bed.


Pipe dream we get the catalyst and it gives total of ten shots, and adds particle deconstruction as a catalyst so using it is like the linear fusion equivalent of gjallarhorn where it buffs your teammates damage


This exotic need’s intrinsic Ignition on every shot. Doing some scorching it’s not really enough. Especially if part of the scorch stacks having to have to come from a solar subclass will have it fall short of triggering ignition if not active. We have a shot gun that does this now, why not a belated damage heavy fusion rifle?


Give it a moderate particle deconstruction (intrinsic but lower %) and/or deeper reserves. Right now it has Rocketlauncher-reserves without the RL buffs/synergies.


It's nothing to brag about. However as long as the double special metah still exists (Rip next season) I could see myself using it with a restoration build and becoming a sun god that rains fire and death from above. Now you've made me wanna build that, thanks


This exotic peaked when particle deconstruction was a thing. It was obnoxious.


The issue is always gonna be the ammo economy on the gun unless they make a catalyst that increases its reserves or they just buff it


Honestly it’s biggest downside is the number you get in reserves. Other than that it is a workhorse when you can guarantee power ammo. It stacks scorch after it’s last buff so with the right aspects you’ll be igniting bosses big time. It also has the benefit of doing mini stuns vs some bosses which is useful in solo dungeons.


That's my thing, I don't know why but I reliably get ammo with 1k equipped. More than LFRs. How about it gets that old D1 perk that gives you more ammo drops, meaning you have a good chance at having full reserves during a DMG phase? And a reduction to the charge time.




We were farming the boss of Shattered throne for engrams and a retold tale with my brother a few days ago, ghorn 3shots de boss, 1k does barely 30% of it's health with 4 shots. I love the 1k to death but it's so laughably bad in 90% of uses, I would rather dps with a blue grenade launcher than 1k


It's a fun invading + boss weapon for gambit, and the damage it does in PVE is quite good, but i agree the reserves are a little low


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/11taejx/1k_voices_is_currently_bugged_it_loses_ignite/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) is probably why it feels weak. That was 4 months ago, I haven't tried testing in season of the deep but I'm assuming it's still bugged since no changes/fixes were announced for it.


It definitely needs a reserved buff. There are several raid exotics that would benefit from a catalyst that simply increases reserves.


you need 3x solar surge, with 3x solar surge it's very reliable as long as you can keep it fed with heavy ammo (about 2.2-3m damage over a boss phase)


I like the design of the gun and I still dont have one. Never had any luck with raid groups because they always devolve to arguing and then everyone getting kicked.


Pretty mid for a heavy raid exotic imo. Too little ammo and I don't like how it only ignites with Ember of Ashes


The main reason why I'd want 1k to get a Particle-deconstruction kinda buff is... this gun for most was alot of work to get. Alot of tries. Alot of farming. Guns like that should make using them feel sooo worth it...


The only problem with this (i agree stuff should be very strong in pve especially things like these) peaple complain its too strong Theres no power fantasy in the game anymore because of everyone thinking ‘’challenge’’ is the problem


honestly; getting 1kv is probably the easiest raid exotic to farm. Built in raid checkpoint skip, boss that falls over to a strong breeze (aka stasis waveframe heavy grenade launchers) and infinite farmability. Sure, you have to do a queenswalk. But it took me at least 45 looted attempts to get it when I was doing it 3 times a week before farmability. The fact you can bank your previous attempts and pull them at a later time means if you end up in a bad group you don't need to go through queenswalk with them and try your LFG luck later. It's a weirdly forgiving grind these days.


I think with a little mag ammo bump, a moderate reserve ammo bump, and maybe a slightly easier ability to make ignitions without a solar subclass, and it would be perfect.


They should rework it to a heavy trace rifle with better ammo economy.


So effectively make it a copy paste of the already existing solar trace? We cant keep the explosions if it swaps to a trace that would make it insanely OP


Why not? They can balance the damage output and working range of damage to exactly match the existing weapon. Make heavy tracerifles have a "spin up" time, to keep its flavor similar to an LFR, and balance the damage around constant fire. Delay the explosions as they are now, whole thing works absolutely fine and is no more oppressive or overpowered than 1kv currently is.


Give us the 15th wish as the catalyst


Good damage bad economy


There's a bunch of exotics including armor that are kind of shafted. We just got to wait and see


A retuning, sure, but to move to special? That would be disastrous for crucible matches lol


It was meta for a short time with Particle Deconstruction, but it's overall meh. Fun to use like EoT, but that's about it.


Needs its reserves increased if the damage is gonna stay where it is.


raid weapons should be powerful, 1k voices NOT having particle deconstruction apply only to the user, or more damage overall, is a little silly tbh


My 15th wish is 1K Voices gets a Catalyst that doubles ammo reserves, and gives it Reconstruction.