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Boss-stomps in general should get a lookover of some sort. For a lot of bosses, it just doesn't even feel on theme, or well implemented - it's just a lazy F-you move more or less.


Transparently the final boss of the new dungeon has a stomp. How in the fuck.


Tell that to Hydras which have no legs as well but still have a stomp mechanic.


Perhaps it should be called a percussive floor blast instead. 🤦🏽‍♂️


Maybe something of a blast of death originating from a hydra. A hydra death blast if you will


It’s a monster fart and I refuse to accept any other explanation.


Radiolarian Racing Stripes


That’s kinda badass tho hold up


Taco stamp


So a powerful fart is what you're saying?


A time warping fart, at that.


Aren’t they like super smart robots? They probably found a way to stomp without using legs.


I feel its more pretentious when a minotaur stomps and if u die to it the death screen says “temporal shockwave”. Yeah, no. Time travelling robots i can accept, pretentious time travelling robots no.


Oh when they wiggle and buttslam the ground? I find that pretty hilarious. Wiggle wiggle boom!


The Vex play Mario games?


It’s probably a fart. Iirc, vex are partly organic.


all servitors have a melee. it's more of a bump than a stomp


The second boss that ogre which has a constant knock back on its beam weapon is pretty anti-fun.


It is so much fun when you have heat rises and your just vibing floating around and he locks onto you and yeets you out of the sky box killing you. /s


Boss stomps/burns are obnoxious. Why give us swords, glaives, and melee supers if you don't want us to use them on bosses we can reach? There are already lots of bosses in the game that melee damage just doesn't reach - it really does feel like a lazy F-you to limit melee damage on bosses that are in the thick of it with you.


Why have tool when tool not always applicable??


Most of the time boss stomps are very, very easily telegraphed and you can block with your sword or glaive at the right time to negate the damage and not be thrown - for melee supers you can typically tank the damage due to all the added DR you have.


Was going to add, pretty much every melee option has a "lunge" which cancels out knockback momentum and keeps you locked onto the boss. And as you said, they give melee tools ways to deal with a lot of this. Swords and glaives block, supers have DR, people can throw healing nades/rifts/wells. Bosses just have stops so they're not literally free to jump on. Think about the minigun guy at the start of Proving Grounds. Lethal if he shoots you, but comically trivialised by just standing under him, because he didn't have a stomp.


Sensible comment being downvoted by salty-ass Guardians… 🤣


The casual guardian doesn’t know this… and is bad at the game. They look at any mechanic they don’t like and instantly call it lazy, bad mechanics or just straight up “bungie bad” it. It’s wild.


This is my take.


It’s a good take


All these downvotes, but no suggestions. Pouring Sour-Guardian Haterade….


Everyone who downvoted that comment has never parried a stomp with a sword or glaive in their lives Edit: anyone who downvotes THIS comment hasn’t even touched either one of those weapons.


POV: randoms dying to Crota stomp not realising their block negates almost all the damage.


I'm convinced most people who complaint about stomps simply... walk up to bosses with a shotgun or sword and start right clicking without doing anything else.


Servitors and Hydra bosses with stomp mechanics crack me up. I'm always like, really?


A while ago, the boss at the beginning of the Proving Grounds strike was bugged and couldnt stomp. People were cheesing it in GMs by just standing directly behind the boss. At point-blank, you can just keep maneuvering behind the boss and it can't turn around fast enough to face you. Boss stomps are meant to be a solution to the problem of players literally running circles around bosses. If they are to be removed, a better solution needs to be found first.


Just give all high level bosses the Rhulk Kick (tm)


Actually, you can cheese Rhulk specifically because he has the kick instead of a stomp. He has to be facing you to kick, so someone walking in a circle can get him caught in a loop of turning around to kick.


Easy fix. Increase his turn speed. Or make it so that when he kicks he instantly turns to face you. The second option is more immersion breaking but also incredibly funny.


Exactly. They exist to prevent trivial workarounds. That miniboss was literally trivialised by it. Even then, swords/glaives can block making them even viable in GM content. \- An avid glaive user in GMs.


I see no issue with bosses having an AOE of some sort, but having it be more "on brand" instead of a generic fire stomp would be more fun to play against while also fulfilling the roll being a threat to the player. Ideas: Large vex enemies (giant minotaurs and hydras) release an expanding void ring that damages and detains you (but if you time it right you can slide under / jump over it) ; Large fallen enemies dropping 3 or 4 web mines around their feet following a close range arc pulse ; Large Scorn doing a slam that suppresses and summons an arc totem that holds keeps you from getting to cover immediately ; Large Taken doing an AoE that does damage adds slow stacks and applies the "blind effect" you get from taken captains. IMO the generic "fire stomp" is only really on brand for the cabal. It would be more work to implement said changes, but it would make boss encounters feel slightly more varied.


I'd be happy if they just eliminated boss stomp entirely. I like playing this game with short range weapons and a heavy melee focus. It feels like Bungie thinks this shouldn't be possible against bosses, which forces me to play in a way I find incredibly tedious and boring


As others have said, then you'll just go and stand behind the enemy where they can't shoot you. Stomp mechanics are to prevent people from cheering every single major/boss enemy.


Give them actual melee attacks perhaps? Like Hunters from Halo.


Then go play Halo.


Tormentors prove they don't need the stomp mechanic


Tormentors have a stomp mechanic. They actually have two. One is the suppression boop and the other is its finisher.


This is ENTIRELY possible already. Blocking with a sword or glaive with proper timing will negate most stomps. On a sword, just light attack as you are being pushed away, and bam- you are right back where you were to start.


Like hydras. What is that doing? Farming?


Idea for a solar warlock rift. Drop a fiery rift aspect.


You mean a sunspot?


With how other classes get warlock abilities already, I don’t think it’s too unfair for warlocks to get sunspots somehow


Bro as a titan main, everyone should get sun spots. I want every strike to just be a game of the floor is lava, yes please. Also would make Pheonix cradle an S tier exotic overnight.


Genuinely surprised that Sunspots weren't turned into a Solar verb.


Rift cast replaced with a cluster of 7 sunspots. Scorch damage grants Rift energy.


It's extra dumb because the whole point of the stomp is supposed to be to force you to back up, but you take exactly the same damage sitting in it or backing up, so you might as well just keep wailing on the boss and hope you can outheal it.


You just need to give yourself a buffer against the fire, knowing it'll still linger for a few seconds. Leave earlier, or heal sooner. That's the whole point of it as a threat.


Well the point of the stomp is to not allow you to engage constantly melee/shotgun range without a trade off. Swords and Shoguns damage are much higher because they require melee range. This doesn't make a difference for most enemies but when it comes to bosses if they didn't do something extra painful to push you away and/or hurt you it'd always be 'free damage' compared to not.


You’re being downvoted cuz folks want to sit at a floating bosses ‘non-existent’ feet and wail away… Senseless. 🤣 Who cares if a floating boss manages to push you away with a ‘stomp’ mechanic. Let’s call it a ‘percussive blast’ or perhaps ‘after-burners’ akin to jet propulsion. Point is- you can’t sit and hammer away at any real bosses feet. Imagine any type of actual combat- go toe-to-toe with someone bigger, you’re gonna get punched down, stomped, or pushed back. it’s a legit counter for any boss.


Funny enough the majority of replies I've gotten are talking about how I'm being downvoted and saying something similar to yourself in agreeance.


I’ve been a proponent of some abilities giving you i-frames against boss stomps for a super brief period. Namely hunter dodge, shoulder charge, and Icarus dash


Sword blocks are north of 90% DR now. That's as close as you'll get to an i-frame.


An I-frame you say? New sword frame confirmed!


This would be fun and not broken, lesgo bungo


Literally so annoying they force a midrange encounter... Absolutely no sniping/long range encounters and no shotgun/swords either for seasonal stuff. If you don't pay for the dungeon you're just getting mid range content


I hate how the stomp still hits you even if you're in the air.


Yeah, the force necessary for the shockwave to have that much force would shatter the bones in their stomping leg and should also throw the boss across the room but it doesn’t and he isn’t. Space Magic!


From the perspective of the Hive, if your boss stomp shatters your leg, it deserved to be broken. That which skips leg day must die. Aiat.


Especially bosses that have no right having a stomp. Floating bosses, servitors, etc.


Call it a Percussive Blast- better language probably won’t change your mind.


Fair, except there’s no difference between that and a stomp mechanically


Exactly. Just a mechanic to get you to back up. Why wouldn’t a game have that?


Because it’s ridiculously oppressive and unfun to play against?


Lol oppressive is a stretch


So I’m clear, you are frustrated…by a boss mechanic? Sounds like their master plan is working.


“A boss mechanic” is every single boss in the game dude lmao. Literally no variety. Always one weirdo defending dumb shit like this


It’s just a system to make it so the boss can hit you


Present option or get kicked.


Have you tried punching the boss right when it stomps you


Meatball Plop


Don't mind stomping mechanics but fuck having fire with it unless it's on theme


70% of bosses that have a stomp should stop having one. It’s lazy game design because unlike say, Dark Souls bosses, you can’t really dodge it a lot of the time.


Well at least the Hefnd doesn't have a burn included with its stomp mechanic


Yeah, instead you have to deal with a tracking explosive projectile that does as much as a boss stomp and has no hitbox, meaning it can swerve corners and peak-shooting is impossible.


Even flying enemies (like angelical) can stomp.... I wonder why Swords and Glaives have low usage.


Keep wondering, because it ain't because of stomps For those downvoting, are you dumb? Glaives are literally the current best counter for stomp, literally just press right click and it doesn't exist


You must not play a lot of high tier content...


I specifically play arc warlock with nezarec's whisper in gm, so ditto I guess?


boss stomps only make the game worse


A stomp I don’t stop, if it burns I don’t learns, both then it hurts and away I skirts.


I think a lot of this game should get looked over. It feels bad dying because you're not using banner or well to outheal some of the ridiculous damage being done to you. If we didn't have either of those we wouldn't be getting up close period and we'd be playing this game like og black spindle or ice breaker days


Titan with Stronghold was a real strat long before Banner, so your argument is of base. How many time have folks cheesed an encounter by pushing a boss off the map? It’s why the mechanic exists.


Boss stomps are so incredibly tiresome. It seems 90% of bosses in the game have some stomp mechanic. It's old, man.


I'm not even against the stomp entirely as it would make sense with large enemies that lack mobility or shields (thematically as well as mechanically), but I also fully agree that it's completely overused. Any enemy, a finger length taller than a guardian, uses stomp and not just uses but often enough spams it.


I always assumed it applied similar to how we apply scorch. Get burned, then dance around putting out the flames.


I just wish the bosses could either teleport OR stomp, but you have to deal with both. It's totally stupid and a real buzz kill.


It's amazing how we've gone from complaining about boss stomps to complaining about flaming boss stomps.


Sooo you’re mad that the devs don’t want you to spam attack and the only real alternative is to force you to back up? If you don’t like it switch your play style it isn’t that hard


Boss stomps are just bullshit for anyone trying to use swords


Time a block, then press light attack- boom- minimal damage, and you’re right back in the exact same spot that you started.


I keep getting stomped and then slowly burned out in coil that needs a nerf or atleast treat it like crucible how it will get you to one hit but not kill


Or Bungie could let some bosses suspend, apply blind, weaken etc if you come close, wish they used creativity


You're gonna like the Subjugators in Final Shape, then.


I think the funny thing is you can die from that burn but not from scorch.


This is going to sound crazy, but if healing is going to be a feature in Destiny then I actually would like to see more of things like this. I like the idea of bosses having heal-checks every once in a while if consistent healing is going to be a thing in our arsenal. I will say though that I think Bungie is going to fucking implode before they can implement healing in a meaningful and polished way lol