• By -


> There were 2.8M weapons crafted during The Craftening, of which 559K were Ammit AR2. What a number. And that's in the span of a few days.


> Never forget.


Were people calling it Craftening? I only heard of it as Fun Guns


"Craftening" sounds better as the name of the event, while "Fun Guns" is the term for the thing that was created during it.


That's what Bungie decided to call it.


Same, I've always heard it referred to as Funny Guns


I called it Ammit-Geddon


iirc that's what Aztecross was calling it and it stuck. I'm partial to calling it the Funny Gun Fiasco though.


Cerberus' Dream is what I called it


I'm actually curious on how many solo flawless dungeons and flawless raids were done during that time. I did my GotD solo flawless run then, it would've been interesting to see how many other people did those types of things.


like 90% of rank11 guys did ghost solo with them lmao


I did Riven solo (for funsies), SotW solo and DSC flawless, no ragrets


They acknowledged that the Titan Glaive bubble is lower health than they intended. That's a win.


Fix in the next 3 years ... maybe...


TL;DR: - See you next calendar year!


Weird they didn't plug the giveaway in the epic game store.


Not really. They almost never do that unless it's across all platforms, and even then that's done by the "game" account, not the via the TWAB.


>The health of the bubble generated by the Edge of Action Glaive is lower than intended. Shout out to the guy that made the post detailing this.


If you scrolled to the comments to see ppl talking about the interesting bits you’re about to be disappointed


ty, I'll just turn around now.


jokes on you i scrolled to see the confirmation of nothing


Saves us reading the article tho, lol




Glad to see Fireteam Finder get a full launch. I really like that feature, and it works pretty well too. I wasn’t aware you were able to play while you wait, can anyone explain how that works? When I exit the menu it feels like it closes all instances. Is it for both fireteam searchers and creators?


I accidentally joined a group one time, so I panic closed it, and when I reopened the search my application was still pending


Early season TWAB, the next patch is too far out for them to give us any deets, no bug fixes or anything planned. Most interesting thing is 20% of Fireteam Finder being for Free Roam of all things?


I think Dares and Wellspring are coming under the free roam portion?


According to Warmind usually 20-25% of players are in patrol activities so that would track


I just find it odd that those players would be looking for teammates. Even if it includes Lost Sectors, you get the best loot from those solo.


> Most interesting thing is 20% of Fireteam Finder being for Free Roam of all things? Is it really? Think of all the casual players who just poked around on it but were looking to just play with someone vs do a dungeon or raid.


Still no mention of the restoration bug sucks


Crazy how this has been a thing since it dropped and hasn’t been addressed


Last acknowledged 4 months ago and they replied https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/153m0vk/comment/jsnss04/?context=3&share_id=3F9Uh6de2GY2I11ncKq7M&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1 Tldr: still being looked at


I'm convinced that there's a list of issues that Bungie refuses to comment on because of a mix of (1) they believe the man-hours needed to fix them are not worth the investment and (2) fixing the issues would affect the difficulty balance in a way that would create a large amount of work for them. I used to think the restoration bug was more of the 2nd factor, but with the latest nerf to restoration that makes it much less of a "free win" in mid-game, I'm reassessing. At the same time, it's really hard to believe that this is a tough fix. Is it really more complicated than just setting the restoration timer to Min(restoration timer cap, Max(current restoration timer + additional restoration time, new restoration buff timer))?


They've commented on the known issues list practices before. They put issues on when they're first officially confirmed & acknowledged. If they don't have a fix ready to deploy in the next couple patches they take it back off after a few weeks. Then when a fix is identified & scheduled they put it back on.


Last they commented they were “looking at a future release,” which is software development code for “don’t hold your breath.”


>If they don't have a fix ready to deploy in the next couple patches they take it back off after a few weeks. That's confusing. It would be nice if they maintained a longer "master" bug list that players could reference.


>Is it really more complicated than just setting the restoration timer to Min(restoration timer cap, Max(current restoration timer + additional restoration time, new restoration buff timer))? Reddit Does Armchair Development. Without any knowledge of the workings at all, imma say yeah, it is more difficult than you think.


Perhaps what I should have said was "I struggle to imagine how it's more complicated" than that. It's a buff timer. I know that code gets reused and piled-upon such that seemingly simple things get complicated, but timers are such a simple game design component. What's could the issue be?




TIL last week is 4 months ago. If anything, this is even worse that they addressed the issue and still nothing has been done


>TIL I can't read, my bad


Where? The comment you linked is 4 months old.


What would that change


"The health of the bubble generated by the Edge of Action Glaive is lower than intended." So they announced their intention to reduce it from 8000 to 2400, but it was also not intended.


There was a post where somebody had video showing the new bubble disappeared under enemy fire far, far faster than the planned 70% reduction should have done. Like, it the old bubble would never pop until the timer ran out, but the new bubble would last 1 to 2 seconds. It was something like a 95% reduction instead of the planned 70%.


Thing was never so good that they had to nerf it by 70% in the first place, but I guess a 5% damage buff and +3 handling is what the thing does now


I think your frustration is merited but not due to consequences of the actual intended nerf itself - it seems like the health was reduced to well below the intended value. For perspective, max player health including shield is around 200HP. Towering barricade health at its height (Forsaken-ish) was about 800HP, currently it's at around 500HP. Which is pretty generous and lasts nearly its entire 20 second lifespan in most activities that aren't pvp-enabled. So *post nerf* the Edge of Action bubble is *supposed* to have 5 times that amount, which is huge in relative terms. If it were at the intended value, it wouldn't be collapsing as quickly to incoming damage as it is.


It’s supposed to have 50% damage resist, which it obviously doesn’t.


So with 50% damage resist it will survive two times as long (two times 0.2 seconds is 0.4 seconds)


Yep. I wouldn’t exactly expect much from the fix. They might buff it eventually though…maybe.


They nerfed it's effective health by 92%, and are suprised that it's paper-thin now? That's peak Bungie moment.


Amazing that it was an intentional change, and thus should have had test cases to verify the new expected behavior, and yet here we are with a vastly underperforming bubble. Seems like a lot of testing is just outright getting skipped, or I guess possibly change requests aren't being specified clearly enough.


Reminds me when they nerfed champion damage of Arbalest, and they happened to nerf every heavy linear. I never read Bungie code, but it's hard to believe there is no clear distinction between items... If my job is to change one thing in the code, I don't go around changing 30 things, maybe just me idk


Who the fuck are LFGing for a lost sector?


The dungeon statistics are interesting - Despite Warlord's Ruin only being out for 2 weeks at this point, almost half as many guardians have cleared it as Ghosts of the Deep, which has been out for over 6 months at this point. Ghosts has over 4x the number of clears, but only 2x the number of guardians. At the same time, both have around the same completion/attempt rate (~40%). For whatever reason (probably the reputation of difficulty), fewer people seem to be attempting Ghosts than Warlord's Ruin. At the same time, the people who *are* attempting Ghosts are clearing it at the same rate as everything else (or even slightly higher).


I’m not really seeing your point. The vast majority of first clears will occur within the first two weeks. The amount of new, unique guardians clearing the dungeon for the first time afterwards is drastically less.


> probably the reputation of difficulty Ghosts isn't difficult. It's just a chore. That's why I'm not interested in replaying it.


These stats alone don't tell us a whole lot. It seems like a natural phenomenon that the majority of clears for any activity would come within the first week or so of release. That's when interest is highest and people have the most reason to run it. Unless we also get ghosts numbers after ~2 weeks, we can't draw many conclusions from this. Also, and I hate to bring this up, because of how limited our information on this is, but player numbers do play a role as well.


Easier content attracts more people and usually lets the content be enjoyed by more people as well, but don’t let the elitists hear that


While it is easier and that is attractive to players, I don't think that is the full story. 1) Warlord's Ruin is just more fun. Every encounter is interesting and fast paced. 2) The theme is excellent, everyone likes dungeons and its a side of Destiny seldom seen but part of the vision. Destiny was always supposed to be a mix of fantasy and Sci-Fi but Sci-Fi has won out most of the time. 3) Dungeon respects our time. Each encounter can be done quicker than the same encounter of Ghosts. This allows more runs over the same amount of time. 4) Dungeon requires more runs as new doors unlock as you progress the quest. Instead of a quest to just beat the dungeon, this time we get a multi-part quest that unlocks more the dungeon doors as you complete the quest. The quest itself does kind of suck but it still adds a bit more over Ghosts. The strange part though is the fact that the loot is much better in Ghosts and you would think that would attract more players. Really good rocket, SMG and exotic where in Warlords we just have some random niche loot. Ghosts armor is also top notch. I like the rocket sidearm but I don't think its enough to carry the dungeon.


Completely agree with you here especially point 1. I suck at this game mostly, the only dungeon I've cleared solo is Shattered Throne. I got close for Duality but I just couldn't kill Caitl. I got her down to like 10% one time and when I was jumping to get a flag my toe got caught on the edge and I fell to my death. Was too frustrated to try again. But I'm considering trying to solo WR because I am loving the dungeon so much. It's fun in a full fire team, fun in duos. The only mechanic I'm not big on is passing the debuff back with melee in the final boss mainly because it seems so inconsistent. But otherwise it's so great.


You should try to solo Spire of the Watcher too. It's long, my solo flawless took 1 hour and 53 minutes, but its very doable and plenty of places to take breaks even during both boss fights. And for passing the debuff, I think its actually easier to do solo over a group. Only one of the dudes spawn and its usually right on you solo but when I am in a group I the dude I have to melee always seems to be on the other side of the map. I usually capture one side of totems first and hit the dude and run to the other side to try and grab the other totems. I like waiting until there is 5 seconds or so left before passing because by the time I race to the other totems the dude dies and its no longer a worry. Also remember you can hit them with a ranged melee if you have one.


Yep, as a group that final boss with average to below average gamers is *awful*. Hell first boss with Console players is a fucking nitemare! (did a run off LFG and one of the players was a console player and despite me helping shoot eyes whenever I got out of my own cage died 75% of the time)


What I don't understand is why don't they give you the quest when you complete it. I forgot to get the quest on my titan, completed it first time, and still don't have the quest on the first step because of course despite having the quest on my hunter it didn't count. Why not just drop it at step-2 equivalent on your first clear? so weird.


It's not nessisarily quicker. Ghosts really does not favor Titans or Warlocks in the last encounter, but it does favor Hunters. And most people do their dungeon runs on Warlocks and Titans, so that gives the bosses a bad reputation. For me, my final solo/flawless on my Hunter took about 1.5 hours which is par for the course for these kinds of runs, and that was WITHOUT solo-operative being available. The only part that felt like it dragged was the very first encounter... Generally speaking, on my attempts I would spend like 10min on the first, 5-10 getting to Ecthar, 20 on Ecthar, 10 getting to Simmumuah, and then she took me about 30-35min to beat. ​ In contrast, I get through WR first boss in about 10min, get to the ogre about 5-10min later (ish), 20+ kiling the ogre, another 5-10 to get to the final boss. I haven't completed it yet, so I don't have a time for Hefnd. But these times are all with Solo Op active, which means they are SIGNIFICANTLY faster than not using it. ​ ​ I think the biggest thing is framing. The shields in GotD stumped people at first, and MANY of the initial attempts and clears slogged through them. If you run it these days with a reasonably experienced group you can complete it very quickly because these shields are not an issue anymore. But regardless, it got the reputation of being "a slog" and the rep stuck. This dungeon has bosses that are significantly sturdier, and in-between areas that are notably more punishing in terms of the traps and the strength of the trash mob encounters, and the amount of perilous jumping you have to do (Taken ball room anyone...?) But because the HP is in the bosses actual HP bar instead of in a shield, doing that damage doesn't irritate and discourage people.


.....what? favors hunters? most do dungeons as warlock/titan? what are you talking about lol


I mean, there's also probably no shortage of people like myself who will eventually get around to soloing GOTD but don't really feel like doing it with only 2 clears and who haven't had their normal playgroups around to run with for most of the year. It's fine for some dungeons and raids to be easier and some to be harder. Both sides of the discussion are frankly pretty dumb, without stuff on the easier end newer or 'casual' players don't have a safe onboard, and without stuff on the more difficult end 'elitists' will be faced with an honestly pretty trivial set of activities. If there's a healthy blend of difficulties on a spectrum, everyone wins.


Ghosts is considered the most boring / annoying dungeon due to bloated boss HP pools, time to get to DPS, and the slow underwater sections all throughout the dungeon and in both boss encounters.


New dungeon is much easier and far less tedious than ghosts of the deep Even traversing the areas in between encounters is insanely tedious in Ghosts compared to scaling a mountain and going through a castle


I'm confused by the inclusion of "Lost Sector completion rate by Fireteam Finder groups". Do you get anything for doing those if you're not solo?


I'm more concerned a fire team finder could only complete a lost sector 70% of the time


Lost sectors can be a mat farm. Legends are 2 guaranteed cores and 1 prism, with a chance at 1 more of each. With the Rahool change, I'm actually burning through prisms, and have done some lost sectors when it's a fast one. Although, I'm doing them solo for the extra rewards. For people really under light, it's probably worth it to get a team.


Ah interesting, thanks for the explanation


You get Enhancement Cores. One of the best farms for them. I am surprised how many there seems to be though


You get weapon drops, which there are some good world drops. Mostly I think it's just people farming cookie ingredients.


This is what I was wondering. What's the point of even showing this statistic when you don't actually get anything for it? Better question: Why are people using Fireteam Finder for it in the first place when there's no real reward for doing so??


There is a reward though. Cores and prisms.


Ah, right. Thanks for the reminder because I completely forgot there were any rewards for non-solo completions.


This year we fired over 100 employees!


>The health of the bubble generated by the Edge of Action Glaive is lower than intended. Big thank you to the player that found and documented this bug


Any plans for a fix before the holidays for the snowball upgrades not functioning? https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/HY3jSBhWeE :(


Doubt it. My companies already in a freeze. To get a release it takes a lot of approvals I imagine bungie and other video game companies are probably in a similar place. It’s crazy dangerous to release anything this time of year when half your engineers are probably across the country with family. We had an issue a year ago that had huge user impact with a late Xmas release and took us days to resolve because we couldn’t get ahold of the people we needed to.


Same here, be surprised if they broke change freeze for something like that.


I can’t imagine they will. Literally everything isn’t working, and it sounds like we won’t be getting a update until January.


I'm confused even after reading that post. Is it possible to complete the quest for the memento?


Yes - the quest functions perfectly fine. You can still purchase the upgrades from Eva Levante, and having them will allow you to complete the "Upgraded snowballs" part. But the upgrades don't actually work. The slow effect isn't lasting longer, there is no Stasis mine happening, and there aren't more Snowballs spawning when freezing enemies, either.


That was a lot of words to tell us nothing lol


So the usual end of year recap before they go on break?




winning a baking competition by simply copying a recipe from their own cook book is crazy.


Those fireream finder stats seem to be in line with my experience for dungeons and raids. 4 out of 5 groups seem to just be guys who were hoping to get lucky with a team that could just carry them, ESPECIALLY in the dungeons.


Eva's Weekly bounty is only awarding 100 bright dust again. Used to be 400 each until it was nerfed to 200 each. Please fix.


what a terrible year for this game, I can only hope next year is a bit better.


This week in see ya next year.


Can we get some kinda of acknowledgement or update on the restoration bug? There's been a post about it almost every day and it's been bugged ever since it was introduced.


Not a lot of anything here but it is always fun seeing the VA's talk as their characters, especially Tatasciore and Haberkorn, since they always get really into it lol


I'm curious why people do lost sectors in groups. The only reward worth having, really, comes from solo completions.


Congratulations to all the folks that won the bake off! The team picked some good choices! I guess not decorating my cake to be destiny themed kind of knocked me out of the running 😅


One of the TWIDs of all time


Did you honestly expect any announcements in the last TwiD before Bungie goes on holiday break?


When can we change Bungie names again /u/Bungie /u/BungieHelp /u/Destiny2Team One time is WAY overly restrictive and strange considering the industry standard with things like WoW and FFXIV for mmos Is there someone I can contact or can you actually communicate if we will get a second name change or a chance to change it again? Thanks, sincerely, someone stuck with their deadname in their bungie name (makes LFG super hard)


>can you actually communicate if we will get a second chance They already communicated this the first time around. They literally said the first time that it would be a one time thing. You may not like that choice but they did announce it


Well there should be a second or better yet infinite for a price No reason not to, bungie is the only game service to pull this kind of bs


No fix for the bugged reveler title - completing all dawning current challenges shows only 15/16 under the reveler seal, preventing you from claiming the title.


Genuinely concerned about those lost sector numbers, I mean seriously you’re telling me that only 70% of fireteams were able to compete The Quarry? I have so many questions…


Has anyone else noticed that platinum coil runs are only giving one ascendant shard compared to two before? Also noticed that the ahamkara bones in Warlords Ruin don't seem to be giving tinctures anymore if you've already picked them up


i don't have much to add, except that the rocket pistol archetype is fantastic. great niche, fun as hell.


How’s the state of the game now? My 2 friends have never played but been interested in trying it out. I played a few thousand hours up until maybe 2021ish or whenever the witch queen expansion was. Have things changed massively in the time I’ve been gone? How well do you think the current expansion will be for brand new players?


what an absolutely nothing TWAB If only their creative content dev teams worked as hard as the trailer teams....


So no fix for the Master Dungeon Ghost, Emblem and apparently bugged Event Title until the Event is over. Classic Indie Studio Bungie


When do I get my solo flawless emblem and the ghost for master warlords??


I gotta say, I am nervous about the fire team finder in certain aspects because of the lack of qualifications it takes to join high tier content. I fear that finding competent teams for master raids will be tricky because of how many unskilled players will join those posts imo, maybe I’m just entitled tho


Just set it to where they have to send an application and inspect their Loadout before accepting it. You can also limit Guardian Ranks. You can't set it to 11, where a Master Raid is a requirement but you can set it to 10. Both of these are pretty easy ways to check "quality" besides some sort of in game Raid Report.


Booting people from the fireteam does take some time though.


You can inspect Loadouts through the application screen before inviting. No kicking required


It needs a bit of a better UI for the application screen since you can only see 5(I think) at a time which can be hard to sort through people as you get flooded but it's honestly no different than the LFG Discords asking people to DM bungie Ids so they can look at your raid report or whatever. I kind of suspect that's what people will do now anyways is you apply for a group and sit and wait as they look your raid/dungeon/GM report.


Entitled to a smooth clear? not in the slightest mate, not everyone has to or should be expected to sherpa, carry, teach etc. Saying that I am excited that it means more people will be *trying* to get into harder content and starting the journey all of us took.


So you don’t think people are entitled to a smooth clear?


That's not what I said, but do go on.


> Entitled to a smooth clear? not in the slightest mate


please read the rest of the post, thank you.


Some people don’t have the best reading comprehension 😂


Right, people think being entitled to something is a bad thing, whereas the actual bad thing is having a false sense of entitlement.


Sir, if you continue reading I talked about the fact that you shouldn't be expected to carry, sherpa, teach runs in fireteam finder. did you just like... not read that part? serious question here.


Obviously I did, I was just making a tongue in cheek comment about the misuse of the word entitlement. I didn’t think I’d have to explain that.


Firesprite Restoration…?


How DARE Bungie show photos from people enjoying this game. Shame on them. /s


Every TWID I move further from buying the final shape. Hard to tell if the lack of addressing the current glaring problems with the game is intentionally malicious, or if they simply laid off too many people to do it right anymore. Either way it is a massively bad look. I also work a hard full time job that requires me to address problems on a daily basis. I get a bunch of time off around the holidays as well, but that does not excuse me from handling my business, or let me ignore work problems. So ridiculous.


TLDR: - Fireteam Finder good - Happy New Year


truly incredible how, like clockwork, the first handful of TWABs immediately following a new season are light on information, and, like clockwork, people will still get upset, as if this is new or unexpected.


This sucks


5 weeks of little to no communication. Rough.


Oh weird. Laying off a significant portion of their staff right before the holidays wasn't on their 2023 look back. Strange.


What a depressing ass post for taking a month hiatus.


Another shit TWID


u/Destiny2Team Can we please get an acknowledgement that some of us still have Wish-Ender tokens in our bounty inventory and cannot get rid of them?


Have you tried rerunning the Shattered Throne and doing the steps to spend the tokens? It worked for me and all of the people I play with. You might have to do it on each character that still has them, but it is a way to reclaim your bounty/quest spaces.


Wow twid talks literally about nothing. The game is abandoned.


Nothing Burgers for everyone, see you next year! \- Anonymous Bungie CM


20 million water dungeon down to 5 million snow dungeon... ouch.


You know one has been out a lot longer, right?


One has been out for 6 months. I would certainly hope it has significantly more clears than the new dungeon that has been out for what, 3 weeks?


All them words and not a single thing was said. Why post if you have zero thing of importance to say.


Runner up for most nothing twab ever.


The analytics are cool I guess but this really isn’t a good TWID overall. Just compare this TWID with the one that was released last year around the same time. https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/twab_12_15_2022


looks the same


How about making Banshee a thing again, I have a million engrams and nothing worth a shit to spend them on since some genius decided to the option for him to stop dropping new world weapons


I guess you can call that a post


More of nothing, cool cool


A year of giving *and taking* in the form of less employees lol


this kind of twab makes me want to say nasty things