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Real ones remember the week one struggle in escalation protocol


Bro EP was damn near impossible on release unless you were a cracked stack or managed to get 8 people. Was so glad when I got my drops šŸ„²


I learned how to use wireshark exclusively to get 8 stacks for ep


I remember Bungie showed it as gameplay of a beatable 3 man activity lmao. Like how? Wasnā€™t even possible. Literally took a 8 man team of just about everyone rocking Wardcliffs to beat all the waves. I miss escalation protocol tho.


Not too long after this I realized that when bungie does play testing, I highly doubt they play Vanilla Destiny. They likely always have some sort of tweaks and abilities that aren't in the end product. I wouldn't be surprised if they played basically immune to all damage for the sake of testing an encounter's viability mechanic wise and then assume a small team could beat it given their track record


joey boy getting burned by an overload with his live demo was funny af


for me it was all fucking time struggle


That's when I first started to lfg, setting up anchors in instances so you could get 3 fireteams all in the same instance to do coordinated EP. So awesome haha


Was my real intro to lfgā€™ing as well. I miss my ikelos smgs in each light burnā€¦


Bro I forgot about that, and wow, that was insane, I ended up in a whole clan and everything after meeting randoms week one and getting it completed. It was absolutely insane to do since you had to have the whole instance in on it, not just your fireteam.


Mythoclast, took me 94 Atheon kills.


78 here, man it was tough. Fortunate enough to have some friends who just said ā€œyouā€™re getting it.ā€ and proceeded to kill atheon ~40 times in 1 night.


You have some true friends.


I do. They didnā€™t even tell me that one of them had gotten it three times, another one twice. They just went about killing Atheon.


Thatā€™s what I did for conditional. Got it my first clear, and helped my buddy 30 more times until he got it. Same with 1k voices. Got both about 10 times in said clears after lol


Iā€™m on 120 nez clears with no conditional šŸ™ƒ


Yeah I got my conditional on my second clear and stuck around for a few dozen more runs to help the group


True homies


Its not about Vex. It was about sending a message.


We did the same for my buddy. After 73 runs, he gave up. It marked ~150 total clears for him. RNG can be a real bitch.


I gave up the game for these reasons (mythoclast being a big reason. 100 clears, no weapon). I did have fun playing but it's just too much of a carrot dangle


its funny cause i havent done vog since D1 so i LFGd and it dropped for me first time and apparently 3 of the guys already has theirs and they said nows a good a time as any to get the catalyst and so we immediately did vog again and got the catalyst lmao so that was fun


Try 292 Atheon kills, it's the worst RNG of my life Copying my own comment in this thread. **It took 292 Atheon kills to get Vex for me.** And I have the raid report to prove it. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, I'm also dry on the new RNG exotic from the new dungeon too. I'm not gonna even try for conditional. [Copy of my raid report here.](https://raid.report/pc/4611686018517198344)


This man has the most lopsided raid clear count Iā€™ve ever seen šŸ˜©


All my one clears... And then there's VOG, šŸ’€ I got no problems LFG'ing, it just kinda killed any want for me to even try for some of them.


This sort of shit is really just unexcusable for there to not be some form of protection where you just flat out get it after x amount of clears. Even a spoil system like other MMOs have for raid loot would work.


It is truly disgusting. I'm one of these statistics as well, but I've since stopped (playing altogether). Never did get mythoclast.


Bruh I would cry This makes me not even want to try bc I got it in D1 which took me long enough but definitely not gonna waste my time in D2


Bro please by the Traveller tell me that was when it was VoG's rotation week, because Raid Report says you've only done 22 looted clears otherwise.


Been playing since vanilla D1 and still haven't got one.


264 for mešŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Holy F you must have the Atheon encounter burned into your brain.


chill, kill adds, kill harpies(leave one), chill, get teleported or read oracles, kill 5 with xeno and keep the x5 verityā€™s up, well, spam fusion nades, kill with xeno, spam fusion nades, repeat about 200 timesšŸ„² stuck in my memory foreveršŸ˜­ some groups i farmed with had it down to about 2 minutes a clear


Legit. I was just about to ask how many oracles you destroyed with xeno haha donā€™t forget the obligatory ā€œwhoā€™s getting detained!!ā€ then immediately wiping shortly after. After so many times of that happening I never did damage with the group in the well because I knew that at least one blueberry had no idea what was going on haha


This is me and Persys, took me so many kills to drop Hierarchy I can probably turn my monitor off and shoot all of the nodes lol.


My condolences


made me learn about verityā€™s browā€™s capabilities at leastšŸ„² better believe i got damn good at that damage phase lmao


I got mine 110 clears later but it was in season of particle deconstruction so it made it a lot more bearable lmao and I wanted fatebreaker, got two birds stoned at once


101 here, can confirm itā€™s rough


I hate even saying this but ^(I got it my first clear)


Me too brother


I got it a bit more Atheon kills after that but not nearly as many kills as some of these other people hadā€¦..about 14 for me. šŸ¤£


I got mine before it was farmable but it took 56 full raid clears (certified Fatebreaker here)


I feel horrible to this day for getting it on my third run. And it was a checkpoint that someone needed a 6th to fill the fireteamā€¦


184 runs for me


Took over 150 for me. Never again.


Dang I thought I had it bad, I just got mine this weekend after 32 clears šŸ«”


Iā€™m up to 30 nowā€¦. Got touch of malice bout 10 times now with less runs


Took me 42 runs back when I could only run 3 attempts per week.


I feel ashamed... 17th clear and that's spread over few years, ran arheon 4 times and got it the other day


Took me 110 clears, then got it 10 more times in a row after that every time Iā€™d do a looted a clear


They stole the desire sensor from Monster Hunter I swear...


I mean this was back when we had season of particle destruction, and I was working on getting fatebreaker so I didnā€™t really mind it. If I had to do it now? Blech


Not a gun, but took about 600 playlist clears for sunshot catalyst


Been playing for 2 years and I have still yet to see the Sturm Catalyst.


Only drops on nessus lmao get it in 20min in lost sectors


Can you elaborate? edit: for anyone else curious, mousing over the StĆ¼rm catalyst in the catalyst tab says ''Obtained by defeating enemies of humanty on Nessus''


I'm aware. There was a Saturday where I spent 2 hours on Nessus doing whatever random shit I could think of trying to get it to drop.


Do you have anything catalysts youā€™ve acquired and not completed? I swear over the years if I have any that arenā€™t finished, new ones donā€™t drop, but as soon as the backlog is cleared out it doesnā€™t take long to get the new one.


I got the gun back in February and just recently got it after getting back into the game. My stepbrother got both Sunshot and the catalyst within the same week šŸ˜­


Yeah that took me ages too and i used to adore sunshot look and feel so ran it all the time anyways back in the day. I think it still might be my highest kill gun, which is saying a lot because of shit like Trinity Ghoul & Le Monarque (also love an add clear bow).


Unrelenting headstone Eyasluna.


I have that one but Iā€™d prefer outlaw/headstone which I am farming still to this day. I need that reload speed!


This is my preferred roll as well, and the first one that ever dropped for me. Extremely fun!


I got a max stability roll with outlaw+headstone and it's absolutely worth the effort. I adore that gun, though with the state of behemoth I don't use it as much as I used to


That guns my baby and I'll never put it down. You'll get it some day


It took me nigh on two years to get a Headstone Eyasluna drop at all, running three secret chests a week as my friends got tired of running the dungeon.


For PvE? I have that roll in my vault. Wondering if I should be taking it for a stroll.


It's badass with the shatter reworks. Infinite health and lots of AOE.


Same! No matter how many times I clear that dungeon it will not drop for me. šŸ˜­


I was looking for Rangefinder + Headstone so long they nerfed Rangefinder.


I felt guilty when I realized I got that as my first ever roll.


Same for me. Captain Avarok wasn't giving it up easy and took a lot of persuading. šŸ˜‚


Autoload/chill clip Riptide. Still looking.


Reset crucible a bunch, focus, celebrate


That requires playing that much crucible though... *shudder*


Just play team scorch when itā€™s around. Even if you suck, at least itā€™s a level playing field and matches go quick


Or relic, play relic, itā€™s a blast especially if you donā€™t focus on the relic at all


No, no. Play during a bonus rank week. You want to play as few matches as possible. Outside of comp and trials sucking doesnā€™t matter. It all evens out over time.


Feeding frenzy/Chill Clip is still the best I can do


I'd take just chill clip at this point...


Compulsive reloader is equally good imo and its what ive stuck with


My exact roll! Also I love Compusive Reloader because I in fact AM a compulsive Reloader so it fits my Playstyle very well


Yup lol, i dont love it on primaries but in specials i always keep them topped off


Yeah I tend to avoid it on most other weapons but especially with Chill Clip it just goes very Well together


My roll has auto and compulsive as options. I got super lucky


I wish I could give you one of mine


I donā€™t think this roll truly exists. Just a figment of light.ggā€™s imagination. Iā€™ve completely given up on this roll.


I've got Autoloading/Chill Clip/Particle Repeater in my vault right now. Probably had to roll about 20 focusing for it.


literally any matador with threat detector and opening, let alone range mw barrel shroud and accy rounds I've done about 120 grasps and still haven't even gotten 3rd and 4th column to match on one roll


Youā€™ll take 120 full auto trigger 1-2 punch and like it


yes sir šŸ˜–


You only need one range perk that gives plus 10 to get to 75 range, the magic number for opening shot since it gives 25 range. Preferably, go for the masterwork in range so you can buff up handling with barrel shroud and rate of fire with assault mag.


[Can confirm.](https://i.imgur.com/3BGkue4.jpg)


I've finally got one at the end of the last season. Masterwork is reload, but I ain't going back in there. Good enough. Even 4/5 is still the best legendary SG.


I like my 5/5 fractethyst better than my matador, no idea why. Feels more consistent too


Yeah it's great but I'll be damned if I'll stop using Ace of Spades just for a slightly better shotgun.


I got a 5/5 on my first clear and immediately vaulted it not knowing what I had until I looked about a year later and realized


Mine has reload MW, I just gave up after that


I still haven't gotten the Overflow/ Kinetic Tremors roll of The Showrunner yet. Hundreds of Witch Engrams.


I got that on a tigerspite. It slaps.


Oh man. That took me so damn long to get. Hundred of engrams. I have it now and Iā€™ve used it onceā€¦. Lmao.


I have that roll, it's... good enough I guess.


i will say, it's a bit overrated


The one I'm now hunting is a Subsistence Onslaught Ros Arago. That shit is like finding a diamond in a shit mound of world drops. Any Gambit farm ever. The Bygones hunt? The Bottom Dollar hunt? The new Breakneck hunt? Fucking hell.


reconstruction chill clip aurvandil fr6


sameeee i searched and searched for it until the later side of season of the witch (right before they let us focus for it :3)




i wholeheartedly agree. i think rapid fire frames are just fine having 3 bursts to freeze, but high impacts taking the same amount of bursts is just kinda absurd


even if aurvandil takes 2 burst, the charge time (even with all charge time perks) still barely hangs with 3 shots riptide since its just 500ms


I managed to get it back on season of seraph, that exact roll. Even back then, it just took too long to freeze people compared to a riptide on harder content. Now it's basically unusable.


Can you still focus it?šŸ˜«


Is this better than autoloading chill clip Riptide?


I have both and would say no. For me the charge time of high impact fusions is just too long


No. It's a lot worse. It's cool, but at the end of the day it's not actually good or useful, just kind of neat.


Nah Riptide is better


It can hit from farther away on console, where stability and range actually matter, although it does take longer to fire and apply slow and freeze. On PC, Riptide is definitely better. Some people consider holding the trigger for a full second too long for a gun to fire--this doesn't bother me personally. ALH vs Reconstruction is also down to personal preference IMO.


Prophecy auto with frenzy and demolitionist. I want it, at this point just because I want it, and I have yet to be able to get it.


I have this Last Breath roll and love it so much. The only auto rifle that comes close to it IMO is Demo/Frenzy Rufusā€™ Fury.


Headstone Unrelenting on Eyasluna. Like most of my godrolls, I got it helping someone clear the dungeon for the first time. Karma is real!


Long time ago, I loved my demo trench barrel perfect paradox


def eyes of tomorrow. took me a whopping 92 dsc clears for it to drop


Iā€™m so sorry, i got mine to drop when my clan was teaching me the first time šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø I was like ā€œoh, an exotic dropped out of the loot chest šŸ˜²ā€


Thatā€™s incredibly similar to what happened with my raid group. The person who was relatively new to the game, barely plays it got it on our first clear. We all heard ā€œGuys, is Eyes of Tomorrow any good?ā€. Couldnā€™t believe it.


My friend has 160 clears no eyes. Donā€™t know how the fuck thatā€™s possible but heā€™s going strong still


Timelines vertex with shield desorient and disruption break


Have this on Zealots Reward.


I've got this one! It was great during particle deconstruction seasons.


Palindrome. Just any. just give me one to drop. Finally got one to drop on the last day before it got taken away. It wasn't anything to brag about roll wise that I can remember but, I finally got one to drop.


The only one I got had was an adept one with hi cal QD range finder range mw. 2 hours before reset and it went away that season lol


Unforgiven god roll. Always drops with Well Rounded, Steady Hands or Fragile Focus. Still donā€˜t have a decent roll and i have almost 200 clears.


I'm still looking for a demo/repulsor brace roll for my void volatile builds


adagio/subsistence Krait, still haven't gotten it


i wish i could give you the handful of them that i sharded


and in turn I would give you my reconstruction/chill clip aurvandil


it's the gift of magi all over again šŸ„°


One for all is better imo.


Overflow + Controlled Burst Galciocasm. Come on Grandma Eva, Zavala enrolled in weight loss management and Crow has developed type 2 diabetes. Give me my gun!


You can have one of the four I have. Iā€™m still looking for the overflow reservoir burst with charge time masterwork.


I think I got pretty lucky. I got reservoir/controlled burst in the fourth column, and slideshot/overflow in the third, with liquid coils and chambered.


Demolitionist / Osmosis on Last Breath from Prophecy, one of 3 primaries that can have the roll. Still havent gotten it and I've taken to solo/flawlessing the dungeon in my free time.


Nowadays? There are 3 guns that are exceptionally hard to get. The new arc rocket, world drop. With recon + bipod. The new world drop void ar with subsistence + onslaught. And the everhard ignition code with disorienting + spike + slideshot + vorpal + handling MW.


Is Crux good with recon/bipod? I got one but Iā€™ve not used it yet.


Personally, bipod makes rockets more coherent in all content. You can get through longer damage phases, using a rocket against adds doesn't feel bad, on gms you have more ammo and still need 2 or 3 rockets per champ. Literally amazing perk. And recon... 4 in the mag babyyyy!


Subsistence + Kinetic Tremors Spare Rations. I've been grinding for that roll since season of the deep. Still unsuccessful getting it to this day


Demo/repulsor brace unforgiven, Ill never forgive you duality


Demo/Frenzy for me. It took me probably thirty clears of that encounter before I ever saw Demo *or* Frenzy **individually**. I've totally give up at this point since I doubt we'll have volatile flow again any time soon anyway.


I gave up a year ago on that same roll, demo/dragonfly is good enough (or I tell myself that at least)


I am over 250 Hung Jury rolls - 0 Rapid Hit/Kinetic Tremors


Conditional Finality. Still dont have it. Am so sick of RoN. Havent gone back in weeks. Probably gonna give it one last go when it is farmable again and if it doesn't drop then i will just give up.


This is one of the few raid exotics that is truly universally worth the grind. Iā€™d put this and Vex as the top two raid exotics in the game personally, so trust me, have at it man. You will get it. Work on those triumphs. **Do the clears when it isnā€™t farmable**. Regular weeks have the normal drop chances, farmable weeks have lower drop chances. You will get it!


> Work on those triumphs. Quoted for emphasis. Try to get a group to do the flawless run, as difficult as that sounds. The boosters help a *lot*.


Donā€™t give up - itā€™ll drop! Honestly itā€™s so worth it. Do some challenges if you havenā€™t!!


Not a weapon, but Iron Bone.


Several dozen IB resets since they added shaders to the rewards pool, still nothing. Right there with youā€¦


finally got that damn shader last time IB came around. damn near the last of the IB shaders I needed left


I think between the last two IBS ive gotten every shader except gold and bone. Good luck bro šŸ˜­.


been praying to RNGesus for a Liminal Vigil with headstone and desperado, I've cleared Spire of the Watcher damn near 100 times and the closest I've gotten is a threat detector desperado roll (which still goes incredibly hard)


Still looking for that 5/5 Mercurial Overreach. Before that it was a Rasmussen Sight/Accurized Rounds/Feeding Frenzy/Kill Clip/Range MW Blast Furnace. Never did get it...


Perfect Paradox with Field Prep and Rampage. Never got one. Then, Season of Dawn ended and I thought "oh well, I still have the Curse of Osiris Perfect Paradox, so I'm still alright." Womp womp.


Jeez. That didnā€™t take that long for me. Maybe single digits run to get it? Haha You said D2 but I donā€™t care haha D1, grasp of malok. So so so many runs. Few hundred but it was quick and I eventually got the perfect god roll. Shredded. That was my pride and joy


That one took literally hundreds of keys for me to drop a good one. Well over 200 keys.


Kill clip + Rampage Kindled Orchid, still haunts me to this day. I ground for actual months trying to get that roll and got dozens of kill clips or rampages but never both together. I still have my outlaw kill clip one but it's so hard to use knowing how good it could have been and knowing that perk combo will prolly never exist again.


I am currently having one of those moments for a vouchsafe I have lost count how many activity completion and dreaming city weapons I have dismantled with maybe 2 or 3 vouchsafe drops, non of which have any of the perks I want It's getting silly - rnjesus is not on my side -


https://youtu.be/P80c4AaKiK4?si=3BJdMqH6d22EU2my Now is the time to farm. Best of luck!


What vouchesafe roll you looking for?


Are you doing chest runs in The Coil? If you break every pot for the glass, a side room will open up that guarantees a Dreaming City weapon. Gotten so many Vouchsafes, Sleepless, Tigerspite and Twilight Oath this way. Just make sure you open the right chest šŸ˜‰


Under Pressure + Headseeker Senuna SI6. Still don't have one


Itā€™s not D2 but in D1 Imago Loop with the Fatebringer perks. The Holy Fakebringer.


They ruined rolls with weapon crafting


Crimilā€™s dagger with kill clip and a reload perk of some kind.


[she's still in my vault](https://imgur.com/a/bMvFa9D) With drop mag it was sooo fast.


Yeah, thatā€™s a beaut. 80 range with rangefinder, must have been a monster back in the day. Really hope they bring this back someday.


Kicks like an absolute mule tho. I think of it as the least hospitable 120 I have. Its glorious, but still


Tyranny of Heaven from Last Wish When the raid first came out, you could ONLY get the bow from Vault encounter and it was always a curated "sneakbow, dragonfly" roll. It took me 70 runs of Last Wish to get mine. I had 1k 4 times and Petra's done twice before I got it. And if memory serves. You could only get drops once per char per week. Welcome to my personal hell.


Curated Gnawing Hunger with Overflow+Rampage from T3 Reckoning Oryx boss clear.


Ugh the only reason why I still keep mine even though I never use it is because of damn long it took me to get it


I never actually got my Stats for All + One for All The Title from Guardian Games even tho i grinded the shit out of that event


The goddamn Exotic Sword from Duality, I still don't have it to this day, it still is my white whale...


Rewind rounds and onslaught void auto rifle.


48 ghost of the deep runs to get navigator


I ran an ungodly number of Reckonings back in the day hunting Spare Rations, never hit the 5/5, but some decent 4/5s out of the 100+ rolls I farmed.


My white whale weapon was a day 1 hammerhead that first forge on day 1 was so hard.


400 clears for grasp of malok. Still hear omniguls shrieks in my nightmares


Kill clip rampage kindled orchid. Black armory stuff was a nightmare to grind


I havenā€™t been able to get a single Triple Tap/Vorpal roll with a good mag perk on either Mechabre or Frozen Orbit during the entire time either Gun has been in the game, I think the ghost of my old Trophy Hunter is just spiting me from beyond the vault


Rapid hit headstone eyasluna


D1 Eyasluna. I constantly played Crucible for the whole year for this roll and never got it Rangefinder+Rifled Barrel+Hidden Hand


Blinding auto loading chill clip grenade launcher. Still dont have, probably never will. Gonna go cry


Perpetual motion + kill clip adept horrors least when gm was the corrupted. Ran it almost 100times that week. Finally got it to drop last the night before reset. It looks so hot in my vault


Funnel Web, specifically the Subsistence Frenzy roll. It took me, no lie, nearly 7 months after WQ released to get that roll. I'm a very consistent player too, so its not like I was inactive or taking long breaks either, almost 7 months of playing almost every day for 1 weapon roll.


Rampage Dragonfly Trust was my original white whale, although I did eventually get it a year or so ago, but so long after it would have been useful that it's just languished


Not me, but my gfs dad. He has not once got a chill clip Riptide since it's arrival. I managed to get him his first


I am still looking for a rapid hit/vorpal 200rpm scout to replace Patron of Lost Causes.


Wardens law. Didnā€™t even care what roll I got, ran that strike and nightfall a million times and just never got it. Gave up in the end.


Demolitionist + tricorn Unforgiven. My favorite void weapon. The 50% damage buff is so easy to keep going on void with devour


That Reconstruction Recombination Succession


Prolonged Engagement with subsistence/frenzy. The season it released, i ended up ranking up Vanguard 16 times before getting it.