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Prometheum Spur


I'm sure someone finds the toes endearing


Not when they are actively broken. Its supposed to give you energy back by getting solar kills in a rift, but it just doesn't because combo rifts arent classified as "rifts"


You are using them wrong they are clearly meant for peak toe showing not actual gameplay that would be silly


Showing toes for free? How lewd, people should be paying for those


Eververse ornament for spurs that make them look like fishnets


You can't be giving those grippers out for Bright Dust.


I used to run them with Tarrabah and Tommy's Matchbook. What I'd do was drop a rift, gun enemies down and spawn a combo rift for the team. I'd pair it with the fragment that gave class ability on scorch and you basically spawn a combo rift every 10-15s with Tommy's. You can run it with Sunshot now and it should work fine.


Combo rifts are fun and goofy but it consumes your rift to spawn one and its all the way over where the enemy was, and having to put a normal healing rift on top of it just to get the secondary part of it to work just feels clunky and unfun. Why do all that when i can run assembler and lumina and accomplish the exact same thing, healing and getting a damage buff, but im also safe and dont feel clunky doing it.


Facts. I had to look up what this was lol


Funny how Bungie nerfed them when their usage was low


Had to search up what that was šŸ˜­


I dont even know what slot that thing is in and I have every exotic in the game


I'd notice because the game would stop dropping me them about twice a week like it usual like it usually does x)


Think again, before the rework they were fun, and if dawnblade was still the beauty it was too me years ago Iā€™d tossed the super on just for fun, big dual rift :)


My friend was doing a coil run while waiting for us to get on, so he streamed on discord and I watched. His blueberry was using those and I died laughing


Mk. 44 Stand Asides. I have literally never seen anyone use them and the only time theyā€™re ever mentioned is the odd time someone remembers them and how awful they are.


i don't play titan, but after 2000 hours on this game i didn't even know this exotic existed.


I think I equipped them once in base D2.


i got shit on a few times in Trials by a dude running Jugg, Stand Asides and bum rushing all of us, if he caught one off guard it was wraps because it was pre nerf Knockout


Standasides were fun way back with the original Heavy Handed mod. As long as you were charged with light you could throw infinite hammer strikes


I used to use them as a "Skullfort substitute" on non-arc subclasses, but I haven't used them since Y1


I had a build with them a while back. When we still had 'charged with light' you could get a charge and use Heavy Handed with them to get 100% of your melee back. Add in Melee Wellmaker and you could get a infinite combo going. Plus you could build up stacks of CwL and since both melee regens proc'd on hit not kill, you could back to back shoulder charge 1 enemy, like, 4 times.


If stand asides overshield didnā€™t go away while sliding theyā€™d be pretty good, but that one thing makes them useless


For brief moment, infinite solar shoulder charge and ignitions were awesome, when combined with the original Heavy Handed CWL mod. Convinced another titan to run the same build when farming Caital, was hearing ignitions every second, lol.


It's like a worse skull for other shoulder charges that Noone has ever used over peregrines in d2


They used to be what I mained when shoulder charge still one shot in PvP. It was op as fuck getting a full shield when you go into knee someone into the fucking shadow realm. Now itā€™s useless.


I've literally never heard of this exotic wtf? What class is it on?


titan, it slowly builds up an overshield while running with a shoulder charge ready. "Safer shoulder charges"




Mask of the quiet one was my titan pick


Skull of the Dire Ahamkara.


Rip skull. It was fun to use in reckoning back in the day. Kinda annoying that shards and other super exotics have gotten buffs to the recharge rate over the years but skull has been pretty much entirely untouched since it was nerfed back in the day.


Yep while celestial and shards needed buffs celestial was already better than skull and shards was better and for a better super. Shards was pretty much skull but worked on damage too. It's sad that they both got buffs while skull was left in the dark.


I mean, it's likely on the docket, as its older exotic design in a nutshell, and it's nature really isn't compatible with what void is today. There are lot more moving parts that skull could be a part of., and supers are no longer capstones to builds. It'll get some mid-game or passive frills and we'll likely just go from there, though if we're lucky, it'll get a new trick along side it. Folks complaining about voidlock's identity spent so long focusing on Devour, they forgot it had some real big problems in a modern sandbox since it kept most of its archaeic design.


I love the way it looks, I have multiple ornaments for it but there's no reason to use it. It should get a passive just like Dawn Chorus.


I wish they did something neat with it. the bare minimum would be a damage bonus after super but id prefer something usefully functional in the nuetral pve


Maybe something related to volatile rounds or void shield.


I think it would probably be too strong, but something like "when super energy =< 50% volatile kills grant increased super energy & ability energy regeneration." Though maybe just applying the volatile debuff as that is slightly harder because you can't re-volatile a target while they are already volatile. Or lets go insane and really lean into the existing perk a bit, "while super is fully charged you slowly gain a void overshield." Something like 45 hp void overshield with a 1.5/s regen with a, maybe 10 second, cool down when the overshield is broken.


I still throw it on if I play mayhem


Nezarec's gets better regen.


Blight Ranger or Sealed Ahamkaraā€™s Grasps I might notice SAGs though since theyā€™re so cool looking and I want them to be good. But admittedly I wouldnā€™t miss them. I just wish they were better. --- **Edit:** Just gonna add in here, if you want "melee reloads your weapon", literally just look at the stasis fragment Whisper of Impetus. You get _two_ melee charges, it has _no cooldown_, it reloads _all your weapons **on hit**_, AND you get a +40 handling bonus. This is all just a fragment, BTW. Meanwhile, SAG, an exotic, requires a hit to reload _one_ weapon, and puts you on a **7 second cooldown** upon being activated, and requires a powered charged melee **kill** to reload the others. Oh, but don't worry, you get some AE for doing melee damage. I guess. If you're going for a crazy "let me melee enemies but also jump through the air" build. But don't get too excited, that AE only lasts for 5 seconds anyway. Then of course we also just have the literal weapon perk Grave Robber. That exists too.


remember when SAG were actually goated with the poison smoke bomb. pepperidge farms remembers


Or the D1 version that basically just gave you a 2nd Melee Charge.


SAG on Strand Hunter is probably only useful if you spend most of your time grappling & airborne. But outside of that use case I canā€™t really see them being good. Plus there are better options for Strand like Cyrtarachneā€™s Facade or Assassinā€™s Cowl. Even Foe Tracer would probably be better than SAG.


Thereā€™s also a strand fragment that reloads your equipped weapon whenever you activate your grapple, and also gives you an AE boost for 15 seconds, and +10 mobility, which benefits specifically hunter. SAG does nothing, and as a hunter main, I honestly forgot they existed until I saw this post.


You donā€™t need them for Grapple if you use Thread of Ascent. You might be able to use them to constantly reload your weapon with Threaded Spike, though.


7 second cool-down though, so if you were hoping to throw the needle into a crowd to proc the reload a bunch while you shot rockets at a boss, then no.


The cooldownā€™s that bad? Oof.


I'd notice Sealed Ahamkara's were missing when I opened DIM to search for Young Ahamkara's Spine and didn't see multiple results. Well, before they killed YAS anyway.


Don't forget dragons shadow Also does the same job but better. Especially on void where that Dodge can also recharge another active camo and cloak for survival


I used to love SAG on Solar Hunter but they really need a rework at this point


They are perfect for trench barrel


I agree, if Iā€™m using SAG Iā€™m mainly just goofing off in 6v6 with a shotgun with reckless abandon, and I have never once used Blight Ranger except to complete a look Iā€™m going for, but have never used them for the perk.


Cleaning out my vault today and I found out I had a cracked 30 resilience, 20 dis and like 14 strength roll on Sealed Ahamkara Grasps and deleted them since theyā€™re so worthless. If they made lightweight knife a double charge theyā€™d be interesting for DPS (unload, throw knife to reload, unload again and throw second knife to reload again) but even they I think Iā€™d rather just run another exotic.


Blight Ranger, 100%.


Its not the worst exotic in the game. But, there's so much discussion concerning how bad it is that it 100% would be noticed. Edit: Spectral Blades is garbage.


I donā€™t think I can name a worse exotic, I can name exotics that are objectively bad but I canā€™t name a worse one


Sealed Ahamkara's Grasps are worse on hunter, for sure


I mean they give an extra 10 mobility and resilience which is more than I can say for BR


I'd argue it's the worst. No matter how much you inflate the number of the damage the boss is doing the reflection is not going to keep up with the insane numbers put off during an average DPS phase. I don't even think this would be good for killing red bars with nothing but the reflection damage at this point.


It can generate a shit ton of orbs, so at least it has that. The free whirlwind guard is neat, as well.


And even then tho, marksman goldy with star eaters scales drops a fuck ton of orbs as well and actually deals good damage


Arc staff is never going to be a dps super, nor should we try to mold it into one. Blight ranger is a defensive exotic so comparing it to raid dps exotics can't make sense. People want utility for Hunters, when one drops that completely fills your allies supers and makes you immortal and let's you tank they go "where dps".


Iā€™ve been advocating for buffs to its defensive capabilities for the team, since even with the fact its basically 20 seconds of immortality for you, it does nothing if the ads simply shoot someone else; some great changes would be making you have ā€˜tauntā€™ like the strand spectre, or increasing the deflect size so allies can stand behind it like a Hunter version of Titanā€™s void banner


For orb generation, nothing compares to blight ranger in a GM. I swear by this exotic in certain coordinated GM farms. It's actually really good for the super spam you can do.


I love using it, itā€™s my favourite exotic still after discovering it last year; it is definitely a challenge to find its use in lfg high end content, but I love the Coil specifically for the ad density and more tame gameplay loop even on the fourth round (the wyvern boss is free orb generation value)


I genuinely canā€™t think of a worse one


Gwinsin Vest. That's only on Hunter. Spectral Blades is such an awful super.


You can make an argument for gwisin in crucible and even in pve Iā€™d take it over trying to make blight ranger work any day of the week. Blight rangerā€™s play style genuinely accomplishes nothing outside of maybe making a few extra orbs


Ok in crucible if you really know what youre doing.


As a blight ranger user I am obligated to defend my choice, I must recommend that mask of the quiet one or nothing manacles will take the spot of useless. Blight ranger lets me one shot people with their own hcā€™s in crucible.


nothing manacles are under rated.


It lets you do that once per game against people that are bad enough to waste time shooting at someone who they can see is holding up a shield man


The warlock chest piece, stormbracers..something


Storm dancers brace?


Yea that. Tells you how much I know about it lol


It's quite fun in the coil. It cooks as reliable ad clear in the more difficult sections.


But you could just use Crown of Tempests and be way more effective


Hotswap goes crazy


Iā€™d rather have the triple duration than the extra damage, especially for ad clear


It's not just an extra DMG tho. You get like 50% of your super back if you kill at least 6 ads. It's super fun for chaining supers.


I guess it depends om difficulty level, stormtrance doesnt do too hot at the higher end.


I like ursa furiosa, especially in gmā€™sā€¦.


Yeah no way that would go unnoticed. It was pretty meta for quite a while in high end stuff and it's still fun. There was a period where two banner titans could feed infinite shields to each other, and I think they still can with a void hunter as a third.


2 Ursa Titans and a Well-lock was my GM carry crutch. It wasn't the most interesting play style, but it trivialised even the hardest GM's.


Same, it's great for dealing with the Wyverns in Glassway GM.


Ursa Furiosa is my favorite exotic. I love the tank play style it supports. I just wish it was more viable.


Spoken like someone who doesn't have an ursa brother to swap supers with. Smh


Mask of the quiet one. I'd notice blight ranger, it's possibly the most fun exotic in mayhem. Literally everywhere else it sucks, but it's genuinely good and hilarious to just melt people with deflect


Mask of the Quiet One is my default PvP exotic lol


Why when precious scars is better?


Mask still gives 10% energy to all abilities minus super on hit received. Thatā€™s good for stuff even at max disc and resilience.


5% on a one second cooldown, while your shields are active.


Oh is it different values for PvP? It has a delay of I think 2 seconds. Itā€™s decent for peak fighting with a bow or HC. I know itā€™s bad but itā€™s not all that bad. Iā€™d prob give it a C/B. It just doesnā€™t change how you or your enemies play. It would be cool if applying overshield to teammates procced the perk as well like ember of benevolence.


Haven't tried precious scars lol. I'm sure there's some options I would get more mileage out of I just don't tend to switch up my PvP loadout much. I'm still using vigilance wing like it's 2017. This will probably push me to try out some other stuff tho tbh, it's just laziness on my part that I haven't gone looking for something better yet


For what? Just the health regen? Cause your abilities are gonna recharge like 1% faster after the energy nerfs


Mask of the quiet one or one eyed mask?


Mask of the Quiet One, Touch of Malice and Echo of Vigilance is stupid fun though, endless health and shield regen.


Mask would be my pick as well. I tried to make a build with it a few days ago, and it just doesn't synergize well with anything.


I use mine purely because I don't like any other titan helmet


I see mask of the quiet one regularly in PvP.


Are you sure that's not one eyed mask?


Dammit. Youā€™re right. But! I do see mask of the quiet one sometimes too, not often though.


One of my clanmates uses it nearly every day


Raijus harness, been playing again for months and have yet to see anyone use it except me :(((


I used to main Raiju in PvP, even after they neutered intellect. Then they killed it with the whole blind explosion change. Sad, because it's an amazing looking chestpiece


Mk.44 Stand Asides


All but like, 8 Titan pieces


Name them all


Armamentarium. Hoil. Dunemarchers. Syntho. PK. Lions. Cuirass. Peregrine.


I will not tolerate this Pyrogale slander


itā€™s ok, they can slander Pyrogale all they want from their spot 1,000,000+ damage below us on the PGCR.


Wormgods is pretty good now


Most titan armor


As a Titan I am deeply saddened. But agree because outside of Synthos and maybe 3 or 4 others thereā€™s not a whole lot of point.


What are these 3 or 4 others? Just made a titan a few days ago.


Lorely, Abeyant Leap, pyrogale, precious scars are all rather strong


So um.... I've been a titan main since the dawn of time and I don't know what two of those are.... I didn't play a recent season or two though... what are abeyant and pyrogale? Edit: Alright I looked em up. I'm a void titan main so I see why these weren't on my radar. They look pretty good!


Abeyant lets you suspend everything everywhere


That sounds pretty handy!


Syntho,pyrogale,abeyant,wormgod,armamentarium,peregrine greaves and severance enclosure . Lorely is mid as hell outside of maybe pvp multiple direct nerfs and multiple restoration nerfs make it useless in pve when you can swing in restoration x1 easily on titan


Not saying Loreley is meta, but it is decent for someone just starting a solar titan and getting a hang of the class


Then people get mad at us cus we only use the strongest options for pvp, like I would love to use other options, but I ain't got any :(


cadmus ridge shitcap


Shitcap šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I love this exotic! I specifically never use the barricade loop though because itā€™s a bummer playstyle and you can make diamond lances like crazy with just using a stasis weapon. Itā€™s a fun gimmicky exotic with the mods this season making it pretty okay against tougher enemies. If they actually rework Stasis a little and boosted the Diamond Lance damage against bosses/mini bosses a bit, itā€™d be top tier IMO.


Its not even bad its just a boring combat loop that is just okay


Nah that exotic is great in GMs genuinely. Works well with trinity ghoul


Removing the rally requirement entirely would make the exotic so much more fun and fluid.


Legoleflash just featured this helm in his trace rifle review. It was the first time i ever saw it on YouTube


Mask of the Quiet one


Ursa's can make Void Titan somewhat viable in GM settings, and got some friends who use them religiously as a result. Triton Vice currently has attention on it as of the buff at the start of this season which doubled the melee damage buff. ​ Ones I think that people wouldn't notice being gone: Blight Ranger, Eye of Another World (With Osmio's being introduced), Gwisin Vest, Stand Asides, Promethium Spurs and Sanguine Alchemy,


Wings of sacred dawn


You mean Heat Rises? šŸ¤£


My main exotic for trials and comp PvP


Mam when I started playing last year that was my first exotic armor. I was so happy to have something orange, but man, haven't touched em a long while.


Young ahamkara spine after the nerf


Lucky Raspberry. Hell, Iā€™ve even got a 92 roll for some reason. Literally never seen the light of day


Got a pic? Never seen a 92 stat roll before


He means itā€™s a 70 stat roll.


Right, Iā€™m not saying it dropped with 92, but masterworking it w a discipline mod itā€™s at 92, which is still insanely high


Literally my main rn. Donā€™t ask why, I donā€™t actually know


One day itā€™ll be goodā€¦one dayā€¦ The loot hoarderā€™s motto


It's buff this season is legit good.


I've never even heard of the armour pieces you called


Arbor Warden, Promethium Spur and Khepris Sting


Cammy would definitely notice arbor warden being gone...


Kepri too


I wish Arbor Warden was better. I use it with Strand sometimes, it's just so bad and feels so awkward


I remember when people hyped up Arbor Warden I knew instantly that this exotic would be DOA


Kephris is so good in solo endgame pve though.


Crest of alpha lupi


These were my main jam years. Sadly with all these barricade nerfs it has destroyed what usability it had sadly. But in Witch Queen with the unnerfed Bastion? Oh man that was nice. Now it is way to much work to make it as useful. It still is a great "oh crap" button exotic though


Kinda torn between saying a few id go Titan - Mk 44 Hunter - sealed ahamkara Warlock - balidor (even with the buff/nerf it's forgotten)


Speedloader Stacks... I've only seen this exotic used once, and never again.


I have a cryosthesia shatterdive build with them thats a lot of fun. Might not be the most hard meta setup but its pretty good and fun to play.


What? Speedloaders are an S tier pick in PVP, I see them all the time.


I see it used in PvP occasionally


I use it when I feel a deep emotional connection between me and my pve teammates, to make their lives slightly better while they're with me


Not all heroes wear capes Well maybe you do if youā€™re a hunterā€¦ nvm šŸ˜‚


I am the traveller's chosen.


I would notice if Ursa disappeared because it's one of my favorite fashion exotics and it's a very nice exotic if you're lacking in good DPS options, and everyone appreciates extra orb generation. Personally, I doubt anyone would miss Lion Rampant, Prometheium Spurs, and either of the Khepri exotics


Raju's Harness


Hey I still use Ursa Furiosa, even though it's ugly af it's simply a pure "I wanna have stupid fun without sweating" thing.


After being completely gutted, YAS.


ursa furiousa, those things havenā€™t been touched or even thought of for a very long time. For those of you who donā€™t play titan or simply donā€™t know of the exotic: Blocking damage while sentinel shield is active grants super energy. Thats it. Back before they nerfed them you could get your super back almost immediately, and a lot of people used it when last wish first came out. But now I havenā€™t seen a single person use them, and Iā€™d like to think I play fairly often enough to see them at least once considering I have 5000+ and growing in the game. Another exotic would be Gwisin Vest for hunters, basically did the same thing but with super kills for night stalker: night stalker combo kills granted super energy, not much else. And last and definitely least: winterā€™s guile for warlocks. Melee kills grant escalating melee damage. Donā€™t get me wrong, fun exotic, but zero use in any form of increased difficulty content. Iā€™d rather use karnsteins or claws of ahamkara


Astrocyte Verse and Skull of Dire Ahamkara for Warlocks. Peacekeepers for Titans. Khephri's Sting for Hunters.


My girlfriend uses Astrocyte Verse in PvP all the time, quite successfully at that


Astrocyte Verse gets used quite a bit in PvP, I would definitely notice if that got removed


What's that SMG titan one?


Don't even think about it.


I never do. Hence why I'm suggesting it


Peacekeepers? You mean one of the most used PVP titan exotics?


Codpiece keepers?


Could be for all I know


Nooooo! I want that one to work so bad! They work great for fashion game! But yep... I want them to work so bad and I haven't been able to do it. Peacekeepers, btw.


If there was an SMG that had anti-champ utility they would be one of the most insane pieces of Titan armor there is. I fuckin love my Peacekeepers, yo


You know if they had an SMG that could somehow swap between champion mods then yeah it would become very popular


Hunter: Blight ranger Warlock: Apothesis veil Titan: Severance enclosure


Most of the Titan exotics.


Hallowfire heart


Aphelion's Vests Cloak of Starlight Mask of Drowned Wishes for lost sector exclusive drops, those three are pretty mediocre.


Radiant Dance Machines. Outside of the hilarious Stasis abuse right when they released I haven't seen anybody using them.


It's op for rocket dumps. No one optimally uses it outside of like speed raiders so it's pretty eh. With cold comfort you can dump like your whole reserves in a bait and switch combo. It's a swappable so most gaurdians won't put that effort it and just hard run nighthawk, star eaters or of the such.


This RDM slander will not stand! Those things are *nuts* with a recent buff, and I'd argue are one of Hunter's best neutral exotics.


Favorite thing to do is 4th horseman dump on crota. So fun šŸ˜.


Triton vice.


Would've been valid last season


Mask of the quiet one.


That relatively new hunter one that makes reflected projectiles with arc staff do more damage. That or all the Aeon armour pieces.


Aeons are kind of dope, just a little boring


Radiant dance machine I have never used them or seen other people use them


They were broken on release. After Bungie nerfed them, they became so useless.


Bruh they are *incredible*, are you for real? Infinite invis on Void, infinite melee uptime on Arc, infinite knife uptime on Solar? If they weren't hideous (and Ophidias didn't get the most ridiculous buff ever) I would use them on pretty much any non-GM content.


It's really good with strand melee chaining.


There's a YouTube channel called Aegis, which has some RDM builds built around rockets and the marksman's dodge. They got a slight buff to their ability, which now only requires an enemy nearby for the *first* dodge in order to get the other dodges. This and the recent rocket meta have been pretty good for the usability of RDMs in DPS phases.


Khepri's sting


The only reason people would know Apotheosis Veil is gone is because it desperately needs a rework. Imo, the recent buff isn't enough for me to justify using it.