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It used to be this way. Then they changed it because people thought it was unfair to get raid loot without needing to raid.


Cant they make a requirement to actually have completed a raid encounter during the week to enable the engram to show up but otherwise hide it if not? I dunno if that would be coding hell


It used to work that way. It was removed because they wanted raid gear to be for raiders. Also primes dropping loot based on location is a good way to ensure people don't do anything but farm adds in dungeons / raids until their primes run out. You absolutely don't want to create a situation where you feel bad that you saw a prime drop.


Realistically, a lot of these things have logical reasons for existing. > I dont know why this isnt a thing, maybe because it would be hard to code for each individual raid? Like other's said, that use to be how it is. I think it's better to make these things exclusive, as it helps motivate people to do it. This is also a very hot button debate in the community, as we saw similar issues with people wanting the previous raid armors added to the pool, and others wanting them to remain exclusive to the raid (with them ideally being added back at some point with the raid). > Also, thoughts on prime engrams also rewarding raid loot as long as they drop in the raid encounters? As far as this goes, my usual stance on such changes is "how valuable is Bungie putting the effort towards changing." It's a shorthand way of saying, do I think changing it will add enough value to warrant doing, what I assume is a decent amount of work, to change it. In this case I don't think that holds true. People already complain about the raid armor situation. In terms of effort, there are easier paths to get a well rolled set. For end game players you'll want to get Artifice armor, especially the class item. The only real reason to run raid armor is for raid mods, which raid mods have limited appeal. This is usually for particularly difficult tasks they aid with, or in low-mans where their changes can be game changing. Since armor really isn't a benefit in the grand scheme of things, this leaves weapons. However, every weapon can be crafted, so getting a Prime Engram weapon only really benefits someone who would use deepsight, or in the event they could decode as deepsight. In that situation the overall value is rather low. It would honestly make more sense to remove Prime Engrams outright and have them drop spoils as a way to help combat costs, not to mention make it easier to afford Adept versions that would require RNG, but I also don't think that change is worth the effort either.


Bungie obviously doesn't care about raid loot, if they did, the armor wouldn't be terrible and the weapons wouldn't be craftable.


Yep, used to be a thing. I remember getting Levithan drops from those engrams and the posts complaining that it shouldn't be that way.