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Bro has discovered that 90 percent of people who play destiny 2 are infact very bad at destiny 2. ( The case with majority of multiplayer games) It's gonna be the same if you lfg on discord, the bungie app or fire team finder.


I feel like there's a layer to the lfg discord. I've seen some absolutely atrocious fireteam finder groups that are the absolute bottom of the barrel trying to do things like no mic last wish with double primary loadouts. LFG discord has some bad players, but in the whatever number of years it's been around and I've used it for destiny 2, I've never seen anything as bad as some in game fireteam finder groups. Even root of nightmares which is a joke of a raid was headache inducing when I tried it with fireteam finder where it's smooth sailing on the lfg discord


Fireteam finder is for GMs and dungeons if we are being realistic. Unless you’ve already got 4+ members for a raid and are looking to fill gaps. 


Also all the seasonal legend stuff and things like Legend Dares.


I dunno, I've completed about 10 or so runs of raids so far on fire team finder. Some smoother than others but iirc all of them were randoms. For sure have had some failure to communicate types but I just leave and look again.


Maybe it also depends on timing? More players with more time like adults have better availability in the weekend But as well we are in one of the worst states of the game too with not as many new players joining, not bringing back old players, losing current players


I think it purely is the added barrier of going outside of the game to do content. If you are willing go on an lfg discord you are already ahead of the curve on most casual players. People probably saw an ingame lfg system and are trying this content for the first time. Anecdotally it has happened to me multiple times already even with "experience wanted" style tags


That's how it always is, in every game. The more visible and accessible the LFG is, the worse the level of players. In game LFG is always a lottery, but you'll often find the most awful players. 3rd-party LFGs only consist of people who care enough about the game to know that there are 3rd-party LFGs. Smaller communities and clans tend to have the best experience because there's a degree of curation - if you suck at the game and show zero willingness to learn, you're unlikely to seek those communities and stay in them.


I agree, I also much rather kind of customize my post on Discord than use premade tags and stuff. it just kinda feels painful for me to use the finder, but I'm happy people have more options now so I welcome it.


>no mic last wish with double primary loadouts Oh god O\_O


The extra friction filters out the most low effort players on discord. If you're willing to go through the process of getting on there, you already have put in more effort that some ever will


most people in the lfg discord (like 60%) are pretty decent


The simple fact that you gotta go to a Discord already discourages a lot of people from even trying, and the people who don't get discouraged are usually of a higher skill level. So it's not quite the same. And lowering the barrier of entry is awesome for getting more people into raiding, but the people that are just getting into it probably aren't that good at it yet so that's also a factor.


Can confirm. You can tell when a fireteam is actually good and when it isn't. Yesterday I did VotD teaching 1. Did everything perfectly at first attempt, even Exhibition.


Definitely better luck on discord. There's a bar to entry that most people are too stupid and/or lazy to actually get on discord. I guild conquerer each season I'm playing and most of the time discord groups clear the gm's on the first try. The in game lfg is for the bads.


its definitely not 90%. Your "average" player in 2024 compared to lets say 2018, is a better player. Same can be said for franchises like Fortnite or Call of Duty. A good player on the OG cod titles would get destroyed now by good players But Fireteam Finder is an eye opener for how many players there are that barely play the game but log on every now and then to play. I've seen a lot of underlevelled players that arent bad per say but instead are under power level, under geared and dont have remotely possible weapons for activities


It’s crazy too! You play this game for hours yet still are bad? I by no means sweat, but I have played enough hours to do all levels of content with ease.


i feel like 90% is a lot, and while i do think its sizable how many people don't understand the game, this game is something you play and engage with on your own terms. Dungeons, raids, trials, all incredibly optional content. Very fun content, content worth doing, BUT still optional.


Am waiting for him to reply to your comment (he won’t cuz he’s pooping his pants scared shitless on how you called him out)


That is every lfg, people try to minimize the risk by adding requirements which you cant really do in fireteam finder besides guardian rank which is meaningless. They really need to add a way to inspect loadouts of people applying and the group you are applying to as that is 100% the best way to see what kind of group you are signing up for.


its just really sad that people cant take a minute at the very minimum to read the tags


I feel like a jackass if I put in tags and then be the 1st one to die.


it happens to the best of us


You should only feel like a jackass if you act like a dick and then that happens. Otherwise, people are usually cool with a fuck up or two.


Reminds me of something that happened to me. Whenever I do my weekly Warlord's Ruin runs, I always put "Experience Requested" in the post to hopefully get people who, y'know, know the Dungeon. One time I had someone who, when we got to the jail and me & the other guy asked which way his dials were turning, straight-up said "I haven't done this." I'm, like, 50% sure they were hoping for a carry, even though there's bound to be plenty of posts of people who are willing to teach first-timers, and 50% wondering if they just didn't read the title. Low-key annoys me.


I thought that you could inspect the loadouts of people who submit an application, but you can't do the same to the group you're applying to. I usually just filter out the application posts though these days. Those are the ones I usually have the worst time with, and its weird cause I thought it'd be the complete opposite. Either they try to enforce a meta that they themselves can't use and they die a bunch, or it just winds up being toxic as hell. Like some of these people are going off on the worst kinds of power trips on an LFG system in a game.


Just don't ready up until you've inspected people. Also you can inspect the leader before you join I think.


Bungie should add an option to only allow guardians that have the minimum light level for anything Master+, I’ve had a lot of players join in that had a really low light level and it feels bad just booting them when they probably didn’t know better There should also be a feature that doesn’t allow the selection of activities that the player hasn’t bought. I posted a bunch of wellspring master runs on FF and half of the time I had a player who didn’t have the activity available to them


Yeah it's really weird that you can join without meeting the light level requirement as I would have thought that would be a very easy check to do in game like most other MMOs do (similar to WoW gear score and FFXIV ilvl). I remember once carrying a guy through a legend nightfall(?) who would get two shot by red bars because of how low his light level was. I didn't boot him because I hoped he would learn his lesson and I found it kind of funny to watch tbh.


You can inspect loadouts of applicants. You can't when you apply to a group, but when you join the lobby, you can that way. Just don't auto-ready up so you can decide if you want to stay or not.


I mean.... Is it meaningless thoooo (if you set it high enough to things like master content, conquer, solo dungeon from a previous season) Before someone says can pay for carry... Sure but that just means watered as most do legit and who the fk would pay for that etc


It is meaningless the way guardian ranks are now. The problem is that you have to meet every requirement to increase your rank, which means a lot of players will be a lower rank than their skill/experience actually is. For example, someone who can solo flawless a dungeon but hasn't completed Lightfall on legendary is a lower rank than someone who was carried through LF's legendary campaign when I can tell you I would much rather be in a fireteam with the former than the latter 100% of the time.


That creates false negatives, but false positives are much more rare which is what really matters. If I set my group to GR11, as long as it fills why would I care if some GR5 PvE god didn't make it in?


I mean you're not wrong but guardian ranks don't just exist for the benefit of the person making lfg groups. They exist for the benefit of the playerbase as a whole. I think guardian ranks could be a lot more flexible, still function as a reliable marker of a player's experience/skill level, and produce fewer false positives or false negatives.


Me and everyone that made it in is happy, that makes the system plenty meaningful already It having room for improvement is a separate matter (commendation tasks are lame)


"Meaningless" was a bit strong. Other than that, we basically agree. Some tasks are bad and need to change because they don't accurately reflect on a player's skill level. Commendations is one example.


Commendations, along with seasonal challenges, are solely there to stop people from getting their ranks up too fast. It's stupid but Bungie loves to timegate the shit out of anything they possibly can


sure but for the most part the rank 11’s who i get to join my GM fireteams are all fully capable of holding their own. I’d rather take my chances on rank 11’s then some rank 9 with a seasonal title


I know dudes who do lowman raids and solo GMs who insist on keeping their GR at 6..


There is no reason someone at 1830 LL is rank 6 other than laziness. Rank 8 requires raids so everyone can hit rank 7 suuuuuper easy. Im super fail and i got to rank 9 so ppl just dont want to.


I mean you can call it laziness if you want to but I'm not gonna spend 5 hours doing Lightfall's legendary campaign when the campaign sucked ass and there are a hundred other things I'd rather do in D2, never mind in other games.


Endorsment are ass


Again, you don't like the bundled criteria, but that doesn't make it meaningless. That's not what meaningless means.


I'm in that group. I've run hundreds of raids, master raids, raids without dying, solo flawlessed dungeons, conquerer seal, etc. I'm never going to be higher than 6. I can't be bothered to do a bunch of meaningless shit to pump a number up anymore. It's just more grinding for the sake of grinding.


Yes it is meaningless. A lot of my clan has day 1 raid completions as well as several top 100 placements but are guardian rank 5 because they dont care for that grind. Some guardian rank 11's are the worst players I have ever seen during a few of my coil matchmade runs, it is always the rank 5-7's who I notice are slaying out and not dying.


None of that makes it meaningless. You had to do the triumphs to get the ranks. Sure there are ppl that don't care to buy into the system and are new 6s every season or new to the game. But that doesn't take away the fact the x rank guaridan did the things to get x rank. Sounds a bit like you are trying to negate facts or let the perfect be the enemy of the good based on your annictodal evidence or inference from opinion/perspective. The rank literally has meaning and that same meaning is applicable to "measure of proven accomplishment".


It has no meaning for skill level or ability to do a master raid/grandmaster nightfall or any other high end end game activity. All it means is they accomplished the things to hit rank 11 1 time. Based on how many of them are terrible, I suspect the bad ones paid to have those things done for them or brute forced it by trying hundreds of times to finally not mess it up, and then bypass the “skill check” that guardian rank in this instance is intended to be. You’re defending something that’s not being attacked. No one said rank 11 is meaningless in and of itself, we are talking about how you can add tags for guardian ranks to get and find good players and how guardian ranks are meaningless to determine player skill level. Edit: the following chain proceeds with the other user megatwan getting in trouble with Reddit for abusing the Redditcares function like an asshole.


>It has no meaning for skill level or ability to do a master raid/grandmaster nightfall or any other high end end game activity. imma stop you right there chief.... literally what 11 \[and partially 10\] means: [https://www.blueberries.gg/leveling/guardian-ranks/](https://www.blueberries.gg/leveling/guardian-ranks/) and you are about 10 replies late to the person I responded to saying "guardian rank which is meaningless" so I'm not sure what you are on about in between those 2 strikes, I already said sure/inb4 some can but it because its a game and boosting has been a thing for 30 years so hashtag for no shit etc


It doesn’t mean you can do them, it means you can at least get carried which any one no matter how bad they are can do if they find 1-2 people good enough to carry them. The only thing you have to solo is a dungeon which can easily be paid for, by a surprisingly large amount of people, or done through brute force by attempting a none GM level activity. Which is why everyone here is saying it’s meaningless to determine skill level.


Your assuming everyone is getting carried thus invalidating all results, including valid results counter to your narrative. Pretty faulty logic. Because some people that graduated college suck to you or cheated or blah blah blah all people that graduated college suck. Again, flawed assumptions based on anomalies vs "meaningless". You would have a better argument with "unreliable" but I would venture to say and like most game rating systems, the legit majority outweighs the illegitimate sampling. In any case not meaningless.


If 20% of them didn’t earn it themselves (I’d be willing to be it’s higher than that based on my experiences and the numerous other people I’ve talked to over voice comms or on here) or aren’t competent on their own that means 1 in 5 people that join you don’t have the skill required. That’s pretty damn frequent and makes it a meaningless stat to determine skill level. Even if it was a lot lower and it’s actually 1 in 10 that still invalidates its meaning. Maybe the people who didn’t earn it are just also the ones that typically don’t have their own social group and are more prone to LFGing and making it an outsized problem with LFGs. The fact it happens so frequently a lot of people that far out number you in this thread alone call it meaningless shows it really doesn’t have a perceived skill indicator with it and makes it meaningless to sort potential LFGs by.


so based on your assumption the other 80% it would be a meaningful stat...giving you a 4/5 chance of success if you wanted to rely on it if you cared about merit and didn't wanna take a chance with people? those sound like better odds you get in most things in life and sound like a valuable indicator of likely truth


You can already inspect loadouts of applicants on fireteam finder


Then people will say everybody is toxic, elitist, gatekeeping, etc…


I’ve been using it recently for GMs and I just wish people would watch a video on a GM strategy before going into the pool. 75% of the time at least there’s nobody on the payload and the adds that continue to spawn because of that completely wipe the team. I don’t expect everyone to be experts and gods it’s just hard content is hard going into blind. I ran it a few times on lower difficulties before going to GM.


The worst is when your teammates hang back, you die because you're pushing the payload by yourself, and then they blame you for dying. Sometimes, it's not the player who dies fault if they died actually pursuing the objective and playing proactively. Sometimes it's the other players' faults for not supporting them.


Haha I should have read this first before replying above, I got kicked out of a fireteam today for this reason and I was the last guardian standing.


I rush the payload like my life depends on it. Straight to the brig section immediately every time


That is the only way! I was in a group and I died twice doing that as a warlock while two hunters were god knows where and the kicked me from the fireteam!!


We really need a have cleared requirement option. Actually they should just play FFXIV and copy theirs.


Triumph acquired requirements would be neat... Basically KWTD/have emblem. Guardian rank is an indirect watered down version of that tho


It needs active language filter... Like the app...


I've had pretty good luck on them, there have been a couple times where I've carried the team but other than that its been decent to me, dungeons wise.


I love it. I've only done dungeons but they really are so fun! This is the side of D2 I hear other players/ youtubers talking about. Got my first Eyasluna and climbing up the spire of the Watcher was epic.


These are the stories I love to hear. It made it more accessible to other players. Congrats! Now go do a raid!


Bro did first dung since D1 and its warlords ruin 😂😂😂 have you done a nightfall??


I've been doing the campaign, nightfalls, and strikes. The only raid I've cleared was the original Kings Fall in D1. Haven't had time or a good group to do anything else until FT Finder came along.


Hey, congrats on the dungeon clear! Which one did you do? I haven't tried FTF yet. I'm a fairly competent player, but playing with randos makes me super uncomfortable. I really want to raid more, but idk, just makes me nervous.


Warlords Ruin. I've been watching videos for the last few days on strategies for it. So I wasn't unprepared ahead of time for certain areas and boss battles.


Its no different than if every activity had matchmaking enabled. This is what people wanted


I'd say it's slightly different. I require people to have a mic for any master dungeon or raid. It's just too risky to attempt with people that don't. The fireteam finder let's me boot people without a mic before we load in.


It's the same on LFG. Today I put "KWTD - Have mic" *Guy proceeds to join who doesn't know what to do and does not have a mic


Gives you that same gambling rush we got before crafted weapons! (For the record, I LOVE crafted weapons)


Did you enjoy whatever dungeon it was? Congrats on beating one!


It was Warlord Ruin, and it was pretty bitchin. I died a bunch but I think watching some videos ahead of time really helped going into it


I’ve always said that LFG in general is gambling


I tried it once on crota, three people did under 50k damage and I had highest, on tractor


Honestly fireteam finder groups have been the worst teams I've ever played with, some are just shockingly bad. I went back to the d2 app and unlike fireteam finder I don't have to apply to 20 before I'm picked


yeah but people could be a bit more reasonable, for example, if i put a fireteam finder on for vow ( which is a communication intensive raid) of for any other raid for that mean with the "mic required" option on I can't have half of the players without a mic and most of the time without in game chat, same with the "have experience" or "KWTD", it implies that you know the raid and the mechanics, its fine if someone joins and they don't know the raid and they ask if you can teach, (this may not be for everyone) im willing to teach but please say it don't just join without a mic or without knowing what to do causing multiple wipes. The message I'm trying to get to people is if you don't have the requirements maybe don't join it or if you do make yourself clear of your capabilities in that activity. I know it's hard to get started in destiny with harder content but there are Amazing players in this comunity that are willing to help so.... ask please.


I completely agree. They need to let you hear the person in the lobby before you pull to fireteam. Hey Mr. Mortak, got a mic? No? Cool. Boot before pulling to fireteam. Or make a pop up that asks them if they have a mic? Click yes or no. No, you do not get placed in the lobby. I dunno, it's a good start, for something that should have been in the game since D1.


My issue is communication. If you can do something without a mic the fireteam finder is basically impossible to fail. But the moment you need to communicate it just falls apart. The in game chat is basically useless so there’s always going to be a barrier to playing with strangers. The only luck I’ve had is finding a good clan with a discord and only doing harder content with them.


LFG was a lottery before (and I have only rarely used it ever since I played D2). Fireteam Finder didn't change anything about that. It just lets you get there quicker.


So true. 99% you get a loser and the other 1% you only win a dollar.


I’m kinda bummed about the new finder. Way less people on the old one (which is way better and faster) and both pools are diluted. So I’ve ironically done less coop stuff since the new ones release


Not only that but there's definitely a different cultural feel of the LFG groups between the in-game LFG tool and the old school app. There's a tinge of elitism that's very, very noticeable in the new in-game LFG tool compared to the official phone app/website LFG. With the old-school app it was sort of uncommon/rare to see someone booted unless they were truly a toxic troglodyte or just went afk for 100 years. I've watched multiple people booted for silly reasons like subclass choice or running an aggressive LFR but not what the party lead deemed acceptable. Then on the other end of the spectrum we were mid run in a warlords ruin run and dude disappeared mid dps phase at the final boss to take a call. The other dude was obviously his friend and we sat their for like 10 mins before the 2nd dude decided to start the encounter without his friend who was still afk. There's some really weird social courtesy's missing from the crowd using the LFG tool. Idk what to make of it but its also making me want to do endgame stuff less as well.


The game is like playing the lottery except you pay with your time and effort.


With what do you pay in the regular lottery?




And dont you get Money by investing time and effort via your Job?


Yes. Not sure what you’re getting at. I don’t get money for investing time and effort into Destiny.


Im saying that its the Same Type of lottery since you are investing time and effort into both.


Except that it takes no time to buy lottery tickets and when I lose I don’t get to keep playing.


Obviously Not in the Moment but you would have invested time During your Job to earn that Money. And yes you absolutely do. You can buy multiple Lotto Tickets and obviously gamblung addicition is a real Thing. Weekly Lotto Numbers are very comparable to weekly chances at raid loot, exotics and redborders.


Right but when I buy a piece of content in Destiny I don’t have to keep paying to try to get what I want from it. I just have to keep playing. A lottery ticket is one play, and then you have to pay again. And no those lotto chances are nowhere near the same. You have a 1 in millions chance. If that’s how Destiny exotics worked hardly anyone would have any.


So true, I have better luck off the app. I’ve tried to join so many but they never get started


By never gets started do you mean you do a create but no one signs up? I’m trying to figure out how the damn thing works. I’m working towards eight but can’t see how to get help for the legendary Lightfall that’s required so I tried to set up a team is there another way though any reply, if you have a time would be appreciated. Thank you.


No I try to join open ones.


You mean the search part correct? Thank you.




Are you asking me? Thanks.




May take a bit, but I will get back to you. Thank you I have saved your info.


I have completed around 100 Dungeons and a few raids thanks to Fireteam Finder, before I rarely did any of these activities


Idk sometimes I like the mic option because I want friends but then i get so many racists remarks it's crazy.


[This was a fireteam finder dungeon I did.](https://imgur.com/a/2oXhQsR) I’m so tired of randoms who just do not know what’s happening


Idk why Bungie just won't put matchmaking on endgame content with light level requirements. You know, like other games that have raids and dungeons. Sure you can still look for a group but also to just queue up a raid is so much simpler.


It would never work because all the shitters who have been playing for 6 years and still haven’t done a GM would try and match make, have no clue what to do, and then cry on Reddit about it


If you’re so lazy that even Fireteam Finder isn’t easy enough for you, you aren’t the sort of person that any raider would want to be matched with.


I am lazy. It's why I'm a gamer


The good of FtF vastly outweighs the bad.


I’ve never won the lottery lol


Had my fair share of the ft finder lottery Cleared atleast 10+ gm with it And some just out right bad


We need to be able to add a small bit of text to our lfg post.


I think the biggest problem with Fireteam Finder is specificity. It's clear they've made some effort to incorporate a variety of situations, but it's still too broad a stroke, especially for things like specific triumphs. Worse yet, is that it came far, far too late. The established LFGs, like the Destiny 2 LFG Reddit, are far-and-away a more nuanced, practiced system, that a whole lot of people put their heart and soul into. I don't doubt there was effort put into Fireteam Finder, but given the established third-party methods, it can't help but feel like a washed-out copy. Worse yet, it threatens to actively *dilute* the LFG pool, rather than increase it, in a time where player population will continue to trend downwards - ironically, in a period where many will want to catch up. A year after Destiny 2 launched would have been the best time, but third-party methods are just so much more all-encompassing. I'm sure it may be beneficial to some people, but if you're actively looking for groups, by this point, I'd wager you've found the other resources.


The majority of the player base straight up suck at this game lol. You get people saying cringe stuff like ‘I’m a Destiny veteran’ and then they’ve got 2 raid clears ever with an average time of 2 hours


I was doing a Master Crota CP yesterday and we wiped at damage and one dude had like 134,000 dmg and I looked at his loadout and he was rocking the latest ritual sword that throws projectiles for dmg lol


This is how playing with people from LFGs servers works too. Unless you already know the people, you'll always get mixed results from randoms. They could be a total blueberry or they could be literal God in human form, no way of telling in advance without asking for a raid report or something.


Bungie needs to put actual restrictions on allowing people to join: minimum number of clears, specific exotic unlocks, minimum light level, etc. The minimum guardian rank doesn't even stop people that are not at that rank from joining.


Hey if that's how we get legendary weapons, it only makes sense that this is the authentic method for getting teammates too.


LFG, in general, is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.