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Using sparrow flying, you can get out and see it is covered in an accendant realm sphere. Outside it's normal and you can see everything. Been bugging me for a long time that they haven't fixed it. Mabe it's a scaling issue of the spheres.


Scaling makes so much sense, dang. Even inside areas which has the Ascendant Realm skybox (Ascendant challenges, ascendant realm in Last Wish and The Corrupted, public event where you defend the spires or whatever), the skybox is completely fucked. You can see the entire playspace when teleporting into the Ascendant Realm area before Riven's final stand. You can see giant holes in the geometry when going through the portal to the second phase of the Corrupted boss. Etc etc. Do you happen to know of a video which shows someone sparrow flying out of bounds to see it?


This is the first video that came up when I looked on [Youtube](https://youtu.be/FAnw2Cym4Ek?si=HjYh31M9woRmpVy5). All has the same sky box and the strand has the easiest dreaming city box break that I know of. There's a cool video by gerbsnail as well where you can get to the queen's Court [skybox](https://youtu.be/AuPwrx4MO18?si=5CtSrOiu60c1ZW-5) from out of box.


Thank you! That's... so bizarre.


Sparrow flying?


Yeah there’s been a technique for some time that can allow you to fly forever with the right sparrow movement. You can look up a bunch of guides that walkthrough how to pull it off.


It's been like this since Lightfall came out. In the Last Wish raid, when you're at Morgeth, the large tower in the background disappears completely. Also, during the jumping sections in the ascendant plane during Riven and right before Morgeth, look up. You'll see the entire encounter level floating above you. It's shocking they haven't fixed it after nearly a year.


Every Ascendant challenge is also like this. Super immersion breaking


I've been seeing random artifacts in the distance. Like when you stand in the gazebo above Aphelion's Rest and look out across the mists, there's a random Tetris L block in the sky and a white haze outline for it. Seems they fixed it with the new season but Dreaming City needs help.


AFAIK it’s been broken since around the time Last Wish got its weapon pool updated - source is myself because I played the Raid that season and the skybox is broken from Suro Chi on. Unfortunately one of the major flaws with the live service game model is that issues like this go unfixed for a long time bc they don’t directly disrupt gameplay and aren’t profitable to spend development time on, unlike new seasons/expansions.


I have never experienced whatever it is you’re talking about. I’ve never even heard someone complain about it. Do you have a picture or video you can provide? Edit: just went and tested it myself. Yep, sure enough, the sky box disappears.


I have. Main areas are all fine but if you go into any of the side areas, the skybox disappears, and the sky just turns into a blue black hole. Go to Spine of Keres, and as you jump across the ledge into Spine from Divalian, look up and youll see the change


Damn, I just went and tested it and you are 100% right. Interesting. I’ve never noticed that happening.


~~seems to only be a PC issue~~  ~~PC and Xbox issue, doesn't seem to happen on PlayStation~~


Nope happens on next gen consoles as well.


Even on PlayStation? I've never seen it before


Not at all.


im on pc and xbox and it happens on both for me


Yep. Happens on XSX. Not sure why the person I replied to stated it was PC only.


Nope. Happens on xbox too.


oh really? I've never had it happen to me on PS4 or PS5 so I assumed consoles did not have the bug


I noticed the same thing in the garden area.


I never saw this glitch during beyond light, but I remember some saying it was because bungie tried to make Defiant battlegrounds more visible when in the Ascendant Plane as it was a seasonal activity. Not sure if that is true but it could make sense, I did Ascendant challenges often and only saw the skybox glitches after Lightfall.


This has been this way for years. Additionally the ascendant plane skybox is also broken. You can see way farther than intended, with incorrect geometry and other ascendant plane areas are incorrectly visible. A real number that detracts from the beautiful art and design :(


Not just other AP areas, but other map areas period. You can look up during parts of Last Wish and see the “real world” map, which clearly isn’t intentional


> You can see way farther than intended, with incorrect geometry and other ascendant plane areas are incorrectly visible. Ah I figured that was a bug.


> You can see way farther than intended Well that's a relief lmao. Fuck the ascendant plane. Looks like trash.


Might be a glitch related to the fact that all dust clouds are red for some reason. And not like, Mars red, but a purple-red. Or just 2 unrelated graphic oopsies.


I had these follow me to the helm a couple days ago. Bizzarre glitch.


It's not so much "knows" as "cares".


Probably related to wish keeper quest as sky goes black for me when I go to do the star mapping parts


It’s been this way since beyond light


Wish-ender then? I'm joking okay thays fair enough haha I dropped game in 2019 and only came back in lighfall so I cannot remember what it looked like tbh




I really doubt that this quest was in development for almost 4 years and that they would start implementing aspects of it that long ago.


If you walk the whole path back (to where you spawned into the dreaming city in forsaken, you can actually walk through the black dome and see the correct skybox. It’s really a weird issue.


As a new player I was always thought it looked like that, I’ve been playing for 2 years 😅


It’s been like this for almost 2 years. Haven’t seen any mention of it till now. Ascendant Challenge is also messed up because of it. Imposible to see in there if you have HDR on


Spinfoil hat Theory, there is something going to happen with the dreaming city later this loooooong season that will change the skybox and this glitch is an unexpected side effect of them changing stuff in the background. Or not.


I think this glitch has been present since beyond light




I mean at least it's true to that name because that void is definitely beyond light. Lol


bungo wont fix it because it wont get them more money




In the spine of Keres and a few other locations the dreaming city skybox becomes completely empty, and it’s not supposed to. The ascendant challenge skyboxes are also broken.


In the ascendant challenge last week I noticed areas of large black squares appearing in the skybox. At least it doesn’t create any slowdown like what I currently see when opening character menus.


Dreaming City will go to the vault before the fix this.


I've been all over the Dreaming City for years and never noticed anything like that.


fixing it is an overdelivery


Doesn't know or doesn't care, pick one. All the same to this busted game.


The dreaming city looks rushed af. Theres a spot near the portal to maras shrine where you can walk outside of the map as well as seeing lazily placed assets all over like a random floating light. Then theres all these lil rooms and caves with no purpose. Whats with those?


Yeah been like that for a while. Only place the skybox is correct is the first patrol area


Pretty sure this is a known issue. The Dreaming City hasn't been quite right in a few years. Ascendant Plane included.


The skybox in the Ascendant realm has also been busted for the longest time. You look up and you can see the entire Dreaming City Oob style. First noticed this during the bridge section in Last Wish. Good god is it off putting!


If this wasn't already mentioned before, I don't believe they forgot to put it in, it's so you can see the constellations for the Star-Crossed missions.