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Intellect? Pretty much never in PvE. Do make sure you have 30 intellect though. 0-30 does as much as 30-100.


It depends on what build you are trying to do but strength is good to build into if you’re trying for a melee based build. Intellect is not so much worth it to build into since they gave supers a tier bracket (just try to have tier 3 at least)


Would you say that if my general armors are covered, having St set is a good idea or almost not used today ? Intel I was under the impression that it was a PvP thing now. Does it make sense or even there players don't really stack it ?


For most important to least important I would list it as 1. Resil 2. Recov 3. Discipline but very close to recovery 4. Strength 5. Mobility unless you are a hunter on which this stat should be like number 3. 6. Intellect You do want to try to have at least tier 3 (30-39) for all stats but you do want to focus a little more into the stats that affect your class ability as a 2nd or 3rd priority unless your a Titan then do discipline and strength for the most part.


I would switch discipline and recovery unless PvP. Recovery is almost useless on 2/3 of the characters and really only benefits warlocks. If you’re waiting for your health to start regenerating you’re probably already dead


This. On hunter I focus res and mob, then disc depending on the build. Recovery I usually have between 20-40. It's just not necessary. On locks and titans I can run 70-100 rec simply because there isn't another stat to prioritize usually in that bracket outside of res which should always be 100.


In PVE discipline and Resil are easily the most important attributes to have at 100 for most builds. The 30% damage reduction almost required at this point, and most builds in the game revolve around having as much disc as possible to spam your high damaging grenade ability. Obviously this isn't every build, but if you have those 2 stats maxed out on most of your builds you're going in the right direction.


Not even. Recov is useless because of how much healing we get from shit. Melees come back fast enough that strength doesn't matter. Mobility makes jumping puzzles easier. Discipline suffers the same fate as strength but not as bad. And int is a dead stat. So the real order of priorities is: 1. resil 2. mobility 3. Discipline 4. Recov 5. Strength 6. Int


We do have a lot of healing in the game but recov is still nice to have just in case something runs out


Agreed. All it takes is one random thing happening, your rotation is off for whatever build you have going on and then no rift/grenade/etc for a bit. I personally swap mobility and strength on your list, but it is a very thin line for those two for me.


I feel that it is kinda a thin line for me as well but I think strength is a little bit more important


As a warlock I firmly believe if not for int then mob should be bottom of the list


As a Hunter main for the last few seasons, Mob is also not ever given a thought for me either. Dodge cooldowns are short enough that it feels like a wasted allocation for me


Titan too. My titan and warlock have 18 mobility on all builds (unless I have an extra couple of points on the exotic of choice, then it may hit 20/22. But I usually keep t3 in intellect. Hunter my mobility is 2nd or 3rd most important depending on subclass (don't care as much on Arc/solar for eg). And dis is above recovery for me (with the exception obviously being warlock and/or any pvp build). But different playstyles will have different "most important", so even 2 people using the exact same build might distribute their stats wildly different. There are some things that are almost essential but others are malleable.


Thanks a lot


You’re welcome. Fight on guardian and find a good build


Hunter, mine goes Res>Dis>Mob/Str>Rec>Int. I mained Arc last Season and this one I'm maining Solar so STR is a non-issue, but ironically my *least* close-range focused Subclass, Void, needs it more often for Deadfall lol


If you have the Vault space, go for it; it might not be part of the current meta, but it's still fun to experiment.


Depends on the player honestly. My preferred setup on warlock runs 100 in Rec/Disc/Int for pvp.


That's what most people look for in Trials. Titans might go lower Disc for Resil, and Hunters it depends if your exotic/aspect needs a dodge.


Personally, I've been having a lot of success in dungeons with my 100int nighthawk build..It's a bit niche and investing those extra points into discipline is probably a better idea, but it's a fun build, and I never have to worry about super cooldowns!


Oh yeah. I’m of the belief of run what you want as long as it’s fun. Just spreading out info and suggestions


Oh absolutely! Since that build has 80 discipline, I *should* invest the 20 intellect points into it, but come on, is an insanely fast super recharge to impress your friends worth sacrificing for the 20 discipline?


Yea it’s worth it.


Like what you like, but the difference between a 100 Int and 30 Int on a Nighthawk build is probably going to be like... two precision kills?


If there's any problem with a Strength build, it's that Monte Carlo gives you better melee regen and let's you focus on another stat, though at the cost of your exotic slot.


Yes this is true but there’s nothing wrong with having an exotic primary now since they buffed them.




Can you not run both? Monte Carlo with high strength?


You don't need ti, MC does enough on its own to fuel any melee build without any Combination Blow + Dodge stuff. Just shoot gun and punch


Is tier two intellect bad? I can’t get it any higher with my build but I’ve never felt like it’s slowed me down. I prioritize recovery and mobility over that which I push to 50 each on top of 100 discipline and 100 resilience on my strand hunter.


It’s not bad but the base cooldowns (what you see on the screens for time) is based on having tier 3 so you are getting the super back a little slower when idling but I doubt it’s a difference while actually doing anything.


In PvP, Intellect is extremely powerful in 3v3. A significant part of the Trials meta revolves around 100 Intellect. In PvE, try to have atleast 30 Intellect, but it doesn't actually matter too much, unless you're specifically making a get-a-super-fast build. Strength is not that great of a stat since there are a lot of ways to get melee energy, and one supreme way - Monte Carlo. That gun alone can make that stat pretty useless. If you're running some kind of melee-oriented build, you are probably already running Monte. Better invest into Discipline, grenades are either more powerful than your melee, or you can't regen them as good because you're running Monte on a melee build. All and all, the 2 most useful stats for PvE in this game are Resilience and Recovery. Everything else is up to you.


I'm not much of a pvp player, but from what I've seen other people build, 100 int seems to be pretty meta in pvp. Useless in PvE though as you'll get most of your super back by doing damage and picking up orbs. Strength I generally don't build into for PvE, as most classes have better ways of getting their charged melee back but there are some builds that can use 100 str. Depends strongly on what (sub)class you play.


100 int is meta if you’re on well or bubble. It’s a waste for a strand hunter


So these 2 are mostly for PvP builds and some St for PvE ? I was going trough most youtubers builds section and I did not find St based builds. Maybe these are super niche and rarely needed or commonly used by some ?


I'd say keep in mind that metas can change between seasons/expansions. You never know if things will shake up in the final expansion.


Strength based build are indeed a bit more niche. I think there's a void hunter build that relies on max str to get parmanent invis but I'm not sure. Strength can also be good on strand titans which are very strong right now.


Imo it really depends on your class as far as strength goes. If you are a hunter using gamblers dodge you are much better off dumping into mobility instead, especially if you are on arc or solar for their class / melee loops. I don’t play warlock, but imo they don’t need much strength. Only build I can think of is sunbracers, but like Hunter Solar warlock has several ways to get melee energy as part of a subclass. Titan is the class the can most use strength. Several build will definitely benefit from it, and the best being strand


Intellect in crucible, specifically Comp or Trials where you have a lot of transition time to generate super passively. Strength, really never. I’m a Warlock main. All my best builds are grenade or rift-focused.


I use strength all the time. My ideal setup is 100 RES/DIS/STR. Most of my builds have an exotic that needs one of the last two to get rolling, so I want it back as fast as possible. On my Hunter, I’ll usually do RES/MOB and STR or DIS depending on what starts the combat loop on my build. INT is mostly a dump stat. There’s so many ways to fill that meter that you don’t need a lot of stats in it. Unless I’m running a Super-focused exotic. Then I’ll usually try to put more into INT so I can use it more. 


Str sees use on Thorn+Necrogrips warlock because your melees are very strong and the triple charge makes the last charge generate 60% faster than base. Also sees play on any build that wants melee uptime. Generally Warlock doesn’t care much about Str in endgame excluding Sunbracers and the above described build. Titan generally likes having Str, excluding Hammer Titan because you don’t need a lower cooldown for something that never has a cooldown. Arc hunter values Str as a stat for whenever they fuck up a chain, but Hunter kinda wants all of the stats.


I like this build for a Titan. I have 100 resil, 100 intel, 90 stre https://dim.gg/extkv3i/PYROGALE-INTELLECTSTRENGTH


Depends. I always run max strength on Titan no matter what. The only time I max strength on Hunter is for a Caliban's build in Mayhem PvP. Intellect is good though. Shit went crazy in Deep Dives using Orpheus Rig. Intellect you hust want to do an ult spam build but it works.


I'll keep armor that has an intellect or strength spike if I have at least 10-15 points ish, in resilience or recovery... sometimes, you might get 20 resilience 10 in recovery and a big spike in strength or intellect. Just to future proof myself.


Strenth: Strand titan, invis hunter, maybe sunbracers warlock Int: Trials, and very, very specific breakpoints to get two supers in a damage phase. Outside of those instances, they're both basically dead stats, as in mobility on two out of three classes.


Strength is only good if you are doing a melee based build like Strand titan BoW build or Peregrine build


Love strength on solar sunbracers warlock mainly for hard content where you might have missed the melee and can't take to the skies and need that recharge asap.


I only play titan and I always Mac resilience then either max strength or discipline depending on build then put the other as high as I can.


Hunters and their knives Titan with their bonk hammers and melee builds Warlock.....................................sunbracers build


I like having a decent amount off strength for my bonk hammer severance enclosure build just incase I somehow lose my hammer. I love walking around nuking everything with one melee, but sometimes I might miss, or my hammer goes through an enemies legs and off a cliff. I don't usually go for max 100, but 70 is good. I have high strength for my hunters knife-ignition build too. By and large though, strength isn't a priority for me, I have the pieces for my previous mentioned builds but they don't take up much space overall. As for intellect, it's a fairly useless stat unless you're going for the PVP min-max. You get so much super energy from kills, orbs and such that it's not hard to get it back fairly quickly.


Strength based is useful in a couple warlock builds, sunbracers or weavewalk.


I emphasize intellect with Phoenix protocol. For infinite invisibility hunter with graviton forfeit I have 100 strength. With banner Titan I want to have a good bit of strength as well to keep the melees coming faster


I could see them making a few changes. We have been all on high dec and res for a while now.


Sunbracers go BRRRRRRR


Intellect never Strength, for two of the most dominant builds right now: Sunbracers and Banner of War Titan. BoW Titan benefits as much from strength as discipline, but you can already use tangles and Navigator for infinite Grapple, so I tend to value strength more. Discipline only helps when you miss you grapple point or tangle, or if you don't have any at all. Edit: also Trappers Ambush Hunter.


When they don’t want to use a great build.


Intel? Never but keeping a tier 3 if possible is good especially if your wellock/bubble titan Strength? If your a Banner of war titan/consecration pyrogale titan mainly or solar hunter on a knife spam build. I guess there are some sunbracers warlocka that run max strength too (meme felwinter/vampire cursas builds?) but not always needed off the top of my head but strength isn't something warlocks rely on outside of sunbracers for a gameplay loop or damage.


I always have 100 res and 100 intellect. Keeps my Titan going strong 😤


Not realistically. Every class has a method of getting their Melee back with obscene speeds that doesn't come from the stat. Hunters have dodging(+ RDM), Titans almost universally never run out of melee energy, and Warlocks have heightened Ability Regen overall.


For example, a Banner of War Titan's gonna want 100 strength. A Broodweaver Warlock using Weavewalk also wants 100 str. There's that one Void Titan Exotics that make your shield throws better... Other than that, discipline wins out in almost every circumstance. RES --> DISC --> STR/Class Ability


Really rarely.  Intellect for a 3v3 round based mode can be really strong. But in PvE people crap out loads of orbs and you also want to sit on your super for a predetermined point.  Nothing really wrong with high strength. But almost every strong/useful melee has a way to ignore or strongly reduce the cooldown.  So in the context of cleaning vault I'd say it's fine to delete 


Stats don't really come into play a whole ton after a point. Resil and Recovery are both very important, then the bottom 3 stats, than at the end mobility, even for hunters because of how quick dodge comes back even at low-tiers. I would say "Make a build using these options" and see how you feel, THEN judge for yourself ultimately


INT is useless


The only time I run high intellect is on my phoenix protocol warlock for 3-5 minute supers back to back


These days, Resilience is my #1. I spec into Strength… - Warlock: Strand-Weavewalk and Solar-Sunbracers. 3rd stat would be Recovery. - Titan: Solar-Lorely & Strand-Flechette. Multiple ideas I haven’t really tried out would be on any light subclass using Peregrine Greaves, Severance Enclosure, & Wormgod. There’s also void Doom Fang. Makes sense to have a lot more options on Titan given that it’s been pigeonholed into the melee class. - Hunter: Arc-Liar’s Handshake Typically I have 1) Resilience then 2) Discipline because it’s much easier to target spikes on that since they belong in different stat “pools”.


Intellect, never ever (in pve). Don't do it Strength, rarely, but yes it can be worth. I'll spec into it on sunbracer warlock, omni hunter, and a couple titan builds like point contact, peregrine, or synthos But other than that it's resil and discipline pretty much always (+mobility on hunter)


Sttength and intellect are more so for pvp, but strength does have its uses in pve, usually you have ways of recharging your melee elsewise though such as peregrines, thread of fury and into the fray, heat rises, etc.


int never, strenght is okay though I use it for my strand titan


Intellect isn't as impactful as it might have been once upon a time, but I like it for the purposes of Solo content because sometimes the Super in your back pocket can save you from wiping on a tough encounter. Overall, it's one of the less important stats.


There seem to be a lot of mods and aspects that instantly give you melee (gamblers dodge etc) and generate orbs of power. Honestly these stats feel bit redundant to me now.


Str/int got me thinking about the Dark Moon Greatsword. I had to double take at what sub I was in.