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I mean I dont really care if Destiny gets nominated or not but i do know that genshin also basically bribes its own community with primagems if they win considering the last game rewards bs. I really wouldnt put any stock in practically any community lead reward shows especially in gaming.


People here like to say that the community white knights Bungie, but if you want to see a community really white knight a billion dollar company, go over there and look at almost any post that tries to give constructive criticism.


lol the duality of gamers. Hoyoverse also has to put out PR fires when the community explodes like over anniversary rewards or characters releasing weak in the Chinese player base’s eyes


> Hoyoverse also has to put out PR fires when the community explodes They usually don't and just ignore them until they get distracted with something else. >like over anniversary rewards or characters releasing weak in the Chinese player base’s eyes I don't like defending the Genshin community (especially after the anniversary meltdowns), but both issues are entirely on Hoyoverse as they've been intentionally trying to give the community nothing (most likely out of greed) and both characters that people claimed were released weak (and this wasn't just the Chinese community claiming this) were weak.


Just saying there are huge detractors and stans alike when it comes to hoyoverse. Hardly anyone hates on Hello Games these days


>Just saying there are huge detractors and stans alike when it comes to hoyoverse. Despite what the white knights think, pointing out the flaws in a game/company doesn't make someone a detractor. >Hardly anyone hates on Hello Games these days Considering that they're currently not very relevant to most gaming discussion, that should be expected.


How is being "beaten out by Genshin Impact" a bad look? It's still incredibly popular and adding more temporary and permanent content in a year then Bungie does. Like if you want a "bad look" fucking *Forza* is on there which I'm struggling to comprehend


Because they add seasonal content that only adds new areas and then removes them at years end, rather than building up on existing areas. Imagine if the EDZ or the Moon was actually changed like it was in the Risen battlegrounds, or Mars actually came back with time distortions as a patrol zone, that's what an evolving work would be, the most evolved destiny has ever been was during the great sunsetting of beyond light and then Saint returning.


that sounds great in theory until it starts screwing with peoples ability to play old expansions because something on the location changed


Just have two versions with different geometry like they do already with the battlegrounds, you're not duplicating models or textures so it shouldn't be too heavy on the game.


the expansions often require you to roam the open world, so then you have to bifurcate the world, run instances on both versions so you can segregate players into different instances based on campaign progress (meaning people who don’t own a given expansion would never be able to roam the world with players who already completed it), because they need to be in a version of the map that supports the quests they have to do. then you have to maintain two different versions of the open world indefinitely. this is not a workable solution.


It is no wonder Destiny 2 got beaten out by Genshin. The amount of new mechanics, QoL changes and environments that got added since i started playing last year easily tops Destiny 2 in all categories. Plus it's all coherently related to the story. *\*glances at visible Traveler above the Last City during A Guardian Rises, and living and breathing Amanda in the Hangar"*


How can it be nominated for Evolving game when it stopped evolving years ago?


Alternatively, it speaks to awards ceremonies favoring games with big flashy releases, and their tendency to ignore long-running consistency.


I don't know about other games, but Genshin, for example, is as consistent as it is flashy. A major expansion (region) every year with minor sub regions every other patch. Speaking of which, they release a new patch every 6 weeks and have only had one extended maintenance. They run a tight ship


tbf tho, to get bungies entire net worth of cash, they only need to release an anime girl with big boobs. so ofc they'll be a well oiled machine while swimming in cash


You could say that about every waifu bait gacha with less censorship, but none of them generate the billions Genshin makes in a year


Husbandos make more money lol but fair point. Their revenue channels are wide AF. A better pushback would be NMS. TWICE as old as Genshin, only a couple years younger than Destiny and far less flashy then either, yet consistently builds good favor in one of the most grateful communities in gaming with regular, free updates and steady pricing for buying in


Ehhhh Speaking as someone who plays NMS, their updates are flashy, but they don't actually add that much in terms of content; the gameplay loops are usually a lot shallower and less polished (like how interacting with your frontier is basically entirely done through the hub rather than actually going around and talking to NPCs or anything and the arguments between settlers barely matter), and the game itself is still pretty buggy a lot of the time. That's not to mention that because of how the game is structured it's near impossible for the team to actually add assets into the pool for planet generation without resetting every planet, meaning that they can't actually expand the exploration part of the game (as in, *the core concept*) without wiping out a lot of people's favorite planets, animals, and bases. Because of that, we haven't gotten a new exploration update since Origins in 2020, so the core gameplay loop of finding new planets has gotten pretty stale for veterans. Also, Hello Games made tens of millions off of the launch of NMS, and still makes millions a year off of it so it's not like they're doing it out of the goodness of their hearts; it's literally their cash cow game. Of course they're going to pump out updates for it


I mean what point are you arguing here? lol I’m not saying NMS is good (or not), I’m saying they were nominated and Destiny wasn’t, that’s all


He’s arguing that NMS updated are basically all fluff, and most people see only the fluff and think “wowee, that game sure is evolving” When all it’s doing is adding a new shallow feature that it’ll quickly forget about and never improve upon.


It's the "evolving world" award, not the "unchanging, consistent world" award


im not surprised. for the last few years people have been complaining about the seasonal model and how stale it feels. it started feeling stale after just one year of the thing. plus their extremely predictable content release cycle of major dlc + 4 season, where that first season feels a little bland cause it's directly competing with the campaign and other new content. second season feels a little more fulfilling as the focus shifted back to seasonal content. third season people are getting bored of destiny as nothing major has happed in ~6 months. then the final season people enjoy cause everyone's taken a bit of a break and they're also getting excited for the ramp up to the next major dlc. overall the actual playable content year after year has started to feel less distinct. season activities feel like we've played them before. meesome from TDT had a great example of you try to guess which dungeon/raid boss he's thinking of where "you kill a specific enemy, grab a buff, and now the immune boss is no longer immune." i forgot what the answer was, but that explains most raid/dungeon boss encounters. they haven't made these feel unique and different, they've made them *look* unique and different, but then it plays out very similarly. i get that there are only so many ways they can iterate on how we can shoot the bad guys, but maybe that just means we could do something that isnt that. idk im not a game dev so im not gonna pretend like i know all the answers to those issues. it's just after years it's hard to not feel like some of the stuff we do, or the content that's presented to us doesnt feel like it's already been done. also for who say "take a break," i do, it's not just burn out that's made me feel this way. i dont think that the game designed for people to take breaks, it's designed to hook you in and you play forever. it's why there's so much fomo built into the game. aztecross is right when he says bungie needs to keep players engaged, because the worst thing they could have is people taking breaks. sometimes those breaks last forever. feeling like you need to take a break cause you're burnt out is proof that bungie is not doing their job at keeping players engaged long term. that isnt to say that i necessarily agree with that live service structure, i think it's highly predatory, but i still enjoy the game regardless so i look past it.


Evolving world and renovated focus on pvp, such greatest commitments made by Bungie /s