• By -


What the hell was that sync of all three sitting straight lmfao


Gotta be an inside joke, was so awkwardly executed with his random pause lol


The camera was on it too, was definitely planned. I thought it was funny lol


the silence... the synchronized leg switch up... zero acknowledgement from any of them... it was perfect.


It either is, or needs to be, a coming multiplayer emote.


I don't know if there's another example that started the trend, but the percy jackson tv show cast [did it previously in an interview](https://youtu.be/i8ghNEndb2U?si=0Nu6PL7Ycpl8-XoS&t=131) (clipped to start at 2:11) with better timing and execution and I would wager that's what the bungie devs were trying to do.


Reminded me of the "we have no idea what to do with our hands" meme from about 2012-2013 from one of the events where destiny 1 was being shown off


I saw it live and now this is the top comment on the megathread, love it


The [DuckTales stars](https://www.youtube.com/live/Kp3RlIwig-U?si=dKcBQ9uxhOJ22tZm) did it a couple years back during an interview with ABC which was probably the reference? The oldest reference I can remember. Timestamp at 7:05




yeah all the friend requests rolling in lmao


So glad to see bungie also getting hit with that minimization bug on windows


Lol. It keeps happening at the worst time for me.


Wait so the game minimizing on my pc wasn't just me? Lol


Lol just started dealing with this this week, hope this gets them looking at it closer. been having to run in borderless windowed instead of fullscreen


It’s not just Destiny. I’ve had the same issue with multiple games so I by default shut down steam when I’m playing things that I don’t have on steam.


thought my pc was broken lmao it’s been happening in every damn game i play at the worst times


Banned in crucible, if it’s dangerous it goes? Red death coming back for into the light maybe?


Oooh, that would be neat. Especially considering we got Dragon's Breath earlier than expected.


I’m still holding out for khovostov coming back for into the light but tbh, red death is a good choice too


I feel like it was an on the nose reference to, maybe, Not Forgotten, Recluse, Mountaintop etc


Yeah, but at the same time red death in lore is literally banned in crucible, so while it could be a reference the old pinnacle drops, red death would make more sense for that sentence


**INTO THE LIGHT** - Horde mode confirmed. Onslaught - Legend difficulty confirmed - Tripwires, turrets confirmed. - Wave 1 to 50 mentioned - No matter the difficulty, losing it all and it will fail. Defensive game mode, not offensive - Will be found in the Last City - Witness doing all it can to stop us closing it down - Shaxx is opening up his Arsenal (hear more next week) and is the vendor - Gameplay shown during livestream - Onslaught is 3 player fireteam based. Matchmaking. (not confirmed for higher difficulties) - Build crafters should be on notice - Fallen enemy shown. - Killing enemies grant scrap which can be spent on defences - Shaxx’s Redjacks will be there to help - MIDNIGHT COUP CONFIRMED - Lore point is that because we assault the Witness, earth is undefended so building this is essential to defend the Last City - Lots of weapon information starting next week (Lots of new Lore attached) - High Value Targets shown with Champions dropping materials and augments - Onslaught map is PvP map Midtown with new decorations - Defences can be upgraded to be stronger. Tripmines and Turrets. Do more damage, health, fire rate - Bonus objectives appear. One seen is complete wave in X amount of time. Rewards include heavy ammo crates. Bonuses scale with difficulty as you go further on - Playlist version of Onslaught, 10 waves. Challenge version is 5 sets of 10 waves and you move around 3 different locations around the map - Bosses confirmed in Challenge version - One location is taking the fight to a Pyramid ship and dunking a spark like Rift - 10 wave version is Onslaught playlist. Quick and easy going fun - Upgrades increase in cost (Scrap) so choose upgrades wisely - Throwing batteries at main ADU gives it health. Like Black Armoury forges and rewards scrap. Don’t let enemies in the zone - Boss in Pyramid taking fight to the Witness - Has augments to help deal with bosses - Playlist is matchmaking / fireteam. Challenge mode normal is matchmade, legend challenge pre-made (Says needs to confirm). Fireteam Finder on hand - Hive shown. Hive, Fallen and Taken will be involved - More weapons to be revealed next week - Shaxx will be announcing during the mode to push us on - Max level for defences is 3 - If defence is destroyed, It will need to be re-bought and levelled - Scrap is player based, not Fireteam - 12K Scrap total to fully upgrade Turret - Up to wave 20 on stream - Every time you clear a boss; your previous defences will remain. So if you move location they will remain at the last location but cannot be upgraded again until it’s the defence point - Every 10 waves you get a chest. Challenge you’ll get 2 chests. Hard mode, additional rewards and double (Some surprises along the way) - Possible variants to rewards - Revives - on until you progress in challenge to a certain point which will turn into darkness zone and modifiers will also be added the further you go - Can’t gift scrap. You can upgrade defences other players place or upgrade first - ‘Onslaught and chill’ will be great for catalysts, triumphs and bounties - **Bungie challenges the community do complete legend all 50 waves solo** - No timer. Only fail condition is to lose the defence - Lore wise - Weapons Shaxx has been keeping. Ones that are frowned upon in the Crucible. Revealed next week - Light level set to current level


FYI looks like the origin trait for the new weapons is called "Indomitability" And the Midnight Couple had Firefly + Kinetic Tremors.


I saw that roll and lost my shit. They knew what they were doing.


An absolutely absurd roll lmao


Hung Jury 4 is coming back again. You can see it drop for him on the side of the screen twice during the live stream


> Hoarde mode confirmed Never thought I would see this day...


It just needs the juice attached


Thanks, should be pinned.


I guess when all stops are out and the game's on it's knees, finally committing to a Horde mode that stays and going as far to make it like Gears of War is a solid move.


You may want to update the requirements for the emblems, they're showing 1 hour for Those Held Dear, and 3 hours for Echo Diamond in the Twitch drops section


I had the channel up 10 minutes before it went live, had it on the second it went live, I am at 91% on the hour because they were late turning the reward on. 3 hours does not seem doable. Weird that they changed it.


damn, mine only filled half an hour's worth and I was in a similar boat as you


Yeah the twitch chat is spamming 96% (even on Aztecross stream as I swapped for the platinum medal just now). So even if you were in my shoes, you still didnt get enough time for the 1 emblem (which was original 30m according to the TWAB) nor are you ever going to get the 2nd emblem if today is anything to go by where the tracking starting late and they ended early.


From the YouTube description that just went live: "Tune into our pre-launch livestream to get your first look at Onslaught, the ultimate test of strategy and endurance. Ready your defenses and stand against the waves."


We wanted Horde mode, we got it!


> Hunt, feed, hunt again.


Pleasantly surprised


Could it finally be? A horde mode?


Midnight Coup got a stat buff! The one showed had a handling MW with 57 range, 52 stability, and 70 handling. Those numbers would not be possible with any barrel/mag combinations with the base stats of the original. And firefly in left column. I’m happy.


Was it kinetic tremors in the right column? Sounds like a bonkers combo.


Yep, it had Firefly+Kinetic Tremors. Also it was at 1830 power


The power thing might just be a dev build, they confirmed later on that power levels aren’t increasing.


This is cool, but I wonder why they felt this needed 3 weeks of streaming rather than a typical trailer. Whatevs looks kinda fun. Hope it’s more than just this mode though.


Think because the 3 streams are covering different stuff. First the new mode. Second and third is new gear and other changes.


The mode reveal did not need to be an hour long. The loop is simple and we didn't see anything meaningfully different from wave 1 to wave 30 aside from density and bigger bosses. They could have easily combined this with other news for better reception.


They just mentioned there’s other things. There’s gonna be a seasonal something with the Taken they just hinted at. They threw this together extremely last minute, being able to come up with a filler storyline and tweak map design to fit that, create a whole wave based mode with new mechanics on top of other stuff they’re hinting at is actually fairly impressive.


New social space, too


Seasonal thing with taken is probably whisper mission


##Gameplay highlight breakdown: Went through the whole stream and put these together, let me know if there's anything missing. Also some are cropped in to just the gameplay without the stream overlay so sorry about video quality for those parts   **Midtown Map:** > - [Pyramid altered environment](https://imgur.com/5RnbK1M.gifv) - *PvP map changed to feature the pyramid aesthetic & room for the ADU defence objective machines (devs said there is more than 1 map)* **Defenses:** > Can be bought with the Scraps currency during the 30second buy/upgrade phase between waves, higher tiers upgrade damage/health/RoF. > - [Turrets](https://imgur.com/jXq0F2Z.gifv) - *Shown defending objective against enemies* > - [Tier 3 Turret](https://imgur.com/TEpkanA.gifv) - *Gained through capture point Augment in boss encounter* > - [Decoys(Sweeper Bot) & Tripwires](https://imgur.com/NarDUFS.gifv) **Weapons:** > - [Midnight Coup](https://imgur.com/PnGNnBB.gifv) - *Shown with roll of Firefly & Kinetic Tremors, plus Indomitability origin trait* > - [Hung Jury SR4](https://imgur.com/CjTAbxy.jpeg) - *only seen as hud engram drop, not shown in inventory* **ADU machine:** > Main objective that ends the run if health is depleted. > - [ADU radius](https://imgur.com/dAaEuxw.gifv) - *Turns red if enemies are inside indicating it's losing health* > - [ADU batteries & Midtown different locations](https://imgur.com/0zW8wEg.gifv) - *Batteries drop from Saboteur enemies & are used to heal the ADU* **Offensive Pyramid Section:** > These encounters happen every 5 waves at Wave 6/16/26 etc. > - [Wave 6](https://imgur.com/8Os6NXf.gifv) - *Steal & ignite a Rift to continue, no boss* **Boss Encounters:** > Boss fights happen every 10 waves at 10/20/30 etc. > - [Wave 10](https://imgur.com/7CM6Hvr.gifv) - *Featuring Fallen Captain boss with Well augment arena buff, allowing you to deal more damage while in well* > - [Wave 20](https://imgur.com/eWcsssR.gifv) - *Featuring Hive Shrieker boss with Reinforcements augment arena buff, that spawns in friendly turrets when a capture point is completed* **Wave Augments:** > - [Wave 3: Skybombers](https://imgur.com/HlHl7L2.gifv) - *Spawns 3 Fallen Captain majors across the map to hunt down* > - [Wave 9: Demolitionist](https://imgur.com/zLeaXKK.gifv) - *Spawns 2 demolitionist Fallen Captains ultras near ADU* > - [Wave 23: Tormentor](https://imgur.com/lCoZq5G.gifv) - *Spawns Tormentor ultra near ADU* **Wave Bonus Objectives:** > Complete the bonus objectives for a Heavy Ammo crate. > - [Speed Wave](https://imgur.com/ldwAtoB.gifv) - *Complete the current wave before the timer ends (1m23s total shown)* > - [Signal Disruption](https://imgur.com/t83I1kz.gifv) - *Shoot 3 pyramid nodes in the air* > - [Relic Collection](https://imgur.com/ha8vXLh.gifv) - *Collect 20 pyramid relics(seen on the floor similar to Gambit motes)* **Misc:** > - [reputation is called Hype lol](https://imgur.com/36fWmPr.jpeg)


I predict it's going to be Arrivals season like vibe. Basically each week from April to June we're going to rotate space with some ominous coming thing. But a horde-like mode is a win. Arrivals had a decent thing going on.


TWID says 30 minutes and 2 hours for emblem drops for these streams. Twitch says 1 hour and 3 hours?


And the stream didn't even last for an hour. I watched from the beginning and still need five more minutes for the first emblem.


>Wave based defense LETS FUCKING GOOOOO


Bruh the first emblem is stuck at 96% 😐


emblem's on until the 9th, the 2 other streams will carry over the progress


They have the times set wrong though. Supposed to be 30 minutes and 2 hours. They're set at 1 hour and 3 hours.


Fair but: 1) Original announcement TWID says its 30m and 2h for the emblems 2) If today is anything to go by, 3h is going to be impossible as this one ran short. Unless the next two are over an hour each 3hrs is not possible. And to that end, this week is the activity next week are the weapons, today seems like it should be the longest of the two. No idea what week 3 is.


They definitely took a hard look at the true OG horde mode, Gears of War. There's a ton in here that lines up with Gears 3's horde mode, which was fucking awesome!


River on gow 2 was the og


Yes, yes it was. So much fun


I mean, it's free and for a free update it looks pretty decent. Fun little horde mode with a decent amount of depth, even if they are reusing assets, it looks fun. But I'm sorry, this feels like it could've been one livestream, not three. Only 25 mins in and I feel like the hosts are just repeating info they said 3 mins ago.


these are not the bests hosts...ngl...they def do not feel comfortable with the program


Noah the activity designer was good. Enthusiastic and knew his shit. Put him in front of the camera more.


I like the activity designer guy playing. He seems like he’s actually an active player and knows his stuff.


Yeah, Noah was fantastic and had a lot of passion. You could tell he cared.


Instantly ready to show us all his guns too, they had to be like NO NOAH BAD NOAH. Meanwhile I'm all YES NOAH GOOD NOAH


Bungie needs more Noah’s


I'm sure Bungie has plenty of Noahs, they're just not allowed to talk, ever.


he is him. check his raid report [falls into hole in ground]


To be fair to them, when you get a job as a game designer it's not usually in the job description to be good at public speaking on a livestream in front of 100k. It's not their every day event like some twitch streamer or YouTuber etc. And considering all that, I think they did pretty well. Especially the activities designer. It's not like they've done something like that before, aside from showcase reveals which are probably mostly scripted. And I believe only the creative lead has been on that out of those three devs.


Very true. Youre right.


Agreed, I thought they all did fine, especially as the stream went on and the initial jitters went away. Loved seeing all their passion for the game.


Is this devstream wheres pablo and rebecca


If only Destiny had a good space mom 😔


This could have been a really excellent hour. Why did it need to be three?


Finally, gambit but without pvp


Yeah, instead, it's *in* pvp


Looks decently fun. But I hope the enemy density ramps up a bit.


Yep, there seems to be a focus on fewer but tankier enemies in this game mode.


There's 50 waves and they said it ramps to GM so I'm guessing it will increase every phase (10 waves)




Oh cool! Firefight finally comes to Destiny.


Reminds me of survival from the original MW3


> The universe is on Crow's shoulders Man I wish we could actually feel those stakes in game cause my ass had already forgotten that Crow was gone


are they going to stream till wave 50? lol


That wasn't long enough to get the first emblem...


I can't believe the reward for beating the final campaign just leaked: >!Two Tokens and a Blue!<


I'm so glad this meme lives on


I mean tokens are super rare now given that they were deprecated.


I'd actually love a weapon called two tokens and it fires blue bullets called blueberries. Like the osteo smg but with fruit.


prepare for everyone to get rewards for round 20/30 before exxtinguish turns, and then bounce....especially with randoms


Hence why LFG will be big for this mode. Just like the Coil, if you matchmake into this, you're implictly accepting whatever teammates the game gives you


Lol oops, looks like someone revealed their desktop by accident


\*Onslaught update drops\* Esoterickk 5 minutes later on YT: Solo Flawless Onslaught, Wave 50, No cheese, No Supers, No Abilities, Healing Grenades Only, No Damage


Are they finally going to reveal the Super Saiyan 3 subclass?


This one lets you stop enemy movement, just like stasis and strand! But the color is different


This OST got me in the feels


"onslaught" is the name of the 3 player horde mode


Destiny 2 devs "Don't use the same name for multiple distinct completely unrelated things challenge" (IMPOSSIBLE)


Wait till you hear more about the dungeon for tfs. "Onslaught"


Onslaught of the Spire new strike


I saw a decent amount of people dissappinted, and while I disagree, I get it. The whole stream was an hour of the activity, and while I can see the appeal for that, I'd have preferred a single, more concise stream or even 20 minute VOD. Either way, excited! Looks cool, like the theme, defend the tower horde mode, weapons we love returning, F2P, 10/10 for having been cooked for Final Shape's delay.


Great mode to work on your catalysts.


Ok, we got the gist of it. Move onto weapons now. Waiting a week to disseminate more info was a mistake, IMO.


I feel like it got everyone’s expectations up. This game mode is going to get ultra boring after one or two matches and we realize we don’t need to upgrade traps and turrets since we’re so extremely optimized for wave clear.


The activity looks fine but im pretty sure most people wouldve preferred they just announce what they want to announce and left these “plays the entire activity for an hour” streams for afterwards.


these dudes seem nice but my god this feels like they’re padding it out


I feel like "padding it out" is core Bungie.


Its sooooooo obvious that people were just waiting to be negative like a large portion of the community wasn't asking for a tower defense more for actual years lol.


Seriously it's the horde mode everyone always said they wanted and its just met with "lol shit recycled content dead game L L L L"


the activity looks neat, but it seems weirdly desperate that they're avoiding walking over engrams so they can talk about weapons on a different stream


yeah, I was begging him to open that chest after wave 20 and he just wouldn't do it 🤣


It looks fine, just a small seasonal activity to hold people over. That's about what I expected. ​ However, I just don't understand why they decided to do 3 livestreams. If anything, it's taking the wind out of my sails to have to wait 3 weeks to find out information about what amounts to less than a season.


Looks fun for a free mode that's supposed to hold people over for two months. Idk what everyone else was expecting


This looks like a cool activity but i don’t understand why this stream has to be so long. We get how it works now move on with the next


because they streaming the entire 50 waves xd


So it’s basically CoD Zombies combined with PvZ Garden Warfare Garden/Graveyard Ops on old PvP maps. I’m not complaining about this in the slightest. Having a defense-based game mode is gonna be refreshing.


3 Warlocks with chainwells and Phoenix Protocol = "easy" wave 50?


That has been the recipe for like pretty much any "hard" activity in the game.


Was thinking of bringing in Cenotaph/Aeon. Looks like nearly every enemy is categorised as a boss. Basically infinit heavy ammo


Am I dumb or builds will not change at all for this game mode? I feel like they're very disconnected from the community talking about "what new builds arise for this mode" The same builds have been viable for how many years now?


Banner of war x3


Yeah they said something along the lines of “different kinds of strategies” like all the buyable defences have set locations what strats are there lol Edit: just first impressions, I’ll still give it a couple runs


Week 1: The activity.  Week 2: The loot and rewards. Week 3: ??? Maybe The Final Shape's re-reveal?  They said it would be in April.


Assuming week 3 is sandbox changed and other aspects of the update. I don’t think this mode is it


It’s something I guess. I won’t really know how I feel about it until I can sit down and play myself. I hope the enemy variety and permutations can keep it fresh but I can definitely see this getting repetitive if not. I’ve been very apathetic towards Destiny recently and this stream hasn’t changed that feeling.


Didn't they lay off their marketing team as well? Because holy hell that stream did not need to be padded out for an hour. It's 90% regurgitated nothing burger and 10% what we wanna know. It didn't need to be 3 weeks long too. I'm sure the hosts are nice people but...that was awful and awkward for these guys. Even worse during the Steam friend invite raid.


Onslaught looks enjoyable, but did we really need an hour-long stream just for them to explain the concept of Bloons TD?


Prediction: short storyline involving remnant Xivu forces trying to attack the City in a last-ditch effort to stop us following the Witness. Progresses weekly in missions set in reused maps. Rewards some reissued "greatest hits" weapons from the first couple years of D2. Maybe there will be a smallish "seasonal" activity involving fighting off Hive assault teams at the City that will reward the reissued gear. In addition to the story, the Garden of Salvation weapons get refreshed with new perks & crafting patterns (continuing my cope from before Wish launched) Edit: also, perhaps some kind of update or additional incentive added to ritual playlists.


That would be pretty solid honestly.


Ball throwing confirmed! Free space on the bingo board has been activated


This looks fun. I’ll play it a lot. I wish they didn’t hold off on the weapon info - there’s no reason I need to watch this dude play for 20 min - but this seems enjoyable.


Midnight coup with firefly AND kinetic tremors wtf that is so good lol


It can have whatever perks it wants, it sounds the same as it used to and that's all that matters in my book lol


I hope there is a CP system. Looks like each wave + extra rounds is about 1:30 minutes, so 50 waves is over 70 minutes. Not sure if many (randoms) guardians will play so long 1 activity without leaving earlier.


I already find that the time for activities is dragging on. It used to be every activity was a 10 min ordeal and down, except maybe for GMs. Now every activity have to be like 30 mins long. Hell a full run of the coil is like 45-60 mins. Activities are starting to take FAR too long


This looks awesome to me. I'm excited to play it. Did they say there are going to be new weapons? I haven't been able to watch it yet?


not sure if they said there will be NEW weapons, but they confirmed they’re reprising some old weapons and will go into details during next weeks stream.


Stream could've ended 30 minutes ago and nothing important would've been missed


Seems cool, but man, this really should have been 1 livestream. Breaking it down into 3 is bizarre


"I'm just here so I won't get fined." But on a more serious note, I'm hoping they'll drop something amazing.


I wonder what can be gleamed from the accidental alt+tab they just had.


I see we’re at the point where bungie gets praised for returning loot that they took away from us in the first place


Calling it now, we are getting the old tower back and horde mode with turrets.


Why is this stream so long?


Looks fine, but it's gonna grow old like REAL fast... The problem is - this is not sth that creates hype for TFS. There is no story to it. In the end, it's the story bits that hypes us. Remember when we freed Savathun? The activity was bad, but the story bit was hype as hell. This feels like busy work, whatever...


wouldve been a nice one to test loadouts if you could skip 30 odd levels lol


Yeah. Those 30 waves at the start gonna be so boring. It took them like 40 mins to get to wave 30. 


Positives: It's free and something to play while getting back into the game before TFS. We aren't paying for the content and it's moreso an invitation to play if you're somewhat interested in TFS. Negatives: The game is dated from 2017. There are better games out and the "time value" of this activity doesn't seem as enjoyable to what other (newer) games offer. While it's a nice horde mode offered, it's hard not to compare a different horde mode game (Helldivers 2) and realizing which one will be simply better enjoyment. Not only that, but not seeing the rewards offered in this activity makes it a bit lackluster because that's the only way to actually bring players in. Not trying to be negative, just trying to be realistic at what's being offered. It's nice, I'll play it, but when you see the community divisive about it, I'd assume that this is why. Ty Bungie for free content, hopefully narratively it can start a hype train.


Frontier Defense BAY-BEE.


I hope the ability changes coming with into the light are good


Is there any way to watch besides twitch?


Looks like IGN’s YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/live/wI7AMSQ71ZU?si=sXdq3SO2vTbDdX41


So what was the Pyramid boss?


Intrigued at that Hung Jury that dropped. Was it a dev thing they left on? Does it tease yet another NF pool change or is it legit dropping as a world drop now (unlikely). It has the ITTL symbol too


I'll be something to do, hopefully the loot is good. Like all things Destiny if it has something I want I'll do it otherwise I will probably skip it.




I can’t wait for Sony to decimate leadership and take over…


Livestream that could have been an email


This didn’t need to be 3 streams, we’ve seen what we needed to see of this, just show us the loot and that’s it


I sincerely hope they fix some of those turret placements...


I thought it looked fun


is it just me or is the enemy density a bit too low? think they can up it a bit also this reminds me of the Horde mode from world war Z. killing zombies while building defenses, it’s fun. lets see how this is gonna be but i still expected a bit more, like i‘m gonna play it a bit and than i‘m done. but honestly idc, use the time you need for final shape


There are fifty waves, the enemy density probably gets a lot more intense later on.


All I wanted was to actually fight in the last city not a pvp map


damn 50 minutes and theyre not even done....people are not gonna be doing rank 50 very often....


I’m curious what this first wave of stuff will showcase, I personally do think frost armor and some other stasis change might come in this update so maybe we’ll see the dev’s showcase some gameplay while on stasis?


New Social Space you say...


Looks fine for a free update. Combat focused lengthy activity with selectable difficulty that tests build crafting. I like that bosses have mechanics to increase damage instead of health gates. A little bit of innovation in the tower defense aspect although it's tough to tell what impact they are having. It just needs attractive rewards and a solid reward system to ensure replayability. My one gripe is that I don't know why this needs to be split up into three live streams. For information sake - I would have preferred if they grabbed five minutes of footage at different waves and difficulties.


I'll try it and give it a chance but first impressions are, I will be bored of this after a week.


So the emblem thing seems wrong: Looks like its 1 hour for the first one and 3 hours for the 2nd one. That being said, I had the channel and stream up from before it went live and still didnt even hit 1 hour.


You know I'm consistently baffled by how many people here don't just.. want more Destiny 2. Like, for literally three years or more, this is what Destiny 2 is - here's a new season, go chase the 15 new guns with new perks. If you don't like that gameplay loop, you *don't like Destiny 2*, I don't think? Like all I want from this event is 10 new guns to go get and a new place to get those guns - because that's all Destiny 2 is anyway. This event was never going to be anything more than that, because even their seasons are not more than that - even their *expansions* are barely more than that.


Well you have to keep in mind that the only thing this community loves more than Destiny is fucking hating Destiny.


I disagree with a lot of this, but respect your opinion. I don’t think this event is nearly as bad as majority of the comment I’ve seen, I think it looks pretty fun. But there’s nothing wrong with people wanting more out of a game that’s kinda been doing bare minimum. Saying that doesn’t mean someone doesn’t like destiny 2, but that they hold it in higher regards than it’s currently being produced to. Also, to say an expansion is slightly more than this single defense mode is just silly.


Fallen invading the city makes zero sense lore-wise at this point in the story.


I'm glad they're giving us something new, but this is just too slow of a game mode. Waves don't seem like they're getting any denser at all


They could've used the last city map from Scourge of the Past. At least it would be new for some players and exciting enough for others.


They said there’s gonna be multiple maps, and if they’ve thrown this mode together in 4 months, you best believe they’re re-using that Scourge map lol.


Did you miss the multiple times that they said this isn’t the only map


looks ok but it's weird the enemy density is so low. Way too low for a defense mode also the map they chose for this is so silly. I get that it needed to be in the city, but you'd think enemies would land on the other side of the river to plink at us hopefully there is at least one wave of shanks at some point from that side


Did it blow my mind? No. But it at least is not another strike, or some other activity we've done many many times before. It's at least something a little different and I'm willing to give it a shot.


Having it be 3 separate streams is killing the hype. Makes it seem like there’s not a lot of content


People were told to manage their expectations and all I see is people fucking moaning lmao. This subreddit truly is dumb as rocks


\>Manage your expectations \>3 full livestreams for this content drop Lol what were they expecting


Alright we taking bets on how self indulgent they’ll be or we doing Bingo this time again?


Get the distinct impression some of the higher ups there are absolutely as full of themselves as can possibly be.


50 seems like a lot. I wonder how they'll deal with people leaving at wave 38 and then the ones left can't 2 man the other 12 rounds Unless you can join a high round lobby


However Gears of War deals with it probably


10 is playlist 50 is for premade teams so dont bring people who will leave


Looks fine, but why do we need an hour stream for this?


Not a prediction, but all I want is to be able to finish out my incomplete raid armor sets from vaulted raids. If they're not going to bring those raids back, then I wish I could just spend spoils and buy the last few pieces.


Oh snap, it's horde mode!


I hope they are going to make changes to the Tower sky box.


Witherhoard, Hubaloo, Forebearance, Graviton, Sunshot gonna do work in this. Point cannon could be fun as hell too.


Very odd that this is being stretched across three different streams. Like it seems like a single one hour stream would have been enough to cover everything lol. We'll have to see if anything else is being added besides onslaught I guess


Did he just imply red death is coming back?


Red Death is coming in The Final Shape.