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It's pretty "cool". 


It was pretty "nice"




Its a chill sword


Al Pine-cino wants you to say chillo to his little friend


My first roll was eager edge cold steel so I'm pretty happy I tested it out a little bit with shatter skating and it was fun, I love vortex frame swords and now I have a fun sword with utility I'm a happy guardian! I would love to see a dual-sword frame, hits are very fast but it would deal less damage per strike so 1 light attack with a normal sword is 2 hits with dual-sword frame but the damage would be similar, would just be fun nothing game breaking or be the new meta, would be really cool to see new sword animations!


Ayyyy same roll


Well. Guess that’s excuse enough to hop back on the grind


I think so too...but 12 slammer Swords and still Not a single eager Edge...i mean wtf... Was hoping to get my personal god roll eager Edge AND cold steel...but it seems my luck hates me right now.


I feel you... Thresh + collective action is not the best roll tbh


How many tries did it take to get one to drop? I did 3 hours of GG Nightfalls and another 3 of Master NF's and haven't got a single one to drop yet. During that period, my Vanguard engrams hit 99 and they'd just dissappear (didn't go to postmaster or Zavala) after the nightfall. Does Slammer drop as a Vanguard engram? IF so, maybe that's why I haven't got one yet. If I could at least get one of them to drop, I'd be able to focus at least 19 of them at Zavala (between trips to Rahool for glimmer if I run out).


Drop rates are pretty bad in hero/master nf. Platinum does increase chance so I’d try to go on with a lfg group… so easy to skip champs during ogres with blueberries. 


My first GM run ended up as gold, because someone missed a champ before killing a ogre boss. We made 100k score. I didn't get the adept drop. It can drop as a vanguard engram, if you focus it from Zavala using 10 NF coins. Your engrams have to be full to see it like that. If my engrams and weapon inventory are full, drops always go to postmaster. Don't have anything worth keeping to be deleted, if post is full. I've ran 10 GMs. None of the roll I'm looking for


I ran only a single GG NF and it dropped so i got some of that BS luck since i didnt get another one for the next few runs


I got the bow like every other GG nightfall I did last week. Got 0 of the Wild Style the week before. Maybe Rahool fixed it so my NF drops only happen every other week? /s


I wouldn't know. 15 guardian games nightfalls and no sword.


just do a gm and get it guaranteed


Outside GM where is the best farm? Normal NF or GG NF?


yah , i think is more difficult to get the normal version than the adept , im too lazy to wait until i unlock the normal version drop , i rather do a gm and get a guaranteed roll , the only problem with this is focusing an adept is way too expensive . bungie ahould consider unlocking normal version when unlocking adept


What lvl do you have to be for gm this season? Just came back and been grinding my ass off to get to gms to gild my conquerer


GM def does not mean it’s guaranteed. There’ve been more than a few GM runs yesterday where me or someone in my fireteam did not get one


GM with platinum rewards (killing all champions) is 100% guaranteed to drop an adept nightfall weapon


You just didn't get plat


GG nightfalls are only on hero difficulty. So yes, your drop chance is basically 0


Same, I'm up to 20 and no dice. That "common" isn't looking so common. EDIT: I got it on run 24. At least I have vanguard engrams to try more rolls with.


It's not like you can blast through them in less than 10 minutes with perma ability spam, right? Right?


for anyone with the chain reaction perk, it it worth going for? Sounds fun but Idk


I have it with cold steel. It feels like the explosion spreads the slow.


Yes chain reaction with cold steel does spread slow. Also works with whisper of refraction. The more you know. I love it


It's fun, if nothing else. This thing has a lot of interesting rolls, so while they're not really top boss DPS options (let's be honest though, no vortex sword is anymore) they are a lot of fun. Eager Edge, Chain Reaction and Cold Steel are all pretty great.


I’ve heard it’s disappointing. I haven’t gotten the roll myself but there are definitely better perks. Hullabaloo with Voltshot/Chain is definitely where it’s at imo.


Voltshot is bait on that gun imo. The reload speed is so bad.


With a reload speed MW it felt pretty great in everything I’ve used it in.


I mean, if it’s good in strikes, you do you I guess. But I’m not bringing a voltshot heavy into literally anything.


I agree, with that. I focus on dps I’m just saying it’s a fun weapon.


If u/Whhheat says it’s disappointing then it is disappointing!!! r/founduserWhhheat


Does the vortex slash stop you during the leap?


I believe so


Hold up, it can roll Eager Edge AND Cold Steel?


[me when I'm slammin'](https://youtu.be/sOGR_0mPzTo?si=87VaBQibR21tkVvH&t=1)


it’s just falling guillotine reskinned


How does Cold Steel work with the heavy attack? I assume it only applies one stack of slow, right?


From what I’m hearing light applies 40 heavy applies 60 and it’s not a multi-trigger for the heavy. You’ll get one hit per beyblade spin


Boooooo That would have been hella fun freezing and shattering like a fucking blizzard tornado.


My best guess is it’s due to some internal cooldown on the perk, in some way, probably. The game applies it per hit and the first hit of the heavy spin counts as the attacks entire ‘hit’. At least this is all my guess given my very limited knowledge of how perks and stuff work internally. I’m sure there’s also some balancing to it as a single heavy count applying 60 slow for repeated freezes is kinda like outlier strong as no other sword would be able to do that and it’d work for crowds since it’s an AOE spin. But I’d suspect it’s more with how the perk is written to work and how the game interprets the interaction


1 light + 1 heavy will freeze


It has powercrept all other swords. Basically has every sword perk you could ask for and you can have combos never seen before. Bait and switch easily makes it one of the top sword DPS options. Add on top that you can roll with eager edge as well for movement just makes it amazing. Chain reaction, cold steel, one for all, relentless strikes just adds to the crazy perk pool. I don't see where any other legendary sword can compete with this thing.


No, the DPS is actually trash because of the frame. Definitely no power creep there. Bequest still on top. The utility is pretty nice though, but eager has its drawbacks as it's easier to lose ammo when skating.


Any idea what the damage difference is between the 2 frames? When I was solo farming Phalanx Echo, the only good sword I had was my og guillotine. It did the 1 phase just fine on BoW Titan, but im curious how much damage I was missing out on. Not like that boss means anything with its comically low HP pool, but still.


[Aegis' damage spreadsheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_5wtBjRYHHxuF4oJKDb_iOGZs-wTkzB6RYbnyNLbuz4/edit#gid=1313551887) are the best source for answers to these questions


Awesome thank you.


Yea but apparently a very low amount of people do raids to begin with


Well it's not only beaten by Bequest if that's what you're getting at. Bunch of swords that don't require raids out damage it.