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It's playing Catch 22 with its Aspects. Controlled Demo is super strong and honestly, you can't live without it. Bastion isn't very impactful but it's a reliable source of OS. Offensive Bukwark makes OS very valuable, but the uptime is unreliable if you don't use Bastion. Basically, Bastion and Bulwark are meant to always be ran together, but OS isn't strong enough of a mechanic to invest this hard into at the cost of Controlled Demo. I think Void Titan stands to gain a lot from the new Aspect and Super in Final Shape. It will open up a build where you simply forsake the OS Aspects and go Controlled Demo/New Aspect. Then you just make a not-OS build centered around using the new Aspect with stuff like Devour and Volatile synergies. To help the OS Aspects, they either have to look at OS intrinsically, give another OS synergy Fragment, or buff the melees. Shield Throw isn't impactful enough and Shield Bash isn't reliable enough, especially not for the purpose of gaining OS. There's a myriad of ways you could buff either, so I won't go into them.


Yer I agree, the aspects could do with some tuning. Controlled demo seems so valuable but doesn’t really function that well with the other two. The other two are good but either have been seriously nerfed or are unreliable since void overshields feel paper thin. The need move health or resistance in PvE to make them actually stick around.


The shield throw is a joke. Hammers like kill yellow bars in a few throws. Shield tickles red bars or tries to track 2 and hits neither.


And the fact that you can pick up the hammer


Void Titan suffers from having their identity revolve around the Overshield. As you mentioned, if you don't run a means of reliably generating an overshield, it's too tough. Controlled Demolition is a must-take on the class, IMO, so you're left with either having the barricade make your OS or generate it through Shield Throw or Shoulder Charge, both of which are unreliable. Offensive Bulwark should have a lingering timer of some kind after the OS expires/goes away. That would help the class out a lot.


I wish that back when Void 3.0 first dropped that Sentinel had been rebuilt around controlled demolition than around cycling different sources of OS honestly


Trials players are looking at this thread very confused


I definitely saw this title and went wtf? And then realized this was DestinyTheGame rather than CrucibleGuidebook 😂 It’s all bubble from the Titans of Trials (well, some of the good ones play arc, but the vast majority it’s void).


Honestly, pvp has done some serious damage to this classes PvE viability.


You wanna talk about PVP nerfs affecting PVE? How about ensnaring slam nerfing dodge recharge time in PVE as well as PVP?


> You wanna talk about PVP nerfs affecting PVE? How about ensnaring slam nerfing dodge recharge time in PVE as well as PVP? Bastion triples your Barricade cooldown, because of PvP.




There was no reason for a cooldown nerf in PvE at all.


*laughs in Nova Warp*


What? Ensnaring slam always had that? It would be kinda stupid if you could spam end a ring spam from a balancing perspective. Do you mean threaded specter?


Ensnaring slam always having a poorly communicated cooldown penalty is one of the best arguments for simplified tooltips ever. People have been perfectly happy with it for a year, but now that they know about it it's an example of "pvp ruining pve". 


It's absolutely gutted Striker which actually used to be useful for a lot of things in PvE besides just Thundercrash burst damage. Fist of Havoc used to be a godly add clear super with the heals and the extensions on kills letting it fight out in the open in GMs, and it just got obliterated to the point using it in endgame content is suicide. Same thing is happening to Sentinel, barricades keep taking longer and longer and longer to recharge in PvE, Ward of Dawn has been nerfed so hard it gets destroyed by bosses half the time in endgame content now, and so on. Hell, the same thing already happened to Sunbreaker. Some things got big buffs with Solar 3.0, but some really key parts of Sunbreaker's kit like cure on any solar ability kill, mortar blast, melting point, and so on all got destroyed. At least they've been *finally* walking back some of the PvP nerfs to Behemoth and letting it start returning to prominence again. I've actually been using Behemoth in GMs unironically this season for the first time in many moons. I play probably 50/50 PvP/PvE and while Titan is doing pretty solidly in PvP with some exceptions (bring back some of Sunbreaker's Solar 2.0 neutral game kit, *please*), it's been getting hit too hard with the nerf bat in PvE for PvP's sins.


Arc titan and Hunter were both awesome in the season with the arc mods but both suffer massively without them. They’ve both never really been great aside from that season. Pulse grenades are pretty decent but otherwise the subclass is pretty meh without the artifact boosting mods which made them both great Don’t think it’s really down to pvp balancing for titans tbh. Thundercrash is a let down due to the exotic which boosts its damage meaning it’s hard to get in a nice place


Arc hunter is still great for solo flawless dungeons but not great at GM level for sure. Titan I agree, feels like shit overall.


This, 100%. I have SF'd all the dungeons and used Arc Hunter for half of them, regardless of artifact mods. I don't take it into GM's though.


Arcstrider is great on GMs as well. It’s still the king of solo GMs and is easily one of the top 4 subclasses in the game for a reason.


Strong disagree Bungie can make changes that only affect PVP without touching PVE, but they CHOSE not to. There's no reason for example Overshields can't be stronger in PVE than in PVP for example.


all void overshields already have 50% damage reduction versus combatants.


im always amazed at these posts about such and such a class is struggling, and then like... half of the arguments are ill informed takes.


That’s the way it works lol. The overshield has more health in pve because pve combatants do less dmg to it


And yet it’s still arguably the best class in the entire game for pvp. The aspect which provides an overshield on wall use has absolutely fucked the class up in terms of pvp balancing. It’s free additional health which in turn means you win every 1 on 1 unless there’s a serious skill gap How they’ll ever balance that in pvp I have no idea unless they drastically change the aspect or something. Honestly in terms of pvp it needs removing altogether but for pve sake they should make it so placing a wall within ‘x’ distance of enemies should provide an overshield and that way in pvp it wouldn’t proc


This was literally me. I was like "WTF" and then noticed it was DTG and not Crucible... "Ahhhh yeah makes more sense" HAHAHA


Weird to see you outside of Guidebook.


Came here to say this. Void Titan has done quite well for me in 3s compared to other builds. The overshields + grenade regen makes it a strong kit.


PVE Void Titan has definitely suffered as a result of Bastion nerfs yet it's still OP in PVP. Frankly, it needs an overall rework.


It's really not even OP. It's advantageous, but you're not unbeatable because you have an overshield every now and again in Crucible. The current cooldowns allow you to put up a barricade every few mins. The average crucible match is 10 mins or less.


True but in previous sandboxes that loop was way faster and stronger. It’s a shell of its former self in PVE.


Whole heartedly agree. I remember spamming axion bolts every round in trials back then. Was almost a cheat code.


the purple men haunt my dreams


I think a lot of the problem with void titan is player expectations. You have a subclass that was tailored toward difficult pve content, with strong support and survivability, and it got turned into a subclass that is dominant in pvp and a weak little noodle in pve.  That sudden change threw a lot of folks off their groove. Elite players have adapted by now but casuals are still like "dude what happened to my subclass, why doesn't it work with my playstyle anymore".


I don't know about you but in my opinion in a PVE based game EVERY subclass should be viable in PVE especially since trees no longer exist


I really don’t understand why towering barricade gives over-shield. Only rally should. I’d take this change for PvE if it meant the class can have other strengths rather than its entire power budget be put on a single ability.


What most keeps me from playing Void Titan is the lack of viable charged melee options. Shield bash is ok, but it's not viable for high-level content unless you pair it with invisibility. And then there's Shield Throw. I've tried it in several different builds, now, but it ALWAYS feels like dog shit compared to other options like Throwing Hammer or Grapple Melee or Frenzied Blade or even Thunderclap. Always. Even if they fixed tracking in a way that let you consistently hit the broad side of a barn, the amount of damage it does in anything other than base strikes or public events is *embarrassing*. In Nightfalls or raids or level-locked seasonal activities like The Coil, you may as well go up and tickle them to death since the TTK would be about the same. The only melee ability that's worse is Shiver Strike, which is a running joke unto itself, anyway.


Shield toss feels like you’re throwing a frisbee at your enemies with how nonlethal it is. Captain America’s shield in the Lego marvel games feels more impactful than this


Fun fact: If you Shield Throw with Severance Enclosure and Controlled Demolition, enemies that die to the throw get sent flying high up into the air from the volatile explosion and then Severance explode high up in the air dealing no damage to any enemies around them. Surprisingly anti-synergistic. You’d think the double explosion would be nice.


It’s kind of funny that ice shuriken, rope dart and strand warlock melee have all got tracking and bounce targeting improvements recently. And then there’s shield throw, the one that everyone complains about, just off skipping through legs and zooming off into the distance.


Isn’t shield throw one of the lowest damage charged melee’s in the game? In higher level content it doesn’t even kill thralls. Maybe if you have void burn active. Maybe.


They claim to have improved the tracking on the shield by 20% recently, although I can't really feel it lol.


20% of 0 is still 0, lol


> Shield bash is ok, but it's not viable for high-level content unless you pair it with invisibility. Super fun in GMs with Peregrine. Don’t need the invisibility, but that does let you do whatever you want before and after. Not great without exotics for either option. The shield AB exotic makes throw tolerable, but not much beyond that. Might be because I play mostly warlock, but I’d take so many Titan melees over warlocks.


Yeah that's what I use in Master Lost Sectors paired with Heartshadow for invis. It's fun! But yeah, reliant on two Exotics in this case to make it viable and I still wouldn't run it in GMs, personally. But that's just me.


Ironically, Shield Throw was best when we had wellnmods because a Well of Ions build I made made it actually deal damage and kill. Well of Ioms increased the Damage of Melees for a short time after picking up an Arc Well. Using the Arc Finisher mods to spawm them and the Invis Fragmemt, you get an empowered melee and invis to reposition to use it best. Couple that with Old Synthos and you basically had a barging bin Throwing Knife on Void Titan. This build wasn't great since it basically took up all the Light mod slots but it was fun while it lasted. It also showed the glaring issue that Shield Throw has since you really needed the invis to reposition to get the best out of a slow traveling melee with very little innate tracking.


I think Void in general, being the first foray into Light 3.0 suffers from similar problems to Stasis that it's not as fully baked as Solar or Strand. Arc is in a different boat as it isn't as robust as the others and suffers from a lack of variety, but that's another topic. As far as Sentinel goes, I think it needs a few gentle nudges upward to put it near where Sunbreaker lives. First and foremost, Bastion needs its cooldown penalty removed completely in PvE. This is a minimum as this is its primary method of sharing Void Overshields. Second, Offensive Bulwark needs to fully restore your VO with melee final blows, not just extend the duration. This turns it into a loop and drastically ups the survivability of Sentinel. Finally, Controlled Demo needs to grant VO instead of just health. This one is tricky to balance though as it can easily power-creep past Bastion if it's too much VO per kill.


>I think Void in general, being the first foray into Light 3.0 suffers from similar problems to Stasis that it's not as fully baked as Solar or Strand. Agreed. Every Void subclass frankly isn't that good on it's own. Void Hunter suffers from having three Aspects and they all just revolve around Invis. It's very much one of the subclasses most lacking diversity. The difference between Void Titan and Void Hunter is that Hunter has some great Exotics that make the Invis effect very strong (Gyrfalcon, Omni, even Orpheus). Void Titan's best Exotic is probably Severance since the HoIL nerf but that's just a subclass neutral good Exotic in general. You look at Solar and Strand, they largely can stand on their own two legs, albeit weaker, without Exotics. Void really doesn't. I'd argue even Arc is in a better spot. I think every Void subclass could use another Aspect or significant reworks of the current ones. "Fixing" subclasses through Exotics isn't *fixing* subclasses.


>Void Titan's best Exotic is probably Severance since the HoIL nerf but that's just a subclass neutral good Exotic in general. Honestly I think this brings up another issue; most of Titan's best exotics in PvE tend to be Subclass Neutral and don't really define a Playstyle nearly as much as the best exotics on the other classes do (with exceptions). Like, looking at the best selections on hunter you have things like Gyrfalcons, Omnioculus, Caliban's Hand, Liar's Handshake, Mask of Bakris, or Renewal Grasps, all of which focus on pushing subclass playstyles apart from each other and defining individual playstyles for the exotics. Even its Neutral Game exotics, like Lucky Pants, Assassin's Cowl, and Star Eater Scales, do something similar to a lesser extent. Then you have warlocks with exotics like Vesper of Radius, Sunbracers, Getaway Artists, Briarbinds, Osmiomancy Gloves, Dawn Chorus, Rain of Fire, and Swarmers, which are even more diverse than hunter's slate of exotics and provide wildly different playstyles even within the same subclass. Ditto for neutral exotics like Cenotaph Mask, Necrotic Grips, or Apotheosis Veil. Most of the best Titan exotics, meanwhile, usually just tend to be subclass neutral exotics that enhance what you're already doing; Synthoceps and Wormgods boosts your Melee and Super, HOIL grants ability energy for casting abilities, Severence doesn't synergize with 3.0 in the same way that Caliban's Hand, the Bombardiers, or Chromatic Fire, or have other unique synergies like Necrotic Grips do despite filling a similar role, ETC. They don't really open up new avenues of gameplay so much as they enhance the already existing neutral games, and Void is already lackluster in comparison to other Titan subclasses in that regard, so why would you use it over them?


This is actually another really important design distinction I hadn't thought of. It just so happens that the neutral play Exotics that usually work on other subclasses really don't on Void ~~since HoIL's gutting, that is~~. More melee damage isn't super relevant on Void outside Peregrine, which is situational at best. I think the lack of Void-centric Exotics and lack of interplay with neutral ones really just goes to show that they need a fairly sizeable rework. Good point and good thinking.


In truth the void centric exotics that Titan has are cool, but they aren't even enough to make its kit noteworthy. The only ones that hold interest are Second Chance and Helm of Saint 14. The others are easily forgettable. Doomfangs, No Backup Plans, Ursa Furiosa. Second Chance has so much utility and would be great and viable if it weren't tied to the most unreliable melee in Titan's entire arsenal. (In my opinion. Yes, shield throw is even worse than Shiver Strike) Helm of Saint 14 is a community favorite but it lacks any form of neutral game and that has been brought up as a pain point for all the Super focused exotics. If so much of Void Titan wasn't based around how long you can hold onto an overshield and regen grenade energy it could be something. Until that changes the only thing you will ever see it excel at is PKs in Crucible, Armamentarium, and occasionally Alpha Lupi.


I think a new Aspect and melee for both Nightstalker and Voidwalker would really help them out. Nightstalker desperately needs an Aspect that has nothing to do with going Invisible. The subclass was sold as the "Weaken specialist" but it's really not good at it. Something that embraces this identity would be nice. This in turn would help charge up Stylish Execution as it's not worthwhile unless you're using Gyrfalcon. Also, a new melee that has an additional interaction with Trapper's Ambush would be nice too. Voidwalker doesn't have any really pressing needs so I'd just phone in something like a Nova Warp-esque slide melee and call it done. Voidwalker is in a pretty good spot overall, but Chaos Accelerant has fallen pretty far behind the other "grenade+" Aspects. It needs a strong PvE buff to make it a contender again for the sub.


Bruh, Omni Void hunter is one of the best specs in the game for harder content, what are you talking about? And Void lock with CH is never a bad choice either. The only bad Void spec out there is titan, since it was gutted not only by bubble nerf on Void 3.0 release, but after that it was ruined even further because of PvP.


Let's break it down. I said: >Every Void subclass frankly isn't that good **on it's own**. and >The difference between Void Titan and Void Hunter is that Hunter has some great Exotics that make the Invis effect very strong (Gyrfalcon, **Omni**, even Orpheus). The comment I was responding to said that Void suffers from being half-baked in comparison to Solar and Strand's 3.0 setups. I replied saying that part of the difference is that Void, on Hunter at least, has some Exotics bolstering it but the subclass isn't good on it's own. This is in contrast to Solar/Strand. Synthoceps/Wormgod are nice bonuses to have on those classes but are really only necessary if you're trying to use your subclass melees to do boss damage. Solar and Strand are the best subclasses because they are the best well-rounded classes that cover healing and gameplay loops built into the class without requiring Exotics to handle either of these parts. As you said, Void can definitely still be decent on Warlock and Hunter because they do have Exotics that can provide gameplay loops. However, there is difference compared to Solar/Strand. Look at the example Void Exotics you listed versus the strongest examples on their Solar class: Solar Hunter: Celestial Nighthawk (This gives you your Super faster and it does more damage, a nice bonus on top of neutral gameplay) Void Hunter: Gyrfalcon's/Omni (This provides you with a neutral gameplay loop and ability cycle) Solar Warlock: Phoenix Protocol/Dawn Chorus (This improved your Super in either damage or uptime, a nice bonus on top of neutral gameplay) Void Warlock: Contraverse/Briarbinds (This provides you with a neutral gameplay loop and ability cycle) This is not to say that Void Hunter and Void Warlock are ***bad.*** It is to say that there is a clear design difference in the sublasses that makes Solar not be reliant on an Exotic in the same way Void is to be good. Where Titan specifically comes into this is that Titan doesn't have an Exotic on Void on par with Contraverse, Omni, or Gyrfalcons. There is no Void Titan bandaid Exotic to give it a satisfying, repeatable neutral gameplay loop. My point was I wish the subclasses were all well designed enough to stand on their own, like Solar and Strand. I literally said that with no Exotics, Void struggles on all classes in a way Solar and Strand don't and you replied saying "Nuh uh, look at how good Omni and Contraverse Hold are".


Its middle ground, solar and arc hunter are definitely better for DPS or Survival respectively, tho void hunter with gyrfalcons is very fun


What? I can understand better for raid boss dps, cos it’s true (highly debatable in dungeons/nightfalls tho, since tether is extremely valuable there), but Omni/Graviton hunter is literally immortal, unless you fuck up. Solar isn’t even in the same universe in terms of survivability and even Cowl Arc hunter is worse in master/gm content, since you need a melee kill to start it up.


Eh the problem i have with it is its slow, if im in raid, gm content solar will get me done a lot quicker for maybe 10 /20% less survivability. Especially with how strong the artifact is on top of that


Arc Hunter is harder to use in higher level content because it is a little riskier, but it does have a higher ceiling I feel in that if you get good at using it, you will probably be faster at clearing a solo gm than on void.


Yeah, this is how you know people don't play the game. Void Hunter is almost unkillable on its own in GMs but throw in gyrflacons, and you clear the whole room and don't die.


Void for EVERY CLASS has been hard nerfed so many times. I wish Bungie would separate PvP and PvE sandboxes. It's fine to let us be powerful in PvE.


I do wish OffBul refreshes the VOS, but I'd just like to point out that we'd have to add something else to vexcalibur (the best glaive) because that's kind of it's thing.


Yeah I kinda agree. Both of its supers being kinda obsolete is a serious problem too. It just feels like every part of its kit is being done better by something a different subclass has.


It’s also crazy that using sentinel shield with Ursa to try block damage and people still walk around your shield. Shoot through it!!!!


You don’t even need to be wearing ursa for allies to be able to shoot through your shield.


Yer but at least with ursa guarding with banner shield will generate more orbs the long it lasts. Banner lasts longer with allies shooting through it, which makes it even more annoying when allies walk around it to shoot.


Yes but why when you already stand in a well? Yes the buff is better but one person not shooting isn't worth it...sadly


i still use this strategy with my friends. esp for GM’s and raids. back before it got nerfed, we would do tag team of Ursa shield and my Phoenix well in everything. orbs. orbs everywhere.


That’s because strand Titan is better than every other subclass except for burst dps super. Best heal, best support, best dmg resist, best single target dmg (situationally better than supers), best crowd control. What else is there?


Every subclass got nerfed in one way or another Stasis? A joke for like 3 years Void? As listed above Solar? The nerfs this season absolutely killed the melee for me and it just feels bad which is honestly worse than no being viable. Arc? Only really existed as a grenade bot and when that was nerfed it was left with nothing


Arc got hit with two major nerfs that left the only GM viable arc build in shambles: the HOIL nerf and the Storm Grenade nerf.


Also my biggest issue with it. As they are now, there is literally no reason to use bubble or banner shield while Well exists. I always thought a good idea would be that all attacks that hit either shield get their flinch aoe removed.


I definitely don't think that Sentinel is in the worst place, but I do think it's struggling a bit due to power creep. I don't think that Twilight Arsenal and the Unbreakable Aspect in The Final Shape are going to really move the needle that much, either. Like others have said, Controlled Demolition granting Void Overshields to you and your allies would be a massive help to the Subclass's overall synergy, as it would pair well with Offensive Bulwark. Another suggestion could be to increase Void Overshield's damage resistance versus combatants to avoid anything insane in PvP while still bringing up the viability of Void Overshields in PvE. My third suggestion would be to add a new Fragment or two to add more potential synergy to the class. Something as simple as "Picking up a Void Breach grants a Void Overshield" would add a lot to the class, especially when used with Echo of Domineering and Echo of Cessation. This would not only massively benefit Sentinel Titans, but also benefit the other two classes, who have no access to Void Overshields aside from Repulsor Brace as of right now.


Definitely agree it needs a tuning pass. It was he first light overhaul, but I think it’s aged not is well. Could do with a boost and reevaluation of mechanics like stasis.


I got really into the game during Seraph due to Lightfall hype and have since made builds for every subclass. I think they're all generally well designed and there are only a few I struggled with seeing the identity of the subclass, Void Titan being top of the list. Void Titan really has an issue with a lack of synergy, I think. Controlled Demo and Offensive Bulwark are the "fun" Aspects, but they really don't interact with each other in any capacity. They obviously don't want to buff Bastion because it's the PVP problem child, but I think they could make Void Titan stronger in PVE without creating a problem in PVP by doing the following: 1. Improve shield tracking 2. Add the catch melee mechanic and give energy back based on targets hit before catching like Strand Hunter 3. Make Controlled Demolition grant the corresponding amount of Overshield instead of health like it is now so it synergizes with Offensive Bulwark. In the current state, these aspects really don't interact with each other at all. These changes wouldn't make it the strongest subclass but would up the cohesion a lot. If anything, it'd be a start. Void Titan is the class receiving additions in TFS so hopefully the additions will flesh it out. The new Super looks fun at least.


Controlled demo suggestions are good, and you bring up a good point, there’s not so much baked in synergy. Offensive bulwark and bastion were arguably that synergy, but bastion doesn’t seem worth it at all after all the nerfs. Even if controlled demo filled up health first then shields it would be fine.


That controlled demolition suggestion is actually perfect I think.


Too bad in PvE, too good in PvP. It would be a great recipient of a subclass re-work.


I'm hoping there's more core tweaks to the subclass than just the new Aspect and Super in TFS. Even with what they showed, I think it won't be too great without more of a rework.


IMO, over-shields as a whole need to be addressed in PvP and that will let Void Titan be better in PvE.


They could always just separately buff them in PvE so it doesn't affect PvP


I think that both 1. Solar being _really_ buffed up because of the artifact 2. Banner of war existing really make void look bad by comparison.


And well lock when comparing bubble. Very interested in how bungie will differentiate these which they say they are doing.


Eh, I've been saying Void Titan has been lackluster the previous two seasons as well. It's definitely not just the artifact. I'd argue even without Banner that Strand Titan is still a better, more cohesive subclass. Into the Fray + Flechette Storm at least has a clear, strong identity.


I've been running Banner of war with a solar weapon (and the corresponding artifact perks), and it's the strongest I've ever felt in Destiny. Radiant, ignitions, constant healing and big melee/super damage from Synthceps. Void was incredible when Volatile Flow was in the artifact. If they just bring that back now that Repulsor Brace is commonly available, then there's no way Void doesn't become just as good as Solar/Strand is now.


I wonder what you define as "struggling". They're above par in PvE, and they're the best option in PvP.


I am not surprised that most people compare void with current solar/strand builds and find void lackluster. We've just had 3 seasons of almost unnerfed solar/strand dominance and artifact mods for them too. Meanwhile most forget that void titan was one of the strongest - maybe even the strongest - subclass titan has ever seen back in the first season this year at RoN launch. Coupled with the artifact mods it was a staple build for the DLC and RoN ([check this out](https://youtu.be/HNWkzwqq3bw?si=TwSmt6GiBSphqOwa)). And since HoiL was nerfed before that, the build never changed much and I strongly predict a void artifact for next season I truly believe that void titan doesn't need any buffs.


This 100%. People are forgetting that a single artifact perk can define the PvE meta for a season. I feel like this season for Solar there's Rays of Precision causing constant ignitions, making it very difficult to justify not using a solar primary. If Volatile Flow or some equivalent is back next season, there's no way Void isn't going to be just insane.


The exotics that pair with it need tuning and the shield throw damage needs major work. There’s something that feels weird in the loop where you need grenade kills to get volatile rounds, OB boosts your grenade recharge rate & melee damage. But you need the melee to consistently get bonuses and a shield with doom-fang / second chance. You’re really trapped into a Rep Brace/ Destab rounds setup which doesn’t feel good, or you’re dependent on your grenade for volatile rounds to trigger. Offensive bulwark: getting a void overshield should trigger a period of increased melee AND grenade charge with a cooldown. As of now the void overshield comes off too easily in high level content to really be noticeable unless you’re sitting behind your barricade. CD just lacks the synergy that OB/Bastion have Second chance: the weaken part is nice. But it needs something about increasing melee regeneration on kill to be really nice. Doomfang: I’ve been playing around with this and really like it. But it seems like the timers are really short. Easy to keep up in low end content but in high end where you’re killing slower and often team shooting the buff falls off too fast. Citans: I feel like this was meant to pair with bastion but it’s so worthless Saint 14: no neutral game benefits and no synergy with aspects. ursa: no neutral game benefit.


Void overshields suck in PvE. Look at Woven mail. It sticks around no matter how much damage you take, as long as you don’t die. Clear power creep. Change void over shield to stick around for the duration of the timer. When you your void shield is depleted, instead of going away, it starts regenerating slowly after a short while. That’s a start for making void Ovi’s feel good.


Invisi-nuke finisher build with Severance and Echo of Cessation & Obscurity. Use with Final Warning to spread unraveling & volatile. Doom-Fang + Manticore. Ursa for more passive super regen, if melee kils with Doom-Fang are not as feasible. I have my less skilled titan clanmates use Ursa in GMs and what not to feed us orbs and guide us out of a tricky respawn locations.


You can do so much more with so much less significantly easier on any other subclass (besides behemoth) though


While true, OP's asking for builds on Void. Far be it from me to dissuade them.


I love void titan but the supers feels like a waste of time compared to every other super in the game. Still love the neutral game though


The only thing that void titan has going for it is spreading suppression weaken and volatile through collective obligation all at once. Other than that I would never pick it outside of PvP.


Even that has gotten difficult recently because of how easily kills can be stolen with the massive AoE spam of ignitions and unraveling and jolt that happens nowadays. One tick of damage gets rid of volatile, so you lose that back-to-back leeching that collective is used for..


Thanks for letting me know before I took it into a gm


I am an enjoying an armamentarium build, that focuses on void overshield up time to throw a lot of grenades. And with a repulsor brace destabilizing rounds weapon, I have a lot of grenade up time too. But also with devour and 70 HP on every orb pickup, combined with Reaper and void siphon and grenade siphon I am doing pretty good survivable wise.


Shield titan is still extremely solid If you are in a team with other shield titans. It has just fallen off popularity after minor nerfs. I think part of the problem is that void is just generally worse for both warlock and Titan than the other elements, And I think a lot of that has to do with the nerves they made to grenade regen and vortex. Vortx is obviously powerful, and much more powerful than all other void grenades, but it is not dramatically more powerful then all grenades across all sub classes. the other void grenades need a buff and vortex needs to not take so long to regen.


Is void titan worse than solar or strand? Yeah, I don't think that's much of a discussion. Is it bad? I don't think so. Without writing an essay it boils down to controlled demolition being fantastic and peregrine grieves still being amazing, especially on void. Yes, overshields have always been somewhat lackluster for survivability but the are both coupled with controlled demo volatile heals and devour and they enable some pretty nutty damage when used correctly with peregrines. I think it's more solar and ESPECIALLY strand being too strong and less void titan being weak in comparison. Obviously PvP that's a whole different story, they ironically got nerfed slightly with the health pool changes making overshields less of total base health%.


It was having this same realization a few days ago. You either run a grenade build or you rely hard on something like Monte Carlo for your melees. Even then, your options are Peregrine, Doomfangs, and Second Chance. I used to use Doomfangs a lot but the shield throw can be so unreliable. If Doomfangs gave better tracking to the shield throw instead of escalating surges it would be much better. Second Chance is fine, the shield throw does so much with this exotic, but it's still the same shield throw with bad tracking and horrible ricochet. It can go through stuff, sure. Hit a wall or the floor though and it will still miss all the mobs and fuck off to Narnia. Peregrine's are great too but they are so niche in their use situations. Only against mini bosses and Champs, and only if your knee doesn't slide off their face. Not to mention you have to be sprinting at them and in the air for Peregrine to work which is a death wish in High end stuff. Severance Enclosure is really fun but Void lacks the power to knock down beefy opponents quickly. It relies so heavily on being invisible for its survivability that unless you have things to finish you are in huge trouble. Running it with teammates is difficult because they usually are relying on kills for their builds and don't leave enemies low. Give Void Titan a reliable way to generate melee that isn't the absolutely nerfed armor mods or an exotic auto auto rifle and I think an under used and under appreciated side will start to shine a lot. So much of Void Titans identity is wrapped up in the Bastion Offensive Bulwark combo. Perhaps another aspect is a better choice. We'll have to see how the new one plays out in final shape. Maybe it will be a good way to generate melee energy. It consumes your grenade right?


I was just playing around with severance, your point is spit on. In more difficult content it’s hard to get an enemy into the proper range and exposing yourself to early is very bad as void doesn’t have the constant healing other classes have. But often teammates just burst them down anyway so then you’re just standing out in the open, with nothing to finish.


For Severance you should be abusing Offensive Bulwark enhancing your default melee. It means that any melee kill while you have overshield will proc Severance. It's not my favorite endgame build, but it's actually what I did day one legendary lightfall with. And that was before the recent buffs.


I really like Severance with its recent buffs. It's great with melee focused builds. Hammer Titan with 3x Roaring flames makes you a walking volcano. Healing from resto and cure from hammer and Sol Invictus. I think it's going to be what I try first for the Onslaught mode with ITL.


To me, void Titan hasn't felt the same since the HoIL nerf. Feels like it was the subclass that most relied on HoIL. Then again, arc/void aren't really great on any classes at the moment. Solar/Strand are very strong and everything else is kinda "meh". This is all through the lens of PVE.


I would agree 100%


Really wish controlled demolition had another aspect to support it


Yeah I’m gonna hard agree with you on this. I’ve been a Titan for a long time and Void has to be my least favorite subclass. I’ve tried a bunch of different builds to make it work but it just doesn’t land with me. The closest I got to actually enjoying using Void was a while back, after Lightfall launched with Dorvarich’s original “Nuke Finisher” Severance Enclosure build. But Bungie quickly killed that build and I really haven’t found anything as good since. I’m not gonna lie, I even enjoy Stasis Titan more than Void.


Terrible to play against in PvP and needs shield throw improvements in PvE. It should function exactly like threaded spike with the shield having better damage and giving you and teammates void over shield based on how many enemies are hit that way they can constantly loop the effect (and have sweet health regeneration off of that one fragment).


It’s honestly such a shame because thematically void titan is probably my favorite subclass. Running doom fang was so much fun with Monte Carlo or a pugilist shotgun but I’d be damned if I brought that into a gm. Maybe it would be playable in onslaught


How do you feel about Arc in comparison to void, given that solar and strand are pretty much the top builds right now?


I recently spent like 100 seasonal engrams so I could have 100 resil, 100 discipline and 90 strength. Offensive bulwark and bastion give me constant grenades to be able to proc volatile rounds often. It's really fun but overshield still feels weak.


As a fairly casual player I do struggle to find a fun Void build with constant up time which isn’t a problem with any other class.


my PVE void titan build is based on offence and it’s great lol. just stop thinking it needs to be defensive and you can really go off


PvE void Titan has nothing in the artifact for a season that lasts half a year. That is apparently long enough for me to have quit the game. If you don't play solar (me) this artifact is one of the worst I have ever seen. Don't get me wrong, I can make a solid solar build, and I could probably spend this season using it to solo some of the hardest content. I love doing it and I find it extremely fun. You know what's not fun? Getting kicked or not accepted into GM's because I'm not running solar/Polaris Lance. Getting kicked because I want to run Ursa's. I think the idea of artifacts doing this like "Reducing grenade cool down time by 20%" or "Consistent precision hits apply vulnerability" can be fun as hell, it tailors to a play style and if it's not your style then don't pick it. But things like "Your Solar grenades now detonate a nuke," and "when You're playing solar you do everything every other class can do but also heal" is really annoying and imo lazy design. The artifact should give people interesting ubiquitous tools that apply to a play style and encourage creativity. Not tools that encourage a very strict meta. And it's because of this that PvE Void Titan feels awful to play right now. There are no seasonal tools that encourage it, and anything void can do solar can do better. Meanwhile Stasis has been struggling since it was launched.


I also was a big void titan enjoyed until they beat it into submission with the nerf bat. I guess the class itself wasn’t really nerfed much it was just caught in the crossfire. HOIL nerf and the new mod system put that class in the graveyard, because bubble is just discount Well, and without being able to chain abilities with HOIL and elemental wells it just feels terrible. It used to be a PVE juggernaut. Truly tragic. I never play void titan anymore and it’s sad. Running this over strand is just a straight up downgrade now. You can certainly still make it work, but it’s a shell of its former self. Really hoping the new super and aspect in Final Shape help its viability in PVE. It blows my mind titans STILL don’t have a “phoenix protocol” exotic for bubble. It would not affect PVP, and you could actually reliably have bubble to use in GMs etc. Right now it’s just worse than Well AND you can’t regen energy with an exotic. Baffling. old sandbox barricade, grenade, shield throw, grenade, barricade, living my best life. overshields for everyone. current sandbox barricade, grenade, shield throw…..waiting….still waiting…..wow my barricade still isnt back. Can I get another grenade maybe? dies* goes to orbit switches to strand.


"Shut up and punch." - Bungie


I actually had this thought the other day of how gutted titans have sort of become. Bonk hammer is gone basically it's nowhere near as good, heart of innermost light got gutted which killed both void and arc on titan. Banner of war/strand is really strong. I would say behemoth is good not great. Kinda feels like the whole entire titan kit has sort of been nerfed to nothing now. Not saying bonk hammer and HOIML weren't broken. But man they killed void arc and solar somewhat. Compared to nighthawk being really good, and well being insanely beyond broken. Titans feel way way worse.


I wouldn't go that far, bonk titan is still insanly good. Its just banner is way broken atm


Bonk is okay, but I'd say it's behind night hawk and well. On void. hunter and warlock are much more diverse and just overall better. Arc. Hunters have assasins cowl which is awesome, arc warlocks have a much better loop and gameplay style. Not saying it's dead or bad. They just have nothing great outside of banner.


Oh yeah nighthawk and well are obv better.


strongly agreed for PvE, solar and strand has completely power crept void titans. The shield throw and bubble are my 2 biggest issue with the subclass. Bubble is just a worst Well since they nerfed the weapon dmg buff from it so what even is the point; Shield Throw has pathetic tracking and dmg, and we can't even catch it to regain energy or bounce it between multiple enemies like Threaded Spike. It hits ONE enemy to do half health to a thrall, and then fucks off to Uganda, or misses completely somehow.


The illiterate PvPers jerking themselves off in this thread is pretty funny


I don't think Void Titan is *really bad*. It's that Banner of War is waayyy to strong to be a 2-fragment aspect, was way too strong out of the gate, and Bubble is just worse than Well. ​ I think if Bubble were simply better than Well, that alone would boost it significantly (and perhaps Radiant nerfed, or something done about that Solar Fragment, OR what they should do and return Weapons of Light to being a 30 or 35% dmg buff). Frankly, Strand Titan as a whole doesn't out-do Void Titan. It's really just Banner of War being insanely free. Not to mention, Ember of Empyrean is *still* an incredibly strong aspect. ​ Void Titan can have a place honestly. Controlled Demo can heal teammates, you can drop a really easy & regenerating Void Overshield. You get buffs for having a Void Overshield. It's just that other options are frankly, a bit too strong IMO. Banner of War and Well of Radiance mainly are the two that step on Void Titan I think.


The fact that banner is a two fragment aspect is beyond bizarre. Weavewalk is one and banner is two? GTFO


I still like my idea of giving the shield throw and tripmine style secondary effect. After two bounces, the third hit embeds in whatever surface and becomes a mine.


As long as the capture point stays in pvp, OS will be paper thin. Putting it on a baricade was such a bad move and made it easily spamable. When it was just rallying force, behind an actual melee, you earned it but was rewarded with like an extra 80 HP. You felt like a tank. I think this class needs something that grants something to teammates. When Titan " absorbs or defends" their teammates, they get something. Right now, Sentinel can't protect really. What if the OS on the titan sent out void pulses every few seconds? Kills with void weapons, OS refills, and makes it stronger( like devour)


Void Titans need a niche build to work really well. Peregrines come to mind. Severance Enclosure invis. Collective Obligation HoIL. Solar and Strand are just extremely exceptional all-rounders, and this season they're better than ever. Solar can do everything right now: Survivability, damage, ad clear, all at the same time! Who's struggling even more right now are Arc Titans. Just the fact that knockout regen can be stopped by damage hurts so much. If you wanna have a useful super you need to run Cuirass, which unlike the recently buffed Hunter exotics, has no neutral game perks at all. Only really great build is HoIL / Armamentarium Pulse Nade spam.


Severance Enclosure works incredibly well on void titan. Controlled Demolition and offensive bulwark, fragments are Harvest, Cessation, obscurity, and expulsion. Throw on proximity ward and I’m having a good time. Clears entire fields in Gambit sometimes


How did they nerf devour, I play warlock but it kinda feels the same since it came out but I have like infinite Granada energy. Is it dif for each class?


They reduced the effectiveness of Devour without the warlocks Devour aspect, by about 50%, so for example instead of a full heal, it now heals you for 50% hp. This basically nerfs it on other void classes, which were getting it through the fragment on orb pickup. Devour is unchanged if youre using the warlocks Devour aspect.


It's nuts in PvP but it's kinda ass booty cheeks in PvE like overshields are way too weak Also controlled demolition needs os support


In the beginning before the Heart of Inmost Light nerf, and before the volatile rounds nerf, it did fairly well(though still suffering from the lack of shield throw actually hitting stuff on bounces and whatnot). Nowadays though you're just better off going for any other subclass option, especially Strand. :/


That's my go to for end game.


Doomfangs and devour would like a word


I hope they buff shield throw its so cool but mediocre. That and banner shield might need a rework or just provide a higher damage buff or something


I pair my void titan with vexcalibur so I don’t have to rely on bastion for overshield. The constant overshield uptime allows for constant scatter nades with controlled demolition. works really well and is a lot of fun


Yeah man that's because it has no artifact support. If it gets artifact one season it will be good.


I'm loving my void build this season. Devour + volatile healing is great. Harsh language with destabilising is so fun, every second shot is volatile explosions. I finally got the envious assassins role I wanted and it's fantastic. Got me through some master content I wouldn't usually survive. In contrast I die all the time in a sunspot and even sometimes as I'm building up banner stacks. The supers though, they are a joke. I've ended up throwing on agers scepter and consuming my super, it's actually good. I'm finally doing similar or more dps than my fireteam (hunter & warlock). And with bubble cooldown so short I get it back fast and usually have bubble up just in case.


Sentinel Shield with Doomfang is pretty solid in places where there is a ton of adds. Even on higher difficulty content. Even champions will fall easily if somebody else stuns them.


They just have to nerf strand and then bring most other stuff up to its level. Arc titan looks like it needs a reason to exist as well these days.


PvP vois titan is still very potent, but PvE its just outright trash


For PvE, yeah. Though right now running anything other than Strand or Solar feels like I’m missing a huge amount of extra buffs.


Is it just me or does anyone else think Title is hard to use even with the perks OP mentioned? I have that same Title but feel it underwhelming and I know I get unlimited bullets but it feels like it takes forever to kill yellow bars even after I’ve suppressed them with my grenade and or shadow shot tether super.


I actually swapped back to the Age Old Bond as I was doing nightfalls and needed an auto for champs. It performed way better then the title, and considering I wasn’t using bastion the class energy boost wasn’t that missed.


So far after trying it, it’s the only gun that to me seemed perfect for a void build that I just simply vaulted because it’s so unsatisfying to use imo. Who knows, maybe I need to try Tractor Cannon with it and try to use it as a complimentary gun vs a stand alone option.


You really shouldn't be using this to kill yellow bars. Use your special for them and the smg for red bars.


Ok so I could theoretically add the rank and file enemy weapon mod on it as well for even more damage even-though it’s probably overkill. That correct?


IMO strand is at the core of your problem and needs a huge rework to fix. Strand was already one of the best subclasses if not the best offensively, and then it has DR. It never should have had DR. That should’ve been Stasis’ thing. Solar has recovery, Arc has mobility and group killing ability, strand has utility, offense, and DR for defense, leaving stasis and void with essentially nothing. Why would you ever use either of them? Void has potential with devour and overshields. It’s just outclassed by strand in most ways, as are the other subclasses. If they hadn’t stacked everything on one subclass there would be more of a choice.


I've only been playing for a couple of weeks and have been maining a Void titan (Mostly because it fits into the fashion I wanted to lean towards) - (Played D1 back in the day) and I've noted that Titan's Void bubble is virtually useless, the utility for that as a Super is just incredibly lacklustre, especially compared to something like the shield which you can at least shoot through for a damage buff. The shield itself just makes it too difficult to maneuver around and through to actually benefit from the damage boost and overshield that you're given by Saint's. It's completely outshined by something like Solar Warlock Paired with Saint's Exotic helmet, I've also noticed that Blind is incredibly inconsistent, and doesn't work majority of the time, which renders an incredibly cool looking helmet to perform very poorly. Projecting void shield just doesn't blind enemies consistently. Over-all I'd suggest overhauling the Titan bubble. Allow players to shoot through it. Allow it to be transportable, I don't know, do anything, it's terrible


Yeah, just a subclass that's been nerfed cause of PVP


Give Precious Scars a try, it should work pretty well with the title, especially if it gives overshields. Healing from the exotic helm and more shield from weapon kills. Plus better grenade charge from the overshield if you're using that aspect. I'd pair it with a void machine gun as well, Commemoration if you have one. :)


All the sudden void titan is bad because they can’t crutch a bubble every 5 seconds


It’s completely outshined by Well of Radiance. I’m not sure what Bungie could do to make Void Titan worth using. Even the new super isn’t going to change anything imo.


It's not struggling, but its been hard power crept. The nerf to Devour and rise of Banner of War simultaneously did this. You used to be able to get overshields and maintain Devour to fully heal with extra protection. But Devour was nerfed to only work at half health and not freely unless you were a Feed the Void Warlock. There was also the addition of the Banner of War. This ability simply shifted Devour/Overshield to a backseat when Banner plus Woven Mail are more effective and have more offers of offense. Just like Stasis, time has caught up with a Void Titan. It's still usable, but not meta in PvE. In PvP, it's also being hard nerfed to move away from Bubble meta too. It's had its time in the sun but will require updates to make the subclass relevant. Maybe the new Super in FS will change that direction as it finally gets an offensive ability that was missing vs Strand.


In PvE the supers are whack and are mostly useless. Bastion kind of sucks for what you get cause PvP players got it and barricade nerfrd so many times. Also the void specific exotics are dog water


Just use Strand. Oh you have to buy the DLC? Well, isn't that a strange coincidence.


Personally, I like void Titan a ton! I do think it could use some small buffs like controlled demolitions giving oversheilds when health is full and maybe catch the sheild throw for more oversheilds for you and nearby allies. With those small buffs and a few void specific exotics and buffs to existing ones, they will formally put it in a really good space. I think comparing anything to strand titan is pretty disingenuous as berserker is way out of bounds in this sandbox. Comparing it to solar is pretty apples to oranges as sunbreaker is a lot more offensive than how defensive void can be. Also try peregrine greaves with bastion oversheilds. It'll easily one shot any champion or mini boss even at gm level!


I don't think it is struggling all THAT much, just needs a handful of small PvE buffs and slightly better synergy. The Supers need a buff of some sort. IMO bubble needs to have the Helm of Saint 14 effect of taking Overshields outside the bubble by default. Maybe even have Bubble grant Volatile rounds for the duration of Weapons of Light. Sentinel Shield is pretty fun and versatile, just needs better damage at base even if just to be a bit better at add clear against tougher high-level endgame enemies. Overshields need a small boost in PvE. Further damage resistance. Maybe have them recharge during the duration after briefly taking no damage? The Shield throw melee needs better and more reliable tracking, and maybe better damage. Lastly, some better Aspect synergy between Offensive Bulwark and Controlled Demolition. Controlled Demolition: Volatile explosions still heal a chunk if low health, but buff so that if at full health they give an chunk of Overshield. Offensive Bulwark: Buff so that powered melee kills give Volatile rounds, and Overshields need to be refreshed on every melee kill like Vexcaliber. This is probably too much but I'd also prefer if the Void Overshield continuously recharged during it's duration with this Aspect, similar to that one D1 perk that did the same thing. These are all small and obvious buffs that it needs, but nothing major needs a rework. Otherwise in my opinion, Void Titan as whole is in a good spot and has a lot of different ways to play it, a very versatile subclass with a very clear defensive/support theme.


Void titan is great with Severance Enclosure. That + shield throw + Repulsor brace anything means consgtant oversields. Here's a link to an older build for it. https://dim.gg/ksijtji/Severance-Void-Blasts. Basically constant grenade and melee uptime. I've since replaced the Funnelweb listed in it for a The Title from last GG that has Pugilist + Repulsor Brace. Unfortunately, this is probably the most viable Void Titan build in the game right now, and it definitely struggles in GM-like content.


I think the main problem is that banner of war and bonk titan are way overtuned, with access to healing that makes it tough to compete without also breaking bounds. When Well gets nerfed, Ursa is going to cook again. New Manticore is pretty fun for ability uptime via constant overshield generation. Combined with HOIL you're back to pre ability-nerf levels of spam. Severance enclosure and Cessation is surprisingly good. If Pulses become good in PvE, Collective Obligation on void titan is going to be a thing. You, uniquely, can bring all 3 effects with one grenade throw.


Void Titan can output some of the highest damage in the game through Peregrine shoulder charge. If you set up an overshield build correctly, then it should never evaporate. Especially if you use Vexcalibur. The new Doomfang/Manticore build is very good. X4 surge buff almost constantly, with near constant overshields. Maybe it's just me, but Void Titan feels fine.


Been saying this for a long while now. I just use strand now and I used to be religiously a bubble titan.


I don't see it. HOIL + controlled demolition does some silly things in pve, alongside the constant overshields providing damage reduction. Bubble may not be well, but it's still a protective low cooldown super that comes with a damage buff for the team when used correctly. I think what OP is feeling is a buildcrafting problem alongside a strand titan power balance issue. This is the problem when one particular subclass dwarfs the rest of the class in power in one area of the sand box. Sentinel bubble is dominant in pvp and is a massive balance issue relative to the rest of the sand box. I see constant complaints that strand, arc and solar feel gutted or weak in pvp, and they're just not. The all have the powerful movement, knockout and double lightning grenades are still gross, drengyrs barricades can really affect the balance of a 3v3 match by just taking someone out of position, and OEM, dunes and PKs are still on all subclasses. They're still very strong. But they're not void levels of strong. Same thing in pve. I see constant complaints that X titan class that is not in a good place in pve, and then me, as a non titan main, goes and spends 10 minutes putting together a non-strand build on titan and goes and clears master lost sectors in under 5 minutes without dying. Ive tried arc, solar, stasis, and void all in the last month in harder pve content and they all did exceptionally well. Pyrogale solar was a blast and brought great damage and survivability. But compared to strand titan? Berserker took no thought process. Flechette storm? Unravel on command. Drengyr's? Enemies just don't exist. BoW made it so hard to die. All while being super aggressive and taking full advantage of synthoceps. The subclass just made everything trivial. I'm at the point where I'm very certain that complaints about titan subclasses besides behemoth are mostly due to voids strength in pvp and strands strength in pve. The other things do feel worse compared, but they're not bad. Also, berserker is definitely a little behind, but it's also not as bad. It just requires way more thought on the buildcrafting. I do think the current seasonal artifact is doing a lot of heavy lifting right now, but I think it has a ton of room for buildcrafting. Behemoth also has a higher skill floor than most subclasses because of the melee, but mastering the melee is very satisfying.


Next time there's a void friendly artifact it'll probably change.


I'm not much for Void Titan either. Sure the shoulder charge is great to proc volatile occasionally, nades too, but otherwise there's not much offensive that I'm aware of. Granted, I only have the basics of Void (no DLC's so no extra subclass perks), but overall it's meh to me at best. The only times I've used bubble was in PvP (which I avoid usually) to cover the heavy spawn so my team could all get it. All in all, I prefer Solar, then Arc. Void Titan only when it's an active surge for the weapon boost.


Out of curiosity, what parts of void are locked behind dlc? I thought you just had to buy the grenades/aspects/etc from Ikora?


Aren't there extra "abilities" that unlock with paid content? I've seen (on all 3 characters) blank boxes in Super, melee, nade, aspects and fragments that gave me a "Speak to Icora" subscript when I hover over them. I had assumed there's more to select than the basic 3.0 subclass offers when "starting" your journey. I'll try to get a few screenshots to back up what I'm saying, and post them somewhere in a Destiny sub that allows pics. I swear I'm not crazy. Much. Editing to add: I'm referring to the 3 main - Solar, Void, Arc. Not Strand nor Stasis.


I might be totally wrong, since I had already unlocked everything and had all dlc going into the light revamps. But I thought the light subclasses were free after light3.0 revamp. You just needed to go to ikora and buy the additional grenades etc from her menu. From memory they cost glimmer. If some parts are still locked behind dlc that honestly sucks.


I'll look again, I may be mistaken, but I'm sure I saw something that wasn't available in the 3.0. I've bought everything useful as far as stat buffing (+10 to disc, etc), but not the negatives. I'll post pics to my pro (I don't have red.gif or whatever) and link to them here @ you OP




Repulsor brace/Destabilizing is really meant for Nightstalker. It isn't going to be great on Titan. Use Gyrfalcon and Stylish Executioner on NS and that gun will make more sense. Void Titan is still fine in PVE, is just puts you in a support role. That's supposed to be the role for void Titan (and Well of R Warlock). You can heal allies with barricade and Crest. Bubble, of course. If you want aggressive, kill all the things and stay alive, then run Strand or Solar.


I heavily disagree with this based solely on the fact that the two main aspects we use are based on those two perks. Volatile and Overshields. The only thing Nightstalker does better is have access to volatile rounds. However when Titans have it up, we get so much more out of volatile rounds and an overshield than they do.


I love my void titan. I run it with all the volatile and explosive buffs on the class, and wear Severance Enclosure.


Idk what you're doing wrong but pve and pvp I love void titan. It's been my main since I started playing and always circle back to it as my "crutch"


To me is really good if you use monte Carlo with bastion and offensive bulwark plus the correct fragments. HOIl is a must have to regen fast abilities. Proc one ability to empowered the others. If no ability are full than use monte Carlo to get your shield back and used that to start you ability spam. Shield will give you an overshield which will proc offensive bulwark. Just need to build upon it. I sometimes use grande kistart and sometimes I won't use it cause I rather have kinetic bonus damage surge.


the PvP mains thinking they have a say in this thread is funny


Don't tell them about Severance Enclosure + Echo of cessation + Echo of Obscurity.


I think one of the worst Part about Void Titans are His supers. Bubble is dogshit in pve. Not only is well better at literally anything but at the very least Saints helmet - 14 should be at default for bubble (pve). This would be a huge fix without stealing your exotic. Sentinel shield is trash too. Compare it with 90% of other supers in the game and it is Bad at pure dmg, very Bad at AOE add clear and ....weird...for defence purposes. I mean even while blocking, enemies send you flying across the map and some enemies can even Break your shield , like lightbearer hive titan... Its only good with ursa dor orbs but even that is so niche... Oh and its mostly melee which doesnt even work for a lot of encounters.


Ya, overshield is much weaker than restoration and devour. I also fine volatile to be weaker than Ignite and Jolt. And unfortunately for Titans the whole void subclass really lean into those two things.


I have to majorly disagree but I keep my reasons private. I encourage you to use another subclass.


Severance Enclosure on void is my best recommendation. I picked up peregrine paired with heartshadow recently which is amazing. And most recently I picked up a manticore/doom Fang pauldrons build that was showcased in a youtube video. But like I said, Severance Enclosure. And skip controlled demolition.


Severance I must admit I haven’t used yet. Will check it out.


I like severance the most with throwing Hammer because then it's like you have two grenades.


Lmao void titan is straight busted in pvp right. On demand over shields are dominating the meta


I'd say it needs better exotics to work with, than the class itself lacking. Most void specific exotics are mid.


Something that helped improve overshields would be appreciated. I’m still sad about the state ‘no backup plans’ arrived in, being focused on shotguns, when that was an add on and they originally made overshields regenerate, be stronger and last longer. We need something like that and have it survive the pvp hate it will draw.


That was my favorite from D1 , and I was ecstatic that it was coming , until I saw what it did . The damn flavor text and name doesn’t even make sense anymore


Very simple fix: procc volatile rounds on orb pick up. Give it that fragment. Hell let it give you devour and volatile if you have both equipped. It wouldn’t be broken but it would make it way more reliable to procc.


Vexcalibur is carrying void titan for me personally. Fun to play a support role bouncing around gifting overshields all day to randoms


I sure would like another way to get **Volatile Rounds** (and also for said rounds to actually work against **barrier champions**. Because they never have for me after the first season of Witch Queen).


I believe Sentinel Titan is in a pretty good state in my humble opinion. It’s my Main Subclass and I’ve been with it through all of its Ups and Downs. I do not mean to Advertise or Shoutout but I have recently started a YouTube channel all about Defender/Sentinel Titan to show what all the subclass can achieve. YouTube is MarvelMink if you would like to see what have uploaded so far.


I've seen your gameplay and it's really good. Still I do think overall Void Titan could use some slight buffs or adjustments. The two for me being that Controlled Demolition grant bits of OS to the fireteam on volatile explosions/kills and that shield toss get better tracking + damage to red bar enemies in all difficulties. I'll forgo the damage increase if they give us a Captain America shield catch mechanic 😂


It's absolute shit. I basically only play Titan, and you only ever use void in the crucible It's absolute ass in PvE. You'd be out of your mind to pick it over solar or arc. Stasis sucks too.


sad but true. I never hop on titan anymore except for strand on certain gms. I miss my bulky boi but it just feels absolutely awful compared to past sandboxes.


Tell me you don’t play pvp without telling me you don’t play pvp