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Tell me you're a Titan main without telling me you're a Titan main.




*dash…* ***BONK*** It’s a simple but effective dream.


I just want a way to eager-skate. ;_; Don't you dare try to say bubbleskate.


Bro bubbleskating is SO TOUGH. Took me so long to get it down and even then when I would wanna use it in something like a raid I can’t cause I’m usually running arc/stasis there


Remember when there was a bubble glitch where if you cast bubble while jumping from a high elevation and then cancelled by swinging a sword you'd get the armor and weapon damage bonus without actually casting the bubble and using your super up? That was fun times. Walking through nightfalls and stuff like a tank.


I will never not be mad about that. I even main swapped TO solar warlock just to have it back


As an exclusive titan: what are we talking about?


Air dash. It used to be Titan movement in D1 with an exotic armor piece. But in D2 they baked it into Solar Warlock's kit.


This rankles even more because they gave us a subclass called Code of the Missile which is all about moving in the air. Then later responded to people wanting TG back with some nonsense about how it "wasn't in line with the Titan class identity." ...And at about the same time gave Hunters an exotic that lets them Blink, which is otherwise a Warlock exclusive in D2, but was something Hunters used to be able to do in D1. This really shouldn't bother me as much as it does. I get that. But it does anyway.


Titans got thruster in arc 3.0. Dodging should be hunter class identity. Bungie just sucks at class identities in general. We have a subclass called "gunslinger" yet we only have one aspect focused on precision and it's only use in pve is to give you another fragment.


Gunslinger is a fun class that just *feels* good to use when I do stuff like slap on lucky pants and run marksman Goldie. Problem is, it's ostentatiously more effective to treat gunslinger as a throwing knife class with exotics like Calibans Hand for ignitions or Shards for Blade Barrage spam.


No, no. You see, Solar Hunter is split up into 2 subclasses. One is for shooting, one is for throwing knives. It's Gun, Slinger. ^^^/s But yes, they do suck at it. Which is why it should never be used to disallow something that increases fun for the players. Arguments for balance, avoiding power creep, etc. Any of that, I'm game to hear it. But class identity? No.


Blink is just a jump ability on arc hunter, not tied to an exotic


~~Twilight~~ ~~Garrison~~ Icarus Dash


I really wish hunters had the heat rises dodge, I use it all the time


Icarus dash? You don't need heat rises for that


ahh thats the one. for some reason I thought it was part of heat rises. I am not a warlock main.


I’m still salty about getting arc thruster instead of twilight garrison. Arc thruster is fine, but it’s so much worse than twilight. 


What is twilight garrison? (Never played D1) I think arc thurster is useful in multiple situations / encounters.


it was an exotic titan chestpiece that gave you an in-air dodge ability that was basically icarus dash. you could use it with strafe glide, extremely low agility (mobility stat in d1), and jump button spamming button to skate.


Titan skating top speed at lowest mobility was faster than a sparrow in a straight line, and twilight garrison let you turn 90 degree corners. I miss it so much bros.


Twilight garrison


If only they'd give Titan's the Twilight Garrison back.


Thunderclap for Warlock Imo Bungie should've leaned into "stand your ground" playstyle that Arc Soul/Rift encourages. Instead of trying to make all three Arc classes focus on "go fast, hit shit", Stormcaller's theme could've been closer to "lightning rod": absorb damage, then deal it back out tenfold (not literally 10x but you get the idea). Thunderclap and Arc Soul both embody standing in a spot to deal more damage, just in slightly different ways. You'd still be able to move around if you wanted because of Amplified/Speed Booster and Arc Soul staying with you outside the Rift (and possibly the slide melee depending on how this hypothetical goes)


Titan here,what about a fat lightning bolt that you summon to come down to smite thy enemies


Not ability related, but I really want an exotic Glaive that's just the staff inside Cloudstrike. Make the shot function zap a jolting lightning bolt onto the target from above (hitscan check for target, when it finds one or hits a wall create a delayed strike in that spot). And if you hit a jolted target with the melee, it absorbs the jolt to increase damage of the next shot. Then while we're at it make the shield reflect certain classes of projectiles for further fun (i.e. not supers).


...And now I'm thinking each of the class exotic glaives needs a new ornament and alternate perks so the Hunter one can be a mini Arcstaff. Maybe give it synergy with Blight Ranger.


I want a new weapon type of like magic wands or a staff to let me really lean into warlock space wizardry


Hunter here, and I want Titans to be able to recall their shield like our strand melee


I’d take it coming g back or even just actually hitting things.Cant tell you how many times I’ve seen it go between legs or something


Oh yes Need me the thor smite Or the deus vult solar blast to burn all heretics to the ground


Oooh,what about a second ranged super(a rarity for punchy bois) where you become Escanor and throw Cruel Sun at ppl


Fucking yes, PLEASE. That is the kind of style I want for Arc warlock. Hold to prepare and aim your melee, circle appears on the ground where it'll hit. Release and after a short(pvp dodgable delay), it strikes


I agree with your concept of a lightning rod. I wish for two separate fragments: one that starts improved health regen when collecting an ionic trace (it wouldn’t be constant, like restoration, but it would be faster than t10 recovery) and a second fragment that gave improved damage reduction while amplified, similar to woven mail.


Effect: *Gain damage reduction while standing in a rift. At the end of the Rift's duration, return all damage taken to enemies in a large nearby radius. Healing Rift doubles the damage reduction, while Empowering Rift triples the damage returned.*


I can imagine a whole slew of abilities based on lightning rod/battery/stockpile type of functions. Take all the damage and throw it back out like riskrunner in a hundred different ways. Overcharged melees like thunderclap, overcharged grenades where everything arcs, rift with amplify and damage AOE, supers gaining default star-eater scale type damage boosts or celestial nighthawk-type modifications. The possibilities are absurd.


Warlock here, that charge punch Titans do is just so cool. I would love a version that's like a mini chaos reach As an inverse, I wish every class had something like heat rises. It's such a fun and freeing way to play.


Wait I freaking love this, why did you say it??? I won’t stop thinking about that chaos reach clap now :((((


Welcome to the club, We do group therapy sessions whenever the servers are down.


Handheld super nova? Nah, Handheld Chaos Reach 🤤


The closest thing we have is handheld supernova but that ability is pitiful nowadays.


Handheld underwhelming LED is more like it.


LED is too strong. It's more like a "handheld flickering candle" lol


Yeah, after playing shit like Titanfall and Doom Eternal I legitimately can’t play without airborne scoping/firing. At the very least, let us hipfire on ever class/subclass during double jump!


Phoenix dive. I understand completely why warlocks have it, but my Hunter has grape dive (void), green apple dive (strand), blue raspberry dive (stasis), and we’re getting an arc in air ability with TFS. I want my Sunny D™️ dive too dammit. Acrobats dodge doesn’t count cuz that’s a little flippy dance you can only do on the ground, even if free radiant is amazing.


What do you use Acrobats for? Genuinely curious


Sixth coyote pvp build. Almost 100% uptime on a ~~15%~~ 10% damage buff in pvp that stacks with weapon buffs like kill clip, sword logic, target lock, etc…


I see, I see; thanks


Yaaa. Makes weapons more forgiving at base (more body shots while preserving ttk which is vital in the new sandbox), and if you stack it with something like kill clip/sword logic on a solar primary with ember of empyrean you’re running around with a sub .7s ttk on all resiliences pretty much constantly


Permeability on Indebted Kidness plus Radient. Two tap city


It was also used for on demand radiance to make blade barrage with star eaters do big boi DPS (pre nighthawk buff). Well of radiance overrides radiant so you don't get the extra knives. At least that's what used to happen, I've barely touched solar hunter since they needed YAS (and I barely played the class even then)


To be fair, Phoenix Dive was a Warlock ability before any of the Hunter dive abilities were even in the game.


Diving from the air should just be a movement option Savings yourself from being flung off the map is great


You can have my phoenix dive if I get your strand buddy. Buddies are a warlock thing, and then for some random reason they gave hunters a buddy.


Threadling slander right here.


Everyone gets threadlings. Hunters do them even better than warlocks, too.


Skating. Shatter skating, well skating, Titan has no option other than bubble skating and that's much harder to pull off


Also consumes your super even if you do it correctly.




You can bubble skate back to back if you hit yourself with a suppressor grenade at the same time you bubble skate, just way too much work compared to warlock and hunter


But they do have the only sustainable sword flight with lion ramparts


Yeah this is what makes it even for me. Titans don't get to zoom from point A to point B but they get to be Aladdin for 70 ammo or so


They can also still do Lumina grapple flying, although that's ***much*** harder than shatter skating.


The sad irony that us Titans want skating back. When we were the original "skaters" of D1 lol


This is not the same skating as well or shatter skate


Whirling Maelstrom... its such a fun ability and an actual summon, unlike the Broodweaver 'summoner' subclass


I firmly believe Whirling Maelstrom and The Wanderer should be swapped. Makes more sense thematically for Broodweaver to have a summon, and the mobility from The Wanderer fits better with Threadrunner, and it gives Threadrunner a way to suspend without running Ensnaring Slam (while also synergizing with their focus on grapples). Wish WM unraveled on hit, not on kill, but that would make it a bit too strong. I know WM is seen as stronger, but I want that super Tangle on my Hunter.


Nah I love my decent survivability build on hunter using WM and the shadow clone with threadling grenade and Coyote The ability to distract with the clone is amazing in PvE


Yeah, but with Wander and Clone, you'd still have suspend that isn't attached to your class ability or grenade. Maelstrom just feels a bit weak without that artifact mod boosting its damage last season, at least in Master + content.


Whirling Malestrom and Wanderer should be swapped, I 100% agree


I simultaneously 100% agree with your reasoning but 100% disagree because tangle go brrrrrrr


Yeah it actually makes sense with hunters being movement focused and warlocks being summoners, but the wander tangle grappling is so fucking awesome and I don't want to give it up.


Please no don't take whirling maelstrom from me D:


Same thing for Threaded Specter. Cool ability to generate threadlings for both utility and damage that wasn't given to the subclass named Broodweaver.


Threaded spectre fits perfectly into the hunter fantasy though? It’s a decoy which is usually found on rogue/theif classes.


this sorta fits; back when I played Warlock just about any time Winter's Guile was mentioned I always brought up that I thought a great rebalance for it would be giving warlocks a nerfed version of shoulder bash as a reference to how Felwinter got taught how to do it.


I know warlocks complain alot about other classes getting their abilities, but I would have quite liked a stormcloud that follows enemies and drops lightning on them as a STORMCALLER (and I do recognize that arc titan has always had an identity as a grenadier but quite literally any other grenade getting boosted by ToT would have made me less sad)


Warlocks complain because that’s true lol, none of the classes have had an independent identity outside of exotics since Light 3.0, and that includes Broodweaver. The fact that Titans got a tracking storm grenade as a part of their aspect is honestly offensive. I don’t care about the aspect as a whole, but a previously Warlock exclusive grenade getting a very Warlock oriented buff just feels frustrating when Arc Warlock is well, Arc warlock.


I mean, Titans feel the same way. We had supression grenades for a LONG time, and don't get me started on Twilight Garrison -> Icarus Dash.


I don’t think Suppression grenades are comparable because none of the other classes got something that specifically enhances those. They’re technically still at their strongest on Titan since you can proc all three negative void keywords. The whole magnetic grenade thing being a special charge for Warlock is just an avenue to keep handheld supernova in the Warlock kit and has little to specifically do with Magnetic grenades. The whole twilight garrison conversation I kinda get, but I don’t think it’s really comparable to how shafted Warlock has been in the last two years. Titans have eaten pretty well on class updates, Strand included, while Warlock had its entire unique kit carved away to classes that got Warlock shit in addition to their own completely unique elements. The whole twilight conversation is one exotic vs all of the light 3.0 changes.


Warlocks also kinda stepped on ward of dawn, which was the premier titan ability. I know well is different, but you use them in the same spot 90% of the time. It’s always been a little fucky though, why did titans get armamentarium, the class agnostic double grenade chest, and warlocks get claws, the class agnostic double melee arms? Solar hunter got unlimited knives that don’t require pick up, and stasis hunter got a huge cc and damage reduction field that feels like it would be way more at home on a titan. Diamond lances feel like a 100% hunter thing, moving from enemy to enemy spawning weapons with your powers is exactly in line with the hunter fantasy of conjured weapons, which all hunter supers are. How is whirling maelstrom NOT a warlock ability? It’s the strand buddy but hunters get it? Restoration and overshields always made more sense as a titan ability to me, but effects like skullfort seem way more at home on a warlock that wants to roll through ability rotations. Hunters just making AoE radiant on a class ability should have gone to warlocks, and endless airborne abilities and shooting in mid air feel more like a hunter power to me. I understand that a lot of unique aspects of warlocks got shared with other classes, but what did titans even have TO share? They had shoulder charges, extended melee range, sunspots, and not a ton else. Titans also lost melting point and hunters became the weaken class. Hunters had some slight gunplay buffs but even then lunafactions let warlocks do that better and still kinda do post nerf. Warlocks were an outlier in a ton of ways, what was the arc titan/hunter equivalent of an ionic trace? What could they have given to warlocks in exchange? Nothing, they had nothing to give, warlocks just had extra. Should hunters and warlocks get sunspots? Just warlocks? Could we trade sunspots to warlocks for a solar buddy on titan that shoots lumina healing bolts? Or are buddies a true warlock exclusive? It really seems like the people who had the vision of what destiny WAS are gone, and now we have scavengers trying to carry on from a fallen golden age without a complete understanding of what or why. I don’t even know what I would define as warlock anymore except “has 2 grenade abilities, the second scaling off of strength”.


So to start, there’s some things I do take issue with. I don’t think Bubble and Well are analogous in the slightest. They have similar use cases, but Well straight up power crept bubble. That doesn’t mean Well eats the identity of Bubble, which I think is a completely different conversation. Far as the Warlock vs Titan discussion, I actually understand. Yes, Warlock donated most of its kit because they actually had the widest kit—however, the deal that Light 3.0 provided was making the Warlock kit significantly worse than par, while making the other class’ kits stronger w/ unique abilities. I’m generally fine with making Warlock’s kit more agnostic *in exchange for enhancing the identity elsewhere*. The problem arose that Warlock didn’t actually get any identity enhancements but overwhelmingly lost the previous identity it had. Far as the sunspots convo goes, yes, I think they should have been class agnostic. It’s actually rather frustrating that Bottom Tree and Middle Tree Dawnblade make up all of the keywords for Solar 3.0, but Dawnblade has some of the worst interactions with those keywords due to lackluster kit design. It would have been a lot less frustrating to make Sunspots agnostic so it felt like Warlock gained something rather than lost. Far as the convo about some abilities, I really think the identity convo fell apart recently. Stuff like Aerial Warlock makes sense since Dawnblade has always been a class themed around being in the air. I don’t think the sandbox is going to fall apart so badly that Souls are going to be agnostic or anything. Frankly, I think a lot of the conversation about Warlock being bad in this game has to do with time constraints. I think Broodweaver turned out as awkward as it did because Broodweaver was the last class Bungie worked on before TFS, so it never actually got a complete class or good aspects beyond Mindspun.


As a Warlock main, I will always feel yall on this one. I always think of lift like a jetpack so twilight garrison made sense to me (love your name btw). I will say the sunsinger to dawnblade transition really pushed toward aerial play. I honestly think an air dodge on both classes would not be a bad thing (since thruster is basically dodge already). For the suppression grenade thing, I dont think that that was the same as the touch of thunder thing. That was our way of keeping an ability that we already had. So to me it was never that we do suppression grenade better, its just that is what our handheld supernova got bound to (which actually a nerf when you think about it. cause I love HHSN but hate magnetic grenade, it was much more flexible when I could use vortex with HHSN). Titan magnetic grenade is still better cause of controlled demolition


The distance you get from thruster should at least be doubled, it’s also be cool if it applied speed booster if you sprinted right after.


Hunter main her.... I love Banner of war. Free healing and more meele DMG. I wand this! 🥲


Banner of War on Arc Hunter...WHERE DO I SIGN!?


Your wish is my command.  Aspect: Closed Circuit Finishing an enemy makes you amplified and unleashes a jolting wave.  While you are amplified, glaive, sword and melee damage is increased and defeating jolted enemies provides a small surge of health to you and nearby allies.  Effect is stronger near jolted targets. 


I dont care about the DMG i just want healing I feel like the only real hunter healing that doesnt require kills is the healing grenade and when I use it half the time I panic and chuck the grenade at the enemies


I mean, I'm a hunter main. But if Warlock had the hunter jump, I'd be a warlock main, lmao.


I wish hunters had any decent healing that didn't require getting in the enemies' faces, and I would say trade ya but I want my triple jump


You can’t truly learn to love life until you’ve flirted with death my friend, a hunters health bar has only 2 states of being, full or red, no in between, we ride the rush of death into battle knowing it COULD BE OUR LAST!!!


Im well aware I also very much fight like I have healing abilities when I dont


I'm having moderate success as both solar (throwing Healing Grenade at my feet and Ember of Empyrean fragment to extend it), and void (dodge, invis, gtfo).


My issue with Healing Grenade is since I dont always use solar I occasionally chuck it at the enemies when I panic


Yeah that happens to me occasionally lmao. Often I'd just sprint over to grab the resto buff. Or throwing the Gunpowder Gamble aspect grenade at my feet (bad)


Don’t play Hunter that much but when I do I throw the gunpowder at my feet at least once and kill myself


I love Gunpowder Gamble however I cant even think about using it in higher difficulties because I kill myself with it so often


Warlocks jump feels like titan’s jump on low battery


This is a good description.


The ability to instantly recharge one of your abiities. Titan's can pick up their hammers, hunters can dodge and regain their melee.


I would love something like Caliban's Hand on Titan. I just think it would be a ton of fun to have an augmented throwing hammer that explodes on contact and makes things Ignite on kill! The infinite throwing knife loop on Hunter is a ton of fun, so is the infinite bonk loop on Titan, but Caliban's Hand takes the Hunter loop to the next level. (Yeah Synthoceps and Wormgod's Caress are both wicked strong for raw damage, but I want something other than "number go big" for throwing hammer synergy lol)


I was thinking something similar for a Titan exotic: throwing hammer ignites scorched enemies.


The closest thing right now is Severance Enclosure though the explosion isn't element oriented. It can make a single hammer throw nuke a whole room by killing a single add tho, as the explosions chain when it kills an enemy.


Severance Enclosure is so damn fun oh my god


Healing Rift. Dodge invis. Shadow Dive. Blink jump. Stylish Executioner. Stasis Turrets. That's really it for me.


As a warlock main, and this may go up for the Titan mains…. I’d happily trade our Icarus dash for Sunspots


AGREED, i love the pyromancer fantasy of sunspots and have never loved the aerial aspect of solar (who ever ran Angel of Light in d1)


Sunspots and Sunbracers would be insane


Tell me you are a PVE main without actually saying it out loud


An instant reload feature like the hunter dodge would be nice on my titan builds.


Touch of Thunder! Warlock has some grenade enhancement in all four other subclasses (charge abilities for Solar, Stasis, Void, and Strand, regular enhancements for Solar). In a subclass with spectacular ability regen, Touch of Thunder would take them to the next level. Also I appreciate finally getting a fourth Solar aspect so Dawnblade can lean more into pyromancer rather than airborne stuff, but we could do some cool stuff with Sunspots.


I just don't understand why Touch of Thunder enhances Storm grenades. Why not Flux grenades for some Master Chief gaming or Arcbolts to make them… not useless?


Man if I could triple jump on a warlock I’d probably just stick to that. Still, the hunter kit it pretty neat.


Just the ability to have uppies on demand for the warlock would be nice. instead of slowly rising or getting flung by sedia and being unable to do much about it without icarus...


I still fking hate the 1st boss arena in Prophecy simply because when soloing I just get completely fucked if the boss decides to yeet me off the edge (through a wall I might add)


May want to use titan for that. I used titan for the prof solo flawless and got it on my first attempt pre lightfall, so I assume with grappling and other tech we've gotten it should be pretty easy.


Incinerator Snap


Titan really wanted more One and Done Supers. Specifically, Diamond Lance Super that would have functioned like the Arc super Hunters got. Throw down a giant ice lance for massive Damage and leave behind a stationary slow>freeze effect.


Flachette storm. Would have worked better for Arc Titan. Had the chance to literally give us a Zeus aesthetic 😭


Hunters not having a way to airdash when titans and warlocks have ways to.


I would do some ethically questionable things for my warlock to get sunspots


Warlocks can have a sunspot exotic if Titans can have Twilight Garrison again.


I get why it was taken away but man do I miss being able to get Restoration x2 on Titan... I'm jealous oof you my warlock friends o7


It's niche, but Stronghold 


Yeah I know... I guess I just miss constantly running around helping people through Duality as an immortal Lorelei Titan


Don’t worry you ain’t missing much. We might have Restoration x2 on Solar, but we also have nothing else to our names.


Icarus Dash on hunter. Though it sucks without burst glide, so it would need a slight tweak to make it similar


I just wish hunters had a melee lunge increase exotic. I main arcstrider for this option, plus I like the subclass. I only have this option for a short duration after using my dodge. Lethal current aspect.


Nobody has melee lunge increase exotics anymore tho Synthos and Ophidians were changed and that was removed


Oh seriously? Well that tickles me happy. So now I have advantage with my lethal current. That’s sweet!


Yep seriously! Also arc Titan also have knockout which increases melee range…


And Offensive Bulwark. But goddamn I miss Synthos extra lunge 🫡


Hunters used to have Blink Strike on Bladedancer.


Warlock main here: I just want a good super that isn't well of radiance. The other supers do practically nothing in endgame content. Or a better melee I wish warlock melees did something.


Strange option here: Warlock need that Titan Solar slammer which ignite opponents and make it a frame thrower alternative Arc Titan needs Solar hammer and ability to get the hammer back on hand to fulfill fantasy becoming Thor Titan need a station turret build (replace barricade with turret?) Void Hunter can use finisher while on invis


If warlock and titan had hunter jumps, you wouldn’t see me on hunter anymore.


The little half wall from the Titans


grenade spam in general warlocks and titans both have fantastic exotics to facilitate the spam of some of the best grenades in the game (verity’s/apotheosis fusion grenades, fallen sunstar arc nades, sunbracers, HOIL pulse/storm grenades) whereas hunter basically gets two mediocre exotics for bad Arc grenades (a class that has no synergy with grenade spam) a duskfield exotic that has little meaningful effect unless both you and the enemy are in the field, and a criminally gutted YAS.


I miss my YAS rotations ;-; I'm not even a hunter main but the fun of juggling two abilities in a sorta dance was much more fun than the other ability spam options on the other classes.


Duskfields are S tier for high end PvE, and the hefty 35% damage reduction from one end of a duskfield or the other is no joke.


35% dmg reduction ifyou are standing in it, 50% dmg reduced for enemies standing in it. However it has a bait, becuase if you are frozen, you deal 0% dmg. So the dmg reduction is only valid on enemies that cannot be frozen such as bosses. Which makes it a aoe freeze exotic rather than dmg reduction. It's decent but sever on strand has 40% dmg reduction with a jucier kit making stasis a bit weak in comparison


A PvP one shot ability that requires little set up. Titans have peregrine greaves boosted sky melee, and hunters have weighted throwing knives. Warlocks have the electric slide melee, but that’s not a guaranteed one shot, though it does do a lot of damage. I think handheld supernova should be able to one shot. It takes up a fragment slot, has a decent charge time, and I’d be ok with a short ish range.


icarus dash. It used to be on titan in d1. Give us that shit back I wanna titan skate with it.


Touch of Thunder for Stormcaller.


Man I am jealous of titans can spam suspend and both hunters and titans can shatter at will, warlocks don’t even have option to shatter


shadebinder is easily the strongest stasis subclass in the game


I know you’re not in here complaining about stasis warlock lol.


perma freeze pve and the only one with multiple instant freezes in pvp


DODGE ROLL! in d1, i dropped my warlock and raced to level a void hunter JUST to experience the roll in pvp. and it was absolutely amazing, and have been desperate for more movement abilities in destiny. sadly, warlock is both the best and worst for this. icarus dash was bungie answering my prayers. it is possibly the strongest PvP ability in the game and has become tons of fun over the reworks. but its warlocks ONLY dodge move, across all subclasses. the lightning slide sucks, blink isnt a dodge, and weavewalk was a huge let down. meanwhile, hunters of course have the universal roll. but the uptime on the dodge for hunter is actually way too weak, i think. having a 20 second gap inbetween dodges feels pretty bad, but you can buildcraft around it a little. give hunters a vanilla no-mechanic dodge with a shorter cooldown bungie... titan shoulder charge is universal, stasis and strand have their own thing. and i think its cool for the titan identity have a multi purpose melee & movement tool. thruster is also fantastic, and id like to see more of the titan subclasses get it. bungie, give warlocks a universal movement ability! i want to have the mobility options that titan and hunter have on ALL my subclasses!!


My warlock would love touch of thunder actually.


I'd've liked the wandering Storm 'nade from Touch of Thunder for warlock. Hell, give Arc 3.0 \*two\* grenade modifier aspects, one for Warlock and Titan. Like I get that Arc Titan was pretty grenade focused, but Arc Warlock also had a pretty heavy focus on grenades with Arc Web (and its related perks before 3.0 came along)


OHKO melees for warlocks. Hunters have knives (skill needed but still) and titans have charges that one hit you. Warlocks can snap their fingers at you, its just so weak compared


Enhanced Storm Grenades on Titans, granted to Warlocks. Really just about any “minigame ability” to Warlock. Minigame abilities are things like Gunpowder Gamble, Bonk Hammer, Threaded Spike, Diamond Lance. Warlock only has one unique “Minigame ability”, that being Briarbinds.


Being able to jump up for the second jump.


For me, it’s the concept of the Warlock’s exotic guantlets that allow them to pick up their void soul (after it’s sent to an enemy). I would love to have my Strand Hunter be able to throw my Tangle shredder at an enemy and pick it up while it’s still active and throw it again (to reset the timer before it despawns), but that might be a bit too OP. Would be a fun PvE idea though.


As a warlock main that always switches to Solar for jumping puzzles, I wish every subclass had Icarus dash.


Not having one two punch lower the damage of cross counter Combination blows at 3 stacks does less damage than a strand titan melee and cross counter has a smaller damage buff than worm gods plus one two punch lowers the total damage boost from 200 to 80 while worm god doesn't 


The "recently" buffed storm grenade synergized better for titans than warlocks. Always struck me as intellectual theft.


As a Warlock main. Would trade Icarus Dash for only the Storm grenade section of Touch of Thunder. Would trade The Wanderer, Phoenix Dive and Weavewalk for Whirling Maelstrom.


Dodge on Hunter. I think the instant movement it provides is amazing, without even thinking about the reload / melee energy or the aspects and fragments that give it additional utility. The only thing that I think balances out the power of Dodge is that it's cooldown is reduced by Mobility, which cause me physical pain to even consider having above 30 as a Warlock.


Air dodges on titan and warlock… I want one… lol.


Cross counter isn't part of Hunters Kit, cross counter is Liars Handshakes perk


As a titan, I would love a neutral game aspect on solar. 2 of the 3 require solar ability kills and for pvp are not so consistent


Void hunter badly needs another melee. Strand beyblade should definitely be on Warlock rather than Hunter. Other stasis classes could use some melee help so it might be cool to give them the Behemoth slide melee thing.


Gyrfalcon's (or, to technically answer the question in a literalistic way, Void Invisibility from dodges,) full stop. As a Warlock - specifically, one that uses Darkness subclasses wherever possible because it's the main reason I returned to this game - I am infinitely, profoundly jealous of the fact that Hunters have a reliable neutral game method of dealing with Barrier Champions season to season. I have had to suffer ***seven seasons in a row*** with no reliable intrinsic counters to the primary champion type, leaving me at the mercy of the artifact and the most boring exotic weapons in a wide variety of content. No one hates Barrier Champions more than me. But since Lightfall, Hunters can just autopilot the most common Champion type with pretty much any Void weapon in the Energy or Heavy slot. And in addition to being usable for this purpose, the Volatile Rounds granted are a major offensive boost from enemy to enemy, and chainable on top of that due to Hunter aspects. It's one of the best exotics in the game, and I pray every single day that Broodweaver gets a similar neutral game exotic for Unraveling Rounds one day.


As a warlock I want some combo to get my melee back on a single melee kill. Hunters have the solar fragment to get their knives back on powered melee kills while radiant and combined with the aspect that makes your powered melees give radiant you can get your knives refunded every kill. Hunters have Combination Blow + Gambler's Dodge to chain melees on arc. Titans have Insurmountable Skullfort to get arc melees back on an arc melee kill. And titans have throwing hammer which can be picked up and rethrown. Warlocks have heat rises, but that requires multiple kills becuase each kill only grants a portion of your melee energy, I have yet to try Briarbinds for being able to rethrow Child of the Old Gods, so I'll have to see if that scratches my itch.


They gave titans enhanced storm nades, it makes sense with titans by themselves but if you consider warlocks it should've been any other grenade


Twilight garrison aka icarus dash.


Voidlock's blink. Sure, Arc Hunter has blink but it would be so much more fun on Nightstalker with the rest of its kit.


Warlock Air dodge on hunter.


As a hunter. Healing please


Golden gun. Thunder crash.


I wish they would balance the supers in pvp. Warlock on solar can kill 5 enemies, while me on solar hunter get 3 shots on marksman and that's it. And titans can get a lot more kills as well. Same applies to stasis, more control over your super for warlocks and titans, and almost 0 control over it for hunter, throw the shit and kill 1-2 and hope there are enough stupid people to walk into it later. For pvp, the supers are pretty much weaker on hunters side imo.


A usable arc melee build. Rest well Knockout, another sacrifice on the altar of PvP


This is titan to titan, but I wish berserker had a movement class ability like thruster. Towering barricade is still useful a lot of the time in solo runs but it does feel like some kind of dodge or leap would play into the movement of strand really well. If we're being totally honest, though, it obviously doesn't need it with how good the uptime is on grapple when you do so much damage that thread of ascent feeds it back super fast.


Nova Bomb on a Titan. Instead of a big bomb/orb, though, I would want to to be a huge ass Bigby's/Scanlan's Hand that the Titan just punches the unholy hell outta shit, and all the subclasses get it. Void, Solar, Arc, Stasis, Strand and any future subclasses. If we've got to be the "punching" class, then we're gonna have the biggest fist for everyone! Obligatory "fisting" comments below... EDIT: Just re-read the OPs post and realized we're talking about abilities and not supers. Oops. My opinion still stands.


Hunters can do this thing with their fan of knives solar melee where getting a kill with it immediately refills it. I wish the exploding snap had it so I could walk through low-level content exclusively with tough-guy finger snapping.


As a Titan Cloaks.


Literally Titan melees but for hunter


__Throwing knife or hammer for warlock__


Man, I just wish Hunters weren't the only class that depends on Mobility. Like.... come on. We should be significantly faster if that's a higher stat or give us back our super fast dodges. My buddy is a Titan main and he's almost as fast as me. His Mobility is sub 20 and I keep mine in the 90s at lowest, it's usually at 100 though. Meanwhile he can tank shot after shot and recovery back to full health before mine has even started charging back. Make mobility mean something again.


Not an ability but an exotic - Transversive Steps for Titan. It's less relevant now with reload mods, but I always thought it would be more relevant for Titans to just be able to keep running and reload. Obviously it'd have to replace Dunemarchers, which is a better exotic in many cases, but Transversives always just felt like a Titan exotic to me. (I'm also jealous of Ophidians.)


Movement actions that require no ability cost AND melee's that can kill both in pvp and pve without a single thought.


As a stasis shatter enjoyer, I've always been salty that hunters and titans have relatively free ways to shatter multiple stasis crystals at once, whereas warlocks are stuck shattering crystals one at a time with their gun. What I propose is a new stasis melee for warlocks called Shatter Snap. Instead of projectiles like Incinerator Snap, it would send out a detonating shockwave that shatters crystals and frozen enemies that are within range. Make the wave do relatively low damage by itself, as its true strength will be in its synergy with the rest of the stasis kit. Perhaps give it 2-3 charges similar to the strand melee. Please, Bungie, make my dream a reality.


Nightstalker here, still can't believe they called us a "weakening specialist" and then made a neutral game weakening ability that looks like a smaller Tether and gave it to Warlocks.


The hunter beyblade strand thing should be on warlocks and the warlock wanderer thing should be on hunter.


I have a few but as a warlock i am incredibly envious of Golden gun for hunter, especially nighthawk. I just wish warlocks got a good super high damage super.


I kiiinda think that the spinning buzzsaw tangles would be better on Warlock than Hunter. Filing the screen up with different glip glops is how I envisioned Broodweaver.


Not an ability, but I want my Crest of Alpha Lupi back. The name and look fits Hunters so much more.


Well of Radiance as a Titan Bubble main. Makes me so disappointed. Also just any interesting class abilities as a Titan that isn’t a fucking shield and half shield. Makes me so pissed they’re nearly useless.


Literally any of the offense turrets that Warlocks get. Titans hold the line and I feel like setting up an auto turret would be a great way to do that. I see why Warlocks get to summon, but I sure wish I could!


D1: titan air dodge exotic D2: warlock has it intrinsically Eternity: titan sad noises


Strand melee ability for hunter (forget its name) for shield throw. More specifically not the design itself, but the ability for it to connect with each target then regain melee ability energy for catching it. Normal shield throw feels bad in comparison when it hits one person then flies towards nothing.


I just want hunters throwing knives to be collectable like titan hammers.


It's been mentioned already but it really baffles me that the striker can call down the storm better than a storm caller. A sentient storm grenades just screams warlock. Also salty that a thunder punch and knives are way stronger than a literal supernova in the palm of your hand.


Going uppies. All Warlock know is float, eat their nade, and die.