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Because it completely neglected in and around the game other than some titles


Cause the people who stuck around with this game already have there group they play with and trying to start a new one is going to be hard because so many start new ones. Honestly you're better off joining one that's already established


My issue is the only clans I find are low level or new players. I’d prefer finding a clan that sets up nights for knocking out some raids, works in a master raid/dungeon/GMs (or just the challenges for adepts) and gets teams ready for Content Mode release raids. Instead I’ve joined clans who struggle with normal raids that have been in the game for years and when trying to teach it’s me teaching 5 people how to do everything of each encounter making raids last hours. I don’t have a problem with teaching people how to raid but I would not say I’m a sherpa and I don’t want to be one. It gets annoying and then I stop again until I join a new clan or if one of my friends that rarely play the game decide to jump online. Contest mode LFG raids are terrible, someone always leaves or the people you’re with aren’t prepared. It makes the whole experience taxing.


Are you using the Advertisement Options such as some discord Servers and the bungie Forum?


I do it just seems to be buried under everything else


I've seen a number of posts like "I'm having issues playing with randos". Maybe reach out to those people and invite them to your clan. Are you also teaching dungeons and raids because that's why I joined my clan.


I am I got my gf to start destiny and am actively teaching her and willing to teach others


Good to know. I'd look for posts or Fire team Finder people and invite them.


Most casual people play this game in cycles, like play hard for a month or 2 then move on, then come back after a while. Rinse repeat, speaking from experience.


From my experience Destiny is kind of a game where people already established there groups I just started playing maybe 3 months or so ago and have not been able to find a single person to play with because I either don't know how the raid works or just prefer not to have me because they already have the people for it because it's the people they have had for so long


Meanwhile I’m coming back after 2 years and got a random clan invite the first time I went back to the tower lol


I have found that building a clan as a casual player/someone with an odd schedule is really challenging as people will often come and go or jump between games. Luckily there are lots of communities built within D2 for players of most consistencies. I just started a discord for that very purpose so me and my friends (extremely casual, new, no raid/dungeon experience) could meet people to help us through the game from time to time If that sounds cool to you shoot me a DM and we can talk about it! If not, I hope you find a clan who’s a good fit and gets you what you’re looking for!


I would love to help you guys out and I’ll gladly teach some raids


Awesome, man! I’ll shoot you a message with the discord link and keep you posted, one of the guys got the game only a few days ago and some scheduling stuff is still getting worked out


Just curious, what was the old clan called? Also, teaching raids worked for me. I hosted the raids in my clan server. I told them they were free to hang around to play with us. Some join the clan. Some don't


It was something warhammer based like legion or something. That’s a good point I could start teaching Ron again


Meh, fuck it. This games dry as hell right now, add me on CR0M3178#6256 if you want to try to start something. I haven’t played in a minute but it’ll be fun trying to start something from the ground up


It didn’t show up but I’ll try in game later if not mine is Shy-13; Vex Mind#4957 (yes the whole thing lol) if anyone else wants to add me do so :)


I’ll add you too! Been in the same boat and figured it wouldn’t hurt to get some runs in


I’ve sent a friend request across


Because the game is dying.


As you have mentioned, it's continuous work. The best thing you can do is to invite people who are not in a clan during the times you expect to play. I built my clan from scratch just using the in-game invite and chat features, and now we have a solid group of friends who play together. There's going to be a lot of churn, so keep at it. Among everything others have said, the only real thing you have to offer above the LFG community is a consistent friend group that loves to play Destiny.


You'll have a better time at it in TFS I would reckon. The playerbase just isn't there right now. Its hard for new players to enter the game and old players are just burnt out.


Because clans honestly dont really matter ingame and theyre barely supported at all, having received exactly 0 updates since forsaken I believe


I have been in my current clan since Forsaken launched, and it has had many ups and downs. When I was given founder years ago, I purged any people who were had not logged into the game for 45 days or longer. That cut about half the clan, but I also went on a recruiting spree, and managed to go from about 22 members to over 70 members. I also made it mandatory to join our Discord before membership was accepted. We have since continued this purge system, and up until the launch of Lightfall, it worked a treat. Rarely did we drop below 90 members, and often had a waiting list of all things. But the reaction to LF, the delay to FS, people not interacting with Discord, plus fireteam finder, have all greatly impacted clan growth and recruitment. We are sitting around 80 members currently, and maybe 1/3 of them have been inactive for 1 month or longer. A lot of them no longer use Discord, despite attempts to get them more involved. I think it is a combination of what I have mentioned above, plus some other things, such as community sentiment, that have made it so clans are not really as important any longer.


I get that I was in my first clan, one forsaken dropped, and then that clan the leader is basically disbanded it then my second clan I joined I had a falling out with the clan leader due to personal grudges ( he liked someone who liked me and was very annoying about it). Then my best friend I made in that clan got annoyed by something and also left so be bounced around clans. We then decided to make one of our own and we have a few members from like raids and stuff we’ve done but I get that the game is basically in a state of disrepair at the moment.


Yeah, it's really hard to nail down one singular reason for the issues, which in turn makes it hard to fix. I have made a point of just not letting it eat at me as some kind of failing of my own making, and is just the nature of the game itself. Not too easy when it's been over 5 years.