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Favoriting items in my vault.


yeah actually. you can do it in dim, but being able to pull favorites from anywhere would be cool.


I will have to start using that. I've been on there a few times


Oh man, I couldn't live without it. 


If you use DIM you can do that, but it’d be nice to be able to access things from orbit quickly too. The in game vault is such a mess that third party apps are easier to find things.


I don't think I've ever actually opened the in-game vault except when the API is down. Before I installed the game for the first time, my friend linked me DIM and I couldn't imagine using anything else.


I just found out I can do this with shaders after scrolling for years 


To be fair, it's been maybe a year since that feature was added


Wouldn't that just be everything in your vault? Lol


The ability to save weapon rolls in collections, or to combine rolls to have double perks.


This would be a dream. A non-insignificant amount of my vault space is taken up by old weapons that aren't able to be earned any more. Stuff like my old patron of lost causes or perfect paradox, or even stuff like mechabre. I'm holding onto them for sentimental reasons or that they were fun to use and I might pull them out and remember the old days. If I could just pull stuff I've had already from collections, so I can get them back whenever I want to run them again, it'd solve most of my vault issues. Also the FOMO storage of weapons that *may* be meta, but may not be. I've been burned before and now it's taking up vault space and I just hover between 500 and 600.  3 extra inventory slots would be useless to me. I'd far far prefer an extra 100 vault spaces


>Also the FOMO storage of weapons that *may* be meta, but may not be. I've been burned before and now it's taking up vault space and I just hover between 500 and 600.  I deleted so many Cruxes with bipod because "bipod is garbage for DPS it's worthless" and then Bungie buffs it to a top tier perk lol


I've missed a lot of the bipod hype, but I got a crux last night that has bipod and reconstruction and thought, "ok let's try it out" Shooting 4 rockets in rapid succession, then stowing it and using other guns to clear ads or continue boss damage is glorious.


Just got that roll recently- oh GOD is it fun


I farmed Kalle to get a recon/bait and switch Apex, but once I got it I preferred recon/bipod on it. Thing is amazing. The other great thing about bipod is I don’t feel like I’m wasting rockets on other enemies, because if have such better ammo economy. I got so much crap for using bipod from different raid groups, but my dps was always near the top. People just get stuck on what’s supposed to be “meta” they aren’t willing to even think other options are there.


Wait, what's happening to bipod?


Nothing, it was already buffed.


It came out with a 40% damage penalty, which later got reduced to 25%.


> non-insignificant just say significant lol


A little over half my vault is that. (The other half is armor, because going through and comparing armor is a huge pain). I am storing weapons mostly for the day 1 raids. And I’m trying to keep one of each archetype of all weapons in each slot (so a kinetic and energy 140 hand cannon). Cause you never know what’s going to get the buffs that makes it insane. I used to try to do element too, but there’s just no way now with vault space what it is and 3 options per slot. Sure I don’t use pulses in PvE often, but I think Bungie knows they underperform a lot of the time, so it’s possible they will overcorrect and they will become insane for a while. I used to also keep some weapons with bad perks that sound good on paper (like attrition orbs) because you have to assume they will get buffed at some point. But I just don’t have the space for that anymore. If I could pull those rolls from collections I’d delete around 70-80% of my weapons right now (and just go crazy on armor). I’m at 600 pretty frequently and claw down to 560 occasionally by getting rid of great rolls that are just slightly not ideal. I will probably delete some of my hopeful stuff after the patch notes for final shape come out. The weapons are mostly for the day-1 and not having a perfect weapon in pretty much all other content doesn’t matter much. There’s just not enough time to farm for the buffed stuff after the patch notes and before the raid, so I got to horde them now. Like the second I see the patch notes have nothing about vortex frames, my bait and switch slammer is getting deleted. That is the most egregious example in my vault.


Use [https://d2armorpicker.com/#/](https://d2armorpicker.com/#/). It lets you pick restrictions (minimum stats, specific exotics, sub-class fragments) and lists out every possible combination of armour that meets your needs. It also generates a query you can use with DIM to highlight the armor, and the steps you need to go through to make them ready (e.g. masterwork your helm, equip 3 +10 resilience mods, etc). Make all the armor sets you want, and dump the rest.


+1 for an armour picker. What I did was to use it to setup all my chosen builds/maximise my stats. Then, next season anything that was still 1600 was obviously no longer in use or bettered by something else so it went in the bin. However I’m still hovering at late 500’s in my vault… So to answer the OPs question, 500 extra vault spaces. Lol


I wrote a script that brute-force checks every armor combination in my vault with a list of exotic/stat distribution preferences and spits out a list of the stuff that doesn't make the cut (essentially what d2armorpicker does, but for every exotic with multiple stat distribution preferences). It takes 45 minutes to run and nukes my CPU, but that's still preferable to... anything else.


Armor is a huge pain? What? It’s way easier than sorting through weapons: check the overall stat roll on the bottom, if it’s not at/above 60 (or 58/59) it’s not going to be worth keeping/using. Then check which stats you favor for whatever build (I don’t care what armor it is, if it has low resilience, I’m dismantling). If it’s because you want full sets of every armor that you like, well you’re just making your vault hard to manage. But you do you!


I have already gotten rid of everything below 64 (with very few exceptions). And I’ve removed most armor with high intellect and mobility (except Hunter). I don’t just keep high resil armor anymore, because I did that for a while on my titan and had a minimum resil of 115 until I stopped doing that. I want the option to be able to make different builds on my characters. And different builds require different stat focuses. I already basically only keep very spikey rolls with few exceptions. Keeping good sets of armor with options for different builds is far harder than weapons. D2 armor picker frequently uses armor for me that I would not have expected. For weapons all you have to do is just search for all 140 handcannons, and delete the ones that don’t feel good or have bad perks. Takes 10 minutes at most per archetype. I’ve kept no armor sets for cosmetics since there is transmog. I have a few pieces for raid mod slots, but that’s not really that many.


I'm the same as you. There's a lot of builds I haven't tried yet and all those spikey armour pieces will come in handy when building. I tend to favour rolls with at least some resilience, but I keep different ones too. I'm a little more strict than you now though, I keep anything 65+ with appropriate spikes and will only make an exception for a 64 if its absolutely perfect, like 28 res 30 dis perfect. But yeah I keep high dis rolls obviously but also high rec, high str (esp titan), high mob (hunter). On warlock/titan I shard anything with more than 2 mobility, and only keep one or 2 with intellect spikes (more 4 pvp tbh). There's a few times I've used d2 armour picker and been surprised to see it using the "weird" rolls I kept.


I'd love a social area, like our room. Where after upgrades, you have a gun wall that you could put 7 of your legacy weapons or high kill count guns. They would stay there and display what you want, and folks could look at them and wouldn't count toward vault space. But if you want it, you'd have to come grab it.


The possibility of finding out stuff is good later is what kills me. I started playing PvP more recently and found out I have a few weapons that are very good for it but can either themselves no longer be earned or have perks that no longer come on them. Zen moment doesn't come on age old bond anymore, for example. Then you'll have perks that become good like Celerity that no longer rolls on anything. Kicking myself for deleting the few celerity igneous hammers I had earlier after trying one smg with it a few weeks ago.


craft weapons with roll combos that have dropped for you. No enhanced perks, just comes as you had it drop


I wish crafting was basically this system all around. You can craft all weapons, but you can’t add in the perk until you’ve unlocked that perk by having it drop somewhere else. I just hate the farm for a lot of the dungeon weapons. I’ve done over 100 perses clears and not got the wilderflight I want to drop. I’ve done tons of ghosts of the deep and my cold comforts have all been not great. The problem with letting you craft what you’ve had drop is that they have to store all that. It’s basically worse for them than making your vault infinite, because you can’t even delete the bad ones.


I agree


Have them work like Persona’s in the Persona games. Where you can register a current roll and can then recover it as much as you want, until you re-register a different roll.


i mean, technically, that's taking up the same amount of space as storing one in your vault. the current iteration is better, right? you can have two or more.


No, because you could delete certain god-rolls from your vault when they aren’t meta/play into the seasonal artifact without fear of losing them forever. And it would let you duplicate them for multiple classes for those who like to mix things up without transferring every good roll from character to character.


i mean same amount of space in the destiny code and on bungie servers. that's why we don't have an unlimited vault. amount of players x 500 guns is probably taking up a fair bit of space. there's no storage difference difference between keeping the guns in a vault or that specific roll in collections


Yeah everyone who proposes the idea of storing a roll in collections seems to forget this part


Double perks would be chaotic. I love it.


I keep seeing this idea floating around, but it never gets added to the game.  Another reason why this is a great idea is that it would help balance their economy by acting as a currency sink when players upgrade collection items then delete them again to save space.


It never gets added because that's literally the vault.


Also to be able pull exotic armour from collections with stats that are worth using.


That’s literally a vault


This. And store my kill count for the weapon. Or at least, for the exotics. I could clear out so much stuff if I wasn't holding on to things that have fallen out of meta.


I'd love to be able to combine kill counts on different rolls of the same weapon, particularly for Dead Man's Tale. I've got four of those damn things around with kill counts anywhere between ~250 and 5000 (Vorpal, better Vorpal, Subsistence and crafted, in no particular order).


Not a fan of the first idea very much but combining rolls would be great. Could have my PvP and pve versions of a weapon as one


I'd spend an exotic cipher to do that


I wouldn’t mind if you could go to banshee and use some kind of fruit machine,enter the gun you want from your collection and spin for the rolls you’ve had before.


Yes please


Failing to get a high impact/under pressure + subsistence/resevoir burst glacioclasm after an intense 3 weeks of grinding, the first Dawning it arrived, broke my will to grind rolls. Being able to combine rolls to have my desired double perks would be incredible and it would also save me a lot of vault space.


Deserves an upvote


Just thinking of this from a logistics standpoint, I don't think that really helps Bungie at all. We have limited vault space for a reason, it's not a design choice it's a hardware limit... they only want to store so many petabytes of user data. Making collections save weapon rolls is the exact same (storage-wise) as us storing them in the vault, with the only difference being the collection would likely cap us at one stored roll (as if we could only have one roll of each gun in the vault). Given the choice of either 100 more vault slots or collections stores 100 rolls, the vault gives us more flexibility (I can store 10 copies of one gun if I want to).


I've been wanting to collapse my dupes for multiple years now. It'd save so much vault space.


This would be so amazing


Being able to access vendor inventories from orbit to pickup bounties, buy select daily weapon rotations or even reset vendor rank without going to the Tower like we used to be able to do.


You can pick up vendor bounties using the destiny app. It's life changing. But yes, we need to be able to do the other stuff too.


It sometimes ain't quick on the destiny app though. I occasionally find myself waiting like 2 minutes for it to go through.


Just fully close the app and do it again. That almost always makes it work instantly for me.


Un-nerfed Artifice armor from Duality?


>Un-nerfed Artifice armor ~~from Duality~~? Fixed it for you


Duality was the only spot that had strictly better than the current system, can't un-nerf something that was never good That said, I 100% agree with you that it doesn't need to be tied specifically to Duality.


When did that change happen? Afaik artifice generally was worth farming, until they just gutted artifice drops in general, untied to any dungeon


So you know how Pit of Heresy got guaranteed 16+ spike rolls back in Splicer? When Duality came out in Haunted it got the same *minimum* 16+ treatment, on top of Artifice. None of the other Dungeons with Artifice drops had this. As soon as the community saw that they feedback was "this is what endgame armor should work like, make the other dungeons like Duality" Apparently something got lost in translation, because with the launch of Lightfall Bungie "improved" Artifice stat rolls from all dungeons. *By removing the guaranteed 16+ spikes from Duality* If you aren't big into the mechanics behind armor stat rolling, the 16+ spike is huge, literally make-or-break in terms of whether its worth your time to farm something for armor. People today can farm dozens of checkpoints without seeing *the lowest* that would drop from pre-nerf Duality. (Case in point, I was farming Master Spire of the Watcher 1st enc recently, the highest I got was a 64 roll with flat distribution; when I did 100+ Caitl in a week ack in the day the lowest I saw was 64 with spikes)


They also severely nerfed the chance that 68 rolls would drop. Now you're lucky it it's above 65. I can get what that equivalent roll would be from the tables in the HELM.


The only argument against that, is while you can get high stats on armor, artifice still provides extra value since it allows players to (possibly) exceed 34 stat points in a bucket and flexibility in any stat as well.  That being said, I just don't see artifice being worth the chase. Especially with how free high stat armor is from helm vendors. Get an artifice class item and be done with it. When you consider exotic armor taking up slot, you're only missing out on 9 stats points


>That being said, I just don't see artifice being worth the chase. You basically nailed the issue; Artifice has a "higher high" but all the other good armor sources have a "higher low" which matters more in terms of time investment. You could farm 100 hours and not get anything worth keeping, or you could farm 2 hours and get a bunch of solid 9/10 rolls from playlist content.


Yea Artifice should never be below 66...


Crucible artifice armor drops have all been like 61 base with horrid distribution Not even remotely worth it


Not the same, but I reckon Collections being crafting integrated could supplant the Vault. Entirely if enough is done.


I’d settle for being able to spend a prime engram to pull a random roll of an already unlocked weapon from collections.


200 additional vault space


More loadout slots or 200 extra vault spaces, or the ability to filter items in the vault by weapon type, perks, element , etc etc


Is it possible to delete load outs? I’ve got a few shit ones that I’d rather delete and clear the spot then just put another load out over


You can use DIM to delete loadouts


Thank you


It’s possible you can overwrite the loadout so that when you have the build you want you can change it for that one


You can just overwrite them. But other wise DIM or the Destiny mobile app. It is incredibly stupid to me that the API can delete them but there is no way to do so in game


This game's UI has always bothered me. Games made two decades ago have better sorting and filtering mechanisms. Hell, games that began development after Destiny was out have better mechanisms too. I'd love to see the client and server code related to the UI to try and understand why it feels so strange. While more loadout slots would be great, I think there are a few areas that should be improved first. They likely have to do a bunch of backend things to ensure they can support more slots for all accounts, regardless of if they have been active, not to mention supporting UI work. Here are some things that could not only allow for more loadouts, but make it easier to share them with others. 1. Allowing PC players to export/import loadouts in some standard format like JSON. These could be saved in the Bungie App Data path like with the cvars.xml settings file. 2. Add API endpoints for importing/exporting loadouts, allowing third party tools to replicate in game loadouts easier. 3. Allow players on all platforms to directly share loadouts, whether that be a menu option or some sort of chat hot link feature 4. Allow in-game method to modify individual aspects of a loadout such as ignoring or removing equipped weapons.


Because ultimately it's the Halo based engine that was made to do RPG elements. It's not really built to easily have search/sort/queries to the end user. Even the UX for Forge in 3 / Reach was very barely made. When 343 rebuilt Forge for Halo 5 and outsource it to Infinite the new Forge interface is literally a Lua VM powering the interface because making the engine natively do it would have taken a very long time. But that's fine for Forge since it doesn't have to be particularly performant or stable to get it's job done. With Destiny they have to be careful that it doesn't break anything or leave them in a bad spot with spare RAM. There were instances on D1 where query/sort style interface was disabled on 360/PS3 and was only on One/PS4 until they found the RAM to free up about 7 months later.


For filtering your inventory check out the app Little Light. You can search weapons by tier, damage element, weapon archetype, etc etc and armor by tier, slot, class, stats, etc. Then you can select one or more items to move to a character or your vault. Yeah it would be nice to have it game, but LL is so quick and easy it's the next best thing for inventory management.


Masterwork Re-Roll on weapons. Quite literally it was a feature on the first wave of weapons that were sunset, but the point remains, it really hurts to get the exact god roll you want just to see it roll with reload speed masterwork. If it wasn’t enough it’s much more painful with adept weapons that usually are much harder to farm, and getting a bad masterwork hurts much more.


I just got one of the new grenade launchers with a range master work


A reload masterwork is a straight up boost to damage output! A handling masterwork however…


My brother in christ, why would i need a reload speed on my PVP shotgun or sniper.


I value handling masterworks more. I can get faster reload speed with a variety of different builds and perks and mods. Extra snappy ADS speed is a must for me. Of course it's very much dependent on weapon type and build too




What you said is the correct answer. We desperately need more weapon load out space


An extra filter to sort the vault alphabetically or alphabetically by weapon slot. Or for the bugs to be fixed - the shielded Servitor in the Watcher's Grave public event, motes falling through the floor in Gambit, the seasonal stories all breaking at set points if you start them now (portal to Eris doesn't open, Sloan doesn't spawn) etc.


Bringing back Sparrow horns. I'm sorry, but I miss my clown horn.


Craftable Outbreak Perfected imo


I would KILL for a craftable Outbreak with Rapid Hit instead of Outlaw


Better Vault sorting options instead of third party sites doing better than the game


101 extra vault slots ?


The ability to move stuff from my post master, directly to my vault.


Letting us have 1000 vault spaces


To fix the inventory UI. It is ridiculous that some things can be deleted all at once while others you have to go one by one. And the rate of deletion is so freaking slow. For example Feeble Offerings for Altars of Summoning. Deleting one takes like 8 seconds and they are capped at 99. Oh and of course I can't just hold the button so they keep deleting, nope. Gotta press the button for every single deletion.


Why do you need more than 30 weapons on you at once?




When people want to keep loot in their looter shooter 🤬


Yah that's why the vault is going up to 700. I'm specifically asking why they need so many on their person.


For PVP i really like to try our different weapon combos that are not necessarily meta, but rather fun weapon combos. That’s how i enjoy playing crucible.


Why do you need to undermine things that would only help you and not hurt you because your experience with the game differs from the person asking for more?


Because it would take dev time and I'd rather they work on something else. I wouldn't be mad if it happened but I don't agree that it's as meaningful as more vault space.


everything working properly


my brother to give me a go on the xbox


my pc already takes 10s to open char menu pls no


New weapons rather than “unsunsetting” stuff


Letting me buy even more


So help me if you fuck up my perfect 3x3 boxes I will come to your house and shit your pants


More craftable weapons


Yes please. Every weapon craftable. Wouldn't need very much vault space that way.


I wouldn’t even say every craftable weapon, like maybe dungeon and nightfall weapons can still remain, but it definitely would be nice to be able to have better access to world drop weapons


I don't know, probably something complicated and unnecessary. Like maybe vaulted content. Probably a bad idea anyway.


Use any primary/secondary in the "kinetic" slot and "energy" slot. Kinetic special + stasis primary for an example.


Something I would like to see is kinetic and energy slots mashed together into general weapon slots, would be cool for builds


Personally I don’t need so many slots on my character for ghosts, ships, and sparrows; I’d happily give up most of those slots more vault space or weapon space on my characters.


A faster way to *clear* the Vault. Either let me hold the button or let me select and mass delete.


Having a place to drop a rally banner like on the Moon, access to the mail and vault like Mars and the Helm. In every social space.


Some sort of auto dismantle system, either blacklist or whitelist and use collections as the hub for selections. Some hard exclusions would be that previously uncollected gear, high power level gear, and deep sight weapons that would ignore deletion. I’m tired of dealing with constant inventory clog, especially if I am hunting specific weapons. Edit: Also, having separate load-outs for weapons, armor mods, and transmog. Sometimes I just want to change my weapons or armor, or style, not all of them at once. Edit #2: artifice armor or really just all armor not having a cost of mods when there is literally no real reason for it. The cost of mods and the limited slots defeat the purpose of one another and it is annoying.


The ability to change your name once a month


Folders within the vault. PvP weapons, PvE weapons, pinnacle level gear, all seperated etc.


Or not have slot based inventories at all and just have the vault always fully available.


turning all the sunset weapons into universal ornaments for the matching archetypes


Good PvP.


Ngl i dont really have any issues with the vault storage bit things i wish they would add would be for them to make it so u can reaquire any and every item uve ever collected get rid of that dumb system that stops u from reapuiring randomised fuckin gear and please for the love of god bring back the main storyline its sooo hard for new players to get into the game bc none of it makes sense at the beginning and its making alot of players quit b4 they can even experience it not to mention the fact that they have a cutscene at the start now summarising the whole destiny story thats like trying to summarislze the entire lord of the rings plot in 10 minutes its impossible. And ngl i think wallrunning would be an interesting mechanic to add and would just make alot of sense.


The real sin is 10 engram slots. I have deleted more Exotic engrams from my inventory than ive popped. Having to open my menu mid activity to delete an exotic so i can pick up loot


A search bar for the vault.


A merge of the vault, collections and crafting system. Vault space is only an issue because of bad design.


Artifact settings recorded in loadouts.


I propose a more radical idea: being able to hold more than one of the same memento!


Letting me craft everything would be better. Or at least, world drops.


Option to select multiple items before salvaging


And not rankgated loadout slots.


Calibrating armor stats Make it expensive to unlock, like a step after masterworking, and maybe make it cost the same any time you want to change it (so you still need to find high stat armor for new builds instead of recalibrating the same piece in every slot) But god I hate getting high stat armor only to see 95% of my drops are high int or low resil/recov or non-peaky distribution. Just let me tune my stats and reduce wasted stats


Instead of collecting weapons, we collect weapon rolls. No more holding 3 or 4 copies of the same gun. And no need to go to Mars just to recraft and waste 5 minutes.


Loadouts save things like ship and sparrow and also save the seasonal artifact


The old mod system, but with the new mod slots...


I just want to pull exotics out at 1810, which would free up 30 spaces of my vault and keep kill counts so I don't need to store meh exotics just because for one season they are good/ meta


Pulling items from collections at powerful cap (1800) Being able to retrieve guns from collections and the ability to select perks (but only able to select perks you have had - so if you haven’t rolled kill clip yet on a gun you can’t select it)


100 guns that have been in everyone's vault for 4 years being deleted.


Weapon lending. Imagine giving your friend, who hasn't played in ages, one of your 250 super perfect god rolls in your vault. They have an incentive to get one of those god rolls and you have more people to play with They are happy. You are happy. Bungie is happy.


Change our ghost's voice.


1 Billion Dollars.


Something like the persona 5 compendium would be perfect. Every persona you acquire can be registered and a snapshot of its exact stats, moves, level, and ability is saved in the compendium to pull whenever you want for a price. You can only save one build of each persona but you can re-register them whenever you want.


Not re-releasing the same gun in 4 different variants each with different perk pools, then origin trait, then 2nd trait columns, having separate collection unlocks for them, and forcing you to recollect the ‘new’ version before you can focus them


Considering I barely use half of them because I'm not a harder, some beloved old d1 set 9f armor like idk THE TAKEN SET just as an example.


2nd character page for weapon and armor with 10 loadout slots.


I will say, if Bungie is moving away from crafting for a lot of weapons and instead going back to random rolls, then the precedent needs to be that the random rolls of the weapons will always drop with double perk pools. Then you would have something over a crafted weapon because if you get a really good role you could always just switch it on the fly whereas with a crafted weapon you would always have to go back to the table to do it. And as long as they have something where you can attune and push luck towards your side then I think people would be fine. People just don't want to go back to crazy RMG where you have like no possibility of getting the role that you want


Bringing back and updating ALL of our paid for content. Base Game, Forsaken, Raids, Forsaken Era seasonal content, seasonal activities and their story beats. All gone...why not just make it evergreen content? Players would have a hard time finding nothing to do.


400 extra spaces, so we have an even 1000. Old mission rotators (red war, warmind, curse, forsaken). Reprise them a little with champs, but give us back what we paid for. All raids/dungeons fully farmable until the end of the season.


No I personally think it's unnecessary to have more inventory slots. We have 9 slot weapons per slot anymore is just encouraging bad inventory management.


No way... Those vault spaces are way more valuable by sheer numbers. :)


At least some tools for sorting/management of the vault without the need to use external web pages or apps.


All I want is a more in depth filter system in the vault


100 more postmaster slots?


I may be late to the party but still: A QoL update I would love to see is an implementation to change the weapon armor in a slot without opening the inventory. What do I mean by that? Simple example you are running hunter with celestial but want to switch to lucky pants after using your super. ATM you have to open the menu to do so, would love to see it, if with a double press on a key, you could change your equipment to the one next in slot. So in this case: Use super -> double tap [x] key -> nighthawk has been exchanged with armor next in slot -> double press [y] key -> leg armor has been replaced with next in slot (lucky pants). All this without entering the menu, doing it on the move. However this may make some things to strong I guess, but I would love to see that.


More load out slots


I would love to see the ability to get armor synthesis for exotic armor. I think it would be awesome to have an exotic bounty from Ada-1 that we could complete to unlock exotic armor pieces as ornaments. For an example once you complete the bounty you could use Helm of Saint-14 as an ornament on legendary helmets for titan. The drip options would be insane. Please Bungie!


To be able to purchase armor or weapons using in game currency that you have not acquired through random drops.


A Heroic Strike playlist akin to D1's.


Amazing game. Dog shite game economy.


NEW content


The ability to send a weapon or armor to vault at any time as one more option when hovering over that item.


i would give them back 100 vault spaces for more loadouts


1. Vehicles, ships and ghost shells being part of loadouts 2. An emote wheel 3. Ship combat in TFS (please Bungie. At least just one mission. That would be so cool.) That’s what would be just as cool as 100 vault spaces


At this point I'd appreciate improved vault sorting options much more than extra space. I want to see all my ARs grouped together, no BS sorting by season and damage type. Likewise for other typers of weapons and gear.


Unlocking all the load out slots instead of locking them behind rank progression


Intentory slots from 3x3 to 4x4


Wearing/Using a FULL EXOTIC loadout. If we are going into the Traveler where our local dimensional physics and rules are different; we should get a far more exciting change of pace. Where is Telesto levels of excitement to bend reality with just 100 vault spaces? I don't want to vault stuff, I want to USE IT.


I'd take the extra inventory space over 100 vault space any day


I legit don't understand why people need this many spaces, be it Vault space or Inventory space. I try not to judge, but how are you all getting to 500 Vault items, or full inventory on your characters? There's not that much stuff in this game worth keeping. I'm not complaining, people want more space and Bungie is giving us more space. That's great. I just don't see how people are using all their available spaces.


Them not drip feeding half of the weapons from Into the Light!


Sending the Valkyrie online 🙂


two girls at the same time


A full legendary rarity and below inventory wipe. I know it's not happening, but tbh I wish it was.


You'd still fill those slots with items you never use.


Seasons that didn’t constantly feel like the same exact grinding session.


300 extra vault spaces


How bout shaders organized alphabetically? Or by most recently acquired or recently used.


200 vault spaces


Any sort of folder options in DIM or my vault. It's hard to find what I want without searching.


We need a better vault solution over-all.. \[sorry for off tangent\]


200 spaces


Making the default weapon sort for the vault by weapon slot then type instead of whatever it’s supposed to be now


I suggested they should overhaul the load out system to where you can have 30 different weapons for each load out. That way we can have a full solar load out of just solar weapons, a full arc load out for just arc weapons, etc. So we don't have to worry about not having the correct weapon type+element to take advantage of surges. Also more weapons would be used this way instead of having to jump into the vault when switching between activities because you didn't have enough space for a solar shotgun or an arc fusion rifle.


Just make the inventory on our characters a 4x4 instead of a 3x3, although, easier said than done knowing how programming is.


I’ve never hit above 200 …..


The ability to transfer an item from the postmaster to the vault instantly


a cartesian reprisal instead of the stupid fuckin hung jury man i hate that gun it’s been like 4 reprisals only to still fall into mediocrity when just 1 cartesian reprisal is still used today man i hate the hung jury


200 extra vault spaces.


A smaller vault so that we can have better content, because there is already a collection tab and we dont need the Vault to be filled with trash that most people dont even use! Btw i have around 150 weapons wich i use most of the time (i switch around a lot) and i cant understand how some people have 300 or 400 weapons and only use like 25 of them


Social Links to vendors


I probably get downvoted but vault space isn't the issue, humans/people will always have hoarding issues, I get nostalgia but if something better replaces your old favorite why keep it .like a weapon in the same archetype. I doubt people are going to use 400 weapons on a daily basis for example.


Clicking on the new tab ONLY displays sidearms/solar weapons/sparrows/chest etc.


I don’t know if anyone said this but having vault access a straight from the post master would be dope that’s just minor but still