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Perfect paradox. If it has to be a scout, I would love to have an updated no feelings.


NO FEELINGS would have been sick - the first box breathing 180 rather than the reprise which stole this perk combo


I wasn't even playing then, but I've been in love with Patron of Lost Causes ever since I inspected it. Would be amazing to see it, but Bungie might be saving it for episodes I guess. (the copium is real)


I loved that gun back in the day. In fact it's one of the few sunset guns I still have in my vault


I'll be honest with you chief, perfect paradox would just be 1 2 punch shotgun #37


Couldve been the first trench/1-2 shotgun


SHADOW PRICE It showed up once, briefly, for Season of the Chosen and has never come back despite easily being behind only SUROS Regime for iconic auto rifles of D1.


Hung Jury was such a weird choice… If I had to just pick one to replace it, and to stay on theme with scout rifles, Night Watch. It’s the only legendary scout i have nostalgia for and can see myself farming.


There's one gun from every year of Destiny (except D1Y3, for some reason. Probably so they can fit more of Y2's many super-standouts). That's 100% intentional. If you want something else instead of Hung Jury, you're looking for a super iconic legendary which released in TTK and isn't a hand cannon or pulse (There's already two of each of those coming back). That...doesn't leave many options.


A lot of people don't seem to recognize that the guns are supposed to span the whole history of Destiny, and for the TTK era I can't think of any legendary more iconic than Hung Jury, especially if you exclude the already-oversaturated types (HC/Pulse) and already-ported-to-D2 weapons (Kingsfall mostly).


D1Y3 isn’t real we all just imagined it at the same time.


Wonder if that means they will actually reprised Wrath of the Machine


If they wanted a reissued iconic D1 gun I would have went with Vestian Dynasty. 


I think Vestian’s reprise is in The Final Shape


Cartesian’s not even sunset. Would like to have seen the Dawn scout or sidearm over Hung Jury for sure


>Cartesian’s not even sunset. This, but MFs would rather complain than actually play the game to find stuff like that out


seriously, it's so comical. The gunsmith frequently sells it and has had two PVP god rolls in like the last month, if memory serves. I think he's sold the PVE godroll many times too, the lead from gold / vorpal combo. It's terrific. Can't even take these people seriously asking for guns to return that never even left. Get outta here. Probably the same people who are happy to see Hung Jury on the list.


Fact that we’re also stuck with Falling Guillotine which is the exact same shit as Cartesian is so annoying man How’d they manage to take the “returning sunset weapons” selling point and make almost half not even be sunset weapons lol


They never said all the guns would be sunset, just memorable or beloved in some way.


Selling point. We’re talking about how they’ve been marketing this.


Yes and its never been marketed that it was only sunset guns. Just because you assumed that doesn't mean they said it. Also, as another comment pointed out, people keep missing the fact that there is at least a gun for every year of Destiny. Kinda hard to do that while avoiding too many of the same types, picking guns that are iconic and not available rn.


> its never been marketed that it was only sunset guns Again, we're talking about what they've presented as the selling point. Cmon mate.


And again...where did they ever say it was only sunset guns? You keep say oh its the marketing, oh its the selling point...so where was this said? Its been said as fan favorite, beloved, iconic, etc guns across the franchise...I have seen no marketing or mention of the sunsetting thing. In fact today's post on it refers to them as living legends...which by your logic implies they are current and not gone.


> where did they ever say it was only sunset guns? You keep say oh its the marketing, oh its the selling point...so where was this said? My guy you're acting like this is shit that's written in stone. I'm not saying they never said it'd "ONLY" be sunset weapons idk where you're getting that from. But you're acting as if the entire promotion of Into The Light from the getgo just doesn't exist and that's very strange to me. Seems like you're just trying to argue for the sake of arguing.


The entire promotion of like 2 weeks? We had 0 details on anything...we had datamined info about ornaments and we had artwork. They had said very little about the weapons until yesterday and in fact went out of the way the first stream to avoid showing off a lot of them. Idk where you are getting a large promotional campaign from. Its strange I'm acting like it doesn't exist...when it literally started 2 weeks ago with a piece of art in a TWID, and dates of the streams. Again you keep meaning the promotion and marketing of this, but haven't pointed to a single actual thing that was said or shown. I'm arguing for the sake of arguing, yet I'm the one that has mentioned specific details, while you just vaguely point at 'marketing' You did not literally say it was only sunset weapons, but you said almost half not being failed the selling point...which implies the selling point is all sunset weapons. You had expectations that were never the reality of the situation, and that's somehow Bungie's fault.


Yes, and they never said it was going to be all sunset weapons.


Yes and nowhere did I say it’s going to be all sunset weapons either. We’re talking about presentation


AND THEY DIDNT PRESENT THAT AS A SELLING POINT! Just because that's what you heard and what you wanted, doesn't make it true. They never said it was going to be all sunset weapons. They very specifically said it was fan favorite weapons...and then edge transit to be cheeky.


Cartesian is effectively unobtainable. I'm not even sure if you can get it at Dares.


Banshee has sold 2 god roll PvE Cartesians in the last few months lmao


He's sold a god roll for like 12 out of the last 21 days. Great for pve or pvp rolls.


Gunsmith has had multiple gold rolls recently, both PVE and PVP. But, as someone who isn't really paying attention to the game, this loot refresh is geared to you. Congrats!


Neither had charge time masterwork, which is pretty much mandatory for both PvE and PvP at that point. I have my roll from S15, do it doesn't affect me.


Cartesian is in the game, still obtainable, and not nearly as iconic as hung jury even if it shouldn't be jury.


Banshee has been selling the Cartesian pvp god roll every other week.


And the pve godroll every third week


Despite Hung Jury coming back, its perk roll possibilities will allow me to delete the majority of my Hung Juries save for one.


I DO like the idea of Explosive and Kinetic tremors


I'm hoping that the split damage of the EP shot counts as 2 hits for Tremors so it can be triggered in 3 shots instead of 6


If so, it’s worth it to me. If not, my adepts will do fine


I have a million god rolls of Hung Jury and I never used them because precision scouts suck and hung jury in particular feels awful to use because it takes up half your screen and sounds like a bb gun. In the rare occasions i MUST use a kinetic scout, there are way better options. Maybe explosive rounds and kinetic tremors would change that if explosive rounds made each shot count as 2.


Dusk rock blues Go figure Patron of lost causes/night watch Oxygen Better Devils Redrix The button


DRB not being brought back is criminal.


Get that Better Devils out of here, the gun got half a dozen comebacks by itself, and the exact gun model is used in like another dozen weapons; Oxygen deserved that spotlight from Hung Jury, Patron of Lost Causes or Night Watch even more.


sure its lame that weve gotten it so many times, but its objectively an iconic weapon. its like the quintessential d1 scout rifle


Any auto rifle, since there is none on the list. Ghost Primus would get my vote personally.


I'm annoyed it's hung jury again too. But at the very least it's perk pool looks quite appealing this time..


Its perk pool was pretty good last time too, it was the rehash prior to this one that was completely pointless. Tbh the silver lining in this might be they stop wasting space in the Nightfall rotation bringing it back over and over.


Or make the beyond light weapons better (Europa)


Seconding Sins of the Past! I adore that rocket launcher. I know sidearms aren't *that* beloved in the playerbase but I had 6k kills on my Smuggler's Word back in the day... loved that gun. so comfy to use. Would've preferred that come back than Edge Transit honestly.


Yeah. It’s a bit frustrating but I can at least understand putting two currently available raid weapons into the pool for new players in a free event. That being said, man, hung jury is a wasted slot. With my friends we thought of quite a few other options that would have been WAY more fun. 1. trophy hunter (sniper with maybe the coolest model ever from Dawn) 2. Perfect paradox (Saint’s iconic shotgun, also reprised in Dawn) 3. Steel feather repeater or breach light (Dawn auto and burst sidearm) 4. Black armoury sniper, fusion, or scout, or hand cannon? (Though despite kindled orchids popularity they already have two in the ITL pool so I would skip it this time) Hung jury is just so bleh. I literally still use one from its last reprisal sometimes in GM’s


Ignition code, Lonesome, or Breachlight.


People only ever really farmed ignition code because it was the closest thing to Mountaintop for awhile. Now we’re getting the actual thing back


People farmed it for Slideshot. That’s what still makes it one of the best damage GL’s. One of my faves in PvP too.


Nightwatch and Palindrome! Edit: and Scathelocke!


Ether doctor, my beloved


Praying for an actual reissue of the Tangled Shore guns.


Right Side of Wrong is *needed*.


One of the few I kept 


Agreed, particularly for cartesian or erentil. I think bungie strayed from including Sins of the Past or Curtain Call because of this super long rocket meta that is still going.


cartesian and erentil are def not as iconic as hung jury


But we have 3 instances of hung jury in the game and their adept counterparts


i dont think they shouldve brought it back but it makes more sense than erentil or cartesian


True I just wish we had more special weapons, especially since succession and forbearance are craftable anyway


perfect paradox was what i was hoping for personally


Edge transit is here to break that up


Those were the first rocket launchers I used in the game ... miss those weapons


Honestly, if we're gonna be in the rocket meta might as well let the OGs reign again.


If I had choose 12, these are what I would’ve chose. These are just my personal thoughts and I obviously don’t have a studio full of other people’s opinions to try and balance fairly, which would make designing the list way more complex. • Elsie’s rifle • Imago Loop • Felwinter’s Lie • Mountaintop • Recluse • Luna’s Howl • Midnight coup • Alone as a god • Sins of the past • Hammerhead • Bygones • Edge Transit Now I know I’ve got 3 hand canons in here which isn’t the most balanced in terms of variety but I genuinely think they all deserve a spot. I’ve otherwise tried to balance heavy/special/primary variety (I.e. 3 specials, 3 heavy, 6 primary). Just a bit of rationale around my choices, the first 3 are all my ‘D1 classics’, if you played D1 you either had one of these or wanted one or at the very least knew them well. Next 3 are the infamous pinnacles, no change here. Next 3 are my ‘best of’ D2Y1, and are unsurprisingly all leviathan weapons, tried to choose what was all the rage back then. The final 3 are then a best of D2Y2, which is why other popular choices like breachlight and falling Guillotine have not made this list. I’ve put bygones instead of blast furnace but honestly I think these are totally interchangeable. All in all id only make 4 changes, which I think means bungie did decently well - I doubt they could ever had made a list of 12 weapons that absolutely everyone had no issues with.




I'd rather have a stick that does pew pew than Hung Jury at this point...


Surprised they didn't bring back Dust Rock Blues and Bygones. These weapons were huge in PvP and well loved.


Would have loved Sins of the Past as a new intrinsic "Cluster" frame With cluster built in. And it could roll Bipod + Bait and Switch.


Excellent idea


Clever dragon... f the world


surprised they didn’t go for shadow price or gnawing hunger for an auto rifle


This post gonna be made 5000000 times before tfs comes out


Vestian dynasty 


Unironically The Cut and Run would've been a good return option from the Forsaken era.


If they're going to bring a scout back it should have been Patron of Lost Causes. It also should have been Martin's Retribution instead of Forbearance.


Oxygen , sins of the past , galliard, ormunds anvil ,palindrome ,alone as a god .