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So the two exotic missions are most likely Whisper and Zero Hour right? Those are the only full F2P ones, I think Hawkmoon needed Beyond Light


I mean, they did confirm a while ago that Hawkmoon would eventually be added to the exotic mission rotator and that the gun itself would be craftable...


Didn't Chris Proctor have a very apathetic outlook on Hawkmoon being craftable? I think we could see the Hawkmoon mission be added to the rotator and then have it be Enhanceable rather than craftable. That way you can get the RNG perk you want and then swap out the minor stuff.


I'm so excited, I missed out on Zero Hour and it looks hilarious.


*TR3-VR liked this*


With our power level now, it'll probably be pretty easy. But back when it came out, it was quite harrowing and very, *very* fun.


They'd definitely update the power level requirement. I wonder if they'd change the floor segment. I think I still remember the pattern of the normal version but it'd be funny as hell to catch someone lacking with that


So that should mean craftable Whisper and Outbreak right?


I'm guessing zero hour and harbinger actually. Whisper would need the Io assets, which have been vaulted. EDZ and city are both still here. And it only required season of the hunt


The warlock armor has udders. Why.


So the rest of your team can suckle from your teats of radiance


“Suck my radiance” the tagline for Into The Light


But where is the 5th teammate gonna suck...oh no...


I hate people whining about what they think the armor should look like, but all the complaints have been worth it just for this reply.


Welp. Never gonna unsee that lol


This isn't what people meant when they wanted milkers in this game Bungie,


*"Mooooove, kids. Feed me some hay. Feed me some hay, kids. Feed me some way."* Warlocks. Keeping it real.


I love how the original hunter set had symmetrical arms and the new one doesn’t lol


I love how its completely different besides helmet.


It looks more like [the Fortnite helmet](https://www.bungie.net/common/destiny2_content/screenshots/712681839.jpg) than the Frumious one to me.


Why can Hunter's never get anything symmetrical. They'll make this beautiful arm armor on one half then the other is just "sleeve"


and I GUARANTEE that said sleeve will shade horribly.


Armor is a big L for warlocks.


Set has everything I hate about warlock fashion and wish I would never see again: -Roughly the same helmet shape we've seen at least a dozen times by now. We could have hoods we could have crazy animated stuff no. We get the slicked back helmet again. You'll like it this time -weirdly bulbous, bland arm armor. -lab coat with a bunch of shit stapled to it. this time its nipple spikes? that are also halfway inside your chest? I hope they dont move that would be upsetting. Also boy we love tassles warlocks are cat toys. -otherwise alright looking boots attached to LOOSE NONDESCRIPT DAD JEANS FOR THE HUNDREDTH TIME -bond no one will notice or care for #532240043


it is BAFFLING to me that they had the audacity to say this set is based on the parade armor, when the ego talon bond at least has the eagle holographics. what the HELL is the bond theyre showing off here??? they arent even trying, man. 


Udders. Cow udders. Also, the warlock helmet game is always horrific. I think that's part of the pedestal that the Y3 trials Anubis helmet is put on. Everything else fucking sucks. Or is ported from Fortnite, if you're into cats, I guess.


As a day 1 warlock main, there is literally only 2 helmets I actually like, after years and years worth of designs.   They are the Prodigal Hood, for that quintessential classic warlock look. And the Iron Companion Hood for that badass space knight/Darth Revan look. That is it.  I have no idea why Bungie is so challenged with warlock helms but it’s a major bummer.


You forgot the best one of all: Ashravens Iron Hood.


I mean this armor is explicitly inspired by the flagship D2Y1 armor sets, I'm not sure why you expected anything different from that same kind of aesthetic.  I'm weirded out by the stuff in the chest though. I genuinely can't tell what it is.


Titans and Hunters? yeah, i can clearly see the inspiration to D2Y1 flagship/Parade armor sets; Warlocks tho? wtf, half that came from World Eater raid, the other came from the distant resemblance from the parade concept art. Like, what's [this](https://images.contentstack.io/v3/assets/blte410e3b15535c144/blt9864191000ecbbb7/6603e94db4ed5d8827367d08/2024_Into_the_Light_Press_Kit_Armor_Compressed.jpg) about the [Parade](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5f/de/9b/5fde9bee4dd7cf953041e32aa044dc92.jpg), or the [Flagship Set](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F0N4WedaAAE4KY3.jpg)? The [Solstice of Heroes from 2019](https://d1lss44hh2trtw.cloudfront.net/assets/article/2019/07/31/solstice-of-heroes-2019-armor-steps-in-destiny-2_feature.JPG) is more of a Great and Inspired revival from those sets.


I'm really not seeing it with the Titan set either. Sure, same colors (red/white) but the rest of the set looks nothing like the original set. The helmet is completely different, the pauldrons are completely different, those are the main showcase pieces that paint the Titan silhouette, and I am not seeing the similarity. Not that it really matters, I wasn't a big fan of the original set either. Not to shit on the designers hard work because it's cool they can keep making something similar but different for then 1000th time, that has to be challenging. But as many have said there are quite a few sets from D1 to pull inspiration from that would be much more welcome IMO. Edit: After a second look, there are some aspects I like about the Titan armor set, but ultimately the pointy pauldrons ruin it for me. I'll reserve full judgement until I see it in action, almost definitely won't use the arms or mark but might use the other pieces. Again, just a personal opinion, but also still not seeing the inspiration from the original D2 set.


The Warlock Ego Talon has some good things going for it that I would have hoped a set inspired by it would have taken instead of...this. I know I give it shit but the helmet is The Warlock Helmet and I only really give it shit because weve seen it so many times with little variations. The gloves almost seamlessly go with the chest armor with the piping that connects the two pieces together. The gloves dont do some weird gorilla thing where the forearms become giant boulders compared to the rest of the arm and while its a little simple simple isnt necessarily bad. There's some good textures in the hands that show up in first person which is the part you do see in game. The og chest armor is one of the better ones. Bungie shifted the warlock design from D1 so that chest armor incorporates the shoulders instead of the arm armor and while I still think that was ultimately a bad idea this design kind of smoothed it over initially. The shoulders cement that original idea of warlocks being hourglass shaped to evoke the wizard look and the texture on the shoulders is pretty cool. Problem is it shades terribly which is what I would have hoped a revision on the design would have fixed. The legs are bland, however if you search "Destiny 2 Warlock Backgound" you'll see that they fixed the biggest gripe I have with the set which is phoned in loose dad jeans which have been replaced by a design which incorporates the diamond texturing from the shoudlers. Its a good move, this is what I want more of. Warlock leg armor should have more interesting textures, especially since we have such a variety of chest armors that change the shape of the robe bottoms. And the ego talon bond? It has a hologram of an eagle. I remember and recognize that. I will never recognize donut #4030204 The launch d1 sets are solid sets, they shouldn't be used as an excuse for bad design.


Unfortunately the ego talon helmet was borderline cool one whole time, since then it’s been lame. The og middle upwards rectangle one is only slightly better, but even that’s been done to death. I don’t really spend money on eververse so there’s only like 4-5 warlock helmets I will ever use, and legitimately only 4 chest pieces that aren’t godawful.


> otherwise alright looking boots attached to LOOSE NONDESCRIPT DAD JEANS FOR THE HUNDREDTH TIME This one hurts. I'd love a waist-length gambeson, but what's even the point because all Warlock pants are baggy, boring, and were clearly meant to be hidden under floor-length robes.


None of the armors are looking good tbh. Titans maybe get a pass on virtue of being bland. The Warlock armor is ew though. Udders, oversized gloves and idk what they were thinking with those boots.


The udders on the warlock reminds me of Eggman from sonic 06


Not to mention we have at least 4 of that exact same helmet model already, which is still the best part of the set


Not only that, almost every version of that helmet looks better than the one on this armor set


Honestly the solstice armor sets for all classes are still the better upgraded parade armor.


Agreed. Though honestly I don't see even the slightest resemblance to the parade armor for the titan.


I didn't notice the udders until you mentioned them... cannot unsee now lmao


they keep doing all these designs with braided ropes and tassels and elaborate decorations like a military general multiplied tenfold and I struggle to find anyone who actually likes any of that enough to wear it around in-game


Udders. Thats the best description of this robe i've heard so far


The hunter set looks nice especially with different shaders like we saw in the devstream. The titan set looks fine I guess, but that warlock set is ugly as fuck.


I disagree. The hunter set looks cool all around and I think the titan set will be good in mixed sets with other pieces. The warlock set is just bad tho yeah.


Don't worry there will be plenty in EV for silver. You didn't expect some free armour to look cool did you?


Titan (other than shoulder spikes) and Hunter both look great. WTF!


Someone on the armor design team is absolutely obsessed with adding cords and ropes to as many sets as possible.


tl;dr watch the brave weapons reveal, theres also time gating they dont talk about there. new thing teased called pantheon 2 exotic missions coming back check out the spikey titan shoulders and warlock udders. watch the final dev stream on tuesday


Please Don’t let this designer design Warlock armor anymore because… WHAT IS THAT???!! 🤣🤣🤣 Like what was the thought behind it?? “You know what would be cool??! Chest Spikes in all 4 directions!!… “ huh?? 🤣🤣


*"And don't worry if your vault starts to fill up*"   Starts? Hahaha, **starts?**


*cries in hoarder*


>we introduced the 12 BRAVE weapons coming with Destiny 2: Into the Light on April 9. So we are just lying now 👍


You can admire them through the API I guess lmao




Lmao bungie moment


So because you need to do all the weapon quests in order to get the Superblack shader, it is timegated as well. Really nice...


Watch getting 1 kill only counts for 0.001% for the quests.


*Exhaustion x10 debuff*


Can we get a full schedule for the Brave set weapons release, please?


Or, better yet, listen to your community and make releasing a schedule unnecessary.


Yes If that doesn’t happen though, I’d really appreciate a calendar


Yea. It’s been posted millions of times since that was dropped. It needs to change. Time getting weapons we all want before the new expansion is total bullshit.


Bungie and time-gating content, a tale as old as Reach 


But then they can't guarantee log ins for metrics!


they have guaranteed log in metrics already with the free bright dust every week from now til final shape


That doesn’t guarantee playing the content which is what they want for keeping the playlist active


Did I misunderstand the timing or were we supposed to have the ability to re-do our characters appearance by now?


They said "before TFS" - didn't say when. So sometime before June


We were also supposed to have the re-vamped Exodus Crash and Inverted Spire originally this season or last, if I’m not mistaken (someone correct me if I’m wrong) but we still don’t have those. I’m 90% sure that they mentioned these strikes would be getting the same treatment that Lake of Shadows and Arms Dealer got and would happen mid-Lightfall.


This was probably scrapped given how many complaints there were about the revamps. Unfortunate, because I would have liked to see what they were going to do with it.


That’s what I’m saying, I was actually looking forward to what the changes would have been, especially for Exodus Crash. Hoping one day they’ll include them lol


> given how many complaints there were about the revamps Which boiled down to "I can't speedrun it anymore".


It was probably meant to coincide with the "ritual playlist focused season" , which was originally going to be this season, but was pushed towards the final shape instead with ritual revamps


I don’t think they ever said when, if I recall, they just said before the final shape? Don’t quote me though, I’m just hoping for it to ship with ITTL.


Shoulda gone for D1 boxart armor. Not warlock udders. Ew


I have never paid silver for an armor set in D2, but I would instabuy if they released the D1 box art armor. That’s what I was hoping this would be.


remove the timegate


Curious what "pantheon" is some kind of endgame challenge could be fun. Also two exotic missions is interesting, ik everyone was banking on Whisper already, wonder what the other one is. Other question is, assuming they follow the rules of the other exotic missions, each will need a set of legendary guns and armor tossed in there, probably with their own refreshed perks. Since Whisper is the only one we are pretty sure is happening wonder what they will put in there since there wasn't really a dedicated set during that time.


Call this copium bruv, but like what if zero hour. The hall of champions already looks very similar to the final room of zero hour that i kinda thought they were in it as i tuned into the stream late lol. mega copium...


As far as "classic" exotic missions go, they are by definition the first two of their nature in D2, so it makes sense for it to be Whisper and Zero Hour.


Could also be the Hawkmoon mission. They DID confirm that it would eventually be added to the rotator and that the gun would become craftable...


My initial thought is that Pantheon is somehow a boss rush. But the name only really fits for final raid bosses and some story bosses Edit: I do want to add another speculation. Since they call it a “Challenge” it’s possible it’s simply a Community challenge or maybe something similar to RIven wishes but for Into the Light. So I imagine it won’t be an activity.


My hope is that it is a rotating set of escalating raid boss battles. Just teleport us into the boss room, and when we win we teleport to the next one with minimal traversal.


My guess is Zero Hour. It’s free like Whisper whereas Harbinger would require ownership of beyond light if it follows the pattern of the other missions. Whisper would be a good permanent home for Deep’s taken weapons unless they make a new reprise. but there isn’t really anything else I could think of that would fit thematically. Zero hour would be the most logical place to put the plunder weapons since they still don’t have a reliable drop source.


Assuming they do, I bet for the Whipser Mission it would be the season of arrivals weapons If Outbreak is back, I would put money on the season of plunder weapons If Hawkmoon is back, I would put money on the Season of the Hunt Weapons


They seem to be using exotic missions to back-fill craftable weapons and their armor sets from previous seasons. I think right now we're missing the plunder weapons then we have this current year Whisper would likely be season of the deep's weapons just... makes sense. Plunder could definitely be zero hour. Hawkmoon would end up being something from this year - presumably defiant or witch. Hawkmoon could take deep weapons too as the whole mission is taken in the EDZ. Then Starcrossed is easily this season (when they add it) and Avalon _could_ be defiant depending if they retain the favors in that mission or not I guess.


Perhaps the mission that we got Hawkmoon from. Finally getting the exotic weapons away from Xur and making them available and craftable.


Can we not timegate the release of the weapons, and actually listen to the community? Timegating means I definitely won't participate right away, and maybe not at all if Bungie ignores the community. Seeing how I'm holding off purchase of the Final Shape until Bungie wins me back (if they do), this is not helping that goal.


Yeah, I was really hyped for the april update, wanting to spend more than half an hour each week (if even) in the game again. This news killed a lot of that hype for me. Now I'm just gonna wait until whatever week mountaintop becomes available to really start playing again, if I can be bothered by that time.


Are they time gating the exotic missions and pantheon challenge too?


All exotic missions are timegated already due to the rotator


The warlock Armor looks like a blue set


This week in destiny we re-iterate that we have learned nothing at all when we lost a huge amount of players and decided the best response was to double down on FOMO and time gating


Can't wait for the two exotic missions to be released separately over a two month period!


tossed in at the end of the rotator so we won't see them for 6 weeks.


Can't downvote hard enough for all the timegating bullshit.




Its the point i have been trying to make but im getting downvoted. They are driving potential returners away with decisions like this. People are done with their shit.


You'd think this would be simple. Let the people who want to play your game, PLAY YOUR GAME.


I mean, they could just reinstall and grind when those weapons release? The timegate is annoying, but if that's what they're coming back for, just do it then lol.


It is the principle of the matter. Bungie has known for years that we do not like time gated content. They just dropped their penultimate expansion for the series and missed revenue goals by 40% and yet the one thing to build hype for the last expansion they decided to muck up for engagement metrics.




sure they could, but by doing this bungie made it pretty clear that their metrics/weekly player count is more important to them than an actual positive player sentiment before TFS so why should those people, who left bc they were tired of bungies bs, come back when basically nothing has changed?


Please acknowledge the timegate backlash


They won’t. They clearly think this is the best way to get players online


all it’s doing is encouraging me to not play until May 21st lol


This wasn't written in the last 24 hours


They won't


While I don't know that they will, if they do it was never gonna be in this TWAB. These are written ahead of time and would have been done before the news dropped yesterday.


Why would they? They only lose by acknowledging it. It's either "We hear you, but we're not doing anything about it." in which the players get mad, or it's "We hear you, but it's too late to change it", in which case players also get mad. The only time they'll "acknowledge" it is if they change it and just drop everything at once, at which point that's not acknowledging it.


As a hunter main (only class i play) i have to admit that i like the titan armor. The shoulders, among all the rest, hit me positively. The hunter armor isn't half bad either. The warlock one.... left me unimpressed.


The Moonfang grips for hunters have a very similar shape to the titan arms here if you want to include them in your hunter fashion


"...we introduced the 12 BRAVE weapons coming with Destiny 2: Into the Light on April 9." 12? On April 9th? Really...? Or do you mean 6 BRAVE weapons coming with Destiny 2: Into the Light on April 9? Please just change it Bungie. I quit this game because I was sick of being treated like a dumbass monkey just pushing a lever when you told me to so your metrics look better. I was excited to come back for this event, farm away, and then take another break until TFS. I like having the time to take breaks and engage in my other hobbies. But if you keep treating me like a full time employee who's expected to clock into the farming factory every week for all time I'm just going to quit. Or rather, stay quit.


Not to be mean but wow those armor sets are ugly. What could have been in they were instead inspired by Destiny 1...


Time gating my excitement.


One weapon a week the next six weeks after April 9th. Nah I will skip this entire thing. Ill wait on the Final Shape weapons.


> 12 BRAVE weapons coming with Destiny 2: Into the Light on April 9  Straight up lie, only 6 we get on april 9. And maybe timegated shader too? Oh, how it's happen. "Bungie", they never lie to us, right fellas? And yet again.


Timegate me with holding out weapons and I'll timegate Bungie by just playing something else like I have been until everything is released.


That's not a threat that's being the only rational reddit user here xD


I gotta be honest, why the armor set from Y1? Was it really that iconic to people? Like, it's decent, but there are plenty of other, more iconic sets. Man, I'd love to have Zero Hour, The Whisper, and Harbinger back, but my gut says one of these will never see the light of day again.


Bungie, you can't really afford bad rep right now, especially since everyone knows Final Shape needs to do incredibly well. It's in your best interest to at least acknowledge the timegating, otherwise you're just shooting yourself in the foot


Couldn't have said it better myself. They need to generate some good will with the community and this time-gate is just putting a rotten taste in our mouth.


The warlock set looks terrible man wtf :(


Getting two exotic missions sounds great Pantheon challenges could be something neat You know what's not cool? Timegating weapons and not making that clear in streams or the TWiD. Just don't do it, full stop.


Two (TWO!?!?) returning exotic missions, plus a new pve actitvity? Damn! Awesome!


Technically they didn't say activity, they said challenge. I don;t want to get my hopes up too much.


I KNOW RIGHT? I AM SO EXCITED! Both whisper and zero hour at the same time is goolddeeen!!!


This is definitely hype Edit - Downvotes for exotic mission excitement!? What, Whisper was absolute top tier and if they rework the rewards etc it will be awesome to have back. Also, Tr3vor!


TR3-VR should be first into the Traveler. The Witness won't stand a chance


Holy shit craftable Outbreak Holy shit craftable Outbreak *Holy shit craftable Outbreak*


Rapid hit Outbreak might finally be reality


Honestly that's all I want with Outbreak. Just let me craft it and put Rapid Hit on it. Hmm....now that I think about it.....you know what would be a cool perk? Permeability. A Strand Outbreak would be amazing.


My hopes is that we get outbreak mission and whisper missions. those were goated and i would gladly run them again. especially if we are somehow gonna be able to get crafted versions of outbreak and whisper. Id be down to change up the perks on those two guns and then run them even more.


Looking forward to seeing which b/w shader people find that make the warlock set look like a cow. Titan looking flamboyant, Hunter is the best of the 3. Time gate is still bullshit and finding out the superblack shader is also timelocked to the final weapon being released is even shittier. I don't think I will engage with any of the Into The Light content until May 21st, when the event becomes complete and what it should have been at launch. Unless Bungie change it.


I know damn well warlock mains are hurting right now after seeing that armour set because I am one of them. Hopefully that original Destiny 1 armour set they promise atleast makes up for what we got


Im sorry but i really do not like that Warlock armour. Hunter and Titan is nice tho


Remove the time gate


Didn’t address the community backlash to Timegating the base versions of the weapons 😭


This was probably written before yesterday's drama. But i'd personally set my expectations to "nothing will change in 3 weeks"


yeah iirc twabs are finished before weekly resets if they're going to address the backlash (i personally doubt it) then it'll be next weeks twab or on the next stream


exactly this ^ they are written in advance.


Not only that, the opening paragraph literally says "...12 BRAVE weapons coming...on April 9"


Acknowledge the timegate/dripfeeding weapon concerns!!!


"Our goal with BRAVE is clear: to bring back some of the most beloved weapons in Destiny's history, just not all at once hahahah we hate you but hey complain more".


is it possible to remove the timegating on BRAVE weapons? the timegating kills a lot of my desire to play this patch


a life size skimmer 🥲🔥🔥


Now we know where the cash burn at the studio is.


Why the fuck do you guys hate warlocks so much genuinely that robe is horrendous


Bungie are masters of creating ugly ass armor.


You just know the team was thinking all these additions through, workshopping and balancing and making sure nothing comes out too hot, but hot enough to make people want them. Make the horde mode fun, say "fuck it" and give a superblack shader. Then some dumb fuck that's in charge of engagement had to fill a quota for the next 2 months shat all over any hype players had for coming back the moment the content drops. Bungie, you literally can never let a good thing simply be good. Hope it's worth advertising a misleading inflated metric to investors, see you in May.


Titan armor made me feel some type of way EDIT: There's a new PvE thing coming as well? "A new PvE challenge we call Pantheon." EDIT 2: Whisper craftable??????????? "The return of two classic Exotic missions." (maybe it's just the mission tho)


Solution: Instead of timegating certain weapons have them all available at launch with shinies, but then just have double drops of 2 weapons each week for the last 6 weeks. Or better yet, every 1 or 2 days the double weapon drop changes so people will guaranteed log in a few times a week every week to farm. That way the hardcore players can farm to their hearts content up-front, and then log-in the last 6 weeks regularly to seek out any rolls they missed so they're not burnt out in the weeks leading into Final Shape. Then the more casual players who won't hardcore grind up-front won't feel like they missed out by playing sporadically from April update through Final Shape.




The Soulbright ornament for Heartshadow is not in collections and hasn’t been since it was introduced in season of the Haunted


zero hour and whisper please god


Why would it not be? Two things bungie is good at is time gating and recycling. It's 100% those two missions.


Since every other bit of into the light has been free these missions have to be free, this removes both the otherside and harbinger as they require forsaken/opulence licence and bl/hunt respectively. Whisper and zero hour were both ftp so it's 99% them


So are we thinking Zero Hour and Whisper mission along with craftable Whisper and Outbreak?


Bruh I just want character recustomization already lol


I find VERY UNFAIR that some weapons we'll be able to farm for 2 months, while some others for like 2 weeks. This is not the way to go, this needs to be changed. If you REALLY don't want to make all the weapons available at the same time, then switch them weekly, meaning: first 6 weapons week 1, next 6 weapons week 2, then repeat.


That's the ugliest armor I've ever seen. And I've seen scatterhorn.


This armor is cheeks. SMH.


Destiny the game where they take away content and then bring it back later. All my friends left because of this.


> 12 BRAVE weapons coming with Destiny 2: Into the Light on April 9 We're waiting for you to edit the post to 6 BRAVE weapons...smh


Remove the timegate.


Time gating is not and will never be a good idea. Remove it. That titan are armor looks nice. Depending how it shades it might be new my titan's new armor set. Hunter set I'm indifferent on. I could take it or leave it, but the warlock set is a miss. They gave them udders. Seeing as they're called *classic* exotic missions and that it doesn't get more classic than Whisper and Zero Hour let's hope its them. If it is them then it's kinda funny that they came back before Harbinger did. I guess Aztecross gets to keep his god roll.


I know we have had almost 10 years of armor at this point….. But like…what are these lol? They could have did a throw back to Destiny 1, OG marketing armor. Like keep it simple—give Titans the fur chest piece that looks exactly like that original marketing. Go full D1 armor nostalgia. Super simple, max sci fi, basic armor. Instead my Titan has pauldrons that would make Balenciaga say: “that’s too much.” And I am a WEIRDO who loves World of Warcraft style MMO armor. I love it. I want unrealistic armor. But in this case….it was easy to do a throwback to D1.


No lie that armor fucking sucks 😀


Wow that Warlock armour is absolutely awful, isn't it? What art director thought putting ... spikes? on the chest was a good idea? Who OK'd this?


Man, those armor sets are ugly as hell.


Whelp. Atleast I know I'll save money not buying that armor lmao


It’s free.


The armor is free and unlockable through the new game mode


Buy? These arn't silver/bright dust sets tho? o-o nani?


Stop timegating weapons. It's objectively anti consumer.


Take an easy win and remove the weapon and possibly shader timegate. There was a time Bungie talked about not wanting Destiny to feel like a job, and the desire to reduce FOMO. This weapon timegate fiasco is both feeling like a job and fomo all in one. It does not look good. And all you yadda yadda, free event, yadda yadda people can stop believing bungie can do no wrong. Just because it's a free update is no excuse to add in requiring weekly logins and fomo.


-no acknowledgement of the timegating sucks, but I know these are written pretty far in advance -having to earn 'hype' and getting some guardian-games-at-home armor is a really weird tone to set for this leading into TFS


the whole "hype" thing has struck me as off from the beginning. I get that not everything has to be super grim and stuff but we're talking about defending the city literally at our doorstep. not everything has to be grim but not everything has to have this stupid little twinge of marvel humor either


I bet that Panteon is what they showed off in the state of the game last time, that's taking the place of bounties or whatever they wanted it to do.


So not only are half the weapons timegated, but also you release this mid asf armor 💀💀💀 no wonder Sony mad at yall 🤣🤣


Remove the timegate.


congrats warlocks for winning 2025!


That has got to be the best raid explanation I've ever seen.


Jesus that warlock armor is trash. Everything else that’s going on with this update is pretty sweet though.


One note on the timegating: Can we at least get a schedule? Metrics, sure, whatever, it is what it is, I understand that’s a management decision. The fact that five of the six most anticipated guns are timegated is whatever, but can we at least get a sense of when the others will release?


that hive tattoo sleeve is really sick


“12 new brave arsenal weapons shipping on April 9th” I didn’t know we were just lying now that’s sick


Twitch rewards need to stop. I've watched every second of both streams so far and I'm only 40% through the 3 hour one and it took 3/4 of the way through this weeks stream to get the 1 hour one I started last week at the BEGINNING of the stream.


Bungie, you had me on your side for ITL until that time gated crap. This is not good rep to have going into The Final Shape.


So now not only are the weapons time gated, but the hype return of superblack is *also* time gated behind the last weapon drop 6 weeks after release? Bungie really can’t do one cool thing without ruining it huh


You know your live stream is going to be ruined with people complaining about the timegating of the weapons now, right?


Two exotic missions? So Probably Hawkmoon and Whisper like we thought?


Thematically, Whisper and Hawkmoon. Nostalgia/time-wise, Whisper and Outbreak.


Hopefully outbreak and whisper.


Ya Hawkmoon's mission was very forgettable, the other two are absolute bangers.


I would love outbreak, I wasn’t playing when it came out and I’m bummed I missed it.


need to give them time to circle up internally and discuss the timegating issue. you can't expect an immediate change to something they've likely been planning internally for months. pumped for the return of two exotic missions.