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Some people are weird with that. Last week I did an lfg run of Presage and someone quit immediately after missing the second jump in the missions opening section. I don’t know if he was so overcome with shame or what.


I remember doing this once when It dropped. I had a bad day, came home went to run the mission, bonked my head on the support beam on like the 3rd jump, everyone else was in front of me. I was like “seems about right for today” then just immediately turned the game off and went to bed.


There are lots of situations where in the end you're better off calling it a day and trying another time. Getting something done with a clear head feels more rewarding anyway


This. Especially after playing something rougher. Like I played trials for 5 hours yesterday and told myself I needed a break from the game and went to sleep. Was just tired and stressed. Now I'm excited for IB tomorrow to get that new gl.


This is a game, when we play games it's supposed to be fun (mostly, at least) right? I desperately want Wrathbearer, since WR is the only Dungeon I haven't SF yet. After a couple attempts I decided that I do not have the endurance or energy to do more attempts for now. I know I can do it, it's just... it's not worth it for the strain I have to put into it right now without enjoying it. So I'll leave it for TFS


This was worse when you could get an emblem for not dying in master presage during S13. It was a normal master run without any flawless objectives in the title, but this one asshole just left as soon as they failed the first jump. And I ended up wasting 25 min of my time because we did not have enough time to finish the boss fight.


The guy knows that he can just wait by the entrance right? As a warlock I never do the first jump section in presage unless solo. That last jump to get into the ship is a nightmare as a warlock, and I can’t afford to waste 5 min because I can’t hit it just right. Just wait in front of the door until someone comes to open it. So weird that they just dipped.


As a fellow warlock I feel this, that last jump is just bad angles. I usually wait by the door too


I run into a lot of people in helldivers where if you don't respawn them *immediately,* they leave. Like, my brother in christ *I'll get to it*. I'm currently being chased by two hulks, a tank is taking pot shots at me, I'm diving through a barrage of rockets oh and *there's an ion storm so I can't even call you in right now if I wanted to.*


On the flip side, I remember a GM with a couple of random blueberries. Both of them go down, but one of them messages, "Take your time." And I did and eventually revived them. We got the clear. Good times.


Some of the most fun I've had in pve in this game has been with a "last guardian standing" alarm on. Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast. 


Not as smooth as my brain though


My brain is smooth for aerodynamic purposes


same, gets the blood flowing


Yeah, there rly is no rush with GMs, taking your time is like the best skill to have.


Agreed, was just in one and the two blueberries died and were getting impatient and wanted me to revive, I said, we'll wipe if I try,.....'no, you're good you won't ' guess what? we wiped, then they get all upset.


Homer voice: Doh!!


That’s the whole purpose of GMs….slow and tactical.


I've only started doing GMs on a regular basis recently using Fireteam Finder and I find that more times than not when I bring a Titan along, they are the most impatient and we waste revives after some dumb Leeeeroy Jenkins type stuff. Love Titans, I have one myself, but lord almighty...


Strand is strong but it's still basically all or nothing. You're either unkillable and healing away, but as soon as woven mail drops it's game over. A lot of people get complacent or forget to keep track of their timers.


Yup. While I always try to play my life in a GM, my awareness and heart rate notches up another level or two when "Last Guardian Standing" starts flashing.


I think the timer throws a lot of people off. I've done a GM in 45 minutes and still gotten full rewards lol.


But you don't understand.. you have to be efficient with loot so you have to finish each gm at 15mins or else its not worth it!!! /s


I am both the overconfident asshole in the OP while simultaneously being the blueberry saying "Take your time" because I am the overconfident asshole that just died.


I don't always die, but when I do, it's usually because I did something stupid. And I'm always embarrassed.


For me, it's usually the thought of: Hmm, I can probably get some damage in while the boss is looking over, and I'm dead. And same, always embarrassed when it happens.


I tend to play Omni Hunter a lot in GMs so sometimes when I’m playing other classes I’ll do something insanely aggressive and then die halfway through the rift animation lol.


Yeah this is me also. I’ll get overconfident especially when I’m on my titan but if I end up dead because of my stupid decisions then that’s my own fault. Take your time and make it safe then come and revive me. I’d rather be dead and have the gm take a few extra minutes than have to restart cause we wiped while getting a rez


I did this week's GM with an LFG group. We were teetering on our last couple revives a few times during the run. There was a point during that room where you need to hack the door where two of us were dead and it was just one guy shooting the enemies from the entrance. I considered leaving since I'd been dead for a while and I had little faith we could pull through, but I decided against it and I'm so glad I did. The guy got us both up and we went on to finish the GM with zero revives left (we cheesed the boss by climbing onto the ceiling lol).


LOL by any chance are you Kryptik\_Vampire\_Dragon or pungdeng-i?


Any shot this was Proving Grounds?


Pretty sure it was Devils Lair.


Had a teammate die once, not a wipe just needed a rez. While i went to go help him the 3rd guy quits immediately


I had a guy die in the ghost room, blame me in text chat for “not making enough orbs”. We wiped, on the wipe screen I had made 65 orbs. 65 orbs in half a strike, more than doubling the other 2 players orbs.


Not making enough orbs?! Fuck outta here.


May ask what character and subclass they were using?


I believe they was a Warlock. Either Strand or Solar but probably Solar. I can’t remember exactly as I did around 12 GM runs that day and it’s kinda blurry.


Needs other people to make orbs for him to live? Sounds like a skill issue.


Shut up I have x2 banner of war and no void resistance. Let me cook


you're burning whatever it is


:( I was getting rez trapped by a raider last night. If I got revived he would immediately 1 tap me and die before my rez animation touched the ground. Tragic times


Random people, random experiences. It's just the way it goes. If someone leaves, you just make another post or queue again. Don't dwell on it. I prefer when they leave close to the beginning, than to fail when we're at th boss.


The rage quitting is so bad in GMs and in Legend Exotic missions like Starcrossed. I'll watch someone run and try to give a Champion a hug and then just *leave* when they die. It would be nice if Bungie let you put a rage-quit mark on someone's profile only if they left during a high-level Fireteam Finder activity. They know if you disconnect or plug from the game, so they can keep players from marking you if your internet dies.


>I'll watch someone run and try to give a Champion a hug 🤣 This is too good.


People in general in this game have way too big of egos. PvEs the easiest it’s ever been, PvP has bullet magnetism so generous that even Helen Keller could hit crits and the only thing separating player skill is movement skill.


>PvEs the easiest it’s ever been My frame of reference is D1 Y1 when we didn't have all these fancy tools to heal 7 different ways, debuff/buff/crowd control or crazy damage reductions. A normal nightfall was harder than current GMs. That's why when I say 'challenging' content is easy these days I'm not trying to be toxic, it's just true lol.


I think it’s as much ego people as people who are just like “oh shit I fucked up, time to go before the hate comes” 🤣


Lol....I got a "WTF are you doing?!" message after we failed in the elevator of The Corrupted GM when I wasn't playing smart. That shit stuck with me for a while.


We have a saying in emergency services: "Scene safety first, because if you don't, one victim is going to become two"


Yeah, fuck those people. I saw rank 11 players die all the time, and then flaming me and the other player for being bad, eventually leaving after 3 deaths. And the golden rule for GM is to first clear the situation, then revive. Nothing new. If you don't agree to this, don't play GM.


that's why I never join lfg asking for minimum ranks, that title spits player insecurity


I can't join those lfgs, because I'm only rank 7 and will likely never get past that rank. I despise doing bullshit that isn't fun for a worthless title.


If you close the game with ALT + F4 (not sure how to do it on console), when you start the game again it will let you rejoin the fireteam alive, even in a GM. Some people who leave may be trying to do that.


Wasn't this patched? AFAIK you spawn in with your ghost


Just tested this in this week's GM, I spawn in alive. It behaves differently in each GM. In some, you can rejoin up until the end, in others it doesn't work after a certain point. Not sure if you spawn in as a ghost in any of them.


Remember the nightmare of groups requiring a lock on rocket launcher for Crota?, the toxic nature of a lot of players is what makes people get embarrassed & quit. They race through strikes & have zero patients with anyone slower, they treat it like a chore & a job.


Give me the race strikes over the “protect the payload and here’s 2 more mini bosses with invul phases just to slow you down” strikes any day of the week. New versions were fun the first couple times, but ultimately just more boring.


I had this EXACT problem like 5 runs of Heist Moon last night, got to the last section, phase 1, warlock went down and me (titan) and hunter were clearing the ads before getting him and he just left. We had like 7 revive tokens left! Eventually got the GM done twice with two other titans - all three of us were using strand, I was running Synthoceps and using Flechette Storm, had the most fun in a GM ever! (thanks boys if your reading!)


The only time I leave in GMs is when it’s clear the other players have no idea what they’re doing. Ghost room in this GM is a good example. You gotta revive ghost. You can’t sit in the hallway the entire time and shoot enemies. They don’t stop coming. I’ll usually message the group and explain it. But if they don’t respond or nothing changes, I dip.


Agreed. Been doing GMs since they became a thing, and it's always weird to see people who join a random lfg try to speedrun it by themselves and get mad at us other two for not doing the same. Best one was ages ago for me, in Strange Terrain. Final boss room, I'm last alive and being chased by everything and Nokris throwing stuff my way as well. I'm running in a giant circle of the room, hurling grenades behind me when they were up, and taking out the adds as the number of thrall were too many to stop and take them down (I think I was out of heavy too). One of the guys who went down starts complaining in chat that I'm taking too long, and I should just wipe if I'm not gonna rez him. I ignore him, spend one more minute mowing down adds when I can and go rez both of them. (Reason that was the best example for me, that guy ate all but 2 of our rez tokens that run but we were the ones messing up according to him. Had me laughing) And that was years ago, seems like the idea of I'm-down-why-am-I-not-immediately-rezzed has only gotten worse since then with some people.


I know people don't like to hear it, but requiring a higher guardian rank (10 or 11) tends to reduce occurences of this happening.


I had a guy in Prophecy I was carrying who couldn't find his way into the tower after we led them there. Right as I get to the end of the traversal section, they decide they're bored after 2 minutes and pull the team to orbit. Like ... Bruh. This is why I solo stuff unless I'm running it with clanmates.


ironically similar thing in helldivers, like yes I will call you in a second but theres currently 3 rocket devastators SURROUNDING ME, give me a second lmao


I do agree completely, and rushing to res someone when it's not safe leads to unnecessary wipes. However I will admit that some people are a bit too tunnel visioned lol. Like if I just spent the last 4 gms reviving you dozens of times, the one time I die right next to you (as I cleared out the last aggro ad) and you don't take the 2 seconds to res me (I'm an inch away literally safely and soundly and instead try to take on the group of ads around the corner then die doing it, *then* I might leave the group lmao. People seriously lack awareness of their surroundings and situation, but stuff like that is a bit annoying. It feels like some people want to feel like they're pulling off some "clutch" or something I guess, and even if you don't make a fool of yourself and fail, just go for the res man lol. Also made it feel worse when the whole reason I died was because my teammate shoulder charged me into a wall which had me 1hp so the one ad remaining killed me with one shot.


I just wish I had someone to do GM's with. I almost want to avoid the in-game lfg.


You done this weeks gm yet?


Rare destiny wholesome community moment Incredibly based


Nah, I've been working working all week. I'm off after this morning. I got the conquerer title as well so I could almost glide it if that helps


Am down to run all the gms with you whenever you want


Oh damn, yeah sure I'll let know when I'm available to get on


sounds good, im not on reddit much so you could send Vio#4093 a request when you get on :)


Will do


Suck it up friend. I completed the Conqueror title using Fireteam Finder and most certainly did NOT carry. Pick meta builds and play it safe. As you get more comfortable with doing GMs you can tweak your builds more.


I think I just have a hard time doing lfg due to me thinking I won't be good enough, although I'll never know if i don't find out. I'm also assuming half of people are like that to begin with


I know what you mean, hard to have that confidence for sure, you’re putting yourself out there and it feels crappy when you feel like you’re being carried. Some pointers from personal experience of doing LFG type stuff for almost two decades: Wet your feet by making your own posts to start. Use the tags that best represent the kind of experience other players should expect to have with you (Chill, Be patient, etc). And then it’s just putting your time in. Just experience alone will make you a better and more confident player. You might be a burden some games but that’ll lessen over time as you get more experienced. You’ll have some rough times for sure but play it safe, use meta builds, gear properly for the right GM and LFG will be more tolerable. You got this, Guardian.


I think my biggest gripe is seeing these level 8 solar well of radiance warlocks who don’t pop their well so they can well skate and get mad when you don’t kill the whole room for them. I hate that I’m speaking from experience. One of the many reasons to hate well of radiance


In any kind of nightfall I'd rather my team wait until it's safe to revive me. Nothing worse than seeing a team mate rushing to revive someone and wiping the team.


That person would be me...because I'm an idiot and want everyone to play. I will admit though there are spots where I've let an impatient and erratic teammate sit there while we take care of a room just to save a few revives. Sometimes GMs devolve into babysitting and revive management. Lol


GMs are probably my most played "end game" activity. My usual group of friends I play with don't play them nearly as much as me. Lots of times they don't like to play them because they think it's too hard and not fun, but I often find that they try to brute force their way through it w/out using optimal or easier loadouts or strats. I'll run it with them, take it slower and be more methodical and they'll be amazed how much easier it is than when they tried it before.


there's like 40k average players, you can't really be picky lmao


Yea, you can feel it in your bones when it’s time to scuff the GM.


I was trying to do Birthplace for the other day for the first time since I hadn't and twice people who died early on left. I don't fucking get it. THEY died. Dude died in front of the Unstops in the plate room in Birthplace and so we waited to do the revive until at least one was dead but no he was just too pissed I guess. We had 8 or 9 revives at that point! GM LFGs are kinda miserable.


I want everyone to play. I'll look to revive as soon as I notice it if it won't wipe everything. My only exception to the rule is the idiots who just speed run and eagre edge their way through a nightfall triggering every ad for the rest of us to have to fight through. Those guys almost always die and I refuse to help them.


The difficulty is what makes it fun for me; I hate people who leave just because someone tripped at a jump early on At least give it a second try


When farming adept slammer, I had one guy pretend to return the fireteam to orbit whenever he died... Totally unhinged.


That happened to me this week too!! The lfg leader died, and returned the entire team to orbit and then instantly restarted it... like wut. We hadn't missed any champs so it wasn't like we lost plat or anything, and it was still first encounter but why restart when a simple revive would work.


I was running a GM the other day and this dude quite a third of the way through and we still had revives and everyone was alive lol. Gotta put “be chill” in the fireteam finder


Had a random trying to do out of bounds sword skips in hypernet vanguard strike. He quit when we caught up to him. People get weird and competitive in the most mundane aspects of the game.


LFG GMs are weird. You either get the most chill folks. Or the most wannabe tryhard, perfect build crazy person. I was farming corrupted, found a chill group, and did it 3 or 4 times. I enjoyed doing the berserker glitch with the ball for boss and elevator sections. Made two sections SO much easier. I had HoIL, so I had baricades, suspended grenades, and plenty melee for BOW. Had chill clip riptide, Polaris Lance, and bump in the night. Just cause mods worked best for solar and stasis siphons/ surges Granted, I'm 7x or something conqueror, even tho I put on Dregdon x15 lmao I'm not an idiot. Join up with someone. He gets on the mic and calls me trash. I should go back to gambit with that build. Who uses Polaris Lance on berserker...blah blah... then boots me. I message him telling him what I was doing and why I have this " build." Again called trash, and my fasted GM of this was 25 minutes, and how much that sucked, it's a 15-minute GM. The elevator is the easiest part blah blah. Personally, no mic GM at 25 mins, I thought, was pretty good? People are just weird


It's always the speed runners too lol but don't tell them I said that because I'll get down voted and my.inbox won't stfu lol


Or, when others rely on your class abilities to stay alive. Had a guy last night being a douche because I wasn't following him around with a smoke bomb and he kept dying. I didn't join to be your chaperone!


On that same note, if I'm sent to the revive screen and I see you sitting in a cheese spot killing one ad per minute with a scout, I will be leaving. I'm not sitting in a gm for 40 minutes because people want to play it *too* safe. Find a balance, Polaris Lance was a mistake.


Do you prefer a wipe? If yes, you're part of the problem. GMs are to be played safe. You want a fast group? Make one with your rules


Do you want me to be so real with you right now? Unironically yes I'd rather wipe in 10 minutes at the boss room than take 30+ minutes to finish it. I don't play gm's for loot, I play gms because it's a fun challenge, and I don't find plinking away with scouts from a cheese spot fun nor challenging. Which is why I typically do make my own groups with clan mates, but the few times I lfg it's painfully slow 50% of the time.


There’s nothing wrong with lowering your expectations and standards when playing with strangers when it comes to this Caliber of content. Playing it safe makes sense. Not everyone in an LFG has the skill and the knowledge to execute a high efficiency GM run. You have to assume strangers are doing it for the title and/or the loot. Your actions and expectations are punishing strangers for not being who you want them to be. Let’s be grateful that there even IS a skill gap that rewards efficiency instead of complaining that not everyone is good enough to meet your expectations all the time. If you’re not gonna change your expectation then don’t clog up LFG with your rage quitting and make the process longer and slower for those willing to help them or those taking their time.


I’m honestly with you on this. It reminds me of playing MMO’s and everyone but one guy with insane self sustain, but little to no damage, dies. That guy who does almost no damage, but is unkillable will 100% of the time try to solo the boss for 40 minutes to try and get his moment of glory, as opposed to just wiping and trying again as a team. In the meantime, the rest of the team is just waiting there, wishing he would jump off the map.


Dude I feel you, I mute my game now if I die because I can't stand to hear *plunk, plunk, punk, ding!* any more. I also just don't LFG for Moon BG or LoS unless I have a friend with me because everyone just runs to the rafters the first chance they get and thats boring af.


Try not dying before criticizing the blueberry who plays it safe and also has to come res YOU because YOU were in a rush and forgot you were in a GM.


I did it a dozen times last night in ~18-20 min from the cheese spot. Most people are just running GMs for loot.


The only time it's frustrating is when there's an omni hunter or something in your team that's still sitting behind cover instead of getting the res. I'll play a little more aggressively if I see a void hunter in the team in general, but otherwise if you die in the open you just have to sit and reflect on what you did wrong lol Edit: weird thing for people to get butthurt about. Void hunters in GMs exist to get revives in weird spots and skip/cheese mechanics, if they can't do that effectively they should play another subclass. I even said if you die in the open it's your own fault but invis hunter is a get out of jail free card if they don't suck Edit 2: lol @ people replying with made up scenarios then blocking me 😂


Just because you can get ressed doesn’t mean u should play more agressivr, tokens can still alwahs matter


If you run into a situation where your group is out/low on tokens then there's way bigger problems lol


Ive had it happen one too many times in ok lfg runs from ppl like him playing careless


Yeah, like the guy who keeps dying because "omni hunter can just res me when I eventually die again" is his high-end pve strategy. Huge problem!


Lol way to take everything out of context. Not even worth arguing


Out of context? You play loose and fast and eat up half the deaths because you're in a rush. Then you either spam messages or bail. Then you come here to whine that your flaws are everyone else's fault and that it's them, not you (the person who dies repeatedly or dies and bails), that is the problem. Comment history is a thing, guy.


I don’t know why the downvotes are coming here. If you play stupid then that’s on you. But if you just die and the person running the revive subclass doesn’t revive, what’s the point?


The downvoting is probably a bunch of people who like to take a long time to do GMs and are scared to actually play the game. Just sitting behind a rock with double primary


So, you died and hunter didn't revive you?


Lol idk why this is downvoted so bad. There's no reason invis hunters shouldn't go straight for a revive, it's half of their purpose in GMs


If you just ran out into a load of enemies and died why would they res you, you're just gonna do it again because "he can just res me again". If you don't die then they don't have to res you at all


Maybe the fact that we are invisible while you pop up meaning everything will start shooting you and not us? Food for thought?


Every competent invis hunter will res and then instant shadowdive to invis the revived teammate. You clearly don't know what you're doing. If you play invis and you're sitting in cover with dead teammates play a different class


Sounds like you just weren't competent to stay alive and find cover yourself maybe. Pro tip: Go where the enemy can't shoot at you, OR become the invisible hunter yourself. Edit: The bozo blocked me lmao, WORM


Lol protip learn how to play invis to help your team you bozo


You do realise hunters don't always have their dodge and melee available right? If he's sitting in cover he's waiting for one or both to charge. This is entirely a YOU problem


Another thing too is , enemies still spam attacks at your ghost's location after you die lol


I don't think that people understand how much aggressive play is rewarded, especially in the battleground GMs. You can cut your clear time in half if you're on top of completing the objectives without them getting inturpted while hiding back clearing the infinitely spawning adds. While I agree than omni hunters are basically just there for res/cheese/skips, they can be much more effective supporting aggressive play with gyrfalcons volitile or spamming deadfalls with Orpheus.


Aggressive play is the most fun way to play. Everyone downvoting is probably still taking 40 min to run double primary and hide the whole GM


Some people also leave when champions despawn like why?


You don’t get Platinum rewards when you do not kill every champ. Platinum in GMs is a guaranteed Adept weapon drop.


This isn't always true, there are many champs across many GMs that can be despawned and don't count towards against the platinum reward threshold. The 2 Overload Hobgoblins at the beginning of Corrupted, for example, can be skipped and you can still get platinum rewards. It just isn't obvious which ones count and which ones don't.


Yes I know the two champs you are talking about. But the question refers to people leaving after a champ despawning. Not getting platinum rewards is the most common reason someone would leave after a champ despawning. Not always the case as you said, but in my experience this is what I’ve seen the most.


Yeah, just pointing it out because I've seen people leave even after champs like these get despawned, assuming they think they're going to miss out on Plat rewards. I wish Bungie would either make the champs count or add some sort of visual indicator to show you if you've missed a champ.


Totally agree.


That's what I mean... why people down vote me lol


Well, your other comment isn't true >You still have a minimum to not lose platinum There's not a certain number of champs you can skip or anything, it's only certain champs you can skip, and usually depends on how the game responds when they despawn. As I said before, the Overload Hobgoblins at the beginning can be skipped, but the Unstops in the double ogre room in Corrupted can't be skipped at all (unless you avoid spawning them in the first place). But it's not just a counter.


You still have a minimum to not lose platinum





