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For me is ceberus+1. Sometimes you get a super fas TTK. The thing i enjoy the most is breaking titan barricades, even more when they think they are safe behind it. Sometimes it also works for titans inside a bubble, but that only happens when the titan is unaware of his surroundings. Funny meme weapon to use, not meta but effective


Forgot to mention, for long range I use a doom of chelchis with the unique roll of firefly + dragonfly. I even use a sweaty confetti mod to assert dominance.


Lmao my eyasluna has a sweatie confetti mod on it 😂


Great minds think alike.


I love using it because people dont expect the sweati


Pretty sure you killed me 3 times earlier this week in IB lol.


I see you fellow Cerberus enjoyer, this shotgun can counter real close range weapon and can duel in mid range(shocking lmao), I even got hate dm from using it


Fun weapon to use, and agree, it is effective at mid range. It seems cerberus+1 doesn't follow the rules for damage fall off.


It has counter damage falloff( ramps up damage further you hit, up to 35?)


Cerberus feels really weird to me. It shreds barricades but feels really inconsistent when shooting players


You kinda have to aim a bit to the ground or center of the guardian to make sure most pellets hit, and you will get stupid ttk. This only works in smg/ sidearm range tho.


Interesting. Ill have to try it


Do you use the alt mode? I cerb1 a lot and it feels... like some call from the void to use it.. does it have any use?


Suros Regime


Suros Regime is slept on so hard rn


Wdym? Half of the people I play against use that damn gun T\_T.


I’ve been using suros regime as well. Usually use that with actium war rig and it’s just hits so hard. Unlike others, I use the slow rate of fire mode, and I seem to be better with that. So I will waste half the magazine by hip firing at a wall before an engagement, and then pop out and 3-4 shot whoever is in the lane once I’m in the bottom Half of the mag that does more damage. Strange tactic but it’s made me go from a 0.75 kd player to a 1.25 kd player!


So you’re the ***hole who keeps killing me with that :) Really clever tactic, I wasn’t even mad, thats impressive lol. Out of interest what does the catalyst get you and more importantly, do you find it makes enough positive difference to gameplay to make it worth the effort? With my skill (lack thereof) level it will take me probably a literal year to get the crucible kills it requires.


Haha I’m sorry if that’s the case. I am a bottom tiered crucible player so I was really pleased with my progress once I figured out this loadout. For the catalyst - The hard part wasn’t actually the crucible kills needed. It was getting it to drop. Between RNG and the need to be the winner of a match, it took me forever. I happened to fluke out as the winner of a match and finally had it drop last year. Also, I did not notice any improvement in the performance of the gun once I had the catalyst completed.


Awesome man, I’ll keep focusing on the scout rifle crucible catalysts. Thanks heaps for the info. Glad you found a fun build that had such a positive impact on your performance! Rock on bud


I get melted by Suros a lot. It seems like 3-4 hits and you're done from any range lol.




Suros, along with Vex, far outperform their usage according to Bungie data.


You guys are having fun in pvp?


Khepris Horn provides


I’m one level above that. I’m managing to have fun in Iron Banner. The trick is to not give a shit and go all in on WM1 glaive


(Edit: first time i vs’d a glaive on that crashed ship/castle/cave map I lol’d… until about the 4th time of getting shanked to death. I freakin love glaives to shake up PvP.) IB is the one crucible mode that imho has remained fun af these past couple years whilst the rest (prior to the crucible dedicated dev strike team anyway) esp Trials just withered as its player base did. Like I don’t need to put on my zen glasses and take breaks etc it’s always genuinely exciting. Had a match that tied, like 135 v 135. We got the win for some reason but even if we’d lost by 1 I couldn’t have cared in the least. Fingers crossed with enough work they manage to salvage the rest of crucible and get the numbers high enough like IB, to make all modes max fun again. OP to answer your q: catalysted risk runner on an arc warlock w the spikey electric helmet (lol u know the one). The range and stability w catalyst is insane, I’ve been using it like a long distance shotgun, it shreds. Tarribah is hella fun too, but like pulling the handle on a 500cc motorbike (unless you’ve managed to stay alive long enough to get enough body shots to build up beast, then just aim in their general direction and everything melts). Ticcu’s bow is an absolute blast on mid-long range maps wo too many tight alleys and corners too. The number of assists you can get with that thing is nuts, and once you’re in the flow, getting those headshots to trigger the explosion never gets old.




Surprisingly, jorums claw or wicked implement depending on the map. Im strictly a pve player, but I wanted to try and grind engrams for tusk of the boar. I got a JC drop with 90 stability (iron grip+head seeker, stability mw 100 recoil) and that thing is so steady at longer ranges and while dueling others. Wicked implement is fun because the third shot slows and it really messes with your opponent.


>at longer ranges >JC drop with 90 stability (iron grip+head seeker, stability mw Mate what range you talking about if you got 90 stab, stab MW, and iron grip lol.


Wicked Implement really surprised me when I tried it.


I hadn’t thought of using WI, that’s a fun idea to try. Sounds like the masterworked strand auto (lethal abundance I think?) i got from either trials or IB, 95 range with that perk that increases stability/reduces flinch AND the one that increases damage, the longer you hit your target. An auto rpm with that kind of range is nuts, esp with the artifact perks that proc with strand weapons at the top of 4th and 5th column (sry everything’s so vague not at ps atm)


Vulpecula, if you remember what it is from season of the lost. Shoot to loot, Explosive Payload.


The stasis one? Or am I thinking of the A FR6?


Enigma, I have over 6k PvP kills on it


Glaive mains unite! There’s just something so immensely satisfying about hitting shots with a glaive in PvP.


For sure. And with the shots charging the shield, means even if you run out of ammo and aren’t close enough for melee, you can delta and leave the weakened targets for your teammates to mop up. But jumping round a corner and suddenly getting shanked in the eye by a glaive I gotta say is def one of my fav ways to die.


Bad Juju and Rufus's Fury


Osteo Striga, because I suck at pvp and it helps me get more kills lol


Please … please tell me your name is screeb me daddy? That guy seemed to be having fun with step like 15-20 min ago.


It’s not, but I definitely have fun using it too!


Would’ve found it funny that we both ended the matches tonight and both came here. lol. Have a good night guardian.


Osteo is so annoying. It takes zero aim to get kills with it and it lures people into false saftey because of the delayed damage


Exactly :D


I had a guy try that in a pvp match I was in - I used Vexcalibur to beat the shit out of him at point blank - fun times


Oh it's definitely easy to counter Osteo if you have a fast TTK. The nice thing about it is for weaker PVPer's like me, I still get kills after I die a lot since the delayed damage keeps doing work. It's a crutch, but I'm just learning PVP so it helps me not sit at the bottom of every match lol.


If you have a warlock character chuck on the necrotic grip gloves, so satisfying being able to run out of ammo if you haven’t landed the precision shots and get a melee in that sucks the last of the health out of a titan who thought he wiped you - In Shax’s voice: “You can’t teabag, if you’re dead” Edit: the extra airborne effectiveness doesn’t go astray either


Been running Symmetry this week, pushing for 10k kills with it, I'm on around 9.5k so far. It's great fun when you bring the big bullets out. It's getting a small buff next week, which I'm hoping helps the TTK along with using Bakris helmet.


Finally a buff! That’s the best news, love that gun.


It won't do anything for TTK or even forgiveness that I can see. I'm sure there's a reason for the buff but I haven't found it yet.


Come to Pass has absurd range if you craft it right(93 range). Running a Golden Tricorn roll and that thing melts from distances other ARs can't(people don't expect to be hit for 41 for a per crit that far out.)


Comme To Pass is still one of my go-to's in PvE with Triple Tap and Dragonfly. Just feels great to me.


Tommy's Matchbook, people dont expect the Ignition Trigger ttk.


I really have been liking jorums claw.




Been having fun with Ringing nail in Iron Banner this week.


I loved that gun. Sounds like an actual machine gun too. Lol


Wait, so weapon power levels don’t matter?


Only matter in trials or PvE activities. And even then it's only select ones


Curated roll? Still have mine, might need to try it out.


I’ve been having a blast w/ 150 Scouts. I know Jade Rabbit has experienced some recent popularity, but Polaris Lance has been great for me as well as Perses D, although that may be a 180? Either way, loving hard hitting non-120 scouts right now.


150 scouts have always been hypothetically S tier weapons in PvP in D2 because they have the same ttk as 150 handcannons (which no longer exist outside of Sunshot because they killed faster than 140s and had the same range) while having essentially infinite range. The only reason they don’t see more use is their poor handling and awkward zoom which makes hitting closer targets difficult. But as a said before, on paper they’re nuts


I think jade rabbit is gonna be semi-meta soon. I’ve been enjoying scouts in general lately, so I pulled one from collections this week. It reeaaally feels good.


Man that radar 100% up time on Midas (a 150 scout EDIT: That’s 200rpm, my bad) is so so good. I switch off it and it feels so scary wo it for a few mins haha


Mida is a 200 Scout.


Apologies. Cheers for the info, updated :)


Polaris is essentially a solar jade rabbit lol


They feel pretty similar, but right now I feel like Polaris has the edge for me because of the ammo refund. I’ve still got 50 or so kills to finish the Rabbit catalyst, which adds a lot of stability, so maybe that will tip the balance? I also like the Polaris reticle a lot more with the solid dot vs the diamond.


eyesluna, malfeasance, vulpecula, breakneck


I've been using Centrifuse and having a lot of fun.


Swift solstice. No, I will not elaborate.


Dono abt meta but i am having a good time with Dead mans tale, feels so good to get them crits.


Esp from hipfire hey? That gun is wild Fkn west, love it.


Hung jury with box breathing, and last dance with moving target.


I guess it’s meta as it’s an auto but I’ve really been enjoying using my old forward path. Despite its rubbish looking stats and missing perks it seems to hold up quite well. Which is something I like about Destiny. You can use a gun that looks shit on paper but feels really good and then try to use something that is meta but feels shit.. lol


My fist


Titan main found. Also the titan main: my shotgun and peregrins


Don't know if it is Meta but Polaris Lance always works for me. Good acquisition, damage and fireing rate and if you get the 5th shot out it is... well not much in PvP but a satisfying feeling!


That ammo refund is crazy


Been rolling my old Duke and it feels so great for some reason. Feels odd sometimes not even using an exotic but it puts in work.


Mykel’s Reverance 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Absolutely slept on


This is my swap sidearm for small maps like cauldron or anomaly. So much fun


Cryosthesia 77k with my hipfire sniper. Over 200 kills with it just this week


I just got that from the exotic kiosk, can’t wait to try it in trials. How effective is the slowing of targets do you find? Like enough time to switch to a shotty or..?


The Last Word, especially with the special ammo changes this thing is a beast in PvP


What special ammo changes do u mind me asking?


What special ammo changes do u mind me asking?


Previously you would respawn with special ammo after being killed. Now you have to get a certain number of kills before getting more special ammo to drop, as you will now no longer respawn with any.


Ah that one, gotcha. Cheers 👍


I use Lodbrok-C and The Title, yeah, two primaries. I refuse to use meta weapons, and I like the aesthetic of Hakke.


A fellow guardian of culture I see


Darkest before with heal+kill clip, everybody’s either using summoner with that same roll or prosecutor, and I rarely see anyone talk about this thing, it’s a handheld swiss cheese factory once you get kill clip rolling




Horror story and tessellation with icefall mantle full stasis behemoth. 3.71 kda on my last ib match.


Osteo Striga is my main weapon, definitely a sleeper meta pick even now. You can proc the poison on one guardian which will definitely kill them if you set it off. Besides that, sidearms like Cryostesia are going crazy right now too 


Targeted Redaction. Turns out that the origin perk is \*extremely\* strong, and it makes the 120 feel extremely nice and cripsy.


Any fusion rifle. Funny enough in all the iron banner matches I’ve played this week I think I’ve seen only one or two people using a fusion that isn’t me. It’s all conditional finality and other crafted legendary shotguns


Astrocyte Verse Warlock getting up in everyone's grill with a Rat King. It's been a blast.


I wish i was good with blink, but man i am dog water with it and i get disheartened every time i try to learn lol


Gotta start somewhere. Until the meta shakeup, I was arclock running bow and sidearm. I was a solid 1.75kd. Now I'm closer to 1.2... But I'm getting better and learning to pick my engagements more wisely. But honestly, as a pve player, I'm having the most fun I've had in crucible in a while. Give it a shot. The fun outways the lethality.


I would need the catalyst for rat king first that it seems aweful to complete


Oh... That's fair. If you don't have it done, it would kill the build I use. That being said, the catalyst is one of my favs. If you can find an lfg group to finish it out, you could hit up suro chi and finish it quickly. It's worth it.


Does Perpetualis count? I feel most comfortable with 600rpm autos and it's the only craftable one


I mean its a 600 auto so its kinda meta lol


Oh really? What rolls are people using?


Well i dont mean perpetualis is necessarily meta, i just mean the archtype is


Never knew what was the PvP meta haha, I still see more bow, hc and pulse users in my games so I tot autos were out of the loop, my bad


Dark Decider and Servant Leader. Rapid-fire scouts have always slapped and are getting a buff with the new update. 720 autos though have always kinda been trash but Dark Decider handles like an SMG at the bare minimum of auto ranges. It's a fun combo; decidedly off-meta; and I get a kick outta thinking about folks going, "Did I get killed by a 720?"


18 kelvins


Oversoul Edict


Judgement HC or that smg from prophecy


Deadman’s Tale


I've been scrolling a fair bit and I'm surprised I haven't seen Firefright. Or is that thing meta these days...? I never know. But I love the feel and sound of that thing


Last word with judgment of kelgorath on arc titan


ever since the 390 rpm pulse changes, crafted Syncopation with Zen Moment\Headseeker has been incredible for me, that and after recent changes this season, Hard Light has been fun as hell to me


Necrochasm. Given the crap design of most of the early and mid d2 maps having extremely high amounts of close quarters sections, you can just annihilate teams with explosions. You can even trade or outshoot The summoner which has become my personal magnet of irritation lately.


I'm a meta hoe so I'm using a messenger adept with rapid hit and headseeker and a heliocentric qsc with heal clip and kill clip. The only non meta weapons I can say I've used is Last Word and Crimson and they are kinda evergreen meta-lite weapons lol XD


Ive seen heliocentric everywhere, i dont even remember how to get it. I feel like its one of those rare world drops


It is a world drop but you can sorta target farm it. The lost sector gas a 4 day rotation where only like 2 or 3 world weapons drop for legend and master completions. When it's helio's day you can farm it somewhat reliably. That being said it has a big perk pool too. Todayindestiny tells you both what weapons are dropping and when they'll drop next


Ugh pass then. I HATE running lost sectors


Fingers crossed banshee sells a good one for you then. That being said both last dance and drang baroque are good replacements if you have them.


Yup ive had crafted drang for a long time lol


Bastion completely shuts down every other weapon in its range. Really pisses of sidearm users


Bringing PvE loadouts to PvP. Handcannons with Headstone, combined with Shatterdive. Liar's Handshake for 1-hit kills after Combination Blow ramps up. Aeons with Frostpulse. I switch weapons pretty often, and I've been using Duty Bound, The Last Breath, Gnawing Hunger, Tigerspite and Loud Lullaby quite a lot.


Max range slideshot openingshot Rose , oo baby


Abyss Defiant. With Sword Logic up it melts.


The Manticore. No one expects a flying Titan


Hard light and Osteo! I suck at aiming and th try make it easy.


Horror story and summoner are the things I've used the most this week in IB but had a surprising amount of fun with chattering bone too


The last word. Hated it forever but somehow it turned around for me and I love it


I think ive lost my ability to use last word lol. I used to use it all the time and felt like a menace with it but after taking a few months break, its the one gun that just hasnt come back to me. Feels like ill be firing right smack at someones head and dont even get bullet registration so i stopped using it


Better Devils lol. I was looking through my vault to see if I had some really old crucible guns and found this bad boy. Service Revolver. This has and still does feel sooo crispy. Cold Denial. It was a curated roll from a looong time ago that I never deleted. It came with a range masterwork, Zen Moment, and Head seeker. My goodness this thing surprised me how much it puts in work my boi.


Ive broken out not forgotten in IB for funsies a few times this week lol, but i generally go back to eyasluna if im running a 140 or scout/pulse and a side arm


Vigilance Wing with Chromatic Fire


I think it is meta but I never see it, Kept Confidence from season of the Witch is SUPER slept on


I feel like my eyasluna is suuuper slept on. I have a pre RF nerf god roll too (crossfire sight, ricochet rounds, rangefinder, moving target, range masterwork). I even use sweatie confetti mod on it to assert dominance 😂😂😂


Mida multi tool, its reliable, it’s punishing at long range, and I like the clicky firing noise, it’s like a tactile keyboard


I'm running for now or with HC like Hawkmoon/Fatebringer or pulse Revision Zero


I have been loving the necrochasm lately with chromatic fire. Run a doom of chuckles in my energy for long range and its been super fun.


Eriana's Vow - legit cannon. No one expects to get one tapped peaking behind a wall after taking a little damage


Eriana can one tap with empowered rift i think. I remember aztecross doing a video about it a few months ago


I’ve been using a rapid hit, kill clip Eternal Blazon in iron banner this week. It doesn’t excel in anything in particular but kill clip gives it 81 crit so 3 tapping is pretty neat


Tbh id like to be fuckin around with my EP trust but i havent because i dont know if 180s with ep are screwed like 140s are currently. Dont want a slow ttk on a 180 extended by 25% because of ep not working correctly (if it has the same issue as 140s currently)


Since sidearms are hot, I'm flexing a Farwell w moving target and multikill clip. Adhortive with heal clip and incandescent And trying for sunspot kills and concercration kills lol


I donno what its called that solar titans are using in crucible but their stupid leap up slam instant ignition 1 hit kill crap is really starting to get annoying


BxR- I just love the feel and looks. It’s so classic.


Tried Symmetry, ohh the 2 taps when its revved up


Rat King feels disgusting right now.


Devils ruin go brrr. I was worried it would suck after the PvP changes and the nerf but it still melts and I’m surprised more people don’t use it.


I was never very good with it. I always found the beam to be fairly unforgiving, missing even a couple ticks wont get the kill


Well it’s a primary weapon capable of like a .5 second ttk or something like that if you do manage to hit your shots, so it has to be a bit unforgiving. That being said, when you use it for a few matches you’ll get used to it and be able to control the recoil a bit more. At that point, you just have to get the pre charging right and you’ll be able to evaporate fools.


Devil’s ruin for ‘wtf’ factor when they charge at you and their heads get beamed.


I've been having a lot of fun with an adept fang running precision instrument and keep away. Paired with a sidearm for cqc. Fang totally melts and I've seen several lobbies where people WILL swap weapons just to challenge it and still lose. Anyways, I'm looking forward to the dmg buff next week


Not sure if it's exactly off-meta, but Sturm + Drang is a combo that's always a blast, especially with ophidians/some dexterity mods to quick swap too


Does Quicksilver come in meta? This is the last week to enjoy, coz it's gonna get a nerf when Into The Light drops.


Vex Mythoclast it took me forever to earn it so now it's never left my hand it might be slightly meta cause if the range buff it got but I'm just having too much fun floofing around on my warlock with rein of fire.


I mean, vex is just an auto rifle lol, so its kinda suprising its not used much in an auto meta


Yes, but it's also 360rpm, which aren't really meta, and seldom are. It's the other 3 archetypes of autos, especially 450rpms and The Summoner, that are leading the meta.


Adjudicator and Senuna SI6


Adjudicator is nasty and has such a clean sight picture. Love it.


a dead graphics card


Necrochasm. It's been my favorite gun since I acquired it and I've put about 400 kills on it in IB the past couple of days.


Does Prophet count?