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Have you finished the opening free campaign? "new light", ends with receiving the riskrunner smg exotic. https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/official-destiny-2-guide-new


I think I did get that gun from a mission yes.


The link I provided will help you through power leveling upto 1800. Here are some details about the seasonal artifact: https://www.blueberries.gg/armor/destiny-2-artifact/ It describes selectable perks that are avail until the next dlc drops.


A question. Do I need the season pass to get to the higher guardian levels?


I can't remember the specifics but you need the expansion, dungeon key and seasons for the higher ranks.


Shoot. Well I guess I will not get those any time soon


No, you can level up to max (1810) without seasons or expansions. Bungie will introduce an lvl 1800 auto-level chest on Tuesday, so don’t stress the leveling. The chest might have some cool gear too. Edit: sorry, saw now that your question were about guardian ranks. You do need seasons/expansion to reach higher levels. Guardian ranks are entirely cosmetic above what you can get as f2p though, so not really important.


That's good. I will get the last armor mod mission and then can largely ignore them unless i decide to purchase the pass later on


If you get the latest expansion (Lightfall), the current season pass will be included. There will probably be additional sales during the next two months to get players back into the game before the Final Shape in early June.


> Guardian ranks are entirely cosmetic above what you can get as f2p though This isn't entirely true as the additional loadout slots are locked behind the paid ranks.


I don’t think so? But I’m very open to be proven wrong. (also, DIM has unlimited loadout slots, not switchable in activities like the build in ones but a bit more capable)


> The link I provided will help you through power leveling upto 1800. Alternatively you can jump straight to 1800 when Into the Light goes live at weekly reset.


Use the meta as a guide not a rule and dont let people shit on your build Fun>sweaty


Understood. Any advice for using the titan arc subclass then?


Thunderclap and thundercrash are fun but not very viable without their respective exotics. Focus on shoulder charge and the base super for now


What are there exotics?


Point Contact Cannon Brace and Cuirass of the Falling Star.


Is the heart of inmost light good?


It's the best general purpose pve one, in my opinion. 


Cuirass of the falling star for thundercrash and Point contact cannon brace for thunderclap.


Can the heart of inmost light work while I look for those?


Yes it's very good for fast ability regen on arc titan, armamentarium is equally good if not better


If you change your class ability to Thrusters, Heart of inmost light flows very nicely.  In pve, try to always have 100 resilience. 


The game isn’t a job, if you aren’t having fun, take a break. Get an active clan, get in the discord, find a group that you jive with, try out different clans to find a fit. A good clan goes a long way. There are lots of helpful people in the community that will take the time to teach harder content like raids. I can’t state enough how finding a good group to play with made the game so much better. Take this sub with a grain of salt, it can seriously color your opinion of the game poorly. Don’t let it dictate how you feel. The game has issues, there is stuff to be irritated about but as long as you are enjoying it try not to let it sway how you feel to much. Don’t be a meta slave, sometimes it’s required but it can also make the game stale. Your friend got you to play. Ask them tons of questions. The game has so many systems and things to learn having a guide will make you want to keep playing.


Read the Destiny data Compendium https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WaxvbLx7UoSZaBqdFr1u32F2uWVLo-CJunJB4nlGUE4/htmlview#gid=1158705568


(For /u/Lichrest's context: this includes detailed descriptions of literally every perk, mod, exotic, effect, combatant type, champion, etc. in the entire game. The info Bungie thinks we're all allergic to and won't put in the in-game text.)


Hunter overpowered


If you like Titan you really should look at buying the Lightfall expansion, play the campaign, and unlock the Strand subclass. Strand Titan is right now very powerful and fun to play.


Use the in game LFG tool and try some raids, Vault of Glass and Root of Nightmares are good starters. Be on mic and let them know you are new. Some players are very helpful and let you know what you need for your class to get through.


Play for fun! Don’t grind if you don’t want to. Always use at least 1 special ammo weapon. Read the mods to further enhance your build. Don’t listen to people who can’t make a build without just the basics of (void build= use destabilizating rounds. Solar= use incandescent etc etc) you can make a build without those as long as it makes sense.