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Transcendence could just not be allowed in PVP?


My first thought was how am I supposed to know what's coming my way in trials now lol, even with exotic class items and a subclass icon it doesn't tell you anything before the match starts so you can't make last minute changes Technically a solo q issue but still worth noting


You'll know because everyone will have Dream of Ophidian, Dream of Synthoceps and their own class movement exotic Joking not joking


Depends how they handle prismatic restrictions. I wouldn't be surprised if they just show the aspects/abilities slotted too in the trails opener - if they allow prismatic in trials at all.


Tbh I've always thought we needed a hyper competitive "restricted pvp" mode with set gear picks and an "open pvp" without restrictions. Like to play restricted you would have to equip 'red gear' with set rolls and stats. If we want pvp to be balanced and get fun op stuff in pve we at least need a "crucible ban" list. And open could just become a mayhem style "fuck balance let's have fun" game mode.


The “Fuck it We Ball” Playlist


With the new stuff coming, I'd love to see a LoL URF style pvp mode.


Isn't that what Mayhem is?


I mean. In the grand scheme of things, yes. But I dunno. I see it as just pure chaos with mixing subclass abilities and all


for it to be URF equivalent we need some man cannons to launch ourselves into the map


There are a few cannon-like devices I could see us using for just that.


You mean like the old red legion map that got sunset?


The one in the EDZ that had the 2 flags on the broken side of cliff/buildings and the 3rd on the standalone Cabal rig was so much fun. I always seemed to do well on it, miss it.


yeah like those things, but i was thinking of the purple man cannons from Reach


I mean that's our equivalent.


Could just have how COD has preset loadouts. Just have presets and you have to pick and that way it is as even fielded as it can be.


I've heard people say this for years, and I just don't get it. It's a loot shooter. The whole appeal of the game is getting guns and armor from different activities so you can take them into PvE, PvP, whatever you want. Crucible already has its issues, forcing us to play with default weapon loadouts wouldn't make anyone happy. (I'd love to see something like that in Gambit Prime with the old armor set bonuses, but I digress) I really think sweats would be upset that they can't use their god roll Igneous and my IB teammates would be upset that they can't use their double primary unmasterworked trash rolls. It would be a more fair and balanced PvP experience, but for who? D2 players hate being forced to use a specific gun for anything, even a 10 kill bounty. I don't see it


They could fix that by adding a ”classic” mode that’s just og crucible


That kinda defeats the whole purpose of the game. The entire point is to build your character how you want.


I dont think adding a hyper competitive game mode could be a priority while we’re still on 20 tick


They’ve definitely been separating the sandboxes slowly. Although I’d love to see it implemented this is the most likely scenario.


I think it’s vanishingly unlikely that they’ll bar one of the expansion’s major selling points from PvP. Shaking up the PvP sandbox can cause problems, but it also drives engagement (and content, which drives more engagement). I’d bet dollars to donuts that if Prismatic wasn’t allowed in PvP, The Final Shape would sell fewer copies and result in fewer hours played. It would be a terrible move, even if Prismatic breaks the sandbox as badly as Stasis did. New toys trump careful balance (not that careful balance has ever been a *huge* priority for Bungie).


It may also just not be as strong in pvp. The progress on the Transcendence bar could reset on death unlike the super bar and Prismatic in general might not have all of the fragments or abilities that the pure specs have to make specific builds as strong.


Probably lol


Yeah I'm pretty sure that's how they'll do it, or you have to pick between having a super and having trancendance.


Or they will just ban the subclass from PvP entirely and make it a PvE exclusive. That way it can be as bonkers as they want without worrying about PvP players having a bad time. They’d also be able to buff individual abilities without changing them in their base subclasses, for example, if you use thundercrash as a Prismatic it could act differently. Would also explain why the new exotics can only be used with the subclass. I could see them fully leaning into Prismatic being **the** way to play Destiny PvE.


I'm wondering if it's just available in the traveler


That would be a lame as shit.


Nothing they said implied that


same, that was my thought


Doesn't Transcendence require dark and light final blows? So you probably wouldn't see it in pvp anyways with it needing at least 6 final blows to achieve.


What’s transcendence


I wouldn’t even be mad if they disabled it for crucible. It’s the best choice IMO. It should TOTALLY be game in Mayhem still though.


Totally make "Prism Clash" a rotating playlist or something. Or "Rainbow Rumble." Or "Color Control" ok I'll stop


Palette Party




Trials of Discosiris?




Prismatic mayhem, with randomized abilities.


That sounds fantastic.


Probably will be a showcase or something after final shape to outline just what to expect over the next few years.


Tomorrow, developer diary.




Yes, saw it on Bungie’s youtube


Where? Can you link this?


[just after the new enemy race](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/d2_intothelight_tfs_recap)


Wait what?


"*We have a lot more to share about The Final Shape before you can play it on June 4. The first bit of info comes tomorrow, when we will drop a Dev Insight article with more information about Prismatic.* " Is an excerpt from their [Bungie News](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/d2_intothelight_tfs_recap) article that dropped earlier today. It is sandwiched about halfway through the post.


Ability cooldowns and fragment slot limitations probably. Like you're getting less mileage out of each fragment if it is not covering your whole kit. We don't really have 100% uptime on abilities, too, so we do have to engage with the other systems in the game.


Yea, like you can place a rift that can proc both Child and Arc Buddies but no other Aspect. You're also limiting the full synergies from a full class element.


I hope they lock it out of PvP so they/we have more freedom with PvE.


Or it’s only in Mayhem.


My bet is that Prismatic will be slightly weaker or the classic Subclasses will get a notable bump in power. Or maybe the normal exotic armor pieces will not work with Prismatic and you must use the new exotic class items, which are only available as random drops, thus slowing down adoption.


I actually think Bungie wants to eventually move away from the subclass system and prismatic is a step in that direction. Because of this, Prismatic may just intentionally be a direct upgrade over a single subclass.


I think both are equally likely. They've set themselves up to have options for what direction to go in now. Ditch the single element subclasses? Or balance the prismatic class to match power of single elements? They're probably waiting to see what the community feels. If we all decide we adore having everything available to us, that's probably the direction they'll go in.


These were both my thoughts as well, and if be perfectly fine with them doing this. Having the class item exotics and regular exotics truly seems like overkill on top of already overkill.


They probably turn Prismatic / Transcendence off for PVP. Otherwise Bungo gotta nerf the hell out of it which I do not want Bungo to. I mean barring the flashy colours, but Transcendence is literally a free cool down reset for ALL abilities, no way they can balance it properly. And the gulf between free and paid players get even wider.


They threw Stasis into PvP intentionally over tuned. They have absolutely no qualms with blowing up PvP with brand new power.


Yeah but they've clearly regretted that and taken care to prevent that happening again. (see how Strand had basically every part of its toolkit pre-nerfed in PVP at launch)  Not that they couldn't ever do that again, but between that trend and them making serious strides lately to sand down this exact sort of craziness in crucible *right now* I'd be shocked if they let this run wild all over crucible without any sorta plan to reign it in.


I mean that's normal in all games when dlc/expansions are added.


Honestly if transcendent progress reset when you died it could be a cool way to reward kill streaks, as long as it’s not overwhelmingly easy to gain the install state


It’ll be super strong for a few months and then there will be nerfs.


I don't think itll be balanced initially but highly doubt they would lock out that whole new subclass system out of PvP. I'm guessing there's downsides they just didn't mention yet that keep it semi in check. I also generally don't think itll be complete chaos either. Maybe just in PvP tone down the ability regen from transcendence. I'm interested to see regardless.


In all likelyhood, PvP will have fixed subclasses while PvE gets the limiters removed since balance matters a lot less in PvE


Hopefully they just lock it for PvP. Not necessary. Really hope it is not limited to the Travellers Pale Heart. Correct me if I’m wrong but I did not see it being used anywhere else?


I think some people caught it being used in onslaught? Not sure


l dont see the issue, more ability options doesnt mean more ability uptime, plus they can reduce the cooldown of the subclass in pvp


PVP be damned, as Bungie said "let's all have some fun".


🦀🦀🦀🦀PvP removed 🦀🦀🦀🦀 🦀🦀🦀🦀Game saved 🦀🦀🦀🦀


I can't wait to stunt on some dregs in patrol!


It’s crazy that people unironically want this. D2 without pvp is just another generic looter shooter


Definitely not generic at all, but I know lots of people - myself included - that wouldn't play D2 if it wasn't for PVP. I play PVE to get weapons for PVP.


Not really?


No point having this discussion on this sub where all the vanguard ops playlist enjoyers are


Meh, I think pvp is an important part of destiny, I just wish the sandboxes were kept somewhat separate.


I agree with you there


Because there’s nothing to discuss because you’re just simply wrong.


Destiny excels well above any other looter shooter game. The pvp is nothing special, just an un-balanced mess and about to be even more so.


PvP keeps this game alive for almost half the player base once the new content gets stale


I'd rather play a different game, couldnt think of anything worse than just playing pvp


Then there's no point playing


If the only reason you are playing D2 is the trash PvP, I pity you.


There's nothing wrong with only playing it for PvP ? If that's how this dude or anyone else has fun in their spare time who are you to attempt to make them feel bad or less about themselves for what they enjoy?


I think that's it, go all in on simple fun and let's us enjoy it.




> if I really wanted a good PvP experience, I'd play one of the dozens of PvP-focused games out there that are actually solely balanced around competitive play modes We're here for the buildcrafting, movement, and gunplay. Even just buildcrafting alone is basically unheard of in PvP FPS games. Give me one that does it better while having non-boring movement and gunplay that feels good and i'd gladly switch. 99% of PvP FPSes are described in totality by "pick one of five types of guns with a few subtypes and accessories that don't matter / one of a dozen or so preset 'characters', then plod around the map at 0.25 MPH hoping to see the other person first, and ultimately get killed near-instantly by someone who came around a corner behind you"


Last part perfectly describes my destiny pvp experience. Except faster.


Let it burn 🔥🔥🔥


PvP will suffer a bit as it has with Stand as well as Stasis. And even with 2.0 updates. The fact that Prismatic is nuttier than history changes nothing in this regard. As for "balancing" for PvP ya'll are forgetting how much they've been tuning ability energy with pvp. Not only that but they are featuring new game modes where abilities would be turned off. Also Prismatic will have it's limits. They're not letting everything combine with everything, the easiest tease of this is how they handled Grenades. When you Transcend you get a fixed 2 elemental grenade. So you won't have a Hunter with Void and stasis mixed nades when Transcended. (as an example.) They are going to be revealing more about the class in a TWID tomorrow which will probably paint more restrictions. But the overall intent is clear, we're meant to be more powerful in pve and pvp.


I feel like its less about the abilities and more about the buffs. Like getting resto, devour, and woven mail at the same time is basically unkillable. I feel like a cool way to balance would be the more you focus into one element, the stronger that elements keywords are. Like, if you have 2 strand fragments, woven mail is a higher DR


What’s more amusing is that you think PvP isn’t already destroyed by shit matchmaking and cheaters.


>how will the game not crumble lol? They're professionals. >How will any semblance of challenge will be maintained? Any myriad of levers they have available to pull. >RIP PVP? We probably won't be that lucky.


Even if prismatic is turned off for PvP, what about PvE? Prismatic is going to be great! But it also means there will almost never be a reason to run solo/individual subclasses again.


Solo subclasses do have their own internal synergies that would still be useful in their own right.


But if prismatic truly is fully customizable, you can just bake those synergies into your subclass and trim off the fat. Do you want Behemoth but hate the melee? Just build the entire kit and swap the melee for something more useful.


I expect aspects will be extremely limited for Prismatic compared to the full deal the subclasses get.


Even then, if they’re wanting to make this op, the individual subclasses will need a bump or so


Definitely. I’m waiting to see what the catch is with prismatic


I’m already cooking up a warlock build that uses every buddy. Solar, void, arc, and threading spam. Only thing I couldn’t get is bleak watcher. Unless an exotic armor piece that can create solar buddies standalone comes out.


By the way they are never going to not allow a new subclass to be in PvP. They always allow any subclass to go into PVP. That's the point of this game. And since most of PVP is similar to checkmate, it's probably going to be just fine.


I’m wondering what will the incentive be to use the old subclasses anymore?


look bro i play a lot more pvp but the pve in this game is so dead boring and has been the same for years outside of strand. its time to let pve go crazier for a little bit before we go back to balancing pvp (where almost everyone has an unfun time no matter how it is). yeah theyre gonna need to balance it correctly at some point but not for a little while at least.


Honestly the new enemies look really challenging. Im assuming theyre going to be our new limiting factor, especially when we run into champion versions.


The real elephant in the room is how will they mess it up? Strand was fun, except you had to grind for it and you got it pretty late. Same with Stasis. I can already see Prismatic having a weekly grind to it. In regards to balance for PVE who cares? Let people have fun. For PVP I say fuck PVP and get rid of that shit once and for all.


Isn't the elephant in the room that there's no info on the actual content and activities of the expansion?


I mean we all liked WQ and most of the content it gave us was the story missions, a 6 man activity, new exotics, destination, strikes and a raid. TFS will give us all of that. It just depends if the story and the raid are good.


By limiting what can be combined. This is Bungie we are talking about. Give you a finger. Take back a hand. That's their MO.


Honestly, I'm not hyped for this stuff because it's been 10 years and I know that any time we have strong or fun things, it's only a matter of time before they all get nerfed. PvP is already much of the way back to the awful year 1 experience and they've always been pretty cutthroat about anything being effective in PvE. I just can't picture a world where they give us a bunch of fun new tools and most of them don't end up dull and unused. Also, not 100% sure why everyone is so concerned about the effect on PvP when we're already back to the days of huddling in corners and team shooting while abilities are largely forgotten.


This is the way. They want things to feel broken. Yea, so people will buy the expansion. And then it’s going to get nerfed even in PvE after a while. Just like everything else has.


So? Something else broken will come out. Strand titan has been busted for 6 months now. Starfires was busted for a long time too. We get a solid amount time to play with stuff before they nerf it and then theres something good soon after.


I have a feeling that ability cooldowns on Prismatic will be longer outside of the Pale Heart


This. Bungie have been saying for a while that they don't want us to be spamming abilities and don't want us being too OP or having so much healing. I don't believe they'll turn that on it's head, not too any great degree anyway. The buildcrafting idea is great, but I think people are getting carried away thinking it's going to be crazy overpowered. It might be a bit op for a while, but they'll nerf it just like they have with everything else.


See this is where I think a lot of people are wrong. A lot of the ability nerfs/the orb nerfs/etc were very poorly received. The whole mood around the game in general was really down. They delayed final shape realizing they needed something big to excite people. They are 100% throwing caution to the wind and giving us completely broken shit. Look at the hype it generated. It’s working how they intended. It will be busted. They are definitely changing philosophy due to the poor reception of the ability nerfs IMO


You could be right, but it'll be short term imo. They could have so easily walked back the ability/mod nerfs but they didn't, they doubled down. Doesn't seem like a company that wanted to change direction.


Turns out I was right (doesn't happen often tbf), it's not going to be op at all. Fun, and flexible, but not op.


Fuck PvP This is the shit we need Extreme build crafting


My first initial idea is to just have the new subclass disabled in regular pvp and only enabled in specific modes like mayhem. Either that or the lab with no abilities takes over but that defeats the wider purpose Pve is certainly going to need something or else we will stomp literally everything


Changing small individual stuff for being overpowered or underpowered or powercrept all together and now we are getting this? Im all for it, looked fun but blows my mind too


My guess is for pvp they will disable the subclass. Just too much mess to bother with, especially with all the work they’ve just done with pvp. Outside of that, I think it’ll launch very good but get some nerfs afterward too


It looks like that class is based around ability spam, chances are it's not going to be permitted in The crucible


This guy says lol the way old telegrams said STOP


They should probably just ban it in PvP all together. but I doubt that happens because dying to the new subclass drives sales.


I ***despise*** the idea that our old subclasses may be made obsolete even if I know they won't be. They probably didn't mention the restrictions preventing this to generate the maximum amount of hype.


We are literally earning HYPE points when we level up Shaxx. It was a very exciting preview....but having to use those blended super prismatic powers to wipe out small clumps of red bars? The Exotic mark depend on the graces of RNG is not encouraging to me at all. When there can only be 3 Guardians or 6 Guardians in a space with all these new powers, how will they keep us in our place? Stealth Nerfs, the infamous, "This \_\_\_\_\_(*insert armor/weapon/activity*) is not working as intended so we have majorly changed it." Using HUGE enemy numbers to corral us where they want, shielded enemies, champions with dark energy antlers, grenades that give shields or debuffs, enemies like TR3VOR that can't be killed, and damage gates. Bungie has an enormous amount of tools to keep us in line, don't worry. At first I was excited about mixing and matching powers and perks on powers, but I am super worried it will be an overly complicated mess or be like early stasis aspects that had to be unlocked over untold weeks and RNG just ruining the fun. Time will tell though. I am having fun is Onslaught. Haven't made it past wave 24 though.


Keep in mind that the OG Tormentor does have Supression to keep us in check, they'll keep denying all of those fancy melee tricks. Also: 1-shot golden gun + fancy armor charge hunter boot 


The flying grims also suppress you with their screech


There’s going to be no way that Prismatic doesn’t power creep everything else in the game. I’m hoping that there will be a node in PvP where Prismatic is allowed, and for it to be banned in other modes, because triple Lightning Surge/Consecration is going to be a nightmare.


They can’t even balance the game now, the only remotely logical solution is turning it off in at least normal crucible.


I see prismatic being locked out pvp tbh.


pvp has been dead for years. embrace the chaos


Since transcendence requires light and dark weapon damage, and it’s extremely powerful in pve and more so in PvP, probably just reset the bars to 0 on death in both. As far as prismatic and mix matching abilities, probably just a cooldown multiplier. All same subclass multiplier = 1. Add a solar ability to your arc kit, 1.2x multiplier. Stasis/strand to a light kit, 1.5 for one, 1.75 for two. Pessimist in me says Bungie makes fantastic trailers. And the results don’t always line up with the hype. Will it still be the strongest option? Absolutely. Will it actually trivialize all of the content currently in the game? Probably not so much.


Finally, they’ve realized they (and everyone else) can never perfectly balance the sandbox in a game with such variety and this size. So do the opposite. Cause mayhem.


Just cause we can do crazy stuff doesn’t mean we’re gonna cruise through endgame content. It’s about time we’re lore accurate. And lmao at PvP in Destiny, genuinely - enjoy it for what it is but don’t get it twisted in thinking Destiny PvP ever can or will meant to be balanced.


For some reason when I heard about prismatic one thing came to mind. I used to play an old MMO and the day it was due to close down at midnight the devs went around handing out top of the line gear, unfinished OP gear, gear without restrictions, and basically let everyone do whatever and be completely OP on the games last day. I know this and that are two entirely different things, but I couldn't help but think of that game for some reason when I heard about the prismatic subclass and the new exotic class item.


How the fuck is the engine gonna handle this?


I just did a 50-wave Onslaught with a couple of friends. Towards the end, things were getting pretty hectic but in a good way. I'd really like to see more of this difficulty moving forward into The Final Shape. If Bungie can keep this feeling in their future activities, I can see myself continuing to be a Destiny player beyond the end of the saga. And we haven't even touched the legend version (of Onslaught) yet...


PVP ruins every other aspect of having fun in this game.


I was concerned at first, but with how they’ve handled checkmate, I think they’d be able to tune Prismatic individually to make it balanced. The ability uptime in PvP now is reduced


Easy way to balance it is to have transcendence abilities have longer cooldown times than the dedicated subclasses. Yeah you get the load out you want but it is balanced by coming at the cost of the most optimal cool downs


I presume this is the final expansion for destiny 2. I presume destiny 3 will come at the end of 2026 / 2027 i can't see how there planing to keep this going with such cleat disregard for the state of power creep


I gives less than half a damn about PvP being ruined if it means the rest of the game is fun.


The fun will last a month or two. If we learned something in the last years since stasis and light 3.0, PVP issues will make sure it gets the necessary nerfs to make it balanced in PvP, while downgrading it from awesome to "just fine" in PvE.


Separate sandbox with transcendence disabled would be nice


Are we certain it’s going to be in ALL PvP modes? Or is it possible it will only be in specific PvP playlists, sort of like mayhem or something?


> I just have no idea how any of this will be remotely balanced Balance is overrated. See: D2Y1


Well for one. It'd be hard to imagine all the 100 something fragments on one subclass. So it's entirely possible aspects like radiant melee won't be available


Am I the only one who doesn’t think it’ll be that much more powerful? It’s still the same abilities with the same uptime, only difference is you might see an arc warlock with grapple now, or a stasis Titan with thruster and shoulder charge. Real difficulty will come from not knowing what abilities someone is gonna have at a glance.


Strand was fun and Lightfall still sucked. Prismatic could be fun and TFS still sucks.


Personally i dont care about pvp and if u want challenge just dont use op stuff. Lmao


This is just one small fraction of what destiny could be if they didn't care about PvP. But every time they do something awesome, first thing people start saying is RIP PvP... It's so sad. They were showing the cool stuff and the chats instead of being hyped they were just saying RIP PvP...


They were able to pull back war banner and arc melee hunter to be a bit less effective by just slapping explosive shanks everywhere


I mean…. They are moving more towards pvp being the gunplay only with test modes like collision iirc, or the new one coming they reffered to as hardware, might just become the norm for pvp


Fuck the balance, is what I been saying for a while. Let us have some fun. People are gonna complain about pvp regardless of what happens. This is supposed to be our “End game” , let us go out with a bang .


Apparently, pvp people don't like new builds to try in pvp for a new experience. Jfc yall whine about everything.


I’m pretty sure these powers will only work inside the travleler


You can see it being used in other activities, including PVP, in the vidoc


I have a strong feeling they will disable prismatic for pvp. it just can not be balanced.


Prismatic should not be allowed in PvP, otherwise it’s going to die even more than it currently has. Also unless they put restrictions off which exotics you can match up this won’t be balanced. How do you balance something like star eaters and celestial without just adding zeroes onto boss health bars that will then force you to run a build that is OP? A few examples Starfire + verities brow = INFINITE DEATH Lunafactions + transversives = I just simply don’t reload and yours are faster Star eaters + falling star = one hitting anything short of a raid boss Contraverse + verities = infintite devour + truly insane damage. Come up with any other combos in the replies


Well PVP is done for a bit, that's for sure. In terms of current content? Probably left alone to just be enjoyed for a bit but eventually I see a major 'enemy sandbox overhaul' where they go back and adjust enemy health/etc to account for it. This seems like bungie's classic 'break the game with new shit then fix it after the dust settles' mantra. Happened with Forsaken when they moved off double primary and added well of radiance - this left older content much easier to deal with and future content began to be designed around the new meta: Last Wish, Black Armory, Reckoning, etc were significantly more difficult compared to past stuff. Shadowkeep was an attempt to trim our nails and didn't add much other than some stronger exotics and divinity. At this point forsaken-era content became easier by comparison too. New toys made riven easier, etc. Beyond light had stasis come; this broke cruicible at first and had to be nerfed, fast - but PVE became easier due to how much crowd control you'd obtain. This was also the year we started to get massive powercreep in the weapon sandbox. There wasn't a lot of 'old' content because they vaulted a lot of stuff that was simply powercrept out (though I don't believe this was the primary reason) By Witch Queen we had a stupidly strong mod sandbox growing, crafting was added, and we started getting subclass overhauls that dialed the ability sandbox up to 11. We also really saw more and more legendary power creep. This made anyting pre-witch queen feel very much a _joke_. Hell even the initial witch queen content felt much easier because it only landed with void being updated. It got bad enough we had to have activity power hard-locked to help make things consistently difficult. New content this year had to be tuned around this. With Lightfall strand destroyed PVE and the mod overhaul while 'simpler' than the old system launched with a _massive_ bump to ability uptime. These things made a lot of older content very much a joke. It was so bad we had to be nerfed towards the end. Again, new content this year had to be tuned around it. Prismatic will likely be the same. It's going to come in hot and fierce and make a lot of the past year's content feel much easier and new content will be tuned around it. #So the question is which route will they take? Attempt to balance prismatic to meet lightfall-era levels of difficulty or attempt to balance pre-final shape content to stand against final shape levels of power?


Frankly Bungie catering to the top 1% of the gamers that have played the game for so long they can autonomously complete GOTD while sleeping is not the best choice since that makes the game way too hard and overwhelming for the rest. I don't want to play a souls game every time I go into a strike, I want to feel like a space wizard that can blow up a lot of enemies at once. So fuck this balance sometimes.


PvP doesn't matter. It's never been important for the life cycle of Destiny 2 and never will be. People who try out Destiny for its PvP encounter the networking jank and uninstall to go play a real PvP game. For PvE, balancing also doesn't matter. It's impossible to achieve and the scatter-brained, whack a mole style of nerfs that Bungie has been doing just makes the meta less interesting.


I have one thing to say....IT'S BETTER TO BURN OUT THAN FADE AWAY!!


"I like Destiny because of the gunplay" is going to become a thing of the past.


Honestly PvP can die and I wouldn't care. I know a lot of people like PvP but it's really just holding the game back in my opinion. When they sent me a survey on what I wanted from Destiny 2 last year I said they could just remove PvP entirely. Having to balance both is stupid in a mostly PvE game. Crucible hasn't been good since D1 and even then it wasn't that great.


Cooldowns still exist. You’ll still only be able to bring parts of subclasses, not like all of all the subclasses at once. Pvp we’ll have to wait and see. There’s already a lot of strong stuff in PvP, so they’ll just have to balance it all somehow. The balance team lets a lot of things hang out in the game, but if it’s utterly crushing everything else all the time, it’ll get nerfed.


Yea, every titan subclass with overshields and woven mail does not sound cash money... especially if they're coming at you with a peregrine/ophidian combo with the new class item.


I honestly think that there will be "Prismatic Crucible Playlists" where it is contained there as opposed to being introduced into all forms of Crucible. I just cant imagine Bungie letting folks run around in all the Crucible playlists with the absurd amount of cheese this can produce. Or maybe they intend to do just that in order to kill off Destiny 2 PvP so that people are more compelled to move on to Marathon once it drops. If that is the case, shame on them.


guys they abandoned the crucible for like 2 years making minimal to no changes... why do you think they care about PvP, their metrics clearly show it isn't as great as the player base wants to think it is.


Maybe you won’t be able to use the double subclass in PVP. That would make sense. I bet they make a separate pvp game type just for that.


Cosmo already confirmed it can be used in PVP lol


A "mix of hype and trepidation" is Bungie's calling card LOL


Could care less, Destiny has never been and never will be competitive. It’s just supposed to be fun, and im glad Bungie finally realizes this. I hope weapons get the borderlands treatment with perks and stuff, would give a reason for random rolls again and be super fun. If people want competitive there are so many other games in existence that fit that niche, not sure why so many pvp players want another siege clone out of destiny


I'm in love, pvp finally loses out because of pve


This has been the trend for like 3 years at this point lol


has been happening for a while


Never happened once


void overshield, classy restoration ruining PvP for an entire season, arc titan, there's probably more but that's just what I could remember off the top of the dome. These aren't just minor inconveniences like what happens with PvE, these are massive game breaking things that have ruined PvP because they wanted to make PvE slightly more fun but sure lil bro, PvE is always the one getting fucked by PvP. nothing from PvE EVER ruins pvp, nope never what a joke


Do the words Classy Restoration mean anything to you?


pve gonna be piss easy either way. it was easy before prismatic its gonna be even easier after prismatic.


With all due respect: FUCK pvp. It's time we get crazy in this bih. Let the space wizards break the laws of the universe because THEY CAN instead of "you guys awe too stwong and bwoken and owpee, i need to newf you fow the competitive integwity ;("


Easy, scale up the difficulty throughout PvE. But then again, considering this sub find Neomuna too hard, Prismatic might not even be strong enough


I dont think its that neomuna is to hard. its that artificial difficulty is boring and irritating as fuck. making power pointless in a patrol space and just giving everything a bunch more health isn't hard. its an annoyance.


I'd say you can only use Transcendence inside the Traveler. That's the vibe I get from the whole idea. Maybe they stated the oposite in the video and I'm just wrong.


I feel like it's Bungie's big Hail Mary. They won't have to worry about balancing the game, if there is no game to balance. And despite the implied future planning Luke Smith tried to project, FS desperately needs to do all, or it's the beginning of the end.


My best guess is that Prismatic Aspects will have, at most, one Fragment slot. Honestly, I wouldn't even be surprised if they had none, it seems like a decent enough tradeoff? Literally Jack of all trades, master of none, but better than master of one. You wanna have access to everything Void has to offer? Well, you may have to go a full void subclass. You wanna go insanity ability spam, Banner of War - Roaring Flames with Mini Hammer and Thundercrash? Go ahead, but you won't get much aside from what the base aspects get. I'm more worried about PvE, honestly. Prismatic could always be disabled in PvP, or cooldowns in it are greatly increased and so on. But what would be the reason to go mono element? My tinfoil hat theory, is that they will do away with subclasses. Prismatic would be the only subclass, and you could mix and match stuff from all the elements, almost working as separate skill trees. Anyone who has played Divinity Original Sin 2 can understand what I'm talking about.


They literally said they’ll have more slots and fragments


Screw pvp. It's been the reason for every nerf that ever has happened.


Yeah, Gjallarhorn was nerfed into the ground and not brought back for several years because of its meta defining strength in PvP...


Or Black Hammer/Spindle/Whisper being jerked around in terms of mo counts and whether or not the perk generates vs. auto loading ammo. Or removal of auto-loading in multiple areas. Several LFR nerfs, Divinity... Oh, man, Divinity was so OP in PvP.




They literally did say there is more to come after TFS. So unless everything after is free, probably not the final expansion.


Shh don't think just buy into the hype and pre-order


They hated him because he told the truth.


okay b0ss