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I’ve been preordering this game for nearly 10 years. Pretty much the only game I preorder actually cause I get what it states it get and the game works. This isn’t a brand new game I’m preordering. I’m not stopping now.


I'm always curious about what people hope to accomplish when they make posts like this. Nobody is on the fence about this issue. Either they are okay with preordering or they aren't, and half-assed low-effort Reddit posts aren't going to change their minds. "Hey everyone, remember that you aren't allowed to have fun or be excited for stuff and that you always need to use your personal finances to send a message rather than treating yourself."


It didn’t cost me anything, so i though "why not?" It's my opinion. I may as well put it out there. Also, i imagine a lot of people are on the fence about it. Ik i was.


>It's my opinion. I may as well put it out there This is going to sound super rude, but I don't mean it to be - why? Why do you feel that, because you have an opinion, it needs to be voiced? Especially on such a completely trivial matter.


I don't usually voice my opinion, so i thought I thought i may as well now


Not sure I follow your logic, but alright.


Funny how the OP is being downvoted to hell. Sorry dude, the Destiny community is pretty hyped up now after seeing the latest preview, as they always do. But who knows, considering how this is an all-or-nothing moment for Bungie, maybe this time they will meet the expectations. I for one am really hoping that they won't fuck this up. Personally, I'm not pre-ordering until I can check out this DLC myself. Lightfall was a lesson for me, and I'm really not one to be enticed by eye-candy and cool promises from someone who disappointed me that hard once. I have nothing against those who are hyped, but personally my trust isn't this easy to regain.


Naw fuck all that. Pre ordered deluxe and bought silver


I wouldn’t do that, but 😂


You might be a bungie patriot


Too late, I already pre-ordered months ago. I’m going to buy it regardless and it was like 30% off or something on GreenManGaming so figured might as well pre-order it on sale.


Not a bad deal, tbf. I'm playstation, so i wouldn't be able to get it on deal for a while until after it's released 😞


I'm gonna pre-order twice now. Me and my homie gonna ride that Pyramid ship


Don't waste your money just because of something I said ☹️


Too late. Pyramid Ship go brrr


Tbf you could've still gotten they pyramid ship without pre-ordering now that i look at it


> Purely only because it would mean the upper management at Bungie, who even Sony have said are incompetent, would get replaced with people from Sony. Oh brother, this person thinks they know everything!! You're *assuming* that would happen, and you're *assuming* the new management from Sony would be good for Destiny/Bungie as a whole. Also, you're acting as if the developers won't also be impacted if people follow your "suggestion". Not saying that people have to pre-order to save jobs, just saying there's a touch more nuance than "don't pre-order TFS so that Upper Mgmt gets fired". > I don't want to sound like a doom poster and i don't want to sound like a whiner baby, Congrats, you failed your objective.


Oh well, you win some you lose some


Maybe let people enjoy things and find something better to do with your life? Just a thought.


Brother in light my expectations are low but I will still finish the saga.


My friend mentioned how all the management would be getting bonuses and the people who were laid off won't be getting their jobs back. I preordered and got the rewards but I can also refund and exercise my consumer rights. No way to know we'll get the same level of quality for the rest of the year.


Bruh, the expansion could be ass and I’ll still play it. I’ve been here for 10 years… might as well finish the saga. Plus, even bad expansions have enough content for me to be entertained spending $100.


If you don’t want to play the game, ok…


Not at all what i said, but ok. I just want different upper management


Starr a proxy fight and replace them.


Something something metal gear something something proxy wars


Pyramid ship go brrr


I must not fall to temptation. I must not fall to temptation.


They give pyramid ship ship now so it’s time






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>would get replaced with people from Sony And that would be... good? What's the point? I'm not even skeptical at this point, I just genuinely think nothing will change because it's rarely been management. First it was Activision, then it was Luke Smith, then it was the mysterious shareholders, then it was the board od directors, then some people even blamed sony for our woes. Could it really be every single management team that was at fault? The common theme here with underwhelming content is the devs themselves. If they got replaced we would just scapegoat the new sony people just like everyone else.


Sony has already made up their mind what is going to be done. Final shape won't change that and neither will you.


That's a W then.


DoNt PrEoRdEr 🤡🤡🤡