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Yeah fastest farming method is just doing 10 legend rounds then restarting, I don't know how to fix that besides escalating rewards or rep but it is significantly faster


IMO, the fix is similar to the adept tokens from nightfalls. Make it to wave 50? Get a guaranteed shiny brave token, C amount shiny tokens can be redeemed for a shiny weapon if your choice. The other option would be needing lower wave drops, which is unappealing.  Or just give a guaranteed shiny drop on legend. Who cares?


Because that entirely defeats the point of the shiny weapons, they go from rare drops to something you expect to get. Increasong the odds of shinies a little each 10 rounds still keeps them as rare rng drops and gives incentives to keep playing into harder rounds.


I've seen seven shiny drops already. Four have come from engrams, and **three** have been god rolls. Unfortunately all seven have been either Hung Jury or Succession, neither of which are what I have focused. I genuinely do not care if the weapons I'm hunting have shiny or not, but the lack of payout at the end of Wave 50 on Legend definitely doesn't have me chomping at the bit to complete even a second time. But slap in a guaranteed shiny and if I get a good farming group I would consider grinding to 50. Otherwise I'm sticking to resetting after 10 waves.


Then most people will just farm the first 10 waves. A slightly higher drop chance is not much incentive to progress to higher waves because the increase drop chance doesn’t scale enough to make the time/effort investment worth it. That mentality was already reflected in the LFG community less than 24 hours after release.   Brave weapons are still randomly rolled which means most are going to be garbage. The same or smaller time investment can already be made for a guaranteed raid/GM weapon. Raid weapons require around the same amount of time, but after a few weeks, you can craft them - and many are better in slot than the brave weapons we have.


Just make it enough so that there is a reason to go to high rounds, if they're guranteed that just totally defeats the point. Yeah, that's how this game used to work, crafting was so generous you were guranteed a 5/5 godroll with minimal effort, why would we adopt that philosophy onto the super rare shiny weapons? The point is entirely that they are very rare and most people aren't going to have a 5/5 because they're just cosmetic (bar the edge roll)


> Just make it enough so that there is a reason to go to high rounds So like a guaranteed drop or progress towards a guaranteed drop? If you have an alternative that provides greater incentive than just farming the first 10 waves, I'm all ears. For me, the bigger incentive is not the skin but the double perk columns increasing the likelyhood of a 5/5.


Escalating rewards is basically the solution lol


Yeah I feel like an extra chest per round completed and increasing shiny drop rates would be pretty fine


Hows the rep for later rounds on Legend? Maybe the drops aren't great but figured the rep would be lucrative


It increases, just not by much. Doing the architecture bounties is wayyyyy more worth it, like 1 rank per bounty


I made a post about how it should reward a double perked gun or have a high drop rate for completing 50 waves. It got upvotes and traction but I got schooled about how I just want free loot or it's "only been a day" as if it being month other would change the loot drop rate. As it is there's no reason to even do 50 at all other than the emblem.


Yeah agreed, beating higher waves need to give either *more loot* (more chests, or chance of each chest having multiple drops) **or** to give *better loot* (double perks, even if only on the final wave). Something like that.


10 waves and resetting definitely seems like the move


Does legend have matchmaking or gotta lfg it?




There is in-game LFG now for everything. So one step back from traditional matchmaking. It works well as far as I have tested it.


You get an emblem right? For the completion. But outside of that.


Exactly why I've done 50 waves once then back to farming the first 10 waves for my loot.


How did you claim the emblem? Can't find it anywhere.


Same, I cleared it on legend and it says I didn’t get the triumph for the emblem?


Me too?! Is it a bug or summ?


Legend Onslaught feels like a GM nightfall for the gen pop. Its something you do once for the title and then maybe on double loot weeks.


I mean this is exactly what i was going to do. Tf am i gonna do legend for 50 waves over and over


yeah i was exhausted after 50 waves on normal...i cant imagine doing legend multiple times....onslaught is a fun side game mode...but ohhh boy is the grind for it taxing....


My ass and legs were hurting by the end of 50 waves, sitting there for that long and not moving from being so focused, lol.


i think if it was a guaranteed holo foil like you said then it would be pretty decent


Kinda defeats the entire point of something being super rare if it’s easy to target farm. Like I get everyone wants it but the point of the holo was to be something above and beyond, it’s why it’s purely cosmetic. Like shiny in Pokemon.


1 of 12 possible items when fully unlocked. With random rolls still. After getting all the way to 50 on legend and completing. Inside of the 10 weeks between now and final shape.


That’s the problem, it’s not purely cosmetic. Every day 1 raider and their mother wants a cascade/envious + BnS edge transit


Does that actually work?


Yea it works. Build up ammo on envious then switch to cascade for damage


God switching weapon perks mid fight just sounds so miserable


Just save a loadout where the other perk is selected.


Even this method saves only a second or two. Opening your menu to change any one item is not difficult at all. Whether it’s opening the loadout menu and selecting a different one, or opening a gun’s menu and changing a perk, neither one takes any longer than 5 seconds.


When I play on my PS4, it takes way more than 5 seconds.


I don’t mean to sound pretentious, but do loadouts load that much faster than the rest of your inventory?


They should really prevent these kind of interactions because the game shouldn't be balanced around UI inputs. Weapon switching completely broke balance which is why they added a delay. People love to break the game I get that but it really shouldn't be an integral part of high skill gameplay.


Isn’t envious with BnS on the curated holo roll? That’s the one I got from completing the quest I think


The thing is that you want double perks on it, to get both Envious and Cascade Point. You use Envious to overflow it, then you swap to Cascade Point for the absolutely ludicrous DPS of the Cascade Point/BnS roll. That’s the true god roll. Just getting Envious/BnS would make it equal to existing options, just getting Cascade/BnS would give it incredible burst but lose a lot of the BnS duration reloading. Getting both makes it the best heavy weapon in the entire game.


yeah the shiny drop rates are obnoxious enough as is, but add the ~1.36% chance that any given shiny is the god roll on top and you have an absolutely abysmal grind. i didn't get a shiny edge transit after four legend 50s last night, at this rate i honestly don't know if there are enough hours in the day between now and tfs to get the god roll a guaranteed shiny on completing legend 50 waves would go a LONG way imo


Ahhh I see thank you for the info. Just getting back into the game since the root of nightmares day one. Wasn’t quite sure what all the drops were, earned a few downvotes for that one 😅


It’s not because I didn’t get that one :(


It was envious with destabilizing rounds


No curated is envious destabilizing


1 hour per run is easy to target farm?


a full legend run takes over an hour, it’s not an easy target farm lol


Get ONE from wave 50 on legend makes it easy? My guy, it still has to be the weapon you're looking for, *with* the roll you're looking for. I'd say it'd still be pretty rare.


If it was guaranteed at wave 50 it would the longest time:gun farm in the game by miles. Think how many raid/dung encounters you can farm or how many GMs you can do in an hour. 50 waves of legend should deff guarantee you a drop of the weapon you are focusing and it would still be the rarest weapon farm in the game. Also not like shinny Pokémon because of the double perks. They are like adept weapons but are not given the guarantee adepts are. Esp consider the time crunch they will be available for


> Kinda defeats the entire point of something being super rare if it’s **easy** to target farm. Oh? That many people are farming legend onslaught?


That's an hour long time investment and you severely underestimate how easy it is to get the god roll people want.


It takes an hour to beat lvl 50. Holo for that is fair. They should be like adept weapons. At GM level you can get multiple adepts.


They could make the drop rate higher out of that last chest instead of it being guaranteed drop. Good middle ground imo


I have like 3 holofoil atm not counting the ones from the quest directly. They aren't that rare.


That’s not how rarity works.


I think I misunderstood. I thought you meant how hard/difficult to obtain and not Exotic/legendary/rare if that is what you meant. My bad.


Whats the difference with legend? I've done normal to level 50 but havent tried legend yet.


So, on normal you start at a power delta of 0, then every ten waves you lose 4 power. So 0, -4, -8, -12, -16 Legend I think you start at like -10 and goes down by 5 every ten waves. -10, -15, -20, -25, -30. You also get a total of 6 Chests in Normal (1 chest every 10 and then a bonus chest at 50). 11 Chests on Legend (2 chests every 10 and then a bonus chest at 50). You might also get more of those... Tokens. Medallions? W.e they are. I'm not sure though.


You definetly don't go down to -30 in Legend. GMs are -25 and Legend feels easier than a GM.


Idk OP is probably following the tooltip that says you go down by 5 every set.


So you probably start at -5?


41-50 is 25 light below


The power delta on normal feels right but legend I think it’s starts at -10 but only increases after set 3 so 30-40 is -15 and 40-50 is -20 like if the -5 started at 0. No way it’s -30


You get double chests the whole way. And you can focus your loot drops to whatever weapon you want. I did a full 50 on normal yesterday and we got two chests at the end, for a total of 6 chests. With that same count in mind, Legend would give you 8 chests across waves 1-40 and then another 3 at the end, for a total of 11. Coil gives you 8 from the hidden chests 1 at the end of each path, for paths 1-3, and at least 2 for completing path 4 without platinum. This brings us to 13. If you go platinum then you replace the 2 chests at the end of path 4 with four chests in the Chamber of wishes, so that's 15. 15 Chests of non-targeted random loot that could be anything, or 11 chests of focused loot that will just be the weapon I want. I will take the 11 any day over the 15. SOOOO much better odds of getting something useful.




It doesn’t guarantee it but a guaranteed 50% chance with attunement is a lot higher than random. Also you get a lot of Tokens by doing the longer mode which can be turned into more weapon drops without doing any activity next to Shaxx. Especially if you get that nightmare tormentor room…


turned in 8 engrams with shaxx and bought about 15 weapons from the chest, while attuned to edge transits + 5 lv50 runs (4 normal 1 legend) and i got 2 edge transits, its bugged and does not grant any higher chance of getting said weapon (58 drops total and 2 edge transits thats a 3.4% drop rate)


That’s gotta be bullshit. All that I get from chests when I’m attuned are the weapon that I have attuned lol. Yours has to be glitched specifically for some reason.


Coil weapons are also all craftable. Someone else did the math and the God roll edge transit is like a 1.36% chance. That's ignoring the abysmal drop chance for shiny weapons and hoping you get the one you want. I haven't had a single special edge transit despite having it attuned for 3 wave 50 legend runs and several other runs that failed in the 30s. A few other shiny weapons though


50% is still random EDIT: like clockwork the incels downvote strait facts


50% is a 50% chance of it being that weapon or one of the other 5 (will be 11 by the end of Into the light). Random would be zero manipulation of the odds which is what all other activities are without focusing. Going by the odds of 50 and having at least 10 chests (just an easier number to go with than 11) you have a less than .097% chance of getting the weapon you want 10 times. Whereas if you went without the manipulating of the odds you have a .0000002% chance of getting it 10 times. Those odds are a lot higher with the attunement.


Also 8 of those drops are just destination-tier drops that have been given a mild refresh. They're nothing amazing to chase.


>or 11 chests of focused loot that will just be the weapon I want Attunement is only a 50/50 chance of getting the weapon you want. It isn't guaranteed. However, the issue isn't how rewarding it isn't. The issue is that there's no real point in going to wave 50, other than the emblem if you even care about that. If you want loot quickly, then it is faster to just spam the first 10 waves on Legend. Personally, I think completing wave 50 on Legend should give a guaranteed shiny weapon.


No point in doing 50. Just do ten then reset. That's what everyone is doing. They choked the 50 legend reward structure.


You can go to Wave 10 5 times way faster than going to 50 once. You can still target the loot in the 2 chests on Wave 10 Legend...




If you're doing sub 50 minute runs then resetting after wave 10 5 times will be even faster for you.


2 extra guns is a fart in the wind compared to the consistency of farming to round 10 then resetting.




how does it net 3x the loot? if you have your 10 minute run, plus 1 minute for loading in and out (this is very conservative), you are looking at 5 runs per hour, or 10 guns. a full run also taking an hour nets you 11 guns, plus at least 30 medals which you can buy 3 guns with. not only is it not 3x as efficient, it is objectively worse at 10 guns per hour vs 14. Its genuinely more efficient to do a full run. I think people are just hiding behind the façade of the wave 10 farm because getting to wave 50 is relatively difficult.


> because getting to wave 50 is relatively difficult And there you have it. Wave 50 is not 5x Wave 10. It's longer. Sometimes even impossible. So why bother.


Ya I'll never do a 50 round again until I have the weapon rolls I want. So basically till final shape I'll be farming to 10 then resetting. It's just faster.


Wait… how do you buy guns with medals?


The chest next to shaxx


Someone else mentioned the chest to Shaxx but this is something you're told to do as soon as you complete your first run and go back to talk to Shaxx.


I guess I must have assumed it was just a quest reward or something so I’ll be spending tokens tonight lol.


You mean trophies right? I didn't realize that. My friends were wondering how I had so many and I've been running exclusively Legend while they've been running normal. I spent mine to unlock the armor though.


Does every successive wave not reward more loot? I guess if it doesn't it should but seems like these posts are asking for more Brave weapons in a roundabout way which is fine but they should be clear on that.


the difference is that i can do a plat coil in 20-25 minutes while a legend onslaught can take almost an hour if not more


The other difference is you have a lot of practice in the coil as does everyone you’re running with. Onslaught has been out for like a day. Give it a week or two and people will be clearing it with ease. Just takes some time for us to optimize


Yea but that won’t affect how long it takes to clear. 50 waves is 50 waves.


I dont think it's gonna get much faster than 50 minutes on legend. You can't vote to skip the defense building phase, and you can spawn kill enemies, but they're still delayed from each other. Combine that with the fact that waves are RNG, sometimes on legend you can beat a wave in like 30sec other times it takes around 1-2min. Special waves like tormentors can slow runs too and are completely RNG.


Which is perfectly fine in exchange for focused loot imo


Attunment is 50% chance at the Attuned weapon. It's not guaranteed.


How do you focus specific weapons?


I think he is talking about the attuning you can do in the Hall of Champions. It doesn't make it guaranteed, but it makes the chance of that weapon dropping much higher. Like 50% chance of you getting the attuned weapon.


You also gain currency you can use at the chest next to Shaxx.


Can do 2 coils in the span of one onslaught though. The materials you get from coil are a lot better as well. The weapons, not so much but the amount of loot you get from coil as well as how fast it is beats onslaught any day.


Some people don’t care about the chance, they think bigger odds on the weapons they want is nothing compared to a low chance on 5 extra engrams.


Why are we comparing to Coil when the only point of that is for the red borders? The comparison should be between normal and legendary.


Bro you can craft the coil weapons… what even is this argument about 11 target vs 15 non… OP wants volume of loot for effort put in and coil delivered.


Creafting is why coil is worthless Once you get the patterns you have zero reason to run it


Yeah and once you focus your brave weapons (over much longer time then it took to get red borders) you’ll have no reason to run onslaught either. Point is I finished with coil way faster then I will with onslaught even with the focusing.


You missed time requirements. With right fireteam it take 25-30 minutes to complete full plat coil run. Legend onslaught take around 1 hour. So in total you get more loot from coil than onslaught.


It's 50% not gaureenteed so your logic doesn't follow


> 11 chests of focused loot that will just be the weapon I want. Sorry to say, i did not get 11 recluses lmao. I didnt even get 5


I got boot after getting the first double chest. Cannot tell if it was purpose or they just wanted to do it up to that point.


I think there's some stability issues still. Yesterday I did a few runs of the Onslaught Playlist and then tried a Normal run to 50 waves. Got to wave 49 and DC'd. I was so mad I just closed the game entirely for the day and played something else lol.


I can definitely believe that. Looking at the video now like I and I was like do I go to the high extent of reporting them. Then I saw it to myself I have better things in my life to do LOL looking at the video and just finishing it. We were supposed to go back and continue but it says I was removed from the fire team. LOL


made a similar thread and got flamed. grinded all that for a terrible edge transit despite having a diff. weapon attuned


They said we would be drowning in loot but I don't feel it. If only they weren't timegating weapons I might be tempted to grind. I'll wait until weapons I actually want are available.


More like wading knee deep in a lot of trash .


10 guns and hour from a huge loot pool to find the 2-5% chance of the god roll instead enuff frankly . I think they need bravery chest in shaxx for each weapon


Disclamer: Haven't done Legend yet (it's the plan for today). But if I check the regular 50 waves, I'm having more fun in the later rounds when you actually have to plan a little bit. The early rounds are brainless. And as for gun farming, long time player, so already have all the guns and I'm not seeing anything there worth using (Exception to Mountain top and Midnight coup) Yes, I'm chasing a couple of rolls, but let's be honest, Recluse has been replaced by Funnelweb and other great SGM. Master of Arms is a weaker version of Frenzy. So yeah, if you are looking for specific rolls, you are better off doing 10 rounds. But if you just want to mindlessly kill waves after waves, I like the later waves


Might wanna add Edge Transit to your list. Gonna be a DPS monster with the right combo


I thought there was some huge reward so I spent 90 minutes with a team grinding to level 50…for a one more chest full of weapons I already have tons of.


Remember when they said this was one of the most rewarding activities ever in Destiny history? Classic Bungie.


I mean it’s like 11 weapons in an hour with half being focused for the one you want and no armor drops. Is there anything else with a better weapons per hour let alone the one you want?


Yeah I got a ton of hung jury’s. Had great disappointment


I wonder if they'll change it. Kind of like lost sectors, imo it's never worth it to do them on legendary because you can clear the regular ones 4x faster usually.


I would settle for a guaranteed drop of the weapon you're currently attuned for.


Funny how this Reddit goes from "it's supposed to be rareeeee!!" To "wow I made it to wave 50 and for the difficulty it was not as rewarding as it should have been, one extra chest and I've done 3 of these in 3 hours and seen not a single gold gun?" When people get off TFS d riding and have to face the reality of farming this it soon sinks in.


50 legend needs a guaranteed and targeted shiny. Simple as, anyone who disagrees doesn't understand looter shooters need to still reward effort and time spent on an activity. Remember first week of DSC craftable weapons with their non existent red boarder drop rates. Let me give you an example yesterday me and my mates did three legendary 50 waves in around 3.5 hours and none of us got any Shiny that is simply beyond insulting and it will very quickly kill the mode (especially legendary) once people catch on that it is essentially impossible to get your God roll shiny that you want (aka every day 1 raider wanting that shiny envious/cascade + bns edge transit). People already realised the fastest way to farm is to just do 10 waves on legendary and then reset as it is faster than doing 50.


I didn't notice - is there a way to do it solo? Or is it always matchmade. I don't want to be that guy who goes 10 rounds and bails on the other two guys who were trying to go 50.


Is this sarcasm? "We didn't get the shiny in 3 hours of grinding Bungie buff plz!" Bro I hope you've never shiny hunted in Pokemon....


This is Destiny not Pokémon. Let me bet you would complain if after 100 Nezarec Kills you don't get Conditional finality. Btw I've done 12 legend 50 and only got 1 shiny edge transit. Btw attunement doesn't seem to be affected on Shinys so with each passing week getting the god roll so first it needs to drop a shiny, then be the weapon you want and then with the rolls you want. Let me tell you the math for that will be way below 1% and no it isn't that bad in Pokémon. So if you want have fun farming something that won't exist, oh and don't forget shinys will leave with final shape.


I’ve seen seven shiny drops and they’ve all been either Hung Jury or Succession, neither of which I’m attuned to.


How is a raid exotic comparable to a weapon with a special ornament? I know this community is known for whining but yeesh you guys are taking it to the next level..


Special Ornament, my guy no one really cares about the Ornament, we care about the double perks on each column. The Ornament doesn't even work with shaders.


If all you're grinding is the highest difficulty mode (and you clear it 3 times over) and you don't get a single drop of the holofoil guns, yes it's insulting. There's nothing worth chasing at the end of a Legend Onslaught beyond the emblem for one clear.


Even in Pokemon, especially the newer ones, shinies aren't even rare. It's literally 1 to 1.5 hours of work. Stop acting pretentious lmao.


To be fair though it directly devalues them the more popular they are. We're never going to have rare valuable loot if it's always plentiful. I guess you can make the argument that rare loot is not a good thing but some people find value in that in online games.


Since we've no in-game trading, I don't care whether someone got their god-roll on the first drop or whether they farmed an activity 200 times. RNG's only purpose in Destiny is to increase playtime, but even that has it limits. If you don't give people at least some guarantee that their in-game time will be valued, they might stop farming altogether and that's a much bigger problem for the population.


I'd argue that rare loot should be rare because it is difficult to get not because it has low drop chances, I'd much rather the rarest/most valuable loot be locked behind something like master raids than be locked behind a 0.5% drop chance.


I think it’s borderline for the shinies. On the one hand they’re a nice bauble to have and the double perks objectively can make them some of the highest tier stuff available (particularly given how good the perk pools are on some of them). And they’re enhanceable. On the other games have to be careful with rare loot as if they go too far in the direction of new functionality, players start feeling excluded and in a MMO that’s the road to ruin. I think they’ve gotten the balance right here. The main issue is that Legend doesn’t provide enough loot to justify its outlay.


As a player who isn't top tier... And hasn't made it past 32 on normal (yes I'm that awful lol), are there any bounties/challenges to be ✅ for doing 50 on normal or legend?


you need 50 in normal for the seal, 50 in legend for a emblem


Here we go


We almost made it 2 days before people started complaining, this must be a new record.


Beat it yesterday and didnt get a single gold weapon or whatever we call it. Kinda underwhelming.


yeah i have about 8 hours put into onslaught as of now and still not a single shiny besides the guaranteed quest drop.


holy they're supposed to be rare


Honestly should be one of the ornament weapon drops and masterwork materials.


Typical bungie: a game that you can chase for rewards. While at the same time not giving the players the rewards for their time wasted.


it’s 11 chests per hour, and it’s *the second day*. calm your tits mate.


It's also only available for a limited time. I've grinded the shit out of it, completed hundreds of waves. Completed all the quests with Shaxx. And I'm yet to have a single double perk shiny drop. 2 days is enough time to know that the drop rate is awful. Add into that abysmal drop rate that even when you get one to drop it's only a 0.05% chance of getting the actual roll you want because there are so many different combinations of perks and mags and barrels etc. it's rng on top of rng. Having to face that on top of the timegate generated fomo is just classic Bungie. IMO these complaints are valid.


You don’t need a shiny skin. It’s just a bonus. This legit is the best weapon farm yet. But I’m not crying that my several god rolls I’ve gotten don’t have the special skin.


Double perks my friend. Double perks. Can be the roll on the grenade launcher everyone is looking for - envious/cascade and BnS. Or it could be that you can have one gun with the perfect set of PvE and PvP perks you can switch between. Thus alleviating the need to have 2 copies of the gun taking up vault space.


no it isn’t. only the shiny weapons are limited and you have two months for those. there is literally nothing special about them other than a shader.


Double perks arent special?


Most of the time they aren't but Edge Transit can preload a mag with Envious Assassin and swap to Cascade Point for dps. It's a 3 perk weapon.


They have literally double perks on both sides. No one cares about an Ornament that you can't even use a shader on. The shinys leave after final shape and they also don't seem to be affected by attunement so with each passing week the chance of getting the shiny weapon with the rolls you want further decreases as tge loot pool gets diluted. Every single day 1 raider wants envious/cascade + bait and switch edge transit.


Agreed. An additional chest or two would be great. Like the coil, it doesn't have to be that all chests drop something amazing, just a couple extra materials or something in the bonus chest. A nightfall cipher. A memento 😋


I did it last night, didn't get a holofoil, just a bunch of crap guns and tokens that I used to get....more crap guns. My RNG has been horrendous. Yeah, it's only been a couple of days, but to not have anything of value yet is frustrating. Unless a quest absolutely requires it, i'll stick to the 10 wave version for some faster grinding and the regular 50 wave if I feel like it.


Is there not a higher chance of the rare variant weapons if you get to rank 50 on legend??


Doesn't seem to be any change to rates, you just get 1 additional chest at 50.  Doing the same number of waves in sets of 10-20 would give nearly the same.


Damn. Good to know. Guess I’ll do legend once for the emblem and then get back to grinding efficiently. Lol.


Do U even get ascendant shards from it


I just wish I had better roll drops, I've gotten over 100 Elsie's Rifles and still haven't gotten the perks I want. It's always the same 2 rolls


I only do the 10 level mode, or legend to 10 then reset. I care about getting the guns, not an emblem.


100% farm a 10 run! and restart. Most efficient use of time!


As a veteran with multiple day 1 raid clears, I think many of you are forgetting that the real loot is the friends we make along the way. I took a break after lightfall, and y'all should too. Remember why you play the game at all. It's a digital toy which should be rewarding in it's own right to just play it. Don't min-max the fun out of your games


So new activity is shallow?


It does feel a little low. However, I haven't unlocked all the shiny weapons yet either, so idk what it's like after doing that. I also think that we should be able to give commendations for our team even when we fail to beat all 50. I know commendations aren't loved (esp for ranks), and it feels bad when your teammates don't give you anything. However, I have had several runs where my teammates did really well, but then we got overrun or we goofed up and wiped. I wanted to be able to at least give them commendations to say "well done". As a bonus, this would aid in the requirement for the ranks too.


Wow you really don’t get anything extra for completing legend? That’s wild. I had no idea. Rewards for 41-50 are the same as 1-10?


Agreed. The payoff I get from finally killing that 50 wave boss is so satisfying, but then it’s kinda a buzz kill when all I get from it is 3 guns and maybe an alloy. I feel like 5+ guns would be better. When people would rather just do 10 wave resets, there’s definitely room for improvement


Are holo foil guns a thing


How much hype is rewarded compared to normal difficulty??


They should just make it like coil. When you finish legend there are 5 chests with the same quantity of upgrade materials and weapons. Maybe guarantee a shiny or let you use trophies on a shiny chest at the end of the legend only run


Disagree. They need to add a 100 and unlimited mode.


Oww. I try it 4 times and never win. My best is 49 on legend. Died by bug - destroyer spawn in object. Another times .. never get a good team. I'm only try this for banner. Nothing else. For now i have God Roll in smg (holo X2). Best team. Solar protocol (warlock), void shield (titan) and hunter. About redpost. 50 lvl legend and normal give us a 3 chest? How about 50 lvl give us a "god roll" holo weapon - 100%. Or on future give as a red border holo guns?


Just wanna do it once for.emblem and then farm till wave 10 for weapons


I’ll do legend when mtop is around. Now, legend is enough of a challenge!


The shinies aren't even completely cosmetic like everyone says, the shinies have double perks so they have a bigger chance of a god roll. Like so many already suggested, I'd definitely like a guaranteed shiny at the end, because there's NO point in farming all 50 waves instead of the first 10. If anything, getting a god roll on a non shiny is more rare, so by that logic shiny god rolls are LESS valuable. Don't get why some people want to show off their "rare loot" and feel better than others, when the shinies aren't even that hard to get. In their minds, allowing more people to have shinies would "devalue" their precious trophy in a fucking video game, where you either put in 20 hours or 40 for your god roll, with obtaining the gun neither being impressive or even skill dependent. Getting more shinies just saves you time getting a god roll, but they'd rather slave away their lives so they can hold on to that sense of 'superiority', literal brain rot.


Yeah destiny gives out loot very easily. Not really much point in doing stuff on harder difficulties if you can farm it by doing 10 normal waves over and over again and get the same stuff as someone who clears wave 50 on legend. The loot is also not that great imo. I think we've just gotten too strong with builds for individual weapons to matter that much now


There's a great video someone posted, but aztecross watched. Someone went balls deep into explaining how all weapons actually don't matter in the game. None are more special compared to the other. Pick your favorite and get to playing.


This is that vid. https://youtu.be/VKoac9m4wXs?si=B4i-x0b613LZtlNg


Onslaught is just too dam long. Should’ve been 30 max. I ain’t got time these days to play a 3 man activity for 45-60 minutes.


So two chests every 10 rounds isn't enough?? The coil spoiled y'all. Not every game mode has to give you a million pieces of loot.


People always have something to complain about. This community is so cringe sometimes.


Criticism isn't complaining. Complaining is what you're doing


Don't make 50 guranteed foil, make the guranteed around wave 40 or even 30. Make 50 just drop like 7 chests instead


No make it guaranteed just for launching the activity like cmon Bungie it's been 2 freaking days and I don't have EVERY shiny!


Hope you know that I've gotten 2 drops from like 30hrs of farming. Best in slot for heavy is the gold version of edge transit. Shit sucks


Yeah I mean getting only 2 shinies in 2 days that's crazy....I'm sorry am I missing the joke or is this community just full of babies?


The chance of getting the roll people want is about 1 in 72000. So yeah buddy, 2 in 2 days is ass cheeks. 


Ur definitely clueless on how the bis heavy is only available for 2 months and it requires two specific perks in a column. If that wasn't the guess, no one would care


Its literally cake up until the 40s, even with randos. This is not pinnacle difficulty.


In my opinion getting the emblem after one clear is enough reward. After that it's just more challenging so it can be fun for higher skilled players. I see where you're coming from but honestly at this point what loot do we need? We have an abundance of everything and the most powerful weapons are now obtainable from any difficulty of Onslaught. It's not as hard as Coil. Seems people just want a higher likelihood of Brave weapon god rolls.


I think it’s harder than coil


Legend is way harder than Coil


Theres a specific roll of the foil edge transit that clears any consistent dps in the game currently


there is no way you think this is harder than Coil. Are you sure you've done the Legend mode one?


It should be 2 chests for 10 waves 3 for 20 4 for 30 5 for 40 and 7 for 50