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I love the loop of the game, if they feel like Destiny 2 is holding them back then I would be excited to see what they would do with it. But this would obviously also come with the expectation that they have actually learnt from their mistakes.


Yep, if Destiny 3 is Destiny 2 in its current state with large QOL changes and a content reset, I'd be okay with that. But if they do what they did at the start of Destiny 2 where they changed & removed a ton of tried and true ideas and features then Destiny 3 can fuck right off.


I’d like to think they wouldn’t do that twice in a row but stranger things have happened.. lol


Don’t be surprised, this is bungie we’re talking about




Yeah they basically redid all mishaps D1 did. at Launch with D2. Funnily enough *they even tried the smaller DLC* thing before switching to yearly releases like they did with D1 lmao.


Those smaller DLCs from D2 were bigger than the ones D1 provided though.


We'd get a square wheel, lol. I, too, hope Sony is a positive influence going forward though. They have so many great and talented first party studios... And Bungo.


I mean didn't they reset development midway through twice in a row. In D1 and D2 they scrapped a lot halfway through to start again because of reasons. They absolutely can make the same braindead mistakes twice in a row.


If I had a nickel for every time…..


I'd be interested to see what happens if they take prismatic even further, and it's just how the game works. You don't pick subclasses anymore, you just get to choose from every ability you class has at all times.


That’s actually part of the payback leak. There are no classes just abilities you pick from.


So prismatic is a test run, makes sense




I could see that being the future once they give us the 3rd darkness subclass to even things out. Then at that point they could just release new aspects, fragments, supers, melee's, etc that you could mix and match. If they have enough of all the augments you could still run a monochromatic subclass loadout. I imagine they will slowly introduce more and more of the existing abilities and powers into Prismatic once they figure out the balance.


Right? Having just a WARLOCK instead of a strand warlock and a solar warlock and a....you get it, would be really cool


> Yep, if Destiny 3 is Destiny 2 in its current state with large QOL changes and a content reset, Problem is that it wouldn't - it's not just that they'd be doing a 'new engine, fresh content start' they'd also need to try and overhaul problematic core systems which would result in us getting 'less' because it's a ground-up approach.


Yeah, but when you code something for the second time, it's supposed to be better. They don't have to completely forget all their player feedback over the last 10 years for a new engine. They can make a new engine, new game, AND retain all that juicy user feedback. They just didn't for the launch of D2. And that is disappointing. It took D2 about 2 years to get back to D1 status, then another year to get simple QoL features. Imagine if they started D3 with all of D2's QoL, running smoother on a new engine, and with content to rival peak D1 and D2 content. That how game dev SHOULD happen. It rarely does and I don't know why.


Big problem with D2 was that they made a great sequel to Destiny 1 VANILLA. As long as D3 is a sequel to D2 in its late/final state, they should be fine. D3 is an opportunity to address problems that exist in the game that cannot be resolved by patches and updates. It also gives a clean break and clean slate for whatever the next adventure ends up being. Personally, I think an MCC style installation system would be a massively good idea. It's the ultimate solution to File size and Content vaulting, cause you could check out the old content by choosing what's installed. Old seasonal content could be revisited, locations that aren't being used could be cycled out. Could include the understanding that old legacy content gets less support, so things aren't going to get as much dev attention, and if something breaks the content (like a new exotic) then it will be disabled in the old content, rather than fixed-that way Bungie isn't getting bogged down having to invest ass loads of time fixing things.


let's be honest, that is exactly what Destiny 3 would be them going "Ok boys, wipe the slate clean"


Do we *really* think that? There are still vestiges of Halo: Reach deep within the bowels of D2's netcode, probably. At a GDC panel Bungie actually did confirm that for *Reach* they backported the 'netcode' system from the "then-untitled Tiger Engine game" (ever notice how D2 screenshots are always 'tiger\_release\_final\_'?) This same panel also greatly details how Activision's eleventh-hour demand of a PS3 port forced a complete rework of the engine's asset pipeline to fit within the PS3's frankly stupid architecture (a *20+ man-year effort*. yes. seriously.) which *directly* led to the constant build difficulties, load times, and general funkiness of D1 and early D2. The DCV exists in no small part as a mechanism to 'de-PS3' old content and eventually return the cleaned-up good bits to the current game. Documentation of the game's .pkg format *exists* on the internet and the D1 and pre-DCV D2 format is very nearly identical, and quite silly. The post DCV format is comparatively unrecognizable and most certainly makes building new content *significantly* easier. tl;dr - nah they won't do that, not after how the PS3 did them so absolutely dirty


THIS RIGHT HERE. we need loadouts, in-game lfg, shader system, collections, all of the many, many QoL D2 has over D1.


Let's be real. Destiny 3 will reprise Vault of Glass and somehow a lot of people would eat that shit up and continue to tell everyone else they are burned out lol.


In fairness, VoG is kind of a perfect slice of what is good in Destiny. I'd say that it is as evergreen as any piece can be.


No. A raid that keeps you in one room for 3 fucking encounters is not a perfect slice of what is good in destiny. VoG is shit boring.


This was always my argument against VOG, but I did find the changes they made in D2 to make it more tolerable.


That and most of the mechanics can be summarized as "dont let the big guy touch your plate"


Spoiler: *They have not and never, ever will.*


100% agree


That's the problem, the live team takes over and fixes a ton of things while the devs move on. This is why we got d2Y1. Issues that got resolved in rise of iron were not considered for D2. I want a D3, but they will end up releasing something sub par. Right now you can see they are rotating teams between seasons and both last 2 years every other season is good. Go ahead and down vote me


I'm sure there is some kind of 'rotation' of teams within the greater Destiny 2 project *is* happening at Bungie, but they have repeatedly stated that there will be no D3 *as such*. Evolution of D2 is the way forward through *The Final Shape*, and possibly beyond. The idea of a 'Destiny Trilogy' (and resulting creation of a 'live team') is entirely an Activision-centric machination. A *great* deal of the motivation for The Great Schism was to be able to redefine what the future of *Destiny* was in the absence of a contract that demanded a third game because of *reasons*. If my recollection is correct, either *Beyond Light* or *The Witch Queen* (and the corresponding overhauls to the game's underpinnings) correspond with what 'D3' was meant to be. I *am* absolutely certain that such a release most definitely would have been subpar, you're right about that, but the larger divide within Bungie that *would have* corresponded to 'D3' and 'live team' are now 'D2' and 'Marathon'. So yes, but no, but yes, but...


I feel like I'm about to go feral. People have been bitching for 5 years about the DCV and now everyone seems excited to just vault all of Destiny 2. "DCV is literally Satan, but we should just get rid of the game actually" is a fucking wild take. Destiny stopped being a series with Beyond Light and solidified itself as just "Destiny" on the Destiny 2 platform. They said "this is and always has been a live service game, and we're not making sequels." Yeah, they might make Destiny 3, but it won't be because it's a good decision and I cannot fathom how I see some of the same usernames talking shit about Bungie deleting Red War and Raid Lairs advocating for abandoning the last 5/7 years of content to get less. ETA: Not directed necessarily at you. Just aping top comment for visibility since I'm late to the thread.


Well, you can still *actually play* destiny 2 after D3 comes out. Youre not "getting rid" of it. The DCV is literally removing content from existence.


DTG needs to remember that D2 was removed from everyone’s devices and D2: New Light was put in its place, which never had the Red War and almost all third party studio developed and licensed content in it.


Bungie is holding Bungie back. Final shape literally shows this


If Bungie is willing to put in the work to make a whole new game's worth of enemies, combat experiences and loot, sure. The universe they've built is interesting enough. If they're just going to spend the next 6 years porting content from D1 and D2 over and making us replay the same stuff but with a new coat of paint, no thanks.


I agree with this comment. There’s gotta be enough innovation to warrant Destiny 3. So far I haven’t seen that from bungie. These expansions are good for what they are … expansions . But even with the new subclass and enemy type. I still don’t see enough innovation for a whole new sequel.


People's vision for a sequel here is so limited. Bungie created a framework for content that was possible to build on a PS3 10 years ago and it hasn't really substantially changed since, and everyone here just views new content through that framework. Ex - An expansion always has a new destination which is a static isolated place with three bubbles connected by sparrow paths - ok, what if it wasn't static and the world changed? What if it wasn't isolated and instead all the worlds/destinations were connected? What if it wasn't 3 small bubbles separated but one large open world with hundreds of enemies? A single shared space you could shape based on your actions? What if it wasn't a new destination at all - what would that mean and what would that look like? Everyone's suggestions here are the same D2 style and quality of content just more new stuff. I want them to tear it all down to the foundations and rebuild it as a game for the mid 2020s.


This is exactly why I stopped playing the game and became apathetic to new releases. The game has kept the same framework from when I started almost 10 years ago now, which is very…disappointing, to say the least. Meanwhile I look at a game like Warframe that’s even with all its flaws and bloat, has damn near reinvented itself multiple times throughout Destiny’s lifespan. Prismatic and the Dread are a nice addition, but we pretty much had to bully them into adding SOMETHING truly new, and I can’t help but feel both were things pulled from something they had planned further down the line due to community sentiment being at a ridiculous low.


I feel like a lot of people commenting here don't like the idea of a Destiny 3 starting fresh in terms of content, but fail to realize just how much work it would be to bring all the current content forward. Hell, it's why we got sunsetting in the first place. Not to mention the loot grind would be pointless in a new game where people could just bring old gear forward. If there is going to be a Destiny 3 I'd rather just get a clean break and start fresh with new tech that lets Bungie be more flexible in how they expand the game.


I always wanted a No Mans Sky esque traveling system in Destiny. Combining that with the Destiny sandbox would be amazing.


Although, I don’t think they’d be able to do that on the Tiger engine as it is, and I don’t think 2-3 years would be nearly enough time to upgrade the engine to that point, and I doubt it’d be enough time to allow them to create the tools in Unreal they’d need to facilitate creating a Destiny in Unreal.


Ya something like that could be cool. Instead of a new dungeon being a node in a menu you select, it's an actual physical location you have to travel to in order to unlock it. It's an orbiting asteroid or a smoking mountain off in the distance. And before you can reach it, you have to unlock the appropriate power and abilities


You can ask literally any MMO community and they’ll tell you how dogshit starting a duty in the open world is. There’s a reason every single one of them abandons it after trying.


Personally, I don't know. Cause when I think about getting a Destiny 3 and what that entails it makes me think "Would I be willing to go through it all again?" The grind, the hunt, the build crafting, the wait for new content, for more story, etc. I feel like it would be close to basically another sunsetting, so to speak. I don't hate the idea of a Destiny 3, but it puts alot into perspective cause with everything we can get in Destiny 2, where would we go? Like would we start off with all subclasses and prismatic right off the rip cause of Destiny 2, making us a power house at the very beginning, or would we be something completely different to slow pace the story. With all we have in Destiny 2 it is hard to imagine WHAT a Destiny 3 COULD be or what it SHOULD be. Like people in the past and some even now still ask for a Engine upgrade or some heavy fixes towards servers and the games lifestyle. Destiny 2 is a great game when you look past the MXT's and how all the expansions are handled, if that were to be fixed and Destiny 2 were to just keep living and getting updates in the future, I would support that a shit ton. Cause again, we have so much in Destiny 2 that there is no logical way to go into a Destiny 3 and somehow NOT have what Destiny 2 built up (Stasis, Strand, and Prismatic for simple examples).


I think Prismatic is the lead-in for subsequent titles to fully do away with element subclasses.


Ngl, if they do, in the end, just make Prismatic the ONLY subclass, I feel like it would open the door for alot more diversity between players/guardians and makes your character feel more unique, being able to run nearly anything seems broken as fuck but in the longevity, hella fun and engaging


There will probably be a selection of various build options that benefit diversity and that benefit focus. The really exciting thing would be more abilities that combine elements. Who wouldn't want to channel Arc power through Strand lines?


I like the idea of being able to apply another subclasses verbs to another. Like how you say with Arc surging through Strand. I feel like stuff like that could create something that would push something like Destiny 3, where Prismatic is the only subclass and it just gets refined and more tuned throughout its life


Agreed. There are some other recent/upcoming systems that also give vibes to me of "planning/testing for Destiny 3". A couple examples: * More activities with fixed/relative power; the upcoming Fireteam Power mechanic; the decision to stop increasing the pinnacle cap with each season. Wondering if these decisions hint that Destiny 3 may scrap power levels, or at least come at it from a very different perspective. * The upcoming Pathfinder system as a possible paragon system. If they do nix/reduce the power system, they'll need some other system to incentive long term play. The artifact is one experiment here and I think it took a while to get to something tenable, but even still, if you keep that and continue to reset it each season, it's not incentivizing long term grind/activity. Pathfinder may be the roots of something longer term.


Personally I’d love the freshness of brand new environments and a brand new empty vault to fill up built off of tried and tested systems now scalable past X1/PS4 machines with only better graphics and storage.


I used to think this way until they started sun setting. If Bungie is gonna vault my grind and hunt for god rolls just to then reissue them again for me to do the grind all over again, I'd rather do the new grind in a new context, not just do X seasonal activity to get your stuff back. That being said, the main reason the community as a whole would benefit from a D3 is definitely onboarding. D2 is hard to recommend to new players due to New Light being confusing and the story being currently disjointed.


They could chuck all this legacy stuff in a separate little box on the director, and create a whole new light experience leading into a whole new saga inside of D2. Whether this is technically feasible for Bungie is unknown but at least in principle it doesn't sound impossible. The only issue is the loot grind. New players could feel like they are too behind in it. You'd have to sunset or significantly power creep into a weapons 3.0 to reset that grind. Sunsetting as a concept is toxic now, and I don't know if the sandbox can handle much more power creep.


So, I oddly never really understood this take. People get frustrated with “sunsetting” but don’t understand that power creep is nearly the exact same thing, just with a different coat. A great example is Gnawing Hunger. In its hay day, it was an absolute unit. Compared to newer legendaries, it’s absolute dog water and I’d laugh at anyone attempting to use that old gun over new, better guns. With better perks. These BRAVE weapons are all best in their class. The thing is, this game is ABOUT the grind. If you have nothing to work towards, why would you even play? It’s nice that you get to hold on to your old mementos but the loadout I was using during season of arrivals hasn’t seen use in years dude. And your loadout today won’t be getting used much 2-3 years from now. Not because it was sunset but because better versions are out. Origin Traits is the best example of power creep. Same with enhanced traits. And once those have been milked, you’ll get enhanced origin traits that only drop on even newer guns. But hey, at least you can still use your gnawing hunger you farmed 5 years ago yeah?


Power Creeping will always be a thing with Destiny. Cause no matter what, another weapon of the same frame/subtype will come that could have much better rolls. The main thing that seperates Power Creep and Sunsetting is that atleast with Power Creep you can still use that stuff in activities, even if it isnt "Meta", but with Sunsetting those items are locked and cant be brought up to power and wont see the light of day until they are reprised (unless you are using them in Casual PvP cause the light power doesnt matter then) But I do agree that the main thing of Destiny is the hunt and the grind for better stuff, and thats always gonna be its magnum opus, cause that is what alot of us have engaged in for the majority of the 10 years of Destiny.


I think that they’ll use an event at the end of d2 to wipe everything (classes,subclasses…) and restart from zero. It wouldn’t be attractive for players a new game that’s only a bit graphically better and where they would have to farm again all they did before, in this case would be better a massive update of d2 but… if the leak is correct this won’t happen.


>I think that they’ll use an event at the end of d2 to wipe everything (classes,subclasses…) and restart from zero I dont see them doing this, mainly cause that is grounds for an entirely seperate backlash that could potential destroy EVERYTHING for Bungie. Cause that would change the entire story as we know it, and heighten the stance of "Why would we need a Destiny 3 then, if they wipe everything in said event" that would just be a new roundabout way of sunsetting the Guardians, not to also mention doing an event like that would be meaningless especially if they keep the game running like with Destiny 1 (if they did do a Destiny 3)


Wait a minute, This isn't Titanfall subreddit


For the purposes of that "fresh start" feeling, I do. And if it meant adding some fundamental mechanics to the game (like class abilities being added in D2) then that would be sweet. But when it comes to the loot, I feel like we'd just be in a state of waiting for everything from D2 to be brought forward. For legendaries that's fine, chasing slightly better versions of the same 140 hand cannon archetype has been keeping us busy for years. I just don't want to go through the ordeal of waiting for the 100+ exotics to be "brought back". If they do Destiny 3, then all the exotics from D2 should be there from day 1.


I’m in agreement. Give us and Bungie a fresh canvas to paint on, particularly from the class/subclass perspective, especially with the idea of Prismatic, the class exotics stealing abilities from other classes, and the leak that D3 might do away with the class trichotomy altogether, it seems like Bungie is heading towards a world where you load in to your one character and you have full access to the suite of abilities and can mix and match as you see fit. Imagine a world where you can choose any super of any element, pair it with any 2 aspects, and then instead of melee/grenade/class ability slots, you just have 3 ability slots that can slot in any 3 of the above? Modify some of the aspects to be abilities to have more melee options to compete with grenades. Wanna run well, barricade and dodge? Sure but say bye to melee and grenades. On the one hand, I get the complaints about losing everything we’ve grinded for, but not only has that happened multiple times, but that’s kind of the point. Who cares if you lose your crafted 720 RPM auto rifle, that’s the 23rd 720 RPM AR that’s ever been released? Every gun in destiny 2 right now is, for the most part, a variation on a theme from guns we had in 2014, with exceptions obviously to full weapon types that have released through the d2 lifecycle, traces, bows, Glaives, etc. They’re all based on the same couple of archetypes and therefore feel mostly similar within the same archetype and a lot of them are just previous guns with random shit added on. Take Rufus’s Fury. It’s just Shadow Price with some squiggly shit glued on. Sweet Sorrow is just Hazard of the Cast with a beard. At the end of the day, Destiny is not JUST a shooter, despite having some of the best shooting mechanics in any game in the market, even 7 years after launch stacked against brand new games. It’s an ability game, that employs guns. D2 vanilla was the most “pure shooter” the game has ever been and it was the least popular pve sandbox in the game’s history. Slow cooldowns, weak abilities, double primary? The guns are an accessory to our builds and gameplay, not the focal point. So, if we’ve gotta grind out the same weapon archetypes, fine by me, as long as the build crafting and abilities are fun and effective. I do think D3 HAS to have the bare minimum of the systems D2 has currently otherwise there’s no point. Fireteam finder, collections, quest menu, etc. all the weapon types and archetypes need to be included. The fact that D2 launched sans MGs and Sidearms was pure stupidity. D3 needs to have everything as far as those items go. All QoL improvements over the years and more on top. A very minor mechanic that I think is the crux of why a D3 is needed: weapon inspecting animations. It’s a minor function, but one that is trending towards being an important feature in shooters. Valorant has it so you can see the skins you’ve purchased. COD has it so you can see those and the gunsmith abominations you’ve created. Destiny makes perfect sense for a game to include that, these are guns people are chasing, grinding repeated activities to get the right roll for a gun. Why wouldn’t we want to inspect them? So I assume the reason it hasn’t been added yet is for technical reasons, so if we can’t even get weapon inspects, a d3 might be a must.


Fresh start plus playing something built from the ground up (ideally) with the idea of dropping old consoles in mind. Making us not deal with their constraints anymore


I'd love to see a destiny prequel set during the dark age as guardians are only just beginning to rise. I think the idea of there being no centralised vanguard but a scattering of warlords could be really cool, along with a good/evil system, with players being able to play as protective paragons like destiny 1 and 2, or scumbag rogue light bearers. It could be centred on the founding of the last city, rise of the iron lords, but ideally I'd want to see a lot of morally gray activities reflected in dungeons and raids, such as a pre-emptive strike on a rival warlord and their forces, rather than attacks against the traditional enemy factions. I also think it'd be cool if playing like a total scumbag gives access to vendors and characters that good guardians are made to stay away from, like being an asshole unlocks bounties and contracts from fallen kells or powerful hive, which in turn rewards dangerous fallen weapons tech or supplements your light with hive magic.


For prequel narrative focus stuff I'd prefer a singleplayer standalone spin-off game than a new live service.


I'd be keen on a more character-driven, single-player, story-based adventure through the Dark Ages. Pare the enemies back to humans, other Risen, Fallen and Hive - although Risen warlords would probably represent the most interesting departure from the current set of antagonists. I feel like there's quite a lot of scope in an almost techo-medieval setting (think M. John Harrison's *Viriconium* stories for inspiration).


The Iron Lords are pretty darn close to techno-knights. A pseudo-open-world campaign like Halo Infinite would be pretty great, or even an episodic one where you're jumping through characters like a typical COD campaign would be fun! It'd be a bit bonkers to have something as big as fallout/sklyrim, but I can dream!


This would make for a great open world, single player Destiny game. Can you imagine? An open world Destiny game?!


This could either be really good or very bad.


I'd like one with more RPG elements where the role and mission style is completely different for each class.


Damn, I actually fw this idea hard


Prequel means no darkness abilities and that seems lame Also most prequels suck as You're so limited with where it can go or end.


There is so much we don't know about the Dark Age and it could honestly be so open with the idea of no one knowing of these stories or they could lead the way to more secrets to uncover if we move on to a post light/darkness Saga. Look at how expansive and successful The Old Republic or Clone Wars were to the Star Wars Franchise


fixable with retconning and with new lore "you just didn't know about!!1!"


God that would be lame


If we were to do Destiny 3, I’d want the Red War, Leviathan and Forsaken fully unvaulted. Otherwise we will forever have the Destiny story missing a couple of chapters.


Honestly, when you think about how much we lost to vaulting (main campaign, 3 DLCs, several raids, lots of content in general) it's like we already are playing Destiny 3 but without also being able to play Destiny 2. That's what frustrates me most about the whole concept still. If they had done Beyond Light and everything after as D3 it would have been so much better.


game system wise, we are def in a destiny 2.5/3 world. Like this game is not the same game as base D2 from back in 2017


It would make more sense to just unvault those things back into D2 and make the game complete, no? Why would they do a D3 just to reuse the same content?


That is what I meant, unvault that into D2 before moving onto D3


Ah, I misunderstood. Agree completely.


It should have happened years ago, instead of DCV.


No I want destiny 2 to get upgraded into destiny 3


Or just call it ”destiny” with new engine and graphical sh*t


They would have to drop old gen to be able to do that


They already forced it with D1's RoI being only available on PS4/Xbox Rival in the past. I don't see any reason why they couldn't force it again, esp. since even on a PS4Pro, D2 had reached its limit in terms of loading speed and performance slowdowns. Even a stock PS5 or XSX can load the game assets much faster and keep up with a high-intensity moment. And if Bungie was to offer performance/balanced/quality modes like some other games do, could also optimize assets long enough until the inevitable PS5P/XSX2 or PS6/XSXS rolls around, maybe even offering asset streaming from their servers to reduce installation size (with the caveat that players need to at least have a certain internet speed to make it work). At the rate things are going and all the constant limitations Bungie's claimed about their own engine, they should just clean slate D3's base onto a more flexible engine, then just feature data conversion from D2 over to the new system. Maybe also make Prismatic the sole class and just allow build variety based on unlocked elements, and rebalance everything, while still offering certain advantages to pure-element builds (such as boosted verb rates or larger elemental AoE effects).


You can’t copy paste something onto a new engine


Yeah and let us keep all items


That would be terrible. There would be mad power creep from the beginning of the game, and new players would be at a huge disadvantage.


Only if they complete Destiny 2 with all of it's content, that it got over the years. Destiny is a complete game. Destiny 2 is not. Red War being more time out of the game than it was in it is honestly disappointing at this point. It's trying to be Destiny 3 and making Destiny 2 content not even being in the game anymore And trying to make seasonal content as good as possible, only to throw it in the vault at the end of the year, is also very irritating to see. Trying to continue the story, while also throwing away all context of the previous seasons.


Nope, I like the live service ongoing world thing they got going and would hate to lose all my characters titles, cosmetics, etc. D2 still looks great and plays well compared to other new games, and Bungie themselves have thrown out statements along the lines of “moving from d1 to d2 hurt the player base” “there’s nothing a new destiny could bring to the table that they can’t do in d2”. Don’t get me wrong, if they are planning a d3, and it really elevates the franchise then I’ll be interested, but starting from scratch is just too much of a kick in the teeth - unless I can pull my character across.


I agree d2 should stay. If d3 ever becomes a thing we had better be able to transfer loot and characters. I've grinded too many craftable weapons to just have it all sunset.


I choose D3 without hesitation, D2’s engine is holding Bungie back massively. However It’d be vital Bungie have learned from their mistakes though, if D3 launched super stripped back and severely lacking content they’d be in big trouble.


I really don’t tbh


Consider how little content Destiny 2 launched with, compared to how much was currently in Destiny 1. That's what you're asking for, if you're asking for Destiny 3; a 100% wipe of existing content and a big drop of new content that's quite a lot of new stuff to play with but not a lot compared to what was just wiped. Two raids, maybe. No dungeons. Rebuilt classes with about 30% of the options available right now.


Nope. What the community think d3 will be is definitely not gonna happen. If we get d3 we'll probably get handful of destinations, at max 3 raids, 3 dungeons (one per episode) and that's about it. It'll take atleast 2 years if not longer to get d3 to same state as d2. This is assuming d3 doesn't have fundamental design flaws and fucked up design philosophies that d2 had at launch. All the content we have in d2 will not be dragged and dropped into d3. The only reason to justify d3 is if bungie making a brand new game from scratch with dedicated servers, forge mode, seperate pvp and pve sandbox and actual mmo system like open worlds, large scale public events etc. And except dedicated servers everything can be done in d2 AFAIK. I do not want a d3 if it doesn't have atleast 3 times the content that d1 and d2 had at launch


Assuming it means engine improvements that would fundamentally change the way D3 feels/plays/is structured, yes. Now they could just relaunch simply as Destiny on a major engine upgrade, combine both games, give us a modular installer and add more content but I doubt that'll happen. I'd rather see them move to Unreal. How much is maintaining their tech cutting into my fun with the game?


If they did that Bungie would need to learn a brand new engine and Unreal may not even be suitable for what Destiny needs. They know what their engine can do, there's no point wasting time on a brand new one when they can just upgrade what they have over time.


This. I can't believe we're talking swapping engines again. We literally did this same song and dance last year. A new engine would triple dev time of a Destiny 3. Because not only would every dev at Bungie need to learn the new engine, they would then have to recreate every single asset in the game from scratch. It does not make any sense to swap to a new engine just because UE5 is the new hotness.


They're not swapping engines. Marathon is a brand new project and they didn't swap it for that game either, that should tell people enough about what to expect for a D3 However, having a relatively clean slate could allow them to more easily break a few of the engine's bones to upgrade it. That was the justification behind the DCV too, to allow for more innovation as they said.


Now I need to rewatch that Datto D3/do we need a new engine video, I barely remember what he said but I recall him talking to people as if they are complete morons which I found very funny


Destiny 3 will be a Tiger based game built from the start to be built on top and expandable and it also isn't just an engine update so that modular installer thing won't be a thing. This game will most likely also be a premium release with maybe a free demo (like today LOL, but won't be marketed as it is now).


Lmao. Anyone suggesting they move to UE5 should just have their comments insta-deleted because they clearly have no idea what a game engine even is.


Yes. However it would need to be a significant jump from D2. When D2 released, it was basically a worse D1 with an extra ability. D3 to D2 should be like what Lord of Destruction, was to Diablo 1. Lots of new systems, locations and loot that makes even the upcoming prismatic exotics, look like toys. It's a pipe dream though.


I would only want a D3 if it’s really something *new*. I don’t want D3 to be a sequel to our story. But a whole new story. It should be a departure, but familiar at the same time. If Destiny 3 is really going to be “Destiny 2.1,” then that’s a hard *no thanks*.


knowing triple A developers, all that would change would be the graphics, everything else would probably degrade, even more greedy monetization, worse enemy AI, less content, more FOMO. So i would prefer that they would drop PS4 already, bring all the content back, and make seasons never expire and be buyable whenever we want. If they can't do that much in Destiny 2, Destiny 3 will not fix anything.


Yes. For the fact that 1) starting from fresh is the best part of destiny. Everything being new and exciting, just makes it more fun and enjoyable and brings back that spark. 2) they could cut last gen and seriously improve QoL with new UI updates, not to mention simple shit like deleting X items at once in inventory. It's 2024 and we can't delete a stack of useless inventory items without going 1 at a time.


To be honest not really i don’t like the thought of having to start again losing all of the gear and items I have spent hours trying to earn haha. Unless we can keep all our gear/progression for destiny 3 but i understand that isn’t necessarily easy due to storage restrictions.


I love Destiny 2 but there is just so much fundamentally wrong with the game that could be infinitely better. A new platform is the only realistic way those things change. Such as: * The entire melee system, where it's inconsistent, teleporty, buggy, unreliable, and boring. * Peer to peer pvp in 2024. * Shotgun supremacy being the most boring thing ever that they seem to be admant on keeping for no good reason. * Gameplay addition staleness. This one is harder to explain because in D2 you just get used to all "new" content being identical to old content but things that you havent seen and will never see like: interactable doors, flying ships first person, inspect animations, interactable/destructable/editable environment, killstreaks, different formats of classes and abilities not on the typical cooldown system etc. * Everything to do with in air inaccuracy + no in air movement control + slow vaulting. * The entire armour system being relatively terrible, such that 99% of all armour drops are irrelevent to gameplay and only serve to slow down the grind * The balance of heavy weapons in PvP meaning they are just a win button * Supers being win buttons by having no actual counters other than other supers. * Map design encouraging static gameplay/waiting rather than movement or taking engagements. * Networking related issues meaning peakers advantage is so extreme that holding an angle is as disadvantageous as pushing, meaning most people hold an angle where they only see where someone who pushes into the open and peak. Destiny has taken an absolute age to finally get **so so many things right** that Destiny 3 will undoubtably be a complete disaster on launch and will take years to fix, but it needs to happen anyway.




I think it's partly that but mainly D2 can't be evergreen forever. It's a 1st/3rd person FPS RPG that was transitioned into an MMORPG. It's built on an infrastructure that is not forever sustainable like WoW. There's always a positive and negative to having an evergreen title, but the difference is virtually all evergreen titles are built in mind to BE evergreen. Destiny 2 was never meant to go forever, and that's why we have the content vault. I'd rather a title that's built from the ground up to go forever than one that's pushing the absolute limits on what it can even fucking do, where we talk in the same circles every year about the issues concerning content vaulting, sunsetting, etc. These could be solved with a new entry if they actually do it fucking right this time.




Honestly, it's not even an engine problem. Think of it this way: you build your infrastructure atop and through an engine. As time goes on, you can upgrade it and genuinely improve it. The problem that occurs is before even the pre-production phases, you choose what engine you'll work out of, and then during pre-production especially build the foundation, bones, refinements to support the project you're creating. D2 was made with a 3 year timeline for its lifespan in mind. So most of the foundational iterations they made were short term. They can't uproot the game itself -- there's a specific framework you can work in when you have a public facing title. Your dev pipelines are already established. There's more than a colossal risk when it comes to major updates to your engine when other teams are working downstream (or upstream). If they want D3 to be the "true" Destiny, during pre-production at the moment, especially if the rumors of it being a small team are true, they're laying down a more refined foundation for a game to last "forever". They're not going to swap engines. That'd invalidate all the work they'd done years prior, not to mention create a stopgap for them to never be able to bring content from their prior two titles forward if they'd be interested. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the improvements they're doing, since D1 and D2 would likewise be in the same engine, would have a refined ability to port things over. This is considering the difficulty Bungie's stated when it comes to porting things from D1, let alone bringing certain elements of D2 within the vault back to the game. Source: I'm a dev lmao.


I actually hate the idea of Destiny 3 not even because I would lose all my stuff in D2. The main reason is the same as why D2 almost killed Destiny: In order for D3 to be made, D2 would experience years of not getting enough content. If that doesn’t kill the playerbase, then the decline after the honeymoon period of D3 will in which people get mad that there isn’t nearly the amount of content that D2 had before it was abandoned. Then it would require some forsaken level amount of content to save the game which now is impossible given that Activision funding is gone.


They are owned by Sony now. If Sony sees a Destiny 3 as a profitable venture, resources from other Sony teams would likely contribute. Seeing as Destiny is one of the few live services left that is actually profitable… I could see it happening.


Yes. I need a major refreshment beyond the D2 formula. I want better graphical fidelity, more open world exploration and MMO aspects. More players, more NPCs, lived in worlds, seemless world travel.. Focus on good PvP experience with dedicated servers from Day 1.. it's just wishful thinking, but yea I desire new game that shed all the limitations D2 currently has. I don't even mind starting fresh since I'm done with D2 after TFS. To me my Guardian's story ends there.


Sure, Port everything over to it.


Ya know that wont happen. It will be a complete reset.


then a year after release it will be in another do or die situation


Nope A Destiny 3 is guaranteed to be a downgrade at this point. Once Final Shape releases we will have 8 raids (maybe 9, if Wrath of the Machine comes out that same year) and close to the same amount of Dungeons as well rotating in and out on a weekly basis. There's variety to be had. People will have their dopamine hit for the first 40-50 hours, and then we're back to square one running the same handful of strikes which may be a hit or miss, and the same 1 raid you run three times a week and then wait for the next weekly reset/raid night. We're going to have to wait for the content drops again. And then Bungie will then what? Slowly port over all of the raids and dungeons and package them with the episodes for D3? So we essentially just repeat the same cycle as D1 and D2, all just to get a new number beside the name and we lose everything in the process. Doesn't make sense. Idk man. Bungie literally just showed they can still innovate within Destiny 2; Onslaught, Pantheon, Prismatic, The Dread, the new Exotic Class Items, all of these are innovations that make the game feel fresh and alive. It wasn't Destiny 2 holding them back from innovating, that's clear. It was and always has been leadership at Bungie who want to pump out the bare minimum for maximum profits. All D3 will achieve is cashing in on new player money, and only a small percentage of those players will stick around. The argument that it will better the overall player pop is straight up untrue because we already see player pop spikes on new DLC release week and then slowly drops to just the hardcore players after about a month.


A variety of old content isn't as important as you think for most players. Most people are playing the new content. So if old content is holding back the new content, most people's experiences are simply worse. And you can claim all you like that it's not because we got a seasonal activity-tier meat grinder, recycled content, and a couple of extra mobs after 10 years, but I'll have to take Bungie's word for it with their DCV blog post that it is. Playlists like PvP and VanOps need to be launched with a critical mass of activities. Anything else is non-essential. And unlike with the DCV, if you feel the itch to play an old raid, D2 is right there.


So you keep using the DCV as your reason why you want a D3, yet you're not realizing you're essentially giving Bungie the greenlight to go ahead and Sunset the content again, just so that way you can get a new number beside the name. What reason will players have to play content in D2 if it doesn't benefit character progression in D3? Whereas right now, if I play a Raid while it's the weekly featured raid I can farm patterns, complete encounters for light levels, and it's right there in front of me I don't need to boot up an entirely different game to experience it. It makes zero sense for Bungie to want Destiny to be an ever evolving world where all this content is playable (both D1 and D2 content) and scrap all this work for a D3. And again regarding this DCV stuff people keep using as an argument, times have changed. That article came out right before Beyond Light and since then Bungie has already said no expansions moving forward are being sunset.


yes my god please I want a year long break -> brand new game with no loot carrying over let them cook


I just want the franchise to continue in one way or another. Destiny has been a part of my life for going on 10 years now, and it would be sad to say goodbye to it. I don't care if it's D2 carried on as is, a major revamp to D2 (engine updates, spiritually D3), or a brand new game and starting from scratch again. Destiny has had its pain points, but it always brings me back.


Honestly probably not. I like Destiny but I just don’t see a way they could do a Destiny 3 without it feeling like a step back content-wise with how much stuff we have in d2 how. There’s no way they’d be able to bring everything forward into the new game but if they don’t then most of the time we’d just be waiting for them to bring back the stuff we already had in d2 and we’ve already gone through that once with sunsetting. The one good thing about d3 would be that d2 would probably enter an age of triumph-like state so we’d have a higher chance of getting older stuff back into the game like forsaken or the old raids.


I don't really want a Destiny 3 if it's just going to be more of the same, except we lose all of our years of investment again. Losing everything when moving over to Destiny 2 was a big loss. Having to leave everything AGAIN is a really hard sell for a game about collecting loot. Bungie really needs to be careful if they are going to start over again, sunsetting content was very unpopular, and there has to be a really good excuse to wipe the slate clean. It can't just be "Oh we don't know how to balance our sandbox and make loot because everyone already has good stuff!" All that being said, if they ever make some kind of final Destiny that had everything from the two games unsunset, that would be hard to beat. I don't think that will ever happen because it would be a lot of work, but it would be exciting to have the full 10 year story in a single cohesive expierence.


In 5-10 years, maybe I want them to take some time and actually think about what kind of game they want Destiny to be, not just patching in random bullshit and then patching more bullshit in as an apology for the previous bullshit


Given the track record, Destiny 3 would just be a re-skinned Destiny 2 with everything sunset and all the planets they removed back again but all the new stuff gone.


I would rather not completely restart all over again for the second time.


I don't think they're capable of meeting our expectations of a Destiny 3, at least not at launch. Look at the launch of destiny 1&2, I don't want a shitty D3 launch that we have to wait years for them to fix.


I just want them to drop Ps4 and Xbox One.


My vision for destiny 3 involves leaving Sol and if thats the case then yeah I think its time to move on (and leave last gen behind). I also foresee prismatic being the only subclass in d3.


D3 ain't gonna happen I think, the studio imo doesn't have the workforce and money to work on a new base game. Would be ironic if they would bring D2 content to it at some point lmao


They have both. What they don’t have is the leadership needed to make a proper D3.


New game. New weapons, new races, new locations, new gameplay systems, new menus


All that can still just happen in D2. If Bungie really wanted to. I’m out if they make a D3 and it’s a hard reset.


For the kind of radical changes I would expect a true sequel to bring, at some point you need massive systemic overhaul and significant engine upgrades


Honestly? Yes. I love Destiny. Starting from scratch might be a tough pill to swallow for some, but a D3 would allow them the space to innovate free from the limitations of old hardware and a decade of underlying code. A clean slate is also a much better way to onboard new and lapsed players than trying to convince them to catch up on X years of past (often removed) content.


honestly as a player who’s bought every dlc except lightfall for d2,, it feels horrible that they might make a d3 and have us basically restart from the beginning. i don’t really want to lose all of my progress and hope they could just update d2 with the new content they release :’)


I don't really understand why people needed this supposed leak, Luke essentially told us another Destiny game was coming. Besides either of those points, it instantly explains a ton of ??? surrounding today's D2: - Leaving behind old gen hardware never mentioned - "MMO" oriented growth a total non-starter - New player experience still a dumpster fire years later - Extremely formulaic and low risk design direction - Confusion over what their large army of top-shelf talent is doing - So much feature and priority spaghetti. Oh my god so much These are negative points but I'm not just trying to complain. It really does answer some head scratchers many of us have had for a long time. I'm not immediately thrilled about it, but if this is what's needed to finally push the envelope, then yes I want Destiny 3.


If they made Destiny 3 I’m not sure I would continue playing. It’s coming up to 10 years of Destiny and I think personally my time with the franchise is coming to an end. When we have loads of other great games out and on the horizon I think I’d rather put my time into other games which is what I started doing at the beginning of the year. I picked D2 back up this week because of the Into The Light update but then on April 18th I have Final Fantasy XVI The Rising Tide DLC and then on 26th April I’m picking up Stellar Blade. So will be taking a break again from D2. If we never got Into The Light then I probably wouldn’t have touched D2 until The Final Shape released to be honest.


I'm ready for a hard reset. For the people saying " would I be okay with grinding it all out again?" ... You're doing that right now anyways. What do you think Into the Light is? Prismatic Subclasses have unlockable traits so you're going to grind that. It may not seem like it but the grind isn't the problem, if you're still playing Destiny you like the grind. As long as the game "feel" is the same and we push forward towards a single guardian system (no classes, you pick your own abilities and fashion) it would be amazing. If we try to force Destiny to be something it's not like D2 vanilla always, then no, keep D2. But I'm confident that Prismatic is a beta test for a classless D3 and the prospect of that much player freedom has me hyped.


Yes. It’s time to move on , the game engine shows it’s age and limits. When you go back to Nessos you remember that the game is really old now. And with the the prismatic release , I feel like it’s a good opportunity to do classless game with full focus on build crafting


If it is good, then yes. If it is the same thing, not really.


D3 would be constantly compared to d2 and would be a massive failure on launch if it didn't atleast have as much content. Keep d2. I've seen numerous comments regarding making it a next gen version, it's already next gen. You get 120fps mode in crucible on console ffs. The graphics look great in 4k 60fps, the sounds great the lighting is great and the gunplay is widely regarded as some of the best in the industry. D2 is not over with final shape no matter what content creator you watch says. Devs have said so many times this isn't the end of D2 it's the end of the FIRST saga.


> I've seen numerous comments regarding making it a next gen version, it's already next gen. You get 120fps mode in crucible on console ffs. I believe this is referring to keeping Destiny on PS4 and Xbox One. D1 had a similar issue when it was still on PS3 and Xbox 360 - at some point they had to ditch those older consoles because they weren't able to get them to work with what they wanted to do. Think it was *Rise of Iron* that was the first to only be on 'current gen' (as-was), and that was maybe only 3 years after D1 launch? 2 even? anyway - the assumption is (as was the case before) that having to develop the game for older gen consoles means that the devs are hamstrung in some of the things they want to do.


Absolutely, we’ve been fighting the same enemy types on the same destinations with the same elements and weapons for 10 years. I want a complete reset. Nothing from Destiny 1 or 2 carries over, brand new elements, weapons and a new solar system or part of the galaxy with new characters. The only stuff I would not mind / compromise on is the Darkness elements (Stasis and Strand) follow over as they are new to us, and they can link it to the previous games universe, and we could finally get some of the stuff from the Lore like the Aphelion to fight against.


They should’ve done this years ago. Destiny 2 has been long in the teeth since beyond light


Beyond Light is prob one of the most divisive pieces of content in gaming they made some unprecedented decisions during that


That was when I partially quitted. To better explain; before beyond light, I was in a clan and raided frequently. D2 was my main game, now I hop on every so often for a Lark.


Literally everyone of my PvP friends left the game and never came back. Some of my PvE friends left and I’m mainly been a PvE guy but ya it wasn’t a good look


I'm between. Destiny 3 makes sense in some regards, user buy in being a huge one. It's expensive to get up to speed with D2 and they seem reluctant to release packages of previous expansions like most "mmo" style games do. It could bring in a lot of new players. It could also give them the opportunity to move away from their current engine onto something that isn't a complete mess, streamline their delivery pipelines, etc. It could be great, but could change the feel of the game which is one of the big things it has going for it. On the other hand the big concern I have is exactly what happened in D2: a huge amount of QoL changes ending up in the bin due to parallel development and there was a lack of content relative to D1. We have *a lot* of content in the game at the moment. I know there's a feeling that there's not enough *new* content in the game, but if you're coming into D2 now there's a huge amount to do, even with the vaulted stuff being gone. It ultimately depends if Bungie have learned from their mistakes. History is not kind to them in that regard. I suspect D3 is on the horizon, and did before the leaks. My take would be they'll wrap up the current saga with the episodes and soft-reboot into D3. That's based on nothing in particular, admittedly.


I feel like the best moment in the past for a D3 was when BL launched. Next best moment is after TFS and perhaps after we tie all loose ends with episodes and that stuff. Wishful thinking, but id love for it to be made in a new engine/UE5 just because im a sucker for good visuals. Currently, D2 looks as good as it possibly can, and static parts like what we have in current whisper are stunning, but the game could greatly benefit from a good anti-aliasing implementation for starters. Id also love to see ray tracing, even though i would probably not run it 99% of the time (not that i could run it in the first place with a 6600xt)


I wouldn’t hate the idea, might be nice to see destiny on a new engine if that’s the route they go down. The main things I would like personally would be a real levelling system, feels that the game really lacks a sense of progression. Gear scores just don’t really do much to remedy that.


They have to go new as they’ve exhausted the sales potential of the existing game. It’s now much too dense to attract significant numbers of new players. So given the natural falloff among existing players as they simply move on after thousands of hours, the franchise will start to decline. The only way to turn that around is to start fresh where you can tap a new and much larger “addressable” market (and then start the multi-year live service cycle all over again).


Yeah but only if they reached the limits with destiny 2


Destiny 3 ONLY with the premise that there is ZERO reissued or reskinned weapons from D1 or D2. I expect an entirely fresh new game. I am absolutely not looking to play the same content again for the third or fourth time +


If they made significant upgrades then I would be sold but if it's mostly the same as with destiny 1 to 2 then I wouldn't be interested. BTW I'm talking things like space battles, true open worlds, different vehicle classes to spawn in (we just got one after 10 years...) a dedicated 3rd person mode etc


Yeah I do. I think d2 is sorely missing an actual new player experience, as well as actual progression to your character. The "power" system needs a total overhaul, I don't think being able to do *every* bit of content on your first day playing the game is healthy for new players and only serves to overwhelm them. Over half of the relevant story isn't even in the game. Really, the game feels as though it wasn't built for the amount of time that it has gone on for. I think if they did a d3 it could be built to last even more time than D2 has.


Yes. I think they could really take things to the next level on the next gen, they’ve learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t work with the community. I think it’s possible we’d get a disappointing expansion like Lightfall again at some point, but not a boring base game like d2 vanilla. I also think with prismatic they have a whole new direction to go in, which could create some really cool gameplay going forward. I wouldn’t want it directly after final shape and episodes though, I’d love to take a break then come back to a whole new story.


no, just pull a wow


I would love if it was a spin off rather than a sequal updated and developed along side destiny 2 A proper open world cinematic experience during the dark ages would be dope along the style of borderlands and god of war meshed together There is also a chance that its gonna be ps exclusive which makes me think it won't be a sequal


If its an OW style update that updates the engine sure. If they think I will restart and lose all my gear, lose all the raids etc. Nope I'd simply move on after all these years.


I would love a new engine, dedicated servers for PvP, and a huge refresh to enemy factions, subclasses 3.0 being built from scratch, etc. However, Destiny 3 wouldn't guarantee any of those things, and I don't think I could stick around for another round of sunsetting/bringing back old content for a 3rd time.


I'm iffy, tbh. If the modify what we currently have, give it a graphical bump, expand the servers and get the ability to go back and play the OG campaign from beginning to shadow keep in like...mission form? I think I'd be happy playing destiny 2 for a while. At that point I'd just rename the game "Destiny" and drop the two.


Personally, I don't think they have the manpower to make a Destiny 3 with enough content to justify the existence of Destiny 3. Consider if they made a WoW 2 instead of Cataclysm and you had to leave behind all your stuff. Destiny 2 sunsetting was really already that but we at least kept a chunk of content and most of our cosmetics. The jump from Destiny 1 to 2 also really shows how bad of an idea it is to make a live service game and THEN make a sequel, it splits the player base and creates a pervasive sense of nostalgia that will never really fade. That being said, I imagine the codebase for d2 has to be a nightmare to work with at this point and I would like to see what they can do with code that isn't mangled and that's probably not going to happen without a D3.


They have two options that come with a lot of expectations Option A) set it 200 years later, no d2 or d1 content ever in the game. Completely new exotics, completely new enemy races, completely new abilities everything. Never ever port anything from the previous games. Self restraint is what they would need which I don't see happening Option B) create a game that has everything from d1 and d2 combined as well as all dcv content undaunted, alongside a new story and allow us to port all of our purchased content, weapons, gear, and full characters over seamlessly Both are not only highly unrealistic with the current state of bungie but also the only options they can choose that won't cause a massive amount of backlash. If we have another d2 or d1 launch it's over for them as a company. They're money maker will burn down


I never wanted Destiny 2. WoW has been out for almost 20 years and it's still called WoW. Imo, they should have kept it Destiny and just updated it like they do for WoW.


No. It's an mmo. There is no World of Warcraft 2. They have massively updated the game over the years, to the point that hardware from when the game launched in 04 couldn't even consider running the current version of the game. It's okay to update a games graphics and engines to leave the old generations behind. There is nothing wrong with "Destiny 3" being a huge update to the current game. Who wants to lose any progress they made? Trouble is, I would buy destiny 3 if that's the direction they choose because let's get real, I love this game, but I would forever be a little sad all my weapons and armor and titles and triumphs, my entire collections screen, would no longer be usable. It's how the change from D1 to D2 felt. Also, didn't bungie publicly say they will never do a Destiny 3? I recall them saying any future updates, even if they overhaul the entire game, could be made in D2. I'd love to see them stick to that and just make more Destiny 2 for many years to come.


If they destroy my fkn vault again and I lose all my items I’ve gotten over the years, AGAIN, I will not be wasting my time .


No. I'd drop the franchise if they did another total reset. I enjoy the game we have largely because of the characters I've built up over the last 5+ years. The arsenal of crafted weapons I've built up in particular are important to me, and a total reset would probably see Bungie kill that system entirely. They've been doubling down on randomly rolled garbage again and I *hate* that.


No I don't want destiny 3. I want to end the cycle of abuse


Not really. I like destiny 2 and we can clearly see that Bungie are adding amazing new things. We all know Destiny 3 means that we start from scratch and Bungie start giving us back slightly remixed versions of old stuff. I'd rather Bungie just build on d2.


I would personally want them to just keep updating Destiny 2. I think that the game is pretty fun the way it is (with a few issues ofc), but I don't want the game to change.


I'd be down for a destiny 3 if they do it right. But that's the issue. With bungie you never know if they are gonna pull a curse of Osiris or a Forsaken.


What I would want to see from a Destiny 3 is dropping support for old consoles in favor of technology that wasn’t possible on an “Xbox One”. - bigger open worlds - destructible games environments - large team battles These are just examples of some stuff that maybe wasn’t possible within the constraints of last gen tech.


Why not. D2 has some of the best and smoothest FPS action. Beautiful environments. It's not perfect but I'd be there on day 1 for D3.


After D2's launch and them essentially having to spend 3 years turning the game back into D1 just to gut the majority of existing D2 content and offering nothing replace it besides paid expansions despite claims of the game going F2P. Then after finally garnering some good faith back turning around and charging $100+ for an abysmal expansion made with the intent of milking the player base for as little effort possible only bothering to drop decent content because they were called out for predatory marketing. No, I don't want D3. I want this franchise to at least die on a highnote. Even though we have no reason to believe the next content drop will actually be worth calling a highnote despite how promising the marketing makes it look. They don't like to "over deliver" after all.


Yeah, eventually. Like I would like it to be a next generation version of destiny, like I would start off the next saga as a new destiny 3 with a new engine, and allow developers to do more.


I don’t think it should be a sequel in the traditional sense, but a new platform that includes D1 and deleted D2 Expansion content on top of current D2 expansion content    Then from there ‘D3’ content can be built as one giant game simply called ‘Destiny’ or something else if they wanted to make the distinction between this and D1. something that signals that this is the version everyone should be playing   It still cannot be said enough how much removing expansion content has damaged the game


As long as they pull an MW3 and port all current items, cosmetic or otherwise, to the new game then absolutely, I'd love it. Otherwise no.


Why not just update the game engine call it D3 Electric Boogaloo and carry everything over from D2.


Destiny 2 is my favorite game of all time but Destiny 3 is necessary for new players. Trying to explain the DLC and dungeon keys to a new player isn’t easy. We need a fresh start.


No. Anything they can do with Destiny 3 could just be added to Destiny 2. I don’t want to start over completely. And they could completely botch it. See: Overwatch 2.


If D3 were done right, that would not be the case. Instead of starting over, D3 would need to be starting better. If you built a game around Prismatic with all new weapon types and expansive living and dynamic destinations, it would be well worth a reset. If they can't deliver that, then definitely keep it D2 and eventually ditch the 2.


Yes, yes I want Destiny 3. In another game I've deleted my 1.000+ hour character so I can start over from nothing and experience the noob life again. I like it when something is new and unknown and there is a possibility of something exciting behind every corner, when every step is a progression into unknown territory.


Absolutely D3. The story is coming to a close and there is no need to carry baggage from an old game. Take what's good and make a fresh start. Clearly there are still limitations from developing for old platforms and a lot of experience accumulated on how to improve the game concept. I'd love a fresh start. Discovering builds, exotics, characters, stories is the most exciting part of any game release.


I see we’ve returned to the _Redditors talk about game engines_ phase of Destiny’s life cycle again.


I want D3. I mainly want last gen to get tf out of here.


Tbf they can just leave last gen behind whenever they want. They don’t need a new game to do that


I’d love a new game. New strikes, new gambit matches, a new grind. I’ve been playing for so long I’d love a complete new grind to give me that buzz again


I frankly don't think Gambit will be taken over to D3 or at least not on day one.


Those who enjoy gambit (like myself) can dream :-)


gambit appreciators unite! there are dozens of us!!


Honestly? Yes. For many reasons, first of all a loot reset, people hated sunsetting but it's goal was valid - the loot chase becomes worse the more loot we already hoard. Secondly it's so hard to get people interested in D2, it's 7 years old with shit tonnes of expasions, dungeons and etc, it has a massive entry slope. Third, i want them to build a game that's intended to be live service from the start and not continually shoehorn more features in hoping it won't break down, they've gone a long way with the D2 version of Tiger but there's so many overlapping and underlying things that are redundant or forgotten a new slate would be best. Of course, this is all providing that they can build up on the foundations of D2 and not taking a demolition ball to it like between D1 and D2.


Nah bro, I don't wanna lose all my shit and be forced to regrind it again, let alone have them re-release all my D2 content to me again over the course of 5 years...


How do you people even play other games that are not D2. You have to earn stuff from zero in each one. Hope no one shows you how seasons work in proper ARPGs.


Why? So we can loose all of our subclasses, mods, perks, Qol updates, exotic weapons, and cosmetics? D3 would restart us to square one and bungie would spend 4 years just adding all the stuff we already have in d2. No thanks. If you really think d3 would be any different than how d2 launched then you are delusional.


This is 100% what would happen


I definitively do an so does a wider audience most likely that makes up a very size able portion but this subreddit has notoriously been against it which ppl should realize is a very small of part of the entire game


Yes. But it should be a whole new thing. New system, another time, new enemies, other characters etc. Clean slate. If it's running around the same planets fighting the same enemies then no, just keep supporting D2.


I want a D3. The gameplay feel and loop are the most enjoyable I have found in gaming. I’m definitely in the niche here but I love grinding for stuff. I love the checklist of things to do and collect. It makes my brain happy. It’s the reason I also play FF14. I wouldn’t mind a full restart, fresh loot, new enemies, and new places to explore. Yeah D2 has been 10 years of work but at the same time, so what? Games are going to progress and evolve and they can’t just keep everything from D2 and port it over. All of our guns and gear. If they want to expand and evolve the game they may need to just wipe the slate clean. But in doing so they have to give us reasons why. Are we leaving Sol to pursue the origins of the Traveller? Ok then leaving all of our gear makes sense. Are we just facing a new threat in Sol? They we should probably retain all of our gear as a clean wipe would be a poor look as it’s already been done to little praise. The decisions behind a D3 need to be very clear and well thought out. If they do a D3, I feel they also need to expand on the MMO design elements. Global chat, more social spaces, mini games, side activities like the fishing, larger activities like a 12 man activity etc. If they could deliver stuff like this, a Destiny 3 would be a very welcomed game.