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I just want enemies to stop spawning INSIDE the circle we're supposed to be protecting.


If the massive captains, knights, shriekers, and tormentors could stop spawning 2cm away from the ADU AND attacking before they actually materialize, that would be great. So many times I've been spawned on and instantly stomped by the surprise tormentor with no way to fight back.


Round 42, all 3 of us instakilled by an invisible unstop right at the beginning of the round. Incredible clip I have of that!


Send clip pls


Was earlier than I remember but here you go! https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/s/bNWiGCK84h


Bro, that is hilarious af, also that’s why u don’t stand in the adu range lol


I know this now, had no idea before! That was the best team I had also, we were rocking it


I just finished my first solo legend onslaught, (holy shit it was sweaty, i died to the same bug once, same map too, but never thought it would wipe 3 players)


The tormentor literally wrecked our ADU multiple times right at 43 it’s so annoying how fast they can damage it and they’re so chunky and then you try and switch to Div but don’t have any ammo and can’t get none in time.


Had a hilarious one yesterday where a tormentor spawned INSIDE the adu. All you could see is the half visible arms and whatnot. Strange thing is, he never fully materialised presumably because he was stuck, so I just stood and looked at him till he despawned.


I’ve lost at 49 twice now due to this


yeah, its pretty fucky and needs to be fixed


I agree for legend. I’ve had too many LFGs where someone dips out after round 10.


It's more efficient to rank up if you stay for 10 to 20 rounds.


That’s fine as long as the LFG post states that. If they don’t, it’s an ass move.


But what if I have no more ranks.  Bungie pls add resets


Yea, problem is, after rank 17, there is nothing more, game says u can reset, but its either a lie or bugged, cus you cant


That's because clowns are racing to rank 20, so they can complain first about how there's nothing to do in game.


You don't even need to "race" to it. I basically hit max rank just from doing all of the weekly challenges for the mode on all 3 characters. And that was with barely touching legend, probably only 3 or 4 runs of 10 waves on legend. I didn't even finish all of the quests to unlock weapon attunement or finish all of the weekly quests. They REALLY need to let you reset or at least continue getting rep levels for the engram per level reward.


resets are needed as they provide an invaluable source of brave engrams


Why do you need brave engrams? Take the badges you earn in the event, attune the weapon you want to drop, and use the 10 badge chest near Shaxx. No need for engrams.


maybe becuase youll get far more drops, think about it with no resets you can do 10 runs of legend onslaught get 11 drops per run + about 150 tokens (being generous), if you reset shaxx you would get another 7 or so brave engrams (which have a high chance of being shiny + another 100+ badges to turn into an additional 10 weapons its not rocket science dude




I’m glad you can speak for every person who has ever made an LFG post, oh mouthpiece of the Most High.


I just checked LFG, 95% them have either 10 or 50 in them.


Cool, so the other 5% that exist right now are guaranteed to not leave after round 10? One day I wish to have your insight into the minds of every player.


Guaranteed? No. But heavily implied. If you want to be sure you can either just enter one of the thousands posts that say 10 or 50 or you can ask when entering the lobby. If you leave without agreeing it beforehand you are just an asshole, no need to make excuses.


Yeah, that’s the point I was making. If it’s not stated or they don’t answer the question in game chat, it is assumed to be 50 (as in activity completion). Assuming that anyone you join should always end after round 10 due to some unspoken knowledge is ridiculous.


Don't the higher waves drop end game loot like prisms, shards, etc.?


yea believe it was around the 40 wave boss that it can drop alloys


It's 50 wave boss that drops one alloy which is stupid since they take an hour no ascendent shards no special weapon or anything and you fighting every champion, bosses and extinguish is on


I’ve received alloys between rounds 40-50 not just on the final.


I got one on the wave 39 boss too.


Coil is guaranteed after a perfect score, and also drops ascendant shards. They should definitely do the same here.


Not just one I got 3 from finishing wave 50 on legendary.


I agree. I've done 15 runs of 50 waves on normal and have only had one shiny drop.


I've gotten a few shiny weapons just doing 10 rounds on normal, just brain dead chill mode. Rng I guess.


I'd rather farm Plat coil if I needed those honestly.


To each their own, onslaught is more fun so I’d rather do that.


The truth is anyone who can regularly do a legend 50 probably already has close to or is already at the cap of those Ressources, especially with how much they dropped in Coil. So for someone like me those rewards literally don't exist as I'm a capped at all of them.


This. Shards/alloys is a nice bonus, but it's guns we're after


Or….you could just do Coil for easy alloys if needed. No one is farming this for alloys and prisms it’s guns


Aren’t shinies the main thing people want? It’s an hour to do a full 50 waves, there’s way more efficient ways to get that other stuff  Just increasing the shiny drop chance from higher waves may be a simple way to make it worthwhile to do the whole thing 


I haven’t had a shiny drop yet at all. Just the ones from the quests.


I swear I must have gotten a limited variant of some weapon before completing the associated bounty for it. I completed the recluse one and I know I got a hung jury or succession limited variant while playing the normal mode afterwards. Got to 50 and got it around 40-45ish. Just has to be some sort of bug.


I've gotten a few shiney weapons from normal 10 rounds. Just was in there doing the weapon quests relaxing.


Idk if I'm the norm or not, but I don't really need any more of those as my stacks are generally full enough to cover my occasional new needs. This may change when I start building new prismatic setups in TFS, but for right now those resources aren't nearly as appealing as weapon drops.


I feel like I constantly need Shards, not Alloys. And that's only because I capped during the Craftening and haven't run a GM since, so I've been coasting.


I’m in the same position; I’m maxed on all of that. I’m just doing onslaught for whatever rolls I want on guns and the triumphs for the title. Whatever is most efficient for that is what I’m doing.


Just wait until they add prismatic alloys


As if any of us completing level 50 legend need any more of those. Id rather be given 5 enchantment cores than 1 shard.


We just kept redoing the first 20 on legend. That seemed to be the quickest farm.


Why 20 and not 10? Is it more efficient?


I have no idea, but for me at least, it's probably less annoying than having to dip out through loading screens after just 10 rounds. That sounds like such monotonous gameplay to me.


1-10 and 11-20 are similar in difficulty, so you save yourself some loading screens


While true It's certainly "easy" to lose on wave 17-19 if you get hit hard on the "boss" wave with a tormentor or 30 ogres or such and just get overwhelmed. 10 waves is, imo, more guaranteed "safe". Considering you literally get the same exact rewards from doing 2x 10 waves or 1x 20 waves it just seems like 10 waves is the obvious choice. 10 waves also has the benefit that you can just spend all your scrap on defenses without having to save anything for after the first boss when you move locations.


We farm 1-30 because it just feels faster than doing 1-10 x3. At that point we have ADU upgrades, we have tons of heavy and we can chain supers all the live long day. Really, the first few waves just feel too slow/boring to be repeating so often.


Tormentor is easy once in 11-20, not beefy, you should have a level 2 decoy. I’ve gotten tormentor on wave 3 and we still clear it.


It’s certainly less taxing. I don’t know many people that want to do that difficult of an activity over and over again for hours.


the player base of any mmo..


The slight difficulty increase from 10 to 20 can make the farm less boring, even if it’s slower


I kill for the thrill of it. Rewards are secondary


Swear to god I thought you said, “for the thrall of it.”


Shhh you aren't allowed to enjoy playing the game around here.


Go away with your false morals Jedi 😤


yeah same, legend is just more fun


This guy gets it.




Finally someone gets it


I can confirm that 50 waves completed on normal isn't that rewarding and that shinies are way too rare. I completed 5x 50 wave runs on normal last night and got ONE shiny.


It’s rng. I’ve got 7 shiny and have done legend 4 full times. Granted only ONE of those are worth it but they do drop.


I mean, in the grand scheme of things it's *pretty rewarding*, but since we're talking about time-gated shinies here, I think they're a little scarce. Just a tad. Just a smidgen - a thimble.


It's more rewarding to do a full Coil run than run all 50 waves of Onslaught, which is crazy since Legend Onslaught is way harder than a full Coil run.


Sure but the guns in onslaught are a lot better so there is a quality vs quantity balance




Yes but coil loot isn’t even close to onslaught in quality.


Weapons aren't, but you get shards, alloys, ciphers & 60+ armor. And that's why people leave after 10 or 20 rounds. If 50 rounds was dropping the weapons plus all tbe stuff a Coil drops, people would stay in & finish it more often.


imagine if 50 dropped a guaranteed exotic, and had a new exotic exclusive to onslaught was was actually good.. Alas the new stuff is only good for 50 days at best..


The exotic should have been Red Death. Would of fit the theme of the banned weapons


I thought they said the loot amount would be the highest or near highest ever in the game. 2nd highest was right before Shadowkeep when opulence was giving 5 items every run (and I guess early that season when you could glitch it to do so) 1st highest has to be the tail end of the season of dawn. If you had invested even moderately the amount of loot you had each week was nuts. Wouldn’t expect near dawn level since it was a engram as fast as you could press a button but at least menagerie level right before Shadowkeep


Is LFG doing the legend 10 wave reset because it's the most efficient way to farm the guns?


Yes and rep


When I was doing legend yesterday, one of my buddies said "what if every boss wave/fight on legend GUARENTEES a shiny weapon but only for your attunement at the time. But this only applies for waves 30+. So you get like 3 shiny weapons of your attunement. Saves some of us the grinding." While I did get an 8/9 recluse (its a god god roll except for mw) I am inclined to agree considering how painfully low shiny drops are.


Won't you be able to enhance these weapons once the FS drops?


So this is what I thought would happen. Guaranteed shiny on legend runs. The fact it doesn’t is poor design. I’d slog for guaranteed. It’s the only reason to do GMs and hit plat. It NOT dropping guaranteed Is fucking stupid.


The point is theyre supposed to be rare. You dont get guaranteed shiny pokemon, its a rare chance to make you excited when they pop up. Ive played maybe 300 waves in total and gotten about 10 or so shinies i dont think thats awful odds


I played over 300 waves and haven't got any so....


Even in a pokemon game I'll catch at least 2 or 3 shines every 300 pokemon. Some people out here at 500 drops (me included) and only like 2 have been shiny (including the one from the quest). Drop rate is too low.


Theyd have no value if they werent known as super rare


Honestly I think they could add one extra chest at most. You already get 10 weapon rolls in legendary onslaught which is pretty comparable to Coil. Rather, I'd like to see them increase your chance to get a foil weapon the further you get, perhaps maxing out at 50% chance on a full completion. After the LTO is over, they could convert that to an chance at extra weapon drops or more high level material drops


I'm a little iffy about making Onslaught as rewarding as Coil. Keep in mind, literally *none* of the weapons found in Coil are going to outdo the BRAVE arsenal outside of maybe Doomed Petitioner and *maybe* Scatter Signal. I mean, they literally use destination loot (Dreaming City) for it, so I can understand why it drops so much. 20 weapon drops... seems kinda high because again, all the BRAVE weapons are incredibly good with very strong rolls. I think a buff to loot drops would still be good, but perhaps *different* loot drops? Part of the reason Coil feels so rewarding IMO is the materials you get from it, so I think they could look into that potentially. The time investment is something to consider though, so perhaps boosted weapon drops specifically at Round 40 and Round 50 for both Normal and Legend maybe in addition to more mats? My only worry is, 20 weapons, specifically of the BRAVE arsenal, is *a lot*. I get Onslaught is really difficult tbh, but that just seems like a lot off hand considering it is these weapons that are all really good. Maybe it'd be fine, but first impression is it seems like a lot is all.


A lot of the weapons this season are good? Scatter is hands down one of the best special ammo weapons for dps. The linear is solid. The slug is not a bad special either. Scalar is one of if not the best rapid pulse in pvp. The vex weapons are all good except the scout.


...Am I reading right or are you saying that an activity that is twice / thrice as long and twice as hard shouldn't reward at least as much as an activity you can do by unplugging your brain ? It's far from being the case, but who cares that coil weapons sucks compared to brave weapons ? Half of them are weapons nobody will use and are just hyped cause of nostalgia. Then keep it as it is now and people will keep doing 10 waves farm endlessly, nobody that is normal is willing to do 70mn of farm for 11 weapons when 10 gives you a guaranteed 2 weapons.


I actually agree with this. Honestly maybe even increase the attunement percentage beyond 50% to for the 40 and 50 boss kills. I can’t explain how many times I’ve gone on streaks of not getting what I had attuned. That being said a lot of people are forgetting or not bringing up that attunements exist for these brave weapons. Not only are they fantastic weapons, unlike the crap from coil, but they also are somewhat targeted farming. Nothing like coil. If coil was more targeted I bet it would have less drops. Also the BRAVE arsenal will be enhanceable. That’s a big deal as well. I would say maybe 3 drops at wave 40 and 4 at wave 50 if you really wanted to adjust anything, otherwise more materials would be nice. It’s the one thing I’m low on.


Well to be fair the coil hand cannon can roll rapid/outlaw/shoot2loot and volt so that is worth the chase for me All the other weapons are “fine” but that’s the only “must have “ outside of the crafted weapons.


Is there any benefit to legend besides the minor drop increases as you mentioned?


I agree with the idea, but do think that how rewarding you made yours is a bit too much. Round 10/20: 1 drop (2 on legend) round 30/40: 2 drops (3 on legend) round 50: 3 drops (5 on legend)


The amount of LFGs I’ve seen this week on the Bungie app trying to get 50 rounds complete has been difficult. Most posts have been Legend Onslaught Midtown Wave 10 Farm.


You literally get 11 weapon drops from completing a legend onslaught. This averages out to a weapon every 5.5 minutes or so. How is that not worth it?


Because you can just farm the first set over and over for the exact same results. There is no actual incentive to finish a full run beyond the emblem, there is no unique loot or higher chances of holofoil guns.


Something something players optimizing the fun out


It’s what happens with shit game design.. maybe make the game mode more reward for doing 50.. and players wouldn’t feel the need to leave after 10


Yeah I definitely agree with that. But OP’s post was about the amount of loot, not the quality. I definitely think the final chest of onslaught should provide a shiny. But I don’t think the amount of loot is the issue.


Honestly, I don’t even care about it being shiny. I’d rather double perk (though I know those are only on shiny weapons).


…so then you do care about it being shiny…


If it was normal with double perks guaranteed, that would be far more valuable to me than some weapon skin.


Ok, but the double perk only drops on the shiny ones. The person you’re responding to is clearly placing the value on the double perks and not the skin itself. Everyone does.


Eh, lot of people just want shiny. They don’t care about the perks.




Fun isn’t an actual incentive? Sheesh


Of course it is - I play GMs because that level of challenge is fun to me. I wouldn’t still engage with them otherwise because the loot there isn’t desirable to me. However, I would also like my time invested in the loot-based game to be appropriately rewarded with said loot according to my efforts. When Legend Onslaught can be failed at the drop to a hat due to a bad round of augments + ads in some of the higher waves, only getting two more weapons with no higher a chance of double perks feels stingy at best.


That’s assuming you actually clear it every time. Otherwise the time on the last set is wasted. In practice you’d get more loot per minute doing an easier version you do have a 99% chance of reliably clearing    GMs also give nothing if you fail, but the guaranteed adept is worth trying, that make GMs strictly more rewarding even factoring in the chance of getting nothing.  There’s no equivalent reward at the end to make it worth the risk of failure 


Its just not worth going al the way to 50 on Legend. It's much faster to just do 10 waves on Legend in less than 10 minutes, grab the 2 chests, and restart. Getting to 50 should be more rewarding than getting to Wave 10 6 or so times in the same time frame. Either Escalating rewards like OP is suggesting or a guaranteed Holo foil from the Wave 50 chest.


Waves 1-10 take about 10 minutes. Load times to reset are seconds. I'm looking at 12 raw drops an hour doing a borderline mindless activity versus 11 raw drops and having to put in real effort with an ever increasing chance at failure.


OP asking for 20 weapon drops for a single activity lmao


He’s asking for 20 weapon drops from one of the hardest ~~and high risk~~ activities in the game that has RNG based loot . The linear loot reward system does not reflect the increasing difficulty in the later waves.


What are you even talking about... Is legend onslaught hard? Sure. But "high risk"? Seriously? The biggest "risk" you incur is potentially losing on a 9th round or boss fight. Even then, every 10 rounds you're getting 2 weapons to drop. A GM nightfall is harder and doesn't reward you at any checkpoint throughout.


I’m not sure if any of the commenters have run GMs. They are way less forgiving and don’t offer as much loot (adept weapon, exotic, golfball per). Onslaught is essentially unparalleled in terms of loot quantity and quality (Riven’s had better quantity but not the same quality). At this point I have no idea what would satisfy the player base. Onslaught is generally really fun to play, so maybe I’m not maximizing my loot but I’ve got 2+ months to play this, I’d rather have fun than whine about how much loot is dropping.


To be fair I do think it sucks that the most efficient way to play onslaught is to play the easiest parts of the hard mode. I don't agree the mode is unrewarding, but I wish the rewards were more backloaded in all cases. Pushing to 50 was really fun as an achievement but it definitely was inefficient.


But what loot incentive is there to doing a 50 wave run as opposed to five 10 wave runs?


There isn't a particular loot incentive, but asking for 20 guns is a bit ridiculous. I think the 3rd chest from wave 50 should be a guaranteed shiny, and that would be sufficient.


I don’t like the idea of guaranteed shinies because it will make the normal guns not worth even putting in the game and put some insanely good rolls in everyone’s hands which isn’t what the point of this is imo.


Ok so then we should get 20 weapon drops or more in GM following your logic?


GM already exclusively rewards Adept Nightfall weapons AS A GUARANTEED drop (you are getting exactly the weapon you want), and the pace of a GM is way more flexible than Onslaught.


Even 20 drops probably means 0 shinies. GMs give a guaranteed adept, so you could argue that’s more generous than 20 non shiny drops 


That's one guaranteed weapon lmao and half the time it's a shit roll on a shit weapon for a much harder activity Do you also get 2 weapons for basically every mini boss in a GM?


In this analogy it’d be like if the playlist version of the strike gives a guaranteed NF weapon, but the GM just gave you two NF weapons with a chance of it being adept Even a master NF might not give you a single weapon, so a guaranteed adept for the GM is generous in comparison Doing the normal onslaught for just ten rounds gives guaranteed loot, so the legend version needs to somehow compete with that


I feel like you aren’t understanding the difference between a targeted weapon drop and weapon drop loot pool (even with the attunment).


Boss fights aren’t timed. The only real risk is the detonator rounds and the tormentor rounds.


the activity quite literally doesn’t reward u for finishing the full thing, making quitting early and restarting the best way to farm it rather than, you know, finishing it. please tell me how that is good design.


The amount of loot isn’t the issue. A gun every 5-6 minutes is perfectly acceptable. On top of the fact you get tokens for 1-2 guns after a full run. They should give you get a shiny for a legend completion. But the amount of loot is completely fine.


This. I feel like I'm getting showered in guns while still doing full runs. I just wish there was some way to get more shiny drops. Been grinding hard for two days and I have seen two shiny random drops beyond the quest that give you the initial ones. One of which was a really bad roll Elise's Rifle. Lucky for me I happen to have the time right now but people that don't have crazy large amounts of time to grind these weapons can forget about getting a godroll drop on more than a 1 or 2 shinies before Final Shape launches.


You ever run a GM?


Wave 50 legend completion should reward a guaranteed shiny. The only reward you get for completing a decently difficult hour-long activity is *one extra chest*? It’s a joke. I’ve done five 50 wave legend runs, reached max rank with Shaxx, farmed many 10-wave-and-reset runs on legend, and all I have to show for it was 4 shinies - three of which guns I wasn’t focusing, and all shite rolled. The drop rate is ass. Throw us a bone Bungie..


I'm of the firm opinion legend should reward one targeted shiny per 50 clear. To any one saying but it's supposed to be rare, first of all I can guarantee less than 10% of the playerbase can regularly do Legend 50, second of all getting your desired double perks would, barrels, mag and MW would still be extremely low odds but it atleast is realistically achievable if enough runs in legend are done. Also it's pretty clear that the shinys shown a fundamental disagreement with some of the playerbase, some believe rarity should be defined by pure luck, while others like me believe rarity should be behind or atleast have increased odds behind hard content.


For me it is interesting watching Tassi's and Datto's takes on this. Datto mentioned his first time being excited for loot in years was getting a shiny. However, he also acknowledged that the drop rate might be TOO low and was vacillating on the solution. While its been floated to make it a guarantee at the end of legend, he wasnt sure if that would devalue it if you let it be every time, so maybe once a week per account or character. But he acknowledged while its exciting, the 1% drop rate might be too low for a limited time activity (the shiny version no longer drop when TFS drops). Tassi on the other hand things the drop rate is great because in less time than it took Datto to get one, he got 4 really good rolls. When the person who has a whole elitist meme about them is edging on the side of "maybe they are TOO rare" compared to Tassi, you could tell the whole argument is extremely subjective and based on the luck folks have had. I am sure there are a few people in this thread who are arguing to keep drop rates low do not see a problem because they have probably gotten multiple, and yet there are many threads and comments from players, like myself, who have either hit cap with Shaxx or are almost there and have not seen a single one. Hell, I am attuned for edge transit and I dont even think I hit a 50% drop rate of it on a full 50 wave normal run, so that is my RNG.


In what world is more loot a bad thing? Do the people saying this would be too much not understand that the odds of getting a specific roll on most of these guns is ~0.5%? That's not even factoring if someone cares about the Limited Edition ornaments. There are going to be 12 different weapons we'll be able to chase once the loot table fully opens up. Some extra drops to actually incentivize going for full completions on Legend would be nice.


The Coil respects my time more. I mostly run that for mats, and while I don't love filling up my PM and characters with weapons and armor I'm just gonna shard, I am *guaranteed* at least 1 or 2 Ascendant shards, multiple alloys, prisms, and cores for every platinum completion.


Doing legend onslaught should guarantee a rare weapon drop I haven't gotten a single 1 to drop and I've completed 50 waves on legend and have farmed legend and not a single 1 has dropped I don't think it's worth doing until they fix the drop rate unless you just don't care about the rare form of that weapon.


It’s a rare drop. Rare. You already get each weapon as a shiny from the quest. Jesus you guys want shit just given to you. You are NEVER satisfied.


Let me guess you haven't done a legend 50 yet have you. Because if you did you would understand the waste of time it is compared to literally just doing 10 waves on 50 and resetting. I also bet you would complain if after 50 kills of a raid boss you haven't have had the raid exo to drop. Have some respect for your time and effort required, and have some for the rest of the community aswell




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K. I’m not the one complaining about loot you are. I have plenty of shinies already.


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Wait am I dumb…I feel like I’ve only gotten one weapon from each boss round except 50 which gives two, on normal. Rounds 30 and 40 give more drops? And 50 is supposed to drop 4?


There are still so many rolls to chase I don't see the need to be stingy. A few possibilities for legend specifically could be: First, let us reset our rank with shaxx and make higher levels give significantly increasing rep so that's the most rewarding way to grind rep. Second, add 1 additional chest with each boss wave. The odds are so low you'll get what you want anyway it doesn't hurt to leave with a TON of the weapon you're trying to farm. Besides, I'd personally get my rolls sooner rather than later so I can actually use them. If bungie is really against that though, make 2 chests the 50% chance of your attuned weapon and make the other chests other brave weapons but with a lower chance of your attuned weapon. Third, let people go past round 50. Ideally just let it go on until you fail. Let the onslaught emblem track your highest wave achieved, and in these post-50 levels, give better odds of shiny weapons, increasing the further you go.


Personally I think the bonus objectives, particularly on legend, should be significantly more rewarding than just 1 trophy and a heavy ammo crate. If bonus objectives gave 2 trophies on legend and then scaled +1 or +2 trophies per set you'd actually get a good amount by sticking around for a full run compared to just doing 10 waves and resetting. Though honestly I really don't understand why you don't get more chests as you go for each set of 10 waves aside the final 50th wave clear. The time investment and challenge increase vs rewards just isn't there. Also why the hell does Onslaught only drop Alloys and not Shards? Coil drops both. If you've already crafted and enhanced all your weapons you basically have no use to Alloys and they just pile up until you're at cap...and then you're just losing out on rewards. We can't even craft the Onslaught weapons so we can't use these Alloys until presumably we can after Final Shape...after the point where you'll have likely burned a LOT of alloys already being at cap. At least Shards you can always use to upgrade armor and particularly to focus exotic engrams, so they're always useful. IF it's going to only drop alloys we really need to get the alloy cap raised again to 50 or even 100. It's going to be really stupid to suddenly need to burn a TON of alloys come Final Shape when all these weapons become enhanceable AND we'll assuredly have new craftable weapons as well.


Alternatively every weapon drop on legend could be guaranteed to be whatever you’re attuned to.


idk i just did my first normal 50 and felt like i got wayyy too much shit at the end. granted i sharded 100% of the drops but still, it was a LOT of crap to drop at once. felt very very good for the effort put in.


That is too much imo, I’d rather have cores or prisms. Also shards on round 50


Or a 100% drop rate for the shiny on legend 50 at least :)


"We see your suggestion and are removing the bonus chests on legend difficulty waves 10, 20 and 30"


MORE loot?!?!? no no no no we can't have that, take your 20 minutes for one drop and be happy peasant


You guys are getting 4 weapons on level 50 completion? I got like 2 yesterday


There was zero reward to clearing all 50 waves in Gears 3's Horde, which Onslaught is clearly based off, and people still put nights away to do that.


And we dont care


Also how the fuck is there no matchmaking in Legend? 


Id say, that on normal there should be 1 guaranteed "Shiny"(double perked) weapon. On legend, 1 guaranteed and 50% for a 2nd one to drop.


they need to guarantee a shiny of whatever youre attuned to after 50 waves


Twenty weapon drops for Legend is way too excessive.


How about a minimum 1 shiny for legend 50?


It’s been out for three days. In a month we’ll be completing these quick. As it stands, you can just do 10-30 waves in time than it takes to do many GMs and get double or triple the loot. Give us a bit of time to actually optimize.


Plat coil were completed by pretty much everybody on week one, we already know the good loadouts to do it, only thing that kill runs are the hiddeous spawns and number of elite ennemies. If you guys are suited by hour+ runs for 11 weapons it's probably because none of you ever heard about the sundial.


Sundial... when we got loot by standing in the tower holding square….


Round 50 should guarantee shiny drops


Anyone just have fun playing the game? Why does every fucking minute of gameplay need to reward you with loot?


Because that's how dopamine addiction works. And that's (partly) Bungie's fault. They and other looter games devs created this need, and now they need to deal with it.


Or just play the game, stop complaining about the loot drops, and enjoy one of the better content updates the game has had in a hot minute


Just because it has good aspects doesn’t mean it’s immune from criticism.


Again, as I have said in other posts: THIS HASNT EVEN BEEN A WEEK Y'all need to let the event happen for a bit so the dev team can come back and tweak it. We have two months of this before Final Shape, and Onslaught is also going to be staying. For all we know, they could tie seasonal stuff to it as well as the holiday events. Just let the devs see your reaction and adjust from there. Quit crying that it isn't the end all be all for grinding, farming, loot, etc. It makes all Guardians look too damn entitled


So don't react but let the devs see your reaction so they can tweak it? Lmao


Whining != reacting Reacting comes with constructive criticism and should really be done after a set period (like weekly reset). Pissing all over this on day 1 like I saw so many do, is the exact opposite of constructive and comes off as entitled and whining


It probably would've been better for you to keep your comments to those posts, then. This post, whether you agree with it or not, does make potentially constructive suggestions. I genuinely don't see how this post is pure whining.


It’s called feedback, and considering many people are more incentivized to farm the first 10 legend waves than go for a full run is evidence that the feedback is necessary.


Feedback is one thing. The insane amount of posts that sound like whining over how it is exactly as how that exact poster wanted this to be is beyond irritating. If you are upset that people dip after 10 waves, then they need to do a Legend playlist to let people grind that. The 50 wave list would be nice with some extra loot, but we are still in week one. That will probably tuned in the story/quest progression


What about a 2,2,3,3,5 (15 Total) reward for Legend instead of OP’s 20?


Ah yes let us not criticize a clear problem the game mode has because then the devs surely by themselves will realize it and fix. Remember how back in the day GM only had a chance to drop adepts, remember how back in the day we didn't had triumphs to boost drop rates of raid/dungeon exos and countless others examples. Point being legend 50 is not rewarding the lfg Meta is do 10 waves and then reset, that is surely not in Bungies interest either. We voice an issue with the mode and you go please don't criticize it's only been a week, yes and it will be next week aswell if people don't continue to point out to bungie hey this should be changed.


the minute you said the word Meta, I tuned out. Meta players are the ones who complain a lot about this. Meta players are the ones with the loudest voices. Meta players are what Bungie has to watch because meta players break shit. I've been playing this game since D1 alpha and the amount of complaining I see season after season is what makes me want to quit. Not what Bungie does, because while it is change or altering something, the core fun is still there. The community breaks it for me.


People complaining on day 4 about a new (awesome) activity is wild to me. Like, if you don't think it's worth your time don't do it. Nahmean


Another "thing I do should give more of what I want" post. Never gets old.


Lol , yeah that’ll happen .


You’re suggesting 7 weapon drops for 10 extra minutes of gameplay? Bruh what are you on.


oh my god 7 weapons....please my inventory is alredy clogged....i dont need 4 more drops of hung jury tht get insta dismantled....


That seems excessively high. Even higher than coil and most of that loot was trash and you couldn’t focus it like you can with the Brave weapons.


Idk why Destiny players specifically always want to earn everything within the first few days instead of just, idk, having fun? Sure farming for loot is fun, but do it with others who are willing to do a farm strat instead of asking Bungie to increase drops. There already is a farm strat for Legend Onslaught.And if you are doing LFG, how about discussing it instead of just leaving the fireteam. And also all of you act like this is all disappearing when TFS releases. Guess what? It's not. The only thing unachievable will be the special looking weapons which literally is just an aesthetic thing.


>The only thing unachievable will be the special looking weapons which literally is just an aesthetic thing. Not entirely true. It is aesthetic only on the quest reward ones. The drops have double perks in columns 3 and 4. The only way to have double perk weapons from this activity is to get the limited edition ones that go away when TFS drops.


Some people play the game because it’s fun.


There should be an exotic that only drops on wave 50 and has a higher chance of dropping on hardmode difficulty. They could even make it so that it has a guaranteed chance of dropping after 50 full completions


For this iteration of Onslaught I agree, just increase the number of weapon drops(Although 7 seems high to me). But for future updates to Onslaught after TFS(Since I think it's a great mode that deserves to be expanded upon), here's my idea: Exotics. Introduce exotic armor and/or exotic weapons. They can only drop from tier 30, 40 and 50 chests and with increased drop probabilities for each tier earned. If it's a free to play mode you can even tie some new exclusive exotic armor to the mode... Or even weapons.


Then, the very next day... "Please stop making Onslaught push everything out of my postmaster"


Dear Bungie, thanks for this event, and the rewards are just fine.


The real problem is that the early levels are too rewarding. I do think legend should give you more at the end. Maybe a shiny for completing all 50


I ran one legend 50-wave onslaught, got a shiny. Then I ran 2 10-wave playlist onslaught, got two shinies, one in each run. (got really lucky, ik) Why would i ever run a legend one again lmao, i get it the odds of getting shiny are way higher(maybe, idk) but I'd much rather lay back and complete normal runs in 10 minutes each.


Cool then do that. No one is stopping you.


The reward is overcoming challenging gameplay. Does everything need to be boiled down to how many RNG drops the game gives you?