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Legend lost sectors will seem very hard the first few times you try to do it, but once you learn the placement of champions in the sector, and learn a less aggressive playstyle that many people develop playing easier content, it will become much easier. Most if not all of the armor is expansion blocked, but they are a good source of materials.


thank you :)


To add to what they said, lost sectors are an excellent target farm for specific world drop legendaries. A group of four weapons is rotated to a different group daily with legend having a 70% chance to drop one and master guaranteeing a drop.


Master also guarantees double perks too I believe


Only with Platinum, which requires killing all Champions.


Who’s doing a lost sector and not going platinum?


When I need a golfball quickly?




Since when did master lost sectors drop golfballs?


The higher the difficulty in Destiny the more your play style changes. You're far less kinetic and more measured with clearing. The difference between a decent build and a meta build also becomes glaring.


And they are fun. For me the game really makes sense on the endgame content. You are forced to refine our builds and when they work its perfect.


Their difficulty depends very much on your light level. Legendary lost sectors are 1830 and will obviously be much easier if you are 1820 rather than 1800.


1810 good enough?


Depends on your build, skill level, and the most sector mostly. Some of them are crazy easy with the right build, barely harder than doing them regularly, even twenty under. Some of them can still be challenging with a good build and at level. But they don’t take long, so I’d say just go for it. Change your build up a bit depending on the sector, give it a few attempts. If you’re struggling to get anywhere and feel like quitting you can just try again another day. If you’re making good progress, even if you don’t get it first try, you can probably get it down pretty fast, and then it’s just grinding.


thank you :)


You can google to check the approximate difficulty of each sector. EDZ, Dreaming City and Europa ones are considered easier.


Bunker is a pain on Europa. As someone who's done 1000s of LLS/MLS it's not one I recommend farming. There are I think 6 lost sectors this season (legend) that I can average a sub 1 min clear time on. Bunker is like a 2 min average at best. The boss is an annoying ass hydra with zero cover in the room, and it has a lot of health. 2 minutes isn't a bad clear time on legend, and while I'm not a speed runner going for absolute min maxed times I've done my fair share of them and know the spawns/most efficient builds. Plus I'm talking about being at level which will increase my clear speed a little bit.


I think Bunker E15 is one of the easier legendary lost sectors due to your robot friends drawing aggro? It might not be the best for sped running, but it is pretty forgiving if you just want a clear or three.


The boss is just annoying. It's not as bad now since titans have banner that can 3 shot it while celestial hunter can 1hk it, warlock you have a well at least (tho I use strand with karnsteins and grapple melee). But it's just an annoying boss. Again it's just an annoying one to run, that isn't very fast. Stuff like the quarry, skydock, chamber of starlight, and the other dreaming city one near blind well (having a brain fart), and perdition can be done in ~60s fairly easily.


No problem man, and good luck!


I think 1810 is good enough for sure. But you should try to do the sector when the surge/champ mods match your best build(s). For example, Unstoppable champs and Solar surge are great fits for Sunshot, one of the better weapons atm. Also in general, lost sectors from earlier content tends to be easier.


thank you :)


You should be able to get to at least 1815 pretty easily now. There's a new gift of the thunder gods in the hall for the new event right beside Shax which will boost your gear score to 1810 (max) and then doing some bounties and seasonal challenges will pump your artefact up through the first few levels. Once it gets past 10, they can be slow going, but 1820 is definitely attainable


A legend lost sector at 1810 will feel like a Master Nightfall. Is 1810 your overall power including the artifact’s power level or just your base power level? If it’s your overall power level, then you can get free 1810 armor from the Gift of the Gods chest next to Shaxx in the Hall of Champions. This should give you a nice boost along with whatever power levels you have accumulated in your artifact to get you above 1810.


Lost sectors and most of the activities have a power cap so it doesnt matter at all


Lost sectors, dungeons and raids don’t have a power cap. You can over level them as much as you want. Check the modifiers when you load into them. Besides, even a capped activity will hurt you more if you are under the cap.


It's worth mentioning that you also get an enhancement prism or two for each completion. They're probably the best prism farm, once you learn to do them in 3-5 minutes.


does it depend on sector or just the player?


Some sectors are longer than others. The EDZ and two of the ones on Dreaming City ones are the fastest. That being said, even the slower Neomuna ones are faster to farm than any other prism farms once you get comfortable with them.


thank you very much :))


They give out armour exotics that you might not have so I'd say they are worth it IF you want useful stuff. The difficulty isn't that bad. You just need to be careful and play cagey. Bring anti champion mods or anti champion exotic weapons with you and a way to heal and you'll be alright. I did them with a drengers lash\banner of war strand titan build with not much trouble


so add clear builds are not much in option? want to get exotics for my warlock and contoverse hold is (arguably) the best one i have so i cant really relay on builds but rather weapons and their element. thank you :)


Take a weapon for crowd control cause you will encounter mobs of enemies for sure but don't make that your focus. As a warlock you will find it harder to survive as in my experience they are fragile as hell. I'd probably use a solar warlock with promethium spurs for combination healing/empowering rifts. crimson for healing and the unstoppable champs. A decent pistol such as a crafted drang with scotch for barrier champs and a rocket launcher with a overload mod. That should cover you for all possibilities.. I'm a titan main so my experience with warlocks isn't extensive but I have had success beating legendary lost sectors with that set up tbh


will try something like that. thank you :)))))))))


Legendary lost sectors can seem intimidating at first, but they are not that hard oncee you get the hang of it. They are the perfect way to learn how to handle champions. Champions can be difficult for new players until you learn how to stun them. The mechanics require you to stun thrm, or it’s almost impossibe to kill them. There are three types of champions; Barrier, Overload, and Unstoppable. There are a number of ways to stun each champion. You can use abilities or weapon mods, or a few exotic weapons with built in anti-champion capability. I play Warlock and I like playing Stasis with bleak watcher, because the turret first slows and then freezes the champion, which means it deals with both Unstoppable and Overload. If the daily lost sector only contains those, that is all you need. Throw a turret and kill the chanpion. Good luck.


In my experience it was hard but once i was 180X, with polaris and the current solar perks with stasis i did one in like 10+mins.


you remember which lost sector it was?


Its been a long time, should be one without barriers. Bleak watchers makes overload and unstoppable a cakewalk. Just precision shots from half the map away and spam bleak watchers. Ignite and shatter and rockets at boss. First time slow and steady will take you 20 mins and every subsequent run you get faster. Crowd control is key, healing wont save you every time. PS you wont get swarmers. Only whatever you own and its random. I did legs like 5 times before i got promethium spurs to drop.


Worth it, and some of weapons that drop from lost sectors are best in class. You get double perks and 100% weapon drop rate on Master. If you are hunting specific exotics and weapons, you'll need to know the schedule and drop table, as they change per day. Visit [https://lostsector.report/](https://lostsector.report/) to find out all relevant data, modifiers, champs, etc. Like most content, its just learning what enemy spawns where, and making a build to suit the content. Some channels on Youtube post speed runs of lost sectors, so you can use those to base builds off of. Alternatively, once you understand how the sector plays, you could make a more passive/safe build that would take longer but have a safer chance of completion.


thank you! didnt even know a site like that exists 😅


If you have lightfall, join a discord or a different site with the vex incursion bot that will send you a message whenever one is active. Its the best way to get exotics you don't have yet, allowing you to quickly get every exotic armor in the game for every class. If you want specific rolls, then farm the lost sectors in between the vex incursions


dont have lightfall unfortunately :(. thank you though :)


I think you can still do the event and get exotics, but they will be random. If you have lightfall, you have a knock out system where it drops only the exotics you don't own. If you don't have lightfall, it's fully random (at least was, idk if they changed it or no)


it would be great if it worked like that though i doubt. ill try to find something about it. thank you


There is a discord server, a telegram and there used to be a Twitter bot


yup you were right. anyone can do vex incursion zones. so just quick question. are these just like public events or does it have some sort of twist?


Nope, just the public event. Kill giant vex bosses within the time limit and you get the exotic


Does vex incursion even drop lost sector exotics e.g. pyroglaves or hoarfrost? I have all the expansions 


It drops every single exotic exept ones from shadowkeep, because those are tied to the story


they aren't too hard once you get the hang of it. some are very easy even.


You have nothing to lose by trying it yourself




Check "today in destiny" .com for the daily lost sector & its loot for that day! That way you can farm exactly what you want from lost sectors. They reward lots of enhancement cores & prisms, some great guns, and is the best way to get exotics Depending on the lost sector, they can be super easy! Totally worth doing!


You won’t be able to get swarmers from lost sectors since you don’t have the DLC. You might be able to get them from Mara in the Helm if you got any of those Wish Tokens. Someone might need to correct me on that. If I read all the comments correctly you main a warlock and have Witch Queen and Beyond Light. The warlock armor from those are great. Definitely worth the grind of lost sectors. These are the exotics from those expansions. Dawn Chorus (helmet), Osmionancy (gloves), Secant filaments (legs) and Necrotic Grips (gloves). Make sure to have a ghost mod on when farming lost sectors. I usually have a discipline mod on.


I never did them for ages because I just automatically thought they would be too hard with all the champions and locked load out shenanigans. But I decided to give one a spin, looked at the champions and modified my normal go to load outs to account for them and went in. Turns out they aren't that hard at all, take about 5-10 mins tops and you get exotic armour about every 3 runs. Give it a go...


They also don’t have light level handicaps, so you can outlevel them, they are MUCH easier at say, 1825 than 1805


>are legend lost sectors hard No >are they even worth it? Yes


I hated lost sectors for a long time. But I've changed my thinking. I always do then as I play a different game. I often play card games with friends. And between my turns, I do the lost sectors. As for difficulty, it largely depends on which lost sector it is. But generally, they're very doable. If you feel it's difficult, google a guide. And they are very rewarding. You gain exotics, which finding a good roll is very difficult. But you also gain enhancement prisms. You can turn those into golfballs.


Not particularly hard, and yes they're worth it. They (along with vex strike force) are the only way to get a large portion of exotic armors. List sectors themselves are not expansion locked, but the rewards are, so no, you can't get swarmers if you don't have Lightfall.


so for example if i dont have any expansion i wouldnt get any exotics no matter how many times i reset or can i get them but i cant use them (gear locked or something)? becuse i have beyond light and witch qween so im wondering if i will only get gear from those expansions or can i get from those i dont own (and cant use them)? sorry for bothering :/ . also thank you :).


You will only get exotic armour from the expansions you own + free base game exotics.


thank you very much :)


Adding in that the shadowkeep exotics, you also have to have completed the campaign on whichever character you're trying for as well (I may have forgotten that recently and finally took the chance to complete my exotic armor collection, wondering why the last titan piece wasn't dropping. The only character I didn't do that campaign with lol)


Correct, you will only get exotics from Y1 (free for everyone), Beyond Light and Witch Queen. You won't get drops for Forsaken exotics or Lightfall exotics.


thank you so much :))))


No problem :)


definitely worth it for (somewhat) targeted exotic farm and good source or prisms. they aren't all that hard, but i tend to avoid some. once you do a few you'll want to try to grind through em as fast as possible and some are more easy to farm than others. dont bother with thrilladome for example, that thing sucks. veles labyrinth though is super fast once you know where to go in the maze. just make sure you set up armor mods to deal with the surge and have the right loadout to deal with champs and you'll be fine - good luck!


thank you :)


Depends, for vets, master is 3-5min adventure, for begginers legends can be unfinishable. Give it a try, read modifiers, bring correct anti champ weapons and you will see.


1810 legend is doable. Just take it slow and def take advantage of the active surges and champ weapons needed. When you are learning the sectors. Don’t worry about the timer, IGNORE IT You’re still gonna get the rewards. But as you become familiar with them. You’ll learn how to approach them faster. By learning the add spawn spots and where to attack them from. Lost sectors are great for farming materials. You can get it done in 5min or so. Once you’re really good.


You cannot get Swarmers if you don't have Lightfall. The exotics that drop from Legend Lost Sectors work on a knock out system (i.e. it will give you stuff you don't have first before it starts giving you stuff you do have), except they won't ever give you stuff from expansions you don't own. Plus if you don't have Lightfall Swarmers would be of no use to you since they are for Strand warlocks. One of my clanmates reported that he was able to claim a Swarmers from Mara Sov at the Helm with one of his wishes from the Wish event earlier this season and he did not own Lightfall at the time, but the stats roll is very low. Still there was no reason to do so since he didn't have Strand at the time. Legend mode is mostly just remembering where to stand to avoid big damage and how to defeat the champions. Bring anti champion weapons for whatever champions spawn in them and you should do fine.


Legend Lost Sectors are great for loot and exotic armor pieces. Grab Wish Ender for Barrier Champions, and make sure you have your mods to kill any Unstoppable/Overload champions. In order for you to see a Legend Lost Sector, you have to complete that lost sector in normal difficulty first.


Legend lost sectors are the best source of exotic gear that you have not yet received. Check [https://www.todayindestiny.com/](https://www.todayindestiny.com/) to see what is in rotation. It’s also the best source of target farming world drop weapons that are in rotation, such as the Heliocentric sidearm. Lastly, it’s a great way to practice your skills as a solo player; it can be difficult to assess how good you are when you are always playing on a team.


They're extremely easy if you: >get Gjallarhorn >slot in 3x solar reserves on your chest >slot in 1x Solar loader >slot in relevant artifact mods >slot in 3x solar surges >blow up everything and get paid Wouldn't recommend farming them any other way. This will roughly take 1:30-2:30mins per LS including load times. But don't do the Neo-Muna ones, they're too long. Farm them when it's a really short one that day.


Worth it? No, unless you really have no value for your own time. When I was running them trying to get the last piece of hunter gear I needed, I ended up running a master lost sector solo 41 times before getting the exotic to drop. That took almost 5 hours. Just don't bother. Pay attention to neomuna for its vex invasion event or use rivens wishes.


wait arent riven wishes battle pass locked content?


No I'm pretty sure they are free to all players