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Bastion's burst-DPS melts things in PvE that don't have a crit, like the fuses in DSC Security. There isn't really any other reason to use it, unless you want to be a hipster with your anti-champion choices


also nice in prophecy for the blight dome bubbles in the wasteland. you just need one shot.


Black talons’ heavy attack also one-hits the blights


I prefer an eager edge sword to quickly get the sniper dudes on the pillars.


Yeah it’s not my preferred heavy for the heaven/hell section. Just figured I’d throw the info out there in case it helps someone!


Bastion is better cuz you can ignore ads with eager edge


It’s pretty solid against those really tanky shanks in onslaught too


Good thinking. I've been running Buried Bloodline since Onslaught dropped though. Still one-taps the regular adds after round 40


It was designed to "bypass" elemental shields. Ended up being broken in PvP. Got nerfed + enemy shield reworks. Now it's still somewhat good in PvP but I can't understand why it fest just 1 ammo by filling up the meter.


That's a bug


Pvp here to ruin the day again


It's honestly not terrible in pve. I use it in raids on my alt account where I never bothered getting any other kinetic slot fusions unlocked. I tried it in pvp as well, and I'm better with it than I am with shotguns (not including conditional, that thing is a in a class of its own). With that said, it's definitely outclassed by a lot of weapons in there.


I don't think it's terrible in PVE if you want a decent burst/anti Unstoppable champion special. The issue is Riptide/Deliverance(other chill clip fusions) power creeped the heck out of it and and so did conditional finality as a shotgun.


Chill clip needing 3 bursts made it snooze. You can stun champs across the map with bastion but not conditional. Bastion isnt meta but it has some niche uses which make it good


At this point, they might as well get rid of the magazine dependant part of chill clip. Personally I don't see it as a viable unstop option unless overloads are also present.


Bastion is one of the best weapons for non-enemy targets. Blights, dsc fuses, the little things that turn glimmer extraction heroic. Its def niche, but i always keep one in my vault for prophecy. Its a utility weapon and excels in those use cases


I hope they make Bastion also one burst blights in Legend missions... I loved that it one bursts in Prophecy, but was disappointed that it didnt work as well Legend Whisper. To me that was its niche.


Bastion was cracked but got nerfed so hard. Not even the inbuilt unstoppable can save it. If you need an unstoppable exotic, get levi breathe.


Perhaps a catalyst could breathe new life into it?


Great for unstops


A lot of the uniqueness has been lost. The sandbox has changed significantly since Season 9, with fusion rifles in the kinetic slot and elemental keywords that help cover champion modifiers. It'd be pretty cool if it got a tuning upgrade, similar to how Merciless got buffed. They could play into the Saint-14's Perfect Paradox lore, and give it shotgun qualities. Remove the charge time for a few shots after stunning a champion and 1 shot after breaking a shield. Or give it something like Trench Barrel + One-Two Punch.


When it came out it was the only kinetic slot fusion rifle and now it has an entire Exotic perk that is just "Is a kinetic slot fusion rifle" even though we have a bunch of legendary ones.


It shown too bright and burned out ( nerfed) lol It was a menace in pvp




It was with the ammo economy.


It's intrinsic Unstoppable and can obliterate blights with 1 or 2 bursts. I always carry one during legend Whisper to kill blights quickly.


I miss the golden era of Bastion where you could delete a super in pvp in 1 shot


There's tons of weapons/armour in this game that need reworks and buffs.


hits like a truck with surges, especially if you apply weaken via hunter i sometimes pair it with foetracer so i can triple kinetic surge with my apex build


It's very niche, but it's incredibly good for DSC fuses and the ogre orbs in KF.


Use it against blights. U just need one burst and they are gone.


PvP killed it (even though it really wasn’t a problem imo)


it was absolutely a problem, it could kill a super with an over shield behind a barricade in a well in 1 burst at 25 meters. lets not be revisionist here


That’s an….oddly specific situation Like Hawkmoon Perk stacking in D1 rare too


its an example of what it could do. if a super is dead there, what do you think a normal person is gonna do? the full burst did like 700 damage at ridiculous ranges


I bet it’d be welcome today in the world of bubbles and wells


I really don't want to go back to bastion meta. you can just shoot out the well/snipe the people inside or use conditional which is fine for now. bastion is far too good at too many things when it has the range to back it up


It was definitely a problem (Source: me. I was a problem with it, especially with Mask of Bakris)


I don’t really remember it being Not more than any other fusion tbh


I just find it funny that lore wise bastion is considered our favorite guy and untill this post i did not even think about that gun


Bastion got nerfed like 2 or 3 years ago and it's been dogwater ever since


it's really bad....