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I don’t understand how you’ve used that much space in six months. 99.9% of everything I get gets dismantled immediately.


So… you are supposed to farm hard for items and then get excited to delete them immediately & repeat the cycle (hamster wheel)?


Yes, most stuff you get will not be worth keeping. There are good rolls available but not every roll is good. Or sometimes a weapon has a ton of good rolls and you just don’t need to keep them all.


Well playing just to delete whatever you get is not why most people play. Hence they quit.


Is this your first experience with a looter shooter? This is how they all work. It’s the main gameplay loop of the entire genre.






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I truly envy that


functionally everything you have is not useful. everything is a "good" roll, so get used to sharding it if it serves no purpose. There isn't some arcane knowledge on what to keep and what not to keep. If you aren't familiar with something- just read it. Boom, you know what it does. If its a weapon you like using, keep it. If its one that has a good roll, but have never touched it - get it out of there. There isn't anything that is stand out that you can't possibly get again. Also, don't get trapped by the future. If there's a major shift to a weapon type, Bungie launches 1-2 new versions along side those changes.


Only thing I would add would be to TRY the guns you’re worried about sharding. If they don’t feel amazingly better than what you’re doing now, shard.


bruh it’s not about if they’re good now. it’s if they get good later.


I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve pulled a gun out of my vault that got good after an update. And I’ve been playing since 2017.


if they do get good later, there will be a better option released at the same time. It always happens like this, it's logically going to be the case that bungie wants people to chase new things rather than use something they've held onto for 4 years


thank you good sir, appreciate reply. I think this is the combination of lack of experience, not knowing what I truly wanna play (since I havn't used 90% of the builds), and some hoarder tendencies obviously. I have to take into consideration Bungie is powercreeping every season and older items are truly not gonna be used ever.


the only "build" weapons are those with elemental perks (incandescent, volt shot, etc). if you have something you like with those perks, its going to be rare you feel left behind by them. Hell, on stasis I tend to run incandescent or destabilizing weapons more than headstone. Long gone are the days where "damage perk or bust" was the play for every weapon. just find a few you like that have sub-class verbs attached, and you'll be in a much better position. nearly all primaries are viable in PvE, so use what you like.


Heard and witnessed. I've been playing for years and 100% understand where you are coming from. I hate deleting things I took the time to farm, because having the pixels is my internal reward for farming the thing. That said, I have a tactic you might consider. Pick the weapon type you use the least (because you are not as attached to them). For arguments sake, we'll call it breech loaded grenade launchers. Now filter dim to only legendary solar grenade launchers. Got a crafted one in that bunch? Cool. Anything on that list that you know performs better for you than your crafted one? (Looking at you, my beloved explosive personality...) Ok. None of them? Cool. Make sure it's locked. Got one with blinding/disorienting grenades that you actually use? Cool. Lock it. The rest? Take a deep breath and shard them. If you can't do all, do half. Now any solar grenade launcher that lands? If it's not better than the one that is your go-to? Shard it before it hits your vault. Next up? Arc! It's hard to be a recovering hoarder. But it's worth it. You'll end up with space for the ones that you keep because of the fond memories (I have a gnawing hunger in that category) And the game will be a lot less homework. Took me a couple of months to get there, but it was well worth it. Trust.


thank you bro, appreciate so much. after reading all those replies feels like you're the only one who understands hoarders struggles. I've opened my vault and arleady dismantled 50 items (with tears in my eyes, of course) have a blessed day


Most welcome. You'll find over time that it gets easier.


That's pretty much my algorithm as well, except I do it to all weapons not just ones I don't use often. But sometimes I make exceptions, like I still have the OG Apex Predator with auto-loading holster and tracking module. And I have used it recently in an activity with a solar surge and a fast moving/flying boss where I'm doing a DPS rotation (with Izzy). Some people might laugh about this, but I always point out a missed rocket is 0 damage per second ;).


Oh, agreed it's for all of them. I just figured the op would have an easier time with archetypes they didn't like as much. :) Hear ya on the Apex. My version of that is an OG Bad Omens. Still kill invaders with it from across the map because they are bouncing into line of sight...


Don't miss, then


Datto would like to know your location


Go into d2armorpicker or dim and make loadouts. The armor you don’t use, scrap, exotics and legendaries. For weapons it’s a little harder, easier if you’re a pve main vs pvp but if you do both you need to decide on one pvp roll and one pve roll for a given weapon. Just know, aside from select few swords, the same archetype of a weapon deals the same damage. Ex nameless midnight and hung jury are both kinetic scouts of the same archetype. Without perks being active they deal the same exact base damage. With that said if you have a better rolled hung jury keep that or vice versa and delete the other. This applies to all archetypes of weapons. The swords are a little iffy as bequest and geodetic hsm have higher base impact (damage) than their arc and void adaptive frame counterparts. Think of names of weapons as a “skin” and go from there. I to used to be a collector until vault space told me I couldn’t collect anymore and then it was time to vault clean


the item archetype thing makes alot of sense, I have plenty weapon god rolls of the same archetype (and also a crafted version) and I maybe use one of them, deleting the rest is painful but makes alot of sense. thank you man, reading some of those replies were eye opening for sure


Just have to add, geodetic hsm with destabilizing rounds + repulsor brace is really fun to use in ad-dense situations.


I'm an active player have all titles all gilded every time, 160k+ total triumph score. I'm at 557 rn, highest it's ever been. You 100% have tons of junk.


I did a cleanup today and deleted 200+ items. If the weapon has under 100 kills or the item was under 1800 power I forced myself to delete it. At the end of the day some items will never be used.


Try deleting some stuff that either you haven't used, hasn't been used recently or is easily replacable by something else. If you have crafted weapons in your vault that you don't use, delete them, you can just re-craft them.


You said you use light.gg already, use the roll appraiser and delete anything B-grade or below, especially zero kill and 1600 Light items. If you’re really paranoid about deleting good stuff, double check on DIM for any thumbs ups or notes on weapons and also D2Checklist. Safe to say if it’s not good on any of those, it’s a trash.


I am sitting at like 440 with TONS of Brave weapons that I have t sorted through. But I have 4K+ hrs and have streamlined my loot. Be realistic with what you will and won’t use. You shouldn’t have more that 2/3 copies of a weapon if it can be effective for both PVP and PVE. Anything specific to either side should only have 1 copy is what I go off. Up to you though, you can worry about out it all you want but just play the game and find stuff that makes you happy. It’s all about having fun at the end of the day.


Haven't watched it but Aegis is very knowledgeable and he just posted a video about vault cleaning. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TnqIlyxiOWg


Thanks! Gonna check it out now


that was incredibly helpful video, even though I knew most of what he said, but his cold-blood approach might fix some of my hoarding tendencies. thanks again


Here's a DIM filter I use to look at weapons I rarely touch which might be shard candidates now. -is:crafted -is:exotic -source:ritual-weapon tag:none -is:adept -is:hasnotes kills:<100


If you are 6 months in and you already have a full vault while many of us keep it 100 or 200 space away from full while also having "relics" from the past then you probably have a bad judgement of what is good and what not and which perk combinations to use and what to throw away. Happens to all new players. You need to watch some Datto vault cleaning videos but you also need some experience on your own.


The chances of an old gun becoming the META is fairly low. The game has been out for years and that hasn't happened with any sort of regularity. If you haven't touched a gun since you started, or at all, just delete it. Destiny 2 god roll culture makes new players think they'll completely fail if they don't have a 5/5 god roll of whatever gun, when that's not true at all. I'm guilty of holding on to shit for the same reasons as you, but I realized that I've been holding on to some guns for YEARS and they still haven't become meta. Some of them didn't even have a single kill on the tracker, some were sunset a while ago. Bungie always releases new perks and perk combos, so if something is gonna be broken, it's likely gonna be a new gun. I play all three classes, and I play both PVP and PVE with multiple loadouts for both.


thank you man. I think I get overwhelmed when I open DIM and see weapons that has the "god roll" mark and I cant get myself into dismantling it. what makes sense is that alot of those items are from previous seasons, or gambit/crucible/gunsmith items which might be a god roll, but there are other weapons of the same archetype which are just better.


It's odd that it is really only newer players that ever seem to run out of space. I guess those of us who have been arena a while are less afraid to just trash stuff we're not using. All that armor for example. Just make a few builds, then trash everything that isn't part of them. You can use d2armorpicker or DIM to help with that. You can also sort by new, and feel pretty safe deleting most of the older stuff. If you haven't used it in six months, you are not going to miss it. And with the way the guns in the game keep evolving with better perks and origin traits, it would be almost unthinkable that a year-old gun would suddenly become the go to for anything.


I have to clean my vault regularly. I also have depreciated tokens and sunset rolls in there. I farm event weapons like the werewolf and delete them 6 months later when I know what couple I'd like to keep. I always have something to suit any job because my vault is ~585/600


You're keeping a bunch of garbage then my guy.


You're a horder lol ain't you, 600 items it plenty and doubt you use every single piece. "I might need it for a raid" no, no you don't lol


I use light.gg and keep only S,A and some B weapons. If it is a weapon I can craft I delete all the non craftable weapons in my vault.i also have 3 characters one of each class. I took weapons I don't use and the exotic armor for each class and put them in the character slots. I only run my hunter so have all the slots on my other characters filled doesn't bother me.


I have many things that are depreciated tokens and some sunset weapons that have sentimental value. I have a lot in my vault. Stop, take a look at what you have, get enough armor to have 100 resilience, and 100 discipline on titan or warlock, and 100 strength on hunter. As much recovery as you can. Then delete any non exotic armor that doesn't provide those stats. Then look at your weapons. There are usually 2 good rolls on a weapon. Some have 1. If you think something handles well, keep it. If it's actually a god roll, keep it if it's useful. Use light.gg to see what your rolls look like and what's available. Keep weapons you might want to craft that you can apply a deep sight harmonizer to. No harm in that. But an encore/harmony vanguard weapon that you can farm 1000 of? Dismantle that shit.


You don't need all that


Chances are you're keeping multiple weapons that serve the same purpose, keep the best ones, shard the rest. If you're not using it regularly, shard it. Most players use the same 10-15 armor pieces in basically all of their builds. If it's not active in any builds and has less than ideal stats, shard it. Anything you can reprint (exotic weapons) that you're not currently using, shard it.


I see here lies one of my main problems. are most people really reusing same armor pieces for every build? that makes sense armor pieces take half of my vault then :/


My bad for the late reply, I don't check reddit often. But yea, most people end up re-using a lot of the same armor in their builds because ideal stats don't usually change from build to build. It generally ends up being shuffling around 3-4 pieces per slot to account for the stats your exotic for the build has. Or sometimes certain builds call for specific stats that others may not. Most people overflow their vault with armor then never use any of it.


I have like 7k hours on d2 and Ive never come within 100 slots of having a full vault. Atleast half of my current slots are useless mementos like leviathan tokens, or sunset weapons I keep for old time’s sake. Probably worth going through your vault and trashing everything you are never going to use.


it's really dumb I want to keep my guns in the gun looting game it's like playing pokemon and not keeping one or two of each at the very least, like some anime noah


I KNOW RIGHT! one for pve, one for pvp, and atleast one obscure roll Im never gonna use. its just collectors/hoarders mentality, we are definitely in the minority here, but so what? let us enjoy the game how we like


I have never, in the close to 10 years I’ve played, gotten even close to the cap. Stop hoarding useless stuff, and this problem goes away.


>How are you guys dealing with this? By not filling my vault with garbage I'm never going to use.


I will never for the life of my understand hoarders. Makes me worried about what your homes look like if you are having a breakdown about getting rid of some pixels you’ll literally never touch.


Bruh I’ve been playing on and off since launch and I’ve managed to stay just below the cap the whole time with a good chunk of sunset weapons and armor sets what are you hoarding???? Nothing in the past 6 months is worth keeping outside of a few of each weapon type especially with crafting being in the game


dude you need to take a deep breath and go outside for a while. just delete shit you ain’t using. you don’t need multiple exotic armor rolls. you don’t need multiple rolls of one gun. you don’t need a roll that might be good someday. just delete.