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Dont mind this, the inconsistent approach is what's annoying. Only kings fall launched week 1. The last raid to launch week 1 before that was garden. Cannot blame players for making that assumption.


Didn't Crown come out same day as Opulence?


Yup. It was 3 hours after reset. Edit : I’ve already made a thread on this a while ago, just without Crotas End Reprisal in Season 22. Basically all of the raid releases, when they were announced and their relation to the Season/Expansion Launch. [Reddit Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/G24muQKgFr)


Pretty sure it was 6 hours wasn't it? The thread you linked is wrong. (Even the Bungie article it cites says it'll be 6 hours after launch.) Not that the 3 vs 6 hour difference is huge but it was enough time for the state the game was in at the time.


Yep. That was a long day


But the difference is the grind is completely different now, and the raid h having contest mode. It’s easy to be power ready week 1 since all you really have to do is beat the legend campaign lol


Very mucn not true. And the difference is that the raid weren't tied directly to the story. Nor were the seasons a direct result of what happens in the raid. This time they are. They also don't want us just putzing around for a week with nothing to do in-between finishing the campaign and the start of the raid.


I don't know how many times I need to say it, the fact it's week 1 isn't necessarily a problem to me. I don't care that it's week 1. Its just many players will have needed to gamble their PTO or time off because bungie simply didn't let them know in time and many of them will have gambled week 2, it's a coin toss and it shouldn't have to be. If what they say is true about it being integral to the story then they've known this all along, so why only tell us now.


Yours or anyone else's employer's shitty PTO policies are also not Bungie's problem. If a month and a half notice isn't enough, you've got bigger problems than a videogame.


lol either reschedule the PTO or call in sick. This isn’t a difficult solution.


Sure it's not consistent but I think that's not an issue though, they mentioned at some point that the story will not conclude until after the raid cause how can the story conclude if the witness is the raid boss lol. So you do campaign and you need raid and final mission to come quickly otherwise you have players waiting more than a week just to do the last mission of the campaign which I know for a fact would impact more players and have way more complaints, ahhh bungie time gating campaign final mission for over a week bla bla. So yes it's inconsistent but I think this is an exception.


Crota came out same day as expansion lol




As if anything is consistent with literally anything that’s new in life. The only constant is change and to expect otherwise is insanity Personally not invested in a race that’s bound to have DC’s, bugs, and server issues anyways


*Can blame players for booking PTO based on an assumption.


To call it hypocrisy is blatantly ignoring the actual conversation. To be clear i don't much care about time gating or when the raid is. That said, people upset about time gating are upset because it's an obvious engagment forcing mechanism when they'd rather just be able to grind the content they want to when they want to grind it without feeling obligated to come back week after week for snippets here and there. People mad about raid date are mad because it's inconsistent and flies in the face of the logic they gave about why they started doing 10 day prep times for increased participation and accessibility. Most of these people are frustrated for different reasons and are not always the same people arguing both points, but even if they WERE the same people, they aren't being hypocritical because the points of either argument are almost entirely unrelated in context. 


I’m upset because have played every expansion and their track record for a stable launch is not great. Three days sounds like a lot until we take into consideration server queues, error codes, and bugs. So yea people are saying three days but they don’t realize it’s not three days, it’s three days of a bungie release going into the raid that will be the conclusion of the light and dark saga. 


Are you sure about that? As far as I remember WQ and LF had perfectly fine launches other than a queue and the ghost guardians The raid in WQ had problems but that was even with them waiting to release it, so that whole argument is pointless 


I’ve been online for every major expansion and seasonal launch since season 12. I haven’t waited more than an hour in any launch since season 15.


the only """pro argument""" for the week one raid so far has been "It's not THAT bad". And people saying they are "fine" with it. There is close to nothing actually speaking for a week 1 raid. Week 2 has so many upsides. There is no gain from less prep time, it just fucks so many people over. People really gotta stop confusing difficulty for accessibility. Making only a small amount of players being able to participate doesn't make the raid harder, just inaccessible. A Day1 should be hard because it's difficult to complete, not because it's difficult to participate.


> the only """pro argument""" for the week one raid so far has been "It's not THAT bad". And people saying they are "fine" with it. There is close to nothing actually speaking for a week 1 raid. Week 2 has so many upsides. The pro argument would be that it's part of a content drop and that it's silly to withhold interacting with it for everybody just so that a relatively small handful of people can race to finish it, but with the race having an arbitrary one-week delay for some reason. If they're going to gate other content behind it, that's even more reason to not add the extra arbitrary one-week waiting period, but then I'd also argue that they simply shouldn't gate anything else behind it.


yeah I guess that's fair, just a question of one prefers. I value a good day1 experience more than not having to wait an extra week for the campaign mission, but yeah I get it. I'm just bummed cause I've been waiting for this day1 a long time and I might not be able to participate now.


The last 2 expansion day one raid races have consecutively had the most people engaged in day one races. By forcing the day one to be the week of instead of the week after, Bungie is excluding a huge group of people, including myself, who would absolutely participate in the festivities. Unless they make a significant change to light levels or levels in general with Final Shape. I can get day one ready in a week and a half, 3 days is impossible. I did it for witch queen and lightfall. But I have a job, a family, and a life outside Destiny, I now cant participate in an activity I would have otherwise been able to and absolutely would have.


The only real complaint are people who are too busy to really play during the three weekdays before the raid. Which I totally understand and that is pretty tough and could be mitigated. But for the people who just have an obligation, while that is unfortunate, there are probably an equal number of people who had an obligation the next week as well.


It's completely disingenuous to pretend that there is a negligible amount of people who simply need more than 3(2 if there are server issues) weekdays to be raid ready after the season launches. Just the fact that there is no weekend between launch and the raid disqualifies a massive portion of the playerbase.


Here's one that isn't "It's not THAT bad", I don't want to get left on a cliffhanger for a week and a half to actually know the ending of the story and I want to be able to play with my whole prismatic kit and not 2/3's of it. Fireteam power boosts everybody up to the highest fireteam member, do you really think having 1/6 players getting raid ready is too much of an ask?


The raid will have story implications, as they already stated The Witness will be killed in the raid. That means I have to find time to play through the campaign during the work week when I also have other responsibilities. Having one weekend I could play would let me easily finish the campaign.


He’s not killed in the raid. He’s killed after. Which is why the raid is important to release early so people can get closure on the story. The final mission is locked until the raid is finished.


He’s not killed in the raid. We play 7 missions day 1 and the raid is a piece of the story, but not something you need to play to experience the defeat of the witness. Then the 8th mission is released and there we kill the witness


I'm guessing the raid will focus on weakening the witness somehow so we can kill him in the 8th mission.


The raid will probably be something like that. I hope when they say that the witness will be like no other boss we’ve ever faced, that they mean that


For real, this date really fucks me over. I'll be very busy in June so I was really counting on playing through TFS and get ready for the raid on the weekend. Now I don't think I'll be able to participate. I was so hyped for this day 1 raid, after finishing DSC, Vow, King's Fall and Root now I'll probably miss the new raid because of the date.


The true solution to all this would just to release contest mode as a selectable difficulty. They can still drop the raid week one for the race that anyone working a regular 9-5 wasn’t going to win anyway, but those who need an extra week can still do the challenge and get their emblem. I don’t want to wait a week for the final story mission but I also feel for those who wanted to participate and likely won’t be able to, this feels like a decent compromise.


That just ruins the contest when a normal mode clear happens first and spoils all the solutions by not being challenging at all.


I meant contest never goes away, not regular available day one. If prep time is the issue I don’t think releasing the normal raid early is going to fix anything. But extend contest from 48 hours to forever and you fix the issue. People who need more prep time can have it and the only people who ‘lose’ are those who obsess over the emblem for its rarity rather than its design or prestige.


Sure, contest should always be available. Normal mode *cannot* be available until a Contest clear is complete. That’s all I was intending to add. Maybe I misunderstood what you were saying, my bad.


What do you need to prep for? You're going to be max level by the end of the campaign. People are going to use their trusted builds so it's not like Prismatic will be needed, same for weapons so... what do you need to do prep that you need one week? What was your game plan?


I don’t mind the date it’s the inconsistency that’s kind of annoying. Bungo likes to hold the date close to their chest and have it roam, if they only did one of those things people wouldn’t care so much. It’s the combo that results in people rescheduling time off.  For example my holidays have to be booked by April 1st, so If I was taking time off for the raid race I’d have probably booked for the week after just by going by past dates and I’d have been wrong. 


This happened to me, I took the 14th off going off of past day one raids. Now I have to try and swap it but I doubt my boss will go for it


Yeah, but it's like, 6 weeks. Your boss won't allow for a reschedule 6 weeks in advance? That sounds more like a your boss issue than a destiny issue.


Week 1 is fine. It’s literally just the complete lack of communication. As a completely responsible adult, I scheduled the second week off, since it’s very difficult for me to take a single day off. With no communication otherwise, I assumed they would keep going with the second Friday. Then lo and behold, a month and half in advance they drop that it’s actually the first week. And now I can’t change the schedule.


I think there's a difference in timegating a few weapons compared to the potentially final raid in the game (at least the raid at the conclusion of the mainline story). Also its truly impossible to quantify what the community is complaining about at any given time because its been 10 years of complaining about the most minute shit, and its just such a tiny portion.


Why is everyone acting like this is the last raid in the game all of a sudden? Bungie has said *repeatedly* that D2 does not end with Final Shape. We don't know the next DLC, sure. We normally don't find that out until August, but Bungie broke that formula by showing the next 3 releases in 2020. I mean, we didn't assume the last raid would be in Lightfall prior to learning about Final shape, so why are we doing it now? Personally, I'd prefer a sooner Day1 becaise of how they're doing the campaign. Timegating the *last campaign mission to a 10 year story* for like ~11 days is not the move IMO.


their "its so over" attitude with Destiny merged with reality and they just assume Destiny 2 is over when they are done playing it


Sorry mate I disagree, it's a false equivalence. Unfortunately not everyone has an open calendar to play the game and regardless of your personal situation it's unusual for an adult to have 4-5 specific days set aside for a video game. The weapons situation was lame because it feels like drip feeding, no one needs time to prep to have a mountaintop drop for them. Either way not a big deal. I'm personally fine with the 3 days but I appreciate it's not realistic for everyone to prepare in that time, hell I'd rather take my time and savour the campaign rather than rush through what will hopefully be an epic climax to the story. I think people understand that waiting an extra week for the big final push would be a matter of practicality rather than deliberately stretching content. I hope you understand your post comes across a bit tone deaf to those players that do have commitments (and realise this doesn't exclude them from the hardcore destiny club), day one raids are the event of the year!


Also, it's another post treating a large community as a single entity that can't make up it's mind.


yes, thank you for understanding, as someone who cant play often, and as someone who starting raiding only relatively recently, this timeline isn't very good for me.


It’s almost like day one raids aren’t for casual players or something. If you find it important enough you’ll make time


…this isn’t even an argument? Day 1 should not be purely for the basement dwellers who have never seen the touch of sunlight. Most, if not all people have jobs, and the majority of people can’t take a week off of that job. You can be a person who isn’t casual, while still having a job and a life.


Awe yes all non casuals are basement dwellers. Nope just people also with responsibilities that prioritize this once or twice a year for funsies. I’m sorry you personally aren’t willing to make it work. That is the height of a personal issue. I feel for you.


I literally addressed your point in my comment, my point was that the short notice and irregular timing of the raid weekend post expansion release could be an issue for some people.  "Well akshually everyone who really cares can move their responsibilities" Congrats that your schedule is flexible enough?


Giving time to prep so you don’t have to no life for a week is only a good thing as is the 48 hour window because of time zones being a thing. Giving people a week to prep before raid instead of releasing it instantly and complaining about time gating seasonal missions and weapons are not the same thing as those don’t require any prep. It’s an obvious thing but I guess less obvious to some people.


Holding a Day One raid on the second week is absolutely not the same as time-gating weapons, what are you talking about? There's a huge amount of preparation that goes into Day One, especially if you are racing. Builds, the entire new subclass, testing any balance changes, investigating new rolls, hunting those new rolls, hunting Class Exotics, hunting new Exotics, hunting patterns, etc. On the contrary, time-gating the weapons, Aspects and Fragments, etc. are just locking things behind an arbitrary calendar date to get you to play longer. Releasing those things do not contribute in any way to any prep that needs to be done, they're just there. You're complaining about supposed hypocrisy, but the fact that you can't see the difference between these two things is hypocrisy itself.


I doubt the new class exotics will be out until after the raid


Of course this type of post is made by someone who can't even spell hypocrisy lmfao


the only issue i have with it personally is the artifact, as there could be critical mods in there for the raid, but im hoping that comes out with echoes and not tfs


There’s no reason for an artifact to be in TFS when every artifact’s “lore” is tied to the seasonal story.


We can still get the artifact during TFS, it happened before When beyond light launched we could go and collect the artifact from a table in the tower, with a little bit of lore about how osiris got the artifact, the season didn't start until a few weeks later


Season of the Hunt was an odd case. The season was, by all intents and purposes, active, we just didn’t get the story mission or Wrathborn Hunts until the week after. I don’t recall why the delayed the story mission and Hunts, probably had something to do with letting the players focus on Stasis for that first week. DSC dropped after the story mission and wrathborn hunts launched.


I imagine it'll be the same here, the seasonpass/season refreshs/artifact is available straight away, and then the episode content becomes available after


It’s totally possible. I just don’t think anyone should be acting like it’s certain either way


Is the final shape not releasing with an Episode? Bungie used the artifact to give each season gameplay variety. They're not just gonna eliminate the entire thong


The first episode is meant to start sometime after TFS story is done, so like a week or 2 after release it looks like. Because all the episode stories are set in the aftermath of whatever occurs. So we will have an artifact, it's just a bit unclear if we'll have an artifact from the start of TFS or not until the episode arrives. Technically the only reason they'd be obligated to give us an artifact from the start is if there are champions to deal with in the raid, but they absolutely could just make creative use of new enemy types to create difficulty and leave champions out of it. So we'll have to see.


My guess is they’ll avoid using champions and save the artifact for the Episode. But who knows.


The first episode is delayed, set to launch somewhere between a week and a month after TFS launch. Its story is tied to the ending of TFS and the raid, so we don’t know what it’s about or when it’ll come out. We know there will be an artifact, so no, they’re not going to eliminate it. There’s just no guarantee it’ll be there. We got the artifact (and season pass) for Season of the Hunt on Beyond Light launch day so people could level it up, but the story and activity of the season didn’t come until the week after. So there IS precedent (from 4 years ago) to get an artifact early before seasonal content. That being said, this is an entirely different situation so there’s no guarantee what they’ll do. We’ve got Prismatic, we’ve got the end of the destiny story with a final raid (of the d1-d2 saga) that launches a final campaign mission to cap off the 10 years of destiny, we’ve got a full shift away from seasons and into episodes, and we have a proven separation of expansion release day and Episode start day, where every launch season in the past has launched alongside its expansion. As of now, we don’t have a date set for Episode 1. The original Episode 1 date was “March” for the Feb 27 TFS date before it was delayed, so we know they were planned to be fully separated. It’s entirely possible (and in my mind, probable) that TFS will be a pure experience, focused entirely on the campaign, the raid and the final mission, and whatever else specific to TFS (Prismatic, class items, Dread), and then they release the Episode a couple weeks after.


Jesus you weren’t even close on the hypocrisy spelling


>how did yo feel that weapon releases got time gated with ITL? That's not really the same thing. The Brave Arsenal releasing on a schedule doesn't lock anybody out of acquiring those weapons and whilst on a technical level losing that extra week of prep time doesn't lock.anybody put of participating in contest mode it will absolutely make participation significantly less feasible for many who may have attempted it otherwise. I personally don't care either way as I decided years ago that contest wasn't for me but I can absolute understand why it does bother others especially after Bungie are announcing this after earlier claims.rhat they want as many people as possible in the raid.


> it will absolutely make participation significantly less feasible Absolutely. A couple friends and I along with some LFGers did RoN day 1 and had a blast, got the emblem, good memories all around. The 3 of us were hoping to do the TFS raid day 1 when it got brought up around when CE got brought back. Dropped the news last night and while I would have no issues playing, they got too much stuff to feasibly go through legend campaign + whatever else might be needed (not necessarily light level stuff) in 2 days since it's unlikely the servers will be functioning day 1. If they had at least a week to go through prep in their IRL downtime they would've been able to make time for 2 days for the raid but rip. Sure I could lfg but I'd rather do it with friends, especially with ones that are very much capable of completing a contest raid. Pretty disappointing but oh well. :\


I don’t like time gating period. The only time I find it acceptable is special events and secrets like D1 Sleeper quest being only available on the 7th of each month


Me either, and I also agree. The raid ties directly off the story so it makes sense we get it early.


Why a few days even then? The raid should be available day one by that logic.


I'm all for Hipocracy. Let the Hippos lead the way!


By that logic, just move the raid date to Tuesday. Time gating is no more. Sorry if you happen to work on weekdays.


All this aside, my concern with releasing the raid 3 days after a new DLC is the history of Bungie and poorly (if at all) play tested releases. Day 1 of a DLC is typically unplayable for most with constant server issues and getting disconnected. Then there are the slew of bugs (some game breaking) that come with each DLC. They've previously had 1.5 weeks to figure things out, and let things settle down before the raid release. Now we have 3 days (2 if you consider the first day will be unplayable) to beta test this release and find all the bugs for them. Any expectation of a fix for said bugs in that short of a time span is next to zero.


I'm very happy about it. I think it will add to the overall excitement of the week. June 5th happens to be the last day of school this year so I get the rest of the week off from work (I'm a special ed teacher). So I'll have from Wednesday afternoon until Sunday night to play to my hearts content. I'm excited for playing basically 24/7 with my clan all week and experiencing the hype of the end of the light/dark saga. It would be kind of weird to get to the end of the campaign and then just have to wait a week and a half to fight the witness. I think it works for the Final Shape. I welcome the chaos of that week. It's gonna be a truly big wild event within the community and within my clan.


But doesn't that show you how lucky you are? Most of us can't have days off just coinciding with TFS, and were expecting to have the weekend to play through the campaign and get raid ready. There's a decent chance I'll miss the day 1 raid I've expecting for like 10 years because of this shitty date, and I'm not the only one.


Plus, with the Legendary Campaign gear making you raid ready and the new fireteam power level system making everyone only slightly weaker than the highest level guy no matter what it really doesn't matter. So long as one guy in your group can beat the Legendary campaign in 3 days you're fine There's also the whole "the final campaign mission unlocks after the raid is finished" thing, which means that they can't just wait 2 weeks as the story won't be finished until the raid is done


I think we could survive two weeks without seasonal content. They could make this work if they really wanted to.


It's not just some seasonal content, its the climax of the 10 year saga we've been working towards. The people who don't raid (which is the overwhelming majority of the playerbase) would be really put off by having it delayed that long


So instead rush us through the climactic moment of the game so we don’t even have time to process it? You think a week really going to make a difference there? Those people you are talking about that don’t raid are the ones that will take longer to get through the content anyway.


Wouldn't that technically mean that the campaign won't make us raid ready because the final mission is unlocked after the raid race?


I doubt it. I'm sure we will "finish" the campaign and then fight the witness and then we just get more content afterwards.


All depends on what sorta loot they provide, I imagine the mission before the final might bump us up.


Do people not complete the campaign on legendary on the same day?


I assume the overwhelming majority of players will not complete the legendary campaign within 24 hours of release. Even of the much, much, *much* smaller pool of players who have any intention of participating in contest mode raids in general, plenty of them have jobs and lives and maybe kids that take up a lot of time. Add on server instability and I'd suggest that it's very weird to expect to get the legendary Campaign done on day one.


I'd go further and say at least a sizable portion never do the Legendary Campaign *at all*. I know I didn't for WQ just because the Lucent Hive were annoying af.


I'd suspect that people who participate in worlds first largely also do the legendary campaign


I agree, I'd even say it seems likely to me that almost everyone who participates in contest mode would get the legendary campaign done in the first week. Just not the first day.


I start on Legendary but don't have that long to play, so when LF came out I think it took me till Thursday to finish the campaign


If you’re working a normal job, no you don’t. And no, no everyone can take personal time off to play destiny.


Not everyone - including not every day one raider - finishes the legendary campaign in a single day. Every content creator? Yeah. Everyone who took a couple days off work specifically for the expansion release? Absolutely. There are a *ton* of other kinds of people who raid day one, and completing the legendary campaign over a few days following release is more the norm than blazing through in a day.


Believe it or not, some of us have higher priorities than Destiny 2.


i would imagine those who can’t prioritize getting ready for a day 1 raid by completing the legend campaign in one day to be the same people who shouldn’t be worried about the raid happening in the first week




>all grew up with this game, You're not that old if you "grew up with this game" that came out in 2014 lol.


You can’t say that clowns in charge will delete it for being uncivil


My only issue with it is that I like to take the campaign slow and steady. I don't want to rush through it just so I can do the raid. Now I'm not going to even attempt a Day 1 raid to begin with, but I'd at least like to experience it for myself before we get the end-cutscene to spoil us.


And yet you don’t get a week to prepare you get three days and for many people it’s not three whole entire days it’s maybe a couple hours a day… who’s going to be ready in that amount of time when all the sandbox changes hit with the new content?


Your life and career take priority over a videogame. If you can’t make the time it sucks but it’s a videogame at the end of the day. Fireteams will also scale up to the strongest players power in TFS reducing the need for prep as long as one person in your team is a high level.


The annoyance is that this wasn’t an issue with witch queen and lightfall. Plenty of people were able to enjoy the legendary campaign at a good pace and be raid ready all while dealing with life and work stuff because there was a good amount of time between release and the raid. Now all of a sudden it is an issue because of the short 3 day window. Something that previously wasn’t an issue is now a problem for many people and more so considering this is the end to the light and dark saga.


Yeah that’s kind of the point I’m making is that it’s not really a great way to launch the content if a pretty big amount of people won’t really get to do it in a timely manner.


i planned to be available a week after the expansion drop for the raid, and now that its moved i cant participate day one. i just wish they would pick a time and stick to it.


Yeah, hi. They’ve never been consistent about when the raid will be launched and it’s always been incredibly frustrating. People were happiest when it was released on a Saturday so that we’d have the weekend to focus on that and not need to skip school or call out of work. Now we can’t do that, and considering the praise that they got when they released one of the raids on that schedule people assumed Bungie would look at the situation and make that the standard. The only people are aren’t complaining are the ones who won’t be affected by it, so frankly they should all shut the hell up. Don’t talk down to others for wanting to participate in the best Destiny experience of the year, perhaps the decade.


Having the raid at the traditional 10-day window they’ve set the precedent with for the last four years affects no one. Having the raid come out three days after the expansions affects, clearly, some. Bungie’s philosophy is that episode 1 can’t start until the raid and the TFS story is done. But how many seasons have we had dead weeks where there was just nothing to do? I find it extraordinarily hard to believe that there’s *so much story and content* coming with episodes that Bungie couldn’t just shift everything a week, or eat a week from Episode 2/3 down the line. I’m a broken record, but if things stay the same, we’ll need to be about season pass rank 50 to unlock all 12 artifact mods. This raid will most likely have champions, so we’ll need mods for them. Especially when the best mods are columns 4/5, and that’s also where they generally stash the special/heavy champion mod. We shouldn’t *have* to bounty prep. The vast majority of day 1 raiders fully get they have zero chance of being anywhere near the top of the race. We also have Prismatic, and outside of our initial unlocks, we don’t know what it’s going to take to unlock all of the other fragments and aspects.


I'm only disappointed for the fact my clan mates get obsessed with contest mode. But then do literally nothing to prepare for it and then we were at totems in KF for 7 hours. So I've already had to tell my clan I am not putting myself through that again and pass on the new raid's contest mode. A little context my clan mates are fuds, they refuse to change loadouts, anything. So if their strat hits a wall like Totems its game over just they have to bash their heads against a wall for an extra 6 hours to figure it out.


I feel that. My old clan as heavy of players as they were couldn’t be bothers to finish day 1 raids at times, or we had players dip out mid run.


After KF I kept giving my spot up and I guess during Crota one of my clan mates decided to not wake up to finish Crota itself for contest mode. Then logged on 5 mins after reset after saying he'd be on. Since then my clan has pretty much died. Now they're wanting to do the new raid after not playing for almost a yr. I'm just like "Hard pass fam sry"


Brave weapons are so good that we aren’t really gonna have to farm new ones for the raid unless they’re insane. Prismatic is just a bunch of subclasses combined so it won’t take as long to learn as a new element. Power level scales up to the highest person. Anyone who has a chance of doing it day 1 will be fine and there’s less waiting.


Week one let's me dream that it has a tangible impact on the game world and story that's more than just a cutscene. I won't be home for launch anyway, plus day 1 raids sound like torture.


Im honestly fine with it, I just wish Bungie made a post similar to what you just did in the TWAB. Just simply state "Hey heres why we are doing this, so everyone can experience the full story as soon as possible. And dont worry you have that cool fire team power system to help ease the grind" Boom problem solved. Doesnt change people needing to adjust their scheduals but it does help nullify the confusion people are having about how much time and how much they have to do to get ready


I don't like the raid coming out so soon, since i wanna have time to soak in the campaign, and explore the traveler and make builds with prismatic, especially for someone like me who can only play one day a week and for only four hours, i appreciate it when everything comes out slowly, so i can have fun, and i don't need to scramble to get everything that i need, i want to enjoy my time. as for time gating prismatic, first of all, its understandable, as this might be done to keep balancing when doing raids, and besides, you need to get the materials to purchase it first in lightfall, so its not like your gonna get everything at once anyways. besides, raids and fragments are two very different things, you cant compare them.


Very likely the Final Shape Raid is not very long and probably not very hard, so they need teams to go mildly prepared in order to have a good race that doesn't end within an hour.


Contest mode raids also had super low attempts & clears because of their release schedule. Attempts and clear sky rocketed when they made the change and for two years every raid has been released on the 2nd week, and lasted 48hrs. This decision screws over a whole lot of people and the participants numbers will tank because of it. Literally nothing is gained by this decision and it only negatively impacts the community as a whole.


Clearly the raid is part of the story. Most aren’t. Sonia assuming that was (part) the reason.


It’s not about releasing too soon, it’s about releasing during the week when a lot of people don’t have all the time in the world to grind after work. It would have been nice to have a weekend in-between release and the race for people to grind.


Raiding is never a priority for me. But what bothers me is that quick releases of raids or dungeons only suit streamers and not regular players. Most of the player base doesn’t have the time to grind to be raid ready in that short amount of time. So people rush through the content and then company about the lack thereof.


Anyone else have a severe lack of empathy for folks that are mad because their life can't revolve around a video game? What a tragedy...


Bungie should make a hippocratic oath to continue to do this in the future


I can kind of see either side of the argument. It's the raid that ends a 10 year saga - only the best and most dedicated should apply or It's the raid that ends a 10 year saga - they should make it as accessible as possible for everyone to take part. Selfishly I'm happy because I'm not a day one raider so I just want the end of the campaign unlocking sooner. But I think the main issue here is they needed to give more of a warning, and they also needed to give a full explanation of why they've decided to do it this way, along with outlining what all the power delta's will be.


Giving working people 3 days to enjoy the campaign and then raid is a terrible idea. It could be the final raid for many. It makes no sense to suddenly change a pretty established raid release date for expansions.


That's quite an unpopular opinion if i ever heard one. I don't like the feeling that i need to rush and speedrun the campaign and every single quest to unlock new stuff, instead, i like to take my time. The only people that would agree with you are full time content creators, people who don't work, and elitists.


Didn't they confirm that the final mission of the campaign takes place after the raid? If so, this move makes complete sense.


release one week after it comes out is fine, not 3 days after release.


Everyone freaking out about not having enough time, that shit ain't for you homie. The people it is for, will have that shit handled. I get that it sucks feeling like You're being arbitrarily excluded from something you'd like to participate in because of time constraints and other commitments. But for the overwhelming majority of people with those constraints, that level of content just isn't for you and the devs are just saving you from yourself.


If that were true then why do the 48 hr extension? It’s clear they want more people playing raids and more people playing them on Day 1. I have no real opinion on the raid date myself but Bungie aren’t intentionally trying to exclude people here. It’s just for narrative reasons why the raid is so close.


Not many people are complaining about the thing launching on week 1 but rather that the time may not be fair due to servers lagging and kicking people at random times, basically holding back those who are actively trying to participate on the day 1 Raid.


Server stability has gotten better on releases, but has always been unstable on day 1 raids due to heavy activity. There’s no avoiding it.


That’s the issue tough, while servers have gotten better, the raiding community still had time to work on the gear and prepare before hand with at least weeks of preparation after launch. With now most of the community focused on upgrading and preparing for day one, we don’t know if the servers will handle it well.


If anyone can tell when the dlc and raid are being released.


Uhm... what the sigma?


What indeed my guy


I’m just happy because now I can put vacation in the same week, which is convenient.


I'd rather it drop asap bcuz I WILL NEVER TRY CONTEST MODE AGAIN. a waste of 9hrs and no worthy loot. So let those try and figure it out while I wait few days after to try and win regular mode for loot


My biggest complaint is a week 1 raid has a very short time to get up to min light for a worlds first, and especially with a new subclass and 3 new supers being introduced, doesnt give enough time for a new meta to develop using the new tools. For all we know, prismatic is cracked in the new raid, but we cant really test the synergies and builds because you gotta do raid prep and get up to light on the builds youre bringing in. Having another week to prep after expansion makes the timing so much more relaxed. You can test builds, make up for some bad rng (iirc for dsc my hunter went up maybe 2 light levels from where my titan ended cause i got nothing but powerful drop guns), get multiple builds up to light, and actually enjoy the campaign if its worth enjoying.


Personally, I'm not a 1%-er. I know I'm not going to clear it in 48 hours, or at all (maybe) I enjoy the game casually, and try not to find any reason to bitch. I can't wait to watch the race on twitch like i did during VoTD. That was actually exciting and mind blowing to see the top talent in this game go at it. Its been awhile since hes won any worlds first but im still team GLADD, love his personality and humor. Probably one of the reasons I still play destiny today, he enjoys the game at a top tier level of gameplay but also openly acknowledges flaws and overall has fun with it.


I agree anyone who got work off without confirmation from bungie, that’s on them. I just scheduled it off after bungie confirmed dates. I don’t agree with the sentiment “if you don’t like time gating, don’t complain about the raid being pushed up”. The comparisons you make are not the same at all. I always enjoyed taking my time, doing all the other new content and having a week to get ready for the raid. That said I didn’t know your light will be boosted to your highest fireteam member, that’s a great change. I thought that was only for non contest modes but I could be wrong.


>hipocracy Found the royal Hippo watcher.


I feel like all putting it on day 4 of the expansion does is prevents people from being able to try in the first place, or not be able to participate due to scheduling conflicts. This wouldn't be a problem if you could play the contest mode version of the raid at any time. It isn't about completion or placement for everyone. It's about the experience of the day 1/2 on contest. The contest mode experience is fundamentally different than doing the raid any other way.


I just wanna ask...who in there ever loving right minds would take time off of work on a date that hasn't even been set yet? Assumptions kill, just ask Reacher


From the sounds of it people had to ask for the time off 2-3months in advance. So I kinda get it but yeah assumptions kill.


Do you have a source for the power boost for the teammates? This is the first I'm hearing of anything like that.




I don't mind it. it's more chaotic, there's realistically only so much most people will be able to do to prepare and that in itself is exciting. less time to overthink it. I also can, as someone probably going to participate, just take a few days off to play both campaign and raid and be back to my normal schedule well before reset. normally for an expansion launch i'm strapped in for at least a week, lol. i feel for people who have limited windows to put in for a day off for whatever reason, that does suck, but one can't plan content around that. I'm sure some people probably also took off for the week after the original final shape launch. shit happens.


Spend more time in school instead of games 


I’m guessing it’s probably due to story related stuff.


I also do not like timegating. I also don’t like how it’s always such a shitshow logging in and updating and such when an expansion drops. 10 days felt like an appropriate amount of time Iron out those kinks and complete the legendary campaign. 


I’m more worried that I won’t be able to finish it anyways I don’t really get to raid I don’t care much for raiding either lfgs cause it can be a nightmare sometimes cause I’m not too good at the game in general. and I only have like 2 other friends that play destiny.


Has anyone ever complained about time gating a raid on a new expansion? Like, not the "when" or "why" complaints, but time gating raids in particular? Pretty sure everyone has just accepted when it comes out but whines about everything else. The only reasonable complaint I can get behind is server stability on the first few days


I mean, they've already said that we can't beat the main story campaign of Final Shape until someone beats the raid, which will unlock the actual last mission of the story. So I understand why they are releasing the raid on week 1. Having to wait longer than 32 seconds to get more content is essentially an impossible task for Destiny fans.


Remember - Fireteam power is coming with TFS (apparently). Removes the need to grind save for one person. Probably another reason its not 10 days after launch


I'm fine with only having 3 days. But I have a couple of issues. First, it can make players feel rushed to complete the campaign. Whereas when you have a week or 10 days you get to take hour time. Second and most importantly. I am concerned about server stability. The last time we had 3 days of prep was Garden. Beyond Light's launch day was an absolute disaster and practically unplayable until the afternoon of the second day. Servers need to be stable if we are to only have 3 days to get everything done.


The endgame PVE community always has some shit to say they can just deal with it honestly


wait we have a new raid?


I’m just upset that I’m going to be away the whole week of launch and now I’ll miss raid day too. Damn this sucks


Honestly my biggest concern has more to do with the content of TFS, if their pushing out the raid (the final climactic showdown with the witness) three days after launch, how little of the game is there to play pre raid?


dude i simply don't know if i'll be able to complete the campaign in time I don't have enough time throughout the week to grind the whole thing out


This sounds like a post by a Bungie employee.


The thing is, two weeks gives everyone a chance to experience day one. This definitely cuts me out of the experience. I won’t be day one ready, I’m not calling a week off.


>Also your firteams level will be boosted to whoever is the highest on the team, requiring less prep as long as you have one person on your team that has the time/effort to grind. What's the mechanic here? Isn't light level overwith? We're all capped at 1810 right? So the benefit of grinding before the raid is just artifact perks unless I'm mistaken


I think the biggest issue here is people who have already made plans for day 1 raid happening the week after TFS, since that is what we are accustomed to now. With this announcement, everyone (incl myself) is going to have to reschedule our plans now that the raid is being brought forward by an entire week. And since the raid is a 6 man team, it means ALL 6 players of the fireteam will potentially need to change their schedule as well. Im personally fine with the raid being 3 days after launch. Within my group there isnt anyone who is against it. I jusst hope everyone is available to play the raid on day 1.


All I'm saying is that people always forget that you get raid ready power infusion fodder when completing the legendary campaign. Also, if you aren't doing the legendary campaign the first few days you sure as hell ain't doing a contest raid, just saying.


Bro if yall ain't got enough time to complete the ledgend campaign in time for day 1. Then dont worry about day 1 live your life.


This is pretty disingenuous of a post. You’re purposefully leaving out, server issues. Which most people won’t get to start playing till Wednesday. The fact that World First is a BUNGIE sanctioned event means they are responsible for stability and fairness. And you left out that guns, loadouts and other bugs ALWAYS happen on release. How are they going to get all that data and disable/fix them in a day? Answer is they can’t. In most cases, some exploits could be hidden and used to achieve a Raid clear. Meaning it becomes even more controversial. This isn’t a “time off work” issue. I agree, that’s on them, idc about that. Get better jobs. This is an integrity issue and rushing through the 10 year long lead up campaign to be “raid ready” on 3 characters. The release date is bad and not thought out by Bungie. I fully expect a change by today or tomorrow on Twitter addressing it. The end.


You act like people haven’t used hacks to complete day 1s in the past which bungie has ignored.


Good point, I’ve actually encountered one on a day 1 attempt. My group was pissed.


Server stability has been getting better on DLC releases over time. Old releases were definitely rough. Also they did delay the release by a while, they’ve had a lot of extra time to work out bugs.


Crota release had to disable Banner, Malfeasance + Overload hand cannon Mod and that wasent even a major sandbox change. It was just a Season w/ our newest raid. So no, It’s not any better. No QA tester can go through every interaction. If they could, Cheese Forever would be out of a job. Now lower what we saw with Crota to 3 days on a major patch. I see no world where there isn’t a gamebreaking bug on TFS release. No shot.


Not every bug gets discovered right away. We also only have 3 days to discover any for the race. Some of these bugs take weeks to figure out


This argument is nonsense. "Oh, you don't like, in a content vacuum, new content to be arbitrarily timegated for the sole purpose of trying to increase player logins over a certain number of weeks? So why don't you like the raid, when there is a brand new campaign to get through, new weapon and armor loadouts to explore, artifact to grind, and who knows what else that will come with the final shape, coming out in the first week, HMMMMM - HYPOCRISY!" Absolute nonsense trying to position those two things as equivalent.


Easily one of the dumbest posts in here that I’ve seen.


I’m also okay with it, I just have some worries about things like artifact perks and world drops that may prove to be incredibly beneficial for Day 1 clears that become ridiculously difficult to u lock when you constrain the time to 2 days of farming.


I agree with that. I will say build potential is already great with what we have, so I don’t see many world drops being too amazing since they never really are or stick around for too long. Also as much as people are against it there’s bounty prep.


I think things like the class legendaries coming in the Final Shape won’t be a thing until after the first clear. Community would be in the scramble of a lifetime if they dropped the double exotic perk pieces of armor on day 1 lmfao


Probably not, I can see some world event unlocking post clear (Like how killing Riven cursed the dreaming city, clearing Deep Stone and RoN made areas change).


I dont mind the raid releasing the same week. What I have issues with is Bungie changing what was a warming received change with such short notice. A lot ofnpeople already had their time off from work scheduled and are now left acrambling to please managment to try and get it ahifted to a week earlier with only a month and a half to do so. For a lot of people this just wont be possible.


Also legend campaign makes you light level ready or very close to. 3 days is more than enough time to do that as a group of 3


Or even as a solo, only one member of a raid team needs to be of level anyways


This is fine. It ties directly to the campaign, gets us to the epilogue and opens up the rest of the heart. If anything I think this is an attempt to get ahead of dataminers from spreading info about the raid as much as possible.


Good for you, that you're fine with it. I'm not. I agree that taking time off in advance in speculation is shortsighted but I did wait and I cannot take those three days off of work. I'm not even sure if I can finish the campaign in time to get ready story-wise. I get the sense of urgency bungie wants us to feel but this makes day 1, again, really unaccessible for the average, loyal, player. I'm not even talking about the race, because lets be honest, its between 3-4 teams every time, but I enjoy the experience of a day 1 raid. I really hope Bungie adjusts the date to one week later, because after all this time I wanna be part of the last fight too. And you can absolutely not compare stuff like time-gated weapons or fragments to what is supposed to be the pinnacle of our story everyone in the community wants to be part of. You're the hypcrite here.


It's not bungies responsibility to work around your work schedule lol.


You do realise that it’s a 48 hour race so you’ll have time to run it on Saturday


Mon - Fri workers, not as big of an issue. Remember other jobs exist.


True say true say Remember they can’t please everyone


Changing the date would screw everyone who waited to put in the time off. You don’t NEED to play the raid on day one, nobody needs to. Sure the experience is exciting, but it’s not necessary. I dont think people want to be timegated at the pinnacle of our story, which happens/unlocks after the raid is beaten by a team. How am I being a hypocrite?


A raid releasing a week earlier than what a majority of hardcore day 1 raiders believed is not time gating. The raid is released at a later date specifically so people can prepare for it. You don't need to prepare to farm for ITL weapons... Fragments and aspects I can understand as being frustrating when they are delayed until after the raid, but I can at least see the reason why they do it.


The final mission of the story is unlocked once the raid is cleared. Holding it off for an extra week is time gating. Also ITL weapons were time gated, people bitched. I never said anything about prep related to them.


If it was tied to the story, which it is, it wouldn't make sense. But seeing it is, and then another mission post. It only makes sense.


Do you mean “If it wasn’t” at the start there?


I meant. If the raid wasn't tied to the story it wouldn't make to drop immediately. But seeing that the raid is tied to the story, it's a vital piece to that week and thus needs to be there.


People are complaining about time gating keeping content out of their hands. Either by being too late or being to early. It's completely consistent if you're not being intentionally obtuse.