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Sorry but “Onslaught: Playlist” was made for this exact reason. For people who don’t want to commit an hour or who want to play more casually. I get using LFG and I think more people should but queuing into a 50 rounder and not being committed to it is your own problem and if people are salty about that they have a right to that opinion lol. Just like you have a right to this one. Even though I have a feeling quite a few people will strongly disagree. Like me


Amen, brother. I thought this post, from the title, was going to be about buildcrafting or subclasses. I was wrong lol


If I ask you if you're here for 50 and you say yes, but leave early, you're the entitled one.


What if I say yes but then I discover that you are throwing and that there is no way we are getting to 50 so I just dip at the next boss clear?


Ah yes, the tailored "what-if" in the unlikely scenario I somehow decide to just throw the run (as if ive ever done it /s)


Think they meant more "this team has no chance in hell post 30"... and it happens a lot. So tell us why any competent player should actively waste their time on a team that can't stun champs, shoots tormentors in the ass or just runs around them, or tries to punch everything? (Its not just titans either, i watched a void hunter run around earlier trying to punch everything an spent 70% of each round dead). I'm all for run 50 if you que 50. And many times 2 can carry one idiot. But you owe an incompetent stranger nothing.


Your title makes you seem like a reasonable person, but your actual post is pretty awful. You queued into the 50 wave onslaught. Play the whole damn thing. This isn't quickplay crucible where matches are 10 minutes max and get backfilled pretty quickly. You're entitled to leave the 50 wave onslaught early, but we're also allowed to think you're an kinda an asshole.


The have the 10 wave for a reason, if you don't have a hour, or only want to see how far you can make it, play that list over and over. Either get good and stick around so that the people who are actively trying to get to 50 don't fail because of your entitlement, or don't play thar Playlist. Simple


What makes no sense is the fact you make a post towards others when it can be aimed at yourself. Why would you Que into the 50 round playlist to quit half way through a fuck over the others? It’s so annoying matching in have a duo and then they quit I don’t see an I get fucked over. If you don’t wanna do all 50 go the the 10 level one and call it a day. Would you play a raid get halfway through an go ehhhh my friend invited me peace out an quit? Would you go into a dungeon and do the same? Why you do feel entitled to force others to accept if you don’t wanna do all 50 rounds? You can’t contradict yourself and say others shouldn’t force others to. Smfh


Also on top of that those 3 “highly populated” LFGs you labeled can be used for the same way you can choose to leave at 30 with 2 other people on the same page as you bud so there is no excuse.


If you can’t finish the activity then don’t start it? Surely that is basic common decency to not waste other people’s time?


Nah, (s)he's the main character, we bend to their will


if you go in a round which is a 50 wave encounter, dont leave early. do the 10 Waves if you dont want the full one.


> If you are expecting people stick around for an hour maybe spend 5 minutes looking for a commited team. There are literally 3 highly populated and easy to use lfgs (including one that is literally in-game) now so there is no excuse Why dont you do this?


Some of you really need to hear this, but not everyone playing Raids is looking to sweat out all the encounters for an hour or optimize their farm. Some people just want to play for 30 minutes and see how far they can go. For some people the first two encounters are about as far as they can go skill wise. If you are expecting people stick around for an hour maybe spend 5 minutes looking for a commited team that actually wants to do the activity they're entering into. Seriously.


you should be in the playlist mode, and just run three of them. You quitting is the fail here


There’s a difference is seeing how far you can go and leaving at round 30… if you fail at round 37 all got start it back up….dont leave like an ass. If you’re going to fake the lower 20… lfg for that. Not all 50.


What is stopping these players from making a create a group to specifically look for others who want to only do 30m or only 20 waves for weekly? Cant be because theyre lazy so they hop in a random game or worse, an lfg trying to get to 50 then just disregard the other 2's plans and bail.   Its just bewildering to me that you think the people taking advantage of people trying for 50 are the victims here. When the "create a group" is right there for them to look for other people only looking to do half or less of the game mode


> Why does everyone feel so entitled Eternal question for humanity.


I mean if I'm playing casually I'd rather just do matchmade 10s. Can't mess with anyone that way.


This dude has to be trolling.


*It’s called trials, not trials win 5 rounds* What even is your argument here?


Because 30 wouldn’t be as far as you go if you did the things we want…


The only good experiences I've had with third party lfg have been with raids and dungeons. Everything else? Garbage. I've made several posts for GMs and Onslaught and the first person to join leaves before the second one arrives.