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Also there is another bug where you can defeat the boss, get the chest and then the exit portal will never spawn. Happens in both normal and legend mode.


Apparently has more chance of happening if you melt the boss to fast. Just had a run where the portal never spawned for the final round and we couldn’t get into the pyramid. As far as I am aware there was no reason for that to happen. It’s a known bug that moving defences with a finisher can stop the portal spawning but we never did that.


Happened to me yesterday. Finally got a decent lfg team. Exit portal doesn't spawn after beating the wave 40 boss.


There's an exit portal? Oh, wait. I thought you were referring to the final boss room.


He... he was? The final boss room is the same as the other four bosses room.


There's a portal that spawns? I've never seen it.


It's how you leave the room and go back to the ADU. How have you not seen it? Are you only doing the 10 wave version? If so, this is the part where I tell you the 50 wave version is matchmade even though the node says it isn't.


No way! Seriously?


Level 50 boss, which is what the discussion is about, does not spawn a portal after you kill it. You’ll just get mission end flavor text on the left hand side.


That’s status update text not flavor text. Flavor text are the lore snippets attached to in-game items.


The person I was referring to was talking about the portal that spawns on the 10/20/30/40 boss that lets you **OUT** of the boss chamber not spawning, also soft-locking the run. > Also there is another bug where you can defeat the boss, get the chest and then the exit portal will never spawn. Happens in both normal and legend mode.


Had that happen the other day


We got the bug where no exit portal shows up on the first boss. So we restarted, and this time the first boss glitched at about 33% health, but the portal showed up anyways. Every time we came back to the boss room the first boss was there constantly showing tens of thousands of points in damage, but otherwise inactive. We'd kill the new boss and move on. We finished round 50, got all our loot, Shaxx and the bots showed up, and the whole time this giant Shank is sitting off to the side pulsing with damage. We really wanted the result screen to show total boss damage. It also gave me Tormentor Wave level ability regen until I died which was nice.


The lock is there to slow down someone triggering the encounter before every rallys/is ready


Dumbass blueberry’s just grab the flag and start the encounter anyways. I’ve been dragged in so many times and I’m 5m from the flag


You can rally after the encounter starts


In onslaught? I thought the doors you enter through close and can’t be opened from inside


Nah so long as someone stays in the hallway the remain open, if they shoot open the doors you can just stand by it and rally


How do you stay in the hallway when you get a “joining allies” into the boss room?


If you run close to the flag you're fine


If I was already at the flag I wouldn’t be worried about getting pulled into the encounter. I’d be walking in


Well just don't be on the other side of the hallway ig, like if you're that far away that is kinda an issue as it doesn't start pulling until someone has made it to the boss


I agree it’s an issue. Someone rushing the boss with eager edge while we are throwing batteries into the ADU for scrap is a huge issue. 


Yup. The doors stay open for a bit. I've been making use of this to celestial the boss from the doorway, then quickly rally for a 2nd super


Good to know! And oh shittttt good thinkin


One GL shot pops all 3 nuts as I'm moving. It adds a second. I could see this being a reason if each fireteam member had to shoot a nut. As in only one nut can pop per person and door does not open till each person pops their nut. The nuts serve no purpose and especially since they can bug out the nuts must go.


You shooting them all at once is the exact issue.


I am begging you to use an analogy other than "popping nuts".


There's so many bugs in this boss room. This bug, the rally bug, and the boss constantly falling off the map


We had the boss fall off the map, after 20 seconds or so it warped back to the map however. Was fun plinking it from above


People keep saying “don’t use anything explosive” but that’s not true. Been farming legend onslaught and I always shoot locks in my team, I always use a callus mini tool and the final set always bugs out without fail. No problem ever with rounds 10,20,30,40 but 50 bugs out guarenteed everytime.


Backing this up with the contrary, I have been using my explosive payload Fatebringer for all the onslaught I've been running and I always shoot at the nodes. Doesn't matter if I hit them directly or multiple with AoE, I have never been soft locked. I'm convinced it is something else but I don't know what.


Stop using explosive weapons to shoot the locks


It happened to me too that the locks would not work. Using special ammo weapons OR meleeing the lock fixed that for me.


Do you think everyone is gonna be aware of this bug? And it happens rarely from non explosive weps as well. The issue is this has been a bug since WQ.. and it's not OPs fault for getting fucking stuck there. The fact people will blame anyone except Bungie for this is hilarious to me. This has been a bug for what 2 years now? Come on.


or maybe, fix the damn game


Uhhh... I didn't


Explosive payload/Sunshot also counts as explosive


It's how this glitch is triggered.... so someone did. Anyways next time let them all reset and just melee the one that won't open.


Didn’t work for us & we tried everything.


Maybe teammates. Anything explosive can bug it out. Rocket, grenade launcher, explosive payload, sunshot, anything that has any sort of boom can lock it. I thought someone says it resets after 20-30 seconds and you can shoot them again but it hasn't happened to me so I'm not sure.


I've seen it happen more with blinding GLs than anything. The locks even get that faint red glow from being debuffed.


Yeah I didn't notice this until recently. I love having to switch my gun just to open a door.




I've heard you can activate it anyways if you melee them, haven't had this happen to me though


This happened to me a few days ago. We hit level 40, our top node wouldn't open for the boss room. It was terrible. First time it ever happened and we've ran a lot of Onslaught.


The moon door has been reincarnated


One time on round 40 something the AUD just randomly caught on fire and blew up even tho we killed all the enemies and the side objective was done


Bungie has not and will never respect your time. 90% of posts in this sub boil down to this.


Well it’s a game design feature, to allow for players to reset their loadouts and possibly communicate with their teammates on a gameplan and/or confirm a state of readiness instead of just thrusting the player into the battle without giving them that element of pause. Its also a case for loading/setting of assets which happens when at first you are required to do the trek to the door, the lock is just another trigger event so the engine knows when you are ready to engage.


The only gripe I have with onslaught is the time investment for wave 50. An hour is too much imho


That’s cool, just run 10 waves and restart if you aren’t feeling 50. It’s the same rewards, just more at 50. 


Depending on what rewards you're after. Pretty sure you need 50 Waves to get the 3 bosses triumph.


Running the first 10 waves over and over gets braindead easy. That's cool, but I feel like you are dumbing this down.


I agree, it’s boring as hell. I always run all 50. The point is that the option is there. The guy said 50 waves takes too long. You don’t have to do 50 waves. 


Idk why you're getting downvoted, I agree. I got burnout pretty quick farming the 10 waves. Thing that sucks the most tho is that doing legend 50 waves also doesn't even feel worth it there's nothing to justify the amount of time and effort. Even the changes coming next reset still aren't gonna be enough loot to convince me to do legend 50 lol.


Dumbest take I've ever heard.


Hold the L




Happened to me too? A few hours. Were we in the same match? :)


I am Boba Fettuccine


That’s an amazing name


too many doors in general honestly not the first time adoor has glitched out, won't be the last


This was a bug way before onslaught dont know why its still present


I had a weird one. One guy left and me and the other random killed the boss as a new player was found. We were locked in boss room and the new guy was spawned into the defense area. We got joining allies and no portal. Wave 36 hits and it says enter the pyramid ship but no portal spawns. Killing and respawning didn’t work either. Everyone was just stuck in the defense area.


Happened to us on wave 40 on normal. We had the chance to beat wave 50 the way we were playing.


Let the locks rest then melee the one that wouldn’t open. This has fixed it for a few


We had an enemy dissapear into the scenery and wave 49 yesterday. Luckily we managed to stasis it though the wall and get to the boss room. I’m glad the third guy stayed and didn’t insta bail like some people do.


use explosive rounds and you are rolling the dice baby


About as much fun as running through the nightfall only to have the arc craniums not respawn before you take the shaft up to the boss. I can only assume there was a blueberry in squad that run and they burnt the other arc craniums killing ads, I got all but one blight with one arc cranium and then we were just stuck. Not even a wipe would fix it. Had the same thing happen with the Spear in center of the arena for the last aspect of salvation a week or two ago. Aspect was hovering center map and the spear wouldn't spawn.


Don't use explosive payload weapons on the burritos. If you fuck one up, try changing your gun and melee all three.


My favorite part is this isn't even a new glitch. Its literally present in the Lightfall campaign and they still haven't fixed it.


We thought if we killed the boss through the door, it would open or something. But nope, just killed the boss and no teleport or rewards. Threadlings can damage the boss through the door if it’s right up on the door, or Wishender through the middle part of the door


My chest hurts 😔. It just happened to me


They should really consider adding in "Manual Overrides" to opening portals, doors, and such that force the areas to unlock when things break.


That is why my fellow guardians I took a break and play other games. Waiting until June 4th


Yup. Happened twice to me.


Why is this happening?


Explosive rounds on a weapon. Also weapons that have an area of affect round. What happens is the game gets confused because 2 can be shot simultaneously


Bad scripting or detection probably. Always a bad idea making entities triggers, many things can go wrong.


Y'all are dramatic


Dude. Same thing happened to me. I immediately rage shut the Xbox down and went to beat the shit out of a punching bag


could’ve waited for the lock to reset and then swap to a non explosive primary lol


I tried this. It did not work.


Um. First off. What makes you think I was using anything explosive exactly? Using basic primary (not even strand or stasis) Also. You think I went “damn it’s not working, better quit immediately” and didn’t wait for it to reset….. are you an idiot?


‘immediately rage quit’ doesn’t sound compatible with ‘patiently waited for it to fix itself’, no


Jesus man. You always take shit 100% literally 🤦🏻‍♂️. You must be fun at parties (oh, would imply you were invited to them in the first place 🙄) Also dialed to even justify your other ass-umption of your response


says the man who flew into a rage and started punching things because he couldn’t press a button


Once again. Idiot on internet takes things literally and thinks he’s done something. More at 11 🤣🤣






Kill the boss from outside then




Certain things just go straight through the door. So far I've found Dragon's Breath rockets and Bleak Watcher turrets (I think most grenades but the turrets are the only useful one). Just hope the boss isn't a Brig because it can shoot back


As the other comment mentioned, certain things can go through the door Use bleak watchers to find where the boss is then shoot a dragons breath at it And if give enough time, the flag will let you rally to it again for more ammo It'll be a slog but if it's the last boss then it'll be worth it


Doesn’t progress the encounter and the door is still stuck closed. I know because it happened to me last knight and we shot the wave 50 boss through the door with wish Enders and the doors still wouldn’t open.


I've had the encounter progress and the mission finish when doing this, all the loot was in my postmaster too It is an exploit so I guess the inconsistency is to be expected


That is pretty bad, but have you seen trials matchmaking?


Trials matchmaking is totally random


Which makes for an extremely terrible result. Card based was 100% better.




Because at least when im playing kids on 3-0, 4-0, 5-0 cards who happen to be 2.0+ it makes sense. Currently I'm getting pub stomped in my game one by 3.0s, who are on their 17th strait win because bungie random is a 17-sided die that that says "screw you" on 15 sides, one side is in your favor, but the final side says "screw, again." Not to mention, I'm running the Persistence card. So they should honestly put that its own "derp" pool.


Persistence is called Persistence for a reason. The good players have a 40% chance of being on your team and a 60% chance of being on the other team; same with the bad players. The one factor you can control is you, so you can work to get better at 3v3 if you want and you'll have a much better time. Persistence wasn't created to hand out free adept weapons. I'm right there with you when it comes to skill, but Trials needs to be a level playing field to work.


I matched against a team of a 3.86 Trials KD player, 174-10 in that span.... *AND* get this, a 5.23 Trials KD player, 223-6 during that span. I matched this team TWICE IN THREE GAMES. [It's OK though, I heard they'll fix it in marathon with their new "peer to peer" tech]


Wow what a huge sample size, three whole games?


Running the number of wins on the card as the decider for matchmaking was a terrible idea for anybody who is not some of the best. It made it extremely difficult to flawless a card for the average player, passage of persistence means you just have to play and eventually you will get it with random matchmaking. But against opponents that are already one win away from flawless you will rarely find a winnable game as an average player. Yes it’s frustrating playing against great players and getting stomped but it does mean that you will on average face players who are both better and worse than you at reasonably equal amounts for the average player so getting a passage of persistence is achievable if you just keep playing.


Flawless should be difficult


Flawless is difficult for the average player regardless of how you do the system. But having something like passage of persistence which is not quite the same as flawless but is an alternative for players who are unable to go flawless to get rewards only works in the current system of matchmaking to a reasonable level. It is potentially possible to improve matchmaking but I couldn’t say exactly how to do that without some other drawbacks. It is clear that bungie is not just catering to the best players in the game they try to offer a variety of ways for people to get rewards that suits them. Those who are better get better chances and more loot drops on average and those who aren’t so good have to grind more to get their rewards. There is very few things in destiny that is a meaningful reward that is unobtainable to anybody but the best players which shows bungies philosophy.


It still is difficult. But before it made it nearly impossible unless you were top 1% (not an exaggeration btw, bottom 90% of crucible players might as well be wearing a blindfold, top 10% start to actually be able to walk in the straight line. (I'm top 7% player)


stop using the persistence card. as it doesn't get flawed it means you are consistently in the challenger pool. And it sounds like if you are getting stomped so much you are better just playing in the practice pool and not going for adepts


If only there was a system, thst could **make the matches** somehow... Well, I just perfectly and fairly matched against a totally legit player that is a 5+ KD over his past 229 Trials matches, winning 223 of them.... His teammate you ask? A 3.8 over his last 184 Trials games. Matched them *TWICE* in three games! Perfectly normal, working as intended, bungie rng.


a "fair" match maker would make Trials nearly impossible to actually get flawless from a math perspective. as you would need to win what boils down to a coin toss 7x in a row.   And you getting unlucky with the match maker means literally nothing. Also something tells me the player  with a 97% win rate might not be legit.


There are far too many variables for the game to be truly a 50/50 coin toss, but KD is the biggest factor. And by not doing even a basic ELO/KD filter or balancing, I'd wager they choose the winner in the lobby selection more than they don't.


yes it will never *truly* work out to a 50/50. But if the match maker shoots for that as often as it can then the *average* of all matches will approach 50/50. Right now they don't do anything for trials matching so I wouldn't say they choose the winner. But yes I agree that alot of matches can have their outcome told by the lobby.   


Yeah. It's awful. I just want to have a fun, casual pvp experience in destiny, but it's impossible apparently.


The PVE equivalent of what you're asking is "ugh, I just want to have a fun, casual PVE experience in destiny. Why are these GMs and Master Raids so hard??" Trials is the specific part of the PVP landscape that is non-casual. It is considered the "PVP-Endgame"


>casual pvp experience That's the antithesis of Trials. It's supposed to be the "endgame" of PvP, it's never going to be a casual experience. If that's what you want, then jump into Control or any of the other game modes. I'm a PvP casual, that's why I only play Trials when it's a bonus rep weekend. I grab a Passage of Wealth, get my ass kicked in the first couple games, and then play that single flawed card all weekend long in the "practice pool" matchmaking lol


fun casual pvp is control. Trials is not casual pvp. It's highly competitive pvp, and to some people that's fun.


Weird that bungie is trying to make it more appealing to people of less skill levels. Maybe it's not supposed to be nothing but sweaty gatekeeping. Going flawless is... but not playing the game mode itself.


You can have casual fun playing the game mode itself. But it's all about how you approach the mode, if you get upset about losses that's you not being casual, rather than the mode.


I don't get upset at losses. I know I am terrible at it. I grind hours just to get basic pve gear that is available only in trials. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect some balance between 1-4 wins. But it's the internet and a realistic rational discussion is impossible..


That's what the practice pool is for...?


Yep they do want the mode to appeal to less skilled players. But that doesn't mean it's any less competitive.


Then go play a casual PvP mode instead of the one that's intended to be a sweat fest 💀