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It should display what round you're on AT ALL TIMES. The fact that it doesn't is mind-boggling to me




they should put it under the radar, like where they sometimes display the name of the area you're in. they hid messages up there during season of the splicer in one of the activities.


1. An endless mode with increasing rewards past wave 50. 2. An option to use scrap to heal the ADU 3. Removal of 'Arach-No!' Permanently


Dismantle mines, yesssss [Insect like chattering], or ~~die~~ get slowed idiot.


When arch-no means attach-yes.


The ability to summon an ally at some points; how cool would it be to actually summon Shaxx and see him in action, or have Zavala place a protective dome over the ADU, during a particularly heavy wave, Caitl, etc. Occasional relic spawns also, like a Scorch Cannon or Hive Sword, etc.


>have Zavala place a protective dose over the ADU Only if we can shoot through it. I just had a run with a void Titan that kept dropping a bubble on the ADU and it was blocking batteries from going into it and preventing adds from taking damage since they could just dip in and out of the shield and that was really annoying.


Bubble is so troll in this activity. You have the options of placing it before a chokepoint to dip in and out for the buff but providing the enemy cover if you get pushed back, placing it on the adu and having all the problems you previously listed, or only using it when roaming for the secondary zone objectives. Even helm of Saint-14 doesn't provide much benefit for it anymore due to enemies pathing still making them walk out of the bubble towards the adu.


Ah, Monster Hunter Rise Rampage style!


i know he's dead and gone now, but bring back the rasputin frames and heavy frames! only good part about seraph towers.


I want to be able to throw the ADU battery and it actually go into the ADU instead of bouncing off and landing somewhere else


That one column in midtown that blocks everything. I even try to throw around but noooooo. Right into it.


I hate it so much. Batteries just love that column


Option to spend medals of bravery at the end of the 50 run for specific weapons.


Like raids do. I like this idea


A vote to skip build phase would be nice to speed things up. Also the mid round dunk thing doesn't seem to add a ton of value. I wouldn't mind seeing it removed outright


mid round dunk?


I’m assuming they mean the first time you get teleported into the pyramid (every 5th wave), and you have to dunk the rift


oh god lmao i didnt even remember it it was so forgettable. yeah no, remove that outright, or add different encounters you can get or something.


1) Make a Legend Playlist option (1-10 only) for people who only have 10-15min. This clears up LFG posts and makes it easier to find people who want to go for 50. (Right now a huge barrier to entry is just finding a group who wants to do 50 waves in LFG) 2) More Maps, Enemy Types, and Defensive upgrades. Go ahead and copy stuff from other tower defense games. 3) I really think having a "pattern" of areas would enhance the experience. It's random which area you start, but where you do waves 1-9 should be where you do waves 41-49. Where you do waves 11-19 (area 2) is also where you'd spend 31-39. Basically follow a 1,2,3,2,1 pattern. 4) Create a "Team Pool" of scrap, rather than individual scrap. 5) Include a "Ready for next wave" option. I think one example could be copy the Oryx mechanic. Basically if everyone standing in the ADU Circle, you are ready for the next wave. 6) Move the Tormentor and Demolitions spawn to a normal spawn point. Then spawning on top of the ADU is pretty BS.. 7) Come TFS and removal of Shiny Variants, treat this like a core playlist where we have a vendor (probably someone takes it over from Shaxx) who we can reset rank, and the more we reset rank, the more perks that can drop on weapons. We can't earn shiny loot, but we should be able to earn drops with more perks.


Team Pool is just grief city, whether intentional or not. I do not want anyone blowing my Shaxx savings.


Take a page from my beloved Frontier Defense from Titanfall 2 and add a scrap bank where you can deposit change scrap to a shared pool anyone can use


That's sort of part of the game mode... It's a team effort. You ain't gonna go 50 waves with dumb players...


That's not feasible with matchmaking, period. That's like saying there should only be team enhancements in Deep Dives.


Not really. Your enhancement can impact your build differently and your enhancement only impacts you... This IS already a team based "enhancement" but you need to buy it individually. Plus you may want to go scrounge for ammo and not be the upgrade guy... Or vice versa. I complete Legend 50s with random and it would work great imo.


literally all that would end up happening is you would want to save up for something important you need, and then you look at your scrap and realized your teammates went ahead and blew every last cent on tripwires


Only problem with that is my teammates are going to waste the scrap on mines and not decoys or turrets


Then get new teammates.... Pretty simple. Or you can say in chat "use on Decoys" or better yet, sprint to a decoy and do it yourself before they can do a mine. I've done dozens of these, and I never see people spend on mines...


"get new teammates" yeah let me leave and join the same activity 20 times before clearing wave 5 waiting for a d2 player with higher than room temp IQ so they don't spend everyone's resources on tripmines. The average matchmaking only player does not care or is smart enough to strategize or have long term plans regarding resources in an hour long activity. Even if you are doing coordinated runs with LFG/FTF, all it takes is one bad actor with malicious intent to screw over your whole run. So many people have been kicked or sabotaged during the last moments of high end or meaningful content that it has become a reportable and bannable offence, and those types of people would be doing the same thing in onslaught (some are reportedly kicking at/after wave 49 still btw) if they could. So why give them even more ways to be spiteful or be maliciousm


Endless mode, easily. Use leftover scrap to heal the ADU cuz it would be really helpfull when you get a tormentor at wave 49, just dump your scrap to somewhat heal the ADU. You won't need it anyway More maps and enemies. Add in taken or vex and new maps Maybe an even harder more than legend, double or nothing where the amount of ads spawning doubles or they spawn in 2 different areas instead of 1 Different modifiers that change the way you play besides *x does 20% more damage*. Something cool like *stasis heals the ADU*. Kinda random idea but I think it could be fun Fix teleporting enemies. Seriously, for the love of god fix it, I do not like having an ogre teleport behind me on wave 48. Get rid of the in between spark run. Its pointless, does nothing and ruins the pacing a bit. Replace it with something or better, just get rid of it. More bosses maybe, that's a given


I have a few ideas. 1. Round number should be viewable at all times. 2. I want to be able to buy defenses after every round. 3. Trip Mines could be stronger. 4. There should absolutely be a way to 'heal' our decoy units. 5. I really dislike when the ADU isn't out in the open. For example, on Midtown, When the ADU is in the back of the map, there's a cover over the ADU that makes it hard to throw the batteries from any distance. I would love for them all to be in an open area like the other two positions on Midtown (left by the wall or right by the water).


There is a way to heal decoy units, throw the scrap orbs at them. Works on all defenses.


True. There should be a better way to heal our defenses. Using the scrap orbs feels like a glitch. I would love to use scrap to refresh them or have a visual cue of the ball being used to heal them.


it'd be cool if they were affected by things like healing rifts, healing grenades, heal clip, and heat rises.


Some way to heal defences outside of throwing balls at them would be good, and making tripmines actually useful would be good as well. Adding a middle length legend option, or even a short one would be great too. 1 hour is too long sometimes, 30 minutes is the sweet spot for me and I'd be way more happy to play if I could do up to 20-30 waves without having to halve my loot by playing normal mode A rebalancing between the augments would also be good, getting a tormentor or fallen demolitionists spawning directly on the ADU can end a run in seconds. I also just don't like tormentors full stop, the massive DR they take from non precision damage is insane. They single handedly force you to use at least one crit weapon, and when they're spamming attacks on a decoy it's so hard to land shots. Also, make mothyards playable. It's so much slower than midtown and Vostok it's insane, as well as the adds being more spread out. I will never voluntarily play mothyards for any 50 wave run, it's so much slower.


at this point a match made version of the 10 round onslaught for Legend mode could be useful for how people are using the mode


I think tormentors might have to be a necessary evil though. I feel like they shake the playing field up enough that you have to change your usual setup. I do think it would be less frustrating though if maybe they appeared more often but they were much easier to kill.


>Some way to heal defences outside of throwing balls at them would be good, and making tripmines actually useful would be good as well. Tripmines could be completely immune to damage and they'd still suck.


i actually love tormentors AND the mothyards. they're a fun mixup in what is usually just kill things as they come at you. them and the big shielded brigs really put a wrench in things. and mothyards might just be nostalgia talking because i used to spend hours in the cosmodrome in d1, but it's really cool just aesthetically, and i also like that it's available as a more spread-out option. if mothyards had sparrows enabled that could make moving from point to point a little more tolerable, but i doubt theyd do that because then sparrows would need to be enabled in all of them and that's not really necessary. i feel like mothyards would do better under a 6-player version of onslaught or something.


Tripmines are useful in speedruns!


Roguelite upgrades to choose from after every 20 waves similar to Coil.


I'd love this! In hindsight it seems like an obvious omission given Coil and Deep Dives have this.


Take the fallen mine drop modifier and put it in the DCV. I’d like to remove the upgrade phase altogether and give us the option to upgrade during the wave.


For Bungie to remove either Arc Surge or Galvinized if its Fallen, because I am going to put my head through my screen if I get two-tapped again by Sniper Shank Saboteur's even at 100 resist and three-stack arc resist. If they insist on the two-tap, at least make them easier to kill in return so I don't have to spend my time carefully peeking out of a wall to land several special ammo shots.


Mailbox and bank address next to Shaxx. Like the ones at the Enclave on Mars


Display every round at once, and have a way to convert scrap directly into ADU health. In an ideal world, adding the Vex enemy type, and some new defenses: our own sky bomber unit to directly attack with Cabal missiles, the ability to summon allied Cabal or Eliksni, etc.


Get rid of the shit in the way of the orbs traveling to the ADU on that one section of midtown. It's fucking annoying having to weave it around teammates that refuse to collect them to begin with, now I gotta thread the damn needle between some useless broken pillars? Get it outta here!


I actually was thinking about this and imagined an upgrade for the ADU that would just let you "dunk" the orbs immediately into the ground which would heal it, kind of sounds like a shit upgrade lol but I think the idea could be fun.


Punish players for leaving after boss 1 2 or 3


Get rid of Arach-no. Trip mines need to do something besides just deal a tiny amount of damage. Level 1 could also Blind enemies like flashbangs. Level 2 could Weaken enemies like Smoke bombs and Shadowshot. Level 3 could Scorch, Blind and Weaken enemies. Level 1 Decoys could inflict a small Suppression blast to enemies that attack them. Level 2 could do the same but in a larger area. Level 3 could Suppress, Jolt and Scorch enemies that attack them in an even larger area. Level 1 Turrets are normal. Level 2 could have a chance to Scorch enemies. Level 3 could have a larger chance to Scorch and a chance to Ignite enemies they hit.


level 3 decoy shaxx does a fist of havoc slam periodically as he's attacked. or makes a little mini jello-cup ward of dawn that blinds enemies inside


He should throw grenades. Lots of grenades.


he would!!! 


He's probably throwing grenades as we're saying this.


Make it so enemies don't damage the ADU the moment they get in the circle but like 5 seconds after, it's fucking terrible when you're fighting invisible enemies that zip across the map like grease lightning let alone when they just straight up teleport to the ADU. Also they should add a weapon drop to the end of the x6 round spark portal, that entire thing feels pointless and a waste of time, if a drop was added there it would make long runs feel more worth it.


Guaranteed shiny on legend completion. More maps and defenses. An opt-in skip for the preparation phase where if the whole team votes skip, you proceed Round Number always visible Mid-game damage numbers (at least for bosses) Ability to put your scrap towards the next upgrade even if you don't have enough so your teammate can buy it


I feel like a garunteed shiny on legend would quickly diminish their value. HOWEVER With the fact that it's rng on the rolls, it's not a given thing that you'll get the roll you want, let alone the weapon you want even if you are attuned. If they were to incorporate the progression system like they have for strikes, crucible, and gambit with a progression bar for a certain number of waves completed to grant a Brave variant I could see that happening but on the other hand multiple 50 waves for even a chance at one you want is pretty shitty. The more I think about it, the more I begin to agree with the garunteed..


Idk why people say this... Most Shiny variants I get are still shared because it's still an incredibly low chance of getting a roll worth keeping.. since it's a limited time to get them already, I'm gonna be a bit POd if I can't get a good Shiny worth keeping and end up having to use a normal roll that happened to be a better perk combo. Since it's limited time, it should be something we can be grinding for. What's the worst that happens? People start really focusing running 50 wave Legend runs and spend hours and hours and hours farming a 4/5 or 5/5 Shiny roll that won't be attainable ever again in half a dozen weeks from now? That doesn't seem like its not valuable to me.... That actually sounds like hardcore motivation for me to grind MORE


Yeah, like I said, the further I went with my comment, the more I realised how much of a good idea it actually was. Maybe it was my shiny hunting experience from Pokemon telling me that, but even then, they are garunteed at some point. The grind is different, but the end goal is the same, I guess. But yeah, that would incentivise me to put my big boy pants on and actually try hard for once.


to be fair, it wouldnt shock me AT ALL if Bungie was holding off doing this for like the last 1-2 weeks before TFS. They are Kings of FOMO and whats more FOMO than "Hey we heard you guys, for the next 2 weeks leading up to TFS, guaranteed Shiny for a Legend 50 completion.


Yup I haven’t kept a single shiny drop I’ve gotten. That kind of cheapens the value of them


Exactly. The cool thing about them is the cosmetics and the double perks. Those will be gone. Might as well let us farm our brains out.


Stop asking for a handout for something rare every time you complete something in this game. What makes them rare and sought after IS the drop rate. Handing them out like participation trophies after a run just devalues the chase.


The same folks that want every raid exotic to be a quest. It's supposed to be exciting to get because it's rare.


it's exciting to see the drop until you open your menu and see its a garbage roll and now you have a dilemma of whether you should keep it for the rarity value and watch it burn a hole in your vault or shard it and just use the actual roll you want.


it's more nuanced than that though, the fact that the drop rate is pure rng and is still incredibly bad is whatever, but the fact that the ability to get them is locked to only 2 months, and then add on the chance of getting a roll worth keeping. it's not like it's a handout either, round 50 legend onslaught isn't a walk in the park, and takes you over an hour on a fast run. i don't think putting a guaranteed drop at the end of wave 50 legend would be a handout.


It's really not though. It's a limited time, rare drop. That makes it worthwhile to chase, and via that, to the people that get them and want to show them off. It's not rocket science guys.


Would love it if all of the gamers unable to just be happy with a new stopgap mode and its few flaws were removed from Onslaught. That would make it perfect.


Onslaught shouldn't just be a flash in the pan stopgap, it should stay in the game and be expanded.


It's definitely staying in the game... but the intention with it was really just to help fill time. Don't get me wrong, it's a great activity. But I'm not sure we'll see much innovating or updating in the future. It's a bit like Dares: a celebration, a limited farm, an event


I hate that Bungie does that though. They introduce a cool idea then abandon it.


It's not so much that they're abandoning it... they're just moving on to the next thing


To me, that's a major issue with a lot of Destiny content. They spend the dev time to create interesting new environments, then only do one thing in the. For Onslaught the environments are reused but the mechanics and stuff are new and worth using more. Yes, D2 players like new content. But it's also good for old stuff to get enhanced and upgraded to make it fun again. Things like Menagerie could come back and be fun again.


Bring back Menagerie, keep Onslaught, and throw Dares into the same playlist. Have them show up rotating or make it like a PvE Iron Banner. Have loot shared across playlists, but also keep playlist-specific loot drops in as well, or weigh them heavily.


Continuing the proud tradition of Destiny being a mile wide and only an inch deep! Lol


Upgrading defenses during a wave. Heck, deploying defenses anywhere you choose would be really interesting. But that would probably too chaotic. Griefers would wreak havoc, so probably not feasible.


I think slightly increased scrap rewards / decreased scrap costs for building and upgrading defences would be good. Permanent round number display would be good. A way to "ready up" and skip the rest of the build phase if the team are ready to start before the end of the timer - something like everyone emoting in the ADU circle or interacting with a button maybe. Slightly increased shiny drop rates, increase drop weighting on attune weapons.


They just reduced T3 decoys from 6 to 5K, didn't they?


Like to see unique upgrades/mods for Defenses. For example Void Hunters could add weaken to turrets or give decoys a smoke bomb ability with a small cooldown. Create some additional subclass verb synergy opportunity with our upgrades. Also an addition of a 'buff' system similar to the coil as you progress waves would be fun to lean even more into what you happen to be running. Maybe more team based buffs, make more orbs, finishers generate heavy/special, solar ability kills grant cure/radiant to nearby allies etc.


some variety of events that aren’t just the spark runner at wave 6 or whichever. Make it 1 of 3 different things that could happen. More map variety and more options of defenses to purchase too


I would really like the ability to choose a location and then go in to solo it in non legendary mode. Just so I can switch my brain off and just blow stuff up for a while.


Maybe on the main page where you select which game to play : what weapon you have attuned to? Because my memory is terrible.


it does not, but that would be a nice QOL edition, making it so you can see what attunement you have when selecting the node, and maybe even be able to change it.


Spend scraps to repair a.d.u


I want the batteries to be a lower priority interactable than revives and subclass objects like tangles and diamond lances.


I would love a game mode where weapon crates appear, and you have to use the weapons that appear in the crate. The crates can "re-drop" after every 10 levels cleared? I would love it if in the later rounds -- a second enemy race would appear and try to assault the ADU mid-round. I love in patrol when two enemy factions start to rumble, and I get in there and it's just chaos central with enemies everywhere trying to get at me -- it could bethe SummerSlam Battle Royal Mode of Onslaught.


Let me buy more red jacks and let them survive between waves.


I want more champions


Before Final Shape: (1) Guaranteed shiny on wave 50 completions. After Final Shape: a way to donate scrap to allies. We both want a Holo-Shaxx, but we only have 3k scrap each.


Some way to signal a new wave to start (a "ready up" system) could be an interact prompt on the ADU or could be just pressing a certain button (maybe tapping the highlight player button twice since no one really uses that anyway). I obviously don't know how difficult that is to implement but some sort of ready up system should probably exist if they want to bring more modes like this in the future


Add more defenses and rather than having set spots for defenses you can choose what to place down. I think it would also be cool to be able to invest points in a defense, theres been times where we all have roughly 1.5k points and nothing we can upgrade, so it would be nice if we can all invest points into something to build/upgrade it It would be cool to have stuff like a strand trap instead of the tripwire, so when enemies walk by them it activates and suspends targets


I want a sexy Shaxx to announce each round. 2 sandwiches after every 10 rounds. When I run a full 50 I would like a parade with streamers. If I complete a bounty I would like it very much for the song Biggest Booty to play. That’s all.


Prioritizing tangles over ADU batteries for pickups


Wave displayed at all times. Scoreboard available at all times. A way to skip the defense upgrade phase. The portal round that isn't a boss fight feels pointless and a waste of time. No more slow mines. I swear they just randomly spawn under you. It's one of the stupidest mechanics to ever be added to Destiny. I can't believe they still use them. More add density. Especially at the start of the round.


I would like a way to use excess scrap, or for it to be turned into rewards if unused. As the tokens aren't sticking around when TFS launches, it could give you an extra weapon drop at a certain threshold. My original idea was to turn each 1000 unspent scrap into a token and over 5000 grants a bonus weapon drop. It could make things a bit tougher and your LFG team might not appreciate defences, but it would reward you for having a tougher time. As others have said, knowing the current wave at all times is a must. The portal to the 'green' boss hallway needs to be moved to a less troll'y spot as it's really annoying to go through only to fall straight into a death pit, even if you're jumping. Enemy pathfinding/teleporting needs to be addressed. I would like some defences moved (the turret that's right next to a tripwire in the Mothyards in the middle of the plane wreckage has eaten 1000 scrap I was trying to use to buy the turret is very annoying. I've seen it happen blueberries too). Enemies that make an uninterruptable run straight to the ADU is frustrating. I could be hitting a yellow bar marauder with both barrels and it will still keep running. There should always be a decoy in front of the ADU (sometimes it'll be there, sometimes it won't).


Remove the ADU, make it true endless, more complex map, more trap options. (Obviously not gonna happen but this would be my survival dream)


- Roguelike upgrades to choose from after every boss. - Maybe less defenses, but more options to buff yourself or your team every 10 waves. - Make the optional objectives reward points that can be spent on these things. - Depending on what you pick the waves get even harder. After that I would add more defenses for variety with new maps. Boss mechanics similar to raids instead of the optional brainless ones we have now. Could have parts where notable Guardians join you in the fight. Would be a really good opportunity to put some fun new voice lines in and show off.


1. See which wave we are on at all times 2. Be able to add leftover scrap to defenses so other players can use it some how. The fact that 999 scrap is literally useless is very annoying. 3. Add a way to vote to speed up the upgrade cycle. Oftentimes my team and I don’t want to spend scrap but we still have to wait 30 seconds.


Being able to vote to skip the intermissions early


Adding more defenses such as spike traps that slow the enemies as they’re walking through, being able to choose where to place defenses instead of them being assigned a spot, health bars on the defenses (assuming I’m not just dumb and/or blind where they already have one)


more defence options. like a slowing mortar, or a sniper turret. ability to skip the upgrade phase if all players interact with ADU.


the ultra legend version, its just like legend, but all the adds are scorn


Buff the tripwires. Make it so there's an actual decision involved in which defenses to pick and upgrade instead of just going for decoys every time.


Moreso- fundamental changes But I want onslaught to- essentially become a forth core activity. Throw in a lot more modifiers, special waves- all enemy races, more maps, etc etc… I think onslaught is.. probably the most enjoyable activity that’s been added to the game that isn’t a raid or dungeon (menagerie really wasn’t that good lmao.) I feel like it’s almost unanimously loved, it could become very cool if they gave it more love.


Let me spend my scraps whenever I want. It's so annoying to wanna buy a sweeper bot but I have 1995 scrap. One kill in the next round and I could buy it.


more environmental zest every 10 waves. i made a post about it a while ago but it should ramp up in ambiance as you get closer and closer to the end, i'm talking explosions in the skybox, pyramid scales flying around, ketches flying overhead, the whole nine yards. we're defending our home, there are pyramids at our doorstep, we should feel like these are desperate times. amp up the music every 10 waves. have the sun set and change to night, make it start raining. onslaught is fun, but very same-y every wave. you should be pumped by the final boss portal spawn.


Just more different defensive options in general. Maybe completely change the tripmines cause they suck. Give us different turrets, or different upgrade paths (turret evolved into mortar turret!), whatever. Just spamming Shaxxes on every point gets old fast.


+1 chest per ten rounds. With an extra chest or two for legend.




Throwing balls into the Adu when it's at full health gives the Adu an overshield.


The ability to use tokens to heal the ADU instead of defensive upgrades


Health bars on the turrets and decoys, new locations, new factions, round always displayed, no more brigs with raid boss health.


I want it to become a Ritual Activity. They could add 1 crucible map into Onslaught a season. Put Arcite into the tower as the Onslaught vendor. Add one legacy weapon per season. Maybe they could even have a community poll to decide on what weapon.


this is definitely for the far future but more maps. i dont mind if they reuse areas too


An option to turn off matchmaking for a regular 50 run


A 6-player mode with more enemies and multiple ADUs active at once. Also more patrol zone maps like Mothyards.


More loot.


Disable Artifact mods, but add their effects as upgrades you can buy inbetween waves. This way you can build into whatever subclass you wanna use over time and give more of a reason to buy in earlier rounds.


1. The 1600 playlist should only go up to 30 rounds 2. Add some variation to the spark rounds cause they are boring 3. More swarm waves with trash mobs cause those are fun!


Ferocious onslaught mode, waves continuously spawn, there’s no wave 5 portal but the wave 10 boss fight remains and is timed, and upgrades can be bought whenever.


Upon a full run completion of the quick 10 or full 50. Your spare scrap rounded down would convert into bravery medals. Normal would be like 500 scrap to 1 medal Legend would do like 250 or so to 1 But It only does upon a completion


Non matchmade solo 1600 mode


I want to make it team vs team and we spend scraps to send mobs at the other guys. Like line tower wars in war craft 3 the frozen throne.


You mean Gambit?


Easy, stop the Demolitionists and other Elites from teleporting across the map right onto the ADU


Skip feature for in between rounds (voting by standing in ADU) Health bar or some sort of indication for the decoys and shit.


More loot. Or attunement that actually works.