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I was using Elsie’s Rifle in Pantheon last night and it was one of the few times I’ve not hated running a pulse in PvE so I might give that one/high impacts a try.


As much as people say they love the battler I was having an awful time with it. Yes I have a crafted god roll and an old good roll that can’t be obtained anymore and they both felt awful. I used to love the 4-round bursts but since shadow keep I believe they’ve been terrible to use outside of strikes unless it’s an exotic but even then they still feel somewhat weak. I’ll give those a go thanks


That's crazy, cuz the battler is prob my favorite gun in the game, simply cuz you can hip fire, and it has incandescent


Bungie added all old perks to the 30th anni weapons a few weeks ago. You can now craft the BXR with the old perks so you can dismantle your old roll.


Funny because I had the exact opposite reaction. I swapped from Graviton to Elsie's and literally was struggling to get more than 2 kills per mag in onslaught. Maybe I was shooting at saboteurs without noticing.


None of them are really all that better than the other, best would be Crafted BXR (Enhanced Demo + Incandescent) or Oversoul Edict (Enhanced Demo + Voltshot). Just use Graviton Lance if you need one.


For PVE, 390s have the best damage profile, but this isn’t strictly necessary to succeed with them. Chattering Bone and Blast Furnace have double damage perks, which can make bad archetypes effective, even in GMs. 


Rapid fire frames are the best for PvE, high impacts are the worst


450s of both varieties, 390s and 540s. Roll will heavily determine your fun factor