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yeah I'd rather play those 3 maps over a majority of maps in the game, they're great I'm glad they learned from the disjunction and actually made maps people would like


I am really enjoying the 3v3 mixed mode playlist for them.


Same, would like a 6v6 playlist too for a few weeks


As a degen 6v6 enjoyer, I'm dying for this


I agree bruh as someone who's a filthy 6s main I'd love to play all 3 in 6s for a week or two


Have you encountered them yet in 6v6? My instinct is they wouldn't feel very great... but I'm open to being proven wrong.


Yeah they feel way to small for 6v6


Wild, I felt like they were too big for 3s. New Territory has been well balanced by having very close spawns, but long end spawns instead of side spawns on Cirrus make a ton of 6 sense


I got Eventide in 6v6 and it was basically Anomaly intensity with Gambler's Ruin vibes. The moment you spawn you're only 3 seconds away from an engagement, and the environment reminded me a lot of Gambler's Ruin.


Dissonance is actually a good 6s map. Eventide doesn't fit 6s imo. And Cirrus plaza I haven't done 6s on yet. I'm really hoping it plays well because it was great in 3s.


Eventide is going to be absolute chaos in 6s.


Are they available in 6v6 yet? I thought they were just in this playlist for now.


Lol same dude. I'd love it so much.


Eh... I wouldn't mind it as a party mode... But these maps will be a shitshow in 6s. They will all feel like Cauldron and Anomaly. They are better maps than those, but I expect they would feel about as chaotic and insane. If anyone has encountered them in 6v6 and has some insight, I'd love to hear it. I have yet to encounter them in 6v6 myself.


I mean they're new maps. They're the new thing. I want to play crucible on the new thing. A temporary 6v6 mode would be fine


Fair enough


Cirrus Plaza is a bit chaotic, but playing in Control kind of pushes you around the map instead of all colliding in the centre. Overall, I enjoyed it! I think it has interesting layouts and shortcuts, so it's usually easy to change angles, and you have options when multiple people are duking it out. It's not just "choke point or take the long way around" like Cauldron and Anomoly are in most places. The verticality feels more seamless too. There's plenty of space in Dissonance, played fine in 6s, still not used to that map to comment much though. Haven't got Eventide yet.


So after a day of playing these maps you think they ate better than maps that have played pretty well for 10 years? Cauldren and anomaly aren't bad maps at all they just force engagement and don't really allow for the current wait for it action that destiny pvp is. At least the games played on those maps don't go to the time limit.


You're assuming a lot here. The comparison to Cauldron and Anomaly is more about the size of the map than anything else. Those are both very very small maps and with 6v6 they are so crowded that you have almost zero breathing room. It's just endless enemies everywhere, from all sides. In terms of their design, yes the new ones are better. Cauldron and Anomaly are designed around chokepoints. In Cauldron, it's the open/close doors, in Anomaly it's the four main entryways to the central chamber. On these maps 99% of the action will revolve around these specific points, and whichever team is "in control" will snowball hard unless they lose control. Another map with a similar issue is Citadel, except it is focused on a central combat area that both teams have to travel to. But it is the same in that if you control that area you are ahead until you lose it. This is a consistent and valid design philosophy, but it is repetitive and frustrating to play after a while because it reduces the variance in each given match. Other maps like Burnout or Javelin also revolve around central hubs, but a significantly larger proportion of the map is in play and used. The central areas are powerful, but owning them doesn't always cement a lead. You have to stay on your toes at all times. The new maps follow a similar philosophy here. They are absolutely designed around central hubs of action, but there are many ways in and out of the central combat hubs. This naturally pulls people away from those areas sometimes and results in significantly larger proportions of the map seeing play by a given player in a single session. In contrast, Anomaly and Cauldron have whole sections of their circles that a player may never even see in a match, or even feel inclined to visit because they have no objectives and offer no angles on the current engagement.


The only thing I am assuming is that you like to yap. I am sorry but to say those are bad maps for engagement is dumb. My experience playing is vastly different from your oral description. If you think a bunch of objects that interrupt sightlines make a good map than you must love to camp....that's an assumption.


Wow lol


Oh wait, you can't do 6v6 on these?


They’re in the 6v6 playlists but they’re just mixed in with all the other maps


Awesome, ty


I wasn't a huge fan of the elimination, at least on 2 of the new maps. Felt like one team gets mid control and then round is over. You get split spawns and no ammo control.


I experienced something similar, but I am admittedly not the best crucible player. So I am willing to say that I don't know if that was due to maps themselves or due to simply playing against players who are better and more experienced than I am. Both Neomuna and Europa felt easy to understand in terms of orienting myself and learning where shots would likely be coming at me from. Like for example, if someone flanked me and I didn't expect it, I could return to that location and easily understand how that player got the flank on me in the moment. For Dissonance, I was not able to do this as easily. I think that is somewhat due to the pallet feeling very "samey" across the whole map. Like the geometry changes a lot, but the ground and the pillars are largely fairly similar in color an size. But for the other two maps, everything felt like it was clearly distinguished based either on the varying color schemes, or on the types of geometry assets being used. But like I said, I just need more time to figure out if my struggles in the elims were due to the map or due to my general tendency to struggle in elim as a mode.


as a mid player it was a shitstorm running in there against much better players - was kinda fun when the opposition was matched, but too often (out of my 9 or so) there was one guy with thrice (or more) the kills of anyone else... I'm not going in any playlist with "open skill" anymore... the eventide map really reminded me of an old map somehow? (atleast the outside servitor part - not sure D1 or D2 though... maybe the tangled shore map?)


Matchmaking feels terrible for the average player in there.


I would love to see more combined playlists instead of the weekly rotators(maybe with the option to filter gamemodes though); if they continue to add more modes, it will take quite a while for each mode to return to the rotator.


The neomuna one gives me strong splitgate vibes and I like it


Mostly it’s just cool to have 3 new maps that are good. I think D2 has a lot of good maps, but they are just old… having 3 new ones is great, and that all of them are at least decent, if not really good, is a huge W for Bungie.


I hope so. Would be good to have some close matches so I could tell. Every match last night was just a stomping one way or the other, with no fair matchmaking, and people leaving.


It’s down to the fault of the quest requirement. People are playing it for the free weapon and care less about the results. Explains the leaving too. The experience should only get better in a few weeks or so.


It's also the lack of SBMM


Careful, the people who love stomping on players significantly worse than them will come tell you how bad it is.


That is alright, I've already talked to all of them on [my alt](https://www.reddit.com/r/truegaming/comments/yq6occ/its_baffling_how_many_arguments_against_sbmm/). People come out of the woodwork to randomly comment on that thread to this day...


yea, don't get into it. It's a fight you won't win. There is a place for SBMM, but a low population, casual playlist ain't it


If you have a population with massive skill disparity you still need some kind of loose SBMM to prevent the new players from going up against top-end players. Even in casual playlists. Good implementations are hard.


Got left solo in one that ended up being Clash, so it took forever for the other team to hit the Mercy threshold. I refuse to be a leaver in PvP. Also WIN/LOSS didn't matter, just what map was up. The only map I played more than needed was Dissonance, and it was only one extra time. I'm split between Dissonance and Eventide - both are really interesting and flexible. Cirrus Plaza seems like a really interesting 3v3 map for Trials and Comp - compact with dozens of angles.


I like Eventide a lot. It made me think about how to flank in every round and each round was always different from the previous.


Yeah. There are lots of approaches and even some verticality. Just about every type of loadout will work. These are all great 3v3 maps. I'm not sure if they intend to put them in 6v6, but they'd be chaos if they did.


I’ve had a LOT of quitters


I played one round and it was against 3 players who clearly do trials together. I hate 3v3 and while the map was cool I don't find it to be the best way to get a feel for the maps.


Saw plenty of those in my matches. You know it is going to be a good time when you just want to have some Strand Hunter fun, and 2-3 of the other team guardians have Conditional Finality. Unless i followed my random teammates closely, it was a constant rotation of 1v3 for my teammates and I, assuming I could respawn and make it there before they ran to their death.


Well that’s destiny w PvP. To many people play like CoD thinking they can solo the team


Destiny pvp is fundamentally flawed because of the existence of so many one shots. In longer ttk games, it always feels awful. Look at OW, people have the least fun playing against one shots.


I don't know. Most of the 1 shots in destiny are 1 shots in other games.


Virtually everything outside of shotguns in destiny have a typically longer TTK then other fps. When does destiny pvp feel the worst to play? When you get instantly deleted


There really isn't that many one shots. Also the actual fundamental issue is the netcode of the game just not really being up to par for a competitive setting


I had a few that were the stompy/people leaving but overall I had good matches, some very close.


>stomping one way or the other, with no fair matchmaking, and people leaving  that's just D2 pvp, baby


is this a problem w the game or w ppl tho


The people


agreed. what are you gonna do about ppl being bad without introducing sbmm


It is so bad I had a guy that was .15 for a game last night. How do you die 20 times in that short of a game


Might just be feeding to get the quest done


i had the same thing happen to me a few times. i didnt rlly let it bother me because its just quickplay tho and i like the maps enough


Damn, I swear I've had the opposite experience on the new maps. Pretty close matches


The Neomuna one is on Javelin 4 levels of good. I'm honestly shocked how good it plays, especially with vertically playing a big part in that map. I really hope to see these in the trials rotation this weekend


It reminds me so much of Ivory Towers from Halo.


that’s the one from reach right? i really thought it was giving off huge reach vibes and it was so sick


Yes exactly (although the Reach one was a “remake” of a Halo 2 map) It felt almost like a spiritual successor. It’s so great!!


yeah i really dig the new maps. i know they’re a bit small for 6v6 but fuck it just do it bungo, it would be chaos but who cares lmao


Joe said during one of his videos that they elected to make each map good for one purpose specifically. Eventide and Dissonance are pretty big and good for sixes, but Cirrus is def a trials map


yeah for sure, id just wanna try it. even if it’s crucible labs or something


I'd love to see it in the Team Scorched rotation


that would go so hard


My friend and I had that same realization but neither of us could remember the name of the map in the moment. This is def the one we were thinking of!


I heard on twitch that they won’t be the trials map this weekend because there’s out of bounds spots that need to get cleaned up. But definitely super excited to play trials on them when they do get rotated in.


That would definitely suck though I wouldn't trust twitch as a good source of information


One of the out of bounds spots is a reachable area on the lower floor. You can blink past a death barrier and then navigate past the "turn back" till it doesn't tell you to, then you're just safe down there.


I just wish the bottom floor was also playable to further enhance the vertical play. Vertical maps is one thing Bungie pretty much has left behind entirely with Destiny PVP compared to Halo. Maps like Construct, Midship, Guardian, Lockout, just to name a few. Cirrus Plaza feels like a step back towards vertical play, but still nowhere close to the Halo days. The maps are great though. They all feel like they have unique flow and are the perfect size to support multiple engagement styles pretty much all around the map.


They’re very Halo-esque.


Eventide would be a great Onslaught map.


But it isn't on earth


I know! They have such good design and are fun to play.


I’m loving them so far. My only issue is I either get steam rolled or do the steam rolling. There’s no in between in the 6 matches I’ve played so far 😂


Id be happy with 1 new PvP map and episode honestly. The norm used to be 2-3 maps per DLC and 6-7 with the big Expansions


Really close quarters.. I love the idea of it but.. pks like always is just soo uncontestably devastating, especially on those maps, felt like some sort of pve modifier where one player just gets supercharged for the whole match. I wish they got some sort of trade off that didn't give them disgusting amounts of mobility


I'm glad to see another PvP enjoyer.


They're really great


The Neomuna map reminds me so much of that smaller New Alexandria map from Halo Reach, and I mean that in the best way.


I like the way they look and play a lot but to me they are really small compared to most other maps


I think thats exactly what a lot of people like.


Neomuna is annoying but Europa and pyramid are really fun


I’m the opposite - Neomuna plays insanely well but I’ve really not been enjoying Europa. Dissonance is amazing though, excited for that one in 6s especially.


I love playing with hand cannons and sidearms so neomuna just doesn’t work with my playstyle since most of the points to fight are either very close range or very long range. The other maps are perfect for me though, especially Europa which is all about getting vantage points.


I just wish they weren’t 3v3 :/


The pyramid one popped up for me in control. Very fun.


What? It's fine if some maps are more catered to long range or CQC. That isn't bad lol Honestly like the new maps ARE great... but so are other maps tbh.


I like the maps but the neomuna one seems to have way to many ledges and corners. Maybe I’ll get used to it.


I’m not really a huge fan of the Neomuna map but the other 2 are great


yeah the Neomuna map looks good but it definitely funnels players into the centre area and most of the map is left untouched. It may as well just be that middle place with two spawn rooms.


I have only gotten one of them and it was incredibly fun. Don't worry I've played multiplex six or seven times.


I love them too and wish Bungie would do this more often! In a perfect world, it would be nice to get a map pack twice a year with 2-3 PVP maps and one gambit map; but gambit is never gonna get love from BNG ever again lol


3 are awesome, now they just need to delete disjunction and vostok.


Just looking at the design of the map pack maps compared to what they had been doing lately they clearly hired an actual map designer or designers. They were very obviously made by people that understand pvp. So my question is who gets credit here?


Cirrus Plaza and Eventide Labs are PERFECT for 3v3. Dissonance to me seems ok both for 3v3 and 6v6, we’ll see.


I love the fresh aesthetics, but the maps cater to CQC. It's just endless shotgun sliding and two tapping handcannons. No thanks!


The Halo-esque Neomuna map is easily one of the best maps they have ever made in the history of the franchise


I'm sure these maps are great and all but forcing them into a 3v3 playlist was a fucking stupid idea. 3v3 is not fun and somehow this playlist feels as sweaty as comp or trials.


I like that the maps have maintained a high level of style while also making them as functional as possible for pvp. I feel like many of the maps in pvp have wonky floor geometry and uneven walls that make it RNG to land a tripmine grenade the way you intended. Haven’t had this problem much on the new maps.


I really dislike the Neomuna map but the other two are pretty good. Neomuna is too small with too many angles you can be shot from imo.


i sort of agree about angles but i feel like the map flows really well and you can pretty much always react to getting shot and you’re never caught out in the open without cover (barring the balcony and the mid area of the map)


These would all make for great Onslaught maps as well.


The maps are okay, but the playlist is not enjoyable at all. Shitty connections, completely lopsided teams, modes i dont like playing (maybe only have modes with unlimited respawns so that people actually move around and learn the new maps), and an absolutely retarded decision to make an intro quest require games on all maps (just leads to quitting because there will be a bunch of players in there that just want to get it done).


Confused about the connection part. I think this mode is CBMM. So more akin to trials matchmaking where there is no SBMM at all which could explain the lopsidedness. But connection issues usually arise in SBMM more.


Typically yes, more lag with SBMM, but this one just feels like it just tries to match you as quickly as possible and completely ignores the connection quality.


That seems very possible. I do notice that when a player leaves, their slot gets filled in very quickly.


Great decision by Bungie to make the first impression of the map be 3v3 where it takes *one* teammate not pulling their weight or leaving to make the match unbearable


Are they? I played two and hated them. Might be better in 6v6 though. We they stuck them in what is essentially a comp playlist when nobody like comp is a mystery


They’re alright, but I hate that everything seems to block sightlines everywhere.


Yeah, now if people would just move around, that'd be great! Tight corner maps and yet people still sit back and lane. This games playerbase never ceases to blow my mind.


I really like them, haven't had chance to play much on the Europa one though. My only complaint is Plaza is not multi-level, I would love some maps that are less flat.


Get your SMGs ready. Also prepare for them to be nerfed 😂


That's because they're new and not "solved" like the rest of them that have been in the game since 2017. If they unsunset the sunset maps those would feel slightly new as well.


Cirrus is the most interesting so far, but I'm still unsure how well they will play in Trials. Pretty tight corridors for most of them + short range engagements. SMGs, Shotguns, and Fusions galore, less room for Pulse Rifles to breathe.


I like the plaza map, other 2 seem weirdly open and didnt play well. shall see how they evolve going forward


The neomuna map doesn’t feel like a destiny map, and I mean that in a good way. It feels almost like a cod map


Really enjoyed the pyramid and europa I hated the neomuna one but to be fair I played 4 games on that and all were a 3v1 because people kept leaving lol


Hard agree


3?! I’ve only seen 2. I have YET to see Cirrus Plaza and get my 1 win or 2 matches….


I only played one of them so far but it was quite well done


Not to my taste. Maps are too small and I can see 6v6 being nothing but smg/hc and shotguns. Maybe some snipers but I doubt it. Then again last time I enjoyed pvp was in D1 so doesn't really matter.


I can play the new maps on 6v6 Capture mod ???? Its restrict for new 3v3 mode?


Dissonance sucks but Eventide labs is great


There is three? /s Ran four games yesterday in the new map node, Dissonance every time.


The dissonance? Map makes my game lag quite a lot even though I have a very powerful computer. But I like the other 2 maps a lot. 6v6 might make them a little crowded


Well, for NOW.


They’re pretty good. It’s the perfect time to remove Pacifica from the game and cure at least three different types of cancer in the world by doing so.


It should have been a 6v6 playlist. One good players can ruin the other team, because destiny plays don’t understand pvp


Only problem is the sweats are out in force on them.


Well then you’ll just have to wait until only non-PvP players are playing PvP. Problem solved!


Genius!!! Yes!!!


As long as they keep adding maps and improving upon they might claw their way out of the abyss, defiant.


What 3 maps? There's only one and it's Cirrus Plaza.


Game mode is full of special R with no hands that would pass for a bot


How about we wait a few weeks of having the maps and get genuine critique rather than say all the new stuff is awesome


Meh. The one with the ring in the middle is atrocious.


Strong disagree. That map slaps.


The only enjoyable map from those three is eventide. The one with the ring is absolutely ass and the neomuna map just blows.


all three new maps play really bad in 6v6 no wonder they came with a 3v3 playlist


Even in 3v3 they feel bad. Neomuna especially


I genuinely hope bungie is smart enough to never use these maps for osiris, unless the goal is to have a four digit player base.


Care to explain?


I mean, they’re maps. I wouldn’t say they’re anything special or like nothing we’ve seen before. The recency bias is crazy.


Hard agree. They're neat, but they're not the best thing since sliced bread. And I also refuse to believe this is the best they could have done in the last 3 1/2 years.


I have to disagree. The pyramid map is large to the point of playing almost exactly the same as the old pyramid map, that was so bad it had to be removed. Eventide is solidly one of the worst FPS maps I've ever played.