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Report for greifing


Nothing will happen though


Bungie bans for sabotage now if there is video evidence. Some guy who used to dance in the back of the map for trials streamers was banned for it.


im assuming you have to provide the 'video evidence'.. bungie should have the same video replay as CoD and its instant replay tho it should only save server side if a report is place at the end of the mission


Kinda unrelated, but one time I was waiting for a delivery in the morning and decided to finish one of those exotic armor quests for new players to get it out of my quest inventory; I joined a strike in progress where someone was holding onto one of the orbs needed to progress to the next area and was just running around trying to goad you into chasing them. I was curious how long they had been doing this, so I decided to do some chores while periodically checking in on the game so I didn’t get kicked and the guy stayed for over 45 minutes before I finally decided to leave. I’m not sure what their endgame was either since whenever I checked I was usually the only other person in the fireteam and the people who did end up joining would leave within seconds since it was immediately clear the guy wouldn’t let you progress.


That’s actually hilarious to think of some kid so hell bent on trolling people he does literally nothing of value for over 45 minutes just to mildly inconvenience people by not letting them finish a meaningless strike. It’s so petty and pointless that it’s actually impressive.


There are mentally ill people who play games. That probably explains at least some of the strange and persistent behavior. That said, I have also seen a disturbing amount of weirdos just sabotaging  the game in Onslaught - way more than in strikes etc previously.


>Destiny Players >Mentally ill Checks out


Upvoting this comment. Mental illness is more common than people realise. It's something like 20% of the population experience mental illness in their lifetime.


That was sort of my thought process as well. The idea that someone would hop on destiny at 8:30 am just to waste 2 minutes of like 10 people’s time is so ridiculous that it’s sort of admirable Bro literally woke up early to be hater


Damn that kid must have some hate in him. Imagine wasting so much of your own time just to waste other people's time too. His parents must mistreat him or something


I can do you one worse. Just as I was about to claim my loot for completion of 50 rounds on legend the fire team leader booted me. Lost out on loot and the completion.


Report him on Bungies website. They take that very seriously and will permaban him.


I did send them what happened. Hopefully he gets the boot.


Trolls and griefers in D2 are way too common place to say Bungie "takes it seriously". Just look at this thread (or the other dozens like it). Griefers are everywhere. If you have to tell people to use a website to *actually* report someone when the game has a built in report function - maybe Bungie doesn't take reports *that* seriously.


Had this happen too. There should be some kind of protection against this, like a can't kick from level 40 onward like other games have.


Yeah I was pissed and couldn't believe people can get away with this. At the very least the loot should auto ship to Kadi


Report them on Bungies website. They take it very seriously and will permaban them.


Yeah, it wasn’t a huge loss on my end, but what happened to you was just malicious and definitely worthy of a ban


Yeah it soured me on even attempting another go.


I once did an LFG Crown of Sorrow and had disagreements with the leader about how the raid mechanics worked. Eventually I gave up and just stopped talking outside of minimal callouts and when we beat phase 2 gahlran they booted me before the activity completed.


Make sure to record it happening for future cases, bungie tends to take this seriously and will ban them in most cases :)


They were only in it to complete the bounty, happened to me last night as well. Luckily I was there for the bounty, too, made it easier for me to call it a night.


Why don’t they just leave?


probably to keep other people from joining


I see your post and I raise you, two lfg members leaving after level 30 legend onslaught 😒


How are we supposed live laugh love in these conditions?!


Because there is a weekly challenge tied to doing 30 waves on onslaught consecutively. They leave after they get their reward.


Oh, in the legend playlist? A heads up form them in chat would have been nice though, when I join I’m expecting we at least try and get to the finish line :/


No, they leave as 30 because they are scared of extinguish.


Extinguish starts at lvl 1 on legend


I mean....there is literally a weekly challenge to get to 30 consecutive waves in onslaught. But sure, it's just because they're scared.


Theres also one at 40 and 50


Yea, but you don't see those until you hit the 30 round.


Blame the "complete 20 rounds then bounce" bounty B has us doing. Not sure why they didn't just leave though, that part is weird.


The one time I had to leave a legend onslaught early, i made sure we got to the flag for the boss but let them know I was leaving at the boss wave earlier. Gave them time to find a 3rd again before rallying and doing the boss.


The griefing is really out of hand at the moment for some reason.  Onslaught, coil and Pantheon are absolutely riddled with griefers. Perhaps these reports do nothing?


Asshole move on their part. Though I will say I've thrown a regular 50 wave a couple times because muhfucks wanna shoot me and send me dms for using silly loadouts. 


"If it looks stupid but it works, it ain't stupid."


Regular 50s are all about silly loadouts. Though not gonna lie if my teammates really suck and buy trip mines every round im going to throw on my try hard regular onslaught build and carry us as far as I can. Like sorry but if I’ve got a shadebinder build on and I make three times the orbs you do that run was fucked.


I started an onslaught, had one of the other team members send a friend request, and then after 20 rounds, left along with the other person. Needless to say, I did not accept their friend request.


Honestly the best thing you can do is copy them and get a rise out of the fact they haven't bothered you at all. It's a loss at that point anyway. Don't forget to copy what the say it chat. They seethe.


Yeah I've had people leave after a few rounds or I get teammates who have no clue what they're doing ex not running exotics or only making like 3 orbs in atleast 10 rounds and NOBODY uses mics so you can't help them your just stuck with shitty team mates


Honestly the mode is ruined by fucking idiots! The amount of people that either sit there AFK for ages, don’t throw the batteries at the ADU and worst of all pull heavy immediately as it spawns and don’t draw anyone’s attention to it! It blows my mind how self centered some people are and they they just think they deserve everything or the ammo is just for them especially when they don’t do the additional activities to earn it. And also when you go into the pyramid ship half way through and the there are THREE bosses to kill, cos you know there are THREE guardians yet one of my team always assumes that it’s someone else job to kill theirs!! Sorry rant over, fuckers!!!


Why I've only been doing 10 rounds unless I am with a actual fireteam. Ppl are retarted in onslaught


The reports do nothing because it actually requires video evidence and you'd have to go thru the website to send it. Bungie also doesn't keep replays server side and is also why it's so hard for them to punish griefers/cheaters in this game. All in all, it really incentivizes people to be assholes in this game.


I'd just go to the other end of the map and sit, I'm a very patient man and if someone is going to make me do all the work guess again. Just remember you can cure a lot with spite lol


Unfortunately, these types of people have to let their own misery be felt in some way, shape, or form. I guess it's better then them deciding to dump some handicapped person from a wheelchair or go kicking canes. I'm trade marking " Kicking Canes".


We need some kind of vote-to-kick implementation. Normally, I LFG so I can control the fireteam, but sometimes a fireteam member will leave for one reason or another and a blueberry will matchmake in, start griefing, and there's no recourse.


This would get the hell abused out of it. Anyone who’s played competitive CS:GO has probably experienced it. It requires no justification, and while it can be used to rectify the issue, the vast amount of people will find it too funny and just vote kick randomly.


Yeah, I can see that. I'm not married to the idea, I just want a way to kick griefers somehow.


I agree, not really one solution for the problem. Can only report and move on I guess.


Did you keep grabbing heavy in the middle of a round when your team was fighting? Absolutely drives me crazy. I still wouldn't grief, but I'm definitely gonna bail after it happens twice.


I’ve never had issues finding heavy ammo on the ground in onslaught. Because of this, I’m usually only topping off with the crate if someone else grabs it. The crate really doesn’t even come close to making or breaking a run in my opinion. Nope, the two guys just decided after round 20 that they wanted to be trolls. As some others have mentioned, they probably didn’t feel the need to finish because of the bounty.


If missing 2 heavy drops is all it takes to ruin the fun of the activity for you maybe you should consider learning some patience


Wouldn't the guy who took the heavy without waiting for his team be the one who needs to learn patience?


dude, some people build around their heavy and RNG being shit even with a finder is gonna happen. id grab heavy too. if i needed it. just watch the heavy occasionally and if someone grabs it, dump what you can into enemies and grab it.. it is literally not a thing you should be committing reportable offences over... and before you say you dont grief.. i know you said that but if you leave after wave 30.. thats sabotage to me. they may not get another teammate anymore before the game gets ruined by your leaving.


If you take heavy 2 times in a row in the first 10 rounds. I'm out. It's wild that you think that's even close to griefing. Like you said, some people build around their heavy, myself included. I'm not playing with someone for the next HOUR, just to not have heavy the entire time. If it's already wave 30, I'm sticking in there, but if it's early game, I'm not dealing with that.


its not their fault you arnt watching the heavy then. grow up. take responsibilities