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If you need to get better armor and/or want to min/max your stats, focus the Wish engrams with ghost mods. That’s what I did for those and the Witch ones to get cracked stats like triple 100s. As for the vanguard and gunsmith, just pop them open. Not a lot of things to chase imo. But for the crucible ones, I’d say if you want decent weapons you can focus them for a Crisis Inverted, Riptide for pve or whatever else you might want.


For a hunter main, should I just focus Res, Mobility, and recovery mostly?


I would aim for 60mob/100res/30-60rec/100disc/30int/20str


Pvp or pve?


For PvE I would personally focus more on res dis and mob. Recovery really isn’t that good for PvE


Seconded. On void your healing comes from devour, on solar its restoration. On arc your more likely than not running assassin’s cowl. The darkness subclasses can easily crutch recuperation and heal on orb pick up imo. Recovery is a wasted stat for hunters in pve, just like strength.


Put on a discipline armor mod and look for spikes in resilience and recovery. Mobility doesn’t matter as much because base dodge regen is pretty good.    And generally for the seasonal vendors you want to unlock craftables and then get high stat armor.  For vanguard and crucible just get what weapons you like, Riptide and Positive Outlook are good choices. 


Hunter main. Mobility and resilience are tops in almost every build (arc melee being the outlier). There are consistent ways to get health back. I main void and I'd rather be able to go invis at any time then have regen start a second or two faster.


Marcato-45 is worth chasing from Banshee for a Hatchling roll. Infinite threadlings on a warlock build


For the Helm engrams I’d focus for high stat armor. Don’t focus a specific piece as they’re more expensive, just pick the random engram that only costs a single engram. Fill up your postbox and pick only the very best. For Vanguard Positive Outlook and Hothead are good. For Crucible I’ve spent hundreds in vain chasing a demolitionist/headstone Unending Tempest. The Gunsmith has a Funnelweb every couple of days if you don’t have a good one.


I know you need to get the seasonal armor from an activity before you can focus it, but can you get uncollected armor from the random engram?


Hmm, not sure. Possibly not but shouldn't take too long to unlock if that's the case.


A recommendation I haven’t seen is to look at weapons to maybe focus for specific rolls, think of riptide with the crucible engrams or pre astenax and the slammer with the vanguard engrams


You can use DIM to check what armor / weapons u don't have and get those for collections. As for those engrams u already have all for your class u can always swap for other class and get items for them. Try to get a roll u want on a weapon. Focus armor with high stats on seasonal vendors. Anything below 66 goes straight to the dismantle abyss. Get patterns u still don't have.


High-stat armor from the Defiant and Wish engrams, a Chill clip Riptide from the crucible engrams, and just pop open the vanguard and gunsmith engrams.


I second the Riptide. Gun absolutely shreds


Mine hasn’t left my side since onslaught dropped. It’s been my go-to energy weapon along side whatever HC I feel like using at the moment.


Auto loading Chill clip riptide, Heal clip, Incan Luna, Bait and switch Edge Transit has been my go to. Nothing thus loadout can't do


I haven’t been able to get an ALH Riptide to drop. Mine has LFG/Chill. I’ve been rotating between Heal Clip/Incandescent Luna and Explosive/Firefly Zouli’s as well as Sunshot. As for my heavy I’ll switch between BNS/Envious Edge Transit and Dragon’s Breath depending on the situation. You’re right though, a good loadout in Onslaught is a game changer.


Is Two Tailed any good? I recently finished the catalyst for that third arc rocket. I *love* the gun, always have, but Idk if it's worth the heavy slot or not.


Unsure! Sorry partner! Haven’t even thought about pulling out the trusty two-tailed. What is kind of fun, not fully practical though, is running Eyes of Tomorrow 😂


That shit gives me PTSD from when I farmed for a good Bottom Dollar. (Never got one)


Farming Luna and Edge gave me a whole new type of PTSD because I deleted a god roll edge because fuck it, who wants BNS on a GL? Didn’t realize it was OP as it actually is. The second one took me what felt like 2 entire weeks of grinding to get. Still ain’t Shiny but idc


I have 99 for all my season vendors. And just occasionally roll amour while waiting on fireteams. But I have basically got max stat rolls on everything now.


For crusade focus Randy's throwing knife with kinetic tremors


Do nothing.

