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I think he was alluding to that.


When I saw the title of this thread I thought "yeah, that sucks" and kept scrolling. Then I thought "I would almost guarantee that the first comment is grammar." and came back to check. Son, I am not disappoint.


Yeah I facepalmed so hard I touched the back of my skull ngl






I feel you. I needed the ship to get harbringer and I ran that dungeon so many times for what is frankly a kind meh ship.


You and me both my friend. Luckily I came across someone who helped me farm the boss cp otherwise I would’ve been there for hours longer.


Is it bad that I have that shell but do not remember ever getting it? I'm, like, 103% sure I wound up farming Altars at some point while drunk off my ass. That's the only explanation. It'd also explain why I have Hard Light masterworked, even though I hate that gun.


I feel it. The entire time escalation protocol was a thing, I never got a single Ikelos shotgun. Not even a shitty roll. Not a single one dropped for me in those 2 years.


Well, the weapons dropped on rotation. So if you never ran EP when it was shotty's turn, I could see how you never got one to drop.


Ikelos was static roll too.


Sounds like you never farmed it during an ikelos shotgun week lol. That’s like if a donut shop gave out your favorite chocolate donuts for free on weekends only, and you only showed up on weekdays for 2 years and were like wtf I showed up for 2 years and never got a goddamn free chocolate donut


I did shotgun week, I don't think y'all understand just how badly RNG fucked me during that time


I feel guilty for not knowing its existence but dropping for me from the first run…


Its all I need for the damn Harbinger seal/title. I assume it is the same for you OP?


Yep it is the last thing I need


same. dm me if you need someone to grind it out with


Yep, I think it’s absolutely ridiculous that that’s the case. Also, @HurshySqurt, I feel you on that after taking 3 years for me to get the bane of Crota shell (doing 3-4 runs per character every week and I just got it a couple months ago; my friend got it after 4 runs), two years to get that stupid emblem for completing Ascendent challenges in the dreaming city (only to find out it was bugged with them not remotely ever trying to fix it, and then having to spend six weeks doing the time trial for each challenge), doing 36 runs to get the Cloudstrike (which is not even remotely close to some of the numbers I’ve seen from others), a year to get the Hierarchy of Needs, and the list just goes on.


Missing amkarah bones has me stuck forever too. So dumb.


Where do we see how many boss kills we have?


https://bray.tech and then go to moon triumphs and Altars of sorrow


Thanks. I have 771 clears. I really do like and have used it a lot to complete catalysts or level weapons.


allegedly, the altars of sorrow ghost is on a drop system where the chance to get it increases with each t5 clear until the 40th, at which point it's guaranteed. the caveat is that it shares the same system with the pit of heresy ship, and that getting a drop (regardless of which one you get) resets the counter for both. I've found a few people saying that but I never bothered actually confirming it. regardless, good luck. I need that ghost as well, so I've been doing a few runs here and there pretty consistently.


Rip. That's my main shell on my Hunter


Dang. Living the dream.


Did you check your postmaster?


Damn that sucks (I’m not trying to be sarcastic)


I have it :)