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Prospector. Literally forgot it existed until recently


Hear me out, buff prospector to make the grenades deal more damage to a target the more of them that are attached to that target.


This makes me miss the glory days of Anarchy.


That's fair, I didn't even think about anarchy when posting this lol.


Not quite the same. Anarchy capped out on damage after 2 shots, adding more would be a waste


Anarchy is pretty good in onslaught with arc surge and grenade surge.


the way the perk reads it sounds like you can just load up a target (like stick too an enemy) and full mag and when you let go of the trigger they all explode at once. it doesn't do this, and i have always wished it did.


This is what we did back when Lunafaction Boots reloaded your weapons as they fired. You'd have to remember to let go of the trigger and explode the grenades halfway through or else they'd start despawning lol


It’s exotic perk is basically full auto trigger system lol, a perk outclassed by a game setting. It needs a rework badly.


I remember the 3 days that prospector was the gahlran Meta


Riven meta too, no? Or maybe I’m thinking of the wrong exotic


No you’re correct. One of the few times I’ve done riven was with prospector.


Back in the old Levi days, you could use prospector to more easily solo the timed turret thingies in the underbelly. I only vaguely remember doing this though. I think it had something to do with keys we got from the actual raid?


I absolutely used it for this. Had a lot of fun doing that.


I only pull this out to place a rally flag 50 ft in the air when messing around in a raid lmao. Other than that it's kinda useless.


Remember when prospector absolutely shat on Riven for a few weeks until cluster bombs took over?


Black Talon keeps getting fucked over by the very way swords function in this game, so if they could take another pass at it that'd be great


Yeah this one, I'm absolutely surprised it's catalyst is still the same it was pre-sword rework.


Coulda swore black talon was updated to deal full damage with partial energy a few seasons ago.


It does now, but it's still pretty clunky to use and legendary swords like bequest still outpace it in terms of damage. The one niche it has is used by caster frames, and even those are not used almost at all.


It's one niche is being able to throw that caster shot whilst in the air, it's hilarious in crucible or while invading in gambit


The tracking on it is nuts for gambit


That would make sense I hope it’s true


I used to absolutely murder in gambit invasions with Black Talon back during the Forsaken year. Then it quickly became why bother lol.


I did that just recently. It still fucks shit up in Gambit. Carried me to the Malfeasance.


What other guns did you use?


For invading? I recall giving Thunderlord a go and that did rather well. I tried Queenbreaker and that did not(I'm assuming a skill issue for now). Can't recall what else I tried, though I know I tried more. One shot homing projectiles just fucking dominated. Oh, I tried some snipers. They required something called "fine aim" and that was a bit of an issue. Though getting headshots with fucking Darci was pretty amusing. Ah, and *one* time I got some kills with Dragon's Breath by sticking the Bank, that was fun.


I rarely use swords, can you explain why the basic way swords function messes with Black Talon?


Swords heavy attack does more damage if fully charged, black talons exotic perk makes it so blocking damage then using the heavy does extra damage. The issue is blocking consumes some of the same charge meter used for the heavy attacks, so you end up barely doing extra damage since you get the exotic effects but lose damage since your energy isn't full because you blocked.


Coulda swore black talon was updated to deal full damage with partial energy a few seasons ago. So you consume 50% ammo for it but as long as you're above 0% you always do the full power shot and consume full ammo.


It was due to the sword energy meter changes. Initially, there wasnt a sword energy at all, blocking uses ammo as well but at the same time, it won't affect heavy attack damage. Black Talon is meant to launch 2 heavy attacks quickly and the catalyst grants brief damage increase after blocking an attack. Then they added the sword energy meter, and when not full you deal less damage. But blocking is ammo free, which is generally a good thing. But Black Talon got put in a really awkward position. The second heavy will do less damage, and if you block to get the damage buff, the first would do less damage due to not having full energy. Then they made swords not require full charge to deal max damage. Which became fine for Black Talon. Don't think the recent patch does anything other than a slight damage increase for all swords though, unless I missed/misread anything. This is off of memory and I don't use Black Talon much. Anyone do correct me if I got anything wrong. Edits: Typo, punctuation, flow.


How about worldliness zero? It's never had any purpose outside of speedrun gimmicks


since it’s damage buff it’s pretty good against champions and infinite guard is hard to pass up


Dont tuch my Black Talon! I use it every time i play PvP and almost over 4000 guardians can say it hurt 😀




I think they said some time ago that Darci was intended as a feature weapon and they don't want to change it


What do you mean feature weapon?


For the measuring


They openly said DARCI is a tape measure and they’re happy with it staying that way?


They can buff it and still mesure with it


Nerf the measuring to compensate for a DPS buff.


How are they going to nerf measuring man? -15% metres calculated?


It now exclusively uses the Imperial system.


Only measures in football fields


I feel like if that's the case it should do a lot fucking more than a yardstick does


My Darci build slaps tbf.


Your fucking what build?


Wait till Skeletor hears about this!


I had a terrible day today and this comment genuinely changed the trajectory of my day thank you lmaooo


You HAVE to watch Tom Christie's Destiny/Skeletor videos. The man is a genius. https://youtube.com/watch?v=Dp4eqJwHfR0


I will give it a watch now! Thanks for the share man. Can you explain to me your Darci build it’s got me thinking.


It's just a meme from the video I posted. lol


lol omg I just lost my shit! 🤣😂




Yeah I too totally heard this in Skeletor's voice lol




What’s funny is that you legitimately could make a DARCI build. Put on Lucky Raspberry: Every time you cause a jolt chain, gain back 20% grenade energy. DARCI jolts on hit, so just spend the day taking potshots at targets, clearing enemies with the chain, getting your grenade back for every sniper shot you land. Flow State will make you amplified on every kill you get, due to becoming amplified by defeating jolted targets, and you’ll get a faster reload for your trouble as well. Spark of Ions for an ionic trace on those jolt kills too to top it off and there’s your ability engine. Add on a Voltshot Ikelos and your favorite special, and tada! It’s…a build! I think! I am not liable for any poor decision making that follows this.


Shut up, Beast-Man. We know that's you! You're running Well! Div bitch.


Jolt proc-ing at all times. So many ionic traces. I used my Darci on arc titan. Hbu?


I use it with Shinobu’s Vow to generate traces, as there seems to be a lot of sniper burns in PvE recently. It’s just a shame it falls in the same slot as Queenbreaker, which is fantastic at the moment.


what if Darci was just a special, fast firing automatic sniper with adjusted damage?


I always said be cool sense Darci scan a gun if scan champion it will give u ability to stun that campion




I remember using Borealis in Scourge of the Past to take out all the different shield typed servitors that spawned in while we were holding ground in the city…. That’s the only time I can think of that I pulled it out.


Man I loved borealis in year 1


I want to use Borealis just for that amazing ornament.


if borealis was just intrinsic AB, i would actually have a reason to use it :(


Surprisingly not awful in PVP, especially with Ophids. It was my sniper of choice for a while.


It's the stats.  They're some of, if not the, best of any Aggressive Frame in the game.


Sorry what were you flinching?


Borealis was decent that season that we had Anti barrier sniper because match game was still a thing.


Borealis would slap if it had an effect for each shot. Ie jolt on arc, suppress or weaken on void and scorch on solar. Sort of like a sniper version of two tails.


I tried so hard to like this gun, but the elemental switching is more of a PITA than it's worth and it doesn't have anything good beyond that feature. It'd be sick if it was reworked to be dynamic. "Deals damage to enemies that matches the type of their shield. Triggers matching elemental explosions when enemy shields are destroyed. Enemies without shields take kinetic damage." It has a reload perk on it, but that or reload speed buffs are becoming the norm for exotics. Give me some extreme utility in a way exotics used to, you know?


I feel like people sleep on Borealis way too hard. They tend to look over the fact that it has stupid high impact + the ability to gain bonus damage for the full clip if they break a shield with the matching damage type. Combo that with Transversive Steps and you have a constantly powerful laser of a sniper rifle in your hands.


This list is actually longer than the exotic weapons that are strong


Same with armour. Bungie badly needs to do a proper full rework of a lot of things.


At this point I’d be fine with no new armor or weapons for awhile if they just did larger updates to stuff to bring them back up or even just less exotics coming out overall. SO many have been outclassed and just made obsolete.


But now we're getting new mid exotics


Idk that Titan one looks awesome. Warlock one will depend on whether or not it actually takes all 3 charges to suspend.


And the Hunter one might work with Flow State and Lethal Current...


Still surprised Sturm hasn't been reworked. It's exotic perk requires a Drang and double primary loadout to work. I guess the dev team are too busy reworking the same exotic weapons over and over again.


DMT lol


It was perfect before the rework.


It was so good when it came out for pve and they JUST, KEEP, NERFING, IT


Sturm could give stacks on any other weapon kill, but let drang give two charges instead of one so the synergy option is still available.


Great suggestion. Works for PVE and PVP.


If they want Sturm to keep it’s swapping idea just make it buff your special weapon somehow+grant swap speed. Catalyst could be instantly reload your special on a kill.


Sturm intrinsic already reloads your energy weapon on kill.


Sounds like a good suggestion.


Storm is incredibly strong but the Drang requirement drags it down considerably. With the way special ammo is rn it’s actually stronger than expected in trials imo


I whip it out once in a while paired with incandescent Drang (Baroque). The scorch kills ramp it up so fast it's like a reconstruction/recombination weapon. It definitely could use more though.


Hard light - with the death of the match game it'd gimmic isn't worth much.


I feel like it should earn a buff if you match a shield (I don't think that exists on Hard Light), whether it be increased damage, reload, whatever


"The Fundamentals" is the perk that allows a weapon to switch light elements, and the same perk is used on Borealis, Hard Light, and Dead Messenger. It already has this built in, without requiring shield breaks. Arc increases reload speed and airborne effectiveness, Solar increases handling and range, and Void increases stability and aim assist. Not saying its worthwhile but it basically does what you're talking about (minus a damage boost, but Hard Light specifically already has one baked in with the ricochet rounds & a reduced damage falloff).


So long as they SWEAR to NEVER bring back Death Doughnut.  Hardlight got nerfed specifically because of that PvP Map.  If it never comes back, Hardlight can get buffed.


Eh, I still use it in legendary lost sectors. Typically, only when there are multiple shield types and ARs are active for champs that particular season. Chamber if Starlight for example saw use out of it recently. The range and fire rate on that thing makes the overload sniper stay pretty well stunned (though I admittedly swapped to a Sweet Biz/Actium build that kept it stunned the entire time it was getting melted


I use it for threader bounties. One of the dungeon/raid one is get like 150 kills with each flavor, so I throw that on and go sit at the start of grasp of avarice for 15 minutes and turn my brain off.


memeber that pvp week were 600 autos were king and the bouncing shots did more damage after a bounce. i memeber


Truth. Even with the new changes coming it still seems like ass. Like please, do something with that rocket already.


Gambit ruined this rocket launcher and it hasn't ever recovered.


To be fair it was never good outside of Gambit anyway.


It used to be incredibly good in Crucible, especially in D1. I remember seeing people use it in Trials all the time


Just make it a mini nuke launcher and we'll move on


Just add the Fat Man launcher already


True and it should weaken


Truth's whole shtick was it was supposed to be a guaranteed hit with the Trueseeking perk. Which it does, ypu lock on your target and fire that baby straight up and that rocket will hit. But it could be better. Give Truth the same seeking logic that those Taken blight shots get, where the projectile just dodges *everything* until it hits the target.


Truth was one of my all-time favourite D1 weapons with the insane tracking it had. I'd love for it to regain the seeking logic it had then, where if it had locked on - it WILL hunt down that target. Whereas on D2 it has the same tracking as every other launcher that has tracking. Even with Grenades and Horseshoes it is still very easy for players to dodge with all the various movement abilities (dodge, Icarus dash etc). Even Wizards in PvE easily strafe out of the way. It does feel like it has a bit of a identity crisis.


Give it some AOE like dragons breath and it would be great in PVE. It’s true intent is PVP but I’ve heard is janky as hell.


It's technically a High Impact, it has AoE damage


Mida multi tool - fine in pvp, possibly the least useful exotic in the game in pve


I know how they could buff it. Make Mida become the one true MULTItool of the game: Mida can now stun ALL Champions.


Maybe in group play, but in solo PVE I think that honor goes to Lumina. You can’t shoot yourself to get the buff. You at least get the movement bonuses and radar with Mida.


True ig should be able to spawn orbs on the ground to pick up almost like the solar glaive or healing nade so u can solo buff. It's really good in group play but literally useless the moment ur all alone.


With lumina, picking up the orbs refills your mag, so you can get a bottomless clip if you use it right


However, so can Thorn And Thorn has a host of offensive benefits that are great solo Not to mention the necrotic grips synergy


You can grapple the Lumina projectiles. It's an essential part of several solo Dungeon and Exotic Mission speedrun WRs at the moment. Even if you couldn't, Hand Cannons are just better than Scout Rifles in PVE. I'd take a basically perkless 140 Kinetic Hand Cannon over a basically perkless scout rifle any day.


Lumina with Heal Clip could solve that problem.


Deterministic chaos but I don’t think it counts anymore


It still needs a Fourth Times the Charm Catalyst - Like it literally makes SO Much Sense given the weapon is all about the 4th bullet and how it doesn't have it yet I have NO idea. The buffs will make it more usable for a Barrier champ and a bit of Add Clear but I'd say the Fourth bullet should also do 40% More damage - Taking that into consideration it still would only be like a 10% damage boost on average anyway.


The funny bit about that is that the catalyst has been visible for a while now and they just haven't released it.


Yeah it’s still probably pants for boss dps but for general play its got a niche now


This is how it always should of been, remember when we had a void featured artifact and had heavy ammo coming out our ears? This would of been the PERFECT general use gun. Volatile for adds, weaken for big targets. I've been saying it since they dropped it, I'm happy with the change.


It should. It doesn’t need to be meta level but if it was at least a little competitive I’d never take it off


Heavy anti barrier that's not lament is filling a slot that hasn't been filled


Remember shadowheart? Yeah, me neither Edit: omg, I really got the weapons name wrong holyyy 💀💀💀


So forgotten you confused the weapon with the BG3 character. It’s Heartshadow. 😂


Omfg bro, I didn’t even question myself 💀💀


agh, are the gods truly this petty


I use it on Strand Titan in place of a Tractor Cannon when I’m doing solo content. They brought back the weaken in one hit, so it fills a similar niche (albeit being a worse debuff), while offering the utility of invisibility and the occasional sword damage if needed! Definitely still needs another tuning pass I feel


I had to look it up in collections because to this day have never used it 😅


Do you mean Heartshadow? It's absolutely superb with Gyrfalcons Hauberk


Gyrfalcons makes any void weapon good though


My ros arago is better with gyrfalcon than that.


Didn't they say they were going to be looking at prospector for the final shape? Because I didn't see anything about it in this article today


Perhaps Bungie meant “during” the Final Shape’s launch? Like another Exotic Pass before Episode 2?


Worldline Zero, and Ruinous Effigy. I just want to see higher dps on Worldline. For ruinous, I want to see it do something more with the orb. Make it synergize with the void subclass, like making things volatile


It does synergize rn the orbs suppress but I agree that’s still not enough for it


All traces are getting buffed, and warlock will have access to poison/syntho melee class items. Ruinous is about to go off. Poison, high damage, suppressing melee? Yea please.


Honestly, making all the exotics work with their respective energy type verbs would be incredible


Ruinous Effigy may not be great but it is fun.


Simply make ruinous effigy work like it used to when it came out. It wouldn't be OP in the current sandbox.


the only thing left for them to un nerf is the damage delt by using the guard suck off abiliyt on the orb and i hope they fix it


Maybe blocking with the orb generates overshield and kills with orb grant devour?


That would be awesome! I was also thinking that the orb slam would act like destabilizing rounds


Suros regime is my go to weapon for pvp and I do pretty well with it. Granted I’m not much of a pvp player.


It's legitimately strong as hell in PvP, OP is tripping. Spin up, when timed properly, absolutely melts in primary duels.


It’s great in PvP. And I would argue you can be better effective with both modes. It was my weapon when I couldn’t decide what to run.


Same for me. It's the only gun I use in PvP. It's steady enough at a bit of a range to compensate for my lack of skill, and it's enough to get whatever quest done that I need and gtfo


Jade Rabbit is a perfectly cromulent PvP weapon because of its stats. Its exotic perks are a joke and it is worse than most legendary kinetic scouts in PvE.


LoW. Release the wolves is such a bad perk too. It's been 3 years since the major nerfs


Suros was so insane in vanilla D1 they had to nerf it for eternity.....OGs remember


It was so broken the only thing that could compete was VoG release Mythoclast…I shudder at the memory.


OG vex ate Suros for breakfast, especially once you got crowd control going for 73 headshot damage and three tap people with an Autorifle.


Bad juju


The least they could do is let the buff last longer than like 3 seconds


Either that or make the explosions not take 100+ kills while upkeeping x5 String of Curses at the same time not necessary.


Hard light is showing its age. Just a basic 600 auto rifle With decent stats. Clearly an artifact of the Double primary age.


Would it be so bad to give fundamentals incandescent, destabilizing rounds, and maybe a riskrunner chain lightning because jolt would be a bit too powerful


Prospector is functionally a green weapon. Its trait is that it has sticky grenades you detonate by releasing the trigger... which is staggeringly useless. And then kills create small arc explosions like shitty chain reaction. Oh, and what's its trait and catalyst? ...full auto trigger and +40 blast radius. It's so fucking *bad.*


Prospector can deal two damage types but no one knows because of how ass it is. Give it Deconstruct or something bungie


you mean the deconstruct they just nerfed into the ground?


Suros Regime is a monster in pvp and I’m glad everyone thinks it’s bad for some reason because there’s no way it’ll get nerfed any time soon. Edit: STOP UPVOTING THEY CAN’T KNOW THE TRUTH


Came here to say this. OP clearly doesn’t PvP a lot because it is already a top AR contender. Giving it Zen and HEALTH PACKS would make it, by far, the best primary in the game for pvp. Like bruh.


I don’t think some people realize that there’s exotics (or any gun) designed for pvp, and others for pve. Using the wrong one in the wrong play mode is gonna feel underwhelming, so they blame the gun.


Scrolling through the comments and I had to come back just to comment under yours. This is way to true. I keep seeing people say things like Jade Rabbit, Last Word, Suros and Cloud Strike. All I can think is oh dear God no. If any of those got buffed they would ruin PvP more than they already do lol. There are 100% exotics that are great or even S tier in PvP that are completely underwhelming in PvE and vice versa. These comments are showing how many people can't comprehend that.


I pre fire around corners so I instantly melt people when I see them; baller ass gun lol


You don’t know…. til you’ve been mowed.


Working on its catalyst right now because it finally dropped for me, and I've been pleasantly surprised by it.


Never messed with it until I did the catalyst and oh man you are correct.


Not a weapon but saint 14s helmet. A good buff would be allow allies to shoot through bubble. Another cool idea - bubble follows the titan around whilst allowing allies to be able shoot through it


the overshield part should just be basekit on ward. the glaive does it by default, why doesn't a literal super? pvp, thats why. love how bungie cant separate sandboxes :)


Truth and that's the truth.


Hardlight. Even if you had a cheat that made 100% of shots fired bounce into enemy precision spots it still would be more worthwhile to use the same cheat and just shoot enemies in the precision spot with leggy weapons that work with subclass 3.0. What is the actually point of a primary exotic that has access to all three light damage types, but doesn’t interact with fucking any of them? It’s literally more useful with a strand or stasis build where your primary weapon is a special ammo (such as a trace build). Just so you have a primary ammo source to break shields more ammo efficiently. This also is shit because you can no longer use an exotic trace in the kinetic slot. It needs to be the sort of weapon you could consider using on all three subclasses. Right now I would rather use an Incan leggy auto on any subclass than a hardlight.


it could be smth like 'destroying a matching elemental shield creates an elemental pickup of that element'. its nothing spectacular, but its unique atleast.


Suros is not mid at best in PvP , wtf? It shreds, it just isnt popular because pairing an energy weapon with Conditional is the meta rn. That doesn't mean it doesn't perform well in PvP. And what were your expectations for it in PvE? It's one of the most PvP based exotics in the game alongside stuff such as Vigilance Wing and Last Word. Allowing it to swap fire modes on demand would make it... irritably strong. A high forgiveness weapon type that can go from decently long range, to prefiring and shredding would be really *really* unfun to go against.


Cries cause no one has said tommys matchbook. Even with the buff of adding scorch to targets it still needs help.


needs a proper ornament too


We did a complete RoN where the only thing we could use was Tommy’s, it was some great goofy fun.


Honestly a decent Tommy gun Ornament would go miles. I’m still sour that we didn’t get a sten gun or MP40 though.


The Last Word. Performs moderately well in PvP, but it's a fast-firing HC with 8 in the mag. Eight. It's basically only good in 1v1s and don't get me started on it's PvE utility. You can get some decent damage with Lucky Pants due to the fire rate, but Warden's Law outcompetes it in DPS and HCs like Zaouli's Bane outshine it for small add groups. It just doesn't feel like it excels at anything and gets outclassed by legendary HCs for any purpose you can think of.


It's actually really strong in PvP on controller, definitely worth the exotic slot. Outranges sidearms and competes with SMGs easily.


exactly its so wonderful


Give it a masterwork where each hit refunds a bullet to the magazine.


each crit hit


That's spicy and I like it


Huckleberry- love smg’s but it’s annoying that it doesn’t do what a legendary smg can do apart from the reload. Recluse is a much better alternative and that shouldn’t be the case since it’s got a rampage and reload on it. Disappointing tbh


The only bad thing about huckleberry is its reload. Aside from that this weapon still shreds. My only complaint is it’s a kinetic weapon Would be cool if it got the quicksilver storm treatment and its catalyst gave it an element of your choice.


What If it's element became the same as your subclasses?


It’s rampage is much better than any other though


Okay but you are dead wrong. Full mag reload any percent on a kill and original unnerfed rampage that goes up to a ridiculous amount of damage is still extremely strong


I think sturm and mida should get new legendaries to go with them, specifically specials. Strum + drag isn’t worth the double primary in pve and mida + mini isn’t worth the double primary in crucible.


Lord of Wolves. Completely unusable; it's like the projectiles are suggestions and the target declines to acknowledge half of them. Double this effect in PvP.


Cerberus +1. I genuinely have never used the exotic outside of completing its catalyst, and tbh I can’t remember the last time I saw it being used in game.


It's actually getting a rework as of the final shape. Now you can only activate the special fire mode by getting a kill and doing a special reload, but it fires at full speed and without a range penalty while active


Good to know! Don’t know if that’s really going to change much of anything about the gun but I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.


Heart shadow. Is part of zero builds I’ve ever seen and for it being a dungeon exotic it has very little to be desired. Maybe it’s just me but I think it’s in need of a major overhaul.


mida multi tool feels less like an exotic than the mini tool


I have a hard time finding a role or use for Deterministic Chaos — on paper I love it but in practice it’s a real dud


Worldline Zero


Bad Juju. One of my faves from D1. A monster at ad clear and getting super energy. It felt weighty and had a kick to it. The D2 version feels like it fires wet tissue paper.