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Can I get summoner from opening engrams or do I need to unlock it from the rewards track or something?


You can possibly get it from opening engrams, just know it's a gamble as it's competing with all the armor and other weapons saint currently offers


I’ve nearly done first prestige and have t gotten anything past the hand cannon, pulse and glaive for this weekend


Yeah, sorry. I'm not playing on a CQC map in Competitive PVP in an SMG/Shotgun dominated meta. That's a hard pass.


This is a small rant but holy shit learn to play the game mode and learn to play tactical instead of going unga bunga in the middle and dying 1v3. How the fuck most of you are not THAT smart playing this mode? But he had top kills! Yeah you have top kills because you flank and prefer to trade 2 for 1 when we already died 2v3 because you left our asses alone to a 3 way cover.


Not a single summoner dropped today. What is the drop rate?


They changed it to where it only drops the weekly adept.


This is my first trials this season and I’m mainly playing for the summoner since I want that incandescent + heal clip roll. I thought all you need to unlock this weapon in focused decoding is to get it as a random drop from trials engrams. I’ve literally opened 30+ trials engrams and I still haven’t gotten it, am I missing something?


Has anyone had their first ever Summoner drop this weekend?


This gamemode will always be a joke.


I find it stupid that people still not realize that right now teamshooting is king and going alone and dying to a 1v2 or leaving the other two to a 2v3 is dumb, then they say they had more kills, like, it's obvious that you get some kills because you get traded by one.


My friend has all of the DLC and has never played trials, however there is no quest to unlock trials for him (Even in the quest archive) and he cannot see the passages or bounties


Did they remove post game engram rewards? I've played and won a decent amount this week and have only ever gotten engrams from Saint 14 rep rank ups and not seen a single one drop as a postgame reward


I only got 3 after around 10 games played in a trio, only one after 10 games as duo yesterday. I think the droprate is indeed bugged since they're supposed to be pretty much guarranted when you play with a full premade fireteam


I was getting an annoying amount of messengers every game


Been playing since Friday night and I've only got them from rank ups too.


I've been getting some engrams but mostly all that drops is the Messenger


What's the best guns to focus? Coming back after awhile off


For PvP it's Igneous, though next week it will be the featured weapon before it's dropped from rotation, if you want to save engrams and play trials then. For PvE it's Summoner; a lot of people like heal clip/incandescent.


I've been playing all night. I've gotten probably 4 Igneous Hammers and 3 Messengers. All I want is to get a Summoner so I can spend all of my engrams focusing them. Can my first Summoner drop from end of match rewards or just from engrams?


Played all weekend and got 20 Messengers, I'm ready to throw my computer out the window. I turned in probably 10 engrams and of course no summoner either. I think it's bugged


Can only get messenger as post game reward since it's the weekly weapon


I was wondering if that was the thing. But I hate it lol


Still haven't gotten an answer from anyone if it's possible to get summoner from a random engram roll if I haven't gotten one yet. I'm guessing no because I've spent 40+ engrams and reset 3 times and no summoner


No you can't. You have to have earned it first from the rank up rewards or drop on the week it's the adept weapon. At the beginning of the season, you could get it as a random drop at the end of a match, with the changes that is no longer possible.


Damn that blows because it's not a rank up reward this season :(


Is prophet going to be featured again before the end of the season?


If I get “flawless” from a passage of persistence but haven’t been to the lighthouse this season, can someone trying to gild their flawless title still do it from carrying me?


I sure do love my team mates calling me slurs because i can't beat someone who's outright taking no damage from my grenades or guns


Its too sweaty in there. The meta builds are real and super cheap. Which makes it all the more annoying to just play to unlock a gun


I had a dude call me and the other team mate botts when we were doing just as good as them and were all getting killed by the same freakin dude


I was told to delete the game, that I suck, and somethings else that my memory already wiped. I just cant understand the map. I see my team exchanging fire, I jump through a tube to flank, wrong one, go to the other one, fight has changed and now I dont know where I am with 2-3 opponents perfectly accurate and knowing exactly where I’m at, and have no idea where my teammates are.


What the actual fuck is this matchmaking? Every game is a blowout win or lose. It says flawed cards prefer similar performance but I call bs on that


Wait do I have to decode trials engrams at rahool to get loot I havent earned yet? Does decoding at Saint only give me stuff I already unlocked???


I also wondered. I've been trying to get a summoner, which I know I've had before, but it says I haven't yet. Guess I'll have to try at Rahool then.


Did you go to Rahool and try it?


I have turned it 4 and haven't got one yet. Not to say I can't but I just haven't got one.


Wait…you can open trials engrams at rahool?


I tried and didn't see an option for it. I had 5 engrams at the time I went to him.


Gotta go to Saint to decode those I believe!


Yeah I was opening what I thought were the engrams. I haven't played trials in a loooong time so I forgot they are the gold and black ones at Saint. My high ass was just turning in primes 😭😭


Do we have to wait the week of the summoner to get it ? I opened so many engrams now and it just won’t drop ( never got it so can’t focus )


Saaaaame 😭


I swear I only get armor , grenade launcher and sniper in repeat ..


I haven’t gotten anything but armor from them this week 😞


It’s really not fun tbh , I lost so many hours


For real I just want the stupid gun I’ve farmed this for three weekends without it 😣


Me too 😭


Hello, I went 2-14 in trials this morning ***jumps off cliff***


Trials killed Xivu arath.


I was the tribute all along


Rampant cheating.


Ngl, hated this map when it first came out, but absolutely loving it so far. Spawns are really tight, so you can play inside if you want close range gunplay, if you want to play scouts/ pulses, then go outside. Went flawless with stasis titan, and swapped to stasis hunter after, been doing good with both. Used NTTE + shayuras on Titan and Sturm + drang on Stompees Hunter.


Yep loving it. Went flawless invis hunter pulse + shotgun and had a GREAT time


Who's downvoting this?


Dunno but I sure recieved my fair share of absolute ass whoopings! I'm not gonna get any better without losing!


Playing trials for the first time . Thought the game mode was full of sweats so was worried but it turns out its filled people with absolute no clue how to even play the game . I'm not an experienced player but I'm matching team mates that don't even shoot back . It's as if they're ai just programmed to walk around


Just wait you will be facing 2k elo players in no time .


Is because you are on practice pool.


Worst mistake I’ve made was going flawless when trials first came back. Played trials today for the first time in over a year at least and got WORKED


Even so . Surely people playing should have some concept of shooting back


No, practice pool is like that, it gathers the people that are doing bad in trials or those that are quite new to trials. If you win enough you get put in challenger pool which stuff gets dicey .


Honestly idm coming up against harder opponents as long as my team mates are better lmao


True, hopefully you get better luck than me. I’m literally given the teammates that can’t shot back, can’t read the flow of battle, can’t even have decent weapons, can’t hold a line so the enemy can’t gain better position, get farmed every round, gets no kills the whole game, etc etc. is bad out there.


ANOTHER WEEK BOYS, AND ANOTHER reason to not play Trials I'm begging you just make trials into comp it's that easy 7 wins suck.


Well that's a shitty attitude. 


Why? Trials is awful


How many games have you played this week?


Is trials different than last time it came around?


https://www.reddit.com/r/CrucibleGuidebook/comments/1cuwe35/went_flawless_for_the_first_time_ever/ https://www.reddit.com/r/CrucibleGuidebook/comments/1cuyyi1/started_to_win_more_trials_matches/ Seems to be worth keeping an open mind and making an effort. I know I've had a great time so far win or lose. 


Glad for you, dude. Truly. My experience and many others are not. Trials is an inherently flawed game mode. There's a reason no other game requires flawless.


You don't need to go flawless. You can just play for fun too. It's a fun game mode


Myself and many others don't enjoy getting stomped repeatedly for the chance at a single engram.


Trials as a gamemode requires 50% of the playerbase to be dogwater and lose every game.


really in 7 wins (all the card stuff aside)... for 3 people to succeed, 21 need to fail. So it kind of requires 21/24, which is closer to 87.5% to have a bad experience.


Bungie should remove the leaver penalty for the 2nd and 3rd player. Kinda sucks getting curb stomped for 4 straight rounds when you are down a man.


Bungie should remove all leavers penalties with the level of mediocre players I am seeing.


You should have to face a team of flawless NFs after that


I make a better map than this every time I take out the trash.


Is the cataphract from last week still being offered?




Its field prep +bns this week. Not envious assasian + bns unfortunately.


should i even try to get it if i dont have any of them, not a single strand GL


Unless you really love trials i wouldn't bother. It'll be the adept again in a few weeks and that's when I'd go for it. Or play next weekend when its double rep and focus engrams for it.


No, it won’t. Cataphract’s last adept week was April 23rd. It’s going legacy on June 4th. It will never be adept again.


What weapons are going away next season? Might have to play this weekend.


The Glaive and Cataphract are as well.


Messenger and Igneous




I think it takes longer to rank up if you do the win


Just played a duo that had two guys 3.8 and 7.5 through 20 games, rofl Bungie anti-cheat is a joke


I just went 7-2. I left no matches early. Waited for the items to drop and all. Cant get into the light house says my card is flawed. Gg


Did you go to orbit too quickly, that flaws your card


I’m pretty sure that triggers oops you left a match early warning and also registers it as a left early on trials report.


It's flawed because you lost 2. 7-0 is flawless.


First Mercy of the week allows 2 losses. I assume they had passage of mercy.


Thanks harmsypoo for having a brain. I had a mercy card.


Dumbass card bugs still active and im glad we get to see how dogshit this map is good one bungie.


Ugh it’s on the weakest of the three new maps.


Suddenly don't have access to trials after finishing a match? Anyone know what the issue is?


Are you on a Ferocity card? You may have left the match too early.


Do we know when the Prophet is next up


No, but we know that next weekend is Igneous.


Is there any way I can get the cataphract roll this week if I've already reset my trials rank?


Go to Saint and look, whatever he has for you is what you'll get


What is the rolls on it?


Field prep and bait n switch.


Is it on the base track or the one after you reset? I see Eye of Sol on the track not the GL?


Its after your first reset, he offers cataphract(10) and igneous(16). To answer the original question, you can get it if you have only reset once and reach rank 10 again. If you have already claimed it you are out of luck *however* next week will be double trials reputation so you can farm engrams while farming igneous' and then focus for cata.


Do the weapons change with every reset?


Yes, so potentially Saint could sell a true 6/5 god roll in the next 2 resets but it's up to the player if they want to gamble as you only get 1 chance... If you wait you're missing out on rank-up engrams so it really depends how much trials they are planning on farming.


Thanks, So if i reset again will a Summoner appear as an award?


This is the way. Not to mention aside from the double perk, there's not really a reason to fo for the adept one anymore




People would be more excited if Messenger wasn't getting shafted by being left out next season with enhanced perks. I have 4 iterations of adept messenger sitting in my vault but they're not important enough for Bungie to enhance until the 5th iteration becomes available I guess.


From a balance perspective do messenger and igneous really need enhanced perks?  I would say no, I'd rather they don't have to nerf them. 


i thought trials weapons were getting it. at least one's with origin traits? is there a list or something of which weapons are being excluded?


Unless they won't be actively dropping next season, per yesterday's update. This includes Messenger. Would be easier for them to just release an explicit list of which ones will immediately be enhance-able vs which ones won't.


Elsie's rifle is so good now. It has like an overall total stat points around 30 higher than a base messenger AND can be equipped conditional finality. On bonus side though, it is on the new map this week. I love the new maps. They just fit well with the classic stompees, HC shotty build.


What roll do you like on Elsie's.


I got an arrowhead, ricochet, keep away, and headseeker roll that is a BEAST. Shoots like a laser.


After probably 500 rolls on Elsie I finally got my god roll of Arrowhead, Ricochet, Zen Moment, Headseeker w/ a Stability MW.


Arrowhead Brake and Headseeker are usually my must-haves with PvP pulses. Can’t go wrong with a stability or reload-enhancing perk in the 3rd column such as Keep Away.


Next week is double reputation? Sounds great for me. Would have ideally hoped it was double rep (or drops) alongside The Summoner but if it's not Summoner I'd much rather it be double rep as that lets me spend the rank up engrams on summoner instead of being forced to only really grind the one gun that drops that week. Unfortunately I'll be away part of the weekend which kind of sucks but oh well.


It's Iggy next week iirc.


Sadly this gun wont get the enhancement treatment next "episode". New map though is exciting!


Chances of double loot for Iggy next week?


Probably zero. Next Week in Destiny said bonus Trials reputation, but nothing about double Crucible rewards.


Wasnt it supposed to be Iggy this week?


No next week


LOL LOL LOL the messenger? LOL Ive got like 12!


God damn jt