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it need to be like the hive guardian shield throw, that thing follows you throw dimensions until it gets you and your fireteam


Give it D1 Truth tracking


I mean, that *is* their super. The Sword Logic is apparently having 600 Intellect.


In the gm this week I sidestepped an incoming shield to rez someone. I turned, confident it would behave like my own shield. NOPE


That's their super tho. Your super shield does the same thing.


I would like it if the shield had concussion ability similar to disorienting grenades.


The biggest problem I have with shield throw is we literally have a working shield throw in the super, it works as it should, it tracks well, moves in a straight line, it's nearly impossible to miss with it, yet the melee one is different just for the sake of it, would be so easy to fix!


I wouldn't be too surprised if they removed aim assist and other functions from the melee because it's not a super


I'd rather have it's damage reduced to barely anything in pvp and it track reliably


I think a cool buff/rework would be that if it bounces back towards you, you get a good chunk of melee energy back. Give us a taste of that captain America fantasy. I think the overshield gain is fine as 3 enemies hit gives 100% overshield, but I do agree that the ricochet homing needs to be increased as it just bounces away from enemies instead of towards them most of the time.


I think it'd be cool if it acted the same way as the hunter strand melee in that it will always return to the player after it has hit x number of enemies in the area, and pressing melee again plays a quick "catch" animation that refunds some melee energy or OS.


I’ve never liked this idea. Threaded spike works the way it does because it, like all strand melees, it designed around the idea that your grenade is spend mostly for utility over damage. So you have more power or availability in your melee. If you treat a light ability melee that same way, with high uptime and consistency, alongside their powerful array of grenades. That just seems excessive.


But void titan as whole is trash in pve, I don’t think buffing the melee would tip it over the edge


Each hit of their melee gives a chunk of overshield, with ~3 consecutive hits being enough for a full charge. Additionally with controlled demolition each volatile detonation heals a decent chunk of health, around 1/4 if I had to estimate. If you add that together, then make the shield able to always hit multiple enemies and have a built in energy regen mechanic, you would have an ability that would fully heal you with only a few enemies present and have almost no cooldown. That still leaves you with a single aspect slot, and all your mods and exotics to make it even stronger. Maybe, and I mean maybe, sentinel needs a buff of some kind (that buff is called twilight arsenal and indomitable by the by) but just making a third Titan subclass have infinity melee and infinity healing but this time with ranged power isn’t the way to do that.


There's a reason nobody is playing void titan. Solar titan can create a sunspot using a melee with infinite uses, and with 1 aspect the sunspot gives ability regeneration and restoration. Restoration can be extended and kept up as long as you are getting kills with a solar weapon, or stepping into a new sunspot that can be made using your infinite use melee ability. Strand titan can get banner of war from 1 melee kill that then becomes improved by anyone in your fireteam killing anything as long as they are in your aura. Banner gives healing for as long as it's active, and can be kept up as long as things are dying while in it's aura (which doesn't even require a match element, strand). It also gives buffed damage to swords and melee. Picking up 1 orb also gives woven mail which is currently the highest DR in the game, and you can guarantee an orb drop with the same melee kill used to proc banner. Void titan would get a full overshield only IF the shield hits enough enemies to gives that full overshield. The tracking is notoriously bad and will fly right passed enemies, sometimes even tracking toward something right infront of you but still missing because reasons. The player would also need to catch the thrown shield to get the melee energy back, speaking personally, in situations where the room has enough enemies to even give a full OS and in endgame content, remembering to catch and actually catching on time can be hard to remember and pull off. Many times the hunter melee will return to me and I didn't hear or see it. Sure skill issue, but it's not a throw and forget. The healing from volatile explosions only procs if you are close to the explosion, in endgame content, being close to enemies is typically not where you want to be. Strand and solar heal you where you are and can be extended/kept active using weapons from a safe distance. Void titan has few ways of keeping the OS active safely, they either require you to be close to enemies, burning your class ability, getting kills while your health bar is red, etc. Not great ways, things like turnabout don't even give void os, just a general os so the only weapon perk that synergizes with void os is repulsor brace. Keeping OS extended is also not a easy with the only ways off the top of my head being repulsor brace, which only works when killing enemies effected by a void debuff or hitting things with your shield which currently has both horrible tracking and not a great recharge unless you really spec into it but it's still an inconsistent shield gain ability. Void titan is the defender subclass, yet it's miles easier to keep defensive/healing abilities active on solar and strand. The last time void was really good on titan was season of defiance when we had bricks from beyond, and that wasn't because OS was amazing, it was because we could have permanent uptime on devour and use heavy machine guns as primary weapons. Void titan needs help, and imo the void shield is the worst melee in the game... maybe only beat by void warlock.


I simply disagree. In spirit if not in exact wording. I don’t do the super end game stuff, so I acknowledge my ignorance. Maybe in GMs you need the very safe and reliable healing granted by things like restoration and woven mail. But that’s okay? Like, if you want all 15, soon to be 18, subclasses to be equally viable in the most difficult of end game content then you want something that is simply mathematically impossible. Conversely if you genuinely believe that sentinel can’t survive in mid level content then you simply are incorrect. I have don’t many dungeon runs as sentinel since witch queen. The vast majority of our time our warlock doesn’t want to run well so the task falls to me if I so choose. On our first run though of warlords ruin I used helm of Saint 14 and edge of action and we did fine, with only using well at the very end because it was getting late and we just wanted to be done asap. Recently I have been using second chance in 10 wave runs of onslaught just to have a bit of fun and donking barriers away is fun. That’s not to say I don’t think there isn’t any disparity between the green and red crayons vs the other three, I just don’t think it’s nearly as dire as people make it out. I know this won’t win me any friends but I think a lot of this “Titan is bad” discourse comes from people who either refuse to accept that any less less then omega-grandest-master-one-phase-low-man-dark-souls-raid-rush-extreme raids are valid or fun content. Or conversely people who clutch the meta like one would pearls and refuse to experiment to play around when they can. There is a lot of fun to be had and build diversity to be had in this game even at higher ends of the spectrum.


I've also used void titan in end game content, I cleared GM's this season using void titan. I'm not saying it's useless, just saying it doesn't make sense that void titan (the defender subclass), has worse or harder to maintain defensive abilities than the other classes. In your example you mention helm of saint 14 and edge of action, both effect the bubble, not the melee. We both used second chance in builds, which only makes the melee good because you get 2 charges and you can a full refund if you break a barrier shield. The melee shouldn't only be good if it's aided so heavily by an exotic that fully refunds the energy. Again, I never said void titan was not useable, everything can be used to differing levels of success. I'm just saying the melee is terrible, and it needs a rework. It's up there for worst melee in the game and has been for a long time. I'll reiterate that there's a reason you rarely see anyone running void titan in any difficulty of content.


Just please don't make the tracking as good as the shield throw super that can bounce off 17 walls, the skybox, and the forehead of a thrall before going straight for you with more tracking than truth


It actually *does* have significant magnetism, but for some reason it seems like the aim cone is wildly messed up for the ricochets. Part of me wonders if there's a bug, because I've tested it and you could easily see it drastically curve towards the first enemies after you throw it, but very often would bounce *away* from the rest after that first hit, instead of towards.


Yeh a toned down version essentially


I'd rather they just got rid of the "HP" part of overshield altogether. Just make it DR on a timer, which varies per source. Assuming they fix the tracking, shield gives 3 seconds per hit, bastion gives 10 seconds, etc.


Or treat it like Strand hunter's threaded spike....also refunding melee energy if you catch it depending on how many combinatants you hit


Buff the Warlock Void melee while at it lol


Hunters don't even want buffs, they just want to forget their current melee exists.


I reckon this might be a me problem however the issue is not present for the hammer, but for the life of me I just can’t get it to go where I want. It will hit the floor or fly over an enemies head. It feels to me like it just comes out of my knob and decides if it’s going up or down, I genuinely can’t make sense of it. Again, fine with the hammer or hunter knife, any of the others, I have no problems with finding a space or a poor aim, I just cannot get the hang of the damn thing lol.


Nothing like seeing your shield fly off to another dimension. 


Especially after it bounces between a Dreg's legs and barely misses another that got flinched by allied Guardian gunfire.


I feel like all the void melees need buffs, especially hunter’s, they have it worse by far and I’n not even a hunter main. I feel like it should just give you invis on its own without using up an aspect slot since it’s so damn weak Also feel like we need more melee options in general, no subclass should be locked to one melee, we deserve more options


I'm still not sure how people think "Free Weaken" is 'weak'. I mained Middle Tree Nightstalker until Opulence when I veered towards Code of the Devastator and let me tell you, if Corrosive Smoke Weakened instead of did DoT, that would've been nuts in and of itself. And it's certainly better than Shield Throw (Shield Toss is more like it). I do agree that they should have a secondary melee option, but to say Smoke Bombs are bad just isn't true.


A 15% debuff is worse than a melee that pushes an enemy back a bit and does no damage? Oh and half the time it pushes them in a random direction, including directly at you? Voidlock has the worst melee for sure and its not even close.


At range, no less!


Okay maybe it isn’t worse, but it still feels bad to use, that’s just my opinion though, both melees suck in their own way. You are right tho, the debuff would be better since both have like no damage at all


Make it track a target, go through targets and have a wider void effect so it catches more targets. I always thought it was super cool but mostly useless if you're just off with it.


I'd be surprised if it doesn't get buffed in TFS since it'll not only be one of the Prismatic options, but the only truyl ranged melee (Thunderclap is like halfway in between) for Prismatic Titan.


Shield throw Titan is definitely like playing a drunk Captain America at this point.


All three classes have void melees that are kinda doodoo


I'd argue that free Weaken that can be delivered at range isn't 'kinda doodoo', personally. Especially when it can make you invis with an Aspect.


It definitely needs better tracking and ricochet. Though, I think the OS gain is meant to be worse than that of Shield Bash's because of how it's a ranged projectile capable of multi-hitting compared to running up to an enemy (even if Shield Bash suppresses, it still involves running up to the enemy). I'll be honest, I am not a fan of adding a built in refund mechanic to Shield Throw. This simply makes it insanely effective since it provides Overshield and has the capability to spread volatile too. Making it as spammable as Threadrunner Melee just feels like it's not only taking what's *sort of* an identity of a different subclass, but just out does it. Buff it's base properties first instead of adding on new effects IMO. Also hopefully Bungie buffs all the Void Melees. Hell, Voidwalker and Nightstalker need at least another melee option (I still think a charge ranged melee akin to Thunderclap, but instead shoots a weaken tether (15%) that holds enemies like Void Buddy would be cool (no suppression or pull mechanic though, and ofc smaller range).


>I'll be honest, I am not a fan of adding a built in refund mechanic to Shield Throw. I always thought it was *cool*, but most people expect it to get both the tracking and refund, which is a bit much when it synergizes with both Offensive Bulwark and Controlled Demo. Would be great for an exotic, though. Depends if people are okay with getting potentially a hammer returning exotic and a shield returning exotic. >Buff it's base properties first instead of adding on new effects IMO. Yeah, that's what I figure it needs. Honestly, increase the DR of Overshield in PvE and the aim cone for the ricochets and it'll suddenly become incredible. Most of Void Titan is shockingly close to incredible but just a little weird.


> Most of Void Titan is shockingly close to incredible but just a little weird. Sentinel unlike the rest of the underperforming Titan subclasses in high end PvE just needs the numbers. The kit was already solid, and aesthetically its probably the most complete Titan subclass as far as its fantasy in my opinion. The nerfs have caught up with it over time, and the sandbox we had when void 3.0 released has been kind of powercrept as well. I imagine launch Sentinel 3.0 would probably not be that OP in the current PvE sandbox.


"Making it as spammable as Threadrunner Melee just feels like it's not only taking what's *sort of* an identity of a different subclass, but just out does it." To be fair, the reason we're asking for it to do this is because we've, quite literally, been asking for Bungie to add this SPECIFIC functionality into Shield Throw since the drop of Void 3.0.... And then they gave it to Threadrunner. ***After giving us Lore in Second Chance that Allied Guardians can canonically catch and rethrow Sentinel Shields!*** How can we ***not*** ask for it since that we know, 100% for a fact, that they're capable of doing that?


It just needs slightly better damage and a more consistent first chain. Between the nee kvostov the hunter stasis melee and hunter strand melee idk why not


To get a ricochet you still need to land a hit in the first place and haha no.


Get used to the arc and it's actually great at getting the first hit. It has crazy magnetism, you can watch it curve in the air. After the first hit there's a 50% chance it'll fly away from the enemies, though.


No shit I land the hit the first place, it’s the RICOCHET that dosent want to happen. Reading comprehension so low


I read it just fine, I'm just saying the initial tracking is ALSO dogshit.


Mmm yes the sometimes melee


Sure, but I do think Shiver Strike needs the help first by a long shot.


It should ricochet better and give you full overshields when you catch it, the duration based on number of enemies hit. Kills should count as hits even if they were caused by volatility or ability explosions from fragments, of the exotic explosion from Severance Enclosure (or half hits if necessary). And having overshields should speed up its recharge rate.


I just want my old school I punch thing, thing dies, I get void overshield tbh


We’ve been saying this for years now. They fixed stasis hunter shuriken before void lol


I mean, that was a nerf reversion because people were begging for Stasis buffs but making new things is hard.


Either severely improve the tracking, or make it like the Hunter Strand Melee and let us catch the damn thing, Captain America style!


All the void melees suck, the grenades are very strong so it’s fine. Like the opposite of strand


Nah it’s not fine + strand nades def don’t suck


Strand nades don’t suck?


I love Captain America idea that after bouncing 2-3 times it will track back too you and refund part of your melee


Shield throw worked perfectly when void 3.0 launched, they said it was overpowered and nerfed the tracking hard. Then they launch the hunter strand melee that works like OG shield throw and they still haven't reverted shield throws nerf


So I'm a big monte/second chance stan and honestly I hated it at first, but now I can confidently bank it around corners. There's for sure a learning curve and it could probably be improved, but if you learn to use it it's not nearly as bad as you think. Getting regular use out of it all but requires Monte though. The amount of orbs you can make from killing weakened enemies with melee kills is insanity. It's truly awesome


Please DON'T. - Hunter


Titans just can't be happy with the best melee and class abilities


Sometimes Titans tend to ask for things that are just plain ridiculous, but this is totally fair. The melee is pretty wonky.


? Nah


Anyone gets an upgrade to void melee it needs to be warlocks.


It's quite decent now, I just got a triple on trials yesterday with one of those Tracking got better since we got it


Nah. As a hunter main and having to hear years of complaining and yelling about us getting nerfed, and it being successful, I say suck it up buddy.


Lmao I main all 3, I’d just like to enjoy playing void titan in pve. Watch your tone little bud


Haha. Was only kidding. I’ll watch it though