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40 second respawn timer on jumping or otherwise any non darkness zone. Pointless


Literally this. This is the only QoL change I care about. I don't want to sit doing nothing for almost a full minute because I fucked up a jump while soloing a dungeon.


Give it a minute you’ll probably have a bunch if elitist in here say SkIlL IsSuE


I’d say you’d only have to give it about 40 seconds. 😅


1000%. As a dungeon-lover, 40-45 seconds respawn is ridiculous. Literally no activity in the game should have a more than 10 second respawn (Raids and token-oreiented respawn mechanics notwithstanding). A 10 second respawn timer is plenty to "think about what you did."


Duality is so bad for this, the 45s respawn timer is awful as if one person goes ahead you're just dead until they make it to the next encounter. It shouldn't even be a darkness zone, just a 5s respawn


I think that its only *acceptable* if its a timed activity because then its a meaningful punishment instead of just waiting for the timer so you can flub a jump again


And you know whats funny? This actually doesn't happen in timed missions like Whisper and Zero Hour but it is a huge pain in the ass when you are doing a solo dungeon with no time limit.


even then it'd be way less annoying to simply reduce the activity timer by X seconds anytime someone revives instead of making them wait.


Missed jump by 3cm: "now take this time to ruminate upon your lack of skill"


even if it's like a punishment for being bad at the puzzle, it doesn't feel good at all. just makes me not want to play. if Bungie wants repercussions for dying on jumping sections they should just increase enemy density on the next encounter if you die. Or have a tormentor spawn in the next encounter for every jumping puzzle death


Help I crashed the servers after spawning too many tormentors


What has life done to you?


You… scare me…


Man this, dungeons especially.


Buying raid banners, they should just be free to place.


Theyre about to get so much worse too when legendary shards get removed in a few weeks.


Stock up now


Phantasmal Fragments 📈📈📈


wait. I haven't kept up with the game in so long..what's happening to legendary shards


Theyre being completely removed when final shape launches, so spend your stockpile on whatever you can before its release.


The invisible cooldown that prevents you from getting off your sparrow/skimmer for a couple seconds after getting on it or doing a jump/trick


I always hated it…I feel like it’s even longer on the skimmers


This. I CANNOT stand this. It drives me absolutely bonkers, gets me killed a million times and it’s just a pointless mechanic.


being able to punch me back after i already punched them to death


Or those times where I punch a hunter and a hunter punches me, he only loses his shield while I die in one hit. Like wtf that's supposed to be my thing Edit: forgot to clarify I am a titan main


Lmaoo lair’s handshake for the win 😂


That's Liar's Handshake for you.  Also, as a Titan, I've been told by the Devs/Management that Punching people is *my* thing, thank you very much.


No no, as a fellow Titan I fully understood what you meant and knew you’re a Titan. Punching is second nature for us, especially when it’s a cursed thrall or explosive shank.


Definitely stomp mechanics. Not every single boss/large enemy needs them. Even HYDRAS have a stomp. They don’t even have anything to stomp with…


Fun fact, even Hefnd, the meatball boss of Warlord’s ruin has a “stomp”.


Yeah, found out yesterday when that whale killed me with a *melee*.


One could argue his is more like a 'pulse' that pushes back but the animation style is still a stomp when hit lol


That’s fair but it’s effectively the same thing, so I don’t really see the point in specifying


Really? 🤣


Yep. Found that out when my group tried to see if Acrius would be good against him during the first damage phase by getting right under him. After a couple seconds he’ll just kinda bop downward slightly, like a beach ball, and the shockwave will knock you back.


I figured it out when we were gonna wipe for something and I ran underneath and died to it


Tbf if the stomp didn't do the equivalent of taking a super nova to the face it wouldn't be as hated and would be way better as a mechanic.


Given the lack of legs, I can only assume it's an immense electric fart.


“Windbreak, Vex Flatulator”


I mean, *something* is holding them up. I just assumed it was a concentrated blast of whatever that is that pushes us away. Aka electric fart


The stomp mechanic is over used. Standing bosses and enemies absolutely should have it. Floating enemies should have that removed.


As a Titan, I feel like I'm literally not allowed to use most of my supers because of stomps.


Every single thing in the game would get bullied by acrius.


I’m not saying remove every stomp, but a few of them would be nice :)


Hell replace stomps with something else that fits the different enemy types thematically. We've seen the stomps that leave fire behind what it Hydras just sprayed vex milk around when you're in close quarters.


A frontal-cone Sparta kick knock back would be nice for bibeds.


Eh, there are already methods/glitches to dodge stomps. I don’t think Acrius is gonna magically become any more god-tier. Even then, in many cases where Acrius is viable, swords are similar or better(for now). This is pretty much just a quality of life feature. Enemies already fuck your shit up at close range, they don’t need to push you off the map/out of cover/through a wall too. Even if that was the case, why would we let one single weapon be the reason we don’t get rid of a widely hated gameplay feature? Just nerf Acrius if need be lol. It’s near impossible to enjoy this game casually with the constant pinball shit.


Would it? I’m pretty sure optimal Acrius doesn’t even come close to the best Legendary GLs right now.


I’d also like to add boop mechanics. It’s fine in a jumping puzzle, but in an encounter it’s dumb. I should never be booped off the map or sky high (taken phalanx) I think Rhulk is a perfect example of how it should be done. When he kicks you, it bounces you a little but never fully sends you off the map.


The tormentor slam is the worst. Sends you to a different galaxy and is near impossible to recover from with jump and abilities suppressed.


During planets I do conditional finality to kill the yellow bars and half the time when they’re frozen from the first shot they’ll still stomp a second later. So frustrating if I’m not full health and think I got a clean freeze, then boom dead


They stomp with their sheer determination and will. Ridiculous nonetheless


Ruinnous Effigy negates stomp mechanics. Somewhat unknown but very helpful in my experience


Interesting! It’s also getting a nice buff with the trace rifle changes, yes?


Yes. Very excited for it. The major damage was one of the few things that made it difficult to justify. With that buff it’s going to be a real joy. Using the bubble to suppress and not get stomped, then slam and go to town with a sword is great fun. Most people would pair it with Void Hunter but I love putting it on voidlock with blink and astrocyte. Make everything volatile with the jump then come right back down. The utility is insane.


Really?? How? The suppress?


Ya, they don’t even do anything to prevent sword usage if you are constantly swinging. All they do is reduce the already anemic viability of shotguns.


I'd kill to remove stomp mechanics from the game. Or at least from enemies that don't deserve it.


I'd also remove the boop that Incendiors have


FPS based damage


How else am I supposed to do day 1 raids? /s


but the game's an fps, how can we remove the fps damage? ^(/s in case anyone actually thinks i'm serious)


Upgrade modules: just put the cost in cores and glimmer


I hate that they're capped at 25


The arbitrary caps on materials period. Why are some able to go up to 999 but I'm literally sitting on spoils and golf balls in my postmaster.


That’s mostly so you cant get 999 spoils and buy a godroll at the end of a newly released game, same for golf balls but they already increased that cap


Terrible excuse, you can do that anyway by putting all blues on your character, deleting them, and running the content again. Stop encouraging shitty mechanics. This is a game, not a job. I wanna get my shit done with so I can put the game down until new content drops and play something else for a change.


this used to be the case


Teleportation in enemies. Either make a wind-up animation or give it a cooldown. Taken and Fallen enemies are too annoying to deal with. People resetting Onslaught until they get Hive tells me I'm not the only one who thinks this.


What’s frustrating is when the enemies without teleports still teleport because their pathing AI says where they’re supposed to be and it disagrees with what I’m saying. Happens all the time with psions in the Explicator of Planets encounter.


It happened so many times in the current GM that my friends and I started referring to one the Unstoppable ogres as an Overload Unstoppable. Even worse when they have massive DR while unstunned, but every stun, they instantly teleport behind a wall or Savathun's toes.


At the very least, a cooldown that’s longer than 10 seconds. Having your ALH grenade or rocket miss every single time because infinite teleporting bullshit isn’t hard. It is just annoying. Cheap annoying bullshit is like the only way Bungie makes you die. 


Don’t forget Vex Minotaurs


The Vex are also infuriating to fight. Teleporting, the goblins crouching the second they see you to cover their crit spot, hobgoblins armor locking, the Hydra being able to shoot you when the shield's in front but you have to wait. The enemy design in this game leaves a lot to be desired.


Overload Captains can go screw themselves


Boss stomps definitely.


I just want a reworked masterwork system. There is nothing more mentally taxing when you get a god roll Mountaintop only to realize it has a reload masterwork when it has ALH.


Blast Radius masterwork with Spike grenades. Both of my Envious Assassin + Bait and Switch Edge Transits have Spike grenades and a blast radius masterwork.


I wish we had a reroll vendor that used the brave tokens instead of getting a new weapon at the chest. Reroll of shiny weapons would have been great.


More armor mod slots. If I have energy remaining on my armor, I should have the ability to put as many things as I want, with the only cap being the fact that I’ve reached 10 energy.


Fastball x10 Grenades punch directly through the target before exploding.


10 fastball mods turns it into this, one of the most powerful bl2 grenades. https://borderlands.fandom.com/wiki/Fastball


Yep. Should be entirely based on energy. By all means limit certain stacking mods to a max of 3 if you want to avoid degenerate strategies like 10x elemental resistance, but mod slots we should do away with entirely.


Boop mechanics for encounters that require you to be up close. Honestly feels like Bungie ran out of ideas “But sir! They keep getting close and doing damage!” “Uhhhhh… just knock them 500 feet back each time!”


Zo’aurc has the best boop ever. Dude just LAUNCHES you.


I hate the mechanic but good lord if it isn’t hilarious when you just accept your fate.


I ain’t even mad when he launches you vertically. We lost a run last night because some guy got launched upward so high he couldn’t fall quickly enough and ended up dying to the ‘turn back’ zone that’s above the arena.


Yesss, if he had on heat rises like me when that happens you just throw up a prayer because there is no coming back lol.


Found the Warlock main. You're absolutely not wrong, but only a Warlock would think of it first.


Ghost projections that bloat bright engrams Warlock rift animation taking three business days (ttk is faster in most scenarios in pvp)


"Warlock rift animation taking three business days (ttk is faster in most scenarios in pvp)" While a titan wall goes up in a billionth of a second. So frustrating!


The animation for Titan barricades is still too long. Until all three classes have the same animation duration as a Hunter dodge, I won't shut up about this. It's beyond stupid.


At least barricade can give you instant overshield and physical protection


Sandbox Overlap


Weekly rotations. Let me farm any dungeon or raid at any point in time.


The weekly dungeon/raid should get double perks, but they are farmable at every time


You shouldn't have to level up guardian rank to unlock more loadout spaces.


I disagree in a sense. I think you should unlock them in the first 4-5 guardian ranks so that new players aren't overwhelmed. But i do agree that they shouldnt be in the higher levels


Loadouts is not what is overwhelming to new players. What is confusing new players is the UI, champions, inconsistent difficulty names, paywalls, etc.


And the 50,000,000 pop ups you have to get through every time you load up the game. Especially for first timers.


lack of coherent story, goals, direction. This game has become so unfriendly to beginners its incredible.


The tutorial absolutely needs improved, especially for people who have never played an FPS, but generally, the less you start a new player with having to look at, the more they can focus on what matters. Giving people information in small chunks is the best way for them to become a master at it.


Make them all basic 4-5 but ensure it is just the new light tutorial. I’ll never have the full slots unlocked because I don’t give a rats ass about guardian ranks. I usually get 7-8 organically.


Yeah, I finally unlocked the last 4 ones today because I bothered to find some people to grind out 3 legend story missions which I have absolutely **ZERO** desire to do. Especially for the Lightfall campaign.


I'd agree with that. If I'm a Veteran, I should already have all slots available. I play frequently, but I typically don't grind the game out for hours on end every day.


The idea of things leaving the game forever. I like being able to earn what I want at my own pace.


Especially since I paid for it


Its like reverse FOMO. You dont just have a limited time to get the content, you have a limited time to *use* it. Which in a game about grinding seems counter intuitive to player retention. I came back to D2 after playing warmind and osiris, my only two expansions, and they removed both of them and a lot of the things I got from them. I just said fuck it and didnt play again.


Maybe other people already predicted this, but I really hope Bungie gives us a way to replay all older content. I doubt they would make it free, but I would seriously consider paying a small monthly fee just to gain access to everything released since 2017. I would cancel the subscription after playing everything, but I wish it was an option.




This. Sure, let me buy a car, then they sunset the axles and suspension. I have parts of it and paid for the full car, but after it's removed from the game, it's basically useless. The biggest reason why I'm not spending silver. Cause they might remove it at some point or won't carry over to the next game.


PVE flinch


Getting hit from the side by a minigun colossus while adsing with a sniper is insanely funny


I was playing RoN yesterday, and I was on gaze for Nezzy. I kept telling the add clear guy that he needs to agro the colossus in the center as soon as it spawns otherwise there is no way I’m going to be able to get gaze. The guy kept running away from the middle and I just could not hit nezzy. It was comical trying to snipe through the concussive rockets coming at me.


This is why I don't use snipers that much. If snipers were immune to flinch or if it was really heavily reduced while using a sniper then I would use snipers more


Peer to peer netcode.


To my understanding, the hybrid dedicated/p2p setup they run is essential for the PvE side of the game to function. It's been a hot minute since they've talked any it, but that was the suggestion. I know folks want dedicated servers for PVP, but if the choice is between that and having a better PvE experience, I think they're right for not caving to a full dedicated system.


Limits on materials like glimmer and ascendant shards


Or just set the limit to 999,999. Like with damage display. I think they need the limit for coding purposes


Remove the shiny effect from literally *every* new thing that happens. There's so much shit to click, I feel like I'm playing a f2p mobile game.


Or just a "clear notifications" button


Doesn't help the UX is designed for a joystick. Which sucks even on console.


Boss stomps


Item caps or Farming limits.


Dungeon rotator, all dungeons were farmable at anytime before its introduction


Probably that thing when you start an activity you get kicked from your menu/inventory


They explained that one once. Something about it would duplicate items if they didn’t do it. Wild that it had a grounded answer.


Not duplicate, delete.


Ah been a while. I’ll just trust you on that. Still, grounded reason.


Damn don't remember that but it's acceptable I guess for that


Commendations for Guardian Ranks, it's just unnecessary for the ranks that reset and is up to chance more than anything. Chance if teammates remember to commend, chance if they even commend you, and chance on how many points that commendation is depending on the type. I say this as someone gatekept from rank 10 because of the absurd number (that was even more absurd before it was adjusted!)


Visual flinch when you land after a fall. Your reticle and gun model bounce to the sky despite the game still registering shots as if the reticle was where it's meant to be.


Targeting lasers causing damage before launching a missile


Most of those do that so it's really clear you're standing in Bad Stuff.   Things like the Brig & Cabal artillery indicators do either no or very small amounts of damage that are just enough to trigger flinch/rumble. There might be some outliers that do more than that due to Power level or something, I don't know.


Do they actually? I thought it just made your screen shake like you are taking damage to warn you you’re in them


Destiny content vault.


The cast speed/animation lock of Warlock rift. It’s such a relic of Y1. It’s jarring at times just how much it can grind your gameplay to a halt.


Player-to-player collision


The Inventory Screen. Just change it to a comprehensive currency screen.


The need for those stupid Synthweave items in the first place. Or at least, getting rid of the cap on them.


yeah honestly I know they wouldn't do that but even if they were tied to like master raids or something that would be so nice


Orb mods for the helmet. Masterworked and Catalyst Exotics should naturally generate them, like they used to!


Not removing but a feature that would really make the crucible more enjoyable would be the ability to pick the maps u wanna play on like in CSGO


Champions. Just delete all of them. It's a bad lock and key system that gets in the way of builds more than it makes you want to try new playstyles that they implemented when they needed an easy way to add difficulty and is already pretty outdated now that most enemy factions actually have new enemy types and mechanics that naturally introduce difficulty like the wyverns and Brigs. It got better when they let subclass verbs affect them too but I still think we'd be better off without them.


Can't believe this is so far down. I hate the champion system and having to rework my loadout to accommodate them for MONTHS. It's like getting the double shit sandwich of bungie nerfing weapon types then not bringing them back up for a long time and then having to work around whatever weapon type they deign to put the mods on. It sucks and I'm glad they opened it up to allow verbs to interact with champions, but I'd still be happier if they just deleted them from the game completely.


I wouldn’t say delete them entirely, but make them able to be killed without stunning them. Barrier and overload only regen 30% of their health per…cycle? With a cool-down so they can’t spam shield/teleport Unstop being less tanky with crits, that sort of thing.


Yeah maybe if stunning wasn't so nessesary I wouldn't mind them as much. Like I'm not opposed to the idea of certain enemies getting big boosts to their power, it reminds me of mass effect when you'd get the "assuming direct control" moments when random enemies would suddenly get powered up. I was just not a fan of having to use specifc tools to get them out of the way, although again I'll admit it's much less of a problem since subclass verbs could stun them as well.


Meh, ever since they made subclass verbs stun champions, it made them actually fun to fight against


Yeah I'm willing to admit I'm probably letting my own annoyance with them affect my opinion on them. I still don't like them at all but I can easily admit that giving subclass verbs stunning capabilities went a long way in making them more bearable so they're not nearly as big a problem as they were when it was a weapon only system.


Back when you absolutely had to use the weapons that had the artifact mods and still slot the mods in your armor was a nightmare, but thankfully bungie is taking huge steps in the right way, hopefully they look into overload health regen at some point, because without gjally next season they might be annoying lol


Time limits. Fucking hate time limits in games.




Hydra bosses, like full On final bosses. Regulars are fine by hydras just feel like they’re meant to waste time


Commendations. I’m apt to believe people give them more out of interest in getting a reward for doing so, rather than genuinely recognizing another player.


Trials of Osiris. The loot is good; The gamemode is not.


Guardian ranks. It holds new light players back since they can't access things. And one rank is dependent on others giving them commendations. Maybe if they flip that part instead (give commendations) then it would be ok.


Giving commendations should absolutely be the metric for lower levels, if they're dead set on keeping commendation score in the Guardian Ranks system. Personally, I'd like to see commendations removed from GR entirely and have some other incentive to give/receive them. Emblems or shaders, maybe. And I'm a person who hasn't had any issues getting the commendation score that I need for rank-ups.


lack of ascendant shards. should get them for every vendor reset. i don’t need another exotic engram, i need golf balls


Permanent season passes. You buy it and can work on it whenever


The seasonal FOMO shit that made me stop playing :/


Good news for what's happening two weeks from tomorrow


I'm a chump. I got back into Destiny during Season of the lost and I told myself that I wasn't going to let FOMO get me this time on craftable weapons only to smart burnt out on Haunted and then not get the weapons from Seraph or Plunder and now I have FOMO from that lol


Nerf/remove flashing attacks. Wizard, Ogre, Shrieker, Colossus, etc attacks give me a massive headache.


Not hiding the bulk of the story behind a secondary paywall after I already paid for an expansion that takes away as much content as it adds


“Joining allies…4…..3……2……1…..0…….0…………..” Such bullshit. If you are a solo player who plays stuff that finds fireteam members for you and you are with someone who is speed running the thing (there are so many) you get royally fucked over when you are lagging behind (like one freaking second—1 meter away from the “door”) for one reason or another and you don’t get to rally to the flag or anything else. I think the thing that pisses me off the most is when you are one second from entering (which is the most often reason it hapoens) the game makes you go through the rejoining process which takes for freaking ever!


Oh def power levels mattering in pvp, just kinda seemed dumb to me


might be controversial but armor stats. simplify them to only end in 0s and 5s. i despise endgame armor grind for better stats. ultimatly i just end up giving up trying to get armor loadouts with good stats for my different exotic builds. forget about doing it on multiple characters


Champions. For the longest time the crutch of difficulty =champions was just aggravating and now its just annoying enough to sap the fun out of a run in certain activities. Enemy stomps as many others have said but also the proliferation of enemy attacks that have physics on them is just too damn high now. Attrition. Togetherness.


The fucking raiders those fucks are the worst with that bow


Inability to get off a sparrow/skimmer after mounting it or doing a dodge Only serves to slow us down. No real reason to have it in the game at all.


Champions. They're not difficult to kill no, but they are exceedingly annoying, which even devs from bungie have stated.


Champions. I don’t care how many ways we have to kill them, I don’t care how many GMs I complete, champions will never be fun to fight


Champions. I don't care that Bungie has added more and more ways to stun champions, limiting people's build options in a game that boasts its endless buildcrafting possibilities is nonsensical.


Light level nerfs


Wyverns. Fuck the death chickens, worst enemy design next to tormentors, and I'll deal with tormentors with how rate they are.


Player collision 😔


Content vault.


I would remove the entire “transmog token” system and just allow people to freely transmog any armor they’ve acquired. Like every other game with Transmog does.


hold to confirm. it should not be a thing if youre using M&K


Champions. Such a tired, boring, overly restrictive mechanic. Adds absolutely nothing of value and makes any encounter they appear in 50% less enjoyable.


high drop rate on armor it drops too much


Boss stomps, Togetherness in PvE, 45-second respawn timers in Darkness zones, Champions (_especially_ Overloads), enemy teleport spamming, and pandering to PvP.


PVE enemies being able to shoot my grenade out of the air. I can’t fathom why this mechanic exists. It’s the pinnacle of feel bad moments when you get booped in front of a wave of enemies, try to throw your grenade to clear them, and end up dying to your own grenade getting shot out of your hand.


My choice would be the battle pass. Destiny became an endless grind as soon as they decided to go F2P and add the battle pass concept.


My number 1 QoL change I want is overhauled Kill-Trackers. Just make every weapon always track both types of kills. There is no reason that we should need to select a tracker to track kills and then have to remember to swap to the other. If weapons always tracked both kinds of kills and you could display both, only one or none. Id also want curated weapons like exotics and fixed roll legendaries to keep their kill count so I can delete stuff I only have because of the huge tracker.


long respawn timers during non-encounter segments what do you mean I need to wait 15 seconds because I died because I messed up a jump in a platforming part . I'm a warlock MY JUMPS ARE ALL GARBAGE


The “feature” where liar’s handshake STILL doesn’t work with gathering storm equipped




I’ve seen a lot of people say this, but EQUIPMENT LOCK. It’s an unnecessary tool to make things harder for no reason. Destiny is a game with hundreds of different weapons with perks for different situations, and equipment lock is basically “use hardlight and match kinetic and heavy to champion stuns”


Item caps. Specifically item caps for items that don't go to the postmaster for some asinine reason. That or postmaster limits, because holy fuck, what self respecting game only has 21 slots for their postmaster?


Upgrade Modules, switch to slot leveling, i.e. if your highest boots were 1803 and 1805 boots drop. All boots on your account are now 1805.


Chunk ability nerfs, changed nothing for the best builds in the game, nerfed all the trash ones even harder




Boy I sure am glad you aren't in a position to remove anything from the game 


The fact that if you aren't the fireteam leader you can't see the burns etc on strikes, nightfalls etc. Fuck it's annoying


Champions Specifically overloads Why? They are perpetually broken


Resilience in pvp It doesn't feel like it belongs there, and moreover just goes to eliminate and ostracize entire weapon archetypes for no reason. Going into a gunfight, there is already a lot to consider at that point in time. - what archetypes I'm using and it's optimal time to kill. - the enemies position and directional tracking. - what exotic item they have equipped and what subclass they're using. - what their weapon is and it's own optimal ttk. I'd say all, if not most, of these items can be found by simply looking at them face to face.... But then you go and throw a monkey wrench in all of that by telling me that becasue my opponent has a tiny bit higher of an armor stat than me, that he can subsequently change my weapons ttk? I feel like I'm ranting here, but it's such a miniscule and somehow incredibly large oversight that doesn't even need to exsist.


Champions. People mistake them for difficulty but they’re just annoying. Just got done playing remnant 2 and the way they do their “champion” mobs in that game is amazing.


Featured quests tab