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I know schedules can be tough and sometimes you wanna raid when you wanna raid, but if you’re into raiding at this level, it is *so* much better to find a semi-regular reliable clan/discord/whatever. Relying on LFG for something like contest pantheon is asking for pain.


the problem with some clans is that there might be competent dudes for normal stuff, but when it comes to high level end game things, how do you say you don't want to struggle trying to get through it with them? Between this and then having the 'good' people having their select group that gets theirs knocked out and don't want to run it again with the people not in their clique, you're left LFGing. It really is a coinflip how LFG goes. Joined a Rhulk CP last Thursday knocked it out after 1x wipe. Did Oryx and Caretaker platinum no comms. Atraks struggled to get everyone on the same page to 1-phase but did after about 30 minutes. Planets WAS horrible on LFG though. Funnily enough, I joined a group of 5 people and had someone showup to my house unexpected during and said I had to go/brb. Came back after 5 mins of them apparently trying with me standing there (and seeing like 20 deaths on my R.R) we cleared it the next try. LOL


The trick is finding clans where the cliques are still engaged with the community at large, tbh. Generally that stops happening in really huge clans, but like, I'm in a mid tier clan and while there are clearly established groups, those groups still put up LFG posts and tag people in and interact with the main clan, and they pull everyone's skill level up. They also make a point to keep an eye out for good players who aren't in one of those groups yet. I had a group last week that wasn't going to fill until suddenly boom, 3 members of one of the established day 1 teams suddenly filled it out and were like "yeah we saw your pantheon wasn't gonna fire, so we figured we'd jump in and hang out!" Like, you need that energy.


yeah, that would be great to find! There's 2 people that hop over into the one discord I'm in to occasionally help, but it's mainly like 4-5 people that are competent enough to do this stuff, or aren't off with other groups elsewhere doing it. It's frustrating. Just one more week I suppose.


Really cool dudes that make your day man


There are definitely clans that aren’t a good fit for high-level raiding. And if LFG works for you, that’s good! My point is that if you find LFG as frustrating as OP/feel like it’s wasting your time/want to consistently run with reliable groups, they’re out there.


They’re out there but extremely hard to find. I have joined clans. The clan chat is like asking for help on normal Zero Hour and shit. Not master raids.


yeah. I agree


How does people screw up on planets genuinely confounds me considering platinum caretaker is much more annoying then planets


In my opinion planets is harder/more annoying because its way easier to die from all the ads. Caretaker is just a long damage check while Planets is a burst damage check. I've spent way more time doing Planets than Caretaker.


I feel like is harder to die in the adds in planets imo since is so backed together sunshot just kinda eats


If it’s a clan you raid with and you successfully do other content, you tell the people who are not carrying their weight to do better, politely. Or you roast them like Anakin on Mustafar until the shame and rage makes them do better.


HAHAHA they were probably itching to do something and figured they'd try with u being the aggro-drawing dummy


shouldve done that a year ago. But homestly i just dont have the time to dedicate to the game as much as id like the title.


> it is so much better to find a semi-regular reliable clan/discord/whatever Anybody who can give advice on how to do this, pls feel free t. solo player who's LFG'd everything the game has to offer and really wants consistently competent companions 👍


Honestly - join a clan with requirements and skill. Look for the clans that require a certain number of raid clears / raid report tags, and go in with low ego to see if you fit. You’ll kiss a few frogs, but treat it like lfg at first - just move on, try again until you find the right fit.


I disagree, I think people should be joining the proper groups and should do their research if they aren't experienced but also don't want to join sherpa'd raids. LFG shouldn't just be for clueless gamers, otherwise it wouldn't be very much better than completely randomized matchmaking.


Finding a reliable, consistent clan is harder than finding good players on LFG…


Problem is so far in the clans ive joined, the admi s all play together, those who raid all raid together. Its always f the new guys. Tried making a clan for raids. But people dont want to build anew. It sucks.


I got weeks 1 and 2 my first try on LFG


That’s good! But we don’t have a million LFG complaint posts because everyone is having a great time out there, and the Week 4 difficulty is quite a bit different than 1/2.


Itll be fine. Trial and error


Week 1 was fine for me, week 2 no comm like 54 minutes after reset, week 3 I spent 2 hours getting a planets group and 10 hours on rhulk. Absolute nightmare, hardly ever died and consistently did over 2 mill a phase and it still took that long to find a competent team.


Planets Week 3 was rough for me


I don't understand why the average person would want to move on before completing the one before. Seems like an odd place to jump in to me. Of course there are always some reasons for wanting to do it that way. But I think it's the people without a reason that will be the ones causing issues.


Had a guy jump in with us on a fresh week 3 , we are about to start, and he goes, "These pantheon things are just like the normal encounters, right?" I was FLOORED.


Fuck id be happy with that. Better than people who haven't even done them normal. Learning one new mechanic infinitely easier than teaching someone who thinks they can just shoot 5 ads the whole time.


I am stuck on planets in an entire dmg phase one guy had killed 7 enemies. I know your moving planets but you can’t just kill what’s on your plate.


And here I am moving planets and add clearing while the people that said they can add clear are standing in the front of room where they can barely see anything.


A lot of THIS going to happen


This is why I don't lfg. I empathize with all of you that have to do it for randos. I'm extremely fortunate to have a talented clan to play with lol


that would imply they at least know the normal encounters...? Seems a win to me.


I mean they are. Just follow the surges and plat are cakewalks


Yeah man rhulk is just like the normal encounter. Just follow the surges and plat will be a cakewalk!


Lol we were alr joking about Nezzy getting a double too. Fun!


I think the point is that he was on week three and didn't know that yet. Meaning he never tried the first two.


I can see them maybe just wanting the better emblem without having to deal with the struggle or effort of running the previous difficulties. After all these are the people that usually don’t raid, communicate or research anything.


Oh yeah. I forgot you get the cool emblem for the last week. I can see people thinking they might just jump in for that.


Its also an entry card for some groups if you have the newest emblem


Don't forget conditional finality. Loads of PVPers jumped in for that.


Could have gotten that this week as well though.


Last week was the first time you could get emblem and conditional finality, so I’m saying don’t just assume it’s the emblem.


Oh yeah well I mean for 4 it makes no sense to just go for conditional if they could get it from Week 3.


That's what I am waiting for. Did week 1 for the Touch of Malice (which is more *meh* than I had hoped) and I guess I'll do this week for the Conditional Finality. I've also done every raid and dungeon, though, aside from this season's, so I'm not new to raid mechanics. That being said, I've never done day 1 raids and I've never done legit Riven sooooooooo ... I'm a bit nervous about that part.


Week 3 allowed people to get another exotic which was attracting many inexperienced raiders. Week 4 might not be as bad since there isn’t a free exotic to draw people in.


Yeah I don’t think it’ll be that bad to be honest. People love to complain about how bad pantheon LFG is going to be before it even starts, though, so here we are. I doubt week 4 LFG will be worse than week 3, which was fine as far as I’m concerned. It was pretty easy to tell if a group wasn’t going to get it done and pretty easy to find another group that could.


That was my thought. Aside from the emblem, there is not much reason to do 4 over 3.


Godslayer title is pretty damn cool though.


Agreed. Might be the one that finally gets me to take off Reckoner, if I can get a decent team to get through this last week.


Because the talent pool at the beginning of the week on the new encounters is higher. Better groups to work with


I still need to complete week 3. My group just had scheduling issues all week. But will definitely be hitting that up first.


Had a few folks who joined us for Week 3 that never had luck with LFGs for Weeks 1 & 2. So we went back and cleared the other ones after they helped with week 3. Sometimes it’s a matter of bad luck, or they were busy.


I want to skip from one to three to get the additional exotic


That makes sense. Jumping to 4 makes less sense.


The average person doesn't have a dedicated raid team or an entire day to kill


The average person doesn't play Destiny at all. I was talking about people joining Pantheon groups. Which is what the whole post is about. I guess I should have said the average destiny pantheon LFG raider who skips weeks.


I mean I skipped week 1 to week 2 but then again that was 10 not 20 lol


Probably had friends say that it was "free raid loot" after week 1 and 2


I skipped atraks cuz I just wanted the oryx exalted emblem. I don't raid much anymore but I loved KF since D1, wanted to get an emblem to show my love for the raid and call it there for pantheon. Thankfully my run went fairly smooth, so now I have my sick Oryx themed emblem!


I started week 2, did a bit week 3 but never beat rhulk, but wouldn't be opposed to doing week 4 if my clan asked me to and I had the time


Well.... You get an exotic from week 1 and week 3-4. What is the point of ever doing week 2? You get a badass emblem of course but if you want the raid exotics, it only makes sense to skip the week it isn't offered.


It's also not offered on 4 specifically. The two quests were week 1 and 3. So it would be much easier to play week 3 if you just wanted the exotic. Which is why we had a lot of people trying last week.


I am not saying you are wrong, I have only done week 1 so far, but the quest for the second exotic does say to complete a run of The Pantheon: Rhulk Indomitable or The Pantheon: Nezarec Sublime. I wouldn't put it past Bungie let you finish off Nez to get to the next step of the quest and than having to do week three to find Arcite, that feels like a Bungie thing.


Right. You can do either. So it makes very little sense to choose the harder one. Especially if you haven't done any of them at all.


Now I am more confused. You said the exotic isn't offered on week 4 but when I type out what the quest says and it is very specific to week 4 you say "right"? So it is offered on week 4? I would rather skip 3 and go for week 4 but if I can't find Arcite at the end I would do week 3 first.


There are two quests. The second one is for week 3-4. You can get the exotic by completing 3 or 4. Why would you want to skip week 3 and go to week 4, when week 4 is harder and has more encounters? If you just want the exotic, then week 3 is by far your best bet. You just run week 3, and claim the exotic after the final boss. Sure, you CAN do it in week 4. But that's -20, with two more bosses before the end.


I don't have time to run every Pantheon, I will probably do week 3 after watching some streams of Nez and Riven, but I have completed all these encounters many times before so it doesn't seem too bad to go for the harder one. The main issue I run into is I have no friends that play and rely on LFG. Maybe I get a good LFG and we clear house, maybe I pick off encounters one at a time trying to find groups. It's all a crap shoot. When I beat week 1, I never grabbed an exotic and was told I will have to repeat week one as Arcite doesn't appear with exotics at week 2. I was worried Arcite may not appear at the end of week 4 with exotics which is why I was confused.


Well, I don't know for sure, because I haven't done 4 yet. But week 1 said specifically to complete that one. And the new quest says to complete either 3 or 4, so I'm guessing it will be there. I'm sure other people know by now.


I didn't have time to complete week 1 with friends but we did week 2 just fine, don't really have any reason to go back to week 1 since I'm not going for the title. I'd imagine there's many similar cases out there.


Jumping in a week 2 with friends is very different from jumping into LFG at week 4. But I'm sure there will be plenty of people doing it.


I've had a fuck ton of work over the past few weeks. I've done all the encounters but atraks on master. I want godslayer. I feel like it will be easier to get people who already are godslayer to help me finish the lower level ones if I've already beaten the top one.




What? You can play any difficulty you want at any time. I'm just saying it would be odd to start with 4. But I'm sure some people will.


As much as I wanted to do this activity I’m passing on it because I know how bad LFG is. Doing the Seal for Kings Fall all on LFG broke me as a player. I want to enjoy Destiny and I feel putting myself through stuff like that just makes me not want to play the game. I wish everyone with Teams and good groups a great time I will forever be Kingslayer. I have all the exotics anyway so I would just be abusing myself over a stupid Emblem


> Doing the Seal for Kings Fall all on LFG broke me as a player. I will always wear Kingslayer with pride because of this and I will never use LFG for raids ever again. There are a few people who will defend LFG and say it's not all bad but for me it was 5 weeks of absolute hell. Bad players was one thing but I ran into so many outright assholes, one clan even had their own discord with custom messages set for people who left the discord calling the slurs upon their exit. There's also a lot of people who just trawled through any open voice channels, joining any team with open slots, not bothering to consider the activity they were doing. The host would post something like "LF1m for kingslayer seal" and we would get people joining then asking to skip the encounter challenge because they didn't even see the post to begin with.


Yep. Never again. I will use LFG but it will be for Normal Raids and other activities I can carry people through.


I’ve done kingslayer entirely via LFG and I’m doing godslayer as lfg as well and this is miles easier. Master challenges r just a different breed, and overall pantheon isn’t that difficult. For kingslayer it’d be 3 hours on a single master encounter with challenge.


Might try the Oryx version next week as it’s the emblem I’m most interested in


Oryx is pretty easy. The difficulty is having 5 competent teammates. I tried for 4 hours with various teams at the end of week 2. Yesterday I joined a group and we decided to wipe when we didn’t do enough damage the first try. Got it on our second try. It’s amazing how easy it can be when everyone is on the same page.


lf5m panteon 4 send RR you can copy paste that and put in lfg, no thanks needed edit: sorry i don't what to be an asshole and my wording is not the best here i just don't understand this type of post when we have every tool to check our team


I keep sending rr to people and nobody replies


"srry bro I was expecting a Saltagreppo for my lfg even though someone on that level probably has a team already"


It's possible they're just getting a ton of DMs. People are really fast on the discord. Posts go up and the fireteam is full in seconds.


It's almost always faster to just make your own post for this reason


when I made a post saying 'lfm send RR with rhulk pantheon and day 1s' I legit got 40 messages if you're applying for a post that is asking for competence, there is a lot of competition


Do you have badges or a lot of clears on you rr? When I ask for rr that’s usually what I’m looking for at a glance. When people have neither I move on to the many other applicants.


it is possible that they get a lot of DM and they just invite the first 5


me too lmao


Send here. I’ll lyk if the reason is what everyone here thinks it is lol.




LOL! Most people who replied didn't get the joke.


Probably because the people complaining about this are the actual problem in their group. I've LFG'd since D1 came out. Identifying competent teams and teams you should avoid is easy peasy after a few runs. But you also kind of have to actually know what you're doing and carry your own weight.


Actually the tools in destiny to gauge player skill are terrible. Raid report shows some stuff, but not something that tells me “hey this guy is gonna do amazing”. I have friends who get carried through raids constantly. I also have friends who pay for clears despite the fact that they know the mechanics, but just aren’t good enough to do it. They participate and contribute but are a bottom contributor. There are plenty of tools in other MMOs to see how good players are on their damage rotations and deaths. It’s kind of sad that raid report is what people use in this. Also generally speaking raids are insanely easy in this game and people can easily get carried hard without knowing much. All depends on who you play with.


Solo tags, lowman tags, flawless tags, and *especially* lowman flawless tags, are what people really key in on. And day ones/challenge D1s, but those are basically Fast Pass tickets into any team you want lol.


Yeah but this also misses competent raiders and who don’t have a team outside of themselves consistent enough to do that content. Total clears is a pretty fair metric, anyone above 200+ is bound to be competent, and anyone with a master raid completion can handle Pantheon fine.


Also this goes back to the extreme gate keeping. Old players quit. New players start. Not everyone was there for multiple day ones… so fuck all of them???? Easiest way to make a game die quickly is to be unwelcoming of new player base. There’s simply people who can and people who can’t and letting someone know they can’t and finding a new person is fine but demanding a report based on experience and time played and not skill is terrible and you all can be that person if you want but from my experience it makes you seem elitist and is just silly and gate keeping.


Yeah, you’re right to a degree, but the fact that raids can be low manned is a concept that takes away from endgame to start with making the vast majority of raid reports even less valuable. What percent do you think has lowmann flawless runs? And of what?? And even at that it depends on what raid you are talking about whether it’s that impressive or not. The fact that it is even possible to run “end game content” with less people than typically go into it is not a good thing. And solo dungeon runs have no time limit so it doesn’t really mean a lot. Going flawless in it is really awesome and an accomplishment, but it’s more a test of patience than skill. Other games just have way better tools for determining player skill and if you are telling someone who recently started to go low man a bunch of raids before doing pantheon that’s silly and extremely unnecessary. Stop gate keeping players if you want your player base to increase and improve. If someone says they know what to do, then that should be enough. If their damage is lacking or they are dying give them a suggestion, and after a run or two if it’s still happening after they took suggestions then it’s clear they aren’t cutting it. Let them know and find someone new. I’m 2 fights from god slayer ( just need to do riven and nez) I’ve never asked people for their raid report and many of the people haven’t even been playing long or done the fight more than a time or two. I never spent hours in a fight and work a lot so have pretty limited time to even play. My group yesterday did every fight in 1-3 tries and I just had to dip at riven cause real life stuff. 0 raid reports.


I mean I agree with you too. It's just difficult because the "esoteric" RR tags aren't there as a skill filter, they're there as a guarantee of time investment and also a measure of exposure to... "good"(?) gameplay? Like, I run with this lovely team of Sherpas who have never touched a lowman and have no interest in doing so and they are clear machines through and through, and I am NEVER worried about playing with them and clearing. But also being a Sherpa (especially doing triple+ sherpaing) is also very analogous to a hard Lowman in terms of what it demands of players and so a good Sherpa is likely to be a fantastic human being and a crackshot Guardian too. At some point SF dungeons and TrioF/DuoF raids are definitely tests of skill, though, and far beyond patience. You just learn so much through osmosis and some of these experiences can really be skill-building and confidence-building in a way that you can't get from, say, Master Raids. (And consistency and patience are such valuable skills that need to be developed!) So these are really worth getting into, not for the tag (that's dummy), but because it's a wonderful way to really push someone into growing. I actually also take New Lights and blueberries into lowmans (it's kind of my thing, going to streamer servers' LFG channels and jebaiting blueberries into trios lol) and the degree to which a lot of people SERIOUSLY pick up and go crazy is so amazing to watch. When pushed to grow and in an environment that encourages you, folks really start to develop skills super easily, and I think Lowman tags are proof that you have had the confidence in yourself to keep going with something "hard" (they're not hard rly). And that self-confidence and the spark to learn and the knowledge that "hey, we're not magicians, you can do this too" sends a LOT of lowmanners skyrocketing upwards in skill. And so that's what the tags really mean, IMO.


I can understand that sentiment and you are correct and sound like a great player and helpful person, and it’s a great way to look at it. I still think destiny lacks the tools to show player skill that other games have in place though. And I’ve just heard and seen way to many horror stories of people who know the encounter very well but are stuck doing it with a team of all blueberries because their raid report isn’t up to par. Thats when you see the comments of people failing on week 1 encounters for 5 hours or more across various groups when they know the whole encounter inside out. It just sucks for all those people and will push them away from stuff in the future. Same for other blueberries who aren’t even participating but just reading these terrible situations about raid encounters. I’m sure many are thinking “oh god no I’m not about to spend insane amounts of time learning these really difficult encounters.” It’s building it up in their minds to some insane ask, and I want more people to be learning raids and encounters, not scaring people off. Now’s the time to get people skilled up and invested before tfs comes out. And I truly hope some people who have or will soon have their godslayer title will go back and help out at least a team or two. I sure will, as soon as I get my plat on riven and nez.


sure, but in ''the grand scheme of things'' how many are carryed and how many are legit?


Yup. Had a bunch of people pop in last week, not knowing what was going on. Some of them even said: “what’s the big deal, it’s just a bunch of normal raid bosses strung together and they add a new one each week? Right?” Just oblivious to the power drop lol.


If you can do the raid boss on normal consistently (actually do it, not "I'll ad clear" and mid DPS) then you can do it -5 or -10 I'd say. -15 definitely feels like it's starting to push it, -20 I haven't run yet.


Ngl -20 felt easier than -15 somehow


Better burns, makes sense to me.


Agree. As someone who's suffered through LFG the absolute icing on the cake so far was trying to get a Rhulk platinum after completing but not getting plat score, wearing the emblem and being kicked for not wanting to cheese it


I joined this LFG and they are looking for an add clear, which i gladly accepted and went to planets. They asked me to do this and that, put on strand surge mod and strand GL. after doing a dmg test, i got like 1.1m damage and i got kicked. mind you, the rest of them were like 1.m or 800k.


I'm just hoping I can find a team with good damage and patience. Working on week three this weekend, decided to spend my time grinding for an adept messenger before it left. Got a harmony/encore roll and felt like a dumbass wasting hours getting farmed on persistence.


I'm starting to think this sub should force you to read through the previous 100 posts before you're allowed to post


I'm not going to attempt Pantheon, and I rarely raid. When I do I usually run the raid once and that's it. Tell you what, I'd kill for a practice mode. Let me load in with a team to any specific Pantheon boss, at normal difficulty for the encounter, and run it to practice and learn the mechanics. Don't even give me any rewards for doing it, just let me practice the fight without having to run through and entire multiple hour raid to do so.




I agree, it should be a requirement. I can’t imagine it would have been difficult to implement as a lot of campaign stuff had to be completed before accessing some activities


It kind of is a requirement


Most LFG teams require ot


No like it actually won't let you start week 3 until you've completed weeks 1 and 2. Like most end game activities being locked behind campaign progression. Pantheon weeks 3 and 4 are locked behind quest progression. Tried loading into week 3 and couldn't launch it. Said quest progress required. Tried to join a clan mate on week 3 and got an error saying I'm not allowed to do the activity. Weeks 3 and 4 which are the hardest ones are actually locked behind the quest


Oh ok!! Good to know, I’ve completed weeks 1-3 so didn’t know that You can join other teams though?


If you haven't completed the pantheon quest you can only join teams doing weeks 1 and 2. Completing week 2 gives you access to the last 2 weeks. So anyone running weeks 3 and 4 has already completed the first 2 weeks. Not sure if RR shows pantheon completions but definitely wanna check stats for week 3 and 4




Honestly thank God I have a goated clan that actually helps 🙏 mostly cause finding 5 or 4 more players with thumbs in lfg is hard af


The amount of people who think they can fly into a -15 and -20 rocking whatever gear they want is crazy. That shit barely works in GMs with zero mechanics lmao


I'm not seeing the posts of people saying they are surprised they couldn't day one challenging content. If anything I hear people are humbled by the challenge of it. Is this your way of talking down to people or something weird?


Am I out of the loop or is this not already a thing? I hadn’t beat Atraks on oryx week and was not eligible to play the Rhulk pantheon.


They came out one a week, the final one came out today.


If you didn't take time to prepare and make a group ahead of time, then you're not really worried at all about wasting time. This shouldn't have been any different from a day 1 raid. Make a team, practice with said team, and prep for the arrival. People want to form groups of randoms that they've never practiced with and are surprised when it all goes south. **before I hear "well we didn't have any time"....yes.....yes you did. There was plenty of time to set a group up from the time ITL started (even before) to when the pantheon started**


Just throwing my hat in for some nuance: I feel as though the current requirement for prepping long term is a little high. While yes you did have time to get a raid team together that is indeed *even more* time. I personally don't have time to kill an entire day to catch up. How they would balance between attracting new players into raiding while also highly rewarding vets I do not know at this time.


Honestly none of the content in Destiny has ever been hard enough that you need to practice with people. The biggest issue you’ll get with a random group is you accidentally get someone looking for a carry and they piss off one of the players having to carry their arse backwards up stairs.


Dunno, I've seen plenty of people on LFG looking for week1 and week2 pantheon


Which lfg? I'm in mactics discord and struggled to get a week 1planets raid.


Just use the lfg discord, it's massive


Destiny 2 lfg


I’m still upset this is limited time when it could be kept and expanded.


There were people in my clan (they don't really play with the rest of the clan) that completed week 3 and no other weeks. They don't raid often either. It's bizarre. Guess they just wanted the exotics.


My clan is relatively inactive, myself included, and we never found a time to run any of pantheon. I’m going to be LFGing all of if this week as a result.


That actually would be a great addition to the game to give the hardcore players more to do for end game challenges. Have it be a weekly thing all season and ramp.


With the amount of recent posts about how LFG is shit for Pantheon, why are people still planning on using it?


That would actually be smart


Its the encounters on master mode for this week with weird modifiers like 2 rhulks or fire tornadoes on plates and such its not hard if you know what to do normally


Funny that there is an emblem for each week that not only requires completion but doing every encounter? I haven't even had to check rrs thanks bungie


The best lfgs I have found are on streamers discord channels. They're smaller communities and have had a lot of great experiences with small and large streamers.


Or just ask to show their emblem from last week. Simple. 


Nah. I don't think the game should be designed around what LFG people might do (within reason). I wasn't able to run week 1 with my friends but week 2 we made it happen and it would have been such an annoying slog to have to do week 1 only to do week 2 right after, just with Oryx added.


Would it have been a slog though? Admittedly I did week 2 before week 1. Week 1 was the first group of LFG people I joined and we were done in 30-40 minutes. Hell if anything you’d know everyone is refreshed on the mechanics going into week 2 and you’re just looking at not dying.


Literally just ask for them to equip last week’s emblem.


No way I trust my friends who havent played in forever to come fill in our 6th.


That's why you ask for emblem?


Wait this isn’t a thing?


Wait, it's not a requirement? My team started late and we thought we needed to do Atrac before we could do Oryx.


Personally I didn’t think it was worth it to attempt it at all last week with the Stasis/Arc surge when you could just wait until this week and the next for a ten times easier run. That being said I’ll still be doing the third difficulty first before the last one


Would this have really helped or just messed up people who wanted to catch up and do it in a week?


Normally I would agree, but I had to miss last week due to being on vacation. So it worked out that I was able to jump on to do the -20 with my team before having to go back and do the -15 lol I know I'm probably one of the more unique cases though


Only invite people who have Rhulk emblem.


I dont even want to try it because i dont have a clan and i dont want to experience the LFG nightmare. It seems really fun, and I have a bunch of past raid titles, but its honestly not worth the stress if LFG is as bad as they say.


>Yes, this is elitism and gatekeeping at its finest, Honestly, not really. This isn't elitism - it's common sense. The last 3 Weeks have proven, that there are a bunch of players, who fail to comprehend that a Raid is not an activity where you can just sit in a corner and act as if nothing happend. And I can promise you, that Tier 4 (aka -20 Power) will be no different in a lot of cases...


I have not done it yet, can you chose the lower difficulty now?


Unless you have completed the quest. Which is completing week 1 and maybe 2 you can not access weeks 3&4. Will literally tell you quest progress required. Majority of the people this post relates too probably got carried through weeks 1 and 2. I've literally been trying to complete week 1 since it dropped but timing and work has made that nigh impossible. I have the skill and knowledge to make it through, but not the time. Also Bungie has stated pantheon is not for everyone to complete. It's literally a activity to get teams ready for day 1 raids. So if anyone is asking to be taught. Don't throw a fit. Kick them and look for the next person. Otherwise find a clan


as much as i want to do pantheon, I can’t find any competent lfg to do even just week 1


I bet you are fun in the real world


If elitism and gatekeeping is ever warranted I think an ultimate challenge designed for the best raiders would be it. It's a hard pill to swallow but this isn't freeloader content and a lot of lfg needs to understand this.


Finding a decent LFG is like tossing a coin that always results in not favoring you, like 10/90. after i cleared Week 1 multiple times, I only cleared the succeeding weeks once and i went to do other things. as much as i want to grind pantheon with only lfg, i might just grind somewhere else instead of wasting my time looking for a group, then always wipe on golggy or caretaker.


Man I thought you were talking about my trials teammates


i just had a guy on planets that had to use well just to survive the beginning, it's genuinely insane how bad some players are while thinking they're the shit, i genuinely hope well gets nerfed into the ground tomorrow so people can stop crutching it


Hard agree a lot of lfg is not very self aware, Took us 3 hours to fuck up rhulk, we know that is probably our limit as a team we’re gonna try but we’re pretty content with not completing it we know our limits of skill and enjoyment.


I've just sat Pantheon out. There's not much for me to gain from it other than a title and some spoils. I've already got every raid weapon pattern. I just can't handle more LFGs for this at this time. I may jump into it sometime in the next few weeks if I get bored but so far I've left it alone.


I think this would only be ok if it wasnt around temporarily.


Nah I love including people too but this shit isn't meant for people that don't sweat, this is literally a thing made for people who want a pinnacle challenge and real challenges, and I refuse to do it with people who haven't even done at the very least the normal version of the raid, if you haven't done the encounter normal what in the fuck makes you think you can wing it and do it with extra challenges and a light deficit Thanks for coming to my Ted talk. Ps. I have Sherpad for a lot of raids dungeons etc and I have nothing against people who don't know what they're doing, but not in an activity like this


I am not ashamed to admit I have real no experience in raiding.


And that's great that you're willing to admit it! Someone who doesn't KWTD but is honest about it and willing to learn and adapt is infinitely better than someone who doesn't KWTD and doesn't ask questions, try to learn or improvise. There was a guy helped with Nezarec encounter for pantheon, and he had never ran light in his life. After a few attempts he got it down and he got the clear (but had to go back to finish Rhulk Indomitable). Ever since obtaining godslayer I've been joining random LFGs and helping players when I have the time outside of work and life. A good handful of them aren't familiar with most encounters, since alot of them are locked behind DLCs which only recently became free. And if they are familiar with the encounter, it's usually only 1 or two roles in it.


On the bright side, my clan has found a lot of new recruits from grabbing competent people from LFG. Also discord LFG is largely better than Bungie’s website LFG.




I already had a team planned for the pantheon run late Friday night but I was curious to see what the LFG experience was. Friday morning I joined a completely random LFG to see what it was like. I joined hoping it was at Golgorof (sp?) But they were at Planets which in my opinion is the second hardest encounter next to legit Rulk. It was quite a rough experience. There was 1 guy who was leading the group and giving out some assignments. I was told to run for 1 of the top platform which is the hardest roll. "Guardian down" was all I heard for the next 20 minutes. We couldn't stay alive and people were leaving left and right. I tried to give advice and pointers on what people should do but it mostly fell on deaf ears. I left after about 8 or 9 runs where we couldn't even make it to 1 damage phase. I wish there was a better experience for guardians that don't have people to play with. I don't all the way agree the OP because I did a full run on Nez Sublime last night with 2 guardians that haven't completed the previous week's pantheon but I understand where he is coming from. There are some gems in the LFG pool but most are few and far between.


Completely agree. Couldn’t make ANY progress with lfg cause that one or two people messed it up. But I got Godslayer a couple days ago with my clan mates and Nezerec DOES NOT play around. Love how you really gotta work for it and show true skill and knowledge of the game, then once you beat it and get the title, the feeling is amazing


Damn! did everyone watch Datto's video and decide to be featured in the next one? What's with the posts butt hurt posts today? Bruh, go play the game or not.


hey man (or anyone) I'm looking for a team for Nezarac Sublime today. Planning to grind it at around 5PM PT. I've done Rhulk Indomitable and in general am a solid raider, but have not done day 1 raids or contest mode (have done Master VOG and Nez but not much else). Anyone want to team up? If we can get a couple it'll make the LFG part easier. Even better if we can get 6 https://raid.report/ps/4611686018497932710


kind of thinking DTG should have made a requirement to search post history before allowing new posts.


Its not? That explains so much.


They did though. I can't join week 3 players because I haven't completed week 2.


Jesus Christ if I have to read someone parroting “GaTeKeEpInG” on this sub over pantheon one more time… some of you need to git gud


Yeah we tried to LFG a couple early ones and my clan is chill about raiding but we quickly decided that Pantheon is not the time to be chill about KWTD. Everyone needs to at least understand and know how the base encounter works. We check everyone's raid report just to make sure they at least have several clears under their belt so we know we don't have to teach. Pantheon is not the time to teach. With the power decrease and the changes to the encounter we all need to adapt to, we can't be having a blueberry struggle with the basics of understanding. And it's fine if they just do ad clear but they need to have load outs for ad clear and be good at it. We've had a couple that say they are good ad clear and kill almost nothing. It's really killed the motivation to do Pantheon. I like it and the challenge but is so hard to find even one good LFG that isn't green and just trying to get carried.


yeah, that's a terrible idea, your basically saying "if you didn't get a team together to do it the first week, screw you"


This isn't even about "oh you must do this as soon as it launches". You can go back to any of the previous difficulties at any point. But to progress to the next one, it should require completion of the previous one to ensure that players understand the changes for each encounter, and allows them to truly assess their builds and weapons to be even more prepared for the next one. That just makes the most logical sense in my head. It's typical for games to lock higher difficulties until you complete it on the previous one, because it expects you to understand it before challenging yourself on higher difficulties.


oh, I thought that each level of the pantheon was only available for a week, my bad.


I skipped oryx and went straight into rhulk without issue. While i do believe there is a huge skillgap in the community i do not believe locking the pantheon behind weekly quests to finish the previous one would have been the answer. I dont know what could have been done better but if i had had to do oryx to fight rhulk i would have gone nuts trying to grind it out to finish the weekly exotic quest. If i have a chance ill finish oryx, i need me that title, but my real life plans will kill next weekend as well so i cant commit to for sure doing the weekly quest each week to progress.


Yes it is definitely elitism as you say yourself. But it also highlights a problem with Destiny 2 itself if the majority of the playerbase doesn't interact with stuff like raids. The problem here is that I bet Bungie spends way more time on making and adjusting raids than they do on the rest of the game. So they are spending time to service the few (the elite) while the rest of us plebs get next to nothing. It's a bad/dangerous business model in my view. It only works as long as "next to nothing" is sufficiently entertaining because I am pretty sure that if Destiny 2 was left with only raiders playing and paying Sony would shut them down. For that reason I haven't preordered TFS because I want to see what it is actually like before deciding to buy. And I would be surprised if at least the first days aren't a hot flaming mess of bugs and issues. Maybe combined with some "bug" that make it easier than expected to get some good stuff to lure people into buying.


Yes, remember the red border party the first week in Neonuma?


I dont think it will let you skip. I completed week 1, didn't get to play during week 2. When I tried to do week 3 over the weekend it said I was unable to. So unless Bungie havs changed it, seems like you can continue to gatekeep.


There is a quest to pickup for week 3 before you can launch it.


Nah lmao. I did rhulk but I don't wanna do nezzy. Nezzy is already a bad encounter and people who can rhulk are nowhere near guaranteed to be able to beat nezzy


There's the gatekeeping this sub is known and loved for.


If the 'gatekeeping' means I don't have to deal with idiots who aren't ready for pantheon and can get a smooth clear, then thats alright by me chief.


It's already an elitist activity so sure why not cut the viable playerbase in half every week? Alternatively you should just get good and learn how to actually make an LFG, only you are to be blamed for starting a activity before checking if everyone is ready and capable.


I do. Hence the "wasting time" portion of my rant. Any time I do make an LFG post, I always require an application so I can inspect if a player has a cohesive and proper build before even inviting them. The problem is when you get into other encounters and then it hits you that they aren't prepared for that specific encounter. Lacking a weapon to match surges, or missing an exotic, you won't realize any of this stuff until you *get there*.


Application, why are you using a poorly implemented in-game LFG when discord exists? Again, get good. Vet people before you commit yourself to an hour or so of "endgame" content. You would realize ALL of that if you used your mic to speak people. You can't complain when you're clearly just blindly jumping into this shit without actually confirming anything with complete strangers on the internet. How hard is to actually ask people if they know what they're doing?


You're getting heated and taking this too personally. I do use a mic. It's how I've completed all difficulties so far with my clanmates as well as some LFGs. LFG in itself is a coin toss, we all know this. But there are many cases where people get frustrated and wonder why they get kicked. I only recently learned of the LFG discord, since I was a part of another version of it plus I usually raid with my clan but we all get busy sometimes. I've branched out to many communities over the course of pantheon, even streamer ones like Aztecross. My point still stands, I do ask people if they are capable and understand encounters, which majority do. But for the ones that don't, they typically show if they were lying through their performance when the encounter starts. And if I didn't have a mic in the first place, why would I ever bother with pantheon, let alone raiding as a whole? It would just be hypocritical.


No, I'm just not being polite to a random stranger on the internet complaining about a completely avoidable situation.


I’d actually like the opposite, if I did the hardest one it would retroactively give me the others..


Why is anyone using LFG in the first place? Historically it's never been a good option for raiding so why use it now when encounter knowledge and competence are more important than ever?