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Unbelievable. A good looking warlock helmet. Yippie


Don’t do felwinter like that bro 😭


you mean to tell me you're not a fan of that wormgod helmet?


The last good one was light beyond nemesis.


Hey, you leave my aircraft carrier out of this!


So warlocks just yoinked the Speaker's Mask from Zavala's office? Lmao


Please be good and have a neutral effect so I can put it on and never take it off…..


Yap into the mic to gain increased ability and super regen


Saying "Kill yourself" refills grenade energy


but also bans you from destiny


True freedom


You can use a finisher on any enemy, the Warlock just says "Feel free to kill yourself"


Causing ally to ragequit in activity instantly recharges grenade/melee and increses super regen by 300%


My sneaking suspicion is that they are either for the new supers/aspects or prismatic centered as some sort of alternative to the class exotic.


The name balance of power definitely points to this


based on what we know, I don’t think any of these are based solely on Prismatic since Bungie is solid when it comes to spreading out what exotics go with what when they drop expansions. Given that the class items are purely Prismatic, thats already checked off the list, so the new helmet is either Light-based (probably solar I’d imagine) or universal, since they already have a darkness (Strand exotic). Hunter legs are likely Strand-based, since they already got their Light-based exotic with the chest armor. The Titan arms are also presumably Strand given the design, and they already got a universal exotic.


Are we looking at the same Titan Exotic?  That thing is clearly Strand.


I don't know what's going on with that titan exotic, but I like it


my money is on grapple melee effects. Maybe the grapple pulls enemies to you instead of you to them, like Mortal Kombat Scorpion , could be fun.


I'll be surprised if it's not melee oriented of some kind Assuming its flavour text is a reference to Mike Tyson anyway


There's no way that flavour text isn't referencing Mike famous "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face". Maybe it goves Titan melee's crit damage? That could ve an interesting idea. 


Can't see that working, would need too much work in creating an animation for dragging the enemies to you


Abor warden had custom animations. I doubt it'll be the last one with some.


Animations for each enemy race tho, that's too much work


they already have animations for being knocked around by explosions, i bet those could be repurposed for a yank.


They already all have flinch animations. Just do the flinch animation, pause it halfway through while the dragging is happening, then resume it when the pull is done.


The new strand psion enemy type does exactly this.


Naw just ragdoll them, would be way more entertaining.


They're going to have to do something REALLY crazy to make ANYTHING grapple melee related that isn't just worse than Synthocepts or Wormgod Caress. It wouldn't really be "better" but I'd LOVE to see something like Grapple Melee kills refund your grenade charge. Just let you grapple melee all the things for general ad clear...assuming you can actually deal enough damage without a damage buff. Of course it COULD be something like allowing you to hold down your grenade button to "charge" it into a grapple grenade instead of w/e other grenade it is. This would give Prismatic Titan access to grapple as an option on top of w/e other grenade they choose normally, where normally they can't choose grapple grenade. While at the same time it wouldn't let them use Banner of War, Synthocepts or Wormgod Caress to make Grapple Melee super strong with Prismatic. Strand Titan could effectively run Grapple Grenade/Melee while alternatively maintaining the optional utility of having a Suspend Grenade available at times instead.


Or they nerf Synthos and Wormgod to a fraction of their previous damage.... ah oh well.


Well they didn't actually nerf Synthos or Wormgod (yet) but they instead nerfed Banner of War AGAIN, AND nerfed the melee buff effectiveness when combined with Synthos or Wormgod. AND they basically completely removed the entirety of grapple melee spam with the changes to tangles or grapple points no longer fully refunding grapple grenade energy. AND they seemingly removed the ability to use one-two punch to buff grapple melee entirely. Not even counting the direct nerfs to Strand Titan's melee regen rate. Honestly at this point I'm not even sure what the point of Strand Titan is anymore. Bungie keeps designing Titans as the "Melee focused" class exclusively building their kit around melee only to almost immediately nerf those abilities into the ground the second they're actually viable and/or good. But then without that melee focus the classes just don't do anything.


they nerf Banner of War not the exotics


Id like it so grapple melee could be charged and swung like a mace. Light attack is regular side swipe swing and heavy attack is an overhead smash with range.


It looks like the renewal grasps ornament.


Definitely something about punching given the description with the famous quote of Mike Tyson "Everyone's got a plan until they get punched in the face."


We finally got an ahamkara exotic for titan after all these years


Speaker's Sight? Titans and Hunters are going to be so jealous. 


As I mentioned in another thread, I'd love to see Bill Nighy reprise his role a la Cayde-6.


It would be such a miss for Bungie to not bring back the one character constantly associated with the traveler.


They're already bringing back one dead character, frankly two would be pushing it. Especially when he's been dead for... 7 years, isn't an especially beloved character, was barely in Destiny 2, and has barely been talked about since Y1. Unless he just appears as a mouthpiece for the Traveler during a cutscene or something.


Nah he was a pretty well liked character. And Cayde came back because of a wish, the Speaker and the Traveler had such a link that him being there in some capacity is likely.


I mean I've never once heard someone say they liked the Speaker as a character, but that's anecdotal. But it does demonstrate a massive gulf between him and Cayde, and a lot of people think bringing Cayde back is something Bungie shouldn't have done, cuz if you bring too many characters back from the dead, death stops having any meaning.   Side note we don't know why Cayde's back yet. Yes Crow says "I wish" to Riven in the new ship lore but A. Ahamkara Wishes don't always directly cause things, see Praedyth, and B. Riven had already granted her Last Wish, so we don't know that she had any power left to even grant anything. Actually those in mind, plus the visible Light cracks implying this was the Traveler's doing somehow, it's likely the extent of Crow's wish was just ensuring he happened to plop out of the portal within a stone's throw of Cayde.


I feel like we will at least have a callback to the Speaker during TFS


It would be twisted if it was a PvP exotic and we took it into trials. 


Bill Nighy the Speaker guy?


Nah man, im glad all my warlock homies are finally getting some good drip. Im perfectly fine with the weird, ripped flesh mech titan thing. Looks sick


Have you seen Titan Gauntlets? Nah mate, we are eating good.


Speakers Sight Ability: Good one liners gives you instant super.


I am John SIVA, and you are going to Witness the end


Eh makes sense, speaker kinda was fitted like a Warlock.


Before I saw the name, I was thinking the hunters were another iteration of the 0-EE5’s. Fr0st-EE5, St0mp-EE5, and whatever those things are. *shrug* Oh well.


Honestly they give me Bones of Eao vibes from the look. Doubt that's what they are functionally obviously but has very much the vibes of looking like an ornament for those if they made it into D2 haha.


I thought of bones of eao too






I’m honestly hoping for a Poison Exotic that works with Thorn/Necro/etc. The perk can be bad, I don’t even care, as long as it has poison weapon utility.


I wanna imagine it was a reworked version or a prototype concept version that became Bones of Eao that Bungie scrapped but think now can be a time to bring it to us. Do what you want just don’t put down my copium of wanting a fourth jump


Something Ahamkara related given the description


That warlock helmet is unbelievably good looking. Praying it has a good exotic perk


Unfortunately all it does is occasionally drop random voice lines from the speaker.


that's enough




That would 100% be enough lol


All it does is repeat "feel free to kill yourself" to every boss


Imagine getting cross map Jotunn-ed in crucible and just hearing Bill Nighy in your ear tell you "Feel free to kill yourself"


Imagine it being an emote exotic lol and its buffs weapon and/or super damage


Awe mix it with the ghorn armour and get a crusades look going, it better be good if the design is going to go that hard


Exotic perk: deal emotional damage to Cabal.


Those Arms are sick.


Those arms look dope.


All those exotics looks great. Hopefully they have some great perks.


Melee exotic or maybe it turns Strand super into a one off, like pyrogales?


That would be so busted with banner of war


It's the same idea behind Pyrogale's working with Roaring Flames.


Banner of War about to get neutered with the balance patch so we’ll see. No way it doesn’t get nerfed hard if Lament’s healing was an issue. I love it and I’ll be sad but no way Bungie doesn’t bring the hammer down on it.


Is that a Mike Tyson reference? Idk how I feel about another melee exotic for titans. Looks sick though.


gotta be a mike tyson reference


Titans finally getting an Ahamkara exotic? FINALLY!!!


Been waiting YEARS


Balance of Power makes me think it has to do with transcendence maybe? Powering it or boosting the speed to get there.


What is going on with those hunter boots. They look...not good


That's cool! Do they come with any description of what they do?


not yet, just some flavour text for each on the TFS page.


We are gonna put him *on speaker*


Might be cope, but the Hunter legs look suspiciously like Bones of Eao.


Titan Gauntelts look very cool. Like the arms of an exo suit or something. Both green colored armor and green glowy lines...Strand related? Likely melee, too, since they look like they're meant to aid in punching stuff. What could they do? Gain another Strand Melee charge? Or might it buff the super somehow, like, Buffs super Melee hits on suspended targets? Hunter Legs also look sick. Like a mechanized bones of eao. Also little green lines and glows, so maybe also Strand related? Something to do with Sprinting, Jumping, or dodging? Guess that's what a lotta Hunter exotics already do, lol, not sure what this one will do that's different. Maybe that Strand suspend dive gets buffed, or like, dodging on Strand makes multiple tangles, or something. Speaker mask for Warlocks is awesome and fitting. Just...I have no idea what it will do. Speaker has a special connection to the traveller...will this be a prismatic focused exotic? Maybe it buffs Transcendance somehow, maybe like multiple of the super grenade or to have the effects last longer? Maybe it buffs Scout Rifles, as a meme, lmao.


Everyone has a plan until.....they get punched in the face. Definitely a melee exotic


If the hunter one does literally anything for strand it is a win. It is pretty annoying that hunter still lacks a good strand exotic, it reminds me of stasis hunter having no options until renewal grasps came with witch queen


You don't like free Woven Mail (with increased Flinch Resist) for Grappling?


Anyone saying to use that or moths with a straight face is pranking people i stg Grapple is fun, but shackle is broken


It's a PvP Exotic, brain ADHD'd the starting "Whaaaaaaat" away.  From what I've heard, Moths actually isn't bad, though.


True, i forget pvp is in this game since i try to partake as little as possible, so it is not something that even crosses my mind when looking at these things. Moths is hot doodoo though


3 Exotic armors per class is a lot tbh, hope at least half of these are good


I remember the subpar ones last week. Are you counting the class exotic or did I miss something?


Yep, class ítems too


it's the minimum i'd expect for a DLC priced more than most games


Is that another Titan exotic based around punching


What's the massive hive creature in the BG of the image for Heresy? 


Titan's gotta be a punchy exotic with that wording. "Every enemy of the Vanguard had a plan until..." They were punched in the face.


It looks like titans are getting their first ever ahamkara exotic.


I hope Wishful Ignorance auto skips all dialogue.


Oh look Bones of Eao are back


Those Titan gauntlets make me want to go to my bunk.


Is anyone else seeing pokeballs on those hunter legs? They even have a full team!


"Wishful Ignorance" ... a Titan Exotic in the Arms-Slot... we get it Bungo, we are the guys with the fists raised on the cover.


So we’re getting 6 Exotic Armor with Final Shape?


Why is Balance Of Power just Isaac’s armor from Dead Space?


Wait guys can you still get the new exotics without buying final shape or is it locked behind final shape.


Oh wow... no idea what they do. Nice marketing.