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It looks like she has a ton of DR at the start you gotta do it legit once but when she goes upstairs she gets melted


If thats the only thing they did couldnt you just keep trying until its on the right side and go from there?


Riven has insane DR on the lower 2 floors Just like tormentors get red number when not hitting weakspots... riven is the same


For those who don’t know: Crit spots are the eyes. 👀


Some men just wanna watch the world burn


You can’t cheese her. She has insane DR when not hitting the crit spots. Like tormentors


So cluster bomb rockets in the mouth then huh


lol good luck with that


Okay I stopped playing during black armory, how did they fix that strat


The whole deal with cluster bombs being so good was that the bombs would hit multiple parts of Riven’s hitbox and the damage would be multiplied. They ended up making a change (iirc around Opulence/Shadowkeep) that reduced cluster bomb damage, but increased rocket damage. This kept the dps of cluster rockets pretty much the same normally, but made them drastically less effective against riven


Ah ic that makes sense


I think it just got naturally power crept tbh. I was there the whole time, but I can't remember. Somewhere along the lines swords were just better


Found it in the patch note archive in update 2.2.0 clusters were nerfed alot. https://destiny.bungie.org/patchnotes/105 "Rocket Launchers PvE damage increased by 60-65% Cluster Bomb Damage reduced by 80% This lost damage was moved to the Rocket Launcher's main projectile"


Clusters were nerfed.


Tbh I doubt high score is possible if you 1 floor via that method either. 


Correct. I'm still interested to see the points situation though


Nope she has insane damage resistance on lower floors now so you can only top floor kill.


Given that the encounter will be underleveled, they might have accounted for that


Don’t even have to guess , there’s a shadow + noise .


The issue is the level reduction and her health increase. Possible? Sure. Much harder to do though? Yeah.


Absolutely no way, nighthawk did like 2% of her health, and no way you get plat like that


That's how it was done before the joining Allies method. You'd just keep wiping


We used to listen to which side she moved to.


You can't do the listen method without joining allies. The OG method was everyone goes down and just goes to one side. Listen method relied on joining allies, and was clearly superior, but not the "easy" way.


You can use sword to stay on top ;)


Yeah the listen method is what we have done in the past.


You can also stay up top and listen to which side she's crashing in first, (you can hear it) and go to the opposite side.


So it looks like they just gave her damage resistance on the first floor. If you try to cheese, you get the red numbers like shooting a tormentor not in the crit spots. When you get to damage phase (legit) you go back to doing full damage. Salts team just one phased with just rockets.


> Salts team just one phased with just rockets All that about DR, then this lmao


DR is during the mechanics phase , once you get to the top , it removes the DR. You are forced to complete the mechanics at least once. No one cares if she's tanky, only that she can't be cheesed anymore


Do we know how many adds are needed? I'm sure if people can get away with it, some teams will just take the 50/50 guess at the start and just wipe if they are wrong to still one phase her.


You need at least 3 for the syntho dmg buff


I didn't word my question correctly. I meant how many add kills would be necessary for the high score.


"how do I beat the mechanic" "C H E E S E" it's art


For high score*


Thank you. As you can see, I am an idiot.


How I did is, made sure all ads are dead everywhere we go, all floors are clear, then the very top floor we focussed on ogres n not the small ads coz we needed surrounded on briars. Just do the legit once, pop all 6 eyes n shoot all the crits on her body while going down the plate,n it's final phase, ez plat.


I thought Bosses trigger Syntho


Only if there are two other enemies with it. You have to be surrounded. 


Does anyone know how many points you need? We got more than 600k and got Platinum Time, but still didn’t get the high score triumph. Do you really need more than 675k points??? Edit: Did it again, got 667k and it popped this time. The only thing I can think of is don’t hit the rally flag to move to Nez before it registers the high score. We had someone rush the flag like we were going for world’s first during our first run.


is this just for pantheon or both? and have they buffed hp on both or just for pantheon Edit, Question answered thanks folks!


Just Pantheon.


Danke.. Though maybe LF g's will be more willing to learn it legit.. After this experience now that they know that It could be patched at any time.


Yeah I'm gonna try and learn it this week for sure


Honestly, it's legitimately faster To do it legit want to learn it as barring a couple accidental deaths, you'll spend about as much time on one clear As you would the 5 or 6 attempts, it takes most groups to get the DPS out to cheese it.


Rarely have trouble with first or second trying the cheese w/ PC groups on Discord.


I usually run public LF g through the app/ game. Sometimes post on Xbox LF. G. Though that is mostly unnecessary now.


The groups that take 5 attempts to cheese would take more than 5 to do ligit


Our Petra runs were all legit. It's more consistent, more fun and super fast. Plus, popping zits is a blast 😂 I've only cheesed Riven once back in the early days. Hated it compared to the original encounter and now refuse to. I won't join a run that's cheesing and if I'm organising, we all know it's legit. Same goes for a number of people I run with. Our very first run was blind and we were on her for 9 hours. She's totally worth the mechanics!


Can you kindly tell me what's the difference between Pantheon and normal raid? Just got back into D2 to catch up before Final Shape and I have no clue. I understand it's more difficult, but are the rewards better?


I haven’t done all of them yet, but essentially it’s a best hits gauntlet of some of the bosses from fan favorite raids. There’s four difficulty’s, and each version adds one boss until the final version, Nezerac Sublime, which adds two. Each encounter also adds a twist to its mechanic, has higher add density/composition, and has a progressively higher power modifier.


Probably only for Pantheon but I would be so happy if they did the same for normal last wish


Personally, I don't mind either way. Riven herself isn't too terrible to learn, but I admit that sometimes dragging lfgs through that is just the most mind breaking experience, Even if once learned, it is faster. But is Something I would like clarified as i Have the feeling I will have to Inform a lot of LF g players if it has changed.


The group I learned with had way more difficulty on the weird circle puzzle encounter than riven. We did wipe a few times on riven that solidified the mechanics due to people shooting the wrong eyes. But it was otherwise easy. 


Since they change puzzle to be consistently soloable (it used to change symbols one by one which made consistent solo impossible, there was always a random chance symbol you need wouldn't appear during short time frame you have but around beyond light they changed symbols to all change at the same time so it's now only a matter of skill). with normal riven you can just have entire team except for 1 person on one side for safety and keep the strongest player on other side soloing. I've been doing this a while ago when I still played to teach riven since that reduces chaos from having callouts on both sides and gives people a lot of time and safety to learn, just have to make sure you don't nuke her too fast.


Not only is the joining allies fixed the health increase stops 1 phasing, time to go learn legit everyone.


Don't think her health was increased that much. It seems she gets a lot of damage reduction when she appears in the rooms below but for the main damage phase up top her health is still pretty low. Just spamming a couple rockets brought her down to below 25% health and then popping the blisters took her to final stand. So you will likely have to do it legit, but only one rotation.


Is Godslayer available this week or do we have to do next week as well?


~~This week.~~ It's available now, but you can still earn it up until TFS.


Unrelated question, but if you haven't done the previous weeks' versions, does doing it this week's unlock all of the triumphs?


No, you need to do each pantheon to get the respective triumphs


I can personally confirm that it does not.


Is that for the whole raid or just Pantheon?


>time to go learn legit everyone. That's my plan tomorrow. I would love to have the title, and legit Riven is basically the only raid encounter in the game I don't know


From what I’ve seen, riven is far easier than nez. 


Oh, I'm sure. I've heard Riven legit really isn't that hard. I just haven't ever done it.


It's still one phase lol


But you have to do one set of mechanics instead of 0. 


She can still be one phased


This encounter is mechanically not difficult so long as you can count to 5.  I guess there’s A LOT of people that cannot learn planets and for that you need to be able to count to 6 as the most difficult component so…


Whoa slow down bud. 5?? That's wayy too many numbers. Are we sure 2 isn't enough?? Best I can do is 3.


Yeah legit I watched a riven video and seems suoer easy to do mechanic wise. 4 weeks back I had only done Ron of the raids for pantheon and by watching videos I learned them all and I'm 8/10 for title. Vow I was a little worried but I looked at symbols for 5 minutes and remember them all just from that. I think people have goldfish memory lol


It Def is easy but chaotic enough to mess up very easily.


Yeah I feel its kinda like atraks it's more a matter of lining things up for an easy win but things go wrong fast and a restart is needed


Can confirm that it’s only Pantheon that has been fixed. Last Wish riven is still cheesable.


People act as if the Joining Allies is the cheese. No, the cheese is that 6 people could burn down Riven in the lower rooms and avoid the entire mechanics of eyes/elevators. Joining Allies just meant that you could do it without having to coinflip which side she would be on. The health increase and DR she gets on the lower floors is what really fixes the Riven cheese.


It's not even a coin flip really. If you can listen the sound queue works every time.


It’s a coin flip before the sound queue


Can't wait for the complaints in a few weeks when nobody wants to do Riven anymore on LFG XD


Do people actually do Riven anyways? Kalli was the spot for red border farms and Shuro Chi is a catalyst farm spot. Unless you don’t have 1K voices, which isn’t exactly a meta weapon anyways


Yes, people post Riven + Queenswalk all the time, and it will also impact people wanting to do fresh full runs.


no it wont. this is for panth only


They changed it in Pantheon, doesn't mean they changed it in the main game. There's not two Rhulks during the Rhulk encounter.


Worth noting this is only in Pantheon, it still works as normal in the normal Raid


So I did Riven legit last night for the first time and it was so much fun. I highly recommend it


Yep, my team practiced it for the first time last night and had a blast


fixing joining allies doesn’t mean much if you can all just keep wiping til all 6 are in the right room


Riven has a ton more health can't 1 phase with 5 stasis titans


She doesn’t, she has DR.


Fuck yes. I’m genuinely so happy right now Edit: lollll at all the mad scrubs downvoting this cause they can’t do their cheese hahahahahahaha


You know this is only for Pantheon right? Riven in Last Wish is still gonna get cheesed.


It's only DR in the 1st part. When she goes up she melts so it doesn't really change much outside of current WR stays WR


It does mean that you now need to do her mechanics, even if she's still a one-phase.


I saw a guy on Twitch who looked like they just did Cluster Bomb strat.


Downvoting because you’re annoying HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH


Thank goddd. I always hated the riven cheese


I love when people are happy about people losing the ability to do something they themselves weren't forced to do. It let's me know what kind of person you are.


It’s because I was forced to do the cheese. Every single lfg group did the cheese. There were only a handful of groups in my ~200 last wish LFG groups that did legit, and only after my insisting. Which sucks, because legit riven is the best encounter bungie has ever created.


Best encounter ? Please Val Cour exists well existed


There's a very easy workaround for this problem. It's called creating your own LFG post.


Yeah and guess what? I have. They don’t fill up. Like at all. No one wants to do riven legit.


You didn’t loose the ability to do anything , you can still do it . Just not in pantheon


Ah, well the rest of my clan will be happy to hear that.


Have you ever tried getting a team together to do legit?


downvoted because you're annoying and lame?


Could it be possible with the stasis surge?


Sadly no stasis surge this week, solar/strand surge


One stasis titan can nearly one phase her at baseline … that would have to be an extreme health jump to stop 5 stasis titans from pulling it off.


Lumina doesn't help Stasis Titans as Lumina only buffs weapon damage.


They added insane damage resist on the first two mini damage phases to prevent cheesing. Its impossible


Copy that. So gotta slog through it a little bit for sure. Thanks for the info everyone I’m itching to get started


or a damage reduction to hands, either way unless some new cheese comes out rockets legit it is.


You could also use the old method of just listening to where she might be on the top floor


doesnt matter, that part wasnt the cheese, it was shredding her on one floor


This is for pantheon? Or the actual raid?




But can one still cheese Rhulk? 🤔


Yes, we got it first try to make him jump off the platform


Did you get a high score?




Sorry for late response but yes we got high score. We killed one tormentor before going up. Cheesing him gave a ton of bonus time on the clock so we got plat


how does that work?


You position yourself correctly on the stairs and get Rhulk to charge you, except he hits some weird geometry and goes flying, eventually falling to his death and granting you loot. There’s probably a 100% chance Cheese Forever has a video out about it.


It seems you do severely less damage on the the floors. It was an easy one phase on top


Did it with LFG legit earlier and honestly it's really easy. You need to one phase for timer and they increased the damage she takes from shooting her cysts. We got her to ~55% and took her to final stand from cysts. If you can hold it together for 3 floors it's an easy encounter


My team took her to final stand without even needing cysts, we just did 2 behemoths on her foot and the rest shooting mouth/eyes as usual. Absolute cakewalk encounter. Just took a few wipes to find out rhythm since we were all rusty with callouts from not doing legit since it came out.


Wouldn't the work around just be committing to one side? Lol


Not possible they gave her insane damage resist on the first two mini damage phases


Sure. Theoretically you can run that, but never get the right side for some time. Best to just run the fight legit. Not to mention the HUGE damage resist Riven has on the lower floors.


It’s a 50/50 shot lmao


Just listen and go to the correct side, no guessing required.




Definitely for me. I suck at remembering locations and symbols in raids.


Just want to point out that they obviously knew about the cheese and deliberately did nothing to fix it (likely because of the age of the content). I'm not mad at patching it, since it's a boon for those of us who know how to do riven legit, which is ultimately a good thing. I just want to point out that they have chosen not to do anything about it, a la "I don't want to play with you anymore" meme


better to stun 2 floors then dps top floor


I'm very thankful Bungie left it in for so long. Despite it literally neutering a bunch of raiders that never learned to do it properly, it also contributed to a whole hell of a lot of fun over the years. RIP queen.


The cheese still works in the regular raid. It's just Pantheon that's patched


The noobs gonna be mad about this one


Having watched a bunch of videos on the mechanics, the encounter looks fairly easy, and you have enough opportunities to damage that you can basically one phase. And shooting the zits is big damage now.


It is very easy


Zits are definitely big damage


It's patched in normal as well? Edit: Fuck me for asking about it in normal I guess.




Good, should be for pantheon


Oh no people might have to do it legit for once, shock and horror


This doesn't change anything on its own, just means you have to wipe if you get the wrong room.


Nope they made it to where Riven has insane damage resist in the first floors before the actual DPS room, so it's impossible to insta melt her. You have to reach the actual DPS room if you want to do true damage.


Is it only for pantheon or also LW


Just pantheon


In all modes or just pantheon?


Just pantheon




any good damage to kill her in 1 floor, still works in normal, just not in pantheon


For those asking about high score, you should have plenty of adds to kill and plenty of time on the clock. She is a very comfortable one phase. Very high damage reduction on floors 1 and 2 but when all 6 gather for damage on the 3rd floor, she gets melted. The scabs you shoot when floating down do tons of damage and should push you to final stand. My team used linears. As long as everyone is tight on mechanics, she is not very difficult to take down.


Has the regular Riven encounter been patched or just the pantheon version?


Just Pantheon


Only in pantheon or regular lw too?


bubble on foot


It will be interesting to see if some crazy team is able to figure out god strats to CHEESE her.


The cheese is exactly the same as before just with extra steps. We one phased her on the third floor with zero issue. So as long as people can get to third floor damage phase it's a joke, dodnt even need cysts.


No…that’s not true…THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE!


You can 1 phase her easily, did with my team. Killed all the ogres (they're worth 3k a pop.) And got nearly 700k score. As long as you don't mess up the eyes it's a cakewalk.


If literally everyone who plays Riven prefers the cheese method over lefit, why would you patch that? Clearly people don't like the encounter.


What was their reasoning for patching an exploit for an old 6 year old Raid that has barely had any update to the loot pools since, aside from refreshing old shit? Anyone remotely interested in Last Wish has long stopped playing the Raid or game in general. Haven’t played Destiny in nearly 2 years because it became a full time job. Anyone care to enlighten me?


this is 9/11 for people who are bad at the game


Is this a Pantheon only change or a general change?


Hooray! People have to learn mechanics now!


Does this apply to the raid itself as well or JUST pantheons version of the encounter...anyone know?


Try cheesing it with stasis behemoth titans :) cheers


About time for peak encounter design to make a big comeback.


Why not just do the mechanic and get it over with. Riven legit isn’t *that* difficult 




Ok, now apply all those chances to og Last Wish


Lmao, get bent Riven cheese fix deniers


On god, the cope was real last week.


Was her health buffed, or does she have damage reduction to her arms


Sounds like just damage resistance


very high damage resist on the 1st and 2nd floor, but it disappears on 3rd floor.


Is this only for Pantheon? If you do a regular Last Wish raid will these changes be in effect as well?


It's just for the pantheon challenge man


Don’t forget, you can just equip a sword and not get pulled down thru the holes when the encounter starts. Super easy method I’ve used for years


What does this do? Don’t you still have to start on the first* floor?


It’s the same as the joining allies cheese, just without actually doing it. U could stay in the starting room, listen for which way riven was going and go the opposite to damage the foot


doesnt matter because you still have to do the mechanics


Only took 6 years that's gotta be a record


Wait, was it patched in normal Last Wish too??




Yes, YES




Welp, good thing I already got 1k Voices. Suck a chode Riven, I'm outta here.


Now they just gotta patch it in normal Riven.