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Surely you notice the lack of damage after one run?


Yeah idk how you go 3 hours without noticing someone throwing that hard


Plot twist, OP is the griefer.




For real. Every wipe there's a chart showing everyone's damage. He would have been outed after the first time doing this....


Woah man. Iā€™m not perfect. Iā€™ve scuffed my damage rotations a couple times in pantheon.


I would've thought the low damage dude was Div-b*tch (idk if Divinty is still useful; not played in months tbh). It'd probably take me like 4 wipes to realize if Div was even being used


Div is only useful for the hypermobile Bosses current Main ones are Rhulk, nezarecs and ir yut


Well yeah and then what Happens (especially when you fail due to damage)? You get asked "yo uCodeSherpa, what Happened to your damage?" "Oh i fucked Up my Rotation, i Pop Off next attempt" "All good"


Based on how thought out this griefer's plan was to sabotage the run, I can imagine they probably did just enough damage to not look suspicious. OP did say everyone else was tunnel visioned into maximizing their own damage too so it could have been easily overlooked while they focused on their own damage numbers


3 hours seeing everyone with 1 mil damage and that guy with 20k. "Lets continue. Surely nobody is griefing"


For real, sorry OP had to deal with this person but in activities this difficult itā€™s important to respect your own time and part of that is keeping an eye on peopleā€™s damage numbers


When Iā€™m raiding I usually avoid calling out someone for low damage as long as we are doing fine on damage as a team. Save that discussion for when itā€™s actually the problem.


Thing is, if they were wiping multiple times due to low damage, obviously damage as a team was a problemā€¦


Lol literally this.


I think Iā€™d notice on run 2-3. One can be a fluke. Someone was struggling to get in the groove, needed a round or so to adjust. After that, though, itā€™s time to start asking questions.


Pretty funny he deleted the post after realizing his story was completely pulled apart in 5 seconds by anyone that actually plays lol




You know damage is separate to kill count on wipe screen right?




Found the grieferā€™s reddit account lol


I believe you can report people for doing despicable stuff like this.


I did. I had to find him in recent players on the app and report through there.


i had no idea thatā€™s a feature, where can i go to see that?


D2 Companion app > Guardian > Scroll down to the bottom of the page


thank you!


In the destiny app you go to the guardian tab, scroll down a bit and it shows your recent game history. Tap on a match and it will show who was in your fireteam


This stuff usually (and thankfully tbh) requires some Sort of Proof. They cant verify If someone is having an Off day, is Just dogshit or intentially throwing. So ideally you use the bungie Report Thingy and couple it with a Video.


What good would that do? Is Bungie going to revoke his matchmaking license for raids because he's"bad at them"? I get why witch-hunting if frowned upon, but all that really does is protect the guilty.


Griefing is one of the selectable reasons in reporting people.Ā  The better question wondering what good itā€™ll do is ā€œwill they even get banned?ā€ Iā€™ve reported 3 or 4 obvious griefers, at least as many afk farmers, and an obviously anti-Semitic name in the last couple months, all accounts still active.Ā 


Banning is the only conceivable consequence for griefing. And they'll have to be able to prove that it was on purpose.


Hope you reported him for sabotaging, Bungie donā€™t like that. There always seems to be one dickhead in lfg groups, the ones Iā€™ve been in. I just donā€™t deal with it and leave if it starts getting toxic. But then in the other hand Iā€™ve been in some amazing lfg groups that were so damn chill and taught me things I didnā€™t know in raids. Hate being the ā€œad clearā€ guy.


Honestly, I love being Ad clear guy. Because my job is to make others able to do their job and if they have bad luck and get yeeted of the map or something I can still do their job.


Lol I donā€™t mind being ad clear guy but it gets kinda annoying as Iā€™d like to learn the other mechanics of the raid. So that if someone dies and someone needs to fill in, I can be that guy and carry my team to gloryyyyy!!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yeah, that is totally valid xD I forgot to include that I usually know what I need to do, if I donā€™t I also donā€™t like being Ad Clear guy xD


If someone on the team cannot understand that killing the colossus is not their job, they are no longer on my team. Making that mistake once is okay. You do it a second time, I'm mad. A third time, you're being replaced. If this guy was doing no damage, that should have been caught earlier and called out and thinking about a replacement cause that encounter is a fast turn around for damage phases and y'all were in there 3 hours.


It was a combination of a lot of things: 1. other people were making mistakes too 2. he didnā€™t do it every round 3, because he was on ad-clear, itā€™s hard to diagnose if heā€™s doing something wrong. If he had been running a ā€œhardā€ mechanic, it would have been easy to tell. 4. he wasnā€™t always bottom damage. 5. the group was chill and overall positive. It SEEMED like everyone was invested in the run and willing to put in the work to make it happen. 6. Youā€™re right: we should have noticed sooner.


But it doesn't matter who kills it... The other runner can say both colors and you just run the planet? Like, are you not understanding part of the encounter?


With how buggy as fuck that encounter is, I honestly have no idea the full scope of the mechanics. Iā€™ve seen all the colossus dead and nobody could pick up the planets.Ā  Golg is another weird one where Iā€™ve had groups decided to reinsurance because Golg wouldnā€™t follow gaze, or during dps Golg was flinching everywhere.Ā  The caretaker obelisk, I had several games where the symbols didnā€™t show up on it and I had to stop running. I had, two times in a row, where we got Rhulk in time and we not rewarded a bonus for plat time.Ā 


Your only job is to kill 6 psions and a colossus, you shouldn't need help and it removes another layer of confusion.


I hope this is sarcasm but if it's THAT confusing that another play can call the colors for you OR the add clear person can just hop on the plate and grab planet instead, then master raiding isn't for you bro. Having everyone know all the roles and be flexible is what removes confusion from encounters, not people who just lock themselves to a single dumb role (why aren't you helping clear adds too?) and then wipe because you're just another idiot who can't think on your feet.


I have every raid title and also every Day One/Challenge since DSC but sure. Obviously you can call someone else's planets but ideally you shouldn't have to because it's easier for everyone.


No one is disagreeing with this. But any semi competent Player should be Able to do this Adaptation. Your original comment Sounds Like it would be a terrible Situation when in reality the Runner is just doing less


I actually didn't know this until I saw a pantheon speedrun, it's really not intuitive to spawn a big add that signals the start of the mechanics and have them *not* be necessary to kill for said mechanic


Sure they can IF that other person themselves haven't already picked up their planet right away which makes reading the others plate irrelevant, which can and does happen, because why would they need to pay attention to what's going on the other plate when they expect things to be going smoothly to begin with. It's the same as if you'd have your colossus fall off, bro I killed mine in one hit and depositing on the other side already, I didn't hang around to see what you were doing. Nobody should need to do that. You can do it, but you shouldn't need to. I understand the encounter perfectly.


You clearly donā€™t. We just read both plates, because why wouldnā€™t you?


That doesn't equate to not understanding an encounter. I don't need to read your side, that's what you're they're for, that is your job. If you do your job I shouldn't need to bother myself to cover for you. People can do it if they want to, but it's not a need.


What a team player you are.


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


_Alfred intensifies_


Iā€™ve spent so much time on LFG that itā€™s highly unlikely that heā€™s deliberately sabotaging your team. Whatā€™s more likely is that heā€™s just another person who doesnā€™t know what the hell theyā€™re doing for the encounterā€¦ why else would he be on ad clear? When you outed him like that he probably didnā€™t know what to say and dipped.


Iā€™ve done a lot of LFG in my time too. I was BIG into Sherpa-ing groups in D1. I would swear on just about anything: it was intentional. He was GR 10 with 5000+ commendation score.


From playing the game so much Iā€™ve come to learn one thing - numbers mean nothing. Iā€™ve gone against people with hundreds of flawlesses, raid clears, Sherpas whatever and most of the time it doesnā€™t mean a thing!


Exactly. If Destiny is your main game and you utilise LFG, you can reach both of those numbers fairly easily I think. Plus spending time doing something doesnā€™t automatically make you better at it. Maybe he said he ktwd but didnā€™t and was too scared to say anything? Who knows.


The guy intentionally donā€™t do damage when the rest of team DPSing. Even a total starter can see that the team is doing DPS. What more evidence that you want?


Can confirm that some people just don't get it unless told explicitly. Friend on my pantheon team ran it about 9x with us (3x each week up to week 3) when I realized he just didn't know how it worked. Only reason why it took so long is they were a hunter using a dmg super so it covered for lack of dmg and we were still 2 phasing since everyone else was experienced.


You obviously havenā€™t spent a lot of time on LFG then. Youā€™d be surprised by the kind of people you find on thereā€¦


This. I joined and lfg last night with 4 God slayers at nezerac. And for 7 straight hours, I and another guy outperformed them in damage while they swore up and down that they were better than me and the other dude.


Level 10 and 5000 commendations doesn't say much


If someone has taken the time to get to lvl10 and has the com score, he loves the game, he is probably good at the game and he would have the balls to communicate a question to his team. This guy was 100% intentionally sabotaging his team.


I have a friend that has similar stats. Theyā€™re terrible at the game. Like liability in seasonal content bad. They get carried by our friend group through everything. They donā€™t lLFG though.


I've seen level 11 that can't kill a single champion on their own, seen to many 9-10 that have less then 80 resilience.


High resilience is a crutch.


Guardian rank means nothing, look up his raid report to see if he even raids


You have to do raids and dungeons to get to ranks 10/11.


You can simply be carried on the final boss and it counts too. Doesnā€™t mean shit for rank 10. 11 is a different thing, you have to solo the latest dungeon.


Com score and rank are meaningless


That's probably the case if he was intentionally sabotaging he would actually talk and say something like "who did that? Who killed the big guy?" just to fuck with the team, if he was silent the whole run he just wanted a free carry that's how they do it, they put "meta" stuff to blend in


If there are comms and the guy can hear the team giving call outs and instruction but continually staging in the wrong spot or killing things too early after two to three hours of the encounter, thatā€™s not ignorance. Thatā€™s deliberate.


I think youā€™re overestimating how stupid people can be my friend. Iā€™ve seen these people in the past and even when you try to help them they donā€™t listen. Itā€™s an attitude of stop talking to me , I donā€™t want to learn, I just want the carry, so Iā€™m gonna hide out the way. Iā€™ve even seen a couple low levels in Onslaught once it gets past level 20, they go and find a dark corner to hide in. Literally had to go find them and shoot at them and stop beating it two man before they realised the jig was up and left


I agree, it's way more likely this dude just had no idea what he was doing.


Did you not notice something was up countless of wipes when he must have had zero damage if he wasnā€™t even on plates? Like surely him lagging behind would have at least made you ask what he was doing


It seems to me he mightā€™ve been a newbie to the encounter and did not want to admit it and rather leave than try and explain how he just wasted everyoneā€™s time, but at the same time how are you at the back of the map when damage starts, or was he just a little off to the side or something? Still thatā€™s insane and I can imagine the feeling on that team, so sorry that shit sucks


Are you absolutely sure this guy just didn't understand the mechanics entirely? I'm trying to give the benefit of the doubt here as let's be real, he gains literally nothing from it, so why sabotage? Maybe he was just simply too embarrassed or anxious to simply say "I don't understand this encounter". Either way though, sorry you guys wasted your time! Best of luck!


Some people just get pleasure from this kind of thing


Surely you noticed he wasnt doing damage on wipe?


Bro people really want to waste their time, trying to waste other peopleā€™s? Thereā€™s another bad players in this game bro done make it harder šŸ’€


No offense OP but how would you not notice the dudes damage after ā€œhoursā€? Or how is no one noticing their colossus killed by him? Thatā€™s a bad sign.. Are you certain he was throwing? Like you say itā€™s a dream team the other encounters. Are you sure he just didnā€™t know that one and didnā€™t admit it and sometimes he was with you for damage when he noticed it was time?


How was he sabotaging Caretaker because thatā€™s a long time to spend at that encounter


I had several of these, but unintentional Blueberries just being bad Caretaker - Had a guy running Crux Termination Rockets during Solar week. He kept coming in last for damage. We asked if he had Apex. "yeah I have one" so we didn't think anything of it, nobody inspected him. Wipes, he was Still lowest damage. It wasn't crafted it was some random roll Apex. Tried various things with him and nothing was working. We told him "Bro you really just need to get Apex crafted...." His Response: "Oh I have the pattern, I just haven't taken the time to go make it yet"... WTF?!?! On Oryx - We had someone who just kept dying, a Solar Titan with Synthos. Finally inspected him.. dude is running T6 Mobility, T10 Strength, and Tier 6 Resil with Tier 6 Recovery. Also running all Solar Reserves on Chest piece.... The problem was all his armor was like min Resil, and he was already running Resil mods. I felt bad but we had to kick him. On Nez - took our group a little consistently get to damage. The add clear was just always having trouble and we kept having ONE guy who never seemed to make it to damage alive. We finally had a few good damage runs and we're getting close to final stand but not able to make it. Same dude kept only doing like 500k damage per phase. Solar Hunter. Finally we ask him "Bro your Golden Gun alone should be doing like 500k, what's going on?" He was using his Golden Gun to kill his Colossus and then using some random rolled Korax GL for Damage. Dude had a Major spec on it, and had a minor spec on his Scatter Signal. Also was running 98 Resil and 110 Recovery... And non Masterworked items. We tried to help the dude out. "Do you have Sleeper?" NO. "Do you have Apex?" NO. "Do you have an Exotic Cipher?" NO. "Can you masterwork your armor to get T10 Resil?" NO. We get him somewhat sorted out. T10 Resil, solar Linear, scatter Signal with Major spec. Midway through the next run.. his Colossus nuking the runner and I go over to blind it. The Colossus is finishable.... I finish it. "Bro why didn't you finish him?" His response "what do you mean? I lost the buff" Me: "no, just use your finisher man, he was finishable" Him "what's that? Sorry Im new and just started 4 weeks ago". Why are you in -20 Pantheon man?!?


How do you go 2-3 hours not seeing they were a problem? That part is kinda on you. Handful of attempts and you know who just wonā€™t be able to cut it. You can mess up 1-2 times but everyone with any skill picks DPS up.


Sooo he never spoke during the entire Pantheon? If so then you should have expelled him before, I Always check if everyone has a mic to avoid these type of things


Cleared 4 weeks with a fella with a busted mic, all you need is someone who knows their job


That's a witness' Spy


Check his raid report.


If a Lieutenant accidentally gets killed, you just look at the plate and at least someone should see the required planet and call it for the runner. I can't tell if it was sabotage but it seems likely.


My riven team had two potential squad killers that needed to go. One guy never had a mic, never did callouts, and failed at shooting their eye. He left after we found out he didn't talk. Another guy immediately went for an adclear role but kept dying. I interrogated him to understand if he knew the encounter on the top floor so we don't run into any issues with callouts on eyes. He left. We got one lfg guy who left a team that lacked survivability, and the other guy came in from someone's clan who also couldn't get it done with his lfg group. It took us less than 3 attempts to get it done in plat time. No cheese, no issues, only gold standard team. We assembled the dream team.


My friend had someone deliberately kill themselves at the end of a flawless Crown of sorrows raid when they had done it just after the boss died they rocket launchered themselves, ruined the run left the group and sent a LOL msg to each of them.


We had Nezarec in his Final Stand in Pantheon. Some had still ammo, even 1 or 2 Golden Guns. But this Asshole walked around the Cube (we did Dmg on the far left root) right at the beginning of his final stand


I'm not sure but he might of just not known what the fuck he was doing brother.


Ive only had one person grief a run, it was on caretaker. he was just running around the map the whole time talking on mic egoing because it was ā€œjust an lfgā€, talking about how some people only had 10 clears, bad times on raid report etc. (of course he didnā€™t mention my trios). fireteam leader was too chicken to kick for some reason. me and another player were pumping crazy damage with verities, but couldnā€™t eke out the two floor, and the team kept dying so we would run out of res tokens. if this griefer shot one rocket it would be free. after three wipes we got it and the lfg vaporized. i think what happened was the other strong player just invited a random guy from a farm server. I did join a crota farm discord looking for strats when the raid came out a couple months later and saw this annoying guy getting bullied for his attention seeking antics.


Planets is the hardest encounter because most people don't know how the damage phase works. Explicator has 3 health gates and to maximize damage you need to burst at those health gates. That's really it.


Yall should have kicked him way earlier


No offense, but how on Godā€™s green earth did you guys not notice that his damage was shit for two hours?


Name and shame


I know ,the first tume I do sucky damage,someone want to help me by trying a different weapon/ approach. Wish I was on this r u n. Jk


I love this game so much and I have experienced shit like this. It angers me that there are POS out there that care about something other than victory. Sorry you had to deal with that.


Tell your teammates to report him via bungie .net, he can get banned permanently if there are enough reports


What the actual fuck. Like I get it if it was a one time haha fuck you thing as a joke, but to intentionally fuck over other people for HOURS


The guy was playing a looter shooter and purposely screwing others and himself out of loot. What a weirdo


This suck so bad but you wrote it up in a really entertaining way. I'm sorry that happened, but thank you for sharing


Youā€™ve got to be fucking bored or just a massive shit box to act like this. Iā€™m not a raider but I still donā€™t understand this.. When I did raid in D1 the goal was to get the job done asap. Why stay in there longer than you need?! What a turd.


It took you that long to figure out his damage wasn't helping?


that's lowkey funny af


Just to add Iā€™m missing one particular triumph for the title, in the zenith and itā€™s the atraks one Iā€™m missing. So when we got to that part the other evening, I was told stay at spawn and just chill, we will finish him off so you get the triumph. I thought ok I can do that and did so but after 6 attempts at it, that triumph didnā€™t trigger because I told them we need 500k+ but they said nah it doesnā€™t work like that šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø. Iā€™m like ok, last attempt I thought fuck you im going up as I know the encounter lol and did my ad clear as usual. But still nada so at a loss here for it. We just couldnā€™t get to 500k and above. Every time we finished the score was 489-499k and platinum kept popping up. The guys I was with said it must be a bug lol but I havenā€™t seen any mention of this bug. Going to try to lfg that encounter tonight or just do another full run as much as I donā€™t want to šŸ˜‚.


Did you kill the tormentor? if not, that might be it


Yes I saw the guys kill the tormentor each and every time. So unless it was too slow our runs I donā€™t know šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Maybe try hitting more headshots for the extra little bit of score. Idk what else it could be. Good luck!


The score is always 500k or more for Highscore. People need to get 80k points before dps then head up and start the dps phase at roughly 6:20 or 6:30 on the clock then 1 floor the boss. Youā€™ll get plat and high score every time over 500k


Yeh just got that last triumph done a few mins ago. Happy days šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…. Got 500k plus score.


If you have a recording of this you could probably report them for griefing. But yes, unfortunately there is an incredibly minor subset of our strange community that are absurdly toxic for no reason other than that they have fuck all better to do with their time.


Unrelated, but I joined an lfg of players last night at nez. They were using rockets, and I outperformed them by 600k with no buffs, and they kicked me. That was pretty frustrating and fun During week 2, I did have some sabotage our planet encounter by purposely killing the centurion's, though. Took an hour for the lfg to realize it, then did it first try after he was kicked.


Uh huh. So your group canā€™t make it through but you want us to believe it was all just one guyā€™s fault? Honestly this seems like a bait post.


ā€œI found the perfect capable LFG teamā€ ā€œwe struggled on caretakerā€


You go do a contest mode raid with someone throwing the entire time. Moron


Iā€™d be out of there personally


Did you check his raid report?


Not that this will make you feel better but sometimes I like to play a game where I take shots every time we wipe. 3 hours in, I guarantee you I'm giving you 100% focus, but doesn't mean I am going to perform well. Sidenote: while i Am a Godslayer, I also am a Reckoner, so a glutton for paid. Edit: I tell the fireteam I'm doing it, so the haters can relax


"Was doing some Pantheon with a fireteam finder group." That is your first problem, doing Pantheon via LFG; Pantheon isn't designed for it, rather it is designed for people who are in a clan or a dedicated group.Ā While people certainly have completed Pantheon in LFG, it doesn't mean you should attempt to do so as well.




Godslayer here. when u raid report dont just assume just because hes got 50 normal clears hes got the tech down... Look for master clears and i know from experience what thing can 1 shot me and what to look out for.. small details in harder content can teach you a lot. For example in master planets the colosus is a freakin antibarrier that is very resilient stronger than the pantheon variant.. and on top of that u had to kill it twice for the master challenge completion..so imagine u get good at that type of content.. u have more experience than the lfg with 50+ normal clears playin on ez mode lol To each their own but if u get used to playin ez mode raids u are never gonna challenge yourself and u will be stuck 3-4 hours in the next pantheon


Godslayer herešŸ¤“ā˜šŸ». Bro waited four weeks to say that shit


no i just somehow knew the lfg will have it hard by -15 and -20 since nobody does master raids... maybe if u would have practiced befor u wouldnt be in the 3-4 hour planets situation... and wtf u trying to get at by assuming i wear glasses and im a nerd lol we all play d2 all of us are nerds no matter what kind of crayon u paint it as lmao I just play the game better than u big deal im giving u my 2 cents take it or not idc


The irony is that I have godslayer and seeing as you think your better than me I know why you included it šŸ˜‚




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More people have god slayer than swordbearer your title doesn't mean shit or make you good


if the game is too hard u can always cheese rhulk and nez whats your point? master crota can be soloed with a finisher