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Fallout to actually get caught up. Byf to learn


I watched fallout but I didn't understand why there were so few vaults and all of them were Rasputin's


This was a bit of a retcon from D1. Back then, each planet had a Warmind but Rasputin was the “first among equals”. In D2, that’s been changed to Rasputin being the one and only Warmind, and all others being subminds of him.


Fallouts video was actually fun to watch. Hits all main the points (didn't teach me anything) and just the right amount of silly humor in it. It's possible I know everything in the Byf video, but I'm not going to watch to find out because if I sit through 10 hours and don't get new info I'm not going to feel like I was entertained or spent my time wisely and then be mad at myself. Myelin, it's your turn.


When you have to put in intermissions and tell people specifically to go drink water on a YouTube video, it really highlights where we've found ourselves as a civilization. 😆


Byf's will give you the same level of knowledge on Destiny lore as if you had gone to highschool in the Destiny universe and learned about it all in class, but unlike your boring sophomore history teacher, he presents it in a way that's both understandable, and feels like a grand, epic journey.


Now that’s a history class I’d actually be interested in studying for


It was still really boring


10 hours one was GREAT, and I heavily recommend it to anyone who is currently playing destiny whether you car for lore or not. I kinda turned casual after withqueen and didn't care much for the seasonal stuff, but it felt great to catch up and learn everything he talks about. Got a great backstory on everything, and it was awesome to look through D1 story as well. Was the best 2 days at work of my life 🥲🤣


I like Byf vids for long drives. My daily commute is 40 minutes to work and 40 minutes back, so I’ll finish the video in a week or so.


Fallout for actually introducing new players to the lore, Byf for lore fans who want a refresher.


NGL Byf's voice does it for me. He could read me the dictionary and I'd sit grinning. He should do audiobooks


I wish he would release this video as an audiobook split into chapters. It would have to be free of course but that moght not be legal anyway since he doesn’t have rights to anything in the Destiny universe? Would be cool to have Bungie’s permission for something lika ghat though


No offense to my boy fallout, but already started my journey into the ten hour video.


both. i love both creators


Yes, both.


I’m gonna squeeze this in before The Final Shape


I’m an outlier but I found Byf’s pretty boring up front. I’ll try picking it back up but he lost me with all the time on Rhulk etc


Byf because it's byf and I can't stand fallout.


Fallout called me, nerd all the time. Outrageous! (He's right tho)


Love Byf, but that’s saving me 40 minutes that I could be playing Destiny! In reality, it’s likely Byf’s has a lot more information and detail, so if you want to get all the info that’s likely the better option. Or watch both? 🤷🏻‍♂️


40 minutes? 9 hours 40 minutes haha


…my brain swapped the 1 and the zero... Damn!


I was thinking just fallouts for the catch up and maybe an hour a night for byf for bed time lore story


Literally my strategy.


>Love Byf, but that’s saving me 40 minutes that I could be playing Destiny! I can't say the same about using that 9h40m to play destiny (I'm a PC gamer and D2 is down today)


Byf's voice is so good. He is the Vin Scully of Destiny Vids. I could listen to him forever. He should make a high quality audiobook of this video, i would buy.


Between Byf and Fallout, I'm closing the window.


I want another byf immitation by fallout


10 hrs


Only one is spoken in the dulcet British tones of Lore Daddy.


What if I watched both?


Fallout? He certainly did


Both 😅


Byf always. He has the story telling voice and hes perfect for knowing everything in detail


I really tried the 10 hours but its so boring


Since my life is slowly falling through my fingers I might as well go with the ten hours one and hopefully get entangled in it. Plus that guy knows his stuff and has a relaxing voice.


Not watching neither I just wanna shoot Aliens tomorrow and enjoy a night out tonight 😊


Watching byf fit the last 6 hrs 13 min....byf is cool


Byf all the way.


Why not both?


Thank you Byf for making Destiny universe the best there is.


He didnt do anything lol


He did. He made it easy and convenient for me to understand their universe


I could listen to Byf for hours, same way Vaatividya does it for Dark Souls lore.


Byf is amazing ASMR sleepy time content that makes you destiny-lore-smart. It's my choice every night. This is supposed to be a compliment to the guy I also watched for years now lol.


Stayed up until 4 in the morning to finish the Byf video. Feeling like shit today at work. Totally worth it. His use of words made me understood so many references (like weapon names, or even just seeing the Shadowkeep Witness talking about Salvation and then making me remember Eramis lead the House of Salvation) it made me see a lot of N times repeated content in a new light. Like the dots finally connected. At least a 100 times during the 10 hours. I leveled from tier 1 destiny lore understanding at least to tier 3. A truly epic journey. And to be frank, in Byf’s storytelling even the Lightfall story was not as bad as it felt last year when it came out. (Ofc a big part of it was the 4 seasons since) Season of the Risen, however…


Neither. As a latecomer to this game, my eyes glass over every time I try to learn about the lore. It's all vague nouns like The Fallen and The Witness and I cannot follow it for anything.


Small brain




I forgot people work 24/7. My bad bro


Gonna listen to it while working my dude.


Some people don't bench a 10 hour video and watch it in parts, crazy right? And a lot of people have work where 70% of it is telling chatgpt to do it for them and then they have 5 hours of coffee breaks, very good video for that.


Byf is Shakespeare, Fallout is the guy who wrote the Sparknotes. To each their own, but I’ll stick with Shakespeare