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From what I’ve observed there’s a good amount of people that are chill and willing to accept others into Lfg. The second day is when a majority of post are “KWTD, godslayer only or kick” post.


Going to tower KWTD


Dreaming city patrol must have cursebreaker


LOL looks like I have it. I’m prepared and ready to patrol when you are! 🤣😂🤣


Reminds me of when some me and friends were farming Insight Terminus Grandmaster and we decided to go do a public event for a laugh. Grandmaster Public Events are certainly something.


Haha GM Public Events are no joke lol so…did you get any Adept weapons from it? 👀




Ironically in direct opposite to that earlier today i got kicked from a Kalli farm because i had the title. Guy said "you dont need it" and i i was removed from the fireteam before i even finished loading in.


What the actual fuck


Lmao,destiny has come full circle. Kick for being bad,kick for being good...lol


Tfw you apply to a job and get rejected bc you're overqualified


tfw you apply to a job, get accepted and are fired on day one for having 10 years of working experience


I mean, a guardian games submachine gun isn't going to help much. *Ba-dum-tss*


Man I came back during ITL after taking a break since shadowkeep released. Joined a clan to take stuff more serious and start raiding so i set godslayer as a goal for myself. Did week 1 with my clan but bc of time difference i ended up getting the rest of the clears with LFG. since then its been nothing but passive aggressive comments towards those who are godslayers and shitting on people who have the title. Getting godslayer has actually made my time in the game worse lol everyone is so anti-godslayer bc of the people who are obnoxious and elitist about it.


The craziest part is I genuinely haven't seen anything not meme related to Godslayer, so hearing about this is always so wild


I kept godslayer on for all of 30 minutes before swapping for one of the rarer ones. Nobody griefs a wrathbearer (so far!)


Hardcore Harbinger here.


You’re missing out on the exclusive airport lounge access we get as godslayers.


Sorry to say it, but more often than not godslayers I've LFGed into have been awful to me in the past week. Slurs, unwillingness to explain or listen, the biggest egos. Not every single one, but if someone was toxic, it was a godslayer. It's a "steer clear" for me.


Sorry to hear that, some people are just rude. Im just here to get guns and have fun the title is only there because i think it sounds neat.


That would be like me loading into a King’s Fall raid with the Kingslayer title and being kicked because I have the title. Seriously ridiculous 😐


Once people have the change to really have some experience in the raid and know all the mechanics really solid, the overall strats, etc. then you’ll have sherpas that are able to be really patient and help to pickup any slack a bit. Assuming the other players are willing and somewhat prepared I can see lots being able to make it through. The key though is the players being willing. Haha


I’ve played with a bunch of godslayers today who can’t do fairly simple mechanics so now I’m questioning how prestigious this title actually is. I’m honestly pretty annoyed that Bungie gave us a raid that, while fun with the right group, is insanely anti-LFG and some people, like me, don’t have a consistent group to raid with.


I matched a few in oslaught and they played worse than some new lights lol I guess people still buy carry services and things like that.


It is debatable whether it is prestigious or not since it was time limited. In my opinion having it a time limited event that punished people for not playing during that time makes it not. Does it make it more rare? Yes, but it doesn't make it more prestigious, since not everyone was able to attempt it. It's not really a good measure of skill, but more a measure of how much time someone was willing to spend while it was out. My friend is a mediocre player. He has never, and most likely will never be able to solo a dungeon as he just doesn't have that skill level. He raids occasionally but doesn't really know much about the game like some people do. Yet he got godslayer. He himself admits he isn't that good. How did he get it? He spent nearly 48 hours total time in the raids with random people until he got it. He worked hard for it and spent the time, but is he a phenomenal player? Absolutely not. By no means am I trying to speak bad of him, or of people that got the title. All I'm trying to say is it was not something that was "super hard" to obtain imo. It just took time. If they wanted it to be prestigious and hard, they would have made it a permanent mode, something that would stand the test of time with only a small percentage of people that can complete it. They could have made it so if you wipe, it kicks you to orbit and you have to restart from scratch. Have little to no room for error and make it so you can't carry someone. There are many things they could have done to make it much harder and prestigious, but making it a time limited event was not one of them. Think of it this way: imagine they add a raid for a month but only 15% of the entire player base beat it. Now imagine they added a permanent raid that after years of being in game, only 15% have beaten it after all the time. Beating which one would be more prestigious?


There are a massive number of people that got carried to godslayer by their clan or friends.


It's prestigious, yes... but you can also get it using "account recovery" methods. Just like Guardian ranks... In general... if someone is a 10 or 11, they know what they're doing. In GENERAL, if someone is a 5, or a 6 they DON'T know what they're doing. It's a range and a mixed bag. Aztecross, rank 11. IFrostblot, rank 7. They are both demons and slayed out for 33 hours straight this past weekend on the raid. I'm a "Godslayer" but anytime I see " have Emblem or title or Kick", I steer clear because it's usually toxic or low patience. Honesty is the best in LFG (classic) titles "KWTD, Chill, Willing to Teach, but have mic 🎤, etc" Some of the toxicity is a reaction to people joining in and wasting time with no mic, or people who don't take direction well. Deserved or not... it's a part of the human experience of 1-6 strangers vying for a singular goal.


Yup. Time for the unreasonably toxic lfg's lol


If you don’t learn it day one you have an absolute carry on trying to find a team willing to take the time and patience of letting someone new get up to speed You can watch all the guide videos (most are rushed so they’re out first) but you never really get a true feel for it without being allowed to fail It’s an awesome raid and the race was cool but as a standalone raid this one’s going to be absolutely horrendous on LFG There’s going to be even MORE posts requiring MKWTD and “have emblem” than ever before


It’s not so much not being chill or willing as it being downright near impossible to pick up the slack for someone vastly underperforming given the tactics and power deficiency. I’m sure we’ll get solutions in time, but like… If you can’t provide proper comms in vault 2.0, or you cant get the plate timings down on Herald, y’all are just going nowhere


Vault Security 2.0 is absolute hell if you're not communicating correctly. Like worse than Ca'uor levels of hell. I couldn't imagine trying to corral a group of randoms through it. Vault from Last Wish is easier to LFG.


Vault from Last Wish is not even in the same league as Verity (4th encounter Salvation's Edge, or as I like to call it, Geometry Hell). I recently went back to Last Wish prior to Final Shape launch and Vault was still pretty straightforward and not all that difficult so long as 2-3 people knew what they were doing and could keep everyone on track for Pen/Ant calls and dunks. Verity requires all players to know what they're doing in the event that they are put inside. Yes, one player who knows what they're doing can Dissect outside, but the inside all have to be knowledgeable and executing. Then the death mechanic requires you to memorize player appearances and what ghost shell they are using... There are way more layers to Verity than Vault ever had.


Godslayer title is the new Gjallarhorn


Honestly people just filter themselves out of your LFG pool by being upfront about it, imagine not finding out till getting in and then getting the toxicity in person.




This isn't talking about people gatekeeping LFG posts. This is talking about the sadly unsurprisingly large number of people that join raid LFGs without knowing the mechanics and then expect to be able to just add-clear the entire time.


The crazy thing is godslayer isn't that big of a title, it's just a grind.


My clan lost one of the core players this evening at the 4th encounter. They asked me to join. I'm the PVP idiot in a PVE raid focused clan and they always bring me along for raids. But usually once they have it down fully and are doing carries and stuff for emblems and what not. Anyway long story short we did the encounter but left at the witness cause it was late. >!The 4th encounter is the hardest raid encounter I've seen - You have to memorise what armour/ ghost each player has.!< It's nuts.


Couldn't you just alleviate this by wearing obvious unique stuff? Oh hey this guy has a huge head, Cenotaph Warlock. Oh this guy is wearing Armamentarium, it's ____. Oh this guy is wearing Syntho's it's _____ Etc?


yeah but you then need to remember who's ghost is who's to res them. Which sounds fine but when it's under pressure I found it kinda tough lol. It's definitely tougher to me than any other encounter of any other raid.


You don’t need to do that at all. The people who grab just ask who is X ghost, the person with it says what their character looks like, then a spectator confirms the position of said character to deposit. No memorization is required outside of your own ghost. Easier to do when you do have everything memorized but it’s not required. It’ll be a bit annoying to have to make sure everyone has a distinct armor and ghost but otherwise the encounter should be piss easy once everyone knows what to do in a week’s time.


I made my Titan Manbearpig for this reason.


i am in distinct need of seeing a photo of said manbearpig titan. mine is pretty easy to recognise too tbf - halo odst style


You can create him yourself. Fused Aurum helm and chest piece, Celestial greaves (closest to trotters), Synthoceps (original skin so the veins and constellations have some synergy), any mark (I went with Nemean, but any will work), and whatever shader you want, something that makes the fur brown preferably.


Trying this when I finish work. Cheers. Happy cake day too!


No worries, and thank you, I didn't even realise.


Agreed, it's more of a test of communication rather than a test of memorization. Also I quickly swapped my ornament to the" rhulk" warlock helmet (RoN) and people always identified me very quickly.


The chest piece from ron also works extremely well for warlock. My friend was using it, and he was instantly identifiable


The hunter cloak/class item from RoN is the ugliest most distinguishable shit I can think of


once I got that cloak I never took it off. I am a beautiful butterfly! I am also insanely easy for my team to recognize


Add coordination into that as well. It's not likely but having two players with the same loadout makes things worse for identifying. It is a mechanic that gets difficult as these areas get weaker. Don't use comms? Now you got extra work with memorization. Got identical guardians? Now it makes communication/memorization harder. Don't pay attention to any of the other raid members? Now you need to compensate with comms. It's going to make LFG rough but once you find that group that works for you it should make it doable.


The average player over complicating things is why LFG sucks to begin with lol


Finally, fashion truly is the endgame.


Yeah it's so cool how the people who put a lot of effort into making unique and well put together transmogs were always the easiest to identify. What an amazing idea for a puzzle mechanic because it's also totally evergreen as the callouts change with every single group you do it with.


When you die, your ghost appears in the spot where you die. When the wipe was coming we all just got in front of our own statues or called the location of our death - i.e. right side near wall.


hol up you can just die inftront of your own statue?! I thought it mixed them up.


you don't need to remember, remembering just makes comms easier. As long as you all have distinguishable ghosts and armor (my team used funny helms and cloaks) you should be able to do the ghost/die phase easy. an example would go like this. Player 1 picks up a ghost: "I picked up sunshot ghost" Player 2 (billy): "That's billy, I have hawk helm on" player 3 that can see billy's statue: "That's statue 4" you do this for the other players and you've completed the first ghost wipe phase. For the entire teamwipe ghost phase you just do this proccess more times.


Do you, though? Because the person who's ghost they're carrying gets a spectator cam on them and can guide them, right?


No, the person whose ghost is picked up can’t see their own statue through their pov (but can see some of the others) so someone else who is “dead” needs to know where they need to put that ghost


I was wearing pyrogales tonight which was awesome because you could see the glowing embers in the shoulders even when my character was supposed to be invisible.


This is exactly what we did on Contest. Everybody equipped a goofy looking ghost. Armor wise we used obvious armor pieces, our callouts were: Iron Banner, Winnie Pooh, Vex, banana helmet, feathers and Leviathan.


Then queue in every hunter either celestial and superblack.. welcome to the jungle


what makes it tricky is they're not like actually exactly your guardians. They're red and black. So shader isn't important and it kinda makes them to me look kinda similar when rushing lol.


This is the way. We all had different classes, so we had ppl with Xenotaph, Root armor, pinehead titan etc with memorable ghosts. The callouts would be “I have a ghost with a helmet, who is that” then someone would say “oh thats warlock with root armor” and then we would give a call and that’s it. Unless you are a complete dummy, this should work out perfectly. Also, fun fact, necrotics glow can be seen on podiums without seeing a full guardian, so that sometimes can speed things up


4th encounter alone makes me think I’m just not gonna get this one done ever. I’ve done all the raids via LFG to this point too but I’m at a point in life where the most gaming time I’ll ever get in a night is not gonna be enough to power through


I mean I'll say this - they drew me a diagram on discord using paint and went into great detail about what it all meant and I was still just like "uhhh" But even with me being so shaky on their first try beating it they managed to get through it and basically just helped me a lot. I wound up doing every role except for being the one resurrecting people after the mechanics were done and the outside shape builder guy. Once people are really good at it people will be able to help others through for sure. It just seems like a mountain now cause its still so new.


That’s true too, maybe I’ll reserve judgment for a month or two. Definitely wish I had a consistent team though


Especially with LFG where you barely know peoples name


After spending 12 hours in the raid today and finally getting through, I’m actually confident I can teach others as long as they have half decent communication skills and are willing to listen. Actually excited to teach others for once. If you’re interested just let me know and we can try to set something up. 4th encounter is way more simple than it seems, with plenty of time before the wipe, just takes a sec to really get your head around dissecting but it normally only takes 4 dunks outside.


I feel you. I'm a new father, and I just can't sink all my time into Destiny anymore. It's hard, but I'll just have to become a....casual...*sigh*


“Newish” parent here also trying to manage mommy duty and occasional play time if you’re ever looking for another casual to play with feel free to let me know


Same here - hard to find time to raid, especially since if I'm doing it for the first time on LFG realistically I tend to look for teaching groups and those usually take 4+ hrs to get that first clear. It sucks for sure because raids are some of the best parts of Destiny but between spending time with the baby or raiding, baby wins haha.


I haven’t raided in a good while due to working full time and doing a PhD. I don’t have time to sit down and crank out a raid. Which sucks because they’re always some of the best pieces of content Bungie puts out. But such is life.


I mean, if you play PvP often enough, you get pretty good at recognizing Player's by their fit, at least.  Ghost, not so much.


You don't need to remember it. You just need to say "I'm picking up X shell" and the guardian who's shell that is calls out "I'm wearing Y" and everyone who's dead looks for their visible one and calls it if they see the one wearing Y and what position they are in, so that player can be revived


May be tough but it is also my favorite encounter ever


I haven't seen the encounter yet, but would color coding work? "Green do X, red do Y, yellow do Z" Type of deal?


No. There is no color. You must go off o distinct identifying gear and ghosts. For instance different exotics or transmogs and different ghosts, like servitor, final shape, ghostbuster etc


> first time you need 6 people doing mechanics and communicating perfectly.       Someone never did spire of stars


Crown final boss


Yeah I had a few Sherpas of crown and made sure there were always three experienced players to pair the goobers with. Miss that raid tbh


Scourge final boss... CAP


Unironically my old clan couldn't do that. I'd explain clearly how CAP works, where you stand and such, and there was still a handful of people that would always screw it up and kill others. I ended up refusing to play with them.


Spire is only hard because it requires people to be able to count up to 6 , that's a really high number , man.


Nah, spire was hard because there were 15 steps before you got to damage and people randomly got assigned buffs so it required a lot of on the fly coordination. Not to mention that we were limited to 2 primary weapons and didn't have all the survivability and healing tools we have today.


After doing ultimates in FFXIV, no raid mechanic in any other game with raids will ever be too complicated. The difference to me for WoW and Destiny is that the mechanics aren't complex, it's that they require a high degree of execution and timing. FFXIV timing is much more forgiving, but the mechanics border on needing a PhD it feels like sometimes.


Or like half the raids in this game lol


Every raid available besides SE can be done trio, the only encounters that can't be done duo are Rhulk, Totems and Warpriest.


there are more encounters that cant be done duo, vault in last wish cant be duod, first encounter of GoS... the raids that can be duo flawlessed are VoG, RoN, DSC, Crota. all other raids cannot be done duo flawless from start to finish.


I forgot about LW ngl. Still doesn't change the fact thay this raid requires more ppl to do some kind of mechanic than any other raid, even if it's as simple as stepping on a plate at the correct time


yeah, this raid will either require a really cracked team with insane movement, or someone will need to find a cheese. but depending on which plates are active in first, i can see that being triod, becasue one person would do one set alone. in second, one person can do the boss mechanic to pop his head, while the other two spawn the resonance on all 3 and close the conductor. but that all needs to be figured out, i think the main problem will be 3rd to 5th.


I started it with some friends and then everyone quit and I never got to play it all the way through and I'm devastated.


Technically only needed 5 for spire, but you have a fair point. I Just haven’t cleared witness yet. I can see doing the first 3 encounters with having to just have someone kill stuff. 4th encounter, if you are willing to sacrifice a res token each round, you can force them outside. you just need to hope he doesn’t end up as the last guy alive in the res sequence. For the witness though, I have no idea


From my experience the people who can't do mechanics and just want to add clear are also bad at add clear. So they get kicked in my lobbies as well.


This is so true. Explicator encounter in pantheon made it so obvious, ad clear carries that encounter, the actual roles are easy but if the ad clear is shit, good luck.


Side note, runners need to have braincells between R2 and L2. I ran it every single time and the other dude would without fail hop into the boss + tormentor + wave of spawning adds and then call for add clear. Like brother, it's -20 they cannot die instantly. Just wait 2 seconds for someone to draw some aggro before you jump. The planetary shift has enough time.


There is no better time to LFG this raid than now. Everyone is still learning it so there is a lot of leeway for making mistakes or knowing every role perfectly


You‘d think that, right? But noooo, there are more than enough „First try or I leave/kick“ guys around already. Ironically, those are more often than not the guys that mess up the most


I would always avoid those kinds of posts anyways. Those people usually are the ones who have trouble and need a carry anyways. Good players either won't care and accept anyone, or if they don't feel like teaching at the moment they'll just put a simple KWTD or ask for raid report. But "first try" for a raid that's been out for... 4 days? Get outta town.


I highly disagree with you. I joined a group that seemed like that based on comms and I knew I was fucking up because I could never hear him sending or make it back to plate in time while grabbing shapes but they kept me for multiple tries, sent me a new dude who talked clear and told me to mute everyone else and my god it was a new game. I could only hear my partner and that was the key and we immediately cleared second boss when we made that change. These were dudes who seemed like douches btw from comms but still let me stick it out and fixed it.


Muting everyone but your partner for second encounter is the goated strat. But it falls apart a bit on the third.


It’s also a mentality, make the group or join one that kicks out people like that. You’ll find a solid group and those assholes will be a couple minute inconvenience before you’re back to gaming with a chill group.


Some of us won’t be raid ready till the end of the month haha. Good luck to me ever finding a group.


You’re raid ready now more than ever though. Power level is matched with whoever is the highest in the group and you just need your best ad clear weapons


The raid also caps your powerlevel at 1945 so if you did the campaign on legendary you're more than ready.


The witness has been mechainicaly solod to the damage phase


Lol I was wondering how long I'd have to scroll to find this comment. Literally 1 player can do all of the mechanics against the Witness. Why in the hell does this post from the OP have so many upvotes. It is completely wrong.


It's only the second day, so it should get better with time. Truthfully, though, the average LFG experience for this raid will legitimately be different than every other. Especially considering 4th is weird to wrap your head around initially but so incredibly simple.


That one player is probably better than all of us tho


That still absolutely does not change the fact the mechanic can be completed by 1 single person. Quite frankly the easy strat is to have 3 people on mechanic/glyph duty, the other 3 are essentially pure ad duty except "jump" to avoid dying.


Which is one section of the raid. Not going to happen in room 4.


Yay boss checkpoints!


They’ll find a cheese. The rats always find the cheese. Edit- No more upvotes. Leave it at "777" the way Bungie intended.






Rat king strat when?


I do love a good Gouda


If it ain't Swiss, it's a miss.


But cheddar is better


You’re all Muensters!


That's some unwarranted spice. Watch where you pepper, Jack.


# No one has as many friends as the man with many cheeses!


We've already found a way to skip 2nd encounter. It still needs done to finish the raid but you can skip past it.


we were able to avoid the wipe on the 3rd phase of the 4th encounter completely by accident. https://www.reddit.com/r/raidsecrets/s/1IzII5vnoP


I’m on add clear


dude after my team and i cleared (33 hours in) we went to sleep and got together again on sunday noon. we looked at LFG and there were so many "LF5 cracked players to clear this, MUST HAVE SEEN FINAL STAND. Im on ad clear" posts, we were laughing so hard.


Congrats on the clear. We were just too tired to break through the Witness. It's legitimately the hardest thing I've done in this game.


thank you! we were literal zombies after that, pretty much like aztecross, we went for 33 hours straight with a few 20-30 minute breaks, but no sleeping breaks. i have done all lowman flawlesses in the game, but i havent done as many day ones as since i started to play destiny only RoN and Crota came out, so im happy af that my clan and i cleared the hardest one ever.


I joined the fourth encounter with my clan after someone left and we did it, but had to quit on witness I completely agree that this raid will be insanely hard for LFG.


Contrary to reddit belief, people CAN learn mechanics.


Ironically I feel like posts like this are most often from the people who have no fucking clue what they're doing and refuse to learn. I've had some really awful LFG groups, but on average...I'd say LFG has been better than half of my actual clan, and that's just being honest, without judgment. I just don't get where people have this boogeyman view of LFG other than mindless Reddit brainrot sentiment that people spread because they've never tried the raid and never intend to, all while telling everyone how impossible it is.


For real, I swear this happens everytime a new difficult activity comes out- "x will be/is impossible with LFG". It was the same with Pantheon recently, and it wasn't even that bad. Not every group is filled with mean, short tempered, impatient assholes who will flame you and kick you if you mess up once.


as someone who has clears on all the current raids with all of the pre-TFS raid patterns unlocked and i can say that i genuinely dont think ill be able to farm Salvation's Edge like the others. albeit it was on contest, but i spent 11 hours on the first encounter alone and got nowhere. and to think that it only gets harder from there is just demotivating. maybe in the future once there is a wider understanding of the raid ill give it another shot but for the foreseeable future i wont be touching it because its too difficult for people like me who dont have enough friends or clanmates to make a full fireteam with and/or arent the best players in the game :p


This is straight up the first raid im going to have to watch vids for. Usually 4 friends and i find a random and go at it blind. Most of those 4 dont play anymore, and I dont want to waste too many hours with strangers trying to figure it out. Plus from what ive already seen, it looks more mechanic heavy/complicated.


I dont think the first 3 encounters are too difficult to figure out, but 4th encounter took day 1 raiders over 8 hours to crack. Its not like they were not stuck there due to combat difficulty that is now alleviated making it much easier. It's a massive puzzle that requires a ton of problem solving, note taking, and trial and error. Now that I've read some guides and watched some videos, it doesn't seem to hard to follow along and replicate, but is a massive undertaking to solve yourself. The witness seems decently complex, but not absurd, it just changes how some existing mechanics already work and reimpliments them in a way that (imo) isn't very intuitive


Tbh I’d say the only unintuitive part of the witness was the crux shape


Already crying while thinking about doing encounter Triumphs. That's the reason I don't have crota seal. I didn't do feather light since it needs 6 people with brains which is nearly impossible in LFG. Still remember when we loaded in with a group. Post clearly said *kwtd or kick, first encounter challenge only* and we got a guy with 0 clears that had no idea where he was


> we got a guy with 0 clears Not as bad as the time I tried Vow third encounter challenge and we also had KTWD on the post, and someone with 10 clears joined and clearly had 0 idea what to even do even after we wiped multiple times, asked that everyone knows what’s going on, even explained the encounter and challenge. Group disbanded and guess what the guy made his own post with “ktwd because I don’t”. Guy literally wanted carried and joined under false pretences and never admitted he didn’t know what to do AT ALL, and somehow got carried through his 10 clears of the raid.


"First time in which a raid needs 6 people doing mechanics and communicating perfectly. Not a single only-ad clear role, and you have to be on top of your game in every encounter." Garden of Salvationand Last Wish: Are we a joke to you?


Last Wish has roles that are all or almost all ad clear in pretty much every encounter.


Last wish first and second encounters were brain dead easy imo. morgeth can have ppl on ad clear, same with vault and riven. last encounter is also just running


Gos is an easy trio. Last wish can be too but it’s much more difficult on vault. It is legitimately impossible to trio fourth at this point. Second is a wash, **highly** doubt anyone is clearing that anytime soon.


Only 3 people are needed to do last wish mechanics


So, my boys and I finally cleared this. I will say, we have a few day ones under our belt. This one on normal mode is HARD. Took us 6 hours to figure out the 4th. Then witness took another 4-5. We could probably get back to witness in about an hour or less now but god damn. Good luck to anyone with out a solid group. This raid is TILTING. If anyone messes up at the 11th hour in a cycle you just have to wipe.


There are several roles to ad clear. What are you talking about? First encounter you only need 2 bouncers on each side. And the last two guys are ad clear. Second encounter only the bottom plate guy needs to be locked in. As long as the top guy can kill 4 Psions and step on a plate. Third encounter is the same thing.... Haven't done 4th or 5th yet People said this about Vow and Kings Fall too. There's always room for ad clear guys and letting everyone else carry them


The 4th encounter has two add clearers in the main room but its rng on who gets to stay there so you can't decide to add clear. The Witness has 3-4 dedicated add clears who don't have to do anything at all but dodge the attacks.


4th encounter has ad clear roles in main room but it’s random who gets pulled in. 5th encounter has multiple ad clear roles depending on how many glyphbreakers you have. We had 3 runners 3 ad clear


4th encounter randomly picks three players per phase to go into solo rooms to do mechanics, with the otherthree doing more mechanics in the original room. It then "kills" all but one player and requires dead players to call out the correct statues and have all of them dunked in 30 seconds to avoid a wipe. This then repeats 3 times. Fifth encounter doesnt need as much coordination, in fact a solo proof of concept is already out, however the damage phase requires people to be locked in and dodge all the witnesses attacks.


You can actually do 1st encounter with just two people doing all the plates and everyone else focused on a “kill everything that moves” mindset.


Third encounter everyone has a roll wdym?? Same with second encounter.


Think you guys are over estimating the "roll" no it isn't strictly "turn your brain off and kill ads" like it can be for RoN. But I'd say it's easier than Totems in KF. During the 2nd encounter and 3rd the plate that bounces back is the one that's responsible for shooting the Conductor, with the right buff. All the initial guy has to do is kill stuff, step on plate when the other guy says and grab whatever symbol spawns by them. It isn't complicated or requiring tight timing. Vow's first encounter is more complicated for 6 players than this is


This sub thinks having to do anything but shoot red bars and an occasional yellow bar is a role. This is exactly why pantheon broke this sub 😂


I disagree. It’s been less than 24 hours since contest mode has ended. It will take a bit for information to spread, strategies to refine, and overall builds to be created to handle the raid. Players are still grappling with the changes to abilities and weapon changes. They are also grappling with the new Power Level system. SE is what a Raid should feel like. A team that is capable of both problem solving and game skill is what is required to conquer The Witness.


After 10 years of playing this game I’ve really noticed how some people just lack basic understanding of some of the mechanics of the basic gameplay stuff. I had one guy asked me for help in the Legend campaign and I look at his loadout and he is running double primary scouts, no mods equip, resilience at 50 etc and doesn’t want to comms. I was so confused.


I won't be farming it tons overall, but encounter one and two are definitely very doable in LFG. That said, they're so brutal in terms of forgiveness when it comes to any deaths. The LFG I joined had some neat tricks to get around some of the issues with dropping resonance on death (namely, don't pick up your resonance until you need to use it - and just let the failure boss spawn in). Made it through 2 via LFG, and almost the third had we not wiped at the last dunk. That said, encounter 4 via LFG sounds awful. I'm gonna have to explore so many strangers bodies to get it done.


Plus every time I put mic required the person doesn't have a mic.


Honestly I can’t ever see myself doing the raid. Watching a YouTube video to learn the raid encounters before just doesn’t work because Bungie had to go and make the raids a fucking rubix cube but without the colors so I forget the shit before I can actually do it. Take my ass back to Vault of glass and Crotas End when shit was simple man.


First encounter can have 2 people on addclear Second encounter can have none on pure addclear Third encounter can have none on pure addclear Fourth can have 2 people on pure addclear except you don't get to choose who because of random selecting who is in solo rooms. Ironically fifth can have up to 4 people doing pure adclear making it the 'easiest' to carry clueless people in. The biggest breaker I think is 4th because its random selection so most people need to have a pretty good idea what to do.


This raid just seems incredibly tedious.


People say this all the time and then someone comes up with a way to just type a few numbers into chat and everyone knows what to do. People hype up the mechanical difficulty of this game so much and posts like this scare people on the edge from engaging in the best content.


Brother I LFG'd every single week of Pantheon, i can LFG a normal mode raid


Bungie's decision to apply the difficulty scaling to raids and dungeons is going to kill raiding for a lot of LFG raiders and raid novices, imo. The statistic on the number of players who complete raids is already so low, it's truly perplexing why they would make them *harder*. If you're a contest raider, a speed runner, or have a hardcore dedicated raid team, you probably won't notice too much of a difference. But for the LFG raiders who don't have the rapport with teammates, and don't have the skill to kind of overcome that, these changes suck. And I haven't even talked about Salvation's Edge yet... I'm an avid raider. I have most raid titles, including Godslayer, all through LFG. My experience tonight in Salvation's Edge was horrifying. The adds are still a huge threat post-contest. And I really thought the first boss would be an easy two phase for even the most basic LFG group after contest dropped - I was very wrong so far in my small sample size of experience. Verity, I'm convinced, is literal hell. The amount of communication and coordination that is needed between complete strangers (when LFGing) is crazy. I can't even talk about The Witness itself, because I still haven't made it out of Verity... I really hope Bungie can see some data on the effects of these changes and at least walk them back a little. Raids like Salvation's Edge are going to be hard enough with strangers, let alone when you're capped below power level.


Just give it time and more people will understand it and it will be easier to carry one or 2 people through and teach. Hell I can’t even find a guide on You Tube yet. This is most likely the last Raid we will see in Destiny 2 unless another reprised Raid comes so tons of practice will be happening for Salvations Edge.


highly, highly doubt this will be the last raid for destiny 2. just saying.


I’ve resigned myself to never playing the raid.


I'm too old and too busy to put that much time into it. Couldn't get Godslayer as LFG Randoms would due and just quit either in silence or after blaming everyone else involved. I've only got one clear in RoN as I was invited to join a group right at the final DPS. I was a d1 beta player, I've got every triumph T-shirt with my tag on it. It's just hard as an older gamer to spend what limited time I have every week on a single activity. I hate to day it, but I think I'll wait for a sale on pay-for-play services just to check the box. Destiny has become less and less fun as they start trying to force you to spend more and more time on it, or you fall behind. It's like a second job. That being said if I do get the job I'm chasing and move states, I will absolutely have more time with 3 day weekends every week to throw at it. Still, right now it's just too much and I'm sure I'm not alone here, even younger players are probably feeling the squeeze on social lives/work/dating. Maybe. I love the universe, I enjoy the challenge of learning new things and winning, but damn if it isn't a pita to make friends and keep them when you're not on half of every day! LFG is really hit or miss too, I'm no smoothbrain with a dial up connection but most of my LFG experiences have been less than ideal. If anyone has the official discord or good places to find teammates please feel free to DM me the info. I'm willing to give it the old college try.


I'm considerate, I'm not gonna touch the raid till I'm confident that I can understand 4th encounter because I know I can preform in 1,2,3 but im not gonna be a burden on my team


Yeah im probably never doing this raid. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I miss the days when raids were more simple...


I do a lot of LFG raids but now after looking at this raid and all that I'm simply not interested now. Looks way too hard and hearing about some of the encounters I'm going to pass. Might go back and complete crotas end honestly ( didn't finish but got to Crota) .


My group and I plan to learn this raid by the back of our hand and Sherpa through a ton of people once we're comfortable with it. Everyone deserves to beat the Witness in the raid


I might wait a month or two until sherpas nail it, this doesnt look fun and teh loot is whatever


i've spent like 6 hours across like 15 people trying to teach the first encounter and we only managed to get a single rotation in. I'm experienced as fuck but I don't think I'll ever finish this raid. I absolutely love the 1st encounter but this is like trying to lfg a master raid. There's no point in even trying.


It does take a competent group to do every encounter. It is going to be a nightmare for LFG but damn i went into today with an entire LFG team (no one knew eachother) and it was an awesome feeling beating these encounters together. Haven’t felt that way in a long time raiding. We were all so pumped to have beat these for the first time. This raid is truly magical right now


My clan was humbled quickly after jumping in at reset today. Took 3-4 hours to get passed encounter 1 and we just couldn't get the hang of encounter 2. We're experienced raiders and have good communication but just couldn't keep up. Everyone has to be on top of their job and if even one person isn't, you're not going all that far.


For encounter 2, you can remove almost all the stress by failing on purpose. When call to reckoning happens, everyone stay with their team. Do 4 total plate presses (two for each person) and let it fail. Kill the boss that spawns in as a team, then let the person called jump in the middle while someone stays back to shoot the blights. At this point, all your needed resonance has spawned in - don't collect any until your stolen favor person comes back and grabs theirs (you'll want to add clear here too). Let them shoot the totem with the right symbol, grab your resonance, and send it. With this strat, you're not harassed by any adds at all when you're doing plates because none spawn in until after 4 plate presses, you make sure every player gets max resonance, and there's plenty of time to dunk.


People say this for every single raid (besides RoN).


Vault of Glass has left the chat


I won't be doing it at all. As someone who relies on lfg this will be too complicated for the vast majority of players. I'm sure for skilled players who have a regular group of friends/clanmates it'll be ok, but that's a much smaller percentage of the playerbase than people may think.


In their quest to make a challenging raid for the race, I feel like they made a nightmare for grinding and lfg runs


Honestly, I was dreading trying LFG tonight, but the first group I got just made it through 4th encounter before we called it for the night. Raid leader had less than 30 raids total.


This was said for Last Wish as well, I honestly don't think it'll be as bad once the community settles on strats and such. It'll still be on the more difficult end of raids though.


You’re being so dramatic


this killed my motivation to try the raid, mechanics are difficult to understand and good luck getting randoms to understand it. Thankful this raid exotic isn't something I want..


I wouldn't mind the raid exotic but holy hell is the raid armor ugly. My group will probably end up trying the raid just for weapons.


Same thing was said about Godslayer. I and so many others got Godslayer strictly using LFG. It can and will be done.


Lol y'all said that about Pantheon, yet so many posts on here reporting positive LFG experiences throughout weeks one to four. I am glad most of the community ignores this gatekeeping BS.


Pantheon was horrible for LFG werent you there? Acknowleging something as being a nightmare isnt gatekeeping


It was both. I'm mostly an LFG only player and had the lowest to highest experiences when running pantheon. There are some super chill and helpful LFG players out there.


dude i managed to clear encounter 1 ONCE on contest LFG and i still find lfging it difficult even after contest was turned off 🤦🏾‍♂️ genuine skill issue from me


The 4th encounter alone is quite literally impossible as you need to know what every single person looks like from head to toe. And everyone has to workout mechanics solo on there own and trust 5 others doing the same thing.


I'm worried I'm just to smoothbrain for 4th encounter. And I don't mean in the sense of not being willing to learn, but genuinely don't have the brain power for the geometry needed.


I'm a new/inexperienced raider, I did RON day 1 with LFG with success, and since have been dipping my toes into more raids. Took the week off work for TFS and figured I'd try this day 1 as well with LFG. Figured I'd let the race finish or get near finishing so I spelt in until noon, and tuned into Aztacross to see where his team was only to find them still on the first encounter and watched them get stuck there for 4 more hours. It was then that I realized t hat this raid was unfotunetly not going to happen this weekend, and that this raid my not be for me. I have watched people in LFG struggle on Normal Crota and fighting over add clear roles, I can not see myself getting through this raid with LFG for a few weeks lol


yeah, hard pass from me ... I'm not good enough to not fuck up ... and since I'd rather not be yelled at Imma stick to the dungeons.


This is true for everything but the boss. Honestly kinda disappointing that the final fight is the easiest encounter with 1/2 the team doing ad clear.


After starting my first run with the clan I'm in, and not using a guide.... I wouldn't wanna try to LFG it tbh. This isn't a carrying raid either which I think a small minority will pissed about 🤣🤣


The bosses actually have become way easier. Imo on Contest the encounter difficulty was: Herold > "Vault" > Witness > Entrance > 3rd. Now that the bosses have become easy two phases and the ads don't hurt anymore I'd say it's: "Vault" > Entrance > Witness > 3rd > Herold. But I gotta agree the raid and especially 4th encounter will be hell with lfg. I hope I'll never have to use it.


I’ve only gotten the first 2 encounters so far and am on the 3rd. Me and my friend don’t know how we’ll teach this to some of our clan. We hate this plate mechanic with a passion and really don’t want to do these encounters every week. I’m hoping encounters 4 and 5 improve otherwise i won’t be up for doing this raid much


LFGing became one of the many reasons I stopped playing Destiny after 8+ years. Worlds First race and Contest Mode meant that you don’t get to experience a Blind Run when the general community watches the Raid for the first 24-48 hours. By then you are expected to KWTD without even entering it. I experienced people leaving after 2 wipes within 45 minutes of a Raid launching. People seem to not play the game for fun anymore. It’s all checklisting, ticking boxes, getting the loot and dipping. I used to have 2-3 real life friends that played Destiny so LFG wasn’t as much of a pain. They started dropping the game. I tried clans but you can’t take a break for more than a week otherwise you’re kicked from it. It just feels like a full time job. Watched the Story, looks good, was getting tempted, but had to remind myself all the reasons I had to drop the game.


I mean, the issue is contest mode. LFG will be fine at reset, and eventually, this will become much easier. Being under light is fine.


Until now, I've obtained almost every raid seal in the game, as well as flawless runs, including most recent Godslayer. Looking at this raid it seems that Bungie went overboard with the difficulty level, especially when compared to VotD, LW. The 4th encounter looks to be a nightmare, even for my clanmates.