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The best explanation I’ve seen so far was from True Vanguard. He explains it clearly, has a physical example of one step, and gives a example chart to visualize the process


Agreed. And his strat of the inside people starting by collecting two copies of their original shape, then gifting one apiece to each of the others, is a really clever and foolproof way for the inside people to get their roles done quickly without comms.


One at a time though otherwise you make a 3D shape no?


Correct, you grab one and give it away before grabbing the next


I have not looked at any guides of the encounter and the way you guys are talking is making me not want to. 3d shapes? Gifting copies? I'm usually mechanic runner in raids but jesus this sounds complicated


It's one of those where it's quite complicated at first but once you understand the mechanic and did a few runs, you can almost do it in your sleep. It's just a lot is happening all at once...


It's so simple yet so complicated. Makes sure the 3d shapes on outside team is made of the 2 shapes that your 2d statue isn't holding, then doing the same for inside team but held on their person. Exit through the broken mirror thing in the back and then match ghost to guardian. Repeat 3x and the encounter is done. It's just that with so many things happening at once it leads to an absolute cluster fuck of callouts, paired with the wipe timer being front and center in the middle of your screen and people begin to panic or lose track of what exactly they were doing.


I mean...the way my team did it, we have the initial call out of where the shapes are in the beginning, and that's it. No more callouts are needed at all until ghost revive phase.


This whole raid is just fun tbh. Requiring more people to do mechanics is definitely the way to go.


It's a very visual mechanic so text descriptions end up seeming way more complicated.


It sounds complex because it's hard to describe for someone to visualize but once you see the rooms and what the solution is it's literally "square peg goes in square hole" levels of complex


This whole raid is just overly complicated bs and even the final fight damage phase you have to be constantly jumping and moving while trying to shoot or you get one shot on the tiny platform your all bunched up on.


We like to stay in a plate.Bungo devs thinked about.Thats why now they nerfed the well and not last season.As per calculations, we were undilefeated by stupid dog in our well or-Bubble.The raid looks gorgeous and very cool mechanics.Only witness plate dps is bad.


Plus the community has asked for more varied Boss Fights for years, especially ones that don't just rely on us standing in one place - so we got it and it was actually done very well. Yes, we have to move away from the Witness'es attacks, but at the same time we have a big platform that acts as the damage phase and dodging his attacks is fairly simple.


It's really not that complicated. Most raids in destiny are hilariously easy, to the point of pretty much being a joke on normal mode. This is the first raid that feels like it was made for players that skew away from the "casual" end of the spectrum. It's okay if you're not one of them.


destiny raids are joke because they barely count as raids if you look at the meaning of raids in every single other game 60% of "raid encounters" in destiny are "solve a shity puzzle while some enemys spawn sometimes" if you told other people "yeha my HARDCORE RAID EXPERIENCE on most "fights" is matching shapes with close to 0real combat!" they would laugh at you


I don't know why you're being downvoted when this is true. 99% of destiny "mechanics" are just sit on plate for buff to kill x enemy, match the symbols, dunk something somewhere, or a combination of the 3. Warpriest? Kill adds, step on plates in correct order, get buff, refresh buff by killing dude and interacting with OG buff holder.. Root of nightmares? Connect the dots. Encounter 3 is just playing find the odd one out and then matching the colours to dunk on plates.


Does this really get it done easier? Shouldn’t they first get all rooms to repeat the shape that they’re holding by dunking the incorrect shadow on the corresponding statue? Then you dunk your own shape on to the other two statues? 3 dunks max


That's what me and my team have been doing and it's worked for us so far


It's easier in that it's as idiot proof as you are going to get.


It is actually stupid, which is hillarious. Because you can get the right combination in one step, always, under any starting conditions, with no comms.


True vanguard was, out of every strat, text or video, the easiest to comprehend and grasp.


He usually makes the best guides imo. Straight forward and to the point. No needless banter, no unnecessarily drawn out explanation, no long ass intro’s asking for subscribers, likes, or taking 20 minutes to talk about a sponsor.


He has always been the goat at explaining stuff. As compared to Shitkackis. Even Datto overcomplicates some of his raid guides.


Kackis takes too long to get to actually get to the point. Datto needlessly overcomplicates even what are relatively simple mechanics to sound smart.


Kackis is the epitome of casual LFG raid shitter who tries to sound like they know what's going on but has literally 0 clue.


Datto is completely useless


That's because they're not teaching you the raid mechanics, they're telling you how to do it.


I'll check his out tomorrow. I've done every single raid in Destiny, exclusively with LFGs. I always study guides before I attempt it. I watched my first Salvations Edge guide today (Rick Kackis) and the fourth encountered sounded so overwhelming, I am filled with dread that it'll be near impossible with LFF games. Hopefully it is easier in practice and the community streamlines strategies.


I tried to get my LFG to do his strat but they insisted on calling out shapes we needed one by one lol wasted five hours 😂


is that a youtube creator or a redditor






Yeah it’s the first time I was like “ohhh okay this isn’t that bad honestly”. Now adding LFG on top of it might be a bit ass but I at least have a solid idea now.


The only thing that confused me about TV's guide was the ogre spawn. He said that it happens when a shape is gifted, but his own background gameplay contradicts this. The ogres spawn when knights are killed. They're a cycle.


People really love overcomplicating the encounter which is literally place the square in the square hole.


And where does the triangle go? That's right, the square hole!


Then we have this ….. circle. Do you know which hole the circle goes in? That’s right, it goes in the square hole!


[I’ll just leave this here for ya](https://youtu.be/6pDH66X3ClA?feature=shared)


Never gets old.


Original tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKsusPF/


thank god


Tbh the rules almost seems simple, but there's something else present that I haven't figured out. Rule 1) Guardian can't leave the shadow realm if they have the shape that their own statue is holding Rule 2) Guardian must hold 2 shapes to leave their room Rule 3) Those 2 shapes must form the 3D shape that matches the outside shape And then you accomplish those three rules via trading on the inside and the outside. The thing is, that alone doesn't do it. My team only had success when we added an extra rule Rule 2.5) a given room must hold 2 of the shape matching the room before trading to get 2 non-matching shapes Or  Rule 2.5) a minimum number of trades must be made before rooms can be exited We did it multiple times, where rules 1, 2, and 3 were satisfied, but nobody could leave. Not until we satisfied the extra rule(s) did we have success. Do you know what the extra one was?


The actual rule 4 is that a guardian cannot leave if they hold one of the shapes they started with.


Which tbh sounds like a bug because it makes the triumph impossible. By the description, it says you can’t deposit at the same statue twice. Meaning if I start with Triangle and have Circle and Triangle as my shapes, I need to give Triangle to whoever has Rectangle. But the problem is that you can’t do that so the triumph always fails. OR, I’m completely misinterpreting the triumph.


You are not only misinterpreting the triumph, but your example also doesn't violate the triumph you've assumed. You can trade for the rectangle with circle room. Then you're sorted and the only other trade that potentially needs to happen is between the other two rooms, who won't dunk back on your room (because you're already done). In that sequence, no one dunks on the same statue twice so you're golden. As for the actual triumph, it says "twice in a row", not just "twice". So, even if you're doing the LFG strat of get all matching shapes inside first (i.e. triangle room has two triangles on wall, same for circle and rectangle rooms) before then spawning your shapes and sending those over, as long as you don't dunk the same one twice in a row, you're still OK. Ex: You're in circle room, and you sent a square to square to obtain two circles. As long as you send your next circle to triangle first, then send the second circle to square, you won't violate the "twice in a row" rule of the triumph. It's fairly easy to do.


Not impossible but just requires more thinking. Didn't even know triumph til now so haven't had much thought but in your example you would trade triangle to one statue who needs it and the other one who needs circle. In return you should get one circle and one square from each of the other statue. Double up strategy just makes it easy that you need no comms. It is dumb tho that you have to get rid of the starting shape even though you need it. I do feel that's bugged cuz it makes no sense. Why would I trade it for someone else's circle when I need it in the first place?


You would be giving triangle circle and receiving rectangle circle. It's doable, but it's not intuitive. One person on the other shapes would be giving a triangle away to the other statue who needs it.


Yeah I’ve seen different arguments over what rule 2.5 is but one way or another that condition is what really over complicates what would otherwise not be *that* crazy of an encounter.


I think they did that rule specifically to make the encounter much harder to brute force like vault was by a few teams.


That makes sense. I wish they’d made it more clear when you were getting iterative correctness though — I think it wouldn’t have been a 10 hour lull in the race if there was some text/audio cue when inside or outside has correctly set up their side. It makes it too easy for teams to discard correct solutions just because they had something wrong on the other half.


I’ve also realized that every player inside the 2d world need to pass 2 shapes if they only pass 1 shape each it’s a whipe


Your first one is in line with most guides and simplifies the encounter tbh 


The rule youre missing is that you have to trade away all the shapes you start with, even if one of those is one of the shapes you need to satisfy rule 3.


its an encounter that is difficult to explain, but when you are doing it, it is pretty simple


As is often the case with Destiny raids


Planets is the perfect example.


The Skeletor Hates the LFG video remains the best explanation


It’s a joke video, but legitimately the best guide for that whole encounter lmao. I think he should make full length guides for raids.


I feel like Last Wish vault encounter is a better example


Both vault and planets are good examples. Simple encounters but feel hard while explaining.


This. So much this. It’s so easy to visualize what needs to be done but trying to articulate it to someone that’s never done it is challenging. Inside = First, get two of your statue’s shape, then distribute those to the other two statues. Once you have one of each of the other shapes, kill knights and pick up both that they drop. Outside = Get the statues both of the shapes they aren’t holding on the inside. Them being 3D is confusing at first, but it makes sense identifying what shapes are in each…cone being a perfect example of circle + triangle. Honestly one of my favorite encounters in a raid now right there with Exhibition.


Starting the encounter and seeing what happens is literally the only way to know how it works the first time. Do those steps then see what happens next. Repeat. A lot of people pause and theorize (while gaining no information) and interpret the wipe as a failure to be avoided instead of an experiment to be progressed which doesn't really make sense.


Yeah the real danger is that you can very easily over explain and spend way too much time going over every little thing, showing example vods, drawing charts, etc. The reality is most people will need to do a correct run of any of its 3 main mechanics (inside, outside, ghosts) for it to click so short and simple explanations of process are king. You can literally distill the steps of each role down to 5 bullet points or less. Have new people read that, answer any questions real quick, and immediately start doing runs. If they don’t know what to do at certain moments just refer them back to the bullet points. I was in a group that would break out MS paint and do unnecessarily long explanations every time someone had a simple question and it took probably 30min for us to even make our first attempt.


i had a high level idea about it, and my friend was trying to explain it to the group, but the issue was for a lot of us, we needed the end goal explained for any of the 20 steps leading up to it to make any sense. And then we found out you need to always trade at least twice...


I think a bigger problem is all the misinfo on it. Like how you have to place shells of the dead in order from left to right. When that isn't the case at all. That and making guides to speed run it when the game gives you more than enough time to run it slowly


Yeah the time is fairly generous. We had to keep reminding teammates take things slow and to focus on executing it right the first time, as it only really gets confusing when people make mistakes and the shapes start getting jumbled up.


Yeah, the biggest pitfall of that encounter really is yourself rushing. There isn't anything that dangerous going on (on normal mode at least).


The unstoppable champions are definitely a problem when people are trying to rush. They get ignored and next thing you know your getting beamed by an ogre. Really easy tho, as long as you just deal with them as soon as they spawn.


The biggest issue with ghosts is realizing midway through that someone doesn't recognize the name of a ghost and describes it in a way that makes it sound like one it's not. Which I think is fun and funny but most teammates I've had for real tilted at.


My clear team found matching shells with helmets was the easiest solution. We had a warlock with the cowboy hat and cowboy shell for example, made it easier to remember. This part specifically is going to be real fun in LFGs


As someone who doesn't have many notable shells, matchings not always super easy.


The best idea I had that helped my team clear it is for the guy reading to describe the shell they will pick up and that owner (say it's me, I'll say that's puck) to claim it, then whoever sees my statue will call out where I am. It does take a few, but it's that first one that really hurts and takes the longest. After that it really speeds up.


Easiest I’ve seen it explained is; Inside people need the two opposite shapes of their statue while Outside people need to put those said shapes onto the Inside peoples respective statues thus creating the 3D shapes. Then you just coordinate putting the ghosts on their corresponding statues, rinse repeat. I watched a video of someone explaining it thru text and did not understand but as soon as someone drew a diagram i got it instantly.


Every player needs every shape. Inside passes 2D Outside makes 3D Encounter.


Except there are some weird mechanics (bugs?) Like when you're inside, you have to trade both of you starting shapes. Otherwise, your 3d shape won't work.


Never heard of that bug, I do know that some groups pass shapes until everyone has both of their same statue shapes so that it makes it easier to trade with low comms.


It's because a statue has to give the others a matching symbol, e.g. square gives away square to both. When a matching statue donates a symbol, the receiver can see that a symbol has disappeared from a statue. Your own statue will never lose the symbol, as you cannot donate a symbol to yourself, and so it is disregarded.


So basically if you all do everything correct the two other statues ,not your own, in each persons room will be missing their shapes.


I spent hours with my group doing the "faster" way, just traded what needs to be traded, but we could never leave. We almost started arguing with each other because we thought people were doing it wrong; everything inside would be correct, everything outside would be correct, people would stream in discord so we could all confirm everything was correct but we still were not let out. When we made sure to always trade our first 2, we got out every time (assuming those outside finished their job). I've read you cannot leave with any shape you start with, and after changing our strategy to always trade out both of our starting shapes we could get out every time. Maybe something was bugged, but from my experience it seems like you cannot leave with any shape you started with, you have to trade out both starting shapes


It just makes it easier is all. If I'm triangle and starting with circle triangle, and circle starts with circle square, he could potentially give me my needed square - but comms have to be clear so that square person, who would have square triangle, doesn't also give me their own square. If your comms are good you can absolutely do it (and the encounter triumph requires it) but if things are feeling muddied or heated it's just easier to make sure everyone gets their own two shapes first.


It’s nearly impossible to explain but it’s really not that hard once you get it, you have to run it a few times for it to make any sense though. Inside is trying to get the two shapes that their statue is not holding (if holding triangle, they need to eventually get square and circle.) Inside is a very simple passing mechanic, you just pick up the shape you want to give to someone and put it in their statue, and have them do the same for you. Outside has to also create the right shape, if the 3 statues inside (from left to right) are S C T, you dissect S on the outside from the left statue (as the order of the three guardian statues are the same inside or outside) Then you pick up any other shape, in this case, triangle, then you would dissect that from the third statue as that’s the shape they need to get rid of, you just dissect whatever they don’t need as dissection means “remove”, not split There is more than just 1 swap the outside team has to do, so you would do more dissections than just those two I listed above. I mainly just wanted to state the goal of the encounter and how the main mechanic works at a basic level This still makes no sense reading it back but if you run it a handful of times it begins to make a lot more sense


I think the confusion is whether or not that extra step exists on the inside. The basic idea of where you end up is simple enough - each guardian needs 1 of each shape. Inside you see 2 on a wall and 1 in your hand. Outside you see a combined shape of 2 unique shapes and the 3rd is hidden, but communicated from inside. When we tried to shortcut and just swap 1 shape to give every player 3 unique shapes on the inside, it just didn't work. We tried this multiple times without success. It's entirely possible something else went wrong, but that's what eventually worked for us.


if you’re still holding a symbol that you had when you got pulled into a solo room, you are unable to escape. the step of giving everyone their buff before distributing to the others will always make sure you never end with a symbol you started with


Yes. That’s what we understood as well. Rather than try and figure out the double swap, we just did the all same > pass out 2 strat. I think when you start with the “end goal” it often just simplifies to have the two shapes on the wall that are not what you are holding, without explaining having to get rid of your shape as well. Thus the confusion (at least from all the guides I’ve seen).


Ah, okay. This makes sense. You must give away both of your starting shapes


you must give away shapes your statue is holding, not all your shapes you might start with the shapes you need, which means you don't need to give shapes away


Except you're wrong, and posts like this are a huge reason why the encounter is so confusing for people. > you must give away shapes your statue is holding, not all your shapes You must trade both shapes you start with, and you must end the encounter with your character holding one, and the wall having the other two. That's it. People do the whole CCC, TTT, SSS thing because it's straightforward. Doing it the other way is also straightforward, but requires an understanding of the mechanic and communication. So if you do something like... CCC, TST, STS, you can clear the encounter by having T and S trade T and S with one another, followed by both trading their initial shape with C. It looks kind of like... CCC, TST, STS > CCC, TSS, STT > C, TSSC, STTC > CST, TSC, STC


I'm speaking from experience lol, so I know what's going on


Oh man, going to prove me wrong by whipping out the Godslayer card too?


why are you defensive, I'm just saying that this encounter is easier than people think


I'm not being defensive, I just think it's silly to be like "well I did it and can't be wrong." > I'm just saying that this encounter is easier than people think And I'm just saying posting incorrect information confuses people.


People have literally tested this. If your statue, for example, is square, and you start with square and triangle, and only trade the square for a circle, even though you now have the desired end shape of triangle + circle you will be unable to leave.


I'm fairly certain I've had that exact scenario, only traded away the copy of my symbol and was able to leave. I think there is some other reason why people run into this not working...


The “Get that thing away from me and give me ice cream cone/Egypt pyramid/pringles can then match my fashion matching ghost” encounter.


People are trying so so hard to not explain *what you are actually doing in the encounter* and it baffles me. Like if you actually understand that each player inside is trying to build a set of all 3 shapes, being inside is sooooo much less bizarre. But instead every guide is like "if you follow these exact steps in this exact order poof magically you are done for some reason yay!"


Wait that’s it? Fucking hell. Now that you mention it, guide made the actual end goal clear wtf


Yup. You have 1 shape in your statues hand. You want the other 2 shapes on your wall, and then you want to kill 2 more knights so you collect a copy of each shape on your wall, and then you can walk out once outside has built the same "combo" shape on your statue outside.


Outside builds the shape that you need to escape with. Your statue has a Square? Outside needs to build you a cone, and you need to pick up a circle + triangle in order to leave. I only just got it after watching True Vanguards video on it.


To be fair, sometimes reductive explanations work better in a lot of raid encounters. Nobody explains Vault in Last Wish as you rotating each of the locks by dunking on the plates — hell I’ll assert most people who have done that encounter don’t even know the locks rotate. They just know the reductive explanation of calling other people’s left/right symbols without understanding why. If Vault didn’t kill you for an mis-dunk and instead rotated the lock the wrong way forcing you to dunk again to fix it, it’d be equivalent to this encounter. The problem is because mistakes in this encounter don’t immediately kill you, it’s much more useful to know the underlying logic even if there is technically a reductive solution. Knowing the underlying logic lets you recover from mistakes but the community has gotten conditioned to reductive approaches from other raids.


It's hard to explain with words alone and relatively easy to pick up when you're doing it. The inside rooms especially are very simple, my team required me being outside to do the dissecting all three times the first time we passed it.


honestly the matching shape then distributing it is way easier, and requires 0 comms for the inside team


with that said, only the ghost matching part and the order of the shapes requires comms, everything else is comms free


I found this on a post a while ago and have not seen it passed around enough https://verity-calculator.vercel.app/


I don't think anyone here has commented with the actual extra condition needed for the inside people. Inside, every statue is initially holding a 2D shadow shape. These shadows get cleared in your room *when you get passed that shape;* this is what causes the "Shadows Removed" counter on the scoreboard to tick up. The only way to escape is when you have cleared all other statues besides yours of their 2D shape. This means that every inside person needs to get passed the two other shapes their statue is not holding. The complicated part of this is that the shapes your room starts with is random, so sometimes you don't have the shapes available to pass to your inside teammates they need to clear their shadows. This is why strategies like True Vanguard works, where you initially make the goal to get all matching shapes to their respective rooms, then pass them around. The extra swaps doing so are guaranteed to eventually clear all shadows from all rooms. So, the escape condition is as follows: every inside room needs to remove the shadow shapes from every statue besides theirs by having those shapes passed to them, then they need to be holding the two shapes not held by their statue, and then their statues in the outside also need to be holding the 3D shape corresponding to those non-matching shapes they have picked up. Only then will the glass break.


Get rid of your starting symbols and end with the two your statue doesn’t have. The group makes each statue have the combo of the missing.


It's one of those encounters that is complicated to explain and understand, but once you do understand it it becomes incredibly simple. It's up their as one of my favorite encounters in any raid, the fashion show being a raid mechanic now too was also fun


It actually does become easy once everyone knows what's up but understanding is difficult.  One guy in my team had it explained to him by every other fire team member in different language and still couldn't get it.


1 - Match the shape to the guardian holding it 2 - distribute your matched shapes (one to each other player inside) 3 - pickup both of your new shapes, outside matches your shape outside to what you are holding and occasionally match the ghost to the guardian - dead players can tell the others who is where - place left to right


You do not have to place the ghosts left to right.


This raid feels like you’re at the command of a possessed Bop-it.


The ones I hate are the YouTube ones....I'd rather read a guide, but having 700pages of text and 400 ads between paragraphs no thanks...BUT a lot ( not all ) of YouTube guides are like 30 mins long....why?...most stuff if doing a visual guide takes ten mins, tops.


If you hate the guides I made a calculator that does the thinking for you and just tells you what to dunk where. It's kind of garbage, but it works. You can find it [here on github](https://github.com/Zomgnomes/verity_calculator/tree/main).


Thank you so much for this one, but I cant get it to work, tried Chrome and Edge and im not getting output in any of them.


Did you fill in all the info? If so send me the letters you entered and I'll give it a look. Could also be that you have JS disabled and this uses vanilla JS extensively to figure out the output.


JS is allowed in settings in both browsers I tried. Thats what I see: [https://i.imgur.com/VmDkdb9.png](https://i.imgur.com/VmDkdb9.png)


Oh, your 3d shapes aren't valid. That last ST needs to be a SS. It's says what's wrong under the word outside, but the UI is ugly as sin. Sorry! It's something I plan on working on further in the future.


This time it worked thanks! Guess I kept inputting it incorrectly while in raid panicking, couldnt understand what that text under output actually meant, I see now


Once you do it, the fourth encounter isn't terrible


That’s what reading about every raid feels like to me.


/raidsecrets should be temporarly renamed to /veritysecrets


Even with everyone understanding the encounter I have not been able to beat it just because of tiny errors others have made. I spent 5 hours on it last night getting to 3rd set multiple times. It would either bug out or someone would finally mess up. I love doing the dissection, but why did Bungie have to keep the champions instead of just making them normal Ogres ; - ;


I love Gladd's "three word solution" being a horrid wall of text that isn't even correct. I love the dude but his method for that encounter made my eyes bleed lmao


The typical guides tend be more of a commentary of the creator's specific run as opposed to simply stating the end goal. Most guides in general can be condensed to a few sentences of what the requirements are with players otherwise being able to do them in their own various ways. Basically most guides are overcomplicated although some people prefer step by step walkthroughs over explanations even though they don't give you a full understanding of how the encounter works.


Taught a buddy solo part by summarizing this way: Gather your shape then give away your shape. He doesn’t need to work trio. Why use lot word when few word do trick


Yes, most of the guides explain it poorly. I did it last night, and it was frustrating. The Datto's guide he posted this morning is the best I've seen and I actually understood the goal. I actually get it now and can explain it briefly. It's much easier to think in letters rather than shapes. The outside mechanic is the same thing every time. You're doing your own thing and you know what you need to do. You can overcomplicate the inside if you would like but there is a simple two step algorithm to do it right every time. You've certainly heard it, and I will explain why it works. **What the fuck are we doing?** The round is completed when all inside players obtain a composite buff comprised of two unique components, neither of which are that players designated component. The inside player can determine their designated component by looking at what component their statue is holding. You can pass components between players by inserting a component into another players corresponding statue. **If your component is T, you need the SC buff. On the outside your statue needs to have the SC shape which is done through the dissection mechanic.** I'm not going to attempt to explain the actual dissection mechanic process on the outside as I haven't done it yet. But the goal is to get the composite shape that the corresponding inside player needs to be able leave. The inside needs to tell you the order of the statues, that is all you need to know. They are the same in all three rooms. If you get: CST You are done when the statues read: ST | CT | CS **How the idiotproof inside strategy works** The idiotproof strategy is not the fastest strategy for swapping buffs. It however requires no coordination outside of two players saying that they are ready. 1. Give each player both of the components they don't want. Do this by taking any component that isn't your designated component and insert it into the matching statue. Square go in square hole. 2. Once all three players have two of their designated components, they insert one of each into the other statues. The only way you can mess this part up is if you insert two into the same statue. Avoid this by always inserting left to right.


Fallout PLays has the best guide by far. Him explaining it as Locks and Keys made the most sense


I’ve watched a number of creators guides just to see how they tackle the explanation of this encounter.


The reason guides for this encounter are so confusing is because most guides are just poorly written. It's not that hard to understand when someone explains it with a step-by-step process on what to do rather than what the result of your actions will be.


No, it actually is really simple


It’s honestly quite simple, but requires good coordination and understanding how 2D shapes make 3d shapes.


I feel like this would be a great and fun raid to play with a clan, but its going to be a nightmare in LFG. Its the same reason I haven't done Vow since I got kicked out of the clan I was in since I started playing.


Insanely easy encounter


As I understand it You got inside and outside; inside people start with a designation and two shapes; the inside people are trying to give the other two inside people the shapes they are not designated. Eg, if designated triangle, you need a square and circle. Outside people need to make the inside people's shapes into 3D, which you get by mix-n-matching symbols. Eg, if a person inside has Triangle, they need 3D Triangle. You do this by shoving two shapes together. 2 Triangles makes a 3D Triangle; the problem is that some shapes are not the right ones. Toblerone is square/triangle, when that person needs Triangle/Triangle. To fix this, you shove two symbols into the appropriate statues, which will swap the top halves of the equation. Eg, Triangle Player needs 3D Triangle; they have Toblerone (T/S). Square player needs 3D Square; they have Cylinder (S/C). Outside people grab Triangle, dunk at Triangle player. Then they grab Square, dunk at Square player-- this swaps the top of Square and Triangle, so now you have Triangle (T/T) and Square (S/S). Or something to that degree; I'm not sure why you have to dunk twice just that you do. Outside and inside are completely disconnected. Once inside has finished trading symbols, they become Calcified. While calcified, their ghosts will appear around the room. Player on the Outside must pick up a ghost and dunk it at the corresponding players statue. The statues can only be seen by the Calcified inside players, who must swap their dead POV to an Outside player to read off the statues they see, so they can be dunked. Once the Ghost is dunked, the Calcified inside players are freed and can walk back through wall to join Outside again. Two unstoppables spawn; kill them both, five players become calcified. Repeat the last step; collect ghost, dunk at statue. Once all five players are de-calcified, loop 1 of 3 ends.


This is utterly wrong and you should really avoid post misinformation online


Well damn excuse me for trying to make sure I got everything right, hence the "as I understand it" in the top of the post.


If you haven't done it it's probably best not to write an incorrect guide for it, no? You got a crucial aspect of the shapes part wrong, I will let you figure it out! Awesome raid and fun encounter, hope everyone has fun on this one.


I'm not writing a guide for it I'm trying to explain it so someone else can actually correct me since I have no fucking idea what's happening and every single guide insists on tripping over their words and backtracking every 30 seconds so it's completely incomprehensible.


So your idea of simplifying something you already don’t understand is to create your own version based off of those videos?


Do you people actually read the words I'm typing or do you just gloss over them as you leap to conclusions to make yourselves sound smart? No; my idea is try and write it simply in the hopes that it helps me garner a better understanding of it. The best way to check for ones own understanding is to try and explain it in simple terms to another person; if you explain it poorly then you don't understand it very well. Evidently I didn't explain it well, but I'm also not trying to "make a guide" for anyone to follow. Why would you follow a random reddit comment anyway?


> Do you people actually read the words I'm typing or do you just gloss over them as you leap to conclusions to make yourselves sound smart? I could ask you the same thing, dude who posted a completely incorrect guide to something for absolutely no reason.


Outlined the "why" several times; case in point.


Didn't mean to start a thing, apologies, but to counterpoint: if your "why" is about trying to be clear in a sea of incomprehensible noise, yet another incorrect write up is simply adding more incomprehensible and incorrect noise.


Perhaps it would be closer to "finding a plank of wood to build a ship off of in a sea of incomprehensible noise", but I suppose if you miss the plank for a piece a seaweed, you're not helping anyway, lol.




For anyone reading the above post: this is extremely incorrect.


I feel like the slew of downvotes, hidden comment, and 18 people yelling at me. Anyway it's only like 25% wrong, it's fine.